United KingdomPrevious drug use and Medical

Thanks for the replies.  I saw some other threads saying that any admitted use regardless of time passed would be cause for rejection so I got worried.


It's been over a decade.  We'd be crushed it some youthful indiscretions threw a wrench in us being together finally.


I hear that. There's a lot of conjecture amongst the actual accounts from people on here (well, it is the internet ;)) and that really scared me too. You hear/read the word "ban" and it terrifies you. But all you can do is be honest and hope that it works out. Fingers crossed for us both!

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-13 07:50:00
United KingdomPrevious drug use and Medical



Good for you for being honest. That is great and I am sure the doctor was grateful for being honest. 

That being said, remember that drugs normally stays in urine longer than it does in blood, so that might be something to consider. 


I'd hate to skirt the truth now only for some unforseen thing in the future to force me to be truthful and contradict myself!


I think I am going to be okay given the decade or so that's passed since I did anything ;)


Obviously I am still nervous to get all clear from medical anyway - on all counts, x-ray and everything - but my rational mind knows there's no need.

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-12 14:16:00
United KingdomPrevious drug use and Medical

I just had my medical today and was 100% honest (3 different types of recreational drug, a couple of times each, during a time of "experimental dabbling" about 10-15 years ago). I decided to just tell all and be done with it, I definitely feel better for having told the truth wholly. We'll just have to see what comes of it - hopefully no hold ups but I'd rather take the risk of that than withhold information for something this important. The doctor seemed happy with my answers to subsequent questions after she initially addressed the fact I'd ticked that box. I had to submit a urine sample. I will let you know what happens!

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-12 10:06:00
United KingdomAnyone recently receive packet 4 in London? We still haven't got ours.

It appears completely random :/


I got an interview date this weekend, from a letter dated a mere six days (four working days!) after my forms were logged.


Did you do Initial D forms - medical results - readiness forms as the order sent? This is how I did it, and timed it so that my readiness reached the embassy the day after the medical results did. I don't know if this helped, but to me it seemed the best way to "keep on top of the pile" at the embassy...

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-30 03:04:00
United KingdomSomething new to obsess about

*worriers high five*

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-30 04:58:00
United KingdomSomething new to obsess about

My brain definitely looks for stuff to worry about, but I really think you will be fine :D So long as it looks like you and fits the specs in the sense that you don't have a mask on or are facing the other way(!), I am sure it's all good!



Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-30 04:14:00
United KingdomBags allowed at the US embassy?
Emergency earrings



Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-10 04:06:00
United KingdomInterview on October 23rd!!! Possibly a silly question, but...

My interview is that day too! I'm just going to go for smartish and comfortable, as I'm gonna be a big bag of nerves.

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-11 02:55:00
United KingdomHow have your family and friends reacted to your plans ?

Great topic. I like reading about the other side of this process, rather than the forms, waiting times and interviews etc!


I have had an altogether very positive and excited response. I think it's fair to say I am the kind of person whose friends aren't too shocked when they make an announcement such as this? Bit of an "offbeat" family member and work colleague.


I will admit the questions are annoying, but as someone said, if people have no reason to know the process... they don't know it. Bob and I are both a little bored of trying to explain things to people, but equally I think it's sweet that folks care enough to keep asking!


The main 'thing' I have is self inflicted really: my guilt at leaving my mum. I lost my dad to cancer about 18 months ago and I think if he was still around I'd feel okay with emigrating and leaving my folks with one another. I have never been a homely daughter, despite being an only child. I'm terribly independent so leaving family doesn't generally present a problem with me, like it would others.
However now mum is on her own, it does make me feel very sad to think that I'm going to be so far away. I mean, perversely we'll probably talk more when I am in the US permanently (contact more in person and texting at the moment) and I must add that she has never been anything other than 100% supportive of my plans. She adores Bob. She says she actually feels more content when I am in the US because she hates London now (she lives in Kent, and I in South-East London) and knows I am happy, probably safer and looked after there, rather than essentially living alone in the capital here. She's been amazing and continues to be so, but still I feel so guilty sometimes that I am "abandoning" her. But then, I do have guilt issues. Like, identified in therapy guilt issues, sooo...


Aside from mum the other person it makes me want to cry when I think about leaving them, is my best friend. Because this emigration business is all feeling so real, now, we have been spending a lot of time together and telling one another we love her! She is so important to me and it's going to be very odd adjusting to Skype, whereas now we never ever talk on the phone! I'm sure in time we'll get used to it. She too is very very happy for me, though keeps teasing me about going and what in god's name will she do without me.


It's going to be interesting. We should keep this thread going, or create a spin-off one, to report back from time to time.

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-12 16:06:00
United KingdomA week today since London received my new passport and birth certificate....

I have been keeping an eye out for an update from you about this. Really pleased for you it's nearly (ie: not in hand yet - I would be the same!) resolved!


Yayyy! :)

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-11 04:56:00
United KingdomKimberley (Salgado?) Steve Reed?

What an absolute nightmare. And you expect the worst of the stress to be over with on the K-1 at this point. Best of luck to getting this sorted ASAP xxx

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-02 07:54:00
United KingdomThis really doesn't look good... what do we do?

How'd it go? :)

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-23 11:32:00
United KingdomThis really doesn't look good... what do we do?

Fingers crossed for you man! good.gif

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-21 10:31:00
United KingdomThis really doesn't look good... what do we do?

Have you tried calling the embassy for advice? :S


I am just guessing at this, but worst case and you don't get the documents in time, perhaps you might be approved pending submitting the paperwork?! Like Azsara and her passport and birth cert.


So, go along to the interview, explain the situation (take scans on the chance they may accept them or at least as representations of the originals which are still AWOL) and see what transpires from that. I am just thinking what I'd do in the same situation... Really not your fault at all, you are at the mercy of the post between our two countries, they must have had similar situations in the past.


Best of luck with it x

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-18 06:47:00
United KingdomTeething problems with booking/paying/courier changes.

I figured I would, knowing my luck, be out when they try to deliver lol and someone is at the clinic I work at everyday - my nearest depot is about an hours drive away so for me the extra $30 was well worth it.

Medical was a breeze, in and out in 40 minutes, although I foolishly admitted a 6 month stint of antidepressants 5 years ago which then meant my notes couldn't be sent to the embassy until my GP had sent a letter explaining why when what prognosis etc - luckily I went straight from Knightsbridge back home via the doctors surgery and begged them to fax a letter ASAP - which they did te next morning so hopefully nothing was held up.

Just a waiing game now for interview date!


I've a history of depression so I'm going armed with a GP letter (another reason to thank this site, because that's where I got the idea!). I hope your results are forwarded quickly, sounds like you dealt with it nice and fast! My GP's were such a pain with my letter, it ended up taking nearly a month to sort out :o


Hopefully you hear soon about an interview - nearly there now! :)

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-09 03:01:00
United KingdomTeething problems with booking/paying/courier changes.

I registered and paid my MRV fee yesterday - medical was on tuesday so I know I have a long wait yet for my interview date but after reading of the problems people were having with the site Ithought I would give it a go now rather than last minute; I had no problems and paid/organised courier to home then went back and changed delivery address to work - all straight forward so maybe this part has been sorted out even of the actual delivery process hasnt!!


Interesting! I didn't think of doing it early like that. Also good to know they will accept work addresses; my options are office or depot pick-up, if they still allow that.


How did your medical go?

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-07 14:31:00
United KingdomTeething problems with booking/paying/courier changes.


To be honest it seems we are all stil having problems with it as people are posting a new topic every week or so asking for help with it. I was having exactly the same problems as everyone else and had to get my fiance to try it for me and he managed to do it. Which seems to be the case for a lot of people. We dont really know what we are all doing wrong with it but all seem to be having the same issue. Though some people do it first time! Good luck with your medical!


How aggravating and adding stress to an already stressful experience! I hope they iron out the creases, for the sake of everyone's nerves!


Aww thank you! A bit nervous about it though rationally I know there's no need to be!

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-06 08:44:00
United KingdomTeething problems with booking/paying/courier changes.

As I sloooowly approach the final phase of the K-1 process (medical next week) I'm curious as to how the new London embassy booking/paying online and courier problems are panning out? Are people still experiencing problems with any of it, or has the dust settled?


With anything new there's always a bit of a mess at first, and with visas being Big Deals to those who are applying for them, the levels of stress are going to be very high during this time. I hope anyone affected by the teething troubles have got things resolved now, or they are well on the way to being sorted out smile.png

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-06 03:54:00
United Kingdommedical again in USA due to incomplete vaccination record ?

I am going to be in the same boat so even though it's crazy-aggravating for us all, it's nice to hear from others about it! I too couldn't get the MMR at medical (exactly same as original post) so am getting them through my GP now (for free) whilst I am starting to wrap up my life in the UK.


Plattsburgh, NY, where I am moving, has 2 civil surgeons in town so I am praying one of them will sign off on the vaccination sheet for me!


Best of luck all x

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-29 11:33:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

Got another update today saying they sent my fiance an e-mail, and are acknowledging our wedding date (Dec 10th) and are in the process of scheduling him for an interview. Ds were just added the 30th after having to resend, so a day later to get the email acknowledging our wedding date and saying they are in the process of scheduling him makes me feel hopeful. Did you all get an e-mail like that though?


I never got an email. I think this is a good sign!

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-01 09:35:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

What's the form that they ask for while you're waiting to get into the Embassy that they say you need, but you really don't as a K-1?  Heard some K-1 people have been turned away because they didn't have it.


When I went on Weds the person doing to announcing was a very nice fellow, and he expressly said DS-formwhatever or interview letter. He barely glanced at the letter when I presented it to him, and asked me what time my appointment was, and my name.

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-25 02:22:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

You're welcome :-)

Well guys tommorow finally the big interview day for me ,arrived in London this morning to spend time with a friend.we just got back from checking out where exactly the embassy is .

Can't believe the day is almost here after all the waiting


Best of luck Jola! Mine is Weds, eeeek! smile.png

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-21 10:28:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

My medical was also September 3rd, I have heard nothing sad.png   I emailed the Embassy and they told me my forms were processed on september 20th (GGRRRRR!) and I could expect a 4 week wait - does that mean a 4 week wait for an interview, or a 4 week wait before they even assign an interview????!!!  


From what I have seen, the "norm", such as it is, is that it's the latter. About 4wks for the letter, which gives you appointment a few weeks on from that.

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-04 05:54:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

Does anyone know if the US gov shutdown is going to affect the processing of visas in the UK? I just read 'Under the shutdown, national parks and Washington's Smithsonian museums will close, pension and veterans' benefit cheques will be delayed, and visa and passport applications will go unprocessed' On the BBC website. It fills me with dread!


According to the London embassy website, they do not anticipate being affected.


At this time, any U.S. government shutdown will not affect Embassy London operations. 

The Embassy and Consular section do not anticipate a disruption to services beginning 1st October 2013.  
Our Consulates-General in Belfast and Edinburgh will also remain open.

We will update this notice as needed.



I guess all we can do is keep an eye on things, see if that changes for however long this goes on for...

Edited by Jo Amelia Finlay, 01 October 2013 - 05:20 AM.

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-01 05:19:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

Woah that's fast! Congrats!


Thank you good.gif I was very pleasantly surprised!

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-29 17:52:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

I got a letter yesterday morning (dated Sept 26th) with my interview date. So that's six days after readiness forms were logged.


So happy. October 23rd. Our NOA2 expiry is Nov 10th so I was fretting about that a little, but no need now.


Good luck once again to everyone who needs it, whatever you are waiting for!

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-29 15:54:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?


Finally got assigned our interview date today, October 8th! Can't believe it's so soon, me and Genevieve are over the moon, literally just days apart no! smile.png

Fingers crossed to everyone in a similar position in the process, really hope you get your date assigned v soon


Nice! I am a fan of October generally as it's my birthday month! :P

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-25 17:58:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

Forgot to say and can't edit: On my cover letter I put wedding date of December 7th. Purely in the hope everything is done and in hand by xmas and I can relax!

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-25 05:09:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

Ooh I just found this thread. Let me join the interview date waiting party dancin5hr.gif


Trying to stay positive and also occupied, as checking CEAC or even generally thinking about the wait etc just makes me stressed out and upset. This will be the longest Bob and I have ever gone without seeing one another (nearly two months now, with realistically another five to go :()... so trying to take each day as it comes. When I'm at work I check twice a day, tops. On a weekend I try not to think about it.


Anyway, as you can see below in my sig, but just to clarify:

Sent the first batch of DS forms mid Aug -> CEAC update Sept 3rd

Medical on Sept 12th -> CEAC update Sept 18th I believe it was

Readiness forms signed for at embassy on Sept 19th -> CEAC update Sept 20th.


Not called DoS for any of these, just riding along assuming they marry up as common sense suggests. Really just trying to "trust the process" here.


Good luck everyone!

Edited by Jo Amelia Finlay, 25 September 2013 - 04:45 AM.

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-25 04:40:00
United KingdomLondon Interview

I took a packet of stuff just because it felt weird not to, but it wasn't asked for.

Edited by Jo Amelia Finlay, 25 October 2013 - 03:02 AM.

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-25 03:01:00
United KingdomJust on my way back from interview

That sucks, but as Ryan&Amy said, this is really just a little stutter in you getting your visa in hand. Not ideal, but entirely doable - and 'doing' you and your mum are :)


All the best for getting things sorted and wrapped up ASAP. xx

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-24 05:12:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Hi everyone. My fiancée had her K1 visa interview yesterday at the US Embassy London. Her visa was approved according to the consular officers. Today on CEAC we found the following message:
Administrative Processing:
Your visa case is currently undergoing necessary administrative processing. This processing can take several weeks. Please follow any instructions provided by the Consular Officer at the time of your interview. If further information is needed, you will be contacted. If your visa application is approved, it will be processed and mailed/available within two business days.

My questions are:
Is this a standard message following a K1 visa approval?
What does administrative processing mean?
Is it likely that she will receive her visa by the end of next week (11/23) via home delivery (not one of the drop boxes)?




For most, exactly what it says. Papers are being shuffled around in prep for her visa being issued.

Yes, probably. Most of us recently have been getting ours within seven days post interview.



Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-14 11:44:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

*hops from foot to foot*


Interview tomorrow, gaaahhh! star_smile.gif

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-22 03:57:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

I may change my mind nearer the time as panic/nerves set in, but I am unconvinced by the idea of taking a DS-260 with me when I have already submitted all the others and am exempt from its clutches anyway... huh.png

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-17 10:00:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Noel Fielding was there for an interview too haha. Well, him and his posse. They were in and out very quick and got to go up together (they were all getting visas).


Amazing! Love that guy.

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-11 02:10:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Also, when we check-in at LHR (or any other UK airport) the airline attendant asks you 'did you pack all contents yourself? ' did anyone give you any packages?' Essentially, I'm lying by saying...'No' because if I say 'Yes' surely that will take me onto a whole new realm of questions. 


I think given that it's an official, pretty much government sanctioned packet, you're probably all right assuming it's okay not to mention it ;)

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-10 08:03:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

oh thank you all so much for your replies, I just called and they gave me my london number and advised the embassy in London received it my case on 24 August,

I am so happy I am clapping like a seal ,

does anyone have the telephone number to book my medical?



Don't forget that the embassy website is a great resource. http://london.usemba...xamination.html

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-26 07:52:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Soooooo my CEAC update just changed to today's date. OMGGG I hope that's my readiness forms. If so that means they were logged within 24hrs!!!


Again, nothing I can do but wait and I would rather wait with this optimistic viewpoint. All out of my hands now. But still: dancin5hr.gif

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-20 04:32:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

So I couldn't get through to the docs this afternoon when they asked me to call back (I called this morning but they were still going through paperwork).


Out of boredom I tried the CEAC page again just now, and it's been updated with today's date! I am *assuming* this is my medical results already, even though that seems uncharacteristically fast. I suppose I could call DoS to confirm it, but I would rather live in naive optimism right now :P


Sending readiness forms tomorrow to arrive before 1pm Thursday. Then the interview date wait commences :)

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-17 10:49:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Ok I sorted out the Police Cert Application and the photos in the process of making an appointment with my GP.


When can I expect to hear from my US Embassy about medical, interviews etc?




This gives as good an idea as any of us can guess for you.

Jo Amelia FinlayFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-17 02:51:00