K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy fiance is living out of his country
My fiance, who is Polish, is currently living and working in Scotland. When I fill out his paperwork, should I put down his address in Scotland or maybe his parents address in Poland? Also, when his interview is scheduled, will it be at the American embassy in Scotland or in Poland?

Thanks for your help,
me!FemalePoland2007-10-04 11:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresembassy languages
I met him while teaching english and living in poland. Since we were in poland, he wound up teaching me polish instead of vice versa. We lived together there for about nine months, then I came back to the states to go to grad school and we are applying for a fiance visa for him. Since then, he's moved to scotland to work and learn english while we wait for the visa to process. I went to visit him recently, and he's picking the language up slowly, but I'm worried his english won't be good enough by the time the interview comes. All the people he lives and works with are poles. He's really good with vocabulary, but I can rarely get him to put them together into sentences because he's very shy about it. When he comes to the states though, there are english classes immigrants can take for free, and he'll be surrounded by americans instead of poles, so I'm sure he'll learn. Lately when I talk to him and I can't remember the polish word for something he'll remember the english one first. I'm really proud of the progress he's made, considering.

Also, the problem with working through the polish consulate is that he no longer has an address in poland. We could put his parents' address in poland down as his. But I am nervous about that. He is working and staying legally in scotland though, so I hope that will look good for the visa stuff too.

When I submit the paperwork, where will they automatically send it? His country of citizenship, or his country of residence?

I know that the language barrier will be brought up, but we lived together in poland, and now we talk on the phone every day. Of course, sometimes it is difficult, since my polish isn't perfect, but I'm always improving. I have plans to go see him over christmas in poland, and then to scotland more as we wait for the visa.

Who should I call to ask questions about this? I looked online for the number to the american embassy in england, but the only number they had for visa questions was a number they said could only be dialed to from great britain!

Thanks for your help everyone!

me!FemalePoland2007-10-18 21:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresevidence question
Okay, thanks!
KimNot TellingAlbania2006-11-07 12:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresevidence question
Okay, great, thanks!

I'm going to also send my passport pages which have stamps and my student visa for my time in Italy. I don't think I saved the boarding passes for when I went, but I think I still have them for when I returned and I *may* still have my itinerary. I just never thought to save all these things, like receipts and such... I never thought I'd actually need them! I also have pictures of my fiance, one picture of us together, and I have two pictures of my grandparents with him because they actually met when my grandparents were over there for vacation (without me! *sniff*) so I'm going to send that as proof of a serious relationship (meeting family members, etc). I'm going to write the names and dates and places of everything on the back. I need to look around to see what else I have, I may be forgetting something... Oh! And we can print out phone bills from online, too. Because we've been calling each other every couple of days since May.

mmmm,he should secure bank statements too...for me i got money transfer and xoom receipts. here are my other proofs...

Photos with captions and notes (i got a storyboard of our love story)engagement photos and places where we've been
-Boarding Passes
-Ticket purchases
-Cards with envelopes with stamps
-Email and IM correspondence of us
-Screenshots of us chatting, me and his family, step daughters,friends and sons even of him sleeping
-Phone Records (got a lot of bills) and internet bill
-Money transfer receipts (27 pcs Western U. receipts and more xoom receipts)do i need to present all?
-package wrappers sent to me with stamps
-printed text messages saved as text file (since january 2006 til now)
-wedding, christening invitations where our names were printed on it as couple's maid and groom, and god parents
-engagements receipts with our names written on it
-property title (we bought a beach resort and the title was just issued last october 7, 06) would this be ok to be included?it is in our names
-video coverage of our engagement party
-receipts received during the renovation of our beach house's riftraft, in our names too

My fiance still has (well, hopefully ;)) things that I have sent him in the mail... I sent him a birthday card, and things like that. But... I wouldn't have to send those in, would I? He would keep them in order to show them during his application, right?
KimNot TellingAlbania2006-11-07 09:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresevidence question
Hello, quick question about preparing evidence to send in. I'm trying to compile everything I can that will prove our relationship so that we don't get an RFE.

For ATM fund transfers, debit card use, etc in the country abroad (Italy in my case)... I didn't save any of my receipts! Imagine the "argh!" moment when I realized that, because I was there for four months and I must've thrown out a hundred of receipts that I used my atm card with. However I just realized that these transfers still appear on my online bank statments. Now, would it be acceptable to print it out the transactions for during the time I was there, and highlight obvious words like, "Firenze" (Florence) and "Roma", etc, to prove I was there, and send THAT in? I could do the same with my credit card... I used it less, but for the bigger purchases, so it would still probably be helpful.

KimNot TellingAlbania2006-11-07 09:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPRVED AFTER 10 MONTHS!
Goodness, that is such a long wait! I will cry if that happens to me!

Congratulations! I hope your case moves along more quickly now. :)
KimNot TellingAlbania2006-11-08 10:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance doesn't speak English very well yet...
Ok Creel, thanks! I'll definitely be interested in how the interview was... feel free to give me a PM or something afterwards. My fiance is learning english fast, too! I know he has a book he's been studying. I just talked to him on the phone today and he surprised me with a few new words he knows now. :)

After talking to my fiance, we are probably going to wait another couple of months before filing. Because he's going to go home to Albania for Christmas, he is going to apply for another visa to return to Italy because the work in Italy is better for him, and he doesn't want to wait half a year or so in Albania for this k-1 visa to come through. So we are probably going to wait for him to return to Italy, and then do the visa through the embassy in Florence.

I hate waiting :( But things will work out better this way. It'll give me time to save up some money as well.
KimNot TellingAlbania2006-11-16 22:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance doesn't speak English very well yet...

Okay, THIS is getting odd -- my husband and I met in Florence too lol :lol: May I ask what your fiance' does is Florence? My husband was a student at the Universita' degli Studi di Firenze and he was there on a student visa.

Re: your fiance's Italian visa. Does he have an up-to-date Permesso di Soggiorno? I ask because my husband's visa had also expired, but since he was still matriculated in school and kept his Permesso di Soggiorno current, he was able to leave and reenter Italy numerous times without any problems. Ask your fiance' about his Permesso di Soggiorno. IF he is in Italy on an expired visa/out-of-date Permesso di Soggiorno, then yeah, he might have to go through Tirana instead because, believe me, the first thing they ask my husband in his interview is if he'd ever stayed anywhere illegally/out of status.

Hahaha, wow. Yeah, Florence has a high population of Albanians... strange, isn't it? If your user picture is of you and your husband, then no worries, it is not the same guy ;) My fiance was in Florence to study as well, he moved there about six years ago. I'm not sure which university he was at (though I've got a hoodie from the University degli Studi di Firenze! Heh.) Now, since his student visa is expired, he is working as an auto mechanic. He likes working with cars a lot, so I figure once he's here and has learned english, he should be able to get a job with cars. That is, if some big company doesn't want him because after he's learned english, he'll know how to speak FOUR languages. So I'm thinking and hoping that he'd be able to get a good job for companies or corporations that could use people who speak multiple languages.

Anyways, I just called and asked him about the Permesso di Soggiorno, cause I hadn't thought of that, but he no longer has that, either. So I told him we'll probably just have to go through Tirana, which he seems okay with.

How did you meet your husband? Did you do a study abroad? That's how I met my fiance... we lived on the same street, literally about 30 seconds away, and kept running into each other. And he lived at his place on that street for about the same amount of time I was there for my semester... he moved in a few weeks before I got there, and moved out about a month after I left. So we were both in that space for just that short amount of time. And it's weird when I think about it, cause we could've easily not met... I was THIS close to going to Rome, but changed my mind at the last minute, and I could have easily gone any other semester. And same with him, he and his roommates could've ended up getting an apartment on the other side of the city, and we never would've met. So, coincidence or fate, I ask. ;)

KimNot TellingAlbania2006-11-06 17:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance doesn't speak English very well yet...
Wow, thanks everyone for your replies. You gave me a lot of great help and ideas.

Bora Bora, thanks for your suggestions.... yeah that sounds like what I'll have to do, fill everything out for him right now and just have him sign. Since it requires his signature I guess I'll just have to send the forms in the mail, after I finished filling it out, and make a note where he's supposed to sign and have him send everything back. Thanks for your help!

Kinsey and fwaguy.... Ah, okay.... I see. That clears things up. I will have to file from Nowheresville, Pennsylvania, anyhow, since I'm stuck here for the time being. :) But good to know.

Okay, I understand now. The only problem is that the main reason he's returning to Albania is that his visa for Italy expired. (And I was hoping to visit him in Italy during my spring break, I want to go back to Florence so bad! But if he's still in Albania in March, I guess I'll have to go to Albania.) He really wants to return to Italy afterward, but he'll have to apply for a new visa which would take time to go through, and would cost him a lot of money. So it just seem better to me if he stayed in Albania, and waited out the six months or so it would take for the fiance visa to come through, and then come here. It just seems ridiculous to pay all that money for a visa to return to Italy for only a few months. And also it probably wouldn't be good to start everything in Albania, then try to finish it in Italy.

I am just still not sure whether to go through a lawyer or not. I was up last night reading over the FAQ here and different threads, and I think I have a generally idea of the process. So I think I might be able to do it myself.... I mean, I've handled big stuff like this before, I pretty much did all the paperwork for my study abroad last year on my own. I guess I'm just nervous about screwing something up. This is slightly more important than study abroad forms. :/
KimNot TellingAlbania2006-11-06 09:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance doesn't speak English very well yet...
Whoa! How strange! ...You might be my new best friend, you realize. *clings*

Well first off congratulations to you and your husband for getting through this! :) Okay, couple of questions. Did your husband have any major difficulties because he didn't speak English? Or did everything go as well as you might have expected? This is very much down the road (but I always think of things way before I need to)... did he come over here on the plane himself, or did you travel with him? Because I'm kind of worried for my fiance finding where he needs to go in the airports... because once you reach the States, all the signs and things are pretty much all in English. And he'll have to go through customs too, how do they handle people who don't speak English?

Did you file your petition from here in the US or directly from in Italy? Right now I'm here at school (will be graduating in May, which is why we're starting now and hoping to get the visa for next summer) in the US, and he's in Italy. I talked to a lawyer briefly on the phone and she said that I basically do my part in the States, and he'd do his part over there.

I think we'll be going through Tirana. He's going home to Albania for Christmas, and he said all of his documents are there. And since he's a citizen there, he would probably have to file and interview in Albania, wouldn't he? We're not sure if he'd have to stay in Albania until the visa comes through, or if he'd be allowed to return to Italy (he really prefers living in Italy to Albania)

Ummm that's all I can think of right now. Sorry to be bombarding you right away! lol. But it's really a great relief to know that you were in pretty much my exact same situation. I don't feel as alone now :)
KimNot TellingAlbania2006-11-05 22:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance doesn't speak English very well yet...
Hi, my name is Kim, and I just posted this question over in the new members thread, but I thought it might be good to post it here too since I this hasn't come up in the recent threads...

My fiance and I haven't started the process yet; I'm just trying to get as much information as I can. My fiance is from Albania, and doesn't speak English very well yet. We talk in Italian to each other (I am conversational in it) so I'm not worried about the language gap putting off the person looking at our case. What I am worried about is that I wouldn't really be able to send him the forms he'd have to fill out, and a list of everything he'd have to do, since they'd be in English! He'd need them in Italian or Albanian. I'm also worried that I'd be able to tell him just over the phone of everything he'd have to do (since obviously I don't know Italian words for any legal terms that may come up). For these reasons I thought it may be best to get an immigration attorney. Now, I know that they don't speed up the case or anything like that, etc, but I just thought it might be easier to do it through a person who specializes in this and knows exactly what needs to be done. Because frankly, I look at the checklist of the whole process, and I'm intimidated :/

So I wanted to know what you guys thought? Would it be beneficial for me to do it through a lawyer, or would it be just as good doing it by myself (and saving a ton of money). Also, have any of you had a fiance that didn't speak English, and ran into problems with it? I'm kind of worried about that as well.

KimNot TellingAlbania2006-11-05 22:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaWho has made more adjustments?
I might be being nosey... since I am not from the Middle East

But aside from the fact that you SO comes from another country, which is per se the MAJOR adjustment/change that they could do. I think all couples being new to living with each other go through different things, to adjust and adapt to a life in common.

Changes should not be 'requested' or at least I wouldnt 'request' because that would sound so much as an imposition, and believe me, even the most in-love person would react to that. As far as feeling guilty, that would also be wrong... it would be manipulative and for me that's a red flag.

Dont worry about your guy coming over, as difficult as it may be to leave everything behind, this is a choice he has made, for you, and if you try your best to support him through this process, changes and adaptations will happen without either of you even noticing.

Good luck on your interview, and congratulations in starting your new life together...

rob&anaFemaleVenezuela2006-10-18 08:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaDoubts part II
Well, in the case I know (suspect of)
There are many, many flags. Things like, going to work on a different state because he has 'friends' there that can hire him.

I mean, when I moved to the US, all I wanted to do was be as close to Rob as society would permit us! maybe is different for men?

I dont know...

I had to edit, because the case i know of, is not MENA

Edited by rob&ana, 25 October 2006 - 02:54 PM.

rob&anaFemaleVenezuela2006-10-25 14:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaDoubts part II

oh my gosh everyone and their brother has asked me if I contemplated the fact that he might be using me for a GC. lol. They did this though without knowing anything about him. Just prejudice and assumptions.

I don't believe that this is the case in my situation only because he is so torn up about having to leave his country and we've actually almost split up over the fact that I can't move there.

I think most people woulod be torn to leave their family even if they wanted to be with their spouse in another country. Wait that might have sounded wrong. What I mean is that I think most people are torn either way if they have to leave their family behind. I do think some are more eager to get to America though.

I know that some of the relationships that have ended in fraud included the guy crying over missing his family. I don't think people use another for a GC to get away from their family/country as much as they do for financial reasons - they are not as successful as they would like to be in their country and don't see that changing any time soo.

But see? I would believe that people would notice that kind of stuff. People who arent satisfied with politics, economics, status in their home countries. That kind of situation has to come up sometimes when you're visiting or even talking over the net or phone.

And there is absolutely nothing wrong with being precautious, even if you havent been divorced. It's for your own good, and there is absolutely nothing wrong from learning from past experiences, or from someone else's experiences. I mean, it is just being smart.
rob&anaFemaleVenezuela2006-10-25 14:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaDoubts part II

There are cases where you can definitely notice that people are being used for the GC. Would I tell them? No. It is a very touchy topic, and I like to think that people are all grown ups here, and that they are smart enough (from reading about this process and reading about other's experiences) to notice if they are being scammed or not.

Well it would be nice to think that everyone here is grown up enough and smart enough to know however some people are so blinded that they just don't think rationally I think. I also think that some people reach a low point of desperation where they want a companion which again makes someone blind... who knows though.

I agree... in the specific case that I know of. This woman comments things, that are red flags for me, and she seems to not even notice. You know? and yes, certainly this might be a case where wanting some company seems to be the key. Even if the company is not good... or does not make you feel good. It just blows my mind... I hope I am never that blind... about anything in life.
rob&anaFemaleVenezuela2006-10-25 14:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaDoubts part II
There are cases where you can definitely notice that people are being used for the GC. Would I tell them? No. It is a very touchy topic, and I like to think that people are all grown ups here, and that they are smart enough (from reading about this process and reading about other's experiences) to notice if they are being scammed or not.
rob&anaFemaleVenezuela2006-10-25 14:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaYAHOO
Same here, I thought it was just me. I am waiting to chat with my honey right now. I think we will use Skype.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-07-22 20:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSimple Question!!!!
Hello to all! I joined this site a while ago, but I am happy to say I have sent my application in for the K1 Visa. The VSC received my package on March 11, and I have not received my NOA1, stating they received my application. I know that I am probably a little to anxious to know that they have started on my petition, but how long does it usually take to receive the NOA1? Also I was just reading someones wonderful story how they were going to pick up their fiancee at a US airport. Do I need to go to my Fiancee's country and come back with her, or am I able to meet her at an airport in the US? It surely would save some money, and I would rather use my vacation days for after she gets here to spend time with her. Thanks for all the help!

Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-16 18:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat I need to send my Fiancee for her interview
Thanks everyone for your help. I am going to just send originals of everything. This will put my mind at ease, and not give them a reason to give her a hassel.

Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-21 12:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat I need to send my Fiancee for her interview
I used a lawyer for my K1. I had to provide them with copies of Employer letter, bank letter, pay stubs, w-2's, tax returns for 3 years, bank statements, divorce papers, phone records and birth certificate. Do I need to send originals of all of this, or has my lawyer already prepared my application with these forms, since they were attached to the I-129F petition? I have already looked at the list provided on this site, but can someone help me and tell me exactly what originals I need to send her. Also should she print out more of our emails and chats? I already included several of them in my petition.

Thanks for the help!!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-21 07:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTrying to find information!!!
Hello everyone,

My friend just called me and gave me a site to check out with some good information for me. It is a news channel in D.C. and I guess they had some special or something pertaining to Vietnamese people immigrating here, and how to adjust to life, and special education for the children to help them learn our language better. I am relaly interseted in finding htis piece, but had no luck finding it. Anyone familiar with this information?
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-21 22:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow many ppl here just pass 6mo without NOA2 or am i one of the very few????
; We are on our 6 month mark too :bonk:

We just got off the phone with USCIS two hours ago and put in a service request.
And we also sent our Service Center, Ombudsman and Congressman an E-mail...

Good luck to the both of us :star:
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-04-27 15:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED!! Had interview this monring! @ Montreal!
; congratulations!! Enjoy your life together :thumbs: :dance: :star: :innocent:
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-05-03 21:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPolice cert sent directly to consulate
; Hi!

I am from the Netherlands, and my police certificate will also automatically be forwarded to the American Consulate, just before my interview.

Don't be nervous!! Tho, I am glad that they do it for me :thumbs:

Edited by Channah&Aaron, 05 May 2011 - 08:46 AM.

Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-05-05 08:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOMG!!! I GOT APPROVED TODAY AND ITS MY 21ST BDAY!!! :)
; Congrats and happy birthday!!!! :thumbs:
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-06-07 12:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview disaster, Any thoughts?
; Do what the CO told him to do: send in all the proof he has.. even though he brought everything he had. But if he sends it in, they will actually take a closer look!!!! They will take a look at his proof when they didn't even look at it during the interview.

:thumbs: Everything will be OK. Now, talk to him and discuss what kind of proof you are going to send back. The more, the better..

Good luck :star: & keep us posted, then we go from there...

Edited by Channah&Aaron, 07 June 2011 - 10:16 PM.

Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-06-07 22:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures10 months No2
; I have two VJ friends who are waiting 9+ months as well!!

It's ridiculous!! Have you contacted your Congressman or Ombudsman?

I waited 7+ months and because our Congressman was very busy, I contacted Ombudsman and after sending 2 Emails, I got letters back saying that he really wants to help us. A couple of days later, Aaron and I got approved.

Wish you all the luck!! :thumbs:
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-06-28 08:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDidn't disclose Intention to Marry at POE
; :ot: I said I was visiting a friend too instead of, at that time, my boyfriend. Well, they found out that me and Aaron were dating during secondary inspection. They denied my entry May last year and put me on the first plane back.. Never lie again! You may also end up on the first plane back home!

:ot2: Other than, I don't see any problems. You are flying back home and start the legal procedures :thumbs: . It would be illegal to get married and stay (intend to immigrate).

Good luck on the rest of your journey :star:

Edited by Channah&Aaron, 16 July 2011 - 11:52 AM.

Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-07-16 11:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNow Believe that marriage was for immigraion

; Hey girl!!

Ofcourse you can ask me some questions!! :thumbs:

I don't know why my inbox doesn't work.. I think its full :whistle:

I DELETED MY INBOX... If you have any questions, let me know..


Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-07-14 07:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNow Believe that marriage was for immigraion

K.. he said that without an address he cant get work.. I want to remind you that he is Belgium.. cause he was born there.. until he was a 1yr old. Has lived in the Netherlands since.. He says that he cant' get his social money cause he was out of the country to long.. ( over 6 months) He says that he can't open a bank account cause.. he brought some insurance that if he lost his job that it would cover it? But when he lost his job.. they didn't so now he owes 25.000 euros to a Bank there.. He wont tell me what bank... so he can't put a home in his name or get work or open a bank account.. something about that doesnt add up to me.

That he can't work because he doesn't have an address doesn't make sense. There must be more to the story. I don't have an address either. Well, I live with my mom but I'm not on her mortage or on any housing contract. If you apply for a job, the only thing they want is this ID number and a mailing address. You can use whatever address you live at.

However, think about all the tourists that work in Amsterdam. Like back packers. The Netherlands isn't that hard if you are looking for a job!! We have a lot of Polish people who are working here looking for a better life.

An other thing. He said that he owes an Insurance Company money because he lost his job?? The same company that would pay him money when he lost his job? Is it like a welfare he was talking about? If he had a welfare and worked without telling them, yes, then you have to pay back every single dime they paid him while he was illegally working.

That he can't open a bank account? That is BS, all you need is your ID!! And most of the time you have to pay like 7 euro's to open an account (administration fee).

And about housing.. that is BS too.. You can also rent a room in big cities! It's not going thru a real estate but by the owner of the house.

If he has debts, he will be registered thru BKR. This is a company that whenever you don't pay back your debts, they will make it hard for you to buy a house or whatever (bad credits). But online he can look for people who are looking for a house mate. Atleast he'll have a roof above his head.

It doesn't really add up at all. But like I said, there must be more to the story :whistle:
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-07-14 07:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNow Believe that marriage was for immigraion
; Hey girl!!

Ofcourse you can ask me some questions!! :thumbs:

I don't know why my inbox doesn't work.. I think its full :whistle:

If you want, you can E-mail me:

Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-07-14 07:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNow Believe that marriage was for immigraion
; I just read your story and it's really heart breaking.

Proceed the divorce and try to move on. You and your daughter deserve much better than that douchebag. :thumbs:

& keep in mind that it can't rain forever

Good luck girl!
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-07-14 05:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHeart broken, case returned to USA after 2 interviews
; The CO wasn't convinced of the relationship of you and your husband.
Getting married in just 10 days during your first met, and that in a high fraud country, is hard to proof that your relationship and marriage is real. Even though, everything is real in your relationship, convincing a CO at this point is very difficult difficult.

I would suggest for you to go to Marocco and spend more time with your husband & get to know each other better!!

Mean time, you can gather a lot of evidence so you can proof CO wrong next time...

Good luck, and hopefully things will work out between you guys.
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-06-14 21:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMedical Exam result sent to Consulate due to ....
; It's normal that it will be forwarded to the Consulate :thumbs:
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-07-25 09:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDenied at American/Canadian border now filing for I-130
; My entry got denied once in Philladelphia, because like you two, I didn't buy a return-ticket as I didn't know when I was flying back within the 2 months of vacation with my love & didn't bring any proof of my ties in my home country although I had a job and all that.

No misrepresentation, No bar. THANK GOD! :whistle:

I have my interview (K1) next week and I'm sure that it won't become a problem. Otherwise they wouldn't have send me a NOA2. Anywhooo, just be honest at the interiew and things should be alright.

As long if there wasn't a misrepresentation or bar, things should be fine. Maybe a little more questions at the interview. Like I said, answer their questions truthfully :thumbs:

Edited by Channah&Aaron, 25 July 2011 - 05:25 AM.

Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-07-25 05:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI will take good care of you NOA2
[quote name='togetherforever13' timestamp='1313067795' post='4839209']
Thanks and good luck in you upcoming entry!!!

Thank you!! It'll be tomorrow :dance: Btw, I post directions for my NOA2 on my Status, and guess what, next day it arrived :rofl:.
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-08-11 11:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI will take good care of you NOA2
; :rofl: LOL!!

Hopefully you'll get yours soon!! :star:
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-08-11 07:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Denial & Trip to the Consular
; what's up with the so many denials in Marocco :pop:

It's sad!! I hope things will work out for you!!!
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-06-17 06:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCompleted Case Opened Again due to Email
; Ouch indeed, indeed! :blush:

Thank you for sharing, though & hopefully your journey will go smoother from now on!! :thumbs:

Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-08-26 09:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI need help PLZZZZ
; It's not an approval :hehe:
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-09-20 12:19:00