K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 - buying the plane ticket?
Sounds like everything is good to go, but all they have to do is ask her to return in a couple of days with additional evidence of something and your flight will have to be changed - possibly winding up costing you as much as you're saving by buying the cheaper ticket if you're really unlucky.

It's generally not recommended to purchase the ticket before you have the visa in hand, or at least approved and on its way, but at the end of the day it's your call!

ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-03-08 17:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquestion about the whole visa process?
Pax, it probably makes me more angry than you when people do it deliberately to flout the system (and there are people who try, and get turned away at POE) because it makes it all the harder for those of us who didn't.

Advising someone who's thinking of entering on VWP/B2 when they should have a K1 against it is wonderful, we need to keep doing that. But when people say "Oh my, I came in on a tourist visa, we married yesterday, what do I do to stay?" it is petty to suggest that the only option is to go home and apply for K3/CR1 when that just isn't the case. I've not seen too many people here advocate fraudulent use of tourist visas, and those who tried it have been pretty firmly put back in their place.

As I see it, those are two different cases of tourist adjustment, and one is legal and one is not. We as a community need to be clear about discouraging the illegal one but we need to respect the option for the legal one and not give people hell for taking it. To lump all tourist adjusters into the "dishonest and immoral" category is unfair, and that's my personal issue.

As a side note, Paul, you would have had problems adjusting from your B2 in any circumstance because a ) you had to file a hardship waiver for the K1 and b ) you mentioned in the waivers thread that you unintentionally failed to declare a couple of convictions. The route you're debating here would not have been open to you anyway, more than likely.

Edited by clmarsh, 10 March 2006 - 12:03 PM.

ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-03-10 12:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquestion about the whole visa process?
What the hell is my problem? A certain attitude in posting will get you a certain attitude in response, Paul.

I have applied for a K1 fiance visa, and we are going through the correct and legal channels, with the invaluable help of all the colleagues here on VJ...

That's the first thing. It implies from the get-go that the people you're about to talk about are not "going through the correct and legal channels".

however is it just me or are there other people on here that have heard of cases where a person has entered the US on a tourist visa and before the visa expired, they got married in the US.

There are not only people on here who have heard of it, but people who understand the process considerably better than you who have done it.

Then I learned thay they were allow to STAY in the USA, and then apply for the whole greencard thing etc...

OMG!!! People being allowed to STAY? IN THE US?? WITH THEIR LOVED ONES???! Oh. My. God. I don't know HOW the USCIS can allow people to do that!

...effectively "jumping" the whole stressful process of the K1/K3 visa by going straight to the AOS stage???

Trust me, it's a whole lot more stressful doing AOS from a tourist position, particularly from the VWP where you have no recourse for appeal if the interviewing officer is having a bad hair day and doesn't like the way you smell. In terms of "jumping the queue", we're really not. Which is the point I was making when I said:

The VAST MAJORITY of us DID NOT KNOW we were getting married when we came to the US. It hadn't been talked about. There was no reception planned, no rings on fingers, no talk of making a life together starting, y'know, the day after tomorrow.

If we had intended enter the US with the idea in our heads that we were going to get married and apply to live there, then we'd have lined up with the rest of you for our K1's.

Is this correct or am I just getting this all wrong? I have heard of many cases like this!

Don't get me wrong, I am not advocating doing this, as far as I am concerned it's best to stick within the rules when it comes to the US immigration services................

It is correct that people can and do do this, but you're wrong to make the constant inferences that there's something slightly illegal going on here. There isn't. In the overall scheme of things yes, visitor status can be abused - as can marriage purely for the green card, student visas, transit visas, VAWA... The people who you will find on this site who entered on a tourist visa did so legitimately, and we don't encourage anyone to commit fraud by deliberately misusing a B2 or the VWP.

however do people do this?

Damn straight they do. Sometimes they even do it on the advice of USCIS themselves, having filed a K1 and expected to have to return to their home country.

I understand that you are frustrated because K1 is a patience game. If I could go back and do it again, I'd probably have not withdrawn the K1 and sat it out.

A few of us have worked hard to bring both the process and the potential pitfalls out to VJ so that people can better understand it. It irks me when people who don't understand adjusting from tourist status attempt to moralise on it, because at the time when JayJay, Kezzie and I were fighting our way through our AOS it wasn't talked about much here on VJ and people didn't know that it was a perfectly legal option. In fact, that's why I filed for a K1 - because there was no support for VWP/B2 adjusters out there.

As you say, this is an open forum, and I'm expressing my opinion.

Christina :star:
ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-03-10 10:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquestion about the whole visa process?

As one of those heinous, tourist visa (well, VWP) adjusters that you're shitting all over, let me tell you something.

The VAST MAJORITY of us DID NOT KNOW we were getting married when we came to the US. It hadn't been talked about. There was no reception planned, no rings on fingers, no talk of making a life together starting, y'know, the day after tomorrow. You may not like the option that allows us to do that, but it is still a legal option.

People who enter on a tourist visa (or any of the multitude of other non-immigrant visas such as work, student, etc.) with the intent to marry and remain in the US are doing something fraudulent. (Notice the section in bold. It's very important.) They then have to take their chances at the AOS stage and although some get through, others do not. Their disguise is not good enough, and they get sent home.

Personally, I would really, really prefer it if you asked questions when you wished to know more, as opposed to coming here and mouthing off about a process you are obviously ignorant of and stating that all tourist adjusters are dishonest and we only did it to by-pass the system. It's not like that, and to suggest that it is is to slap several people on here (myself included) who have fought for this legality to be recognised and respected within the VJ community round the face with a wet kipper.



Edited by clmarsh, 09 March 2006 - 02:29 PM.

ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-03-09 14:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures90 day question
It's not a problem if you don't file within the 90 days, although the sooner, the better.

It is a problem if you don't marry within the 90 days. Your fiance will be out of status and accruing overstay, and you will have to file for AOS based on an I-130 petition rather than the I-129F which you already have approved. I don't know about the particular problems that may cause, but it certainly means paying an additional fee for the I-130 if nothing else.

May 20th is day 84, by my calculations, so you should be ok. Don't push it out any further if you can help it!! Also be aware that if your fiance wants to get a SSN, that must be done 14 days before the exiry of the I-94.


Edited by clmarsh, 10 March 2006 - 06:15 PM.

ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-03-10 18:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat would happen?
You would likely be denied AOS - if you get that far!!

With a K1 in the system and all your belongings in tow, I highly doubt you'd even make it in through the POE.

What you're suggesting is illegal, it's visa fraud and really not worth the risk - particularly when your K1 is moving along (allbeit slowly).

Something to possibly look into is getting married and filing with the consulate in Germany for a CR1 visa - I don't know if Germany allows this though, you'd need to check it out. Also check out K3 processing times - they may be better for you than K1.

Edited by clmarsh, 11 March 2006 - 09:48 AM.

ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-03-11 09:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshonyemoon
Not until you have filed for AOS and received Advance Parole.

I hear Hawaii is nice though.... :)
ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-03-13 11:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy Fiancée Arrives!
Hope she's here safe and sound! Welcome to AOS....

ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-03-10 18:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdisappointed
That's so mean. :angry:

Remember that you're always welcome here at VJ.

ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-03-12 10:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescancelling a petition
When we cancelled our I-129F, we faxed a letter stating the reasons and a copy of the NOA to the NBC (as I recall). I would give the Misinformation line a call or make an InfoPass appointment.

Good luck getting it sorted (F)
ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-03-28 18:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTo marry or not to marry..that is my question!
Provided that your fiance is otherwise eligible for a visa to immigrate to the US (ie. isn't a mass-murderer, terrorist, in the later stages of HIV/AIDs, etc.) and had no intent to immigrate on entry to the US, then yes you can marry and adjust his status inside the US.

HOWEVER! If he turned up with everything he owned at the POE, it may be difficult to prove that he had no immigrant intent. I don't know how it stands for Canadians as they get implied B2 status I believe, but adjusting from the VWP means one has no recourse for appeal should the AOS be denied. You should check whether or not that is the case for Canadians.

It is generally the safer option to return to ones home country and file either K1 or K3 as there are many fewer questions which can be asked, however there are several of us on the boards here who have adjusted successfully from visitor status. It's up to you and your own personal risk tolerance which route you choose to pursue.

Good luck, whatever you decide!

ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-04-03 11:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSo scared right now
Your GCSE's and GNVQ won't mean a lot here, I'm afraid. The best one can take from them is to know that 5 GCSEs at grade C and above are considered equivalent to a high school diploma. You may get credit for the experience and skills from your GNVQ, but the qualification means nothing because there is no equivalent.

Starting at the bottom is not so bad - it gives you the opportunity to build US experience and references. If it's any consolation, I have A-Levels and a year of uni education and I work in sales. I had to explain my qualifications, but nobody I have spoken to had a problem with them.

ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-04-03 21:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTechnical question
You will have no proof of "residency", because whilst he is pending AOS he does not yet have permanent residency, although one could argue that he has temporary residency. Things like an EAD and AP prove that he has the right to enter the US and work here, but as far as they go for getting a visa for an EU country based on US residency, he might be out of luck.

Edited by clmarsh, 04 April 2006 - 04:05 PM.

ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-04-04 16:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI want to marry a US citizen
Mo, I'm not even going to pass comment other than to say you know as well as I do why a straight answer wasn't given. I've been staying out of this one for fear of someone biting my head off ;)
ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-04-04 16:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTranslat/Certify Documents,Guangzhou
That was uncalled for and I have reported you.

But if you wish to play that game, try your local phone directory under "Therapists".
ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-04-06 09:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTranslat/Certify Documents,Guangzhou
Try your local telephone directory, under "Translators".
ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-04-05 07:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPay money in Guangzhou?
No, I am not a grammar teacher. I am however somebody with a pretty good grasp of the English language, knowledge of punctuation and where to put apostrophes.

You've asked your questions and been given answers. They may not be the answers which you wanted, but they are what the people of VJ are able to offer you. As I said previously, I suggest that for more specific advice you either pony up the cash to ask the consulate or find a more specific forum to your needs. This one caters to immigrants from all over the world and their USC partners. You've already been given a link to one which caters to Chinese-American couples, and you are more likely to find the precision you require there.

VisaJourney works well as a forum because people respect each other, and are supportive through the process of immigrating to the United States. Would you walk into a bar full of strangers and say "I NEED to know RIGHT NOW some information which you may not have, but I don't want ANY information which may not be DIRECTLY relevant so if that's all you have, SCREW YOU" and not expect someone to say "hey, take it easy man!" - because that's effectively what you've just done here.

If it flatters you to think that I'm stalking you, then I'm glad I can give you an ego boost. However, I just think your behaviour has been somewhat inappropriate and whether you are paying for your time on the computer or not it does not give you the right to behave like a jackass.

ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-04-06 13:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPay money in Guangzhou?
I don't care enough to waste my time, ChinaTourist. I have a job; occasionally it requires me to do more than sit in the office looking pretty.

Just remember, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar and you being rude to me right now is not helping your cause.

(There are also people here who would find the "typical mail-order bride" comment you made to be pretty offensive.)

Oh, and "specific" has a E in it. I didn't actually call you stupid, but the way you're conducting yourself, your spelling and grammar speak volumes.

Have a nice day.
ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-04-06 09:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPay money in Guangzhou?
Now you are being offensive, ChinaTourist.

Information about countries other than China is not useful.

That was pretty rude. Just a "Thanks, do you know if the same applies to my embassy?" would have done.

If "maybe" or "Im not sure but..." was acceptable enough,then I would not be here posting a question SPICIFIC to K1 Fiance Visa in GuangZhou China.

Nobody here owes you an answer. Remember that first and foremost. If we are not sure of what information you need, our general philosophy is that "more is more" - even if it's not directly relevant to your embassy.

I suggest that if you don't like this approach that you pony up the cash to ask your embassy because although you say they offer no help, there must be someone who can tell you SPECIFIC to that embassy - which NOBODY can do BUT that embassy.

Oh, and I see Sriniv found the information online. How strange that you were unable to, ChinaTourist.

Edited by clmarsh, 05 April 2006 - 07:44 AM.

ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-04-05 07:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGoodbye and good luck
Good luck, man.

You're a good guy, and I'd echo that whoever you wind up with will be a lucky girl.

And don't forget that your newly-minted VJ family are here for fun and frolics, or whatever you might need us for :)
ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-02-18 18:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it ok to get married while filing the I-129F???
Makes sense, Evolution. I was just trying to throw some ideas your way to get around your problem a little quicker, but I guess you're stuck waiting.

Patience (F)
ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-04-15 10:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it ok to get married while filing the I-129F???
But he can file the I-130 for his wife as an LPR, am I correct? Which would then be shifted up the priority list once Evolution became a citizen?

I'm not telling, I'm asking ;)
ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-04-15 10:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it ok to get married while filing the I-129F???
I am assuming you are an LPR, Evolution.

Can you file the I-129F now and then have it upgraded once you gain your citizenship? That way you would already be in the process and it may decrease your waiting time.

Alternatively, get married now in Cambodia, do the big ceremony thing, and file the I-130 as an LPR. I believe that could also be upgraded once you get citizenship.

I don't know which is quicker through Cambodia, K1 or K3 - or if DCF is an option for you - so I can't be much more help than that, but it's worth checking if you can file either petition now and then move them up the priority list once you become a USC.

ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-04-15 10:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting the States
It's also worth taking all paperwork from USCIS to prove that you have filed the application and fully intend to see the visa through.

Good luck, and I hope you make it.

ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-04-17 13:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThailand wedding
Sorry to be picky...

Please can we call this an engagement ceremony if it's not a legally binding wedding? People get confused, and we all know what happens then.... :lol:

And if it is a legally binding wedding, I would recommend not doing it :P
ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-04-21 15:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresre police clearance
Since I did not have a K1 visa, I didn't have to have a police certificate either.

Did you work straight through, or did you return to Oz between contracts?

My gut feeling would be that anywhere you filed your taxes would be where you were considered resident during that time. If you didn't file taxes (not that anyone who works cruiseships does that :whistle:) then I would simply let it be.

Unless all your mail went home to Oz and someone either dealt with it or forwarded it to the cruiseship mail centre, it's not a good indicator of residency in this particular case - for those who don't know, the cruiselines have mailing depots to provide an address for the ship you're on back in home port. For example, mine was in Galveston, Texas, but I didn't live there.

You probably have a C1/D, right? That's a (very) non-immigrant visa, and as such would not deem you resident anywhere. I'm pretty sure you should not be considered resident anywhere other than "home" - Australia.

Sorry I can't be more help to you on this one - you might want to try thundrdancer, whose husband was also a cruiseship worker. Good luck!

ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-04-26 06:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage in Visa waiver
I also saw that it's easier to marry in Gibralter, and there's nothing to stop you doing that. There's nothing to stop you marrying in the US, if you want to. The issue is not where you marry, but where you file from and the residency requirements to do DCF.

It doesn't appear that you can file directly with the consulate in Portugal, from everything I've seen. Which means you'll have to file the I-130 and I-129F stateside for a K3. I think that's your next point of research - I believe the K3 forum has a good FAQ's.

ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-07-18 08:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage in Visa waiver

>can U.S deny my entry after we got married?
As I mentioned, yes it is possible.
A spouse cannot get through the passport control as a visiter.

That's not strictly true. The burden of proof is greater, and the chance of being denied is greater. However, there's nothing that says the spouse of a USC can't visit.
ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-07-17 15:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage in Visa waiver
If you plan to marry in the US but not immigrate at this time, you do not need a K1. However, with intent to marry on the Visa Waiver, be aware that you may be denied entry at the border because of the risk of you adjusting status. This will also depend on how you've used the VWP in the past - have you made lots of long stays in a short period of time, or have you visited twice a year for a week or two each time? That difference can matter.

Something you could do to help would be to have your plans for onward travel booked and have the details to show them at the border that you plan to leave after you marry.

Yes, the US can deny you entry after you are married. In their eyes, everyone is a potential immigrant. It's up to you to prove that you have ties elsewhere that prove you will not immigrate at that time.

I don't know about DCF from Portugal; I looked a little but don't have the time right now to hunt down the answer for you. There would certainly be nothing to stop you filing for the K3, although from my understanding you would need to have a fixed address and would not be able to be travelling whilst your visa was processing (due to having to go to interview, that kind of thing).

Good luck!
ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-07-17 15:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy fiance is on a plane right now, thanks to VJ

ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-07-27 13:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFeel like I could cry...please help
The problem with performing AOS from the VWP is, as has been said already, not the filing of the AOS itself. It't the material misrepresentation at the POE. It should also be said that if your fiance turns up at the POE with everything he owns in tow, he simply is not going to be allowed into the country! They're a bit sharp about that kind of thing.

Kathryn make a good point about the K3. Check it out! You should file for one or the other ASAP to get him here for March though - having NOA's to show the officer at POE when he's visiting won't hurt him either.

Good luck, and welcome to the start of your visa journey!

ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-08-28 15:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP, URGENT !!
As I said before, in my opinion it's better to provide "just in case it's true" support than to deny help to someone who does need it - no matter how implausible their situation may sound to us.
ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-09-01 15:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP, URGENT !!
Some good advice in here, Alex.

Take any immigration paperwork you have, any NOA's to prove that you know that this is just a visit because you have a visa processing. Your last payslip, if it's very recent, may serve as proof of employment in a pinch. Lease, mortgage statement... all the other stuff that has been suggested. A fax of confirmation from the hospital would help, I'm sure. Good luck, and god speed.

John - if it's BS, that's Alex's business. I'm willing to take the chance that it's not and provide information anyway; better to give something unnecessary than not give someone what they need when they need it most, IMHO.

ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-09-01 14:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp for a South African
My understanding is that once you have a K1 filed, your chance to get a B2 goes out of the window - logically, why would they issue a non-immigrant visa to someone who has filed their immigrant intent? Whatever proof you could offer would be pretty much offset by the K1 filing.

I wish you luck. (F)
ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-09-08 08:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI feel like crying. Guh.
You misunderstand, spiritee. The comparison was between not being allowed to be frustrated about visa waits and not being allowed to be upset at the loss of a relative, because - as YOU said - there are starving children out there! Heaven forbid that anyone should ever have a problem, because there are children STARVING out there! STARVING, I tell you!

Every problem is relative, but that fact that one's problem may not be of national importance does not mean that one does not have the right to complain about it. We are all "making do", in some way or another. I am not making do with limited clean drinking water, but that doesn't mean I don't have every right to complain about the fact that my boss is a dickhead. I have a roof over my head, but that doesn't mean I don't have the right to complain about the extortionate price of renting in Portland Maine. And I am reliant on charity too, with over 80% of my clothes coming from the Goodwill Store, but I'm working hard and I'm making do. Cass is missing her other half, but she is making do.

Do you think that by minimising a personal problem it simply vanishes? Do you think that by remembering that civilians are having the ####### bombed out of them in Iraq people feel better about their own lives? Because they do not - you're not making an apples to apples comparison. Of course we're all better off than millions of people. But a fair comparison is to say "I filed my papers on June 1st, as did Fred. I'm going through CSC and I've only got my NOA2, when Fred Filed for his AOS yesterday because he went through Vermont."

If you do not feel that Cass deserves sympathy, then fine. Push off to another thread (there are plenty here...) and leave the poor girl be. But she wanted a place to vent and be supported, not people to piss on her.
ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-09-08 17:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI feel like crying. Guh.


Another day, another sob story... Yesterday was no approval in a month and today is no money maybe no food! gosh whatever could it be tomorrow! oooppps sorry I forgot tomorrow is the yard sale..

Please there are people in the World who are really starving your problems are minor! How much more pity are you seeking?

Lucky you, Spiritee. You've obivously never had to decide whether to have the electricity or the gas cut off, whether to pay the rent or buy food.

NEWSFLASH! Some people here have had to make that kind of decision. I'm one of them.

Everything is relative. When you lose a relative you mustn't cry; don't forget people who have lost their whole family in a tragic accident. Don't be so ridiculous.
ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-09-08 11:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI feel like crying. Guh.
Cass, you don't want to live in New England. It gets cold up here, trust me.


But once your fiance(e) is here, there is nothing to complain about.

After all, the petitioner has already proven they can financially support their new spouse, so why the complaining about taking forever to be allowed to work? It can't be the money because the petitioner has already stated they don't need the money.

And there is a proces for which one can travel home on a true emergency, which to me means life or death. I mean AP submittal to approval of 70 days is pretty quick; but perhaps not if the NOA1 to NOA2 is 13 days!

I just wanted to pass comment on this, because it bothered me.

Once your fiance(e) is here, life does not suddenly become peaches and roses. The petitioner has proven nothing more than that they earn about the poverty level. There is no debt-to-income ratio taken into consideration, no living expense allowance, no "OMG I've got to find a whole bunch of money for the AOS" allowance. My husband earned enough money to sponsor me officially, but when I arrived here he was unemployed. Our fixed living expenses (rent, electricity) come to 55% of the poverty level. We pay out another 6% of the poverty level income on debt. That brings us to over 60% of the required sponsorship level of earnings without even thinking about the fact that we had to find money to file, eat, pay the phone bill, run my husbands car... And there was NOTHING I could do! To say that nobody needs their spouse to work because they signed the affidavit of support is very naive. Lucky you if you can afford to keep your other half at home. Most of us cannot.

There is a process whereby one can travel very quickly for emergency purposes, but it is dependant on the AOS having been filed. Emergency on Day 2 when you're not getting married until Day 83 - tough luck. K1 is a one-entry visa. You're stuck applying all over again, in most cases. I didn't apply for AP and have not been back to my home country since I married, but some people have reasons for wanting to visit before 70 days is up.

Yes, the aim is to get your other half here, but everyone applying for a K1, K3 or CR/IR1 has that same aim. Wherever they are in the process, they deserve support. It may have only been a month, but that doesn't stop them missing their loved one. It may have been over a year, and I feel terribly sorry for those of you with long wait times. Your feelings are equally as valid - including your dislike of people complaining about what you perceive as a short waiting time. It does nobody any good to forget that you're all trying to reach the same goal though, and that everyone needs to be supported.

ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-09-07 17:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved and dumbfounded!!!!!!!
Welcome to Maine!!!

ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-09-14 12:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance visa to expire
K1 doesn't allow people long, and often people who get a K1 have not spent a large amount of time in each others' presence. I would say it's better to not marry if you're not sure and you've not spent much time together.

Thinking you're sure and being sure are not always the same thing...
ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-09-30 19:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow do you qualify to Expedite Case?

We do have a backup plan, we have the "church wedding" but not a legal wedding, our priest has already looked into that. I just need to get in the county! Then come back to uk and have the lega wedding once I have the Visa.

I'm sure you're aware of how careful you have to be not to invalidate your K1 by being married when you try to enter on it....

Be careful, and smart with your research. It would be dreadful to have to sit and wait out a K3 on top of the K1 for the sake of not moving the wedding.

ChristinaMFemaleEngland2006-10-06 16:39:00