Canadapolice certificate from Identification Canada (Mtl)
Woohoo, bilingual police cert!
canannerFemaleCanada2011-10-20 17:49:00
Canadapolice certificate from Identification Canada (Mtl)
I know everything has to be in English, I was just wondering if anyone had used the same company as me for their police cert. and could tell me right away whether it would be in English or French. If it's not bilingual I'll get it translated. I wasn't sure if I'd have enough time but I just contacted an official translator and they said the time frame shouldn't be a problem.
canannerFemaleCanada2011-10-18 19:58:00
Canadapolice certificate from Identification Canada (Mtl)
I'm picking up my police clearance certificate this Thursday. My interview is on the 31st. I know this is Quebec but it didn't even occur to me that my certificate might be only in French. Did anyone else use Identification Canada and could tell me if it will be in French? If it is, will I have enough time to get it translated? Freaking out just a bit here...
canannerFemaleCanada2011-10-18 18:13:00
CanadaOctober 2011 Montreal Interviews
I reeeeeally want someone to be on the same day as me! Otherwise I'll just ask everyone waiting in line at the embassy if they're from VJ, hehe.
canannerFemaleCanada2011-09-21 21:49:00
CanadaOctober 2011 Montreal Interviews
October 31st!
canannerFemaleCanada2011-09-19 22:12:00
CanadaProof of ongoing relationship (interview)
Were any of you Montreal interviewees asked for proof of ongoing relationship?

From what I've read in the consulate reviews, it seems like they likely won't ask for anything. I'm planning on bringing some boarding passes and photos from our summer visit, but I'm wondering if many of you were not even asked to show anything. Just trying to reassure myself that I don't need to stress over printing out emails and stuff.
canannerFemaleCanada2011-10-24 02:33:00
Canadamistake on I-134

just point it out at the interview and they will change it for you... thats if it evens matters at all. i believe ive seen people on here put what your fiance put and it wasnt a problem

awesome, thank you!
canannerFemaleCanada2011-10-29 17:56:00
Canadamistake on I-134
Could I add "n/a, k-1 process for permanent residence" by hand?
canannerFemaleCanada2011-10-29 17:41:00
Canadamistake on I-134
Freaking out here. My interview is on Monday and I JUST noticed that my fiance didn't write "N/A" for question 11. He checked off "intend" and wrote "I intend to support [my name] as a member of my family with the money I earn from my employment." Could we get held back for this?
canannerFemaleCanada2011-10-29 17:26:00
Canadapay phone at montreal consulate

When I was there, they have no "lobby" its all security until you are upstairs. They have payphones in the waiting room, or did when i was there in 2009.


They were still there when I went in May 2011.

Then I'm all set!
canannerFemaleCanada2011-10-29 23:01:00
Canadapay phone at montreal consulate
I love that I can ask pretty much anything here! :P

I have someone picking me up after the interview, with my cell phone on them. Is there a pay phone in the lobby of the embassy, or outside? Or do I just wander the streets until I find a phone?
canannerFemaleCanada2011-10-29 18:20:00
CanadaShould I fill out a new DS-156?

You don't need to take more copies to the interview. The ones that you sent in packet 3 will be there. Relax everything is going to be fine. The interview is the easiest part of the whole process :-)

Haha, I want to relax :P but in another thread everyone was saying to bring the 156! To me it makes sense that since I already sent it in when asked specifically to, they'll have it. But I guess you can't take any chances.
canannerFemaleCanada2011-10-30 10:12:00
CanadaShould I fill out a new DS-156?
In the summer, I sent off 2 copies of the DS-156 in my packet 3 like I was supposed to. Even though the checklist doesn't say to bring that form to the interview, VJ-ers advise me to. My problem is that the copies of that form that I made for myself were done on paper with some markings/type on the back. I figured at the time that I would only need the copies for my personal records. Should I fill out and print a new DS-156 to bring with me, in that case? Or is that a bad idea since the date and barcode would be different?
canannerFemaleCanada2011-10-30 03:24:00
CanadaMontreal Consulate Review

Great review and good tips!

Congratulations are in order I assume? :)

Thanks! And yeah, haha, I forgot to write that I did in fact get approved!
canannerFemaleCanada2011-11-01 17:00:00
CanadaMontreal Consulate Review

congratulations... it's over!! I know, we try SO hard to make everything perfect, and then some glitch happens. I am still not clear what you meant by DS 160... they wanted the DS160 form, or the DS160 confirmation page, or both?
But, I have them both ready. Thanks for a really good review.

just the confirmation page.
canannerFemaleCanada2011-11-01 16:36:00
CanadaMontreal Consulate Review
Review Topic: K1 Visa

I'm going to start off with a few tips, then summarize my visit.

-If you get there between 6 and 7, you are likely to be one of the first people in line. I arrived at 7 and was 4th. By 7:15 there are more people but it's not the end of the world (depending on the day). 7:30 is when the doors open and that's when the line is noticeably long.

-Read the 'forbidden to bring into the embassy' item list in Packet 4 carefully. You can't have any big bags, food, cell phone, mp3 player. They will take them away at security. If you have any kind of luggage bags they won't even let you in til you figure out what to do with it.

-Some of the people I talked to while waiting for my interview didn't know that their cell phones were going to be left at security. They were all worrying about the family (or whoever had come with them to Montreal) trying to call and not understanding why the interview was taking so long. Tell people they will not be able to reach you.

-There are pay phones you can use, but they're on the 1st floor, and you'll be waiting upstairs on the 19th floor for the interview. You can go down to make a call anytime, but if you're worried your number might get called, you probably won't want to. So, again: let people know you might not be able to reach them.

-Be thankful you found this site!!! Seriously. The people I talked to while waiting didn't know about it, and seemed amazed when I told them it provides you with example forms and guides and forums. We are so lucky!

I got the embassy at 7, was 4th in line, and was able to sit near the elevator. That didn't matter, unfortunately, because when the security guard opened it and started letting people on while checking their appointment letters, he made me and a few other people (one of whom I noticed was also going for a K1) stand aside and wait for the next elevator. That didn't hold us back too much, though, because the line upstairs where you get your number moved fairly quickly.

What screwed up my whole day was what happened when I got to the window to get my number. I put down my appointment confirmation and passport as the woman asked for my letter and DS-160. A woman behind her held up what looked like an example of the confirmation page of the 160. So I took that out and gave it in. She gave me number A4. When I sat down in the waiting area marked 'Immigrant Visas' I noticed that the people around me had C numbers. When I was called to A4, the woman at the window looked confused and said 'this is wrong, they sent you to the section for non-immigrant visas. Go back to the first window for a new number.' What had happened was that when the first lady said 'letter', I had just put down my appointment confirmation without thinking and then hurried to find my 160. What made me angry was that she hadn't bothered to even ASK me what kind of visa I was applying for, or look down at my appointment confirmation which SAYS K1. 'Letter' meant 'Packet 4'. So my new number was C24, which basically cancelled out the fact that I'd been at the consulate early.

I was at the consulate for 8 hours, since around 11:30 everything slows down considerably, as though there is only half the staff left for the rest of the day. The afternoon literally crawls by. My interview (the 3rd time they call you up) was around 2. The woman asked me basic questions (how did you meet, what are your wedding plans, etc) while typing and glancing over at me from time to time. She was calm but serious, didn't smile, but I've been going to the US my whole life and that's how most border guards are so I know that all you can do is answer honestly and not stress out. She didn't ask me for any evidence of relationship.

If it weren't for that mix-up at the beginning, I would probably have been C10 and out of the embassy before 11. The people who were with me til the afternoon had gotten to there at 7:45 or later, presumably because they didn't have VJ telling them to get there before the doors open.

I wish everyone else quick and easy interviews!

EDIT: with the I-134, they asked me for the tax returns from 2010. I said I had 09 and 08 so she took them, but only because I volunteered it. They didn't ask me for 156, 156k, or DS230, which I'd already sent. But as I mentioned, they wanted the 160.

Edited by cananner, 01 November 2011 - 12:46 PM.

canannerFemaleCanada2011-11-01 12:43:00
CanadaLooking to be with my boyfriend but not ready for marriage...
I met my boyfriend online Jan '10. We did some short visits (2 weeks in May, 2 weeks in Aug) but knew that we wouldn't be able to figure anything out without living together. I was out of school and working, so I managed to save some money and decided that I would go visit him for a few months so that we could experience living together and have plenty of in-person time to discuss what we would do with our future. So I stayed with him from Dec '10 to April of this year. It took us AGES to figure out what we wanted to do in terms of figuring out how to be in the same place as soon as possible. We looked at things from every angle and finally decided that what was best would be to have me get a K-1 visa to come and live with him. Living together helped us realize that we were completely compatible, and that we were in it for the long haul. I know that the idea of marriage does freak us out a bit, but only because it's earlier than we would have liked (if we were from the same country, we would just have moved in together and saved marriage for later). It sucks that being from the US and Canada means we don't have many options, but we're ready to commit, so we're going with the visa.

I didn't have any trouble entering or leaving the US. I was there for less than 6 months. The crappy part was not being able to work, so I would understand if that turns you off from wanting to do a long visit. But it's one way that you can be together for enough time that you can really see what it's like to deal with everyday ups and downs. I don't know what the rules are for an American visiting Canada, but I imagine he could do the same thing if that would be better for you.

Good luck with your decision! I'd never had to make one as big/crazy til this, and it does feel unfair that even though we live in neighboring countries, we're so limited and the options involve so much bureaucracy. But you just have to stay positive and do whatever feels like the best thing for both of you.
canannerFemaleCanada2011-10-23 16:48:00
Canadashipping belongings to the US

I think whomever ships your items will need a 3299 filled out by you with a list of items and their value in U.S. dollars along with a copy of your I-94 that you get at POE.

I'll look into that, thanks!

Yes, that is correct. I had to send the moving company a copy of my visa, I-94 (front and back), and the picture page of my passport along with a letter authorizing them to ship my belongings. I had previously signed the shipping form prior to leaving Canada. Here's the link to the CBP FAQ:

Thanks so much!
canannerFemaleCanada2011-11-03 14:15:00
Canadashipping belongings to the US
I know there are entire threads about this, but I want to make sure my basic knowledge is right.

When I receive my passport with the visa in it, whatever number/code the visa has is not enough to ship my things duty-free, which is why I can't just mail them to my fiance's address myself before leaving. I have to wait til I POE, because then I get an I-94, which has the number I can use for shipping, so someone back home will send me my things using that number.
canannerFemaleCanada2011-11-03 13:10:00
Canadadriver's license - what happens with a probationary?
I'm not sure how it works with licenses in general, as far as moving to the US and having your Canadian one switched for a state one. I'm from Quebec and I have the probationary license, which after 2 years turns into a regular license. When I move to the US I'll have only had it for one year. Would they make me do a driving test in the US since the probationary wouldn't count as a real license for them?
canannerFemaleCanada2011-11-14 13:19:00
Canadathread for shipping (by mail)
Saw the moving companies thread, thought I'd start one for people who are/were sending boxes/packages by mail!

Which company do you prefer?

How does paying duty work when you send something before POE? (if I wanted to send a couple of packages to my fiance soon) Does it go by the monetary value of what's in the box? Because my used personal goods would probably be pretty cheap...
canannerFemaleCanada2011-11-22 01:37:00
CanadaHow stressful is the AOS process?

Not particularly stressful at all - the issue for me was the boredom and the not knowing when I'd be authorized to work but it's so different then the K1 wait because you're together. The forms are very straight forward (AOS forum is very helpful - everyone is in the same boat).

You may or may not even have an interview (most seem not to) and frankly you're just killing time. It helps to have $$ socked away for the fee and for everyday living expenses so if you're not particularly worried about money, I would say enjoy it while you can, For me it was the only period in my adult life where I didn't have to work like a dog :) I slept in, got the hubster and kids off to school, made dinner, relaxed and played on the oomputer.

Not being able to visit my parents from Nov til March was a little rough on me, but in hindsight I shouldn't have complained/worried about it so much.....I phoned them all the time, but I was homesick and just couldn't help it. If you can find a volunteering opportunity to fill the time, it looks good on the resume and keeps your mind occupied.

Don't think you have a thing to worry about.

Thanks! My family and I will be meeting in the states in April so it won't be too bad. Good to know that the forms are straightforward, too.

The good news is you are finally together and can take care of the paperwork together in the same house! Plus most of the paperwork you already have fresh from the last submissions. FOr me it is stressful because I am finding it hard to know what answer are required to some questions. But thanks to this group of people I know I will get through it. I just got my SSN number and they put my first and middle name together with no space (as in 'gailmarie') so I guess i have to go there and do that again :crying: and I have to wait for a certified copy of the marriage certificate before I can complete my aos package... things like that are making the process stressful, we are toughened up after the first part that we've already gone through! We can do this! :dance:

yeah, being together will definitely help! Good luck with your process, I hope it gets better.

Not very stressful, its just more forms with more info that they want. alot of just updated stuff and the proofs you got married etc. Mostly pretty darn boring, espeically waitin for the EAD, and fingerprint appointment. Some get interviews some do not. Most of the time if your case is transfered to California you wont have an interview but it may take longer to get teh AOS then those who did have an interview.

Probably the no 1 problem most people had during this stage was with the medicals, and the i-693 or the lost medicals. Just make sure you have plenty of copies of your vaccination worksheet from the medical and you should be find. take your time breath and enjoy the fact your both together. There is no real rush to do the AOS, i actually waited like a month or so til i had my bank account, social seciruty card etc. to do it.

that was required of me to be added to hubbys pension insurance i waited for that and got printouts to send with the AOS as well. the more proof the better i always say!

Thanks! Good to know it's not necessary to go full speed ahead...

A tip that I got from these VJ forums...

Once you get your biometrics appointment letter to get your finger printing done for your AOS and EAD applications they will provide you with a date and time to go to your local USCIS Application Support Center. In our case they set it for 1:00pm on black Friday. I saw that others walked into their ASC early without any issues so Jenni and I went to our local ASC in Alexandria, VA a week early. We got there at 3:45, 15 minutes before closing and there was nobody else there. They processed us through with no questions asked and we were out in 5 minutes.

So if the date they give you is inconvenient or you just don't want to wait, try walking in early with your appointment letter, passport and marriage certificate in hand. I'm not sure if it will speed up your applications, but it doesn't hurt.

Oh wow, that's amazing!
canannerFemaleCanada2011-11-22 02:50:00
CanadaHow stressful is the AOS process?

The AOS thread in my signature should help you.

It does APPEAR overwhelming when you look at the amount of forms but if you just open one form and work your way through it, then the next and next you realise it's no problem at all :)

I personally found AOS less stressful than the K1. K1 AOS'ers don't always have interviews (I didn't) so you basically file the paperwork and wait. Then go do biometrics then wait. Then interview or just get your GC in the mail. If you're one who will want to work ASAP it can be stressful waiting for the EAD or AP (around 2 months) but otherwise just relaxing (pretty boring sometimes I'll admit) :)

i'm ready for boring/relaxing, it's ok! :P
canannerFemaleCanada2011-11-22 02:42:00
CanadaHow stressful is the AOS process?
My POE is next month, and my wedding is in February, but obviously we soon-to-be immigrants can never rest! :no:
I'm wondering how demanding the process is after I've entered the US. I know that once I'm married, I have to apply for AOS, EAD, and AP and then wait. Is preparing all those forms as much of a project as preparing the initial K-1 petition?

I'm going to do more research and read the FAQ, but I just want a general idea from actual people.
canannerFemaleCanada2011-11-20 01:52:00
CanadaMontreal Interviews
I imagine that when they open a bunch of new slots, they'll be 3 months away. I got packet 4 the last week of July, and was able to book an interview for Nov 2. Over the next few days I kept checking back to see if I could get something better. At first it was only options like Nov 10 or 14, but then I managed to grab Oct 31 (not a big difference but still something! Hehe). After that there were none available except for a couple of last-minute cancellations in Aug that I couldn't take because they were too soon.

Good luck everyone! Hopefully there'll be interviews available soon, or maybe you'll get lucky and grab a cancellation! Hang in there!
canannerFemaleCanada2011-09-07 01:35:00
CanadaCanadian/U.S words & pronounciations
I'm from Montreal and have never heard 'aboot', but my friend's stepdad is from Alberta and mine is from Peterborough Ontario and they both say 'aboat', which I think is the closest you'll ever get to 'aboot'.

Another thing is how Americans pronounce the names of Canadian cities very deliberately. Where I say 'Mun-tree-all' and 'Ch'ronno/T'ronno', they say 'MAWN-tree-all' and 'Toe-ron-to'.

Food-wise, the Smarties thing is always confusing, because they DO have Smarties, which are these http://2.bp.blogspot.../smarties-1.jpg, which is the exact same packaging as Rockets for us http://images2.makef...g/rockets-7.gif I've told a US friend I was having a Smartie McFlurry and he was totally grossed out until I explained to him what OUR Smarties are :lol:
canannerFemaleCanada2011-06-30 00:39:00
CanadaPOE via Greyhound bus...
Thanks for all the advice everyone! Looks like the bus should really be a Plan B.
canannerFemaleCanada2011-12-06 00:23:00
CanadaPOE via Greyhound bus...
I'm still figuring out how I'll be entering the US, but I might end up taking the bus from Montreal to the Burlington airport (Vermont). Is this a risky option? I'm just worried it would take them a long time to ask me whatever they want to ask and look through the sealed envelope (I've read it can be quick, but we all know everyone's case is different), and I'd be holding up the bus and would be made to wait for the next one.

I've taken that bus a couple of times before, and the wait at the border can be a bit long because they'll take one or two people into another part of the building, but I have no idea if it was for a problem or for a case like mine. The bus always got to the airport when it was supposed to, so I wonder if it can be authorized to leave without someone if that person's case was going to make the bus late.

Edited by cananner, 04 December 2011 - 08:21 PM.

canannerFemaleCanada2011-12-04 20:17:00
CanadaPOE by car
My POE is next Wednesday. I'm driving with my dad and brother to New York for a holiday visit with my US family, and then flying to my fiance on the 31st. Besides my plane luggage, I want to bring a few boxes to ship from inside the US, since I imagine it's cheaper than shipping from Montreal now/later.

Would the border officers want to know exactly what's in all the bags/boxes? Since I have a visa and am moving, I assume it won't matter that I have a lot of stuff? I'm visiting and THEN flying, so will the officers get suspicious at the amount of stuff (ie "you can't possibly be flying with all that") or does visa/moving give me a free pass to bring stuff with no hassle (as opposed to my dad and brother trying to bring that much stuff, since they're only visiting)?

Edited by cananner, 15 December 2011 - 07:04 PM.

canannerFemaleCanada2011-12-15 18:59:00
CanadaInteresting bit of info at POE

It sounds like the border guard was confusing the requirements for the K-1 visa with the CR-1 visa which can be 'activated' and then used again to re-enter the US. There would be no I-94 issued with the CR-1 but for whatever reason, the border guard was mixed up. It's a good thing you knew what you were doing. I'm glad the entry went well and you had no trouble with your belongings. I know that was concerning you earlier, so good to know it was not a problem.

That sounds like a good explanation. And yeah, I'm happy everything went smoothly with my boxes. Thanks for remembering, that's so nice!
canannerFemaleCanada2011-12-27 21:17:00
CanadaInteresting bit of info at POE

perhaps the CBP officer was confused a bit, with concept of 'coming over on which visa?'

there's been some reports of questions like 'you want to validate your K-1 visa now, or when you cross over again next week?' coming up.

I dunno, I think is some special Canadien thing in the water, that makes the CBP fellas super stupid.

Or maybe the hiring standards are lowered again, each quarter?

What do you mean, "coming over on which visa"? He saw that it was a K1.

I think the Canadian water is free of stupid-inducing things, and I wouldn't call the border officers stupid as a whole. For sure it's frustrating when they're misinformed, but not all of them do K1 visas often. I had all my affairs in order, as anyone doing their POE should, so what my CBP said didn't change or ruin my plans.
canannerFemaleCanada2011-12-26 22:58:00
CanadaInteresting bit of info at POE

No its not a case by case thing at all. The CBP was wrong. On a K-1 it is a one time entry. CBP are not always correct in what they say and they are by no means experts at all on any of the immigration process. Mine had to use a manual and have 4 other people to help him process the K-1. Not to mention the fact he didn't take finger prints or my photo at the border.

Oh crazy! I guess he was confident but partly uninformed? He didn't seem to need any help with the stuff and he did my prints and photo. Oh well, good thing I had everything planned...

Edited by cananner, 26 December 2011 - 10:46 PM.

canannerFemaleCanada2011-12-26 22:45:00
CanadaInteresting bit of info at POE
My POE was by car, from Montreal, with my family. Our plan was to drive to New York where we have family, and then I would fly from New York to my final destination a week and a half later. My stuff was in 2 luggage bags that would accompany me on the plane, and in boxes that I would ship from NY.

The border officer at the window asked us where we going and for how long, and since I told him I was immigrating, he sent us straight into the main building to have my stuff processed. No questions about the stuff in the back of the car or anything. The officer in charge of taking my sealed envelope and passport asked me where I was going to live, and whether we were driving the whole way. I told him I would be flying. After he put the I-94 in my passport, he said "You should have no problem renewing this in Montreal when you fly." I told him no, I'm flying out of NY, to which he was like "Oh okay, I thought you came here just to do this."

Long story short: he thought I'd driven to the border just to get the POE part over, and would be heading back to Montreal to take the plane. Maybe this is something many people know already, but I was under the impression that once you crossed the border, you really could NOT go back. So I guess it really is a case-by-case thing (like, if he'd thought I was flying out of Montreal a few days later, maybe it would have been a no-no, whereas he was under the impression I was doing it all that day, so it was okay?)

Anyway, just thought it was an interesting thing to note!

Edited by cananner, 26 December 2011 - 10:27 PM.

canannerFemaleCanada2011-12-26 22:26:00
CanadaI need to get rid of my furniture, but how?

hi everyone!

(sorry in advance if im not posting in the correct forum..)

Im living in canada in Surrey, waiting to move to the USA with my fiance on my k-1 visa. Currently though, i live alone, I dont drive, and i dont know anyone where im currently living to help me get rid of this stuff. When I do decide to move to the USA on my visa, im not bringing any of my furniture. Is there anything I can do to get rid of my furniture? I have a couch, bed, table, a speaker system, dishes that i need to get rid of (Yes i have tried selling it and putting this stuff on craigslist but no luck lol). I dont care if any of this stuff goes into the dump, alot of this stuff is old and wrecked anyways. Ive loooked at 1-800 got junk, and it seemed rather expensive i thought. anything for cheap or free i can loook into?

what can i do to get rid of all this stuff im not bringing with me when i dont have a truck nor can get one?

please helppppp!

I know you said you tried craigslist (there's also but have you tried listing as free stuff instead of selling? People who say they will come get your free bed/table/whatever aren't always reliable, but many people WILL zip on over to your place to pick up something for free that they would normally have to pay for. My fiance just got rid of his old bed by making a free bed post on craigslist.
canannerFemaleCanada2011-12-29 23:45:00
Canadaunderstanding loomis
Awesome, thanks!

The location is only a 15-minute drive from me, but I didn't want to make a trip for nothing OR sit around at home when I could be picking it up!
canannerFemaleCanada2011-11-10 17:39:00
Canadaunderstanding loomis
Yesterday I got the Loomis email saying that my passport is with them but not ready to be picked up. My status as of now is

2011-11-10 09:39 Undeliverable DORVAL
2011-11-09 19:55 Picked Up by Loomis DORVAL
2011-11-09 00:00 Shipment Record Received DORVAL

So...undeliverable meaning 'come and get it', right? :bonk:
canannerFemaleCanada2011-11-10 12:22:00
CanadaWhat to do in Montreal
I live in Montreal, so if anyone is flying/driving in by themselves and wants to go for coffee and vent about the visa process, I'd be happy to meet up!

Edited by cananner, 12 October 2011 - 11:12 PM.

canannerFemaleCanada2011-10-12 23:12:00
CanadaPacket 3 Checklist - Montreal

I wrote my MTL case # on it as well, but nothing else. and i included a cover letter that again outlined that case number.

Ooh, cover letter. That makes sense. Thanks for the tip!

from the PKT 3 instructions on the Montreal website:

Make sure to use your MTL number on all correspondence you return to the Consulate as well as providing us with an email address.

Thanks. I guess one good thing about waiting for packet 3 is getting all the details like that!

I didn't even put any checks on the list, I just signed and dated it :) Although I'm not saying that's the recommended course of action. I guess I was just lazy? Hmm, I wonder why I did that. XD I received Pkt4 without any trouble, though.

And yeah, you don't need evidence of domicile. Like ralyse, I included a cover letter that had my name, case number, and contact information on it.

Okay, so they're pretty lax with the checklist. Good to know! I'll make sure I've got a cover letter with all my info.
canannerFemaleCanada2011-06-24 18:58:00
CanadaPacket 3 Checklist - Montreal

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think evidence of domicile is required for K1. I marked it as n/a.

Oh, maybe we don't need it! It might only be for people whose petitioner is also in Canada, because then they'd have to show that there's actually a home waiting for them in the US.

Also ralyse, how did you address packet 3? I know it's
315 Place D'Youville Suite 500
Montreal, QC

but did you write anything else, like K-1 VISA or PACKET 3?
canannerFemaleCanada2011-06-24 16:03:00
CanadaPacket 3 Checklist - Montreal
what do you use for evidence of domicile? a photocopy of driver's license? or a utility bill?
canannerFemaleCanada2011-06-24 15:00:00