Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
Good morning ,,

Good luck with the job Olivia...

I have blisters all over my feet from wearing new shoes 2 days ago where I was forced to walk in them for 1 hour :(
Hubby now has more hobbies such as car racing and flying planes :) More spending than ever.. he is killing time..

The Green Card had been ordered so we just going to wait for it, plus he got the EAD in hand so now he is reading his books to possibly take the CDL for trucks next week so he can start looking for Jobs.

As for me , boring life at work with so much to do and less time to complete everything. I made a Zucchini stew last night but made a mistake and put some cinnamon instead of chili red pepper, hubby eat it with no complaint :) I have not told him the human error.
I been cooking a lot all of the Arabic food cause he does not like eating out. I am just running out of ideas. I need to pull out my Arabic cook book and start discover the hard dishes my mom used to make.

Have good day all

BattaFemaleJordan2010-09-22 08:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
Good day..

I worked all last night.. and now I feel some way spaced out :)

We for the Employment Card on Friday and this monrning we got email that GC is being ordered .. does this means we are approved for the 2 years??

If so I am happy ...

BattaFemaleJordan2010-09-20 13:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
I guess when I used to have 4.25, was just happy with the pay. I don't know this was back in 1993 when I first came to this country.
Now with 9 times that pay I seems to forget where I started.
BattaFemaleJordan2010-09-13 11:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
Cleocatra... $7.5?? isn't this below the minum wage!!!

Anway... I hope all is doing well. We just got notification that EAD card is approved for production. The wait is for the GC now.

Back to work..
BattaFemaleJordan2010-09-13 11:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA November 2010 Chat
Good morning All,

It is time of the year when it is cold, the Xmass lights are going up and shopping starts :)
Well it is freezing cold here in Chicago, but cannot complain since it is Sunny!
We will be heading to Downtown to see the Magnificent Mile Lights Festival which will include the Mickey Mouse parade and Fire work this evening.

Hubby will not be working this week so I am excited, but also happy that he passed his exams for his job as a truck driver, sad story he will be on road for like 2 weeks with 2 days off each time, so not sure about Xmass being off..Ohh well.. I will just take it day by day!

Nothing left for my 3 weeks vacation time.. going home to Texas to spend Xmass there

All in All it is a Good year.. Happy Holidays
BattaFemaleJordan2010-11-20 10:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA November 2010 Chat

Biryani is not a Yemeni dish. It started from Iran (Persian) and it moved to different countries. My mom’s family who lived in Basra, Iraq used to do the best biryani full of hot spices and curry because we were close neighbor to Iran. Also not to mention we had an Iranian maid who was a pro with Persian food.

Now my dad’s families are from north of Iraq and the biryani there takes on different route that is not much spicy like the one in south. I had biryani at different countries and best who master it well are, Persian, Indian and Iraqis, others are just imitation of a biryani.

I make it almost every other week, and husband like it cause I make it like the southern part of my country, hot/ Spicy.

Happy voting day!

BattaFemaleJordan2010-11-02 06:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaDead fiancées
I just love these genius topics that pops out from time to time on this form :) and plus I like how the topic steer away in different directions.

Waiting anxiously for the new “Great" Topic
BattaFemaleJordan2010-11-02 22:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA making one upset....

we are over. we have been over a little over 2 weeks I guess. I am not good at remembering recent dates. anyway guys, I wish you all the best with your marriages and relationships. Me i am done with this matter. For me i've been burnt twice dealing with Moroccans. Not to say all are bad. I am just saying I do not believe they are for me. Wishing you all the love and happiness in the world.


I just cannot understand why American women are running after MENA men!! I can understand why I married my husband, since we both are from the same MENA country, share same religion and culture. This did not mean we had it easy but was a little bit comforting.

I see a lot of women here trying to find love in overseas relationship which to me the percentage of survival is very limited. The same issue over and over again. I know how MENA men think about the American women, they just want to marry them to come to the state. The US VISA is like gold in the street. I swear if you print million visas and throw it in middle of any Arabic country it will disappear in the blink of an eye.

Arab men are dying to come to the state, they marry just to get a green card, later they will go back home and find a woman from their own culture to have children with. I am NOT saying all MENA are like that but a HIGH percentage is.

I think it is better to find someone locally rather than wasting resources going there and at the end take a stab in your own heart.
There are plenty of Good American men that are by far better than MENA men, just remember that.
BattaFemaleJordan2010-11-09 22:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA December 2010 Chat
And_Sam... Just send your hubby here :) I will tour him in DT Chicago, with some chill winds, he will never complain again about Florida anymore.

It reminds me of hubby, he used to tell me he likes the cold weather, and he lived in Canada for 6 years, but when he tasted the midwest weather these past few weeks, he asked me to get him a hat and glove which he objected to buy for almost few months since last year.

Now he is loving his hat, and his warm jacket. Ohh and we increased our stock of the longjones from 3 to 12 :)

BattaFemaleJordan2010-12-08 15:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA December 2010 Chat
Good evening Mena,

It is Friday night, home alone :( Husband at his job away traveling along the midwest. Today is his B-day and I been in tears all last night and today. I always thought after 4 years from knowning him that I finally to spend his B-day with him and it did not happen.
He will not be home till next weekend which is depressing.

I am sitting watching sex and the city 1 and 2, waiting for him to call me. I am counting the days to start my vacation in 10 day.. I will be heading to Dallas at least their I can have time with my family and friends.

He asked me what I wanted, I said nothing, just I asked him to see if their is a way he can be home every weekend.

I pray for this!

Have a nice evening all

BattaFemaleJordan2010-12-03 22:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaFamily member s wife lost family in bombng in Egypt
And it did not make any sense to what happen to Iraqi Christians just weeks ago...that time I did not lose one person but many people...whenever I turned my head I heard of another loss...My dad's cousin lost her brother in law and his son..One of our family friend lost her mom and brother.. and my other friend lost his cousin, his wife and un-born child...

It is Sad to see what life had turned into these days.. Blood shed does not seem to matter to anyone no more.

Just a Sad start for 2011...
BattaFemaleJordan2011-01-02 23:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaIraqi/Arabic wedding traditions?
I don't think it is a custom. This money bash is what we call a " Show off".

Now what is custom paying for the bride before leaving her house.
The Groom family will come to the birde's house. They will bring music and flowers with them, and with a group of ladies and men.
Then they will be taking the bride out of the house, but before she can step out, they will be closing the door and someone a family trusted person will be asking to be paid for allowing the birde to exit. This depends on the family, some will but a 100 or more like 1000 and up.
Once he take the money and show the father of bride, then they will open the door for her to exit and walk to the car.

LOL thanks for the heads up, we considered doing a money tree because I'm not really interested in the whole "money dance" that is sometimes done at weddings. Not sure if asking for money at the wedding is tacky now though so maybe we'll just put a card box out and if people want to drop $$$ in there they can.

I'll have to look into this money shower a little more...

BattaFemaleJordan2011-02-18 00:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaIraqi/Arabic wedding traditions?
Hello Wendi,

There is not much tradition to Iraqi Christians that does not match any american wedding.
Iraqi Christian is referred to in Iraq as the modern folks. I am saying this since I am Iraqi Chaldean and my Husband is Iraqi Assyrian.
Usually the food is more traditional but again living this country for the past 18 years all of the weddings I attended people either use a Arabic catering or just depend on a nice dinner “steak, fish.." Most of the parties are hosted in banquet halls and you just have to use the food that the place offers.

The Chaldean speaks the Aramaic language which is altered between Assyrian and Chaldean. They hold a Henna party either few days or a night before the wedding. It is custom to give the bride lots of gold. There is also tradition of inviting the older ladies to view the bedroom, the sheets, and towels, anything that is new that is going to be used for that home.

During the wedding day, only thing is different is we have sweets served right after wedding " Like Keelache, candy" as a sign of happiness. There is a tradition to wear a ribbon on the side of arm which has few crosses on it.
Remember marrying at a Catholic Church means if you ever get divorce none of you will be able to marry again only if you get an official divorce from the highest church and that can take ages.

During the wedding party, there is a precision for the bride and groom. This means they will be calling out the names of the couple starting with flower girl, ring boy, the bride maids couples, and finally the groom and bride. They will enter on a traditional " Khiga" music with lots of colored scarves that have coins attached to their end. This might take up to 45 minutes.
The groom family might also during the party give the bride some gold and they will be showing it to people by dressing her up.
There are traditional dance and you can view these wedding if you go on Youtube and search Chaldean weddings or Assyrian weddings.

I am not sure where your wedding going to be is, and who is from your fiancé family is going to attend, but just having a nice American wedding should be more than enough.

Now some people might bring a belly dancer to the party, or cut the cake using a sword but again at these days it is all about being simple.

PM me if you need more information, sorry for writing un-organized but I am in rush and just had to put my thoughts.
BattaFemaleJordan2011-02-12 11:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread for March 2011

I might have an opportunity to be our HR assistant at work. Im tossing and turning in my mind about it bcz I hate change but its so tempting and its completely different than what I've spent 11 yrs of Walmart doing (which is all up front and management) It would be every Sat 8-5, every Sunday off which I would love, and I pick my other day off, then 2 days 8-5 and 2 days 12-9. Same pay, same level but a completely different thing and a new change within work. Anyone worked HR before??? Adam thinks I'd be crazy if I dont take it, but Im so having a hard time in my mind.

Well, I started 18 years ago as a checker at a grocery store because that was the only job I can find when I arrived to USA. 1 year later, I was assitant manager and I started to help with payroll which was an opportunity to be away from the face of other people :)

Once I became a customer service manager within 2 years from working, I started to engage more with HR assitant, and I can say you might like it.
HR will be involved into applying company processes, explaining benifits, insuring hiring is according to standared, follow up on changing of union policies, and after all, you will be able to attend meetings with other HR folks, and possibility of moving up the ladder.

I would agree with Adam, try to take a break from the front and work more with people since this will put additional experience on your resume
BattaFemaleJordan2011-03-24 23:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaOsama bin Laden dead.
I hear Donald Trump wants to see Bin Laden's death certificate :)
BattaFemaleJordan2011-05-02 01:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA AOS/EAD/AP Filers
We just sent the AOS thing today.. now time to wait..

Yet I cannot add him to anything because of social security... but he does have a BOA account so we going on Friday to open one together and start dumping cash in it and we will start using it as our spending account.

Now my lease is due, so going to add him in July, plus going to add him on some of the bills. I honestly wanted to add him to my insurance for health but need to check if it possible with his Canadian social security.
I called the car insurance and said they can add him as a driver to our new car on the insurance using his Canadian license which is a bit of a Good news.

I guess we are doing everything with his Canadian document.. Just wish that SS is here cause he is about to lose it without a Job.
BattaFemaleJordan2010-06-29 21:43:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Embassy called
Congrats.. Hope all will go smooth from now
BattaFemaleJordan2010-01-20 08:25:00
Asia: Southto all pakistanis
The reason I asked this question was for her to look back and see what are the good things to which it made them to come together and possible try to work from that point!
BattaFemaleJordan10/1/2010 10:24
Asia: Southto all pakistanis
I wonder what made you marry him in the 1st place? If you both are different!
BattaFemaleJordan10/1/2010 9:12
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC?
What number should be used to track the case? is it same as the USCIS number?
BattaFemaleJordan2009-10-23 09:11:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Police Certificate Question
I would not count on certificate from Iraq
A friend of mine told me it took his finace 1 month to get it, because the certificate goes from one station to another.
They don't have a system, and as this country being built and boombed who would conunt on Good information out of it.
BattaFemaleJordan2010-03-09 18:49:00
CanadaMoving File from one Consulate to Montreal
I have thought to keep this post active since I want to see how long it will take to see a response.

On Monday 16th, I contact DOS to see if any changes happen, yet nothing showed up.
I send up sending an updated emial to Montreal asking again for their approval to move case to them.

In return I contact Baghdad and updated his address and wanted to see if we can get Pakcet 3 so at least we keep things moving.
Baghdad said " Sorry" wait for Montreal.

This morning I called again to DOS and all they could say there is a note that file is pending Montreal request.
On Wed we called the 900 asking for information and they were not able to give anything.
It is been two weeks and nothing yet from them.

The funny part I have CC'd the non-immigrant email as per the lady from ( 900 number). NIV did read my email cause I got the read message delievery, but DIV did not recieve it.

I wish I can fly out to them and go ask by myself..

Going out for glass of wine to clear this stress
BattaFemaleJordan2009-11-20 19:47:00
CanadaMoving File from one Consulate to Montreal
QUOTE (tbaygrrl @ Nov 15 2009, 03:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The Baghdad consulate will definatly move your file to Montreal, not sure how long it will take, but keep in contact with Montreal. I worked in Baghdad for 3 years and the Consulate there will not handle fiance visa's. They are only concerned with issues much more centered around US security and Iraqi relations. So even if your hubby was still there, they 90% prolly would not work on this case, as it is not a matter of national security. It is an extremely busy embassy though, so be patient and keep on them and Montreal.

Best of Luck good.gif

Thanks tbaygrrl,

When we filed we requested Jordan since he was working in Iraq and understanding based on consulate webpage that once petition approved to file for Visa outside Iraq. The NVC sent his papers to Baghdad cause they said they did not have contact of him.

Now we decided on Montreal because he came home. No more danger zone for him. I guess we never calculated this wait time.
Thank you for your advise.


BattaFemaleJordan2009-11-15 21:33:00
CanadaMoving File from one Consulate to Montreal
QUOTE (Inky @ Nov 15 2009, 12:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If ur fiance is working in iraq I don't really see how an interview in montreal is going to help?

- Your making multipul posts in different places with all different information. You need to put all the information in ONE post in ONE spot.

Thanks for reply..
But he resigned and no longer working there.

I put it here cause some other user suggested to use Canada form
BattaFemaleJordan2009-11-15 13:39:00
CanadaMoving File from one Consulate to Montreal

Since NVC decided to send our case to a wrong consulate, now it is become more hassle to try to get it moved to Montreal.

After 13 days of our file arrived in Baghdad consulate, they sent us email saying they do have our file. Although according to DOS it is been sitting with them for 13 days... amazing and that packet 3 was sent to my fiance military address though he has not recieved it.

Now, I contacted Moontreal on 4th to ask to move case to them, on Saturday 7th I got response to provide document of finace current status in Canada.
I sent his landing card, his citizenship, his passport, all emailed on night of 8th. I have been waiting till today with no answer.
We also faxed the papers on 12th because we thought may be they over looked the email, although I got the auto response.

I don't know how long I should wait more to try sending another email. Should I call the DOS to find my status...

I think I need to put myself to sleep till they respond or else I would be in mental hospital.


BattaFemaleJordan2009-11-15 10:41:00
CanadaAdvise is needed
QUOTE (trailmix @ Nov 22 2009, 12:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I bet the consulates are confused too!

If I have read your posts correctly, originally NVC sent his file to the wrong consulate, in Baghdad? Things changed, he moved back to Canada and you informed the Montreal consulate that you wanted him to interview in Montreal.

- On November 16th (last Monday) you emailed Montreal asking them for confirmation that the file could be moved there.
- November 20th (two days ago) you posted this, stating that DOS confirmed there is a note on the file that a request is pending in Montreal:

QUOTE (Batta @ Nov 20 2009, 05:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This morning I called again to DOS and all they could say there is a note that file is pending Montreal request.
On Wed we called the 900 asking for information and they were not able to give anything.
It is been two weeks and nothing yet from them.

Now, 2 days later, you have reconsidered and want him to interview in Amman?

Batta, you are playing with fire. It is hard enough to get a file moved from one consulate to another - changing your mind every few weeks is going to confuse the matter even further. I hope that does not sound harsh, I truly do not mean it to - i'm just saying that you may end up waiting an awfully long time for him to interview if you keep mucking them around.

The likelyhood, in my opinion, of them interviewing your Husband in Amman and sending him packing to Canada for another interview - zero.

DOS only said that Baghdad put a note indicating that waiting on Montreal. They did not confirm that case is approved for the Move.

I am calling DOS on Monday to check first before any action. If nothing is changed, I will send email to Both Baghdad and Montreal.

Thanks for your response.
BattaFemaleJordan2009-11-22 14:39:00
CanadaAdvise is needed
Thanks for response.

I am still not clear, should I send to Montreal asking them to cancel my request to them to transfer file from Baghdad?
I just don't want two consulate take action same time..

Plus Montreal as busy as they are.. have not responded at all..

BattaFemaleJordan2009-11-22 13:19:00
CanadaAdvise is needed

Can you guys advise me on what to do in this matter..

I have posted here about the issue I had with Montreal transferring the case to them. I have not heard anything from them in the past 2 weeks.
We contacted Amman (original consulate choice of interview) and asked if we can do the interview at their location.
Amman responded and told us to fill the request form of transfer given to us.
I asked Amman if they agree as he is a Canadian citizen to do his interview there, they did not answer this question.

I am worried not that if I do transfer the case, what is the likelihood they tell us at interview to go back to Canada?

Do I have to inform Montreal to cancel my request of transfer but then.. they had not responded to us after providing the evidence they asked for his current status.

Let me know your thoughts, as we are so confused at this point.


BattaFemaleJordan2009-11-22 09:44:00
CanadaHow long for Montreal to respond to email?
QUOTE (jonesg111 @ Nov 22 2009, 11:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I sent another email this evening. I dont think it should take 2 weeks to respond to a simple email.... right?

Good luck as I have sent emails with no response.
I used the auto read reciept in outlook and every other consulate I sent they did read my emails and responded only Montreal IV does not read it. On one of the emails I copied NIV and they did read it, but they did not respond.

BattaFemaleJordan2009-11-23 07:53:00
CanadaHow long for Montreal to respond to email?
I don't know how can you make an email short when you providing information on a subject.
I had mailed them back on 8th, till today there is no answer. Although my email had attached document needed to approve file transfer to their office.
I called DOS today to check see if anything happened, well nothing went through.

Fiance called the 900 number on the montreal website and the lady gave him same information he can get from website. She said if they did not reply to try send email again, but we had faxed all document as well on 12th so not sure how it can be missed twice.

Just emailed them about 3 PM and now going to wait to see how long it is going to take again...

BattaFemaleJordan2009-11-16 23:04:00
CanadaGood luck for all the people interviewing on the 20th !!!
QUOTE (Arabella @ Nov 20 2009, 11:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Guys Arabella and Sean here,

First off, this french keyboard sucks!!!! It took me forever just to sign in.

Ok well, as Sam and Ben and Ashen said we got there at 6am. It was REALLY worth it. We were out of there by 9am. Waiting in the cold and the light rain went by very fast and we had a great time talking with Sam, Ben, Ashen, and her fiance.

We were also interviewed by the Consulate Depty director guy. He was so nice and he seemed genuinely happy and interested in us. He knew right away that we were from VJ. He asked me who I was and then----- HE LOOKED AT A LIST HE HAD ON THE INSIDE OF HIS WINDOW!!! That`s right- he has a list of the VJers!!!! I said, "Arabella" and he was like, "Oh right Arabella!"

He asked us how we met online and how we met in person. He asked if Sean had ever had a hard time crosing the border.

He told us also that they were clearing up all of the K1 and spousal Visas, so that is good news.

When we asked for him to delay issuing the Visa for Sean- he said that was not a good idea because it could get caught up in the 100s of applications they have coming through. He said we are allowed to cross without activating the Visa, but to be on the safe side, he told us that he was going to make a note on the computer system that the border patrol uses to say that Sean can come for a visit before he activates his Visa. He literally said "I, as the Consular Deputy, will let them know this is ok." He told Sean to tell them to look at their "CCD" screen for the note.

He did tell us that we are allowed to cross back and forth without activating the Visa, and if we don`t bring our entire packet then we really can`t activate the Visa anyway.

It was a fantastic experience, one I will never forget.

I made a thank-you card for the consulate with a picture of Sean and me in it. I forgot it at the hotel so I didn`t get to give it to them. However, we also forgot our borrowed umbrella that we rented from the hotel, so they told us to come back at 1:30 to get it. I have the card with me and will give it to them at that time.

Congrats... that is great news.

Now this list is freaking me out ... I wonder if it has a column of " black list" smile.gif)
BattaFemaleJordan2009-11-20 13:13:00
CanadaGood luck for all the people interviewing on the 20th !!!
Congrats Ben and Sam.
I wish I could have asked you to ask that director to help just pushing the request to move our case from Baghdad to Montreal.

Crazy my finace served 4 years with the US army in the most dangor operation of Falujha and yet his case went to wrong embassy.

I just wonder how wet ere you guys when got in smile.gif
BattaFemaleJordan2009-11-20 12:37:00
CanadaRCMP Certificate, How long it takes?
Hello all,

I am just wondering how long it is taking to get the police certificate from RCMP.
We sent our back on Nov 11th and till now we had not recieved it.

We sent them email, and it seems still in their hands, and they give us this long message about how they process so many records and that wait time is about 120 days.

We have interview in 40 days from now, we do have one certificate which was issues 1st week of July last year.

Can any one advise.
BattaFemaleJordan2010-02-18 09:09:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal

How long it takes to Montreal to respond to e-mails.
This is crazy, I sent them email on Sunday with a document they requested so they can move our case from Baghdad to Montreal due to stupid NVC error and yet they have not anserwed.

How can I contact them if they not answer phone? what other option I can do?

Please advise.

BattaFemaleJordan2009-11-12 20:42:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMoving to another state

I have accepted a job in another state and will be moving with 3 weeks. I am the US citizen, and my Husband and I filed for ROC in June.
He already completed his biometic on 7/22 ( filed in 06/19/2012). I checked status and still says in review.

I am confused if I should move the case into Arizona or keep it in Texas. I still going to have my house in Texas and I have one of my family member living at the house, or should I do the change of address and risk having the case to take longer and possible loss of information

Please advise

BattaFemaleJordan2012-09-23 11:40:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 June 2012 Filers
I don't think it is worth of arguing on this board about VSC. My husband told me several times not to worry about the time it takes for Green card cause he is like Martyshk feels this is a process and as long as he can work, travel and live here, let it takes as long as it can. If you let this process be your main worry, then it can drag you down. When I sent his paper, I was excited but when I started seeing the dates on VS of how long it takes VSC I was depressed. I stopped logging on till last month when I decided to see how things are going with timelines of May filers

Botton line, enjoy your day, your approval will come soon :)
BattaFemaleJordan2013-02-18 14:37:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 June 2012 Filers


Did you go to your bio appointment earlier than it was scheduled or was it actually scheduled on July 22?

Thank you,


Sorry meant to say 23 rd
BattaFemaleJordan2013-02-18 14:32:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 June 2012 Filers
Hi all,

I just wanted to drop by and tell you that my husband was approved for his green card on Feb 15th at 7:32 AM CT , it was a nice Valentine gift
Later that day I got another email that card is ordered. I know I have not put our timeline on this site " Call me lazy" but we sent our papers back in June 18th, and his Bio was July 22nd. On 14th of Feb I checked the website want his file was not touched since June 28th!

I see VSC count is still low but may be some people are not coming up here to share news, so I thought to let you know, I had hope in VSC :) less than 8 months, and time did fly off so well, cause hubs told me not to check on case EVER :)

Good luck all

BattaFemaleJordan2013-02-18 02:16:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 June 2012 Filers
Hello June folks

I posted a question on this board about changing of address due to relocation to another state. I did not get any response or advise
Can anyone help

Please advise

BattaFemaleJordan2012-09-25 10:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsChange of Consulate
QUOTE (Malarie @ Oct 14 2009, 09:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Batta @ Oct 14 2009, 08:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Can someone please let me know what are the steps needed to change a consulate ( embassy) location before the K1 is approved ( RFE sent at this stage)?

Should I wait till it is approved, and sent to NVC and change it?

Any help is appreciated.


FYI .....

You might want to research the waiting times in Canada for an interview. I thought I read in this Forum that the waiting time is crazy long there.

Maybe look in the April 2009 K1 filers thread to see if you can find what I'm talking about.

Thanks Marline..
I read about that as well.. it seems Monteral is too long.. but Vancover is not.. I spoke to someone who got approved from May, and with 3 weeks from the NOA2 they had interview schedule and person is already in USA.. cause vancover they give you dates within 2-5 days

BattaFemaleJordan2009-10-14 14:50:00