US Citizenship General DiscussionDeported for an Agravated felony but we think he is a US Citizen? What to do next?


Exactly this.  You don't need to report the birth using CRBA to validate him as a US citizen.  He has compelling evidence that he is a US citizen by birth to a US citizen father.  If by right he is a US citizen, it cannot be taken away.


Why is everyone keep missing or not acknowledging the fact that he represented himself as a LPR for all these years and not as a USC...up until he lost his LPR.   I agree, parents are not required to file a CBRA for their child.  Also, that child doesn't have to become a USC - ever.  The child was brought to the States by his parents and became LPR and not a USC, why?

bluebird74MaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-04 16:00:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDeported for an Agravated felony but we think he is a US Citizen? What to do next?

He represented himself as a LPR. 


Sometime jail sentences are cut short due to deportation.



bluebird74MaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-04 15:55:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDeported for an Agravated felony but we think he is a US Citizen? What to do next?

I do hope it works out for him in the end and that he also learns from his mistakes and leads a good life - away from the gangs.

bluebird74MaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-04 15:48:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDeported for an Agravated felony but we think he is a US Citizen? What to do next?

You're speaking in absolutes when the piece of text you quoted says "Failure to promptly document a child who meets the statutory requirements for acquiring U.S. citizenship at birth may cause problems for the parents and the child when attempting to establish the child?s U.S. citizenship (snip)"

So yeah, it may be a problem, but that doesn't mean it can't be fixed. 


I never said it cannot be corrected, but Homeland Security is going to look at this from the same perspective which I have shared. Meaning, why has he "remembered" of possibly being a USC, after his LPR has been taken away.  That's all I am saying.

bluebird74MaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-04 15:46:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDeported for an Agravated felony but we think he is a US Citizen? What to do next?


She already detailed most of the pertinent information regarding her cousin and his USC father. The cousin became an LPR because of their own ignorance of CRBA (and I mean ignorance in just lack of knowledge, not in an offensive way). As it was shared previously, his USC father did meet all the requirements for him to be able to register his son's birth and grant him US Citizenship.


We'll see what happens. Even though another user said he has seen a lot of cases like this that don't end well, this is the first I hear, at least here on VJ.


Well, I don't want to be rude either, but they are wanting to prove he is a USC after his conviction and loss of LPR status (at least 12 years after entering the U.S.).  Did he or his father NOT know he might be a USC by birth for all those years?

bluebird74MaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-04 15:42:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDeported for an Agravated felony but we think he is a US Citizen? What to do next?

The attorney said that regardless if he reported the birth abroad or not, he is still a US CITIZEN, born to  a US CITIZEN, signed the birth certificate as his father, and was married at the time of the birth. Yes he will need to fill out an explanation as to why he didn't do it , and will probably need to do some paperwork,  but his CItizenship will not and can not be taken away. Those are his exact words . 

I can only rely on what you tell me and not what I can see.  All I am saying, is that USC parent/-s have a choice to file the CBRA or not.  If they don't, a child can still become a USC, but it is not an automatic thing. You have to read the information provided in my link.  How could your cousin be a USC when he held a Permanent Resident card - 12 years after his arrival in the US.  It's all a bit strange isn't it?  I do wish you guys luck in proving his U.S. Citizenship though :)  Keep me posted.

bluebird74MaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-04 15:38:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDeported for an Agravated felony but we think he is a US Citizen? What to do next?

He entered the USA at the age of 6 . 

Exactly. He also must have become an LPR at that point, but not a USC.  This makes all the difference.  You can enter as an LPR when joining a family member,, and even if one's parent is an LPR and that parent becomes a USC, as long as the child is under the age of 18, that child can be sworn as the USC at the time his/her parent is - without having to be an LPR for 5 years.

bluebird74MaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-04 15:31:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDeported for an Agravated felony but we think he is a US Citizen? What to do next?

Just last night we found out that my cousin might be a US citizen which is the reason I'm on here asking to see if he is indeed a US Citizen, what can he do to come back to the United States and what steps to follow.  First of all, His father is a born US citizen. He met and married his mother in Honduras but didn't bring them over legally until he was 6 years old. He has been a LPR since he was 6, his mother naturalized when he was 12. Although he never naturalized, I believe he might be a US Citizen since both his parents are right?  At age 18 he got in trouble with the law and was convicted of Armed Robbery w/ gang enhancement. He robbed someone for the "benefit of a gang" is the exact wording. He served 3 years and was subsequently deported with his green card taken away.  Is he a US Citizen and therefore he can come back as a US CItizen? Was he wrongfully deported?  Thank you all for any and all advice.


I commented under someone's quote earlier, but I decided to write directly under your initial post.

I do feel sorry about your cousin and I'm not here to judge.  People make mistakes, but that's not the point I'm trying to make.  Thing is, you have clearly stated about your cousin being an LPR and this makes it all different.  His parents never filed a CBRA, but it looks as though he later entered the U.S. on some sort of visa and received the status of an LPR. If he is now at least 18 years old and remained in the U.S. since he was 6, that means he's been an LPR for more than 12 years. I assume he must have had renewed his LPR status at some point. Why hasn't he just file his N-400 to become a citizen? The bottom line is, he was an LPR at the time of convictions, and I do believe the Homeland Security was in the right.  If there's something that could overturn their decision, please share with us - I'm curious, but I honestly don't think there is, for he was not a USC.

bluebird74MaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-04 15:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDeported for an Agravated felony but we think he is a US Citizen? What to do next?

I'm not super clear on the requirements for a child born abroad to a US citizen and a foreign spouse, but if the child was born in wedlock, I believe he would have been a US citizen at birth. On what date was he born? It may matter with regards to certain laws that were passed at some point.
Anyway, if it turns out he is not a US citizen by birth for whatever reason, then if his mother naturalized when he was 12, and if he was legally admitted as a legal permanent resident, and was legally in the custody of his mother at the time she became a citizen, then yes, I believe he automatically became a US citizen at that time.

Note this is all a bit above my comfortable level of knowledge with immigration law (and I'm not a lawyer to begin with) so take that with a grain of salt smile.png


A child of a USC born abroad, is not automatically a USC.

"Parents of a child born abroad to a U.S. citizen or citizens should apply for a CRBA and/or a U.S. passport for the child as soon as possible. Failure to promptly document a child who meets the statutory requirements for acquiring U.S. citizenship at birth may cause problems for the parents and the child when attempting to establish the child?s U.S. citizenship and eligibility for the rights and benefits of U.S. citizenship, including entry into the United States. By law, U.S. citizens, including dual nationals, must use a U.S. passport to enter and leave the United States."


Since the guy was a Permanent Resident, that means, he his parents never applied for CRBA and he must have entered the U.S., later in life - perhaps after his 18th birthday.  He is treated the same way as anyone else who becomes a Permanent Resident.  I hate to say this, but he committed a felony and with that, he became a subject to deportation.  I highly doubt he can ever come back to the U.S.  For more info, please read:



bluebird74MaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-04 15:14:00
IndiaMy experience with Medical test in Apollo Hospital, Chennai, India

Dear all,


I want to share my experience on medical test for CR1 visa category. I chose Apollo Hospital, Chennai for my medical test. This hospital is very organised & staff are quite helpful. As soon as I informed the receptionist that I have come for my medical test for US visa, she gave me a form to fill up my basic information like, name, contact number, address. Then she asked me to wait for my name to be called. After waiting for 20 minutes, my name was called & I had to pay the registration fees of Rs.2840/. This included physical test by a doctor, blood test for VDRL & chest X-ray.Then I was told to go to first floor for my blood test and chest X-ray. After that, I was told to wait again to see the doctor. I had to wait for nearly 45 minutes before I could see the Doctor. Then the lady doctor completed her physical examination & asked me about my medical history & also, if I have ever been hospitalized. She adviced 3 different vaccinations which I had to buy from the hospital & was injected in various parts of my body:)

I was done for the day. I was asked to go to the hospital between 4 to 5 pm to collect my report. When I went on the next day, I was handed a closed envelope & advised to repeat the vaccinations after a month.

The whole process was quite smooth except for the wait time at every stage. I would advice you to carry a jacket into the hospital as the AC in the Ground floor is quite bad.

If you need any other information, l'll be happy to help.


Wife of USC


Hi, I am also from Chennai , wife of USC , Its very informative n useful stuff u shared. Thank you. Hope i can approach u for any help regarding visa. 

CresentMoonFemaleIndia2013-11-05 05:36:00
IndiaImportant info about Police Clearance Certificate



This is not practically true even if it is a theoretical law, i have Delhi address in Passport and currently live in Hyderabad, yet I got my PCC in Hyderabad successfully without changing any addresses.

I just had to show address proof and a formal police verification was done by the Police at my current address. So the process took some time (~2 weeks) but I guess it is not impossible.


I am sorry if I added to confusion but this is how I have done it.



Which address has been mentioned in ur police certificate? Hyderabad or Delhi? have they mentioned anything abt the place of issue of the PCC? 

CresentMoonFemaleIndia2013-11-20 07:11:00
IndiaImportant info about Police Clearance Certificate

Yeah. The one u should get from the city which has mentioned as place of issue in ur passport. It wil be more than enuf. No confusion Great Combination :P :P 

CresentMoonFemaleIndia2013-11-20 01:48:00
IndiaDo we have only mumbai and delhi consulates now?

There are other consulates but only Delhi/Mumbai do immigration visas. We live in Bangalore and traveled to Chennai for my hubby's B1/B2 but Chennai does not do immigration visas.



Yeah chennai and hyderabad consulates handles only non immigration visas. 

CresentMoonFemaleIndia2013-11-25 13:21:00
IndiaDo we have only mumbai and delhi consulates now?

I think its not true. We have 4 in india. Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad and Chennai

CresentMoonFemaleIndia2013-11-25 04:42:00
IndiaIssue with Police certificate

My experience,


I hvenot added my spouse name in my indian passport. I havenot applied for reissue to add my spouse name. since it is optional i didnt update my passport after marriage. When i went to the passport office for PCC on scheduled time, I was asked for the country for which pcc is required. Since i filled out my spouse name in PCC appointment form, I was asked for marriage certificate, I showed them the marriage certificate(photocopy), but they didnot collect it from me(some office may collect it from u for evidence). Later they printed my PCC in which my name,passport number and my spouse name, USA are reflecting and it says i hve no any criminal records.


Adding spouse name or showing marital status as married in passport are optional. Pls Dont think it wil affect visa process or interview. You can simply say to consulates during interview that u didnot update your passport after wedding . Already one of my friend went to US on CR1 , she didnot add her spouse name in passport. You should be fine as long as u hav marriage certificate and all other evidences for bonafide marriage. No one can ask or do anything for passport stuff.



As i showed them my marriage certificate, They mentioned my name in PCC was Mrs.XXXXXXX W/o, XXXXXXX. So The passport is still the same with no updates but i have my PCC updated. 


This s my experience. But about your question, I think you should be fine and explain this to consulate during interview. PCC is jus for criminal records , not for bonafide marriage evidence. So jus go with guts and show other evidences for bonafide relationship.


Thank you.



CresentMoonFemaleIndia2014-02-11 00:44:00
IndiaAntibody titre test?

Thanks for the replies.  I think it might be a country-specific thing...I've read about some people being able to find out, but it seems in India, no doctor is willing to do all the tests.  Luckily we just found a letter from my husband's doctor attesting to the date & batch number of his MMR vaccine for his previous job.  So thats at least one we have covered.  


And yes, we called the panel doctor listed for Mumbai and they explained exactly what CrescentMoon explained...they pretty much understand that very few in India have records of their immunizations especially since they were given during they simple give the age appropriate ones at time of medical.  We are going to try to see if there is a local doc that can give some of the vaccines now to save money..especally the tetanus one.  I might even go with him if we find a doc that gives tetanus boosters as mine is well expired and I'm sure its hella cheaper to get it done while I'm in India rather than pay for it in the US! 



Yeah pls update once u r done with that.

Edited by CresentMoon, 16 February 2014 - 01:06 PM.

CresentMoonFemaleIndia2014-02-16 13:00:00
IndiaAntibody titre test?

Hi, Before starting i130 process, I checked with doctors abt this immunizations. I dont have my records. So enquired if we can find out the vaccines i got before and make some records of it. But As far as i enquired, No doctors can find it out. I dont think that titre test would help. And also Mumps,Measles,chicken pox,polio vaccines were already done when we were young. That cant find it out whether we had it or not. And also now in this age We are not eligilble for these vaccines. May be we ll be vaccinated of flu, rubella,Hep A and B. and few.. That can be done during visa medicals. I think in india , no doctors gives these shots. coz all i mentioned the flu, rubella and few more are per US norms. they are not available in india.


I enquired my friend who lives in US currently. She got vaccines of flu,Hep A and B during visa medicals and remaining vaccines she got after she entered into US in 3 months gap.


These are all the things from my understanding. coz It took a month time to understand the process and enquired abt all these. So We people wont face any difficulties and delays coz of these immunization part. So I hope I am right. 

Edited by CresentMoon, 15 February 2014 - 01:00 AM.

CresentMoonFemaleIndia2014-02-15 00:53:00
IndiaContinued PCC confusion

We got a checklist for PCC after case complete (by phone) in December 2013. We submitted the PCC that was obtained from chennai Passport office in October 2013. After multiple calls to NVC (I got a different response each time. One told me to bring a new copy to the interview, other said everything is fine including the fact that they have the PCC and its good and Case is complete and we don't have to get a new one and told me to ignore the checklist). We got the case complete email and in the interview letter there was no mention of consulate needing new PCC and in fact it even said that PCC  was forwarded to the embassy. I asked my wife to get another one closer to the interview date for the VISA interview just in case. She had an original from the one she got in October 2013 and another one she got in Jan 2014. None of those were asked on her interview day. 


Did you call NVC and double check with them? Did you also check whether the name and address are as it is in the passport? 


But from my understanding, passport office wont issue a new one when we have an existing valid one, only if our existing PCC expires, we can get another copy. I am from chennai.But my passport issued place is trichy and PCC issued place is thanjavur. I got 2 valid original copies. but they got expired now. After my case number n IIN, we need to apply for fresh one for NVC,interview n POE. And my current address and the address in the passport are the same, no changes in that.

CresentMoonFemaleIndia2014-03-06 20:00:00
IndiaContinued PCC confusion

Reposting.. :)


Actually Regional passport office means the place ur passport has been issued. 


Will explain my case. I applied passport in Trichy, Tamilnadu. My passport issuance place was Trichy. Its reflected in my passport. But After a couple of years, A service center has been opened in my town, Thanjavur, Tamilnadu which has been operating under Trichy office. So I no need to go to Trichy now to get my PCC. I can get the PCC from my local passport office. But The details of PCC such as my name, spouse name, passport number,Address, criminal records, PCC issued place(Trichy. Note: not thanjavur), Passport issued place(Trichy) everything wil be reflected in that. 


So no matter where u have applied n been issued. U should go to ur local office which comes under ur passport issuance office.


U can find out the local offices which come under ur passport issuance office in passport seva kendra website itself. 


I think i am right smile.png smile.png


I already applied for PCC once and Its expired. My i130 petition got approved yesterday last night(March 5). So I can apply for PCC in my local passport office, Thanjavur. No need to go to Trichy anymore.


I think u got me.


CresentMoonFemaleIndia2014-03-06 11:31:00
IndiaContinued PCC confusion

Actually Regional passport office means the place ur passport has been issued. 


Will explain my case. I applied in Trichy, Tamilnadu. My passport issuance place was Trichy. Its reflected in my passport. But After a couple of years, A service center has been opened in my town, Thanjavur, Tamilnadu which has been operated under Trichy office. So I no need to go to Trichy now to get my PCC. I can get my PCC from my local passport office. But The details of PCC such as my name, spouse name, passport number,Address, criminal records, issued place everything wil be reflected in that. 


So no matter where u have applied n been issued. U should go to ur local office which comes under ur passport issuance office.


U can find out the local offices which come under ur passport issuance office in passport seva kendra website itself. 


I think i am right :) :)



CresentMoonFemaleIndia2014-03-06 11:14:00
IndiaVisa medicals in Apollo, Chennai

Yeah Its sucks now. Thanks for the response.

CresentMoonFemaleIndia2014-03-19 23:36:00
IndiaVisa medicals in Apollo, Chennai

I am a beneficiary from chennai, Tamilnadu, India. I had my heart surgery in Super Speciality hospital in Puttaparthi, Andhrapradesh in 1997.In my heart surgery report, My name is the same but a small spelling mistake from my original name. I was thinking that It would cause any issues in visa medicals as I m going to carry this for medical history. So I just wanted to make it clear and I went to Apollo hospital, Chennai today. I showed the panel physician my surgery report and enquired if the spelling mistake would cause any issue during visa medicals or do I need to correct my name from the hospital where i had my heart surgery. But the physician asked me to get a letter from the hospital where i had surgery stating that, I was the one who had surgery and name was mispelled. Any one here has got experienced like this?


My questions are.,


I am working in an IT company. Its difficult to take off from my work and I dont want to spend time now to go to puttaparthi to change or correct my name as its too far from Chennai(will take 10 hrs by train).


What would be the situation If I did not show this to panel physician and tell them that the records are lost?


What would be the situation if i carry the same existing report, and requesting them to consider the report without any letter from the hospital where i had surgery?


And also I dont have records for vaccines also. But hope It would not be an issue. But I m highly concerned about the surgery report. 



Can anyone give me the personal contact of apollo physicians where I can get some idea and suggestions?


Its very urgent.I am in NVC stage now. I will have to plan accordingly. 


Any thoughts?


Thank you  :(



CresentMoonFemaleIndia2014-03-19 07:12:00
IndiaSending PCC to NVC

I am going to get my PCC on monday. no case number yet. Hoping to get case number next week. :) .Dont want to delay from my end. Need to mail them all to my husband. after monday I will send all my docs to my husband which takes a week time to arrive there. I can jus walk in to my Regional passport office on monday n get PCC, without any appointment. Howzzz the plan?

CresentMoonFemaleIndia2014-04-04 20:29:00
IndiaSending PCC to NVC

I can just walk in to the PSK for PCC. No need to fix appointment. But not sure if that works in all PSK offices. U can jus check with your regional passport office.

CresentMoonFemaleIndia2014-04-01 05:50:00
IndiaSending PCC to NVC

I got 2 originals of PCC from my regional passport office, Trichy. They said that they wont provide extra originals when the exixting ones are still valid. I am planning to send one to NVC and another to interview. I dont think i can get another copy for closer date of interview if my current copies are valid by then. Is there any option to get extra original copies from Trichy passport office if i need to get one for interview or POE?

CresentMoonFemaleIndia2014-03-20 00:24:00
IndiaVisa Application Center (VAC) and Interview for mumbai

Please go through the link and help me in this 



CresentMoonFemaleIndia2014-05-01 21:58:00
IndiaVisa Application Center (VAC) and Interview for mumbai

I am also from chennai. Thank to vkrish for ur inputs. Very helpful :)

CresentMoonFemaleIndia2014-03-30 09:17:00
IndiaVisa Application Center (VAC) and Interview for mumbai

Waiting for the answers. I have the same kinda doubt  :clock:

CresentMoonFemaleIndia2014-03-29 04:11:00
IndiaMumbai Interview

cant wait for my turn   :)

CresentMoonFemaleIndia2014-05-07 09:28:00
IndiaMumbai Interview

Vkrish, I called Apollo few days ago for some queries abt medicals. They said I need to fix appointment. Think now they are doing it on schedules I will call them again for appointment when i should get medicals done.

Edited by CresentMoon, 06 May 2014 - 10:14 PM.

CresentMoonFemaleIndia2014-05-06 22:13:00
IndiaMumbai Interview

Hi All,,


I am waiting for case complete in NVC and interview date to be scheduled. Before that I jus wanted to know abt the mumbai consulate , interview questions, and other procedures. My wife should be flying from Chennai to Mumbai for interview.

Which one is the cheapest airline from Chennai to Mumbai?

My wife does not know anyone in Mumbai. How can she manage there and where to stay near to consulate which is walkable ?

How soon She should be arriving Mumbai?

what are the supporting documents She should take with her? If beneficiary is not comfortable with English during interview, Is there any other option to answer in their regional language? If yes, Will there be a translator?

What abt VAC? Could My wife take VAC appointment for photograph and biometric in Chennai before interview or in Mumbai on the same day of interview?

Which one should be the visa pick up point for my wife? It would be delivered at door step or Should my wife collect it from a visa pick up point in Mumbai or in Chennai?


Many Thanks.

CresentMoonFemaleIndia2014-05-04 14:13:00
IndiaPCC in Bangalore - sharing our experience


just wanted to share what hubby has gone through in Bangalore regarding PCC in case it helps anyone else.

Hubby arrived as PSK (sai arcade) at 845am and asked to enter for PCC (he had booked an appointment for end of april but we didn't want to wait so thought to try walk-in)


The guards would not let him enter, asking why he needs a PCC (for green card purpose), where is the checklist (he asked what checklist they are referring to since the website when he booked his appointment didn't say anything about bringing any letter or checklist). They said they will not let him in without the checklist.

Hubby left and went to take print out of the NVC bar code coversheet and the Mumbai consulate checklist.

Hubby arrives back with printouts and shows them to guard to try to enter again, guard asks why do you need PCC (to submit for my green card), guard asks why are to applying for green card (hubby says to join my wife who is USC living in US and this is the US govt requirement to submit PCC for green card), guard says ok so you are going as a dependent (hubby says no its CR-1 visa to join my spouse not a dependent visa). The guard then asks hubby to write a letter stating all these facts of why he needs PCC, who he is joining in US etc. Hubby writes the letter and FINALLY guard allows him to enter.


Hubby gets a token number and goes to counter A where they take his pic and fingerprint him and he pays 30rs so he can get sms. then he waits 3 hours to get called to counter B (while waiting, he was asking hourly why there is so much delay and they gave bullcrap reason that the file has to transfer from counter A to B but there is no file its just the pic/fingerprints in the computer!)


Counter B asks same questions about why he needs PCC who is he joining in the US etc, they flip through the papers hubby brought (he brought his passport, old passport, marriage cert, NVC barcode sheet, mumbai consulate checklist) says ok now wait to be called for counter C.


waits another 3 hours to get called to Counter C where they again look at the papers and say that the police verification will need to be done and the police will contact him. once the verification is complete he will have to come back to collect the PCC. Hubby asks how many copies can he get and they say don't worry about that now. hubby asks how long will this take and they say the police could call as early as tomorrow but don't give any definite timeline.


so all in all hubby spent 8 hours running around for all this today and nothing really accomplished! Will keep updating as things happen (verification and completion of PCC)





I am in my native town and busy in getting paper works done for NVC. Thought u were curious to know abt my experience(Saw ur post on my quote on the thread "Sending PCC to NVC")  Thats y i could not reply or share my experience of getting PCC. Finally I got 2 copies of PCC from my regional passport office on the same day i walked in. But I will share my adventurous experience soon in this thread. Hope that may help our VJ Indian beneficiaries.


On the way......    :) :) :)

CresentMoonFemaleIndia2014-04-09 14:40:00
IndiaDS-260 course of study



I went to a primary and nursery school from LKG to 7th grade. What would be course of study in this school?


I have completed SSC and HSC from the same school. I joined in that school in 2000, completed SSC in 2003, continued in the same school and completed HSC in 2005.So How could i mention that in the room for Institution name and Course of study? My school name, From when to when? and course of study would be SSC or HSC? 


 And I have completed B.E from an Engineering college from 2005-2009. So the course of study would be " Bachelors of Engineering " ? Do i need to mention the stream Computer science and Engineering?



CresentMoonFemaleIndia2014-04-01 23:57:00
IndiaInterview Items - Mumbai/India

If I want to prepond the interview date in Mumbai embassy, What do i need to do? Email or Phone? Who should reach out to them? Beneficiary or petitioner?

CresentMoonFemaleIndia2014-06-07 15:01:00
IndiaInterview Items - Mumbai/India

I am planning to take 2 big albums of my wedding. how abt taking it in a transparent case.

CresentMoonFemaleIndia2014-06-03 06:18:00
USCIS Service CentersWhat happened to Nebraska??????

Yeah They have updated something great news. Looking forward. 

CresentMoonFemaleIndia2013-11-21 03:26:00
USCIS Service CentersWhat happened to Nebraska??????

Yeah i jus checked USCIS site. I dont knw wat to say. cant predict their moves. My husband jus had a call with USCIS rep. She told him that our petition is in NBC and they are now processing oct 2012 files. 

CresentMoonFemaleIndia2013-11-19 15:12:00
USCIS Service Centersnebraska and california service center slow or fast?

You have already shown intent of immigration by filing CR1 visa, so I think they will probably deny any other visa application but no harm in trying.



I need to know some clearcut points

CresentMoonFemaleIndia2013-11-20 00:06:00
USCIS Service Centersnebraska and california service center slow or fast?

Can i apply for B1/B2 or H1B visa while CR1 is on the process? 

CresentMoonFemaleIndia2013-11-19 14:51:00
USCIS Service Centersnebraska and california service center slow or fast?

what is first three alphabet of your case number ?  If MSC then it should be in NBC Missouri

Yeah its starting with MSC. But i heard that petitions are being transferred to local offices. i m wondering my petition gonna be routed to any local offices. i need to know that exactly

CresentMoonFemaleIndia2013-11-19 13:38:00