United KingdomQuestion about the acpo police cerificate

Hi, we just got our NOA2 and are working on the remaining docs.

On the acpo thing, it says someone official/professional who has also known my fiance for two years or more must sign the back of his photo and the application?

what is considered official? :s he doesn't have a set dr, only medical staff that he's known for that long is a good drive away.(he moved from Lee to West Yorkshire this year.) He also doesn't have any line of work, so thats out of the question really. And same case about old teachers being in Lee.

His best friend, who has known him since middle school works for the government doing payroll(i'm not sure what job title he has offically). would this work?

any help on the would be great. thanks ^^

Yes, that would work :)
LB & PCFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-28 23:38:00
United KingdomInterview Date...

Can someone tell me if I can get my London interview date from the extortion hotline, or is it only the DOS that can tell me..?
I'm itching to find out if they've set my date yet! Especially as they seem to be forgetting to send letters and only giving minimal notice at the mo...

I called the extortion line to get our interview date, but they hadn't logged it in yet. $16, please.
The next day I called DOS and they were able to tell me the date.
Just keep calling back to DOS. Imagine my delight, too, when I realised you could skip that long automated message.
LB & PCFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-03-02 15:27:00
United KingdomPre-Pay for K-1 Visa in London?

we're curious if anyone has tried paying the visa fee at the embassy instead of over the phone well before the interview? my fiance will be in london on friday for his medical and is thinking he may stop by there just to see if he can pay it in person since he'll be in the neighborhood... any ideas if it is worth trying?

I don't think you're allowed into the Embassy unless you have an appointment and proof of pre-payment. I couldn't even get into the London Embassy as a USC without an appointment. Sorry, one of you will have to call the Extortion Line.
LB & PCFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-12 02:47:00
United KingdomPre-Pay for K-1 Visa in London?
They DEFINITELY send you the receipt through email.

It gives you further instructions and has you print it out for you to sign and present at your interview.

I paid through the £1.20/min number the day we received our Packet 3 in the mail.
LB & PCFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-04 21:32:00
United KingdomRidiculous objectification of our SOs thread

My fiance's family demands the Lucky Charms and Tootsie rolls!! And now my friends are demanding the Haribo sour cherries from him!!!

It was a running joke on our trip about Twinkies, Ding Dongs, and Ho Hos. I finally had my mother ship over a box of Twinkies to satisfy everyone's curiosity. Not really the tea time snack they were looking for ;)
LB & PCFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-13 11:39:00
United KingdomRidiculous objectification of our SOs thread

, which is just an extra incentive to buy him plenty of booze (although he insists all American bear is 'piss').

My little Welsh Cake is quite impressed with American microbrews. Sounds like yours need to try some of our NW beers ;)

And even though I'm the USC, I feel I got objectified over in the UK! Little old shop ladies loved hearing me say "California".
LB & PCFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-09 13:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
If I didn't think the Embassy was Evil and incompetant before today, I DO NOW!!! :angry: After being told on Friday that my husband's case had been canceled and then calling back and having another women say they found it, but no Visa's had been issued.... TODAY, I call and was told the Visa's were issued on the 19th and he should have them by now. When I said he didn't and ask how to track them down, I was put on hold for 10 minutes and when she came back, she said Airpak would be picking them up from the Embassy tomorrow and he'd have on Weds! I'm so mad!! He could have flown home yesterday if someone had been doing there job!! :angry: Since I've gotten 3 different answers with 3 different calls we are waiting until we know Airpak has both Visa's before rebooking our flight. OH and on top of it all, my husband calls the Embassy this afternoon too and they refused to give him any information without his case number! That's pretty funny considering they've never asked me for our case number just his name, and they have NEVER asked me to verify who I am. :wacko: The whole process is a joke. The worst part is I wanted to cuss them out, yet I don't dare until I have those Visa's in hand. :huh:
Oh'well, I did send two of my Congressmen emails regarding all the problems I've had with the Embassy. Maybe if they get enough complaints they will start looking into it.

Hope every one is having a great day!!

And Congrats to everyone who received Interview Dates!! :dance:
smileypaigeFemaleJamaica2007-01-29 19:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Wow my K-3 was finally approved on January 26th. That was long I tell you what a waste.

can i take my cell phone to my interview as proof of relationship. it has text messages and video of us together

No, you can not take your cell phone into the Embassy. Sorry
smileypaigeFemaleJamaica2007-01-27 18:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

So sorry to hear this....
I know you are worried, you can't just turn love off like a switch. But he'll be fine.
What you need to be worrying about is YOU!
Make sure he has no access to any joint accounts you have, if I were you I'd cancel the visa process NOW.
It's little comfort now, but it is better you found out BEFORE rather than AFTER he had his papers to remain here.

I agree...You need to take care of YOU!! Life is too short to put up with young a$$ BS like this! As I told my husband before we got married, ONE time and he's gone. Been there and done that and I will never go back. I'd rather be alone then have to deal with that.... yes it will hurt but in the end you will come out of it with your head held high and stronger then ever!! Girl, life is too short to deal with this when there are other loving men out there that will truely adore a women who is as special, loving and faithful as you are!! This is his loss NOT yours!!!
Please take care of yourself....I know this is hard... you are in my prayers...

smileypaigeFemaleJamaica2007-01-27 13:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

...the "visa making machine" could be's happened before.....sorry, I really do wish there was something I could say to make you all feel better..... (F)

The truth of the matter is that the Embassy SUCKS and I am a firm believer that they do try to make it more miserable hoping that it will become too hard and too stressful and you will give up. That is what I have always thought -- NEVER have I run into more of a bunch of incompetent people in my life.

If I treated people who are calling my office like they have treated "us" -- I would have lost my job a long, long, long time ago.

Well if it would have just been the visa machine being broken, then at least I'd know what's going on. As it is, I got through to someone and they proceeded to tell me that my case had been withdrawn. She couldn't even find the interview and told me to call back next week to speak to someone else. At that point my brain was completely fried so I hung up. After a few minutes I decided to call back and have them search a different way. Well they found our case but no Visa has been printed yet. Of course when I asked why she said there was nothing on the record to tell her the reason. So again I get to call back next week and see what's going on, ASSUMING anything gets put in the file. This is absolutely ridiculous......
How are they going to approve the Visa's then realize something is wrong? And wouldn't you think they'd immediately note the file. We are living in the computer age!! So Monday, I will again, sit on the phone dialing over and over again until I reach a person and pray they have some information. If there is something wrong with the paperwork, we could still be looking at months until he can get here. This process really REALLY SUCKS!!
smileypaigeFemaleJamaica2007-01-26 15:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
For those of you with upcoming interviews I wish you the best of Luck!! :thumbs: As you know, my husbands Visa was approved on the 11th of Jan. and as of today he still hasn't received it in hand. :crying: So for anyone planning on going to the interview and flying back with them you might want to stay for at least 2 weeks. I was scheduled to fly down tomorrow night and fly back with them on Sunday but now it looks like I get to join the masses tomorrow and try to call the Embassy during the whole 2 hours they give us to call, and then hope I get someone who can answer some questions!! :wacko: And I get to change flights and support the US Economy by giving the airlines more money. :angry: This whole process has been very stressful but this part of it is flat out ridiculous! Why tell people you'll have the Visa's in hand in approx. 5 days. To me this means 3 to 7 days. Wouldn't you want to tell them 10+ days, then we'd all be excited if we got them earlier then that and not being calling tying up the phone lines? Sorry I'm venting. I feel really helpless! You can't call and they refuse to answer any of my emails... where does that leave me. :crying: :angry:

Maybe something happened to our Visa's and we're a minority in it taking so long but wanted to give everyone with upcoming interviews a heads up.

With any luck, god will take pity on me and all this stress and we'll get them tomorrow!! :innocent:

Best of luck to everyone!!


They are truly a month behind though in their interview dates.

They have to unpack :wacko: Can you just imagine the mess they have there???? Maybe now (okay, after they get caught up) things might go smoothly.......a girl can dream, can't she? :energetic:

I have to say that from what I could see, everything looked pretty neat and tidy when I was there!! I think there is something in their job descriptions that says they have to be okay with making peoples lives as difficult and as stressful as possible!

they think the more stressful they make it the more likely it is for them to catch a fraud

Maybe. But I can't imagine dealing with someone like me, who's in the mood I'm in!! LOL
smileypaigeFemaleJamaica2007-01-25 17:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

They are truly a month behind though in their interview dates.

They have to unpack :wacko: Can you just imagine the mess they have there???? Maybe now (okay, after they get caught up) things might go smoothly.......a girl can dream, can't she? :energetic:

I have to say that from what I could see, everything looked pretty neat and tidy when I was there!! I think there is something in their job descriptions that says they have to be okay with making peoples lives as difficult and as stressful as possible!
smileypaigeFemaleJamaica2007-01-25 16:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Seems like many of us are in the same time frame. I am K-1 though. My Approval notice expires 3/13. Does anyone know what happens if the Embassy doesnt interview by that date?

I had to call the Embassy with the same question in my case and they said as long as the interview is scheduled by the expiration date you are okay, even if the interview is after it expires. You still have 2 months so you should be fine. :thumbs:
smileypaigeFemaleJamaica2007-01-18 16:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
You sound like me. The first time he told me the dogs have to go outside I made it perfectly clear that they were spoiled house dogs that have never stayed outside and they might get cold. He backed off and we compromised. The dogs can stay in the house just not in the room he sleeps in. Still haven't broke the news to my dog. She's really not going to like that one. She's slept on my bed since she was a puppy. :whistle:

I'm praying my hubby and the dogs bond. He's finally gotten over the fact that yes, they are sleeping in the house once he's here, as they would be heart broken to be tossed outside.

I know what you mean! Tony was not at all used to the idea of having a dog in the house. He likes the dog but says he would like him better if he stayed outside :o <_< I told him I was going to put HIM outside before I put the dog out :lol: The dog was here first!! Actually the biggest issue he has is the dog hair. I guess I need to start vacuuming and cleaning more :blush:

smileypaigeFemaleJamaica2007-01-17 12:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
I love it! Your husband making your dog "man Juice"! :lol: I'm praying my hubby and the dogs bond. He's finally gotten over the fact that yes, they are sleeping in the house once he's here, as they would be heart broken to be tossed outside. He even has a picture of my bulldog on his cell phone now (it was mine before). I'm sorry your baby is getting old. :( Mine is too. I try not to think about what is coming, makes me too sad. :crying:

Oh boy, that's what I'm affraid of! :wacko: I can't imagine doing what he's doing, moving to a completely new place and leaving everything he's ever know

When you put it that way it really is scary. I could have NEVER done it either.

My dogs LOVE Roy -- now more than they love me :wacko: He is there with them all day and they have all grown very attached to him. They have all gained weight 'cause he feeds them a little bit of everything he eats -- and, my boy (who is by far my most favorite) is getting old :cry: and I know his days are numbered......Roy makes him "man juice" every week to keep him "strong." It's just so damn cute.

smileypaigeFemaleJamaica2007-01-16 19:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Oh boy, that's what I'm affraid of! :wacko: I can't imagine doing what he's doing, moving to a completely new place and leaving everything he's ever know, so I'll have to remind myself of this before I blow a gasket! ;) He's already seem that a couple times and it's not pretty! :whistle: Plus I have to learn how to handle a 6 year old again too! YIKES!

Thanks CT and Nyseness! I'm so excited, yet a little scared!

I think I'm still in shock to think that he'll be here in 2 weeks!!!! YIKES! And to think, I'm not even the one leaving everything to come here. Poor guy will be in a house full of 5 girls (me, my daughter, his daughter and my two girl dogs). I thank god that he has the patients he does. I think my poor bulldog will be the first one to have a breakdown when they get here. LOL.. she's not too fond of strange men!

I understand but be prepared for you to have a breakdown not the dog. Everyone will come to you for the solution to all problems :blink: . But girl it is so worth the trouble once he is here. :dance:

smileypaigeFemaleJamaica2007-01-16 15:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Thanks CT and Nyseness! I'm so excited, yet a little scared!

I think I'm still in shock to think that he'll be here in 2 weeks!!!! YIKES! And to think, I'm not even the one leaving everything to come here. Poor guy will be in a house full of 5 girls (me, my daughter, his daughter and my two girl dogs). I thank god that he has the patients he does. I think my poor bulldog will be the first one to have a breakdown when they get here. LOL.. she's not too fond of strange men!
smileypaigeFemaleJamaica2007-01-15 19:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Good Afternoon everyone!

I hope everyone is staying nice and warm on this cold Monday! It's been a long time since I've woken up to 18 degree weather in Oregon. Yikes! Way too cold, especially after I just got back from nice 85 degree weather in Jamaica. :crying:

I wanted to post a little about my husband and my experience at our Interview last Thursday. First off, our appointment was at 12:45 and not having any idea what the lines would be like I made him get us there at 11. Needless to say we were early, and the people at the door were letting in people who were at the end of the line with 11:30 appts. So I'd say you're safe at an hour, unless each day is different. We lucked out and got in at 12. The process went relatively smooth, well minus the guy that passed out while walking to the bathroom. :blink: That was a little wierd to witness. I will say that when everyone says do not ever admit to smoking ganja, LISTEN TO THEM! There was a man in there who was all prepared and said he was ready to be grilled by the interviewer, but he didn't even get the chance to talk. He got to the window and was pretty much immediately denied. The sad part was his denial sheet states he was denied for admitting to using within the last 3 years, yet he told the doctors it had been 5 to 6 years. I felt really bad for him. Also, COME prepared! If you can't be there for your SO, make sure he or she has enough to prove a legitimate relationship. We saw another man denied because he had no pictures of his wedding or spouse and had nothing to prove he even talks to her. Needless to say, after watching several people be denied during the interview and several before for not having proper marriage or birth certificates it makes you a little nervous.

But we made it!! My husband actually got to do his interview in a private room. Hubby, myself and his daughter started at a window with all three of us being sworn in, and the lady starts off asking my husband when we were married. He was so nervous I had to prod him to speak and when he did he said July 2006, which would have been okay, but we were married June 2006!! :unsure: I'm not sure if she could tell how nervous he was or what, but I thank god she took him into that private room. I'm not sure what she asked him but I was called back less then 5 minutes later and all she asked is how often I'd been to visit, wanted to see my passport and if I had wedding photos. He never had to leave the room. She said everything my husband told her made her believe our marriage was legit. She did ask his daughter who I was which was cute. She was so proud that she got to answer some questions too. She then told us they got approved and off we went. I think we left the embassy for AirPak at about 2:30. The whole process was painless, yet nerve racking! :wacko: Some of those interviewers were pretty intense!! Sure glad we got who we did. She was very kind.

I'm just so glad it's over!!! My husband was back to himself after that which was nice. Although he swears he wasn't nervous. Yeah okay honey, if you say so... :whistle: lol

I have to say, the whole process up to this point has been a little much at times, but I'm excited we are almost together!! Two weeks and he'll be coming to freezing A** Oregon. :P Well that's keeping our fingers crossed that the Visa's get delivered in time.

I should mention that I had to submit a Form 3052 at the Embassy. The form said it's for a V Visa so I'm not sure why I had to submit it but I did. So if anyone is going to be going for a K-3 Visa, make sure you take one just in case. Thankfully he told me he had it in his packet so I'd printed it out before I left.

If anyone has any questions about the new Embassy and the interview process please let me know!!

One step down and WAY to many more to go....... But at least we will soon be together! I didn't think we'd ever get to this point!

smileypaigeFemaleJamaica2007-01-15 18:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Hello Everyone! I hope everyone is ready for the holiday, I know I'm ready for a few days off! I wanted to post some information on here for anyone who may encounter some of the same questions I've had during this whole stressful and confusing Visa process. :blink:

First off, I believe the Embassy will still be scheduling the interviews. My husband just received his letter for a January interview date at the new building :dance: But maybe this will be changing in the new year, as his letter was mailed the friday before they moved, so don't quote me on this.

And second, if anyone is working on bringing their spouse and step-child over at the same time on K3/K4 Visa's, all you need to do is make sure you list the child on the I-129F and the DS-230. When your spouse gets their interview letter, the child's name will be included in the letter. They will need this letter for both the spouse and child's medicals. The child (if under 18 and over 6) will then go to the same interview with your spouse. Of course the child will also need a DS-156 and DS-157 on their behalf. If anyone has any questions regarding this issue, please let me know. It's been one part of the whole process that has been VERY confusing to me. I'm just praying I have it all figured out now! :wacko:

Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday!! I don't post much, but for all those of you who do, your posts are ALL Wonderful!!!

smileypaigeFemaleJamaica2006-12-20 16:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
I have a question for all those who's loved ones have received their Visa's. How long from the interview and approval to when they received their actual Visa in hand? I would like to go down to my husbands interview and then have him and his daughter fly home with me, but I'm thinking that it's too risky to assume we'll have their Visa's in hand in 4-5 days. Unless I can convince him that he will be okay flying here on his own, he's going to have to do the interview without me. :(

I'd greatly appreciate hearing from you, then I can do some planning!! :)
smileypaigeFemaleJamaica2006-12-05 11:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Hi fambly,

Me dey ya....AND it's offical......I am MARRIED!!!!!! I still can't believe it but I'm happy, truly happy. Thanks


smileypaigeFemaleJamaica2006-11-01 16:46:00
United KingdomWhere in the UK are you or your SO from?
I'm from Portland, Oregon and he's from Glasgow, Scotland. Love those Scots! :D
brooksmcNot TellingScotland2007-07-28 14:58:00
United KingdomHeinz Baked Beans
QUOTE (bluegreen @ Apr 21 2008, 07:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (SnowyTater @ Apr 21 2008, 09:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh for god's sake just buy Bush's brand it's the same thing tongue.gif


Hmmm, I don't think so. Taste different to me (tried them). Maybe psychological, but definitely taste funny. Otherwise I would gladly pay much less and stop whining:)

Let me know if you can't find them, I can get them here in Portland and send some to you! smile.gif
brooksmcNot TellingScotland2008-04-21 21:37:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (English Muffin @ May 1 2008, 04:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Thomas F @ May 1 2008, 06:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What's this about expedited delivery??? wow.gif

Could be something that could save us a lot of trouble...

You can pay extra to have your visa delivered before a certain time of the day. It's not possible to have it delivered on an earlier date, just a certain time on the day they are going to deliver it anyway.


Exactly. Except it didn't work too well in this case. mad.gif
brooksmcNot TellingScotland2008-05-02 10:17:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Brian got his visa today - he paid for the expedited delivery before 11 and it wasn't delivered until after 2. blink.gif Needless to say he was a wreck. But we have it now. Now we can start planning!! good.gif
brooksmcNot TellingScotland2008-05-01 00:54:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (Sal and Jay @ Apr 22 2008, 02:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good luck to you all this week in your interview, Im looking forward to seeing the reviews.

he just texted and I called him. It went fine and now we wait for medical results and fingerprint results!!
brooksmcNot TellingScotland2008-04-22 06:18:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (julezabelle @ Apr 21 2008, 01:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good luck to the trio of VJers interviewing tomorrow!!!!




Bring back those approval announcements!!!!!

I'm crossing my fingers - it's a little under 7 hours now *bites fingernails*
brooksmcNot TellingScotland2008-04-21 21:33:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (Smallz @ Apr 17 2008, 04:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My interview is on the 22nd of April in London and i'm freaking out already. I'm scared so much that i can hardly sleep or think about anything other than getting that bloody visa. wacko.gif

Brian's is on that date too! He's freaking out. blink.gif
brooksmcNot TellingScotland2008-04-18 21:59:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
We got news through the post today that Brian's interview is on April 22nd at 10 AM. SQUEEE!!!!!!!
brooksmcNot TellingScotland2008-04-10 00:23:00