CanadaMoving to Canada down the road...
I was wondering if anyone here, if they didn't stop visiting here after they got their visa, has then moved to Canada. At this time it made more sense for my fiancee to come to the US, but it would actually be more convenient down the line for us to move to Canada. I would actually be closer to my work in the US if we did so.

If we did, it would probably be in about two years or so, and it's just conjecture if I don't end up finding a job closer to home that pays as well as my current job. I commute about 120 miles each day, and that's time I'd much rather spend with my future wife and step-daughter.

Anyone have any insight on this?

Jeremy + KristyMaleCanada2007-03-23 11:42:00
CanadaAnyone activated a K-visa at Sarnia?

I cross this POE nearly every day. They are very friendly on both sides there. Although, there are one or two customs agents I don't really care for.

We cross at Sarnia/Port Huron too. LOLOL I think I know the 2 you're talking we call Barney Fife and the other guy has a heavy Russian-like accent.

Barney likes to remind you that " you ARE crossing an International border" and pulled me in for an agricultural inspection because i had 2 bananas on my dashboard.

accent guy gets more preoccupied with the fact the bicycle ur transporting may be an import and pays no mind to the vehicle full of children that may or may not be yours.

Otherwise they are all great.....both ways.

Yup, those are the ones. Although, I still have no idea what that one's accent actually is. It's more so that his voice doesn't match his body-type or something.
Jeremy + KristyMaleCanada2007-03-27 15:27:00
CanadaAnyone activated a K-visa at Sarnia?
I cross this POE nearly every day. They are very friendly on both sides there. Although, there are one or two customs agents I don't really care for. I asked an agent the other day about temp EAD and they give them there, too.

That's what really makes this process frustrating is that I live in Port Huron and my fiancee in Sarnia, we're physically less than ten miles apart, but still have to go through this same process. Although, I guess I'm lucky that I get to see my honey five days a week.
Jeremy + KristyMaleCanada2007-03-27 14:24:00
CanadaAny chance I'm already a dual citizen?
Thanks, zyggy.

I'm the Jeremy of "Jeremy + Kristy" (and probably will be most of the time, as my fiancee probably won't actually post on here), by the way.

I figured that would be the case, but my mother is now deceased, so she couldn't apply to retain her citizenship. I'm not necessarily sure how that even if I could claim Canadian citizenship that it would necessarily expedite our plans.
Jeremy + KristyMaleCanada2007-03-28 14:39:00
CanadaAny chance I'm already a dual citizen?
My mother was born to German parents in Canada after my grandparents were already Canadian citizens (I think). After my grandparents emigrated from Canada to the US and became US Citizens, my mother did as well by virtue of being a minor child.

Even if so, would pursuing this route be easier for me, anyway? Our plans are for her to move to the US with me, and get married in the States. Another option would be for me to sell my house and move to Canada, and continue to work in the US.
Jeremy + KristyMaleCanada2007-03-27 15:03:00
Canada...this is very frustrating?! anyone?!
Hmm... Did you list that name as a previous name used on any of the forms that asked for it?
Jeremy + KristyMaleCanada2007-04-04 10:04:00
CanadaLong Form Birth Certificate
I would imagine that my fiancee's "long form" birth certificate from Ontario will be needed somewhere down the line, correct? Or is the "short form" without the parent's names on it acceptable?

We've sent out for her daughter's long form birth certificate, finally, after finding out we needed that for her passport (as well as her daughter's father needing to sign the passport application, as well, even though it clearly states on the form that either parent may apply).
Jeremy + KristyMaleCanada2007-04-04 11:45:00
Canadalate in the game (long post)
Well, you're in the same boat I was in about a month ago. Our "wedding" is September 1st, too.

I opted to go with your Option #1, as yes, it's a possibility that my fiancee could be denied entry for the wedding, I'm not sure it's very likely. We live on opposite sides of a river, and I cross the border 5 days a week, and she comes over to see me about every other weekend or so.

#2 Can't get married in the US, as your fiancee has immigration intent, but from my understanding, you could get married in Canada. I'm starting to wonder if this is what we should do, as while it's being processed, your spouse can live in the US?

#3 Wasn't an option when I filed originally. I believe both parties need to be residents of Canada, though.

#4 Again, I'm not positive that your fiancee can come to the US on a B2 (via the WHTI) with the intention of getting married.

#5 Wait is probably just as long, but I'm not positive. In my case, I could probably move to Canada as a TN, but I don't want to try to sell my house and buy a new one during this already hectic and time consuming process.

Don't take this as gospel, it's just my understanding. I'm new to this, too.
Jeremy + KristyMaleCanada2007-04-05 16:51:00
CanadaList of Canada/US POE's that issue EA stamps
One CBP officer I got chatting with about the K1 at the Bluewater Bridges in Sarnia/Port Huron sated that they will give an EAD stamp, too, but I don't have first hand proof of that.
Jeremy + KristyMaleCanada2007-04-14 08:02:00
CanadaTies to the US

You may qualify to participate in NEXUS if you are a citizen or permanent resident of Canada or the U.S. and have lived in one of these countries continuously for the last three years.

So does this mean new residents don't qualify because we haven't lived in the US continuously for three years?

No... you have to live in either Canada, the US or a combination of both for the past 3 years... If that was the case, then my wife would never have gotten one...

I had thought about NEXUS, zyggy, and the only reason I don't have it, is that I usually cross after the NEXUS lanes are closed for the evening.
Jeremy + KristyMaleCanada2007-04-16 12:38:00
CanadaTies to the US

Because of my incident, do you think a "visitor's record" was issued to me?

The Visitor's Record was a physical document given to me that I then relinquished when I went back to the US yesterday. It's very official looking, in fact, I think it's printed on the same stock as a visa is.

Funny thing, though, when i came back to Canada today, I was questioned briefly at primary, and not told to go to the immigration office. I did anyway, and when I gave my paperwork to the agent inside, she had a hard time figuring out why I was there. "You weren't told to come in here? Why are you here exactly?" I explained twice that upon my next reentry I was to bring the documentation requested. She then put it into the "system" that I voluntarily gave the documentation, and that was it. she barely glanced at what I presented. NOA1, W2, recent paystub, Title Papers to my house, recent mortgage bill, and passport.
Jeremy + KristyMaleCanada2007-04-15 16:29:00
CanadaTies to the US
Since I live in a border town, and my fiancee lives only 7.4 miles away from me, I actually get to see her quite often; a little too often. I, the USC, got pulled in to Immigration on the Canadian side.

I was very pleasant, and the CIBP officer was, too, after a while (she started off a little stern, but since I was so polite and understood everything, she warmed up). She said, you cross quite often (5x a week), do you have anything that shows me that you're not living here? I explain that I do not, and that we are in the process of filing for a K1 visa to bring my fiancee to the US. She asked me various questions about where I worked, and that just "confused" her even more. "So, you work in Detroit, live in Port Huron, and almost every day you then come over here too?" (That's about an hour and fifteen minute commute) Well, yeah. I love my fiancee and want to see her as much as possible, and make enough money to support my soon to be family. Not my words exactly, but my point. She asked if I have anything that shows that I work where I do, and I had my work ID card, but that was not substantial, enough.

She asks me if I own or rent, I tell her I own my own house in Port Huron. And, she has me write my fiancee's name address and phone number on one side of a small piece of paper, and my name address on the other side. she then goes in her back office and has me sit back down for a bit. I'm assuming at this point she's basically checking a phone book to see if I'm right/telling the truth. She comes back and asks more about my fiancee's living arrangement, and I tell her that she owns a home with her mom, and are both listed on the mortgage, and she also asks me her mother's name.

At one point, I forget exactly when, she also asks me about when my fiancee and I met, when we got engaged, and when the wedding is. I told her September, January, and once Kristy gets her visa, respectively. She asks me how long that's going to be, and I tell her, truthfully, I have no idea, right now it's sitting with USCIS in California for a couple of months, and it's even slower once it gets to the Department of State level and goes to the consulate in Montreal

Finally, she explains what she's going to do, and we come up together with a list of items that I'll need for my next reentry. This is to include my NOA1, my mortgage papers, and a recent paystub. She gives me a "Visitor Record," valid until tomorrow, even though I stated that my fiancee and I are planning to go to the States later today, and tells me to come back to the immigration office when I leave Canada again.

All in all, pretty painless, but it took about 45 minutes all told.

This probably doesn't apply to many people here, as usually we worry about the fiancee coming here to the States and showing ties, but it can happen the other way, too, but, probably, to very few people.

Edited by Jeremy + Kristy, 14 April 2007 - 08:52 AM.

Jeremy + KristyMaleCanada2007-04-14 08:51:00
CanadaCanada funds check in the US

Also, I'd be surprised if a few of the other big Canadian banks didn't have a presence down here as well. Maybe TD?

I've seen posts on here that there ar TD banks in the Northeast, and I've heard rumo(u)rs from my aunt that works at Chase that they may be opening branches in Canada, soon.
Jeremy + KristyMaleCanada2007-04-07 07:19:00
CanadaCanada funds check in the US
Once upon a time I received a check from Germany, and I, too, was with a Credit Union. It was going to cost more in fees to cash it than the check was written for. Big bank or possibly a money exchange would be your best bet.
Jeremy + KristyMaleCanada2007-04-06 14:30:00
CanadaCanadian Credit for the US petitioner
Good thing to think about, I should be doing the same thing. The alternative is, maybe, that a big bank like Chase or something may allow you to get a mortgage for property outside of the US, but I'm not sure.
Jeremy + KristyMaleCanada2007-04-07 07:12:00
CanadaMade it safely to the US
Hmm, does George also wear rubber(latex) gloves? If so, he's the one that always looks at me strangely and tries to figure out where he knows me from. Then he'll ask where I was and once I say "at my fiancee's" he remembers and tells me to have a good night.
Jeremy + KristyMaleCanada2007-04-17 13:00:00
CanadaMade it safely to the US
Sorry, Mephys. I was the one that said that Port Huron will give the temp EA stamp. I was chit-chatty with an officer once about the K1 on a slow crossing day, and she told me that they will issue a temp EA stamp. So, I don't know. :shrug: I'm surprised you had trouble with the primary inspection guy. For the most part they are pretty good, I'm trying to figure out which one George could be. It seems like they have quite a few new officers there, though. But, whenever anyone is crossing with someone else, make sure sure you don't answer questions for the other person. And, make sure you scarf down any food you may have before you actually you get to the border, at least anything non-processed such as burgers or sandwiches, and definitely have nothing that has any beef in it. It's too bad, because I sure miss the hard salami from Zehr's.


Edited by Jeremy + Kristy, 17 April 2007 - 10:03 AM.

Jeremy + KristyMaleCanada2007-04-17 10:00:00
CanadaFun With Phone Calls -- Some POE EA stamp info

Scratch Sarnia off the list - Mephys crossed this weekend and they said "No way, Jose!" Ok, maybe they didn't use those words, but it pretty much amounted to the same thing.


Really? I was the one that started the 'rumour' as one time when I crossed back home, it wasn't very busy and I got chit-chatty with one of the agents. She said, yeah, it would be no problem. Sorry, Mephys! One of my groomsmen's dad is a retired officer from Port Huron. I should ask him.

Jeremy + KristyMaleCanada2007-04-17 09:48:00
CanadaNamed wrong local consulate office on I-129F
I put Toronto, too, as more of a wishful thinking type thing. I mean, it does say on the form to list the local consulate or embassy.
Jeremy + KristyMaleCanada2007-04-19 09:42:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMARRIAGE FRAUD
From what i understand... (one of the experts would be able to verify this)... if it was still just a K3 visa, and the AoS wasnt filed yet, as soon as your divorce the K3 is null and void?
Davin and RachelNot TellingCanada2006-03-08 23:21:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI129f Question 11
Excelent... good point, the noa 130 will be in the packet with it =) Figured it couldnt hurt to double check tho, i didnt find any refrences to this question anywhere else.

TY very much for the quick response

Edited by Davin, 28 August 2006 - 10:43 AM.

Davin and RachelNot TellingCanada2006-08-28 10:42:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI129f Question 11
On the 129f, question 11 asks:
"Have you ever filed for this or any other alien fiancee or husband/wife before?"

Does the I130 preceeding this form count as a filing? The sample form indicates to say no, but its a rather mis-leading question.
Davin and RachelNot TellingCanada2006-08-28 09:46:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresis the I129f for the K3 multiple entry?
Excelent =) Thanks again for the fast and usefull help as always!
Davin and RachelNot TellingCanada2006-09-07 13:01:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresis the I129f for the K3 multiple entry?

Let me get this right where did you marry? In Canada or USA? If Canada then all is well and the K3 is correct, if not and she visited USA to marry it may cause you some problems down the road.

We Wed in Canada, where she is currently residing... impatiently =)

If she is now living on the US side of the border waiting for the K3, then she is breaking the rules. During the K3 process the foreign spouse should be waiting outside the USA for the visa.

The way i understand this rule... the law states it is illegal to cross the border with intent to imigrate. Having a petition in process is clearly an intent to imigrate, so while crossing you would have to have a clear case that you intended to return to your home country. For us, its not worth the risk, and will continue to stay in canada for the durration. (Besides, she's 8 months pregnant, and not much for travel atm!)
Davin and RachelNot TellingCanada2006-09-07 10:23:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresis the I129f for the K3 multiple entry?
Aye, were allready married, have completed the 130, and just sent off the 129f packet yesterday.

Main reason for the question is her grandfather is having some health issues, and she is reluctant to be locked to the US side of the border should things go more downhill. (were both near the blue water bridge, so its only a 15 min drive.... so close yet so far away)
Davin and RachelNot TellingCanada2006-09-06 14:27:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresis the I129f for the K3 multiple entry?
Kinda an odd question, but i couldnt find anything information about it. In the period of time between having the I129f inteview and getting the stamp in your passport, and the completion of the i130... will my wife be permitted to cross to and from canada at will? or, like the K1, is it a single entry, and will need to stay put untill the I130 is complete?
Davin and RachelNot TellingCanada2006-09-06 14:11:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJust to be sure.....
While im sitting here obcessing over all this immigration fun... Thought i would check and make sure im handeling this correctly. My wife and I are expecting our first baby in the begining of november, which should be toward the end of our 129f process (I think)

The baby itself should not be an issue, i'll be able to file for a "Birth Abroad" certificate. Where at in my wifes process should this come up tho? Im assuming not untill the interview, or did we allready screw the pooch by applying before the baby was born... I wouldnt think they would make us start over from the begining to update our information.

Has anyone else been in a similar situation? and how'd that turn out?
Davin and RachelNot TellingCanada2006-09-07 13:52:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAbsolutely amazing...NOA2!!!
Davin and RachelNot TellingCanada2006-09-15 12:53:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED.
Davin and RachelNot TellingCanada2006-10-12 08:50:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 APPROVED - 61 Days
Gratz! Lets hope for a quickie trip through montreal!
Davin and RachelNot TellingCanada2006-10-12 08:57:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSC marrying Canadian June '07 - what to do?
I had the same decision to make myself not all that long ago. While i now wish we had gone the K1 route, I had the same problem of most of her family in canada, wanted the wedding to be legit and "special".. bla bla..

In hindsite, i think the fastest way imo would have been to file for a K1, have a small courthouse wedding in the states, then have a "Renewal of Vows" for your big wedding in canada (As soon as she's able to cross the border again)
Davin and RachelNot TellingCanada2006-10-13 08:01:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 visa approved
Davin and RachelNot TellingCanada2006-10-13 08:11:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWow after all this time a touch..(129f)
Just got a touch today as well..... actually a transfer to california. Im not sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing, hopefully it dont take too long in cali!
Davin and RachelNot TellingCanada2006-10-23 12:36:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApproved!
At this point, this is essentialy a CR1 now, right? So James's shortcuts should be applicable? Deffinetly some new studying to do, this was an unexpected (but pleasant) turn.
Davin and RachelNot TellingCanada2006-10-25 08:09:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApproved!


Current Status:

This case has been approved. On October 24, 2006, an approval notice was mailed.

Wasnt that a supprise for me when i checked my mail this morning! She might just make it home for christmas! Now if just got to figure out what to do next, Looks like it will be a case of abandoning the 129f.
Davin and RachelNot TellingCanada2006-10-25 07:27:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresallready have question
Yes, you are absolutely correct, you will need the NOA1 from the i-130 to send with the i-129f.

If your not yet married, also note you will need a copy of your marrage certificate as well. In some places, this can take a while to obtain, others its next day. You may want to check the local procedures and timeframes for an official marrage cert in the area you intend to wed. (That little detail set us back 3 months)
Davin and RachelNot TellingCanada2006-10-25 08:49:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresShe's Home!!!!!!!!!!!!
Davin and RachelNot TellingCanada2006-10-25 11:51:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresConfused about an email from USCIS re. I-129F.
Aye, ditto me on that transfer list on the 23rd... Sounds like they are trying to get cought up!
Davin and RachelNot TellingCanada2006-10-25 09:02:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWife Pregnant - Can we speed things up?

If my wife were to fall pregnant is there anyway i could join her sooner in the US??

Any help is much appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Unfortunatly, No, not that i've found. My wife and I are in that boat, and the baby is due in the next 7 days =)
Davin and RachelNot TellingCanada2006-10-25 09:00:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures129F approved today

and for the james shortcuts:
Davin and RachelNot TellingCanada2006-10-30 09:51:00