Born in the Philippines, the baby will follow the Filipino conventions with regard to naming. That will be the legal name of the child. The legal name can be changed in the US, but the birth certificate will be the legal name, following Filipino convention. If it's a problem, change it later when in the US.

BTW, my oldest has 5 names :) 3 first, mom's maiden name, my last name. At least he has my last name since I adopted him, before that his last name didn't match his mom's or mine. I had nothing to do with his original name, just lucky 2 of his first names are my grampa's first name and my best friend's middle name :rofl:
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2012-12-14 14:11:00
PhilippinesDual Citizenship - Pros & Cons (For Filipinas & Filipinos)
I previously married a filipina who did reaquire her Philippines citizenship after becoming a US citizen. I see a real possiblity that I might want to retire to the Philippines, or go for a long visit, or potentially own property in the Philippines. Without Philippines citizenship these things are dificult if not impossible.

Frankly I've considered the possiblity of acquiring Philippines citizenship myself, just to ease any future transition into retirement or property ownership. My children acquired Philippine citizenship through their mother, so I'm the only non-filipino in the family.

It's a no-brainer to me, I'm for it. I am again engaged to a filipina. I would assume that sometime down the road she might acquire US citizenship, after which I would strongly encourage her to reaffirm her Philippines citizenship. Of course it's up to her, but I would support and encourage her if she went that route.
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2013-02-23 15:58:00
PhilippinesNeed PHI Lawyer advice on ex boyfriend and families right to take a child
OP, I would be careful here about making assumptions. There are some things that seem very clear in filipino law, but some don't seem clear at all. Normally a mother in this case would have sole right to the children. But if I recall from your previous posts the oldest child has spend significant time in the care of the paternal grandmother. The fact that the child is over 7 and has spent significant time in the father's care (could be just the grandmother, but in court I would expect it to be presented that it's time in the care of the father), I don't think this will be cut a dried. I would get a good local attorney. Although some will say the mother has all the rights, which is normally true, I don't think this case will be as cut and dried.

Another thing, your story presents the father as a horrible human being. This is, I am certain, only coming from one side: your fiancee's. He has done some bad things. At the same time he or his family are taking care of his child, he has gotten his nursing degree, and he's secured a Canadian visa allowing him to go there to work. Put these together and it looks like he's been studying and working hard to secure the future of his family. I'm not saying this to say he's a great person, but there is a whole other story here that I'm sure you're not seeing, but will certainly be presented if this goes to court. If his family has contacts that ease his ability to get the judgement that he wants, there is a fair amount of risk for your fiancee. Given the "other side of the story" they may very well be able to present your fiancee as the "bad" person and the ex-boyfriend as the one who has been working for years to provide for the future of his family. Again, I'm not supporting him, just trying to give the alternative view that may work against your fiancee in any future custody battle.

Sorry you find yourself in this situation, but you may be in for a difficult battle in the future. IMHO, your fiancee must get a good local attorney ASAP and get this moving.
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2013-03-04 12:52:00
My ex- came to the US on a fiancee visa and passed her original medical. On a later trip back to the Philippines she picked up TB. We didn't know for several months but after it was finally diagnosed she had to have 4 different pills daily for a 6 month treatment. Because of the seriousness of the sickness, the medical folks had to watch her take the pills every day for 6 months. Missing pills can make the TB medication resistant. It is very contagious and if it becomes antibiotic resistant can be a very serious issue. Because it is so prevalent in the Philippines they are serious about the testing, rather than allow entry into the US of such a contagious and potentially deadly disease.

It can be a pain waiting, but it is for the protection of everyone else.
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2013-03-08 11:53:00
PhilippinesFed ex fees
Documents shouldn't have any fees upon arrival. Anything else would have import fees in the Philippines. I sent via FedEx a box that I had assigned a value of $100. Philippine customs thought that was too little for the weight of the box I sent and adjusted the value to $299 and charged me tax on that amount. The assignment of the fees and payment for it delayed the package a few days.

Balikbayan boxes have no import taxes. Anything besides documents sent via FedEx likely will. (I assume the same goes for other carriers).
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2013-03-06 17:53:00
Philippineswire money
I like xoom. I now send directly from my bank account with Wells Fargo, which is simpler and more straightforward for me, and the rates are pretty much the same.
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2013-03-05 22:38:00
PhilippinesBring the baby to the interview?
Attending the interview is not necessary. While I did attend with my ex-, I was one of maybe 10% who were there with their significant other. I think it eased the process but certainly not necessary.

The baby must attend the interview if he does not have a US passport. If you applying for a visa for him then he must attend. If you are not applying for a visa for him then he does not have to attend. The 16 month old son of my ex did not attend with her and we had to return later with him.

Good luck!
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2013-03-27 00:58:00
PhilippinesTravel during K-1 Process
It shouldn't be a problem. She will have to return home for the medical and interview. She would also need to bring any new additional police clearance, but as long as she returns to pay the visa fee, then schedule everything after that, it shouldn't be a problem. It might impact scheduling (as she might be out of the country when the petition is approved, so it could slow your process) but as long as she returns home and has the proper documentation, I don't see any impact.

Good luck!
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2013-03-27 01:01:00
PhilippinesPreparation for the trip over to US
The biggest things I've seen were: jeans (US sizes don't quite seem to fit the same), bras (same issue), shoes (lots cheaper in phils, and most girls have favorites, or favorites they haven't even bought yet :whistle: ). Baby clothes are much cheaper in phils, especially if your wife has thoughts about what a baby should wear.

Every trip over we've brought back jeans and Magic Sarap. Loads and loads of magic sarap. New jeans every trip to phils.

I've told my fiancee to bring over all her jeans (and buy extras), all her bras, all her favorite shoes, magic sarap, and dried fish. All those things are available in the US, but not quite the same as they have in Phils.
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2013-03-19 12:04:00
PhilippinesFlight time change
Just FYI, time it right and have your fiancée send you the lottery ticket numbers :rofl:

Clock time is meaningless when flying, because of time zones and the international date line. Figure out your time at home when you take off and your time at home when you land. As you know, your significant other is 12-16 hours ahead of you at any given time... but that doesn't mean it's tomorrow here, just there....there's the time difference. As you fly and cross the date line, you get back in a time more relative to your home (or vice versa flying there). Clock time is meaningless when crossing time zones.

I frequently have to travel between time zones to areas less than 50 miles apart. One town has sunrise and sunset nearly an hour earlier than the other town according to the clock, but both happen at nearly the same time in real time. I can drive from the eastern town and get to the western town and arrive before I left, according to the clock, but real time doesn't change. If I stand at the right spot I can hop from leg to leg and gain and lose hours over and over again... it's fun, but it won't help me win the lottery :crying:
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2013-04-02 12:20:00
PhilippinesVonage - Globe
I use two services with my fiancée. I prefer not to spend tons of money, but I feel both are reasonable and certainly offer a lot of flexibility for what I pay.

First, I do use the Vonage service you're talking about. It offers unlimited calling from the US to all Globe customers in the Philippines. Which means that, as long as they have Globe, she can make unlimited calls to friends, family, ex-boyfriends, anyone for $29.95 per month. That's a killer screaming deal in my opinion. We're not limited to one number or when she's home. In addition Vonage offers "extensions". My cell phone with AT&T offers unlimited minutes in the Us. I've set up an App on my phone that calls my fiancée's Globe phone, using a US dialed number. So we talk every day on my drive home from work, at zero cost. I can call anytime from my home or cell to her phone, or anyone else's Globe phone for just the base $29.95. When she arrives in the US I expect this to be our most used phone service, as it doesn't tie the person in the Philippines to any specific landline, internet, or location, excepting they must have Globe.

We also use the MagicJack. This is how she contacts me. She can call me anytime for free (well, low annual cost) at any phone number in the US. She also calls friends, cousins, my family, etc. for one low annual cost. When she comes here the MagicJack will stay with her family. So her family can call here for $30 per year on MagicJack.

With those two services we cover a lot of needs for a reasonably low cost. She calls unlimited to a lot of number in the Philippines, her family calls her (or her cousins) in the US for super low annual cost.

There are other alternatives to the MagicJack, and I assume they are as good/possibly better, but the MagicJack has worked for us. I don't know of any other alternative that allows for unlimited calling to a huge amount of cell phones in the Philippines for only $30 per month like the Vonage service does. It will allow her to stay in contact not only with her immediate family, but also with aunts, cousins and friends as often as she wants, from our home or cellphone (using the free Vonage extension) unlimited.

Good luck!
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2013-03-29 12:02:00
PhilippinesSending money to BPI Bank Account
I prefer xoom. Their fee is about the same as Western Union, but generally their exchange rate is better.
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2013-01-17 12:34:00
PhilippinesCan I adopt my wifes daughters
My son's birth certificate clearly states birth abroad.. I think most states do the same with adoptions... Including Hawaii
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2013-04-12 12:56:00
PhilippinesCan I adopt my wifes daughters
I adopted my ex-wife's child from her previous relationship. Adoption is handled by the state, so there is minimal contact with the federal agencies on areas surrounding the adoption. The ONLY immigration impact comes after the adoption when you apply for the child's passport. Ours was easy, I've heard if the easy process doesn't work you apply for naturalization so there can be some touch with immigration again, but it's unlikely. I can only speak to how it works in Oregon, but I believe most states would be similar.

In our case, we had all been living together and AOS was completed on both mother and child. We did the adoption after about 2 years of marriage, but I think a year would have been enough. To process the adoption there were two possibilities: post in OUR local paper for a period of about a month, or, have the father sign off on his parental rights. Both are totally legal paths, both end up with basically the same result. Because my wife was traveling to the Philippines during the process we had the attorney draft up papers and my wife was able to secure the signature of the birth father on that trip. That made the process pretty simple.

We would have been fine either route. One thing I feel safe against now is, if the birth father ever does try to get involved, I have papers showing he's signed off on his parental rights. If he is ever able to come to the US, or tries to keep the child in the Philippines by hook or by crook, I can get my child back. While either scenario is unlikely, in the remote possibility that it could happen, I'm protected.

Once the adoption was complete I was able to order Oregon birth certificates for my son. It shows as birth abroad or something like that, but it does have my name as the father on the birth certificate and it is a State of Oregon birth certificate. I can order copies from Oregon just as if he were born here. I sent a copy of his birth certificate and my birth certificate as part of his passport application and he received a US passport, getting citizenship through his parent/child relationship with me. When his mother naturalized later he was not part of her package, since he could already demonstrate his citizenship.

I would highly highly highly recommend adoption, and sooner than later as long as the downsides don't concern you. There are downsides for both parties, and I'd be happy to share those if you wish.
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2013-04-12 11:24:00
Philippinesa father just die
It's not clear exactly what visa type your friend has, but assuming it's a spouse or fiancee visa and the removal of conditions hasn't happened, I will assume that there was either an AOS from a fiancee visa or she came in on a conditional spouse visa. If that's correct, she should have a 2 year green card. The green card would allow her to leave the US and return without a problem. If her card is expiring, or nearing expiry, she should confirm that she would return before the card expires. If she needs to leave in an emergency and needs to get confirmation from the USCIS before traveling due to an expiring GC issue or something else that pushes her against a time limitation, she could get an info pass appointment where they might be able to expedite any process that she would need to travel.

With the 2 year GC she is allowed to travel out of and back into the US.

If I'm misunderstanding, and she hasn't yet AOS'd, then I would certainly recommend an info pass appointment and request expedited processing of AP.

Good luck!
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2013-04-16 17:49:00
PhilippinesBalikbayan boxes being raided?
I've sent literally dozens of balikbayan boxes through LBC in the last 5 years. Never had one opened, as far as I know, and never had anything missing. Also never had damage, except by my things breaking inside, due most likely to my insufficient packing... Things do get tossed around a bit on board a cargo ship.

Good luck!
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2013-03-16 22:12:00
PhilippinesUS Citizen Petitioner & Electronic Devices
One additional comment, though. Filipinos must leave electronic devices with someone else. However, as an American, they let me leave my cellphone at the front door and pick it up on the way out. I don't know if it still works that way, but it was nice to be able to make calls as soon as we stepped out, to call our nearby waiting relatives.
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2013-04-21 22:28:00
PhilippinesSchedule interview online for USEM

I just clicked the email here link.  Hopefully it's just temporary.

Grant PDXMalePhilippines2013-04-28 22:43:00
PhilippinesSending Documents to the Philippines

I was concerned about sending documents to my fiancée recently.  I'd read on here about the dangers of sending with USPS versus some of the other services.  However, when the time came for me to send the documents, after receiving the NOA2, I started looking at pricing.  For 6 1/2 ounces of envelope and papers (about 30 pages, give or take), UPS wanted $90, FedEx wanted $80, and the USPS wanted $45.  All services said roughly 5 days delivery, with FedEx offering 3 day for a bit more.  I figured with about 3 weeks available I would try my luck with the USPS.  I had extra copies of everything, including original certified copies of my birth certificate and divorce decree, so I certainly could have resent via FedEx later, if documents didn't arrive.


I sent the middle of last week, Wednesday April 24.  I hoped for arrival by the end of this week and planned to send via FedEx this Friday if USPS didn't make it.


Long story short, the package was delivered Tuesday Philippines time, just 6 (5?) days after I sent the package.  No muss, no fuss, no bother. 


I can't say it would work every time, but in my case is was easy peasy, and I would recommend it.


Good luck to all.

Grant PDXMalePhilippines2013-05-01 01:07:00
Philippinesneed URGENT advise re: St. Lukes appointment letter

The requirement at St. Luke's online states "Appointment letter from the Embassy or Instruction letter from the National Visa Center (NVC), if available,"


My fiancée was asked for this 2 days ago at her medical.  She gave them 2 copies of the appointment letter she'd printed out when scheduling the interview.  They asked for the other letter, but ultimately didn't need it on either the first or second day.  When she finished the medical yesterday they told her that her medical was good and just go to the embassy next week.  In short, they didn't "require" that she submit anything more than the interview appointment letter printed online, and the additional documents, of course.


My guess is you won't need it tomorrow.  However, your fiancée can scan and email the NVC letter to you and you can print it and take it with you.  That should satisfy them, if it's required.


Good luck!

Edited by Grant PDX, 08 May 2013 - 06:42 PM.

Grant PDXMalePhilippines2013-05-08 18:38:00
PhilippinesInterview Passed

Thanks everyone. Nice to see the light at the end of the tunnel.. getting closer... closer....

Grant PDXMalePhilippines2013-05-14 23:08:00
PhilippinesInterview Passed

She's on May 29.  Missed it by that much!  Also coming to Portland, nice.  I like the 1 stop, pretty direct on Delta.


Good luck!

Grant PDXMalePhilippines2013-05-14 15:13:00
PhilippinesInterview Passed

My fiancée had her interview at USEM on Tuesday, the 14th.  She waited from entry until after 10 to be called to the first fingerprint window (and she arrived before 6am, so being early didn't necessarily push her to the front of the line).  Her interview with the Filipino was comparably long, while the interview with the American was only 3 questions.  She was asked what I did for work, how we met, how many times I visited.  There were minor follow up questions to her answers, but really quite simple.  She was told she passed and requested the visa be sent to her residence, just outside Manila.


All in all it sounded like a pretty simple process, although it took quite a bit of time at the embassy (she had to come back after lunch to redo her fingerprints, as they didn't come out the first time).


Bottom line is she passed.


Call me foolish, but I'd already purchased her plane ticket, still more than 2 weeks away.  The change fee was minimal, and I wanted to have a target to look forward to.  After the long delay at USCIS/CSC, I decided a $75 change fee was minimal if we had to adjust, but having a date set to plan for was a huge de-stressor.  The ticket was purchased 2 weeks ago, the same day we set up the interview appointment.  She'll be here before the end of May.


I've seen a few visas recently arriving only 3-5 days after the interview, including 2 in my family within the last 2 months.  She'll likely have over a week to get the CFO stamp (CFO completed already, certificate in hand, just needs the stamp on the visa) and finish shopping.


Good luck to everyone else on their journeys!

Grant PDXMalePhilippines2013-05-14 12:27:00
Philippinessending electronics in balikbayan box.
I've sent a large variety of items, from electronics to household appliances. I've never even had a box opened, so nothing removed and never lost a box. I have no experience with rototillers... but I don't believe it would be a problem. YMMV
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2012-12-06 13:14:00
PhilippinesVonage to Philippines...
I have been using Vonage for calls to the Philippines for nearly 1 year. Even without the deal it has been $.09 per minute. I call multiple phone numbers as well, many to people without computers, so some other options just didn't work for me.

The call quality isn't bad. I don't think it's quite as clear as a "normal" landline, but it hasn't been bad. They've worked out some technical issues I've had (many calls used to drop at exactly the 5 minute mark, but that problem has been reduced or eliminated).

One bonus to the Vonage service is that you can designate another number as an "extension" and use your Vonage service from that other number. In my case that means I've set my cell phone number up as an extension and I can use the $.09 per minute service to make calls from from my cellphone. That has been a real money saver. I have a smart phone so with the app it's pretty simple to use. I don't have to be home to make the inexpensive phone calls (most US cell companies charge more than $.09 per minute).

If I can get the $30 per month unlimited I'll do it in a heartbeat. I have gone significantly over the 5 1/2 hour break even on a few occassions. With the unlimited service and the extension, use could go through the roof.

This is NOT a paid advertisement, I've just been very happy with the service. I also have a MagicJack in use in the Philippines, but that is pretty reliant on clear internet on the Philippines end, which can be sketchy. Given the costs, I'll continue to use both.
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2012-08-07 16:31:00
PhilippinesMedical in 1-3 days, then Interview on the 4th day!
It should be enough time to complete the physical, but it's unlikely they will have the records to the embassy before your interview. Which is ok, it just means they would complete the interview but not approve the visa until the St. Luke records are received. Then when they receive your medical records they would complete the visa processing at that time and send the visa. It may add a week or so to the after interview processing.

Good luck
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2012-10-05 11:04:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?
From Portland, Oregon and my (much) better half is from Concepcion, Tarlac.
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2012-02-08 17:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 TODAY FROM CSC !!!!!!!!
Congratulations! Wow, I don't think I'll get tired of seeing people getting approved... proof that the system is working, even if slowly.
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2012-02-01 17:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 approved today OMG
Congratulations! It's so good to hear of other folks getting through these steps. Some days are so tough waiting but I do feel a lot better when I see other people's petitions moving. Even though mine hasn't at least I know they are doing something there at the CSC.
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2012-02-01 13:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsinterview feb 8 jakarta
So much good news the last couple of days! Makes me feel good, and I know I have months left. Congratulations!
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2012-02-02 00:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 YAYAYAAYAY :)
Congratulations! Awesome news.
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2012-02-01 22:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOne-way ticket or round-trip ticket?
Sorry if I misunderstood the question. I'm just excited to other folks going though this and coming out with success on the other end! Especially seeing success through Manila - WAHOO!
Best of luck.
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2012-02-01 15:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOne-way ticket or round-trip ticket?
You've gone this far. Unless you are uncertain, I'd go for one-way. I certainly don't see myself going all the way through with "serious" concerns. I'm doing this because I couldn't imagine myself spending the rest of my life without my fiance. It's not exactly "burning the ships" but I'd go into it 100% and don't look back!
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2012-02-01 14:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterview at US EMbassy Manila
Congratulations! Happy to see the Manila embassy seems reasonable. Wahoo!
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2012-02-02 23:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJust received NOA2 in 85days WOW
Congratulations! Makes me wish I lived on the other coast, VSC seems so much faster.
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2012-02-02 23:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 Approved!
Congratulations! Man this has been a feel good week. Love to see these getting done. Cheers!
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2012-02-03 20:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2
Awesome, 4 1/2 months through CSC. Gives me hope! Hehe
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2012-02-02 22:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI am so happy, CSC is rocking them out Folks just keep your fingers crossed
Wow! So many in the last couple days! Terrific for you, and congratulations!
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2012-02-02 00:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsYepeee
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2012-02-06 02:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved so happy!
Congratulations! Man, the process can drag, but it's great to see people moving through it!
Grant PDXMalePhilippines2012-02-07 01:09:00