CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

yay I tested negative for the Group B strep. smile.png




the doctor today didn't seem overly concerned about the measuring small thing but he did tell me to keep my appointment for the growth scan.


I still can't get him to nail down a date to remove my stitch though.. 

Edited by Marilyn., 29 August 2013 - 05:36 PM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-29 17:36:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I just got my appointment for the growth scan.  It is on September 11th.  If they were so concerned about me measuring small you think they would have scheduled it sooner. That is almost 2 weeks away.  I will be 37 weeks and could quite possibly go into labour anytime around there...



I have an appointment today with my other doctor so I am going to ask him about it..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-29 11:17:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

we were looking it up and one of the reasons the fundal measurement can be off is because of how the baby is positioned...


grr, was just checking my insurance site and it looks like I am going to be charged for the ultrasounds they are doing along with the NST.  $45 :o  I get the NST done twice a week now until the end..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-28 12:13:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

we bought a Serta-Rest gel memory foam topper.   I love it.  I don't find it too squishy.  I also love my body pillow.  I put it between my legs and rest my belly on it.  


I am not too concerned about the baby being too small...  I have a feeling she just measured wrong.


So my stitch is coming out within the next 2 1/2 weeks.  I am a little scared about that because they first try and take it out in the doctor's office with no pain meds.  If that doesn't work they do it in the hospital.  


After my stitch is out I could go into labour anytime.  My last shot of progesterone is next Monday too..


We still have some stuff to do.  Like make sure the car seat fits in our van, online child birthing class, pack my hospital bag and wash her clothes etc


It is so weird because it feels like it was only yesterday that I found out I was pregnant and now I am here near the end.  I can't wait to see our little girl.  :D  


Sorry, this is going to be sappy... :P  I remember about a year ago I had this very vivid dream of me and my husband and he was holding our baby.  I don't even know if it was a girl or a boy.  It just felt so warm and cozy in the dream.  I was upset when I woke up because I wanted to stay in that dream forever.  And now that dream is about to come true.  

Edited by Marilyn., 27 August 2013 - 12:04 PM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-27 12:00:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I just find it strange because the baby has been doing great all this time and I know my belly has gotten bigger in the last few weeks.  I think it is just because the baby's head is deep down there.  I do feel a lot of pressure down there if I do too much walking around..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-26 13:42:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

so at my appointment today the doctor thinks my belly is measuring small (which I thought was funny because I think my belly has gotten a lot bigger in the last 2 weeks :P)  


So she says she wants to send me to the Perinatal clinic for a growth scan.  Then she does the US to check my fluid levels and says "oh, your belly measurement is probably off because the baby's head is way down there.  But she said she still wants to send me for the growth scan to double check..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-26 13:27:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

my husband's family isn't that bad.  They have accepted me into the family.  His sister has helped us out a lot over the years.  She came over today and helped me pack the kitchen..


A lot of the people at the shower were my SIL's friends and my SIL's in laws etc...  

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-21 16:39:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

for the 3 of us it will $300 a check and he gets paid every 2 weeks.. it does come off before taxes but that is still a big chunk of money..


before 2011 we saw my parents pretty regularly, at least once a year..  and we kind of took turns going back and forth.  One year we met about  half way in Oregon and rented a cabin for a week... that was fun :)

and yeah, they cover the baby on our insurance for the first month.  We don't have to pay the premiums either for the time David will be off on FMLA..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-21 16:11:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

just found out that we can't completely change plans once the baby is born.  we can add her though of course.    So it looks like we will be paying an extra $100 a check.. dry.png

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-21 13:46:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

my mom emailed me yesterday saying they are not sure when they are going to be able to come after the baby is born.. sad.png  My dad had a few weeks off last month so they are a little short on funds.  I get that but it annoys me a little because they went from BC to Manitoba last August for a cousin's wedding and then they went back again this last February for my uncle's wedding..  The distance is about the same from BC to SoCal.. since I moved here in 2005 they have gone to Manitoba a lot more times then they have come down here..


We haven't seen them since September 2011 when my husband and I drove up there.  I feel like I am not important enough.  Also when I do get emails from my mom she never asks how I am doing with the pregnancy.  We don't talk much on the phone anymore because they don't have a long distance plan..


My husband's family is great but sometimes you just want to be around your own family.  I still kind of feel like I don't fit in here.   that became very clear to me at my baby shower.  No one seemed to be too bothered that I was sitting in the living room by myself sad.png


Sorry i am having a little pity party moment right now..

Edited by Marilyn., 20 August 2013 - 01:37 PM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-20 13:34:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

we usually can have our pick of hospitals but my doctor's office is a little strange.  I picked this doctor a few years ago when I was in the mindset that I wouldn't have any more babies so it didn't concern me that they only did deliveries at the one hospital. 


I could go to the hospital I like because it is covered by our insurance but I am not sure what would happen with billing etc.. 


We are most likely going to switch to Kaiser after the baby is born because our current premiums are going to go up by another $100 a check when we add her ohmy.png  So that will be around $600 a month just for health insurance premiums..wacko.png

Edited by Marilyn., 20 August 2013 - 01:19 PM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-20 12:57:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

that is great about the hospital, Kimbear.  smile.png


I don't really like the hospital I have to go to.  the staff is great but the hospital is small and not very nice.


There is a hospital that is less then 5 minutes from us that is awesome but my doctors don't have privileges there sad.png    



In other news... I had my first non-stress test yesterday. Emily did great. They also checked my fluid level and that was good too.

Edited by Marilyn., 20 August 2013 - 07:41 AM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-20 07:40:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I didn't have any heavy blankets on my registry either.  Most people just bought what they wanted too.. oh well :P

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-17 13:15:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

i can't remember if I mentioned it here or not but it looks like my husband will be taking 7 weeks off after the baby is born.  :D  Here in California you can get Paid Family Leave for baby bonding.  They pay up to 6 weeks but you have to take an extra week unpaid but you can possibly use your vacation, sick or personal days to cover that week.  They pay 55% of your gross and you don't have to pay health insurance premiums during that time.  They also pay for weekends.  So essentially he will be making the same he makes now after taxes etc..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-17 09:47:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

so I got about 5 thick blankets at the shower.  Plus I had two that I had bought.  My SIL was telling me yesterday that she saw a couple more that she wants to buy because they were cute.   We live in SoCal there is no way she needs that many blankets besides the fact you are encouraged not to use blankets on them while they are sleeping..  I tried telling her that she doesn't need any more but who knows what she will do.. :P

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-16 09:02:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I kind of went on a spending spree these last few days but I only spent about $40 of our own money.  I ordered and bought a lot of stuff.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-16 07:44:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Marilyn that party looks beautiful!  Not to mention tasty, haha.  Glad you had a good time smile.png  Love that your husband got a pink frilly tie.  rofl.gif   Looks like he was totally a good sport!  The outside table setup made me think of Alice in Wonderland's tea party for some reason.


The moving issue for me continues... we found out a lot of my husband's friends have a wedding to go to on our moving day, and our church is planning some type of shindig/barbeque that day, so it is looking like it might be dicey on the moving help front.  I guess we'll see as time gets closer.  My parents are coming but they are older (late 60s), and my husband's parents but they can't lift heavy things.  His sisters have been a no show at his past moves so doubt they or their boyfriends will show up.  Guess we'll just have to figure this out somehow. So far we have one couple coming to help.  So, hey, it's a start!


My hips have been killing me lately.  I have rheumatoid arthritis and some hip pain in general, but I think this is baby hip pain.  The reason why is because it's on the OUTSIDE of my hip, not inside near the joint.  It is hard to lie on my sides because it hurts and I limp around on my errands.  Stairs are even becoming an issue.  I am not sure what to do.  


Not sure if it's better to rest and hope it goes away or to try to 'walk it out'... I guess I should make an appointment at some point.  Just keep hoping it will go away!!!!


One more week until our ultrasound to check the placenta.  I hope it's moved away safely so I won't need a C-section, but I'm most excited about the chance to see our baby again smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png  I can't even imagine how much bigger the baby is compared to the 20 week ultrasound we saw.  Definitely feels a lot stronger with the kicks.  My whole stomach jerks around visibly sometimes.  Crazy feeling.  Kind of leaves me stunned sometimes, like...I can't believe there is a baby in there haha.



yeah, it feels weird sometimes when the baby is moving around in there.   It is like," wow, I have a living thing growing inside me"


we are moving in about a week and half.  My silly husband has not brought any boxes home yet.  I think he is worried that I am going to do the packing but my SIL has said she will come over and do that.   We really just have to throw things into boxes as we are only moving two doors down but I don't want to leave that for the last minute


I was totally surprised that he actually wore it.  He had told me earlier that he didn't want to wear anything silly like that... lol

Edited by Marilyn., 14 August 2013 - 12:50 PM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-14 12:49:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I find it odd that my parents haven't said anything about buying something for the baby.  They could possibly be waiting until they get here but I was expecting them to say something like "don't buy that because we want to"

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-14 12:35:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I ordered most of the baby stuff I needed today and only spent $30 of our own money.


I really only need the high chair and I want to get an activity gym mat that i saw at Walmart but those are things I don't need right aways..


Oh I think I need some more onsies and sleepers too.  But I am going to check out the thrift stores for those things.  Although I do still have a $40 gift card for Sears..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-14 12:29:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

the centerpieces.  I am sad because I didn't get one.. 



the cupcake table..  I made the ones with the onsie and the heart decorations.  the others were made by my nephew's friend's sister


my husband and I



Edited by Marilyn., 13 August 2013 - 01:03 PM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-13 13:00:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

we got a great deal on a car seat today.  We were at Target and we found one we really liked.  It was marked at $190.  When my husband put the box in the cart I noticed a sticker on the box.  It said "repackage price of $133"  :o 1st advance 70

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-12 20:51:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

my husband's aunt got us a tonne of newborn outfits.  they are super cute but she will probably only wear them once..


  I felt like I should have interacted with people more but I feel kind of shy and awkward around big groups of people..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-12 20:45:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

the shower went pretty good.  My SIL did a great job decorating.  It was super cute.  We got a lot of gifts.  90%  We did get a lot of the big stuff we need.  The main thing we need now is the car seat.  Only a handful of people actually bought stuff off my registry.  I am very grateful for what I got but I felt kind of bummed because I put a lot of work into my registries..


The only downside was that there were too many games.  And my back was killing me.  I finally had to go sit in the living room on the couch all by myself.  No one seemed to miss me much though.. :P

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-12 12:11:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?


Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-09 19:53:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

sorry about the crib and the test, Kimbear.


My shower is tomorrow and it still shows that nothing is purchased on both my

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-09 19:11:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

yeah I plan on being a stay at home mom.  I don't want someone else raising my kid.  This might sound kind of funny for someone who used to be a nanny. 


He has a year after she is born to use the 6 weeks but if he uses them next year they will take his vacation days.  

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-08 12:11:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

so it looks like my husband will be taking 6 weeks off after our munchkin is born.  We weren't sure if we would get enough money but we found out that he can get Paid Family Leave, I think this is just a California thing.  They pay 55% of your gross and they pay for weekends too.  So we will probably get almost as much as we do now, after taxes etc... :D

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-07 21:05:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

i haven't been too concerned with kick count.  My doctors don't seem to be either.  they ask me if she has been kicking and I say yup..


She has days where she is more active then other days..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-06 19:30:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

My baby shower is this Saturday and me being the Curious George that I am, keeps checking my registries.. :blush:  They show that nobody has bought anything yet.  I know my husband's aunt has supposedly bought a lot of stuff for the baby from Target already.  I have a feeling she forgets to tell the check out person that she is buying from a registry.. :P  So I am wondering if the other people are doing that too.  Or else they are just buying whatever they want or waiting til closer to the shower..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-05 15:38:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?


Glad it's working out for you Marilyn... must've been super stressful to find that out so suddenly.  It's too bad that they are upping your rent.  It's the same in our apartment. When our lease is up they are going to be upping the rent a few hundred a month from the sounds of it since they have been renovating a lot of the outside apartments (repainting, roofing, gardening, the office building itself), which is why we decided to move.  At least you can enjoy some new renovated appliances and flooring!  You totally need to get yourself one of those directors chairs and sit and point at things.

:lol: yeah, i should..


I saw online that there was the possibility of another unit available next month and the rent was cheaper but when I went to ask about it they said it had already been taken :(


we probably could find a cheaper apartment somewhere else but we like this one and the area and the fact that we live less then a mile from my SIL...  She drives me crazy sometimes but she has always been a big help to us over the years..  


We officially said yes on the apartment that is two doors down.. we are just waiting to hear from the manager.  All we basically have to do is sign a new lease. We might have to pay the difference for this month but it won't be much.  Oh we do have to sign a 13 month lease to get the cheapest possible rent which at first was not something we were too happy about.  We want to buy a house next year and didn't want to be tied down.  But then we were thinking that this is probably for the better because we can spend the time paying off our debt and saving for the house..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-05 15:34:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Moving right before your due date even if in the same area is going to be hard.  Poor you.  Is it at least a slightly bigger unit, or just renovated? We have a friend who just had that happen to him, they want to finish renovating and are slowing moving ppl out of the building then they are converting the apartments to condos. 


So i flunked my glucose test today, i got a score of 144 and now have to go for the 3 hour one which includes a 3 day meal plan beforehand (omg the menu is pitiful how i am i supposed to NOT be hungry on it?), and then fast for the actual test.  Right now i'm hungry every 2 hours how the hell i'm going to survive this i have no clue.  So not happy about this.  I even ate good the last 2 days and stayed away from carbs and sugars crying.gif


My baby shower is the last Sunday this month, and my sister in law sent out RSVP a couple of weeks ago, with self addressed stamped envelopes for return.  So far only one person out of like 10 has replied.  I mean seriously how hard is it to say yes / no and send the bloody thing back?  I'm annoyed because this is why i don't get along with most of David's friends.  they don't care about anything and leave it all to the last minute.  Like my sister in law and her friend have to cook and make food and plan for a certain amount of ppl the least these invitees could do is mail the damn thing back or god forbid use FB to let us know.ranting33va.gif



well, i won't be doing much of the actual packing, moving or cleaning so it will be pretty easy for me..  I just have to direct where things go..


the place is the exact same size, it will just be renovated.  new flooring, new appliances and I think new cupboards...

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-05 13:49:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

so an update on our housing situation.. It looks like we might just move two doors down by August 24th. Our deposit will just transfer over. The rent will be a little higher but that is ok. I am just glad we will be settled before little Emily gets here..  I feel such a huge sense of relief.  

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-03 17:38:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

ugh, yesterday we got some not so great news. our 6 month lease is up at the end of September. It was supposed to go to month to month after that. But we found out that they are wanting us to move at that time.  I talked to the manager and told her I was due at that time and asked if we could at least have an extra month and she said no. :(


They say it is because they are in the middle of renovating the whole apartment complex and they are under contract to renovate a certain amount of apartments in a set period of time.  


They did offer us to move to a renovated apartment but that is an around $140 more a month...

so either way we have to pack up again in the next few months. I am kicking myself that we didn't sign a year lease.. grrr...

We will probably just stay within the complex because it is less hassle with moving and deposits etc..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-02 05:50:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

oh most bedding sets usually have one sheet, a bumper, a quilt, and a crib skirt

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-31 22:30:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?



Oh man crib bedding has me so confused.  We were working on our Babies R Us registry to get an idea of what we would need, and on the 'must haves' list it has some bedding items.  Some of them we didn't even know what they were and some we didn't think we'd need that many but maybe I am wrong???


It suggests- crib bedding set, 2 to 4 fitted crib sheets (do those not come with a bedding set??), 2 mattress pads and waterproof pads, 2 sheet savers (what are those?), 4 crib blankets (but I thought I'd read you weren't supposed to use blankets for babies anymore...!??), 2 wearable blankets (aren't those some type of clothing item you can sleep in with space for the feet?)....  long story short we are so confused. And that was JUST the bedding!

I think most bedding sets are a waste of money.  They say that most normal bumpers are not safe to use because of the suffocation risk,  So I have a breathable bumper on my list.


Also most bedding sets only come with one sheet.  You will probably need more then that.


I just put a couple of fitted sheets, waterproof crib pads, and a mattress cover on my registry.

half the stuff they say you need, you don't really need..

Edited by Marilyn., 31 July 2013 - 06:42 AM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-31 06:43:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

when we were at Walmart we saw a cute bedding set on clearance but it was missing the crib skirt.  My SIL wanted to buy it for me. So I looked online and it is out of stock everywhere but you can order it online.   so I just ordered it but she paid for it..  I didn't want a bedding set because I didn't want the bumper but my SIL kept bugging me about it..  :P   so this is a good compromise.  I guess it is another gift I have to act surprised for when I get it

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-30 21:37:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

yay, my crib is now sitting in my SIL's garage.  :D  


She says I have to act surprised when they give it to me at the

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-30 18:51:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I won't mind having my parents here because I know my mom will help a lot with keeping the house clean etc...  


My husband is also taking 6 weeks off after the baby is born. :)  He will be getting full pay during that time..


This is going to be a big change for us.  It has just been the two of us for about 8 years now.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-29 21:12:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I guess my SIL's SIL suggested that I have the shower after the baby is born so my parents can be there.  They are coming for a week or two shortly after the baby is born.  First off I need some stuff before the baby gets here and second there is no way in heck I want to attend a big party a week or so after I give birth.. wacko.png

Edited by Marilyn., 29 July 2013 - 05:59 PM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-29 17:58:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

so in the continuing saga of the  I figured I would give the store a call today and they said that they weren't sure why I didn't get the pick-up email but that the crib was indeed ready for pick-up...  dry.png

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-07-29 13:04:00