CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

so in the continuing saga of the  I figured I would give the store a call today and they said that they weren't sure why I didn't get the pick-up email but that the crib was indeed ready for pick-up...  dry.png

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-29 13:04:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

grrr, still no "pick up" email..    It did say ready for pick-up between the 25th and 31st so I guess I will give them to Wednesday.  But this is the last time I am ordering something site to store.  I should have just paid the $10 to have it shipped to my house.  It would probably be here already :P


I did send an email and they basically told me what I already knew that it was delivered to the store already.  :P

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-28 13:38:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

congrats! :)

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-26 13:30:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

grrr, I still have not received the ready for pick up email.  It has been sitting at the store since 9:30am yesterday.  How much effort does it take to scan it into the system?? ranting33va.gif   


In other news,  I am so tired.  It is partially my fault because I went to bed around midnight and my husband had to get up at 3:30am.  But when I tried to get back to sleep after that some stupid Braxton Hicks contractions kept me up... :(

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-25 15:11:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

my shower is on August 10th.  


My FIL who said he would buy us the crib knows I ordered and paid for it..  He supposedly is going to pay us back.  If he does he does.  It was still a great deal on a crib.


Realistically I could already have here at our place but I know my SIL wants to have it there for the shower..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-24 14:12:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

we live in a one bedroom apartment.  The crib will be set up in our room.  Luckily we have a big living room where a lot of the baby stuff can go..  and a fair-sized walk in closet..


I just need to get this place re-organized so we can fit in the baby stuff.  


We are hoping to be able to buy a house within a year or so..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-24 13:10:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

yay, my crib got delivered to Walmart today! :D  I haven't got the ready for pick-up email yet though.  

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-24 12:56:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?


this is the invitation my SIL used..  So cute..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-20 22:59:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

yay, my crib should get here on Tuesday.  I am so excited!  :D


Although my SIL is going to keep it at her house until the shower.  I wonder if I have to act surprised :P

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-19 16:06:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

oh and I found out yesterday that my SIL's SIL is going to do a candy table... YUM!

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-18 15:20:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

so my shower is 23 days away and my SIL has just started sending out the invites...:P


I am super excited for my shower.   My niece and I are making the dessert.  Banana cupcakes, strawberry trifle and maybe some baked doughnuts..


I also want to make some pulled pork and coleslaw because they are having one of those big deli meat sandwiches and fried chicken..I can't eat deli meat and they had that chicken before and it wasn't very good....  They are also going to have a bunch of salads, veggies, fruit and baked beans..


My husband is also going to make a big batch of watermelon agua.,, yum!

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-18 13:01:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I don't think so.. they can just say it is a gift for their daughter.. which is the truth

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-18 12:55:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

we live in a one bedroom place right now and we don't really have room for a changing table..  I will probably just usea changing pad on the bed or floor or something..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-18 12:12:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I am so excited because I ordered the crib last night.  My FIL says he is going to pay for it and the mattress too..


I want to get this crib skirt to go with it..

Edited by Marilyn., 18 July 2013 - 09:45 AM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-18 09:43:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

the 3d/4d session went really good yesterday.  I got to sit in a comfortable leather recliner.  they should have those at the doctor's office.  It is always so uncomfortable to have to lie flat on the exam table...


the pics came out decent.. but she was kind of squished with a lot of stuff around her..


we did find out that it is for sure a girl...

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-17 16:44:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I just scheduled a 3d/4d ultrasound for this Tuesday biggrin.png..  I can't wait to see our little munchkin!  biggrin.png


I can't believe I am almost 29 weeks already.  79 days to go!

Edited by Marilyn., 13 July 2013 - 04:48 PM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-13 16:47:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I don't mind of family or people I know touch my belly but I wouldn't want some random person touching it.  I haven't had that happen yet though..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-10 10:54:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I think found a good one.. she actually has a couple of reviews on yelp...  they don't have Saturday hours though.. and it is about 15 minutes away..


They have a tonne that are closer but the don't have the Cigna Care Designation (something to do with quality and cost-efficiency)...

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-09 22:41:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

during the night I am starting to have to get up to go to the bathroom almost every hour or so it seems :P

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-09 18:32:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

yeah in Canada you went to one doctor for everything...  here it seems to work differently.. you have a different doctor for everything..


luckily my husband had extra vacation days laying around and  all my appointments were pre-scheduled.  So he just scheduled half days off for my appointments.   There is only a few he won't be able to come to..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-09 17:42:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I need to start looking into the pediatrician thing.  It is just hard because I would like my husband to be there but he works long hours..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-09 12:49:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I had to look up what BFP  Congrats Ontarkie! :)



The BH feel uncomfortable but they don't really hurt.  I only get them once in awhile.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-07 09:24:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Has anyone experienced Braxton Hicks yet?  I am pretty sure I have.  At first I thought it was just the baby moving into a strange position but after reading about it online I am pretty sure it is BH.  My stomach will get really hard for a few seconds and then it goes away. 


Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-05 13:27:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

the baby's movements are getting stronger.  Sometimes it feels like she is playing the drums are doing somersaults in


Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-03 06:40:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

so I passed my glucose. YAY!  My doctor said I wasn't even close.. :D


everything else was great too.  I have only gained about 6 pounds but the doctor said it was ok.. He said I should aim for about 15 pounds or so..  He said the baby is growing fine and they get the nutrients they need mo matter what..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-01 22:47:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I am still waiting for the results of my glucose test from last week.  I am hoping no news is good news.  I asked the nurse today and she said if the results are not in yet they should be by tomorrow.  But she didn't know if they were or not.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-06-24 20:32:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I had my 2 hour glucose test yesterday morning.  The last time I ate was around 10pm or so the day before and my appointment was at 8:30am.  They took my bood and then gave me the drink.  I didn't get to chose the flavour of drink.  They gave me fruit punch.  At first I thought it didn't taste too bad but the after taste was awful. 


I went to sit down and after awhile I started feeling a little light-headed but it wasn't too bad.  They took my blood two more times on the hour.  I did feel a little queasy but that wasn't bad either. 


We grabbed a sandwich after and I felt ok.  I did have a little bit of the runs later in the evening though..


I was really worried after reading all the stories online but my experience was ok better then I was expecting.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-06-20 13:17:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I have only gained maybe 4 pounds and I am 25 weeks..  My belly is noticeably bigger though

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-06-19 19:20:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?


Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-06-18 14:50:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

call me crazy but I find a lot of the Carter brand clothes adorable..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-06-18 14:37:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

laughing.gif  no, but all the way home I was like I can't believe the deal I just got...


I found out about the deal on a baby forum I am a part  of.  There were a lot of ladies running to Target and most of them got the same deal.   My husband said someone is getting fired at

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-06-17 20:37:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I just scored an Arm & Hammer Munchkin Diaper pail for $3.59 at Target biggrin.png


It rang up as $20 something but I told them it said $3.59 on the shelf.  they did a price check and saw that I was right.   They said it was mistake but they had to honour it...  I also got two 20 packs of refills that were on sale for $3.59 each too.  Oh and the refills rang up wrong too... Everything all together only cost me @ $11.. biggrin.png


Someone who works for Target assets protection said it was a printer error.  It should have said saves you $3.59...

Edited by Marilyn., 17 June 2013 - 05:12 PM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-06-17 17:11:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I don't want my kid to go to preschool.  they already have a lot of years of school ahead of them.  I just want her to have fun and be a kid.. of course I will teach her the basics.  And I plan on joining a mommy and me group so she would have interaction with other children and I would have interaction with other adults..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-06-16 17:04:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

the doctor I had for my first two pregnancies was nice enough but I felt like I was just a number in a file.  She just seemed to want to get as many patients in and out as possible.  I never felt like I could talk to her or ask her questions.  The final straw is when she berated me the day after our baby girl was stillborn.  She basically told me it was my fault.. cray5ol.gif


The doctors I have now are great.   I feel like I can ask them anything and I feel really comfortable with them. The only thing that I dislike is their billing department. and the fact I can't choose what hospital I want.  We pay good money for our insurance so we can have choices ..grrr

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-06-14 06:16:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

this is what I have bought this week.  Only cost me $8



Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-06-12 17:07:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

it has been a tough road..  the two pregnancies happened in 2006 and 2007..  It took until 2010 for me to want to try again.  then it took 3 years after that for it to actually happen...  


Things have been going a lot better with this one though.. everything looks great so far.  They did check my amniotic fluid level at the hospital and said it was 16 which they said is great.


My husband is so in love with his little girl already.  She is going to have him wrapped around her little  He says she won't.. yeah   I really can't wait to hold her in my arms, it has been a long time coming..


Have any of you started shopping yet?  I really have to hold myself back when I go into thrift stores but I have bought a few things already.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-06-12 14:37:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I am 24 weeks.


I am not sure if I have mentioned this here before but I have been pregnant twice before.  Our baby boy was born at 22/23 weeks and only lived for 12 days.  Our baby girl was stillborn at 19 weeks after I got an infection.    So with this one every little pain etc makes me overreact..


I want to get Emily a baby sister shirt.  Husband says that would not be weird for us but it might be hard to explain to others but I said it would be just for her to wear at home.

Edited by Marilyn., 12 June 2013 - 10:31 AM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-06-12 10:29:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Glad to see everything is alright. That would be very scary.


I'm happy to hear you had a good experience at the hospital. I think for me that would seal the deal at what hospital I would go to,  since you most likely won't be getting your OB you have now to deliver anyways it will be who is on call that day. Hmm I guess that would depend also if you don't get induced. If you go to the hospital you like will you have to pay extra if it's an on call doctor? 



the office I go to has 3 doctors who I have been seeing alternately for my prenatal visits.. so I probably will have one of them..


If I go into premature labour I will be going to another hospital.. I have been there before.. it is a nice hospital but it is about 20 minutes or so away...

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-06-11 21:43:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

so I had a little scare on the weekend.  I thought I might be leaking amniotic fluid so we went to the hospital.  Turns out I wasn't, phew, but I felt a bit silly for overreacting.  all the nurses said it was perfectly understandable and didn't make me feel stupid for coming in.


We went to the hospital that is less then 5 minutes from our house.  It is the one I want to go for the delivery but my doctor doesn't have privileges there.   and now after going there on the weekend I really want to give birth there.  The nurses were all super nice specially this one older nurse.  She gave us a package of diapers saying she wanted to give us something for having to spend a few hours there and she gave me a hug when I was leaving.  They had me in one of the maternity rooms and it was nice.  The bathroom had a tub with jets in it.


the perinatal clinic I go to is in this hospital so technically I am under the care of the doctors there..

Edited by Marilyn., 11 June 2013 - 11:21 AM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-06-11 11:20:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I was nice and bought him some of his favourite Kit Kat bars yesterday.  I have to hide them though or he would eat them all at once :P

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-06-11 08:04:00