US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical stuff inside packet3
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-03-13 18:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical stuff inside packet3
Forget I asked, okay.

I contacted the consulate by email myself and got the answer.

If anyone else ever ends up in the situation where they never get the pkt3 from Vancouver consulate or the Montréal consulate in Canada, the VAC number that the receptionist at the panel doctor's wants is the same one as was assigned at the NVC.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-03-13 16:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical stuff inside packet3
I called the panel doctor today to make an appointment. And, while I got the appointment, the receptionist kept insisting that I needed a letter from the consulate that had my VAC number on it.

Well, since the people who entered my postal code into the database messed it up and I never did get packet 3 in the mail, the consulate emailed packet3 as an attachment. This attachment does not have a page with my name already on it nor does it have the VAC number (in fact, it's identical to the samples of packet3 here on VJ).

My question is: Is the VAC number the same VAC number as the one that is called the Case Number? If so, I already have the number that she wants, but not on a paper from packet3.

I have told the nurse that the only piece of paper I have that has both my name on it and the VAC number would be the paper on which I print the umpteen emails between the consulate, myself and my fiancé. She said that it would have to do, but that I had only about a week to find out if the VAC numbers are indeed the same as each other.

To my mind, I think they are. But, you know how it is: there is now that niggling doubt planted by someone else and I begin to wonder.

So, I pass along the question to those who will likely feel more confident in saying Yes or No---VJ.

Any aid offered is appreciated and I look forward to it.

Thank you.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-03-12 23:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEmbassy typo....funny!

and a wrong postcode. :blink:

You're lucky that you even got pkt3 with a wrong post code. The embassy sent me an email with an attachment of the pkt3 because it had been (and still is) over a month since they sent pkt3 with a wrong postal code on it---not even in the format of postal codes for Canada.

And, the emails that I have gotten from the embassy indicate a sub level of English for communicating. They read like grammar rules of another language applied with English words. Since I have a certificate in TESOL, I can see that they're doing quite well, but it's just not quite there.

"I was hoping that you receive your packet in mail"

Hmm, you mean "I was hoping that you would receive your packet in the mail"
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-03-13 16:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS230, pt1, Question22
Thanks for the advice. I have better luck emailing them. That's what I done did. Will get their response some time after work on Monday (no access to email at work).
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-03-18 14:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS230, pt1, Question22
I filled out this form at least 7 times trying to make sure that I did everything right---asking questions here along the way, etc.

Yesterday, while on the 'phone with my boyfriend, I took the copy that I had faxed out of my file to read bits to him. While doing that, I discovered that I had left the very last line of Q22 blank. I have read elsewhere (posts by dave_ehssa, actually) that ALL the blanks have to have something in them even if the something says nothing (ie: None, N/A, unknown and junk like that).

I have redone the flippin' thing yet again. I find it exceedingly difficult to produce my own signature properly when stressed. So I practiced several times (again---just like the first 6 or 7 times) and made a pretty good one. But, I am hesitating about whether to fax it or not on Monday. I have changed the cover page to say

DS-230, pt1
with "attachments"
Name (P): xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx
(Amended to have an answer on the very last blank of Question 22. Previous transmission: 2007-03-15.)

My boyfriend said that they probably wouldn't stop the process and make me do it again because I didn't fill in a blank that would say Unknown anyway. I told him about all the people here who have dotted all their i's, crossed all their t's and jumped however high specified in quadruplicate---and still been told, No.

Should I fax the amended copy on Monday or not? If I do, should I fax the whole thing again or just the corrected page? (My fax is 7 pages long: Cover page, DS-230 pt 1, 4 "attachments" for places lived, places worked, schools attended and visit to USA.) It's no skin off my teeth to resend the entire doc---just anything, really, to avoid "No."

My boyfriend says that I worry too much. Do I?

Please advise.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-03-18 14:03:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDual Citizenship
Never mind.

Found answer by myself.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2006-11-29 00:58:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDual Citizenship

Does the UK passport not expire? My Canadian one does---every 5 years.

How would I renew it? Does anyone know?

Not that I, either, am anywhere close to that point.

PS: the Diversified Lottery was closed to Canadians that last time that I looked (too many of us in the US already---teeheehee).

Edited by Knobby_Wheezer, 26 November 2006 - 09:04 AM.

Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2006-11-26 09:02:00
CanadaRCMP record check
Wow! What a quick turnaround! Thank you!

Yes, born in Canada and lived only in Canada.

2 names
1 agency (RCMP)

"Canada Wide Name Check"

Excellent and very cool.

Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2006-02-20 16:25:00
CanadaRCMP record check
I have read elsewhere on the site that Police Certificates are for every place that a person has lived for 6 months or more since attaining the age of 16. For me, that's at least 13 places (guessing from memory of last count).

Questions that I have are:

1) Is it, in fact, the RCMP that I would go to for a nationwide name check?
1a) Or, do I go downtown to the local police and ask them to do it?
1b) Since I have lived in other provinces, does that point at the RCMP for the request or the local police?
- "local" police for several places in which I have lived means the provincial police---no "local" police
1c) If places are covered only by a provincial police force and do not have their own local police, is that only one certificate or is that 8 separate certificates?
- currently living in Calgary and have easy access to both / either RCMP or local police

2) Does anyone know if I have to pay 3 times if I have been known by 3 names?
- example 01: the name that I use now (which is on all my legal documents / is my birth name)
- example 02: the adoptive name by which I was known during my brief marriage
- example 03: the short name (like---'Betty' is short for 'Elizabeth') by which I am commonly referred?
2a) If separate payments are required for separate names, which of the above 3 (or all) would be required?
- So, what I'm asking, I guess, is it 3 separate searches if I've been known by 3 names? Or, would it be 4 names: my original legal first and last names; my original short name and last name; my legal first name and adopted name of marriage; my short name and my adopted name of marriage?

2c) If the separate name searches are combined with the separate places of residence, will I have to pay totally ridiculous sums of money as a result?

I may seem to have a tendency to 'overkill', but I like to be prepared---some surprises are NOT welcome. I also like to plan ahead. Neither myself nor my partner have applied for anything yet because we want to see a music-fest in RI first and do not want to have me turned back at the border because a K-1 is in process.

Any comfort that you can send my way will be appreciated. Trust me. :-)
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2006-02-20 16:02:00

( bad as substitute teachers :wacko: )

I am a temp. Have you ever been a temp? :ot:


My physics teacher told us that absolute zero was a theory. He said that he didn't want to be around when someone was actually able to achieve absolute zero as that would mean that the electrons would stop spinning around the nucleus---part of what the definition of "Matter" is. He postulated that the lab might contain a petri dish of anti-matter and since that had only been described in fiction---he didn't want to live it. He didn't think that absolute zero was -273ºC either. He said that that was just "really cold."

Hardly matters, I suppose: I really don't crave a trip around the back side of Pluto to check out just what temperature nothing is. Calgary is only sort of cold and then sort of mild and sort of cold again. I have learned to bundle up if I am going to be on any of the avenues because the wind just howls down 'em. The streets are generally sheltered. Where I hope to be going next year sometime is only going to get down to the same winter temps as I grew up with in southern ON.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2006-11-30 22:15:00
CanadaAny policy change at Vancouver?

---Not that we're anywhere near that point yet, but I track these things. Mostly it drives me nuts rather than contributing to any planning.

Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2006-12-27 23:34:00
CanadaK1 and short term work in Canada

Hi & Welcome :)

you wouldn't be able to leave for probably 3 months.

You're kidding! When I tried (unsuccessfully) to cross in June of 2005 at Coutts / Sweet Grass, the POE officer told me that if I came across on a K-1 visa that I would not be allowed to leave for a year! (She was pointing out that I should bring everything with me should we decide to go that route in the future :) .)

. . . Seems to me that I've read something of the sort here, too---unless you bother with a "parole" of some sort (allows you to travel outside of the US and its protectorates) before the year is up.

However, I do agree that you would have to go the K-3 route if you wanted to work for a little longer in Canada---or put off the K-1 until you take the retirement option. But, again, you don't want to wait. :huh:
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2006-12-29 16:49:00
CanadaCanadian geese

aren't they called Canada Geese??

Yes, they are called Canada geese.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2006-12-27 23:23:00
CanadaCalgary's lone K-1 / K-3 doctor
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-02-06 21:01:00
CanadaCalgary's lone K-1 / K-3 doctor
When do you find out where all these various places are to get these tests done?
Am I expected to get all this done in one day?
Are all 3 of the places fairly easily accessible by Calgary Transit?

I am carless and know no one here who would drive me around to anywhere. I have lived in CGY only for a year and a half or so and am not familiar with pretty much anything that is here (came for work). I don't have a doctor. I go to a clinic on 17th Ave somewhere when I need something looked at. I live downtown, but on the south side of the tracks (Beltline, for those who know).

PS: Thank you everyone for your answers. Thank you especially to CanuckmeetsYank. Very informative and horribly clear at the same time. Oh, well: they'll be in my life for what?---45 minutes? S'okay. :-\
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-02-06 20:24:00
CanadaCalgary's lone K-1 / K-3 doctor
Does anyone know if there's a great hairy line-up to get in to see this doctor?

Should I enquire at the doctor's now about wait times? (only waiting for pkt 3 atm)

Do I pay them the exam fee in USD or CAD?

Thanx for any help.

(I like to be prepared waaaaay waaaaay ahead) :)
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-02-05 23:44:00
CanadaPacket 3 from Vancouver
Amazing! Thank you from me, too! :) :thumbs:
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-02-06 22:46:00
It took me a while, but I finally read the last page.

I appreciate the info about the flour---I, too, make my own bread and found it was just impossible and that was taking into account the elevation (SE Idaho---south of the Snake River plain).

In the place that I visit and will be moving to (if things work out for 2007), I have found that the prices are all about double what I have paid for stuff in Canada---with, perhaps, the exception of here in Calgary. There are tons of people here who have tons of money and the prices reflect the wealth.

Surprises were the lack of price difference between large flake rolled oats and "quick" rolled oats---large flake cost more in most places that I have lived in Canada. Since I can no longer eat "quick" oat without gagging (gad they're gross), I do not know if the large flake cost more or less than quick oats because the store that I buy oats from doesn't carry the grody quick oats. But, in Idaho, they are the same price---and that's in WinCo or Fred Meyer (Albertson's just plain costs more).

BUT, Albertson's is a hold out for Jello 1 2 3. Anyone old enough to remember when that used to be in Canada?

Thanks, also, for the heads up about the corn syrup ubiquity. No wonder the boyfriend looked at me strangely when he discovered that I did not know what Karo Syrup was. He spoke of it like "Karo" was the substance from which the syrup was made---and I had never heard of such a plant or fruit. Then, when he showed me some, I realised what it was (my mom used Beehive) and that I still hadn't heard of it. (We needed some for a pie.)

I found that the plain cappuccino that is dispensed from a machine in the Stinker's chain of gas stations / convenience stores is a good substitute for Timmy's English Toffee cappuccino. I don't really care for anything else that Timmy's sells---I *did* like the tim-totes, but they don't sell them anymore.

Cheese curds are made in Logan, UT and it's a quick jaunt over the ID border to go get some. I can't remember the name of the store at the moment. And there's a rumour that they also have cheese curds up near Rexburg . . . or on the way to Rexburg . . . .

Yes, Buckley's is available online to the states, but it is only the kind with Dextromethorphine (sp?) in it. The regular Buckley's still has to be purchased in Canada. I gave some to my boyfriend last year for his birthday after fielding the complaints about the online stuff.

Oh, Yves brand of veggie "meat" is from Vancouver, not Montréal.

However, as the produce department in *any* grocery chain in SE ID is far more extensive than anything I have seen anywhere (except California)---I can live without Timmy's instant sugary powdered coffee mix, Y&S licorice cigars and can put up with having to specifically buy "bread" flour.

Ah, but yes, it *is* good to ###### sometimes. :-)
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2006-02-20 18:09:00
I had the same problem and I sent an email to the webmaster to tell them about the missing link. Hopefully, it will be rectified some time over the next week.

I used the copy from However, it doesn't fill the lines properly, so I have had to refer all of my places lived for more than 6 months to the accompanying page.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-03-10 21:22:00
CanadaDS-156K isn't at the DoS website
I have emailed the Department of State (who are closed right now) and told them about this including all the step by step URLs that lead to it. Earlier, I was not able to link to the DS-230 because it's not even listed in their set of pdf fillable forms.

I don't know what to do now except check it again on Monday to see if the messages were passed on to a webmaster and the problems fixed.

It's always something, it seems. :wacko:
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-03-10 22:12:00
CanadaDriver's License information for all states
Whoa! Thanks a bunch. Found the state to which I will be moving and bookmarked it. Also wrote down 'phone number and hours---just in case I need to contact the ID DMV before I get there (if they say Yes at my interview).
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-03-13 18:37:00
CanadaAppropriate attire for Montreal Interview
I have taken the correct attire to mean "school clothes." I have been asked about that in the past because of some interpretations of what school clothes might be, but to me "school clothes" were the ones that I wore to school and changed out of (into "play clothes") when I got home.

I consider "business casual" clothes the same way where I work. They just look like school clothes to me. So, I have reacquired school clothes (after spending years in industries that required tough, long-lasting clothes) from Sally Anne, Interfaith Thrift Store, Women In Need and various other second/umpteeth-hand clothing sources.

I expect that I will wear an "outfit" (gads, I loathe such phrases) from my current set of school clothes---but, preferably ones that survive car trips (F'é coming up to CGY for the drive to VAN).
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-03-17 22:03:00
CanadaWish me luck on Monday
Yes, misa, I wish you luck as well. I, too, want to know all about it when you get back.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-03-17 22:09:00
CanadaHow much did you bring with you?
I checked out the CBP site. Got good information for most and vague information for the rest. The doc I got was 35pp long. I edited it once downloaded (I don't need to keep info about cultural artefacts or gold coins).

Also, in that 35pp (now 17pp) MS Word doc from CBP is a reference to a pamphlet for the USDA. In it I discovered that I can bring beans, rice, flour and baking goods and *seaweed*! (as well as a host of other things) So, I can keep all my pantry items including the recently acquired box of dulse. The 'fridge and freezer are another story.

When I reuse small boxes for shipping items to my boyfriend, I have to turn them inside out because it is easier to do that then to try to wipe out all the stuff on the outside. Corregated cardboard boxes with lotsa stuff on the outside (like that huge smile thing-y) stay together better if the flaps are glued down after taking apart (ripping it at the old glue seams) and reconstructing inside out.

I was just wondering if I could tape 8 1/2 x 11 sheets of paper over the markings if they were on the tops of the boxes and the sheets could say things like: 1, 2, 3 etc to correspond with the itemised check list that I have to give / show customs. The place where I am currently on contract working has great boxes from an office supply place called Corporate Express. They get these boxes at least twice a week and then just put them out for recycling---they don't even break them down first because that is someone else's job. I was hoping to be able to score a collection of these, but they say Corporate Express on all 4 sides and the top.

Perhaps, I overanalyse. It is what I do.

Incidentally, I cannot afford a moving company, so any questions regarding food on their trailers doesn't affect me. But, thank you for pointing it out.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-03-21 22:01:00
CanadaHow much did you bring with you?

actually, bringing food is not allowed at all AFAIK. You might be able to get in some pre-packaged snacks, but that's about it. And if you have a moving company taking your things, they won't allow food in the container. You can't bring the contents of your pantry, that's for sure, even if you move yourself. No meats, no fruits, no vegetables, and a whole lot of other stuff they won't allow. Unless the rules have changed again recently.

Where does one find this information? I have jars and jars of dried beans and rice that I would loathe having to buy all over again.

I know about Canadian Favourites, but the stuff sold there isn't dried beans---OMG! I just finally got my 2lb of dulse from New Brunswick! You mean I'll have to leave it here and buy it again when I get there? Seems retarded to me (or promotionally "buy American").

Where does one find the information about the "paperwork?"

And, I would like to know if the border crossing is as aynul about reusing boxes as the US Post Office is about mailing stuff in reused boxes. Mailing in used boxes requires the blacking out, completely covering up or taking the box apart, turning it inside-out and hot-glue-gunning it back together so that none of the markings about the original use of the box can be seen. Anyone know?
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-03-21 02:21:00
CanadaMedical Exam

Since you are in Calgary, the doctor (who is at the Hummingbird clinic on Sirocco Drive) requires 3 passport style pictures. So, yes, it's true.

I take it back: it's a lie. Calgary doctor requires 2 pix. VAN doctor wants 3. I always forget this part!

I phoned public health and they are giving me all of the shots I need for my age group. It won't cost a thing and I will then have a record of it for the Doctor.


BTW: is Nowhere, SK anywhere near East Elbow Junction, SK? One of my grade school teacher's used to kid us about being from there.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-04-01 22:49:00
CanadaMedical Exam

Goodday I have a couple of questions.

This blood test, is it a fasting one where you dont eat for 12 hours etc..

and second question I see some information on here to bring Passort Pictures
to the doctor ( 3 of them?) is that true.


The blood test is not a fasting one. It's for HIV and syphilis rather then nutrient counts like iron. They will suck one vial for each test.

Since you are in Calgary, the doctor (who is at the Hummingbird clinic on Sirocco Drive) requires 3 passport style pictures. So, yes, it's true.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-04-01 10:14:00
CanadaMedical Exam

Goodday I have a couple of questions.

This blood test, is it a fasting one where you dont eat for 12 hours etc..

and second question I see some information on here to bring Passort Pictures
to the doctor ( 3 of them?) is that true.


The blood test is not a fasting one. It's for HIV and syphilis rather then nutrient counts like iron. They will suck one vial for each test.

Since you are in Calgary, the doctor (who is at the Hummingbird clinic on Sirocco Drive) requires 3 passport style pictures. So, yes, it's true.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-04-01 10:13:00
CanadaCalgary Medical

You can email the office in Vancouver as well to find out if they issued your interview date and when it might happen to be. If you were curious.

I will probably be forced into doing just that if I do not get anything from them by April 9. I have read elsewhere that updating address info (even if it's only correcting info) is seldom effective. If I do email them, I will probably do it by including the emails that show the interaction between me and them about the address correction.

As far as the medical, maybe the delay was they forgot to do the HIV test..hence they have to run the blood again. I heard that happen to someone else who had medical done in Calgary.

Yes, I have read that post myself a number of times. It happened in July of 2006. But, I don't want the lab to forget! :crying: It makes me feel diseased! Anyway, I have done a Google search for how long it takes get HIV test results back from any lab any where and the hits state either 7 to 10 days or 1 to 2 weeks. So, I think that the Hummingbird may be thinking of 'general' blood-testing rather than specifically syphilis and HIV. The initial answer that I got to my question was that the test for measles had come back! :wacko: Inspired me with utter confidence in their abilities, I assure you (not).

they never do these things as quickly as we would like...

Boy, have you got that right, sister! :P

Thanks for buoying my spirits, though. I *do* feel lighter today.:)
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-04-01 08:38:00
CanadaCalgary Medical
I cannot fax the checklist until I have arranged for a medical. So I arranged and attended the medical and then faxed the checklist.

I do not get pkt4 until some time after the fax of the checklist has been sent. The longest is 11 days and the shortest is 3. Three days has already come and gone. The 11th day is April 8---which is a Sunday. Therefore, at the latest, I expect to get Pkt4 by April 9. Unless, of course, what the consulate said about updating my postal code was a big lie. Then, I won't get Pkt4 and they will have to email that, too.

However, I appreciate the comment about slowness of AB Health Care. I am not from AB and haven't lived here long enough to have had enough sicknesses that required interaction with the health care system here.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-04-01 00:07:00
CanadaCalgary Medical

I had my medical (all 3 parts) on Mar21 and was told to call to see if the results were back on Mar28. They weren't. I was then told to call back on Mar30. I did. The results were still not in. I have been told now to call back on Monday, Apr2.

The medical assistant told me today (Mar30) that it takes 5 to 7 business days for the results to come in: Mar28 = 5 bidness days and Mar30 = 7 bidness days.

The delay is with the HIV blood test results. The syphilis results are in (but, she couldn't tell me anything about it over the 'phone). There was no mention of the x-ray and I forgot to ask (I am more concerned about the HIV test).

Has anyone else gone through the Calgary panel doctor that has waited longer than a couple of days for the results?

Just looking for reassurance . . . the usual.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-03-30 22:43:00
CanadaInterview in....
You know that I am rooting for you! Knock 'em dead, kiddo!
Will be around waiting to read your interview experience.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-03-30 21:38:00
Canadamephys's big day!!
Been watching, too! My heart is with you, Mephys!
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-04-04 07:41:00
CanadaCalgary Medical: complete in 13 days

How about the Xray location?

It's near a school---looks like a high school---on 16th Ave. It's kind of between that school and the Westbrook Mall. If you get to the mall, you have gone too far.

I'm just trying to remember what else is in that building that might be more noticeable. At the moment, I can only remember the medical clinic at 57. There is a business on the right hand side that has yellow and orange signage, but I can't remember what they say. Next in from that is the clinic. There's a convenience store, too, somewhere. There's a business of some sort on the very left of the building, too. The door to go upstairs to suite 200 is immediately to the right of whatever that thing is on the far left.

The website shows a tiny picture of the Westbrook Professional Building, but it's tiny. The site also displays a 'phone number and maybe someone who works there could give you a better idea about it. It's really close to a bus stop that caters to Route #2.

That's the best I can do. :-\
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-04-08 19:50:00
CanadaCalgary Medical: complete in 13 days
PS: in case anyone needs it ahead of time, the number for the Lab where the HIV test results may end up is 770 3600 and they open at 7am

The Lab is housed in the large 4 storey white building (looks like 5 from the C-Train bridge) with red trim that says University of Calgary on it in very large, very noticeable letters. The door to use is the one with the canopy over it.

I can't remember the exact address, but do remember that it is on Research Road for those privileged to have car access. But, again, like I said before in the original post, it's really easy to get to by public transit.
Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-04-04 23:38:00
CanadaCalgary Medical: complete in 13 days

Wow. Memo to Calgary residents: flights to Edmonton are cheap. ;)



Are you going to Vancouver or Montreal for your interview ?

Knobby_WheezerFemaleCanada2007-04-04 23:19:00