CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

my sister took this pic

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-10-19 22:13:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I wanted to be able to put bows etc in my daughter's hair but she recently decided she hates having anything on her head.  The bow on her head in the picture only lasted a short  She hates wearing those baby hats too.  She will cry until you take it off.. :P

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-10-18 18:09:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Thanks. The jeans are actually leggings that look like jeans.
Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-10-17 08:27:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

the certificate from the hospital was enough proof for my husband's FML etc...


my little munchkin is adorable.  She is a pretty laid back baby.  She only cries if she is tired or hungry.  She was 3 weeks old on Monday.


My parents and younger sister are here from Canada.  They are in love with her and it will be hard for them to leave but I am sure now they will come for a visit more often.


 yesterday we took Emily to her first pumpkin patch and picked out a pumpkin.






Edited by Marilyn., 16 October 2013 - 10:32 PM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-10-16 22:30:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

congrats veeNdee!  :)

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-10-15 23:05:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Hey all just thought I would do by and say hi. Being a mother is one of the strangest but wonderful feelings in the world.

We think Emily now weighs almost 7.5lbs. She will be 2 weeks on Monday.
Hey all just thought I would do by and say hi. Being a mother is one of the strangest but wonderful feelings in the world.

We think Emily now weighs almost 7.5lbs. She will be 2 weeks on Monday.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-10-05 21:53:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Congrats Ontarkie!
Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-30 21:25:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

hey all.  we had our baby girl on Monday at 1:12pm.  She was 5lbs 8 oz.  she is so adorable.  We came home last night, the hospital was just to uncomfortable.



Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-25 12:17:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

no, i will be 39 weeks on Monday ... the doctor is not sure how my labour is going to go, he is pretty sure that once I do start going into labour it is going to go quick and he isn't sure if I would make it to the hospital..  

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-21 18:16:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

yeah i can't believe it is so soon.. 

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-21 13:20:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I am excited, nervous and scared all at the same time...  It has just been my husband and I for 8 or 9 years, this will be a big change.

for the first few months all I could stomach was salads and canned fruits with a few other things thrown in there.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-20 13:15:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

its offical.  I am going to be induced on Monday unless I got naturally before then.  I was at 5 cm today

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-19 16:47:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

i've been feeling kind of...antsy like i can't sit still like a kid with ADD or something.  Nothing keeps my focus and i'm sure its because i'm getting closer to the end.  i'm not in a cleaning mode or anything like that..its just..i dunno lol.  i can't watch tv for more than a few on the computer..nothing...and its driving me nuts lol.


also hubby has been driving me nuts lately, he is ALWAYS on that damn game of his..GRRRR , and i told him i feel like i'm being left out, like hes ignoring me.  i mean is it that bad i want him to spend time with me now before the baby is born and we are too exhausted?

I know the feeling.  I have been getting increasingly more and more bored.


and ever since I stopped the shots and got my stitch out I feel totally different.  I have these major mood swings where one minute I want to strangle my husband and the next I just want to love on him.. It is driving me crazy, my poor husband...

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-18 14:42:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

she already got to spill the beans about us being pregnant.  tongue.png a few weeks later I confronted her about that  and she said "well you posted it on facebook"  Yeah, a few days after we told her and when I already knew she had told everyone.  My husband's brother had texted him the very next morning congratulating him.. tongue.png   I had wanted to wait to tell people.  The only reason we told her first was because I would need her to take me to doctor's appointments as I didn't have a car of my own at the time.  I figured I didn't have to tell her not to tell anyone but I guess I was wrong :P


oh and I forbade her from telling her aunt the gender of the baby before I could tell her.  Then I hear from my SIL that her aunt had called her and gotten a little mad that my SIL hadn't been the one to tell her..  wacko.png


I have told her that I only want my husband and I in the delivery room and she seemed ok with that..  


Yeah she is excited because this is essentially her first niece in a while.  We do have 3 other nieces but we get to see them maybe once a year.  And we hardly saw them when they were babies..  


One good thing about our hospital is that you have to be buzzed into L&D.  So we can tell the nurses not to let anyone in if somehow  my SIL does  find out that we are there.  We plan on letting people visit about 2 hours after I give birth.  I am kind of hoping I go in the middle of the night so this isn't an issue..


Emily has taken to ramming her butt into my ribs and staying there for awhile.  it makes it very hard to breathe ...I keep telling her that if she comes out she will have more room to stretch but she doesn't listen to me.  tongue.png


We are kind of hoping she is born tomorrow as it is my husband's Birthday and he thinks it will be cool to share a Birthday with her..

Edited by Marilyn., 18 September 2013 - 02:43 PM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-18 14:37:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

so I am not sure if i mentioned it but  for the last week or so my SIL texts me every day asking how I am doing. I made the mistake of telling her I am already dilated.   Yesterday she texted me and said, "call me when you do go to the hospital"    i didn't respond to her though.  We don't plan on calling her.  We will call my parents and that is it.  If I call her she will show up with her kids and she will call everyone..


I have not told her that I am probably going to be induced next week.  She is a bit of a gossip so even if I told her not to she would probably tell everyone..   She asked if I wanted her to come to my appointment tomorrow and I said no because I know the doctor will be discussing the induction.  I feel bad but this is the only way it works with her... :P


For some strange reason I feel like it is our place to tell people :P

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-18 14:15:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

yeah she is... I think she likes it in there.  or she likes kicking mommy in the ribs :P


the doc told me yesterday that they are going to probably induce me next week if I don't go naturally before then..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-17 17:22:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I like buying baby things that I can use for more then just a short period of time that is why we got the pack N play..


we got this one.. Graco Pack 'n Play Playard- Barlow

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-14 20:03:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I have been to my doctor's office at least once a week since April...and lately I have been going twice a week... So they all know me there..

we are using a pack n play by the bed for the first few weeks and then we will move her to the crib..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-14 19:33:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

this was taken a few days ago. 


Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-13 15:34:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

i was thinking of some homemade cookies or something

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-13 15:21:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Kimbear, I am sorry the insurance is doing that.  Could you possibly rent one?


i think the pump I am getting is the Ameda Purely Yours one.  I was reading some reviews on Amazon and they weren't that good.  Oh well, it is free.


i hope you feel better, Ontarkie.


Do you think it would be weird to get my doctor's office a gift basket or something after i give birth?  I just feel like they have had a big hand in helping me get this far.  A lot of the people who work there either know me by sight or by name.  My main doctor even knows my husband's name.   they make me feel like I am a person and not just a number in a file like I felt with my last Ob-Gyn.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-13 15:06:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

yay, just ordered my free breast pump.  It should get here within the week.  :)

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-13 13:50:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

HAHAHA that is the same thing I complain about read my dang chart. I think this computer chart is making doctors lazy. I liked it better when my doctors carried the chart in with them and said lets see what has been happening with you the last time then asks if any changes. Boy I miss those doctors.

The thing is they were both looking at my paper chart when they asked


So i saw my regular OB today and told him what the other doctor said about the low fluid.  I told him they said it was 11 and my doc said yeah that is around what it has been measuring the last few weeks.. He wasn't worried..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-12 22:03:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I see 3 different doctors at my regular clinic.  And then I have seen probably 3 different doctors at the perinatologist office but I don't go there very often....


Another thing I found kind of funny yesterday was that the nurse who was weighing me and checking my blood pressure asked if I was still getting the progesterone shots and I said no.  She seemed surprised and asked why.  I told her they stopped them at 36 weeks and she said, "oh you are past 36 weeks?"  


The doctor asked the same  Wouldn't it be in my charts how far along I am?  :P

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-12 14:50:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

not sure.. he even showed me on a graph thing where I fit in..  I think they just might have different standards at that clinic or something..  he also mentioned that my fluid level was low but still normal.  On Monday my regular doctor said my fluid levels were fine..


this is the problem with seeing so many different doctors.  

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-12 14:02:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

yeah I know the weight is basically just a guestimate.


 I was looking online and around 6 pounds seems to be the average weight of a 37 week baby so now I am confused..  the doctor said I was smaller than average..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-12 13:51:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

 the stitch was probably the only thing holding things closed down there....

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-12 08:39:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

So when I got to my appointment on Monday the doctor said, "oh we are going to take your cerclage out today."  It hurt quite a bit and I was crying.   He told me to go to L&D because he couldn't quite get it all and he wanted me to be monitored.  I found out when I got to L&D that I was already dilated to 4cm and about 90% effaced.  But after monitoring they said i  wasn't really having contractions so I was sent home.  Oh and the doctor after digging around some more (ouch!)  couldn't find the rest of the stitch but he said it wouldn't effect labour..  The doctor also said the stitch was basically the only thing holding her in.  So the stitch did it's job :D..


yesterday I had my growth US and the doctor said he thinks her weight is about 6lbs 6 oz.  He said that it is smaller then average but it still was ok.  He didn't seem too concerned.  Everything else checked out great. 

Edited by Marilyn., 12 September 2013 - 06:18 AM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-12 06:16:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

yeah, I was a little chunky to begin with. The one time I asked about it the doctor said it was ok and said that I should gain about 15 pounds or so..


 The nurse mentioned something on Friday about my weight going up and down that is why I was a little concerned but like I said my doctor never said anything..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-08 10:12:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I am a little worried that I haven't really gained much weight.  Maybe 10 pounds.  My doctors haven't said much about it though..


one of my doctors when doing the US said, "you are all baby in there"..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-08 09:29:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Some people go into labour a few hours after it is removed and some people go a few weeks.  We will see what happens..  :)

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-06 16:09:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

so it looks like my stitch is coming out next week.  The doctor I had today changed my Monday appointment to the doctor who put in the cerclage because she said it needs to come out as soon as possible.  I think it will be Thursday but who knows he might decide to take it out Monday.  Which is fine with me because my husband will be with me at the appointment.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-06 15:14:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

yeah, she gives all her current nieces and nephews lots of love and attention..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-04 21:42:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

yeah that's probably what we are going to do.  I know my SIL might be hurt a little but oh well.


 I do love her and she has been awesome but it almost seems like she thinks this is her pregnancy and it should go how she wants it too :P  Even at my baby shower she kind of made it seem like it was for her.. :P

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-04 19:18:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

yeah insurance sucks.  When my husband first started his job the insurance was great.  they covered everything 100% after copays which were reasonably low.  It has gotten worse and worse every year..


i am not sure what to do about my SIL.  she is under the assumption that we are going to call her as soon as I go into labour which my husband and 
I don't really want to do because then she will call everyone.  i did tell her today that we want a minimum of 2 hours just for me, the husband and the baby to have some alone time.  She said ok so I won't call anybody til later.  But why should she call anyways?  It is our news to share :P  She already had told everyone that we were pregnant before we got a chance too... :P


i also don't want anybody waiting at the hospital for me to deliver.  I told my SIL this and she said well, you can't stop that from happening.. wacko.png

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-04 17:23:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

yeah it is crazy how fast time has seemed to gone.  but of course when I was in it, it seemed to be taking forever :P


My stitch is probably coming out next week.  So I could go anytime after that.  


i still have some organizing to do around here but I don't have the energy for it...  I might have to get my SIL to come over and help me..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-02 16:44:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

yay I had my lost progesterone shot today!  :D

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-09-02 15:38:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

yeah the only problem is our insurance is charging these claims as if they were a copay so they don't count against our out of pocket maximum. grrr


 i had reached the out of pocket maximum back in April but then our new insurance year started in June :(


yeah most of the ladies there know me by name or at least by sight.  I usually end up with the same receptionist and I just have to walk up and she says "hi Marilyn" and looks up my  I have been going at least once a week since April for my progesterone shots....

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-30 17:53:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I can barely walk anymore.  I have to go so slow.  I am doing the pregnant


It is weird for me because i am used to walking fast..

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-30 17:05:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

yay I tested negative for the Group B strep. smile.png




the doctor today didn't seem overly concerned about the measuring small thing but he did tell me to keep my appointment for the growth scan.


I still can't get him to nail down a date to remove my stitch though.. 

Edited by Marilyn., 29 August 2013 - 05:36 PM.

Marilyn.FemaleCanada2013-08-29 17:36:00