Asia: East and PacificFirst Interview Got Blue Slip and Second Time Submit Paper Got A Second Blue Slip
This is JohnCali9 Wife second blue slip ...

Attached Files

Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-08-07 09:21:00
Asia: East and Pacificsecond trip to the consulate Wish us luck!!
Hey jeromebinh, can you post your second blue slip so everybody can see your blue slip ... I am going to US Consulate tomorrow to see my review tomorrow ... thanks

QUOTE (jeromebinh @ Aug 20 2009, 06:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Second blue slip, no need to submit more evidence they wll notify us when they make their decision.

Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-08-20 05:38:00
Asia: East and PacificHere is my Second Blue Slip
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Aug 22 2009, 11:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
exact same as 4 or 5 others in past month or so...

I don't know if I should show up at Consulate in HCM to go in and talk to CO....I still thinking about it. But i have see at Cons in HCM that they interview the Petioner too. and close the case....I was surpise ... Anyone have any idea?
Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-08-22 23:02:00
Asia: East and PacificHere is my Second Blue Slip
here is the link for it ...

Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-08-22 22:34:00
Asia: East and PacificHere is my timeline that i sumbit and get second blue slip
QUOTE (Haole @ Aug 22 2009, 11:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's obvious you got the call duration from your phone bill so if I were you I'd knock out the "about" so many minutes. Just say for 13 minutes or whatever length the call was.

they kept my phone bill and they will see it in the phone bill.

Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-08-22 22:57:00
Asia: East and PacificHere is my timeline that i sumbit and get second blue slip
Here is my timeline that i submit and get second blue slip


(phone #)

U.S. Consulate General
Immigrant Visa Section
4 Le Duan St., Dist. 1
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Re: Timeline of relationship with my wife, name: TUYET TRINH THI TRAN
DOB: ** December 19**
Case #: HCM2009******

I, LY C. NGUYEN, DOB: ** December 19**, SNN: xxx-xx-xxxx, a citizen of the United Sates of America, am the husband of TUYET TRINH THI TRAN. The following is a sworn affidavit documenting the timeline of our relationship since 2 August 2008 to present.

Brief description of our relationship:
We were introduced to each other by Mrs. Loan and Mr. Phuc. My wife and Mrs. Loan were close friends from their childhood. Mrs. Loan, Mr. Phuc and I have been very close friends over years. I have been seeing Phuc and his wife (Loan) at their house for many times. I knew Trinh by her video and photos. I asked Loan and Phuc for their opinion about Trinh, both of them strongly recommended me to be friends with Trinh. Mrs. Loan often says that I have the same ways of thinking and hard work as Trinh. For that reason, I asked Mrs. Loan for Trinh’s phone number. Mrs. Loan says that she will get back with me on that. Couple days later Mrs. Loan gave me Trinh’s phone number, and Mrs. Loan told me that she had mentioned about me to Trinh already.

? 20 July 2008: Phuc and Loan invited me to their house at 2802 SE 82nd Ave. Apt#6, Portland, Oregon 97266 for a weekend meal with their family. During the dinner, Phuc and Loan played a video film about a wedding party of their relative in Vietnam, in which there was a photo of my wife, Trinh. Talking about the girl whose name is Trinh, Loan also showed me some other photos of Loan in her family album. I asked Loan if Trinh was still single and whether I could make friends with her. Loan told me that she would let me know later after she called to ask Trinh’s opinion and then she would give me her phone number.

? 26 July 2008: I invited Phuc and Loan to eat out at a Chinese restaurant, Jin Wah Restaurant at 8001 SE Powell Blvd. Suite# P. Portland, Oregon 97206. During the meal, I asked about their health and their business. Loan told me that she had contacted with Trinh and she agreed to give me her phone number so that we can get in touch and make friends with each other. I filed her phone number.

? 02 August 2008: The first time I called 84908864129 to Trinh at 10:44 pm, that was on Sunday morning in Vietnam. She was not surprised as Loan, her close friend had told her about me already. We started the conversation and introduced each other, exchanged information about our job and our family. We were both very happy as we had another new friend. During this first call, due to the international call, it was interrupted and I had to call back 3 times. We spend 42 minutes over the phone.

? 03 August 2008: The second time I called Trinh was at 03:57 am, that was the time I was on my way to work from my home. That was the time Trinh was just been back from the Church. We talked for about 23 minutes then I arrived at my company. I told her I would call back at another time as I had to work then. I wished her a good night and stopped the call and started my working day.

? 04 August 2008: I had 2 phone called to her. The first one was at 03:53 am. It lasted for about 27 minutes and then I started work. The second one was on the same date at 03:10 pm, and we had 20 minutes talking to each other. Trinh said that she would be very busy next week as she had to work overtime at her company. She promised to continue the chat next week.

? 12 + 14 August 2008: I called her back but she said she was still very busy so we could not talk much. She said she would call me when she finished her job.

? 15 August 2008: at 04 am, that was 06 pm in Vietnam, Trinh called me and then she hanged up so that I would call her back after that. I called her at 04:02 am. She told me about what she did during the past week. We talked to each other about 14 minutes and then we stopped as her family got prepared for the dinner.

? 16 August 2008 up to the end of August: We often contacted each other via phone, almost every day. We often talked about the subject of family. We exchanged information about life, our jobs.

? 01 September 2008: It was one month since we knew each other. I kept contact with her by phone. It was only one month but I found that I had fallen in love with her. I got to know that Trinh was born into a big family. Her family was not rich in terms of materials, but it was a truly happy family. Trinh is the oldest sister, so she knows how to take care of her little brothers and sisters. She studied and worked to support her family with her parents. That made me admire her and loved her more. I called her four times during the day with the total minutes up to 63.

? 07 September 2008: I called and told her that the following week I was very busy and had on time to contact her, not to wait for my call. When I finished my work, I would call her.

? 12 September 2008: I called her just to let her know that I was home after one week I was far away for forklift drill. I told her I would call her the next day.

? 13 September 2008: I called Trinh and she asked me about my forklift drill. We had about 20 minutes together.

? 14 September 2008 to 20 September 2008: During this time we talked to each other almost every day. I was very happy hearing her voice. When I was busy not calling her I felt something lost. I asked her if she was happy when getting my phone call. Trinh was happy when she had a boyfriend who took care and concerned about her life and her thought.

? 21 September 2008: I called her and started the conversation. I asked her if she had used internet. I said that she used internet at work just for company business. She had no internet at home. She said she would check if the network was available at her locality. She then gave me her two nick names for chatting via skype video.

? 30 September 2008: I called her. She told me that she had connected with internet already. I asked her if we could be on internet then. She turned on the computer and we talked and saw each other in person the first time. Though it was the first time but her face looked familiar to me for a long time. My first impression about her was that she was a friendly and honest girl. This made me love her more and more.

? 03 October 2008: I called her again. We got more and more familiar with each other. I told her that I missed her a lot and I could not sleep when I saw her via video chat the previous time. Her face always wandered in my mind to find something to connect with.

? 04 October 2008: I called her again. We talked to each other for a long time. I asked her about her ideal husband. She told me that she liked the kind of man who belongs to family, humorous, caring and especially child loving. A man that can she can confide in to build up a happy family. After almost half an hour hearing her telling me about her ideal husband, she asked me the same question about my ideal wife. I told her that what I need in a wife is not her riches or honors but a woman with a heart filled with love for her husband and their kids. I totally agreed with her as we all loved children. We are both northerners of Vietnam left for Christ to the South in 1954. We had many things in common especially family affairs. I found that Trinh is very skilled at cooking, especially foods of northerners. Our love were getting developed more and more. We spend 82 minutes over the phone.

? 05 October 2008 to 10 October 2008: We had phone calls almost every day. I asked her if she missed me. She stopped for a while and told me that she had the same feeling with me waiting for my call. Time flies and our love got developed more and more.

? 11 October 2008 to 18 October 2008: We kept contact very often. At this time we were not hesitant any more. We shared everything of life. We had no distance any more. When there was happiness or sadness, we often shared to each other. I found that I cannot lack the other better half, that is Trinh. After work, I was always thinking of Trinh and missing her. I called her to confide my feelings and listened to her nice voice.

? 19 October 2008: I called back to Trinh. She told me that the next day she would be in Vung Tau for a job interview. We talked for about 19 minutes then I arrived at work. I told her I would call again the next day to talk more.

? 20 October 2008: I made two phone calls. The first call was at 4 am. She told me she wanted to have another well paid job so she decided to go to Vung Tau for the interview. In fact at that time I loved Trinh very much and I did not want her to go very far working hard to earn a living. I told her that if she had difficulty I could be of help to her but she refused. This call we had 23 minutes together. The second call was at 5:7 pm. We had only 3 minutes then her phone battery faded. She gave me her friend’s phone number in Vung Tau and told me that I can call that number in case I cannot reach the cell phone.

? 21 October 2008: I called Trinh but I could not get connected. I waited until evening to make sure that she was there and I called her friend’s house. I started saying I love you and proposed to her over the phone. Because I was worried about her life. I felt sorry for her when she had to work her way through for a living. I wanted to take care of her every day. I wanted the rest of my life having Trinh beside me. I wanted Trinh to be my wife and the mother of my children. I love her and cannot live without her. She was surprised at my proposal, she paused for a few minutes and said that she loved me also and wanted to be besides me for the rest of her life as she understood my case that I have lived alone, without any brothers or sisters, or relatives besides and I take care of everything on my own. Trinh wanted to be beside me and shared part of my life. Before she hanged up the phone, she told that she agreed with my proposal and reminded me to take care of myself as I was already her better half.

? 22 October 2008 to 26 October 2008: after proposal we kept contact and talked over the phone. She asked me to manage time to call her parents to ask for their news and get a permit for our relationship.

? 09 November 2008: I called Trinh’s parents. She had told them about our relation. I asked them for our love and marriage. They told me that Trinh was old enough to make decisions about her own life. They did not force or forbid her about that. They always wish their daughter has a happy life. They said that if we really have a true love, they would support us to become husband and wife. That’s what we really wish for.

? 10 November 2008: I called her and we had a long talk. I told her that I wanted a wedding at the end of this year. The next year would be not good for my age. At that time we really wanted to be side by side together.

? 14 November 2008: after talking with Trinh, I called to talk to my father about our relation. After that my father called Trinh’s parents to discuss our love and asked them to take care of the wedding preparation as my father was far away. He said he would manage to be back Vietnam to be the host of the wedding ceremony.

? 15 November 2008: I bought an airfare for Vietnam at Asia Tour & Travel at 8211 N.E. Brazee, Suite F, Portland, OR 97220.

? 16 November 2008: at 11:39 pm before boarding at Portland airport, I called her. When I arrived at Seattle airport, WA I called her again to make her confident. She told me that she was very happy and nervous waiting to see me at Tan Son Nhat Airport.

? 18 November 2008: I arrived in Vietnam at 11:40 am. After finishing all check out procedures, I found her waiting me for a long time. It was only Trinh and me at the airport. After that Trinh took me to her house to see her parents. I stayed there until I came back to USA on 31 December 2008.

? 21 November 2008: after taking a few days for rest. I asked for a permit to take Trinh to Phuoc Hai to see my grandparents and relatives. I held my mother’s death anniversary in Chu Hai. We stayed there for two days. On the afternoon of 22nd day, we returned Trinh’s parents’ home.

? 24 November 2008: after asking for a permit form Trinh’s parents, we went to Dong Nai Province Department of Justice for marriage procedures. Due to the complicated procedures, I had to stay in Bien Hoa at Diamond hotel until 26 November 2008 to solve the problem.

? 28 November 2008: We went to Department of Justice for the interview and then we got an appointment for getting the certificate.

? 29 November 2008: Trinh’s mother took Trinh and me to Duc Long Church to see the priest for a Christian marriage procedure. After meeting all requirements for a marriage in a church as certificate of baptism, certificate of enforcement, certificate of introduction from US where I live certifying that I had not registered to get married to any one before and got the appointment. Trinh had to attend some lessons to fulfill the requirements. Our names were then announced in three consecutive Sunday church ceremony. The priest found no trouble and decided to hold the ceremony for us as per Church regulations.

? 02 December 2008: We went for photo taking at Oanh Oanh Studio in Thong Nhat District, Dong Nai Province.

? 03 December 2008: Trinh and I continued for a outdoor photo taking in Thac Giang Dien resort, Trang Bom District, Dong Nai Province.

? 05 December 2008: Trinh and I went to Bien Hoa for placing order of wedding invitation printing. We stayed in Bien Hoa that night and she took me out for sea foods and introduced me to some of her friends.

? 07 December 2008: Trinh and I went to Vung Tau for a birthday party of my old friend. We stayed in Vung Tau for 2 days.

? 09 December 2008: We return to Trinh’s house. Her parents took us to visit some of their relatives and grandparents.

? 10 December 2008: Trinh held my birthday party at her house.

? 11 December 2008: We went to rent wedding clothes at Hoa Hong Shop for our wedding ceremony.

? 12 December 2008: We went to Bien Hoa to get wedding invitation. We then bought wedding rings at PNJ shop in Bien Hoa City.

? 13 December 2008: Trinh and I went out to deliver wedding invitation letters.

? 14 December 2008: Trinh and I went to Phuoc Hai, Phuoc Tinh and Chu Hai to invite friends and relatives. We stayed at my grandparents’ in Phuoc Hai.

? 16 December 2008: We rent a car to go to the airport to pick up my father to bring him to Phuoc Hai. We stayed at my grandparents’ house at that night.

? 17 December 2008: Trinh, my father and my grandparents, my uncles and I went to Loc An cemetery. My father wanted to introduce the daughter-in-law to the ancestors of Nguyen family. We went back Trinh’s parents’ home in the afternoon of the same day.

? 19 December 2008: My father went to Trinh’s family to meet and discuss and finalize the wedding preparation. My father left for my grandparents’ in Phuoc Hai in the afternoon.

? 20 December 2008: At 6 am, Trinh and I were at Duc Long Church for a wedding preparation.

? 21 December 2008: The date we held the wedding ceremony at Duc Long Church hosted by Priest Joseph Nguyen Xuan Triet at 9 am. The wedding party was held in the campus of Duc Long Church. Our relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbors from both families were present at the party. My father from US was also present to be host of the wedding. In our wedding there were 4 khem fruits according to our homeland custom. Total guest was 450 people sitting in 45 tables.

? 22 December 2008: My close friend died of traffic accident. We had to visit and present condolences at Chu Hai Church. We went to Phuoc Hai to have meals with my grandparents. We stayed there for 2 days.

? 24 December 2008: My father had to come back USA. We helped to arrange the luggage and rented a car to take my father to the airport. We went to An Dong market after that and bought some things for my return to USA. We came back Trinh’s home for a rest on the same day.

? 27 December 2008 to 28 December 2008: As we did not have much free time, we spent our honeymoon in Binh Chau Hot Mineral Water resort. We then came back Trinh’s parents to stay there until we came back to USA.

? 31 December 2008: My wife along with her brothers and sisters, her grandparents saw me off to USA. (Total days of my first return to Vietnam was 44 days).

? 01 January 2009: I arrived at my home in USA. I called my wife and her parents to let them know that I was home safely.

? Upon coming back to USA, we often kept contact via telephone and letters. Due to my long time in Vietnam, I was very busy when I came back, I called her more than I wrote to her. We often kept contact via telephone every day. My wife often woke me up for work every morning.

Since 03 January 2009 to end of June 2009: We often kept contact via phones and post letters. Total letters she got during this time was 29 letters. My wife sent to me 23 letters.

? 29 January 2009: I sent my first letter to my wife and I sent my guarantee letter to US immigrant department.

? 25 March 2009: I missed my wife so much so I decided to take my annual leave to return Vietnam to see my wife. I bought a ticket at Asia Tour & Travel at 8211 N.E. Brazee, Suite F, Portland, OR 97220 to be back to Vietnam on 01 July 2009 and came back to USA on 15 July 2009.

? 02 June 2009: I got a invitation letter for interview sent by email from visa center. I got to company to ask for more leave. I got a permit to stop work until 28 July 2009.

? 03 July 2009: I arrived in Vietnam at 10:00 am. My wife and her family saw me at the airport. We went back her home after that.

? 05 July 2009: I held my mother’s death anniversary at my uncle’s house in Chu Hai.

? 07 July 2009: at 1 pm, we went to Health Service of Ho Chi Minh City – International Health Quarantine Center at 40 Nguyen Van Troi, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City to complete the vaccination as requested by US Consulate. We went to Cho Ray hospital for a health check appointment after that.

? 15 July 2009: 6:30 am I took my wife to Cho Ray hospital at 201B Nguyen Chi Thanh, Dist. 5, Ho Chi Minh City. At 9 am, my wife completed all procedures and got an appointment from the doctor. We got the result on the next day so we stayed in a hotel at that night.

? 16 July 2009: We got the result at 03 pm and came back home.

? 18 July 2009: We went to Vung Tau with my wife’s family. We climbed to Tao Phung mountain where there is a Christ statue. We went for a sea bath and had lunch at Bien Dong at the back yard of Vung Tau city.

? 23 July 2009: Due to the long journey, we went to Ho Chi Minh one day in advance for the interview on time. We stayed in a small hotel in Tan Binh District.

? 24 July 2009: At 7 am we were present at 4 Le Duan, Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh City, USA Consulate to stand in line to get in. I waited for her and the interview result outside. After 4 hours my wife came back with a sad face. I asked her why and we had to supplement more documents. I consoled her and came back home to complete the requests given in the paper.

? 25 July 2009: I scanned the appointment of the US and sent to my company to ask for more leave. I got the reply from my company that I can stay until 26 August 2009.

? 26 July 2009 to 05 August 2009: We spent all time to sit down and remember and wrote down the timeline of our relationship. And we tried to contact my ex-wife to get the information as requested by the US Consulate.
My wife is all of my life and the one I love most. Moreover I want to live beside my wife until the rest of our life. My wife is always beside me and encourages me in everything, sharing all happiness and sorrow in our life. One more thing is the happy family in which all members love and take care of each other. That is all I find in my wife. We hope to be reunited and start a new life in USA.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

___________________________ ___________________________
Name Signature

Sworn to and signed before me this ______ day of _____________, 2009

here is the link of our second blue slip
Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-08-22 22:46:00
Asia: East and PacificOur Interview date is coming near! Please pray for us.

I totally agree what HIEN post where your case have a RED FLAG on ... you can not be marry before propose??????
Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-08-07 20:52:00
Asia: East and PacificOur Interview date is coming near! Please pray for us.
H??ng, if you are coming back to Vietnam, go a head and get your timeline notorize at us consulate in hcm, so co can see that u are in vietnam supporting ur wife on the second interview.
Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-08-07 20:48:00
Asia: East and PacificOur Interview date is coming near! Please pray for us.
Did the CO keep any evidence of your wife Huong? According to people that I know your wife will be have an second interview ... so prepare for it
Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-08-07 20:42:00
Asia: East and PacificOur Interview date is coming near! Please pray for us.
I was there when JohnCali9 wife second time interview so I have a very good of understand about John & his wife case. According to JohnCali9 wife situation, H??ng, you should do a very detail timeline as the blue slip required by CO in HCM. You should tell your wife to be prepare for a second interview. Including all the evidence (for example: "letters, phone bills, outdoor pictures, wedding pictures, ..... and a lot more if you can) I am in Vietnam right now supporting my wife until she going to get the PINK. My timeline i have about 8 pages and I also went in to US Consulate in HCM for the Notorize (the cost 30 USD) to prove that i am still here waiting for Pink on my wife. Hey H??ng if you can your wife can call my wife and JohnCali9 wife ask about how the second interview will be like. I hope you will get PINK soon.

Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-08-07 09:39:00
Asia: East and PacificSecond Blue Slip @ HCM
QUOTE (NQT1976 @ Aug 22 2009, 11:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
why dont you step in and ask the CO directly ?

I think they doubt about your relationship. If you and your wife show up in front of them, you may get their trust.

I will get into consulate next wek with my wife to submit the timeline, I will post result. If I got pink you may use my tactics.

Are you in vietnam right now? If yes, give me your number i will call you ..

Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-08-22 22:51:00
Asia: East and PacificSecond Blue Slip @ HCM
Yeah i am currently in vietnam right now ... but i don't know why my case still get second blue slip ... i have NO idea why?

QUOTE (NQT1976 @ Aug 22 2009, 11:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
you to to vietnam lytrinh ?

Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-08-22 22:36:00
Asia: East and PacificSecond Blue Slip @ HCM
We did submit everything that CO require on our first blue slip but we still got other blue slip says we have to wait? I don't know what going now?
Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-08-22 22:26:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Need Form DS-3032
QUOTE (queuedup @ Mar 12 2009, 05:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Go to, click on Visas, then click on Forms. you should see the DS-3032 there.

Good Luck!!

that's really fast reply let me go in and take a look, thanks queuedup
Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-03-12 16:12:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Need Form DS-3032
Can anybody help me get the form DS-3032, thanks
Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-03-12 16:05:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-230 QUESTION 14?
QUOTE (hniHnitsuJ @ Mar 13 2009, 10:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You only put your husband name on # 14, not # 21. Since your husband is already in US, # 21 is only if you have kids immigrate to US with you. good luck.

Tak a look at this threads. It been post on couples days.


I was impress that how fast people on VJ reply, thanks for all the help.....VJ

Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-03-13 11:35:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-230 QUESTION 14?
Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-03-13 02:20:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)FORM Problem
QUOTE (Karin und Otto @ Mar 13 2009, 05:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just an FYI - it's doubtful the US Government would appreciate us moving/extending fields on their forms.

Most folks do just fine with what's there and if more room is needed, they can always print the form out and hand write in fields that are 'too small' for typing... good.gif

Thanks for all that advice!
Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-03-13 17:06:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)FORM Problem
Just want to help everybody that don't know much about Adobe Acrobat, most of the pdf file from USCIS and NVC that in pdf format are secure and you can't change, but if anyone in here that need to be unlock so you can move field and put where you want or extend more space, please let me know. I can't unlock any form for you.

Edited by Trinh Lý, 13 March 2009 - 04:13 PM.

Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-03-13 16:11:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I-864 Adjusted Gross Income
I don't know if this can help you, if you have not check out the Poverty Guideline than this is the link you should go to before starting on I-864...
Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-03-13 16:08:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-3032 Confuse Question
Thanks hniHnitsuJ but I decided that I want to wait for the snail mail instead, because i hear a lot of stuff about e-mail issue, that is why i am worry ... it's take a little longer but safe. But thanks for all those advise on the shortcut.
Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-03-13 17:10:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-3032 Confuse Question
Thanks saahfa for your time to made that clear. Hope you see you around in VJ again next time. Thanks again.
Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-03-13 15:49:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-3032 Confuse Question
First of all, I am a new member in VJ. Speding a couple weeks reading through a lot of good and valuable information. I have a question on FORM DS-3032. According to the NVC Process Flowchart for CR-1/IR-1 Visa Applicants, its say "NVC Generates and sends a copy of the DS-3032* (Choice of Agent form) and the AOS Bill to the petitioner" that is mean to the person that living in the US? In the next step say "At the same time, NVC generates and sends the DS-3032* to the alien." So i am not sure that my wife back home (Vietnam) also will recieve this DS-3032 and myself in US? According to the forum of this matter I just completed the DS-3032 and signed by my wife back home, but i guess i have waiting for the Case Barcode Strip so I can put it on before send it to the NVC? By the way I have been reading through James's Shortcut, but to much stuff. So I just want to wait for the snail mail to come in I guess. So please confirm that FORM DS-3032 that both of us will recieve (my wife back home and myself?) thanks VJ members. You guy a a great help.

Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-03-13 14:18:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)2008 tax return signature question
QUOTE (patita @ Apr 23 2009, 05:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (KeralianNY @ Apr 23 2009, 12:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Here is my situation!! I filed 2008 Tax return, filed as joint return such that i include my spouse also. I received the ITIN number and my accountant updated that info for 2008 tax return. The other day, I received a copy of tax return, and under the signature part other than my signature, do i need to get my spouse to sign also for I-864 needs?

We filed jointly, and we BOTH SIGNED

i hope it helps smile.gif

your wife and you have to signed before send it off.
Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-04-23 15:25:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)June Interview

hey you guy i have a question, NVC giving the interview date but NVC still sending the hardcopy to us? Because we need that hardcopy for the medical exam, that's required for it. Thanks you guy
Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-04-23 15:08:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)July Interview Date Anyone Hoping For?
Anyone out there hoping for July Interview Date?
Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-04-23 15:10:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Expecting Interview in June

I am hoping for July interview for my wife to, according to you guy date, after my DS-230 going to process, i am hoping for July interview that will be perfect. Congrat to those who got interview date.
Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-04-23 15:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWe got our NOA2 today!
Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-03-13 16:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFee of Pay I-864 Bill and Pay IV Bill?
QUOTE (amandagharam @ Mar 12 2009, 06:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Trinh Lý @ Mar 12 2009, 06:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Can anyone tell me how much the fee for I-864 bill and IV bill that NVC will send me? and what's the of package they will send me form and etc..? thanks


thanks for that information, i didn't know it's cost that much.
Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-03-12 18:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFee of Pay I-864 Bill and Pay IV Bill?
Can anyone tell me how much the fee for I-864 bill and IV bill that NVC will send me? and what's the of package they will send me form and etc..? thanks

Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-03-12 18:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresForm W7 - Claim your spouse on your tax!
This is the news that i just got from one of my friend about claim your spouse that living outside of the USA on your tax return, even he/she still in the process on USCIS paper work. This is nice! I got a lot of tax money back by claming my wife back home on my tax.
Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-03-12 18:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion on I-864?????
QUOTE (atk_721 @ Mar 12 2009, 07:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Trinh Lý @ Mar 12 2009, 07:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have a question about the Form I-864, someone was telling me that I don't need the last 3 years income tax, but just need the current (last) one. Is this the correct information? I am not really sure about this ... Can someone help me? Thanks

The form ask from net income from most 3 recent years and tells u to include either tax transcripts or return from the most recent year.It's optional to give them copies of the other 2 last years .But I suggest its a good idea to do.The form doesn't ask for any pay stubs but a lot of ppl include that as well.

thanks all you guy for the good information.
Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-03-12 19:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion on I-864?????
I have a question about the Form I-864, someone was telling me that I don't need the last 3 years income tax, but just need the current (last) one. Is this the correct information? I am not really sure about this ... Can someone help me? Thanks
Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-03-12 18:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFebruary 2009 filers
QUOTE (hniHnitsuJ @ Mar 12 2009, 09:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Trinh Lý @ Mar 12 2009, 04:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kevinbui86 @ Mar 12 2009, 06:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
minh cung moi biet duoc website nay thoi. nhung trong day co rat la nhieu tai lieu tot. anh voi toi dieu co duoc california service center do, nghe noi dao nay o day lam viec le lam. hy vong co 3 thang la xong roi. vo anh o dau vay?

tôi c?ng coi timeline c?a anh r?i, anh c?ng ? cùng service center: california, tôi c?ng có nghe nói d?o này service làm c?ng nhanh l? l?m, huy v?ng r?ng t?t c? m?i chuy?n ?i?u t?t có th? nhanh chóng. à anh có h?i tôi v? tôi ? ?âu h? ... v? c?a tôi ? Biên Hòa, ??ng Nai .... còn v? anh ? ?âu? N?u ti?n anh em mình g?i ?i?n tho?i nói chuy?n ch?i ..... s? fone c?a tôi là 503-841-2333

2 anh di shortcuts cua A James's va Chi Lingche. Lot of good information. good luck to both of you.



thanks hniHnitsuJ for your help, that is a great information ... I will take a closer look on this 2 links .... thanks
Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-03-12 23:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFebruary 2009 filers
QUOTE (kevinbui86 @ Mar 12 2009, 06:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
minh cung moi biet duoc website nay thoi. nhung trong day co rat la nhieu tai lieu tot. anh voi toi dieu co duoc california service center do, nghe noi dao nay o day lam viec le lam. hy vong co 3 thang la xong roi. vo anh o dau vay?

tôi c?ng coi timeline c?a anh r?i, anh c?ng ? cùng service center: california, tôi c?ng có nghe nói d?o này service làm c?ng nhanh l? l?m, huy v?ng r?ng t?t c? m?i chuy?n ?i?u t?t có th? nhanh chóng. à anh có h?i tôi v? tôi ? ?âu h? ... v? c?a tôi ? Biên Hòa, ??ng Nai .... còn v? anh ? ?âu? N?u ti?n anh em mình g?i ?i?n tho?i nói chuy?n ch?i ..... s? fone c?a tôi là 503-841-2333

Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-03-12 18:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFebruary 2009 filers
QUOTE (kevinbui86 @ Mar 12 2009, 05:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Trinh Lý @ Mar 12 2009, 05:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I send my I-130 package on January 29, 2009....and USCIS Received Date on NOA1 February 01,2009 and my Notice Date on February 04,2009....continue waiting for NOA2 .... Anybody in the same boat with me on February filer?

anh vao day ne, trong day toan la nguoi file trong thang february do.

cám ?n anh kevinbui86 nhi?u nha....mình c?ng là lính m?i trong forum này...?? mình check it out trong cái link ?ó coi sao, coi timeline c?a b?n thì mình c?ng th?y b?n c?ng m?i file h? s?. V?y thì mình v?i b?n c?ng chung m?t thuy?n r?i ... có gì tham kh?o chung cám ?n ...

Edited by Trinh Lý, 12 March 2009 - 05:58 PM.

Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-03-12 17:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFebruary 2009 filers
I send my I-130 package on January 29, 2009....and USCIS Received Date on NOA1 February 01,2009 and my Notice Date on February 04,2009....continue waiting for NOA2 .... Anybody in the same boat with me on February filer?

Edited by Trinh Lý, 12 March 2009 - 04:57 PM.

Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-03-12 16:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC I-130 Approval in 35 Calendar days
Oh man, I never heard I-130 get aproval that fast. I hope my will coming soon too. Congra to your brother in law
Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-03-13 16:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 Received!
QUOTE (OBX @ Mar 13 2009, 06:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congrats and good luck at NVC. Follow the guides in the links posted above and you will fly through NVC.

Reading this I can't wait for my NOA2 to come in ... but anyway congrats to both of you that have been aproval. Good luck on your NVC
Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-03-13 18:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1 Need help please!
QUOTE (Iv73 @ Mar 13 2009, 08:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank's everybody for a fast reply!I get my US Citizenship after my son was born abroad.When I call to US consulate in my country they told me that I can't file consular report of birth because my son was born before I got US Citizen.That why I go through I-130.

Okay, that is your story, i guess you have to go with the long way then, you have to file 2 separate file on I-130 (1 for your wife and 1 for you child). Remember to included G-325A for your wife and your son. Hope everything go well for you.
Lý TrinhMaleVietnam2009-03-13 21:02:00