CanadaDecember or January interviews for K-1 Montreal
Hi to all of my fellow VJ's out there !! I am starting this thread for all those who have just recently gotten to the packet #4 /ready to schedule interview phase. I thought that it would be nice to keep each other informed if any openings occur and to possibly help each other out,when any openings are posted. Like many of our fellow VJ's from the previous months have done, specifically for the Montreal Consulate.

I want to personally thank all of you for your input & experiences regarding your visa journey. You helped us -( My Finacee and I) save at least a month of waiting already. She received packet #4 /letter in the mail today EVEN though packet #3 was supposed to have been mailed out about 4- 5 weeks ago - (still never received it as of today). We took you advise & experiences and filled them out ourselves and sent them in,like many of you suggested to do. We actually sent them in the copies of the required forms DS 156,156K etc. and not just the checklist & DS 160 confirmation page as others have done, in case anyone was wondering. We did this because we have read on here that some of you were being delayed or even requested to actualy provide copies those other forms with the packet 3.

Now comes the "FUN PART" trying to actually schedule the interview. When I hear of any openings, I will post here as soon as I can. For some of my fellow May or June filers, let's hope that they don't slow down to much during the next couple of months to focus on the other visa types, which I know that they do, but keep those k-1 & k-3's going. For those who are in between NAO2 & packet 3 , keep the faith & be positive it will happen for you soon enough. Good luck to all !!!!
waitingformylove1MaleCanada2011-11-04 22:59:00
Hi, I know that you are frustrated but, as much as possible try not to let it get you down, just remember it WILL WORK OUT !!! for you both. :D Use this time to strengthen your relationship together. I know for my fiancee and myself it helped us to get stronger or closer because of all the time we have waited and the many issues we've dealt with along the way. It helped even early in our relationship,in our case -(before we're marriage)to learn how to uplift,encourage and even honestly acknowledge some possible issues or weaknesses we might have had with one another and to address them. Just remember literally everyone here knows how you feel and what you are going through in many different ways.

I have no doubt you will have many other people here offer you their support, prayers and encouragement and when it does all finally fall into place and happens you will both be doing this !!!!!! :wow: it's finally over and continue a beautiful life together.

You can then continue the VJ spirit here and pass on your encouragement / experiences to others as they go through the same process.

Good luck to you to both in every possible way !!!!
waitingformylove1MaleCanada2011-11-05 18:17:00
CanadaMRV Payment problems with CSC/Montreal
Thank everyone for your help or suggestions. We finally were able to schedule an interview. I realize that we could of scheduled w/o paying until interview date, but wanted to get that out of the way-(one less thing to think about). The whole problem or hold up was,that it took CSC a long time 5 business days, to simply reply IF the Credit card was charged or not and where our MRV fee recipt number was. I agree if the website is "kind" to you it all goes through very smoothly and easily. After 5 days I received the email that the charge didn't go through, which we had already assumed had happened, but with a $350 fee you wait to be sure.

So I tried one more time to pay in advance - perfect it went fast, easy and smoothly, no problems at all.We finally are scheuled Yaaaaa!!!! :D

Some observations or things to note for others who need book/schedule in the future. While I was on the CSC website & we were waitng to hear back from them regarding the payment. It consistently showed the same results for over the last 5 days and that is this.

A. When trying to use the pay in advance option (K-1/K3)- the next available interview dates were always listed between 35- 40 days away.

B. When checking out pay of the day of you interview option (ready to schedule) - the next available openings were always about 80 - 84 days away.

So in conclusion it seems that at least from our experience, if you are willing to take the "risk or stress" of trying to pay in advance you could possibly speed up or get an earlier date for you interview verses choosing the day of interview option. Of course if there are cancellations that always helps to speed up as well.

Lastly there were still about 7 to 10 openings for the month January ,if you are going to choose the (ready to schedule) day of interview payment option.

good luck to you all
waitingformylove1MaleCanada2011-11-11 13:18:00
CanadaMRV Payment problems with CSC/Montreal
Hi Frostiana thanks for your reply and your suggestion. We've already thought of that as well. The only thing that is holding us up at this point (calling credit card company) and now using the ready to schedule option instead,is that in case of a delay of them processing the credit card payment. We don't want to pay twice i.e. - a credit card payment processed several hours or days later and then also end up paying at the consulate,if her card was indeed already billed. This already happened to someone else here on VJ. I agree with you, we will just have to wait and see if she was charged and if not just pay at the consulate on the day of her interview.

I just wish they would be more clear or concise on the CSC web site - for example on the CSC web page "there are currently no interviews available proceed no further or log back in later etc." - before you go through the effort of typing everything in only to find out it was a waste of time to begin with.

I am hoping that someone else here can possibly tell us if they encountered a similar situation and what they did to get it resolved. :help:
waitingformylove1MaleCanada2011-11-05 22:53:00
CanadaMRV Payment problems with CSC/Montreal
Hi everyone, I need some input from my fellow VJ's out there, concerning the MRV/CSC online payment procedure. My fiancee called me tonight and was upset because when she tried to pay the fee online at CSC,with her Visa card (we are at that phase now) - after entering her information & clicking submit/confirm payment button, it didn't seem to finish the transaction and it would not take her to or load the schedule interview page.

When she did click confirm /submit,she said all the information she typed on the page went blank for a few seconds and then the page automatically refreshed or reloaded itself and when it did all of her information was on their again - like she has typed previously. She told me that she was given a reference id# number.
I have aleady went to the CSC website and when you click on contact us, a message pops up stating that it could take 4 hours to verify or process, the transaction and 4 business days to respond to requests.

My questions to those of you who might know or can help are these.

1. Is the reference # she received only for the DHL account or is it used for applying for an interview day? What number will she need to use for interview booking?

2. Can she call someone to confirm if her credit card was number already charged,be given a MRV receipt # and then apply for an interview?

3.I have already used the search tool and read of people having similar issues/problem. Some people think this might be a way for Montreal to control or slow down the number of interviews being booked until more interview openings are available? does anyone know? any and all information is needed
I was afraid that this will be the major pain in the butt having read what the rest of you have dealt with in regards to this specific issue with Montreal.

Thank you all in advance for your help.
waitingformylove1MaleCanada2011-11-05 19:57:00
CanadaMay have lost Packet 4
Hi, I would suggest that you call or email the facility where the medical exam will take place and tell them what has happened and see what they say. I have read or even heard from others who had the same problem,that they were told that a copy of the letter they received from the NVC - (which has your specific case # & consulate where it will be processed etc.) or even a confirmation email for your scheduled visa interview, or DS-160 would allow you to go ahead a have the exam anyway. You could always try to email the consulate and see if they could email you a copy of the packet 4 letter.

Hope this helps and the very best of luck to you.
waitingformylove1MaleCanada2011-11-11 12:51:00
CanadaJune 2011 Filers
Great point or clarification Pocheros!! :) I should have stated that more clearly or concisely. They will definetly send you a confirmation letter regarding your NAO2 approval and that it has been sent on to the NVC.

It is nice to have email notification - provided they use it. Like in my case, it was nice to know about my NAO2 approval several days to a week, before the actual hard copy was received in the mail.

I truly hope that all of my fellow VJ's " June filers" receive your approvals soon. Remember to refer to the sticky at the top of the Canadian forum - (if it applies to you),in regards of what to expect, or how to proceed after receiving your NAO2.
waitingformylove1MaleCanada2011-10-28 14:24:00
CanadaJune 2011 Filers
Sorry, I forgot to mention that I am also a June filer, which is why I responded to your post and to clarify and that my petition was sent through the Vermont Service Center. :) Sometimes they get behind and will focus on another types of visa applications, for a period of time and when they get "caught up" on one visa type then they shift focus on processing another type of visa application i.e a IR1, CR1, K3, K1. This could also be another possibility.
waitingformylove1MaleCanada2011-10-28 12:48:00
CanadaJune 2011 Filers
Hi, when I received my NAO2 notification on 09/08/11, as was previously stated, the post actvitiy bubble was activated. In addition, if you have set up your account for email notification you will receive the email confirming your approval and that they also have physically mailed (sent out)a letter to you notifing you of the approval and that it was sent on to the NVC. You might want to call the service number at the USCIS 1-800-375-5283 and see if they can offer any additional information that might be needed. Keep in mind that you are still within the outer/maximum "time frame" of the desired approval goals, aprroximately 5 to 6 months. Some have received much their NAO2 sooner and some even much later. If you have NOT received any RFE and it has been around the end of 5 or 6 months, since you filed or received your NAO1, I would call to see what is going on. It is posssible that it could be misplaced or misfiled in another folder etc. I truly feel for you, this is certainly a nerve racking process!! :help:

Please keep in mind and take heart, many of us here have gone through many of the same things and we know what you are going through. There is MUCH help and support here on VJ, things WILL workout for you. Good luck to you both and I wish you the very best. !!!!!!!!!!
waitingformylove1MaleCanada2011-10-28 12:39:00
CanadaI hate Montreal....etc...
Some other things I forgot to mention like you,the Montreal blunders also cost us at least 5-6 weeks total processing time,not as much as you, but enough to mess up our plans as well. We were already planning on her being here with the family for our marriage and holiday season, but now it will definitely be after the holiday season like mid to late January at least. We missed all of the earlier December interviews before 12/11 dates because of the Fee issue & had to schedule a later appointment. Our interview and the visa processing will take place during the Christmas & New Years vacation breaks, so heavens only knows how much longer that will take, hmmm maybe We are a catergory C after all !!! -LOL :P

Just wanted to try and cheer you up and let you know that you aren't the only one feeling this way with the holiday seasons coming up.
waitingformylove1MaleCanada2011-11-12 00:56:00
CanadaI hate Montreal....etc...
Yes, I have no doubt there are numerous people on here,that have anger or hated issues toward the Montreal consulate. It seems to be three basic categories to apply

A. It seems you either are "lucky" and get through the whole process - no problems at all or any RFE'S in the entire process :D

B."somewhat lucky" maybe an RFE or two, possibly delayed or lost mail etc. :angry:

C. or just plain "unlucky" - a whole lotta problems/RFE'S - any or everything you can possibly imagine could go wrong, in the entire process. :crying:

We are basically category B. - never received packet 3 as of today, but because of this site knew not to wait for it and sent it ourselves - thank you VJ'S !!!
Had additional paperwork requested AFTER our NOA2/ petiton was approved for proof of her residency - AGAIN don't know what they did with it the first time.
Had to wait 5 days days for them to say they didn't charge us for the MRV fee/scheduling, but when we called consulate they said they couldn't help us & wouldn't let us book or schedule an interview, UNTIL it was determined or corrected on the (CSC)end. Then they consulate asked us if there was anything they could help us with, except scheduling - LOL. Still all in all I am very greatful because compared to some other people's experiences here, we are lucky to be where were at in spite of Montreal's blunders. It will all work out and when it is done you can leave it behind you for the rest of your life and NOT look back. Keep you spirits up as you near the end of this part of "your Journey"
waitingformylove1MaleCanada2011-11-12 00:39:00
Canadasarnia/port huron poe today
Frostiana, congratulations on your successful P.O.E and also good luck with your AOS paperwork. Thank you for your attempt to help me as well, with my scheduling issues. I am very happy for you both and also excited because we are only about 6-7 weeks behind you in regards to P.O.E etc.

Best wishes to you both and have a wonderful and blessed Holiday !!!!!!!!!!! :D
waitingformylove1MaleCanada2011-11-11 13:33:00
CanadaMRV Fee payment problems with CSC
Hi eveyone,Tyring to find out if anyone else found a solution to this problem. My fiancee, just called me a few hours ago very upset and she also is having the same problem(s) and tried to pay online tonight via credi card and the same thing happened to her as other here. She was able to enter all her information, credit card number etc, but when the next part comes to confirm payment and then be able go to the schedule/interview part it won't link her to that page. She DIDN'T click submit a SECOND time because she doesn't want to possibly be charged a second time.

She told me that when she did click submit button that her information, what she had typed in "DISAPPEARED" from the screen, the screen refreshed itself and she had the same page in front of her with her information in the required fields again. I told here just to leave it alone and NOT to click submit, which she already knew not to do. She did received a reference number, but I don't know if it applies to the payment or her DHL account set up.

I told her possibly that her information was submitted and that the credit card needs to be validated or verified & then processed before she can then access the schedule/interview page. When I went on the CSC site and when you click on the contact us button/link - a message pops up regarding the MRV credit card payment and it states that it can take 4 hours or more to process/validate payment and even up to 4 days to respond to requests. I'm assuimng that it is business days & not weekends.

Anyone else have any additional or helpful inofrmation, please help us out and thanks in advance
waitingformylove1MaleCanada2011-11-05 18:42:00
CanadaCanada Immigration & K1 Guide for Montreal
On thing I wanted to add to this excellent guide/thread and to help out any of my fellow VJ'S in Canada [bEven though the I-129 F petiton paperwork doesn't intially require or mention it,if your finace/fiancee or spouse,is a permanent Canadian resident go ahead and submit a copy of their permanent resident or citizen card/paperwork when you submit the intial application/petiton. This was required of us AFTER receiving the NAO2 / I-129 approval. The letter came from the NVC via the Montreal consulate, requesting a copy of this information before they would process any further, in all it added another 20 days of delay until they "sent out packet 3"[/b]Hope this will help others

good luck
waitingformylove1MaleCanada2011-11-11 13:58:00
CanadaCanada Immigration & K1 Guide for Montreal
Hi, yes you do need to fill out the online DS- 160 form, because it is required by the Montreal consulate for K-1 VISA applicants. I think the confusion comes into play because of the way it is worded or referenced on the other website you have specified. When I was first looking into this for my fiancee, I was also initially confused regarding this specific form. As many others have already stated on this wonderful web site,they really need to rework or rewrite,their information in many places or areas. They are not always as clear or concise as it could be. You can always email the Montreal consulate. I can honestly say that I have either been really lucky or have had a very dedicated employee over there, because they have answered any questions I had quickly and even provided direct links to any information I needed. I wish you the very best because we are exactly where you are right now in the visa process. My main concern now is for the interview scheduling part,as they have allocated a bunch of interviews for K-1'S in November & December and I'm afraid it might slow down (interview dates) into the beginning of next year Jan/ Feb of 2012 to focus on some of the other visa application types.
waitingformylove1MaleCanada2011-10-17 23:30:00
VietnamUpdate on Thuy
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Oct 27 2009, 08:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks again everyone.. I dont expect another update until the morning...

We have 10 dose package of 75mg. tamiflu in HCMC if you need it. will pm you. Anybody has his number call him to look in mailbox.
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-10-27 20:01:00
VietnamPOE Detroit
Glad to see you had an easy entry. Dao and I are about 150 Miles South of Erie close to Burgettstown west of Pittsburgh. If you ever come down the road send a message and stop on by.
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2010-01-18 12:19:00
VietnamWhite @ HCMC... What next?!?
Your getting a lot of good advice here. After being in AP for 168 days I have only two points to add.

First, you can file as many K-1 applications at the same time as you want, there is no limit. Your old application has expired. On your new application you have to note the previous application.

Second, Read Read Read then Act on what you read. They make the rules, use them. When I was in AP they said they don't need anything from me. They are conducting an investigation needing more time to process. I started giving them more stuff to process. I taught Dao how to get inside the embassy to add more evidence. They have to take it! Their rules say you can add more after they give you the blue paper. They did look at all the new stuff we submited.

I strongly agree they try to test us. I actually banged on the window tray inside to get their attention on about day 150 of AP. I still get extra Hero kisses for that.

I think what Feelinglucky wrote would be my course of action if I was you. File again now. You can have your engagement ceremony while the paperwork is processing.
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2010-01-18 14:10:00
Suggestion to add to your trip.

Take a majic jack along. Just order online. You can use it to call home if you need to and you can leave it behind so your sweetie can call you anytime she wants with no worry about expense. The quality of the call depends on the speed of the connection. The only drawback is phone call records for proof of relationship. I never worried much about it because we emailed and chatted so much.

Have fun. Don't hold your camera out too far, other people like them too. The strap is made to go around your wrist for a reason.
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2010-01-28 23:44:00
VietnamThuy's Interview @ HCMC

It was a blue slip... not a green.. We still have a great deal of evidence because they would not accept it from her... no doubt about the fact that the decisision was made already... we have already been through AP at NVC and they even called me asking for my exwife.. a great deal of the interview dealt with questions about our ex's... all answers were correct but the CO clearly did not like the answers...
What realy surprises me is that they are asking for evidence that they already have... stuff that was frontloaded that they can't deny having.
There is no rebuttal in the process we are going through.. we have to provide the evidence again along with everything else we have that they have not asked for in the blue slip...
What gets me is that they refused to accept an affidavit from the former mayor of our town who has known me for 7 years and who has known Thuy for 3... in his role as the Vice President of the University that I teach for working with VVienam National University... his affidavit detailed his knowlledge of the both of us and also our relationship as we individually have discussed it with him all along and have dined together with him in HaNoi in early 2009 as a family with my son.
What was done is so out of line that there should be some sort of accountability associated with her(the CO) actions...
I have a great many friends in government that I don't like to ask for favors or talk to about the ####### that we are going through... Mr Fairfax will have to defend his officers actions if not to me, to a great many that can hold him accountable through thier positions in the government.

The reasonable people that I deal with every day clearly see that our relationship is real and are speechless today... an unreasonable CO should not be making the decision... Only an unreasonable person would inquire about sexual relations between unmarried adults in a country/culture that frowns on it...

I feel everything you are going through. You will have opportunity to submit your evidence if they place your case in Additional Processing. I don't have our blue slip available but I think it has something on it about failing to act or respond. This is what I quoted to them to get them to take more evidence after they place us in AP. I also was not divorced until after meeting Dao and I believe that was part of our problem. My Ex-wife did not did not transfer the house title or take me off the home bills so it showed my name on those things. If you have a like case, check into that stuff.

I also feel the translator played a big part in the process and that is not how it is suposed to be. Unless these interviews are attended by more than one person they can do whatever they want.

On my last trip in September I had opportunity to talk to Mr. Kenneth Fairfax and his wife. They were dedicating the new building across the street as I was exiting the Embassy after a futile attempt to get some action during one of those open window periods they try to contain complaints too. I found talking to him useless. He and his wife were all smiles until I mentioned my business at the consulate then the conversation blockers went up. He knows what is going on. They don't care. He tried to tell me that it is illegal for him to get involve with our case. I replied telling him I don't want him to get involved in my case. I wanted him to get involved in all the cases and make the playing field level and fare. He told me there is nothing he can do. I told him he should do something as US citizen's representative. I told him that for him and his wife to stand by and allow this to happen is wrong. I come from Delaware. Home of Vice President Biden I had someone close to him discuss our application and he bowed out.

I understand your frustration and I too am concerned. Save your efforts to concentrate on making your application undeniable. Some day when your best girl is all legal we will meet at the embassy for a rally and get our pictures and statements in the international news.
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2010-01-26 23:55:00
Vietnamvisitors visa
If you ask for 3 months they will issue a 6 month visa. Same Same Vietnam visa for 2 weeks is issued for one month. As far as actually getting the visa it is up to the interviewing Case Officer. Basically a $100+ ####### shoot. Older woman seem to get them to visit daughters more. My wife has met many older woman while waiting at the Consulate that were getting their visas to visit. After my first trip to meet my wife I invited her to come visit me, thinking this was an easy task and "normal dating", then reality set in. Even though Dao owns her own home and has strong ties to her sons and family. It is presumed she would try to immigrate. So here we are 3 years later married with her sons going to school in the USA. I guess they were right!!!
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2010-01-25 21:46:00
VietnamK1 or K3 which is better?
Stay the course with the K1. Prove your relationship. Take more time to go to VN. learn the process. don't take "No" for an answer.

there is no right answer. K1 or K3???
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2010-06-10 19:53:00
Vietnamtourist visa
I have used a visa service in HCM city several times. or contact direct at . You can pay online. The last time my Fiance went to the office and paid the fee 180,000vnd about 10usd then I recieved an emailed conformation which you must print and have with you when you board the plane in USA and have with you in the airport in VN. the downside is you have to be patient and wait for them to prepare the visa at the airport. You must have a passport type photo to attach to the airport application that you fill out in the airport and 25usd. You will be the last one to baggage claim so you should have no trouble finding your bags. another good side to this is you can do it within 24 hours of your arrival. I also saved some money printing my own passport type photos. VN is not as stricked as US on quality.
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2010-08-12 23:03:00
Vietnamclass action lawsuit for HCMC and K1 visa
I am happy to see some inteligent discussion on here. I just wanted to add two cents with a quote from the originator of our most prestigious document the United States Declaration of Independence. The Consulate in all countries seem to interpret their own rules.

"Laws are made for men or ordinary understanding and should, therefore, be construed by the ordinary rules of common sense. Their meaning is not to be sought for metaphysical subtleties which make them mean everything or nothing at pleasure." - Thomas Jefferson 3rd President of the USA.
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2010-08-31 21:36:00
VietnamHCMC Visa turnaround time
Congrats Scott. Like you stated not making plans. It's not over yet. When Dao Arrived in Chicago they held her and sons for over 3 hours. I had foolishly "made plans" for a quick lay-over. They made us miss our flight. We had to wait 7 hours after that to have 4 people get on the same flight as standby. hope you don't have to go through that ####### too.
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2010-10-02 12:08:00
VietnamQuestion about additional information for Interview at HCMC
We had our engagement party with only close local friends and family. about 50 people. the timeline is usually requested with the notorious "Blue Paper". The Consulate must accept information at anytime the you feel is benificial to your case. They may say they don't need it but you have the right under their rules to fill the file with anything at anytime. They did not look at the pics of our party or the emails until after we submitted more info while in "additional processing. We know this because they were out of order only after re-submitting.
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2010-10-09 20:46:00
VietnamCan someone tell me for sure ?
I am smiling from ear to ear to see you guys discussing this. You can get into the embassy just as Jerome says. Don't let them see you arrive together. If it is for interview you can visit the citizens services area then just go sit with your loved one. I only ask that you don't interrupt the process or they will undoubtedly put a stop to this. If you have a blue or white paper you can go into the embassy to add more evidence at 1pm but I went at other times. I will tell you what not to do. Don't waste your time going during the evenings when they say they are open for questions or concerns. Anyone that can do anything is gone home for the day and you will only frustrate yourself.

Going into the embassy which I pay for in an area that is open to me is not sneaking. What is sneaking is telling someone they have "additional processing" to do instead of calling it an "investigation". Calling the home and acting like they are calling for another reason is sneaky. Spying is sneaky. Wanting to sit and wait with my fiance is not sneaky.
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2010-12-07 20:00:00
VietnamBringing money to the US
from VN you can bring 7k per person. Transfer from VN bank is limited to 7K a year. This includes from a family member. you could have many family members send to you. Check your messages for more info.
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2011-02-13 19:19:00
VietnamAirline tickets
Hi guys,
Hope you are all doing well. I want to know if anyone knows where to get good flight prices to Vietnam for this summer. I am ready to book and don't really care about the dates as long as it is during summer. The boys have to get back to see their grandmother. I have checked the airlines and all seem to be in the 2200 plus for the cheap tickets. If anyone knows of those travel deals could you please share. Thanks to all and good luck to all those going through the frustration.
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2011-02-10 18:41:00
VietnamMarrage in Vietnam

Great insight. But is this part really necessary or makes a difference? What if you vote for or registered with the other party? This is the first time I've heard of this.

Everyone that gets "Denied" or "Additional Processing" status wants to cry and run to a Representative to get help.(Me included) There is really nothing they can do under the law except check to make sure you were treated fair. You can front load your application with a letter from a political figure. How many times we have road blocks placed in front of us then contact those that could help and we hear "I wish you had come to me before you...." It is really no big deal for their office to do and they do it all the time for collage entry, military schools and such. When the Letter reaches the embassy they have no idea if you really know Hillary Clinton or not. Front loading an application is something that I wish I had done and is done all the time.
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2011-05-22 09:30:00
VietnamMarrage in Vietnam
Dear John, I went through what you are about to encounter. To set things straight for you. It is not the Vietnam side that you will have trouble with. The Stateside part of the application will not be a problem if you file the papers correctly as K-1 or CR-1. the problems will be with the embassy. You have to understand that it is their job to protect the integrity of a screening system that keeps the scam artists out.
I suggest you study the Vietnam portal here and read through the history. Also as for children you must file the application before they are 18 years of age or they cannot be considered in your joint application.
You have been to Vietnam one time. You will need to go more if you want a smoother transaction. Many pictures in differant clothing of you and your loved one together. An engagement party is also a must have. You must record all of your chat and email logs. Cell phone bills. Travel documents and ticket stubs. Your fiance or wife will have to know the names of your family, the company you work for, your home address. your complete biography. These are all the great things that if you don't have they will use as roadblocks to deny your application. Get a letter of good citizenship from your Senator and Representative to include in your application before you file. It will do no good to call them when you have a problem and could be determined interferance/illegal if they try to help after you have trouble. it is also going to cost you over 10 thousand in total expense for one wife and two children. Save your airline miles. two paid trips to Vietnam is almost one free trip. Do you meet the income requirements? Have you been divorced? Have you seen her divorce papers? Did you get them translated?

In the end it is all worth it. I have the best wife any man could ask for. One son graduating High School with distinguished Honors. Another son that is excelling in sports.
Check on here often and ask questions. If you would like to talk on the phone send me your number on a personal message and i will respond in a few days.

Good Luck
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2011-05-20 23:48:00
VietnamBlue Slip

They have an appointment when the CO will be there on that specific date.. She can go any day between now and then but there is no sure way to know if the CO will be there or have time to address your case... Some folks have gone early and gotten pink.. others have gone and gotten another blue... have her make a copy of the blue slip.. use that copy to go inside if she decides to go early... then if there was not a pink issued on that date, she still has the original blue slip to be able to get into the consulate again on the date the appointment is set for to try to resolve anything with the CO...

Very good point, Scott. Make sure you copy the letter. It is a "pass" for your Fiance/Wife to enter the consulate on or before the date. The more times in, the more chances for pink.
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2011-05-25 22:22:00
Vietnamfile K1 now or after the ceremony
You can file K-1 then have the Dam Hoi. If I had waited my oldest stepson would be in VN instead of here attending a university. You only need to proove a relationship. In VN culture the Dam Hoi is a must. For the Consulate it is a must, they really don't care when it happens as long as you have one prior to the interview. Having Relatives come to attend your Dam Hoi is a very big plus. Hire a Photographer and take a lot of pictures. Make sure your Fiance knows every person in the photos. Make sure she learns everything about you. Info such as Job title, type of car, home address, Age, birth date, your mother, sister, brother, children, nieces, friends. VN consulate will ask her to proove she knows you, hence proove a relationship. Start now before you have to cram the info at the last days before interview. Good luck.
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2011-09-06 16:51:00
VietnamAffidavit of Parentage and Physical Presence
can get notarized at the consulate. bring US money. Sorry i don't remember the cost
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2011-09-19 00:04:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
QUOTE (toantien @ Nov 3 2009, 03:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hey guys, i emailed the consulate asking if my wife can come in and give additional evidence, this is what they told me.....

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your inquiry. As we do not ask the beneficiary to submit additional information at this time, she will not be allowed to enter the Consulate. The beneficiary is asked to wait for our review on her case. If the beneficiary wishes to submit additional evidence in support of her case, she may do so by send it to us via mail. We will have It filed in her case file once we have received it.

If you have further inquiries, please do not delete your original email and please include the complete case number (HCM XXXX-XXX-XXX) in all correspondence.


----so how did some of the vjers spouse got in and ask for case status??

Section 221(g) of the U.S. Immigration and Nationality Act states that visa applications lacking required documents must be denied until such time as those documents are submitted and found to be sufficient. If, for any reason, the applicant is not eligible for a visa at the time of the interview, the applicant will receive an explanation in writing and a request for the specific documents still required, if any.

Applicants refused under Section 221(g) who are specifically requested to submit more documents may submit the additional information either via registered mail or in person at the Consulate between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays. The applicant should include the blue or green refusal sheet asking for additional information.

You have been given a notice that has the information above on it. You can sit on your hands or you can act. It is your file and your case. If you feel that the CO does not have enough information to make a good decision then you must give them more to work with.

In order for your spouse/fiance to enter they must have an invitation in hand (blue paper). Once inside put the blue paper away. They will need the case number both names and birth dates. Go to the window and submit information/evidence.

My Dao went in and they said they did not need anything. My brave girl told them "My Fred said you have to take it, it is the law". They took it and looked at it. (chat logs)

IF YOU SUBMIT MORE EVIDENCE IT CAN EXTEND THE TIME FOR ADDITIONAL PROCESSING. They need a couple of weeks look over your documents. We have to remember they are federal employees and they need a little more time than most people.

Good luck,

My Dao will be here soon!
fred n Dao HoneyMaleVietnam2009-11-03 03:41:00