CanadaK1 Visa Last Minute Vaccination Question

you will need the TDap as you need to get that every few years..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-06 06:40:00
CanadaBuffalo Wild Wings has....

I think I have mentioned it a few times but I never even heard of poutine before I joined VJ..  I too am not crazy about gravy with my fries.  I like plain old ketchup.  I do like chilli fries once in awhile though..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-08 09:26:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
my parents have been to Manitoba more times then they have been to visit me in California.. the distance is about the same..
Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-02-02 07:09:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
My little sister is graduating this year. I hope I can make up to Canada for that. I can't believe I missed my other two younger brother's graduations.
Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-01-31 18:02:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
I used to see them at least once a year or so but not anymore. I cut them some slack at first because they opened a thrift store a few years back and I knew money was tight for them. But now that they have are going to be going to Manitoba twice in 7 months, I don't know what to think.. :wacko:

I barely even talk to my parents anymore. I gave up calling them because they were always busy when I called. My mom and I used to talk about once a month for an hour or two. Now we barely talk twice a year :(

at least my one brother has been coming once a year since his son was born. They are actually coming for a week long visit next weekend :)

Edited by Marilyn., 31 January 2013 - 05:55 PM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-01-31 17:48:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
grr, I am really annoyed and ticked with my parents right now. I found out on Facebook that they are planning on going to Manitoba for my uncle's wedding in a few weeks. Now that is fine if they hadn't gone to Manitoba last summer for a cousin's wedding. I haven't seen them since September 2011 when we drove up to visit them for about 2 weeks. this makes me feel like chopped liver.. :(
Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-01-31 13:14:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
well, my mom and I have have a decent relationship but she sometimes is a little self-involved. Like when I lost my babies, all she seemed to want to talk about was how the loss affected her and didn't seem to care how I was doing :unsure:

or she is always talking about one of my brothers, Donny and how hard life has been on him and he could have made something of himself etc...

I love my mom, dearly but she drives me bonkers sometimes.. :bonk:
Marilyn.FemaleCanada2012-05-22 16:33:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

My mom thinks reading my Facebook page is good enough to keep updated about my life :S
Marilyn.FemaleCanada2012-05-21 21:18:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
so I haven't talked to my mom or dad since probably January. I gave up calling them because they were always busy.. :wacko: Well, yesterday was my Birthday and my mom called but I missed the call and she called again today but my phone was turned off. I called her back when I saw that she had called and we were having a nice conversation but after about 15 minutes or so she says she has to go and help my dad :S.. I was disappointed because there was more I wanted to talk to her about :(

Edited by Marilyn., 21 May 2012 - 05:14 PM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2012-05-21 17:13:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
my husband is bad with money so even though he makes the money I am in charge of paying bills etc... Before I moved here he made a lot of late payments and overdrew his account a tonne of times. All that is a rarity now ..

Edited by Marilyn., 17 May 2012 - 04:12 PM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2012-05-17 15:47:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
personally I never lose socks to the machines.. but I used to nanny for a family with 5 kids and I would help do the laundry and they had a basket full of single socks...
Marilyn.FemaleCanada2012-05-13 18:45:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
yeah, they are home most times when the dogs are barking too but they don't do anything.. I find it very bizarre... I wish they would at least bring the dogs in at night...

Marilyn---I hate dogs that bark all the time. I have 2 dogs now had 3 but one had to be put down, and I refuse to have them outside just to bark. They drive me nuts I can't see how ppl don't go crazy with their dogs barking all the time.

ValerieA--- That sucks, I hate tracking things down like that, ppl always want to give you the run around. I had no problems getting court records from the court house once I got hold of the right person. She even sent me several with the court seal and everything at no charge.

You can probably file an anonymous noise complaint. I would 100%

how would I go about doing that? like who would i send it too?

I know dogs bark.. but this is crazy obsessive barking.. I can't enjoy my time outside because of all the barking :(

Edited by Marilyn., 10 May 2012 - 09:15 PM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2012-05-10 21:15:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
so in the beginning of April we moved into a new house and town. We are kind of in the country but not quite. It was so nice and peaceful here for the first few weeks. :) There are two houses on one property, the land lord lived in the other house but he moved out and was in the process of renting out his house when we moved in. The new people finally moved in about 2 weeks or so ago and it hasn't been peaceful since :wacko: .

They have two dogs, a doberman and some other small type dog. The little one especially will bark at everything it sees or hears. And if we go outside the little dog will bark the entire time we are out there :blink: :wacko: The doberman isn't as bad but his bark is deep and resounding. All the barking is really driving me crazy. They just leave the dogs to run around their back yard, day and night. Their back yard is connected to the front of our house but is separated by a fence. I think the dogs are bored and that is why they bark all the time. As far as I can tell they never take them for walks and I rarely hear them tell the dogs to be quiet.

I told my husband we should do or say something about it but he doesn't want to :unsure:
Marilyn.FemaleCanada2012-05-10 12:58:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
just found out that the estimated cost to repair the car was around $ basically would have been a whole new car in the front. seems like the only thing they wouldn't have had to replace was the engine :P

oh and we got the check from the insurance yesterday :dance:
Marilyn.FemaleCanada2011-07-01 14:51:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
for the first few years we were with this small insurance company based out of phoenix but dealt with a insurance company close to us who was the "middle man"..

our monthly premiums were around $111 and the deductibles were $1000.. so last year after doing some research we switched to Progressive, the monthly premiums are now around $106 and our deductibles are $100 for comprehensive and $250 for collision..

I am glad I switched.. I just know we would have had a fight on our hands to get the our old insurance company to do anything...

Edited by Marilyn., 29 June 2011 - 11:20 AM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2011-06-29 11:17:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Progressive has been great.. they said no matter what they will side with me and our insurance rates will not go up... they have handled everything pretty quickly and we probably will get our check by the end of the week...

the only thing that might take awhile is them getting their money back from the other insurance.. the lady said it could take months specially if he is contesting it... there were witnesses but no one stuck around... and the cop didn't even want to make a report because he said it was only property damage..
Marilyn.FemaleCanada2011-06-28 11:29:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
it is a nissan altima....

we weren't expecting to get anything getting about 2800 bucks is great!! :)
Marilyn.FemaleCanada2011-06-28 07:42:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
well, there is some good news.. we are getting some money back from the write off, even after they pay off the car loan.. they valued the car way higher then I thought they would... almost 2000 more then what I found online :unsure:

so they would rather pay out around 5000 dollars then fix the car.. :unsure: I don't think there was that much damage to the car ..:blink:

Posted Image

Edited by Marilyn., 27 June 2011 - 10:53 PM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2011-06-27 22:48:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
I talked to the insurance person for the other driver and he told me that the other driver was contesting the accident but he wasn't sure why yet... i told him what happened from my point of view...that I had the green light which is what i know I had..
Marilyn.FemaleCanada2011-06-27 17:51:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
I went today to clean out the car of our belongings and I felt sad.. it really sucks not having a car..

I know it is just a car and I am very lucky to not have been hurt but it still sucks!
Marilyn.FemaleCanada2011-06-27 13:12:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
I was in a traffic accident last Thursday.. a truck and trailer were making a left turn right in front of me and I braked to try and avoid him but the car skidded and the wheel of his back trailer took off the front bumper off my car and the insurance company told us it would cost more to fix then the car was worth :(

and just like that I no longer have a car.. stupid truck and trailer guy.. why did you have to try and make the light? ..grrrr :angry:

and what really sucks is the money we will get for the car will go to pay off the loan we still have on it :crying:

Edited by Marilyn., 27 June 2011 - 01:05 PM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2011-06-27 13:04:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

I really hate the whole "in network" ####### that some insurance companies pull. I have a friend who at a new job, selected a doctor after signing up for his health insurance. He needed to see a specialist, and was given a referral to one who was in network. Fast forward 2 months, an invoice for $4,000 comes in the mail from the hospital where he saw the specialist at. Turns out that while the doctor was in network, the hospital where he went for the appointment was not. So, he had to pay for the physical visit, and each and every item used in his consult was billed. After two years and as many hearings, he had it reduced to $600. Yay U.S. hospitals and insurance, way to go.

a similar thing happened to me last year.. I went to the ER and paid my copay and then a few weeks later I got the bill which I was expecting and then a little while later I got another separate bill for the doctor.. turns out the hospital was in-network but the doctor who saw me in the ER was not :blink: .. that doesn't seem right or fair at all..

oh and then to top it all off.. I actaully worked it out with the hospital that I didn't have to pay that second bill.. but I had called our health insurance before I contacted the hospital and they basically told me that I was SOL but then I guess they decided on their own and without letting me know to refile the claim but for a lower amount..(even though when I called and confronted them they said I had told them too :angry:) so I contacted the hospital again and they said oh well.. you have to pay it.. grrr..

Edited by Marilyn., 28 April 2011 - 03:53 PM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2011-04-28 15:44:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
our health insurance premiums went up by about 20 to 30 bucks a check and some of our copays have gone up too... and now we have deductibles which we didn't have before... :P

there were cheaper plans to choose from but we like our current plan because we can basically go to whichever doctor we want..

I hear you about the girly bits.. I finally found a ob-gyn I feel comfortable with..

Edited by Marilyn., 27 April 2011 - 11:11 PM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2011-04-27 23:10:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
so insurance agreed to cover the cost of replacing the converter minus the 100 dollar deductible.... i got my car back yesterday...

i am not sure if anyone heard one told us anything....they did this in the middle of the day too...

we moved to our new place on Sunday...we are really liking it so far
Marilyn.FemaleCanada2011-04-08 21:58:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

:huh: most cars are too low to the ground to do that - what did they do, jack the car up?

no, my hubby was able to fit under the car to tie up the part that was dragging.. there was also a big scrap in the cement under the car..they probably scraped it taking it out..oh and they also took the time to take the bolts out instead of sawing it off

Edited by Marilyn., 02 April 2011 - 08:30 PM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2011-04-02 20:28:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

so we got a nice send off yesterday someone stole the catalytic converter off my car :o

we put in a claim with our insurance because we only have a 100 dollar comprehensive deductible.. I am just waiting for the insurance person to call me...
Marilyn.FemaleCanada2011-04-02 14:35:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Thanks everyone :) We have taken the last 2 days to settle in to the new was a pretty significant downsize so we really had to be creative (on top of re-organizing our storage unit) to get everything to fit. So this weekend we will be working on his resume and he will spend next week doing some serious searching. He is a licenced EMT, but his licence expires at the end of the month. He has applied to renew it, but not having done anything medically means some studying this weekend as well! At least having that will give him some options. I am hoping that this ends up being one of those instances where he will end up with something better!!

good luck, I hope he finds something great soon...
Marilyn.FemaleCanada2011-03-19 11:40:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
so I found out recently that my husband who has been working with the same company for almost 7 years only makes about a dollar/hour more then the new hires :o.. when my husband started he was making about 3 dollars less then the new hires do now but I guess they raise the rates for new hires every once in awhile to keep up with the times..

anywho, every once in awhile they adjust the other rates to keep up with the new hire rates but they haven't done this since 2005 ... they have someone there now looking over everyone's rates but the person said yesterday that basically everyone is making what they should and some people are even being overpaid... :o

I think my husband should be making at least 3 dollars/hour more then the new hires...

some of the workers at the company have started the process of a union.. if anything my husband hopes that this might make the company give them a raise...
Marilyn.FemaleCanada2011-02-10 13:42:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
we just got the bill for 60 bucks from the doctor my husband went to see a few weeks ago at UCLA so I decided to check our insurance site online to check if they got it right when I saw the separate charge for the cat-scan, the cost to us was almost 400 dollars, we haven't got the bill for that yet though..

I knew we would have to pay for the cat-scan but I was thinking it would be around $75 or so as that is what mine cost last year, I had it done at the local hospital here.. so I wondered why the price difference when I noticed that the local hospital here gets a higher negotiated discount, the billed amount for the cat-scan was around $2500 and the discount was around $1500.. the discount for the cat scan at UCLA was only around $500
Marilyn.FemaleCanada2011-02-04 18:22:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

blizzards. that's my vent for the day. :ranting:

what did they ever do to you?? :P

Posted Image
Marilyn.FemaleCanada2011-02-01 16:59:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
so we got a couple of movie ticket things for Christmas and I wanted to use them today to go see Narnia in 3D.. I just called to make sure I could use them for that movie and the guy said yes but that it would be an extra 5 bucks a ticket :o I was aware that I would probably have to pay a bit more to see a 3D movie but I didn't think it would be 5 bucks... a regular priced evening showing of a movie is $11 and the 3D is $14.50.. so that is only a difference of $3.50... and we were going to see a matinee showing which for 3D only costs $12.50..

I would see it in regular 2D but the theater we have to use the tickets at has it only available in 3D..

Edited by Marilyn., 31 December 2010 - 02:34 PM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2010-12-31 14:32:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
ugh, so were out shopping earlier.. driving around in my hubby's car.. he will usually send me into the store ahead of him while he has a smoke ( he doesn't smoke in the car when I am in the car though).. usually he smokes outside the car when it is parked but it was pouring rain today so he stayed in the car to smoke... so the whole car reeks of smoke.. and even now a few hours later I still feel like I have a lung full of smoke.. :wacko:
Marilyn.FemaleCanada2010-12-18 22:57:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
yeah there are those people who want to pay next to nothing for childcare but there are others who are willing to pay 10 dollars are more an hour but those jobs usually go quickly..
Marilyn.FemaleCanada2010-11-17 16:25:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
grr, so the last time I heard from my brother he said he would probably be leaving on the 15th or 16th to drive down here with my nephew...this was around the 3rd... so last Tuesday I email my SIL to ask what kind of food my nephew likes to eat and I haven't heard back from her yet.. and I know she was online because she posted something on her facebook... I emailed my brother the other day to find out if they are coming or not and I haven't heard back from him either... i have stuff I need to get ready for them coming and I would kind of like to know a few days before they come if they are coming or not..

Edited by Marilyn., 12 November 2010 - 12:22 PM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2010-11-12 12:21:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
i just wanted to let you know that Vonage is great until you try and cancel the service :P which is something I tried to do today. We decided to cancel it to save money and we hardly get any calls so we are just going to use Google Voice/Talk and our cell phones...

so we went today to buy a router because our Vonage Box is also our router and we hooked it up to see if it worked and it did so I proceeded to call Vonage to cancel and I was told that because I had just paid October 20th that I was covered until November 20th and no I couldn't cancel it now and get a prorated refund because they don't do that.... so now I have to call again a few days before Nov 20 to cancel..the thing is I already hooked up the new router and don't feel like plugging the old Vonage one back in again so we are basically out 25 bucks.. although we probably wouldn't use the phone that often if it was plugged in anyways :P

oh and I also found out when I was doing some searching that they expect you to mail back the Vonage box with the original packaging and all the accessories.. I freaked out a little and was trying to find at least the disc when much to my surprise I found the box with everything inside it including the plastic wrap stuff

Edited by Marilyn., 29 October 2010 - 11:19 PM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2010-10-29 23:18:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
after watching BSG I say "frack" a lot... lol
Marilyn.FemaleCanada2010-10-23 14:50:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

that might be a cry for help.

we have all tried to help but the only help he seems to want from his family his financial help...
Marilyn.FemaleCanada2010-09-22 00:23:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

my guess is he's depressed and still grieving.

yes this is my guess too but he shouldn't be pushing his family away...
Marilyn.FemaleCanada2010-09-21 09:56:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
so my FIL officially sucks.. it was my husband's Birthday yesterday and his sister and brothers called him to wish him a Happy Birthday but his dad didn't...

we had gone to his party about a month ago and I even baked him a cake... this just makes me mad...

and then my husband said something that nearly broke my heart, he said, "I don't have a dad anymore he died along with my mom" :(

this isn't all about not calling for his Birthday.. his dad has been pretty messed up since my MIL died which is understandable but he seems to be pushing his family away unless he needs money... and when he does come to family parties etc. he will sneak out and leave without saying goodbye...

my husband used to idolize his dad and would call him up for advice all the time but now they barely talk...

my MIL would be so mad if she saw how her husband was acting...

oh and another thing, one time he was going on about how everyone just left him alone after my MIL died and that is why he is the way he is.. this is so not true... my husband and I called him up a bunch of times over a couple of months inviting him out for dinner and he always had some excuse why he couldn't after awhile we just gave up...

Edited by Marilyn., 20 September 2010 - 03:51 PM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2010-09-20 15:44:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

The correct pronunciation is to say it like it is a "y", like relleno would be pronounced rey-yeno. It's the same whether it's in the middle of a word, or the beginning. Depending upon the person's accent, or how fast they speak, sometimes they cut short certain sounds. Cubans speak so fast that it seems like they cut parts of words off sometimes.

well my last name is Padilla and the LL is pronounced like "ee, ya" ..

ok nevermind :lol: i just realized my mistake :blush:

Pa-Dee-Ya .. the DI is making the EE sound... oops

Edited by Marilyn., 17 September 2010 - 04:38 PM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2010-09-17 16:33:00