Middle East and North AfricaHappy Monday ya'll!
Happy Monday...

No Goverment offices means cannot call DOS to check...
I started fasting although the offical lent date starts on Wed, but according to the catholic church where Iraq we start on Monday...

Valentine was quite since the honey was here..

I am parying for some good news this week. Keeping all in my prayers
BattaFemaleJordan2010-02-15 12:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Camel-hump Wednesday
Good morning all,

I am hoping for a good "rest" of week...

Too cold in Chicago Brrrrrr...
BattaFemaleJordan2010-02-17 10:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
Good morning all,

I am at work while it is sunny cold out there.
The honey on his way to the auto show in DT Chicago... wish I was there..

Wishing you all a good day

BattaFemaleJordan2010-02-18 12:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaGot Interview Date
Thank you all for your kind wishes.. I am hoping all goes well
BattaFemaleJordan2010-02-20 02:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaGot Interview Date
Hello VJ,

I just wanted to inform you that today we got emai from our lawyer that the interview is scheduled for April 1st.
It seems they were confused about my finace application from another special visa, but the lawyer was able to clarify and we got a date.

I am so so happy.. at least it give us comfort to know there is an interview date.

I wish everyone will get their great news this week.

BattaFemaleJordan2010-02-17 11:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaOur Interview Monday 2/22
BattaFemaleJordan2010-02-22 19:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday.....
Good morning ...

I was reading the " Tuesday" thread, and noticed that it is passed midnight.. so here is the' Thursday" thread.

Nothing much here going to sleep while it continue snowing in Chicago.

Happy Freezing Thursday all
BattaFemaleJordan2010-02-25 01:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaMagnificent Monday!!
Good morning all..
Congrats on the Visa..
BattaFemaleJordan2010-03-01 07:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaJordan Police Certificate
He is Canadian citizen. We both were born in Iraq, and I am a US citizen.

I am trying to find a mean of getting this done with Money " Wasta" I am not sure if you know anyone.

He is on a tourist Visa in Jordan now.. waiting for interview
BattaFemaleJordan2010-03-08 10:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaJordan Police Certificate
Yep another road block...

Fiancé went to the intelligence ministry, he was told he needs to have a valid Iraqi pass, transfer his visa stamp from the Canadian to Iraqi, then apply for the certificate.

Well, we cannot get his Iraqi pass since it is expired in 2000, and he cannot go back to Iraq due to security issues since he worked with US Army.
So now the question, what can we do to over come this..

I am at point of crying because both of us hate the fact we were born Iraqis and lived in such countries that complicate the life of it is own people.

Any advice on this?
BattaFemaleJordan2010-03-08 10:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaDOS
Congrats.. I hope all goes well from now
BattaFemaleJordan2010-03-08 15:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbassy called me this morning
That's good news at least you heard from them.

I have noticed that Amman embassy has changed a lot.. before they were answering within 1 day now it is taking longer than usual, or sometimes it seems email is ignored.

I pray that you hear some answer soon, I know the feeling of the unknown, it is a killer.
I am trying to stay positive as I head there end of this month to go as mental support for him ..LOL

I think he is the one who puts me in order as he always ask me not to get upset and not to bother myself..I am trying.
BattaFemaleJordan2010-03-11 23:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbassy called me this morning
Any update... I was wondering about you last night, but silly me burried my self with work forgot to write till now..

Hope everything is well.

BattaFemaleJordan2010-03-11 19:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbassy called me this morning
They will call you... just wait...

easy said than done.
BattaFemaleJordan2010-03-08 10:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbassy called me this morning
Usually the 1st day always busy for them.
I am sure they are going to call you back tomorrow, or even it is better if you try to call them during their hours.

My finace left to Jordan and in few minutes he should be landing there. He got to do the Jordanian finger prinrts since he lived there for 5 years.
It is hard to be away from him.. after getting used to have him around.
On the bright side, we are on step in right direction, and going to see him in 20 days from now.
BattaFemaleJordan2010-03-07 13:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbassy called me this morning
I hope it will be Good news... I am staying quite as we will be going to Jordan soon... he is leaving me this week heading to Amman.. His parents going week after .. and then me, few days before interview.. will be spending easter there..
BattaFemaleJordan2010-03-04 14:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday... Chilly .. Cold...
Good morning all,
I woke up at 4:30 in the morning, unable to go back to sleep..
All I can do is put myself to work to catch up with everything..

So excited about this week as I will be heading to Amman next weekend, to spend time with my fiance and attend the interview.

I wish you all a blessed Sunday..

BattaFemaleJordan2010-03-21 06:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonday .. is Here

Can we just skip Mondays and go right to Tuedays

How about to jump all way to Thursday?
BattaFemaleJordan2010-03-22 11:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonday .. is Here
Good morning,

Monday is here.. start of a work week..

Again 2nd night I was up at 3:15 AM to wake up the finace cause he got a medical in Amman..
I guess he was already there...
He just sms me and said everything is well nothing ub-normal.

I don't know if I need to start the sleeping pills or else I will have black circles around my eyes when we see the CO.

Have a blessed day..

BattaFemaleJordan2010-03-22 06:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaWed ....

is it friday yet? :unsure:

Check back in 2 days.. in mean time have a coffee
BattaFemaleJordan2010-03-24 08:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaWed ....
Good morning all,

It is Wed and I can see Friday in the outlook yet it will be cold and raining.

I will be leaving Saturday yet I have done nothing for that trip..and I was thinking to go on stand by for Friday.. Ya I can see this happening.

Have a wonderful day all..

BattaFemaleJordan2010-03-24 05:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaSaturday

Couple more hours and I will be going to the airport.
I will write when I am in Jordan..

Keep me in your prayers

BattaFemaleJordan2010-03-27 15:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt is officially Friday
It is officially Friday

Good morning Folks,

It is officially Friday, and this means tomorrow night I will be in a plane heading to Jordan, not only to see the fiancé but also to attend his interview on April 1st and we both will be celebrating Easter with family and friends whom still living in Jordan.

We will be also celebrating on April 1st the Assyrian New Year, so our interview might have some special feeling for us.

I been running around yesterday trying to see what should I wear to the interview.
I went bought 4 dresses ? tonight will have to choose..

Plus I cannot complain it is going to be about 80 and above during the time I am there..I wish I took a longer time off.

Any idea on what to wear?

BattaFemaleJordan2010-03-26 06:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonday
Good morning,
It is Monday here in Amman. I arrived and was so tired, and they had to stop me at the immigration in Jordan cause they were in suspect of my name, go figure and I was here last year and yet nothing. This time I came to Jordan with new pass cause that one expired, so not sure what they are suspecting...

Ohh well, flight was horrible, sure because I have to take Jordanian airline.

I am here it is a bit cold and the humid weather makes it bone chill.

I am goig to take more naps before I can go to the Visa office and then go for launch..

Ohh I picked up a nice black dress from Banana Republic for interview..

Have a wonderful time..

BattaFemaleJordan2010-03-28 21:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaInteresting article
This is a very true artical.
I cannot understand why when my finace worked for the american for 5 years he was not on their name check list
Yet at his interview he showed up as a name of suspect...

This system is a mess
BattaFemaleJordan2010-04-01 08:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Interview

Kenza posted an interesting article that she found about the name checks...


Thanks for the link.. I did read it yet I still cannot understand the whole AP..

First of all, my finace is Christian, his name is all from Bible
He has been to the US more than 10 times in and out with no issue
He worked for the past 5 years with American troops inside a US base in Iraq and Passed 12 months of security clearance
He resigned his job at end of last year to come home because it was time..
He was involved in 5 operation to rescue American combat in Falujha
He has 50 honory letters from top generals
and all of the above and they still want an AP!!

So if he was still working at the base, it would be stuipd to put him on AP..

Imagine what a screwed up system we have in such a great country!
BattaFemaleJordan2010-04-01 11:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Interview
Thank you all.

My finace worked with American troops as canadian linguist.
He even hold a canadian passport, but again the hunt of being an Iraqi follow us to grave.

he has clearance from the US to allow him to work with american, yet they want additional processing.

Go figure!

BattaFemaleJordan2010-04-01 07:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Interview

So we went to the interview, everything was ok with the papers, and they do believe our case, now we are put on mandatory additional processing, which will be sent to Washington DC to check on his name.

I just cannot believe what a system that my fiancé worked for 4.5 years with the American troops, and was a special linguist for the General of camp Falujha, yet they want additional processing, so how come they allowed him to work next to a top rank officer for 4.5 years!!!

I had been in tears since we left the embassy, and not in the mood to see Amman.

My flight is delayed for the return not sure why, but I will be home on 7th all alone.

Thank you all for your support..

Now I will take a rest and go hide..

Yours truly, Batta
BattaFemaleJordan2010-04-01 07:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaGood Friday
I made it to Jerusalem after 3 hours of security check with my fiance just because we are American and Canadian with Iraqi national as well.
We attended the mass at The Church of the Holy Sepulchre..

Tomorrow going to Masjed AL Aqasa and then to The Church of the Holy Sepulchre to attend " Sabet al noor" mass..

I ate the best Hummos :)

Have a goof weekend all
BattaFemaleJordan2010-04-02 14:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaGood Friday
Good morning all,

It is Friday but not any Friday..

This is a blessed one for us.

We are going to Palestine " Jeruselam" to celebrate Easter at the holy church since it is the best thing to do..

I wish you all a happy holiday

BattaFemaleJordan2010-04-01 22:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa Status Check
Well Samer I am not in Amman, I came few days back.

I think it says we can email embassy, my finace is going to contact Nahda office to have them contact embassy..

if this does not work, I will ask finace to go to embassy
BattaFemaleJordan2010-04-09 08:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa Status Check
Thanks for the advise.
I am putting the exact number from my fiance passport since I have a copy of it.
Anyway.. it is Friday tomorrow so I have to wait till Sunday.

I told my fiance to go to Nahda office and have them deal with this..
BattaFemaleJordan2010-04-08 12:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa Status Check
Good morning folks,
I have been trying this link which given by the US embassy of jordan to check on status, yet everyday it says that passport number could not be found.
I did call DOS yesterday and lady all she said it is "Pending"

How loong it takes for the embassy to update their records? should I contact the embassy?

Let me know

BattaFemaleJordan2010-04-08 07:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaI cant believe it
I would suggest to get this through a congressman or senator from your wife side.
This is same bullshit they are doing to people which is incorrect.
BattaFemaleJordan2010-04-07 07:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaLawyer
This is why I suggested he goes to Nahda and just consult.
Although Nahda thought my papers were all in order, they were shock because of the AP.
Ghassan himself ( Nahda owner) thought I was joking with him, I told him don't u see my real tears!
BattaFemaleJordan2010-04-11 15:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaLawyer
You need a lawyer in USA?

Have you tried to go to Nahda and ask questions about this?

I know there is a well known immigration laywer here in Chicago whom she is an arab background. I will try to get you her name.

Good luck.. Keeping you in prayers.

BattaFemaleJordan2010-04-11 11:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaIRAQi Police Certificate in Canada..?
Just get the Canadian one and forget about the Iraqi and Syrian certificate.
I am assuming she came to Canada on a refugee or let's say the united nation efforts for Iraqi refuge in Syrian and Jordan.
Then she already can explain it would be difficult to obtain any certificate.

My friend told me that his fiancé in Iraq took her 50 days to get the police certificate because it needed to be sent to several police districts.. So it is a waste of time.

We had our interview in Amman this month and they did not ask for anything, we only supplied the Canadian certificate because my fiancé has been in Canada for 10 years.
BattaFemaleJordan2010-04-28 12:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaIRAQi Police Certificate in Canada..?
I am assuming that your fiance is canadian resident or citizen.
In this case she would not need to have more than the canadian police certificate during the interview.
We did this while my finace interview in Jordan, and he is canadian citizen. They did not ask anything about the Iraqi police, they just wanted the canadian police, they also never mention his police certificate while he was in Jordan, because they knew that it is impossible to obtain when you have expired Iraqi pass.

In Iraq you can obtain the police certificate, but then it is still in old fashion, where it will be sent to several district police and then returned to you in about 50 days.

Like everyone said, have a print of the website snapshot, but I doubt you will be asked about it.

// Batta
BattaFemaleJordan2010-04-28 05:59:00
Middle East and North Africa221g again
Hi sameer,

Well.. although there is a wait, but at least the gave you a time frame, and then they might be able to get things conculded once they get the file.
Keeping you in my payers

BattaFemaleJordan2010-04-26 06:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaDoes this mean we are out of AP??
Good morning,
Something inside me made me to check my fiance status this morning and I got the following

Case Status: As of 26-Apr-2010, your passport is required for additional processing.
Please submit the documents listed below to the US Embassy via Aramex within 90 days of the date listed above.
Barring unforeseen circumstances that may require additional processing, we hope to adjudicate your application within five to fourteen days from the date we receive your passport.
Click here for more information on the Aramex Courier Service. Thank you.
Your Current Passport

We called DOS on Wed 4/28/2010 and they told us still in AP although the message says 4/26.
The web link was just got updated because we checked status on Sunday and we did not see nothing.

Please tell me this means we are approved.

BattaFemaleJordan2010-05-03 08:06:00