K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslegally married?

I can not believe someone going through this process would jeopardize being in the U.S. with their wife. This is a big gamble and I would not take that risk.

I had a civil wedding in the U.S. and in summer of 2007 I am going back to my wife’s country of Colombia and have a Catholic Church wedding with all her family and friends.

Can you not do something like this?

Peter Miami

Not everyone has the opportunity to do this. Once you are getting on with your life (jobs, new house, children, etc), it can become very hard to even plan a visit to the 'home country.

Then get married there and apply for CR1/K3.

And wait longer? Again, maybe because I am the immigrant, and in the midst of things all you really want is to be with your loved one, so you want the 'process' to be quick, you dont really think about ceremonies. As an immigrant I left everything behind, all you bring here is your memories, why not add that experience?? sharing with your family a celebration of your love, sharing with your family one of your 'big' moments? Maybe I am just a romantic. And if it were the other way around, I would've done something so all of Rob's family and friends could've celebrated our union with us.


I think that's exactly the point - what to tell to who. There's more than 1 way to 'tell' someone that you're married - the wearing of wedding rings, for example, is intended tell the world that you're married is it not?

And there's more than CBP at the POE to contend with - there's USCIS at both the petition stage and the adjustment stage.
- I know of a poster several years ago who volunteered photos of his non-legal religious wedding ceremony with his I-129f petition on the belief that it was strong evidence of the sincerety of the relationship. He was right, the adjudicator was sufficiently convinced that the fellow was RFE'd for proof that he wasn't married already.
- There was a VJ poster earlier today asking if it wouldn't be better (more convincing) to show the adjustment of status interviewer photos of her big fancy non-legal wedding prior to getting her K1 visa than photos of her small plain legal wedding after arrival.

Some people just don't recognize a double-edge sword even as they are falling on it. Such people should not buy and carry swords.


I understand your point also, but see... these are people that dont understand what the heck they are doing!

The OP is clear that this 'could' be a problem with the USCIS, he is trying to find a way to make this work out. I would think (now, I know I might be just be an optimistic), that if he doesnt, he's got two options, either not do it or do it and pretend it never happen (as in, not wearing rings, not calling each other husband and wife, not using these pictures as part of their evidence for AOS). And yes Kezzie, I would pretty much sleep well all night long knowing that I am hiding information from the USCIS, since it's not criminal to have a wedding ceremony that would not be considered legal.

Again, I am NOT saying that people should go ahead and get married in their home countries. I am just flabbergasted at other posters acting like this is such a huge sin. I tend to put my self in other's people's shoes. I am blessed that my family has visited me several times during this year that I could not travel home due to lack of AP and now because I am working and I dont have vacation days to go back. I know that people from 3rd world countries have tons of problems getting tourist visas, and I know that AOS processes are not quick, so that leaves the immigrant practically 'stranded' for at least 6 months, having the memory of a ceremony would certainly be pretty neat, since you're missing out on lots of things happening to your family and your family is missing out on lots of things happening in yours.

Maybe I am just a "Momma's girl" and I cherish the moments I share with my family, and I'll stand by what I initially posted, if I could do it again. I would definitely have a ceremony back home before coming here, because then all my family would know 'first hand' what a wonderful man I've married.

rob&anaFemaleVenezuela2006-10-18 06:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslegally married?

I agree with zyggy.... you have come this far why oh why would you want to risk everything???? Do things right have the wedding here in the US and then at a later date go back and have the religious wedding you so want... of course maybe the big fancy wedding service in a church is more important to you than your SO having issues at POE...

Good Luck


Pray tell, how would someone have issues at the POE with a religious wedding ceremony? As another poster asked, how in hell would a border agent at the POE know of any religious ceremonies in the past? This is the part I don't get from this argument.

I think it's fine for them to have a religious ceremony. Just that they need to keep their mouth's shut and not let any government agencies know, unless specifically asked. The point is not to lie, but certainly to not voluntarily divulge any information when none have been asked.

I can't see any POE border agent specifically asking: have you two had a religious wedding ceremony in your home country?

So what would be the issues they'd encounter at the POE, pray tell?

And even though, if they do have a religious ceremony and they choose not to use the pictures as evidence of their relationship for the AOS interview, how would the USCIS officer conducting the interview know that they actually had one??

It's true, it's not lying... it's just not offering the information, and I would believe that two people that have succesfully gone through interviews in their 'home countries' would be smart enough to know that they can get in trouble if they say that they were 'married' before entering the US.
rob&anaFemaleVenezuela2006-10-17 15:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslegally married?
I understand your points, but also understand the immigrant's position. Where in most cases, the family has no visa nor economic means to assist to a wedding in the US.

The immigrant is leaving her/his family and friends, and marriage (legal or religious) is a HUGE step in most people's life, and they want to be surrounded by loved ones. I know I would've loved to have my grandfather, for instance, in my wedding, even though I had a wonderful wedding and my parents were able to come.

I still dont see how at the POE they are going to know that you had a religious ceremony, unless you tell them, and I believe that the question is not commonly asked. It's not like you're going to carry pictures in your hands while you're going through customs.

I am not recommending anyone to do this, everyone does what they have to do at their own risk, I do recommend to the OP, to find out through whichever means he can if they can have a religious ceremony in Brazil. Is he going to be able to get it in writing? I dont think so. But I know of people who have had religious ceremonies in their countries before coming to the US, and they have successfully adjusted their status without mentioning the ceremony 'back home'

I stand by what I said before, if I had to do this again, I would've had a ceremony back home, with my WHOLE family and friends, because it was (and still is) a happy moment I would've love to share with more family members. We do think that at some point we will have a religious ceremony in Venezuela, however, life makes things a little difficult when you start to work and start taking certain responsabilities here in the US.

To the OP, good luck in your process, and I hope you get to have a nice ceremony to enjoy with family and friends.
rob&anaFemaleVenezuela2006-10-17 15:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslegally married?

What I'm curious about, and I don't know if anyone has had this experience and has an anwer, is what happens if you get religiously married and travel to the states and get legally married there on a k-1 and then start AOS. What happens at the AOS interview?

obviously, getting religiously married before entering on k-1 is a iffy subject and some people may get lucky etc and make it through POE no problem and get married.

So at the AOS interview when they have to show pics of their wedding etc and do they tell the AOS officers about their religous wedding prior to their legal wedding as all the AOS officer is interested in is that they can prove their marriage isn't fake or would the AOS officer deport the k1 holder for breaking the rules?

I'm sure there are people who have been through this situation as I'm sure a few have had religious ceremonies prior and I'm sure all of them had to apply for AOS.. just wondering if anyone knew what happened?

If I had been in that situation (and I would've loved to because after AOS you're tied up working, buying a house having babies, and just being busy with your 'new life') I simply would've kept the religious ceremony off the record, not said anything at POE and not bring anything from it to the AOS interview, or use any thing from it as evidence of our relationship.

Yes, I might get torched here, because it's lying to the USCIS, but in Brazil, as in Venezuela, religious ceremonies are not valid unless you've had the civil ceremony first. If it's NOT a legal ceremony, then it should be OK. I would think... but consulting to lawyers, embassies, even the USCIS (if you can) is also a good idea. I think you are entitled to pursue whatever you want in order to find out things about your case.

Good luck!
rob&anaFemaleVenezuela2006-10-17 10:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinally after Two and a Half Years
rob&anaFemaleVenezuela2006-10-18 10:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Approved
rob&anaFemaleVenezuela2006-11-07 11:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReceived NOA1!!! and question?
I know it is just the beginning, but when I came home from work today and I saw a piece of mail from Homeland Security, it was like opening my first Christmas gift. :dance:

Now the wait begins for NOA2. :blink:

Now this might be the dumbest question asked, but I want to know how everyone shows their timeline at the bottom of their posts. Is this just the signature? :huh:

Thanks for your help as always!!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-20 21:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate
A big thanks to everyone and their help. I contacted my local state office and they cannot provide an original. They can only provide a certified copy with a raised stamp which shows my parents names. I will send this to my fiancee for her interview along with a copy of it.

Thanks again!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-23 20:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate
I am getting everything together that I will need to send my fiancee for her interview, and I had a question about the birth certificate. Is a Certified copy obtained from the state department of vital records good enough to send her? Also I have seen people discuss the issue of affidavit of single status, is this required to send her? I haven't seen it mentioned in the requirements.

Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-22 10:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI've been touched!!!!!

I received my NOA1 on 3/20/06 and have been checking daily on my status. I just checked and I have been touched today, 03/23/06. What does this mean?

it means that they worked on your case today.. maybe soon you will get your NOA2.

when I was doing the 129f, I got my Noa1 in the mail so I sign up for the email and listed my recpect # and checked the staus.. I was shocked to see it was already approved. It took total of 3 weeks from sending it out to being sent to the consolate, but hit road block cause they sent it to the wrong one. Just when you get your aproval and it is in the NVC, just call to make sure it will be sent to the right place :D

good luck

When I filled out my papers, I assumed they would be sent to Hanoi Vietnam since there is an embassy there, but after visiting this site, I have learned that she must interview in HCMC. Is this correct? Will they know where to send my papers even though I remeber writing Hanoi?
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-23 22:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI've been touched!!!!!
I received my NOA1 on 3/20/06 and have been checking daily on my status. I just checked and I have been touched today, 03/23/06. What does this mean?
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-23 22:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDocuments Needed ofr interview?
Hello everyone!!!

I used a lawyer for my I-129F application. I sumbitted to them copies of 3 chats, 4 emails, and phone records for 3 months, 6 pictures, bank statements for 3 months, 3 years w-2's, and hand written letters from both of us as well as our parents. All of this was requested from my lawyer to include in our application. I am expection to get my NOA2 within the next week or so, so I am trying to stay ahead of the game and be prepared, so we don't have any hold ups. I have the following questions about what I need to send to her for her interview:

1. Should I send her a copy of the chats, emails, phone records, and pictures that were already included in the original application? Or those and additional of each dated after we submitted the application? Should she have on hand additional documentation than was submitted in the I-129F application?

2. As for chats, how is everyone printing these. I saved them as a text file, and then copied them into word, so I could place a date at the top. Is this acceptable, if not how should it be printed?

3. I have visited the conculate website where her interview will be held, and they say she needs a police certificate within the past year. Is it ok for her to get this now, therefore allowing time for her to get it translated into english and to make sure she has it when her interview date arrives?

4. My lawyer organized our package for us, but I made 2 copies of everything. One I will send to her and one for my records, but they are not organized the same that was filed, but includes every document that was submitted. Should she bring this with her as well, or will they have the one submitted on hand?

I just got back from Office Depot, and purchased a binder, with Sheet protectors which I will place documents needed for her interview. I also purchased tabs that I can place directly onto each sheet protector and write a description for each. This way, when they ask her for specific information she can easily located it and take it out of the sleeve very easy for their viewing pleasure. Do you think this will keep her well prepared for the interview, or has anyone done it another way that maybe is better.

Thanks so much for the help, this forum rocks!!!!!

Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-26 14:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-3 Packet
I am getting a binder together and wanted to make sure that I have tabs for everything she will need to access once she is at the interview. I have a list from the consulate website of what she needs.

Which of these are sent back to the embassy in the mail, which ones does she need to bring with her to the interview? Also what does she need to hand to them when she walks in the door?

Fee receipt for the US$100 MRV fee payable at Citibank
Form DS-156
Form DS-156K
Form DS-230
medical examination
vaccination assessment from the Quarantine Service of Ho Chi Minh City
Police Certificate

Also does anyone know what she needs to do for this?
vaccination assessment from the Quarantine Service of Ho Chi Minh City
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-26 20:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to track after NOA2
I received an email with my NOA2, and I checked the site today and was touched after the NOA2 approval. The email said they send my NOA2 on a few days before my email came. So I am wondering if they shipped it to NVC today? I am so used to being able to check the status online, and I am clueless now. wacko.gif

I have seen people's timelines showing what day it was mailed to NVC, What day NVC received, What day NVC sent to consulate, and what day the consulate received it. How do you track this information? Is this using the same USCIS site? I read about people checking with DHL or something, how do they know which is there packet? Thisngs have been moving so fast for me and I hope the luck continues cool.gif

Thanks for the help
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-28 17:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDeclaration of how you met in person in the last two years.
I used a lwayer to file our K-1 visa. My layer just wrote met while visiting Vietnam. I called to discuss this with them several times, because we first got to know each other online. I explained that after corresponding thru emails, chat's, and phone conversations for a few months, I asked if I could come visit her to see if we had true love. My lawyer told me to write how we physically met for the first time. So we wrote "While visiting Vietnam". He then told me at the interview she can explain we first contacted online and I asked her permission to come see her, and to see if there was love. Then go into details. I just got my NOA2 today, so it must be correct.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-27 20:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGOt NOA2 Today!!!!!

Congratulations!!! Maybe we'll be in Saigon waiting for our fiances across the street at the same time! ...Nervously pacing LOL :lol:

I wish that was the case, but I am going to be hanging tight here while she interviews. I have read that it is best if I stay here, just in case I need to supply her with that they request that we may have forgotten. I would love to be there for her, but I rather be able to get her these papers as quickly as possible if she needs them. Also the fact that who knows how long it will take them to get her the passport afterwards. It is so tough though not to be with her at that time.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-27 21:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGOt NOA2 Today!!!!!

I got an email notification today that our I-129F petition was approved today!!!! :dance:

I wasn't worrued but, you just never know. The problem I now face is the fact that I am so happy and pumped up, how do I concentrate for my test tonight? :dance: :dance: :dance:

One more thing, I just don't understand this process. What does this approval mean? It just means that she needs approved at the interview. Since it was approved, the interview should not be difficult unless they find evidence that should overturn this approval. This doesn't seem the case however. It seems that this approval means nothing to them at all. We have nothing to hide, but after reading about the consulate in Ho Chi Minh City, I worry to much.


AKKKKKKKKKKKK MIKE! thats great news!!!! I sent mine on the 9th of March 2006... well officially they have received it on the 10th... but say that they have received it on the 16th... too many dates to remember!!!! now i wish my application process would be just as fast as yours... pray for me pleaaaaaaase!!!!

Still waiting but COnGrRaTuLaTiOnS!!!! Youre one step closer! :D IM happy for you and your S/O

Perhaps what it means is that your petition is pretty much clear of any questionable motives... paperwork wise i guess... so next step is the actual interview, and i guess thats when they talk to your fiancee and verify personally that all information are true and genuine... I have seen some situations in the news where people actually pay other US Citizens to bring them over here... which really sucks because on the otherhand, people like us who are doing this for no other reason but love get to pay the price as well...

siiiiiiigh ...

keeping my fingers crossed

Thanks, everyone on here is like family. I do know there are cases of fraud, and that makes everything harder for people like us. Thanks again everyone, now the long wait begins!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-27 17:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGOt NOA2 Today!!!!!
I got an email notification today that our I-129F petition was approved today!!!! :dance:

I wasn't worrued but, you just never know. The problem I now face is the fact that I am so happy and pumped up, how do I concentrate for my test tonight? :dance: :dance: :dance:

One more thing, I just don't understand this process. What does this approval mean? It just means that she needs approved at the interview. Since it was approved, the interview should not be difficult unless they find evidence that should overturn this approval. This doesn't seem the case however. It seems that this approval means nothing to them at all. We have nothing to hide, but after reading about the consulate in Ho Chi Minh City, I worry to much.

Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-27 16:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F visa Appllication fee check cashed! (Vermont service center)

Can my fiance get a money order at the post office to send the cash?

That is exactly what I did, I got a money order for the fee instead of using a personal check.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-25 10:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTranslations
I am not familar with this question, but thought I would ask one myself. I have some receipts from hotels and resteraunts when I visited my fiancee, I doubt it, but do these need translated?
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-28 20:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWedding and Reception!!!
Hello everyone,

Me and my Fiancee would like to choose a date for our wedding, so we book the reception hall. I would like for her to have this evidence for her interview. Where can we get married, just the Justice of the Peace? If so will they provide me with any documentation that she can present at the interview? Also as far as the reception and wedding, how do go about booking it if your not sure when she will get her visa?

Also when I visited her last time I purchased our wedding bands, so she can see them. I don't have the engagement receipt. So should I give her the receipts for the wedding bands to have for the interview? Also I bought her a necklace and earrings the same time I bought the wedding bands. She will be wearing them to the interview, is this good for evidence as well?

Any Help is greatly appreciated, Thanks
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-28 12:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of relationship?
I am in the process of getting everything printed and organized for when I send them to my fiancee for her interview. Do I need to make copies of all receipts, phone records, emails, chats, and pictures that were not included in the original petition? If so do I need to make copies of all the evidence that was submitted in the original packet? Or do I just need to give originals of the evidence? Or should I make a copy for her and for them and then the original?

Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-01 11:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat to do?

Well, as I said we did exactly the same thing. (I've only recently learned that in fact I had an actual marriage ceremony). I did not send in the pictures of the ceremony with the original petition, but my then fiance' showed all of the photos from our ceremony and reception at the interview. They didn't say anything about it. She thinks they weren't really looking all that close though.


Can you tell me more about the photo's she showed? Was she wering a wedding dress or the Vietnamese special dress? Our pictures of the reception show us on stage, she was wearing a wedding dress, and me a suite, with her parents as we exchanged gifts in front of everyone. I gave her a ring, a necklace, and my parents who did not attend gave her earrings. She gave me a ring and her parents also gave me a ring. What is your opinion Dalegg? Should would show any of these pics with a single status paper? or should we just show some of the pics from the party without her in them? As I said we don't have any pics of the engagement ceremony. So can these be used for that purpose?

Thanks so much for your help
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-02 15:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat to do?
You know, I have the same situation. Her parents wanted us to have a ceremony only, before she came to the US. We did not file any papers, because we are going to marry in the US. I did not include any of these photos in our original petition, because we weren't sure if we should. USCIS only wants to see a few photos's of both of us together also, not a whole album. We also don't have any engagement ceremony pics, because we hired the photographer for the actual wedding. He has pictures of me arriving to her home, and sitting there and talking with her parents and family. So I am in a bind now. What should we do? Should my fiance get certified single status paper, and she can show the photo's and explain that we just had a ceremony for her family and friends? We had a huge reception with like 200 people. I have photo's of both the reception and the ceremony. Someone give me some good advice on this please.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-02 14:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresToday is our wedding!
Congrats!!! It is so great to hear news like that. I wish you both the best on your wonderful future together.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-01 12:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresinterview
GOOD LUCK!!! :thumbs:
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-03 21:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTime for a Group Hug, Johanna Approved

I am really happy for you both!!!!

:dance: :thumbs: :dance: :thumbs: :dance:

Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-05 20:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 visa
I also called the NVC, to check when they mailed our petition. You may have to call several times, because you need to speek to an operator. I think when you call you press 1 and then 5 to speak to an operator. Have your receipt number ready, and they will ask you a few questions, to make sure that it is you. Once I knew the date the NVC sent uor petition, I tracked it on the DHL site. You track by reference, and for the reference you enter Correspondence, and then in the outgoing zipcode you enter the NVC's zipcode, I think it is 03801. Then it will give you all packages sent from NVC to all the Embassies. So you just find the day your's was sent and then look for the one going to your embassy. You don't know for sure if this is yours, because it doesn't give your name, but you assume.

Hope that made sense. :help:
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-12 17:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBank of America?
My lawyer had me submit in our original petition 3 months of statements, and a bank letter stating the amount in each account, when I opened the accounts. I am above the poverty guidelines with my salary, should I make sure I have the originals submitted in the original petition as well as the ones since submitting? I know in HCMC someone posted something about needing $20,000 in your account. I don't know if this was due to being below the poverty guidelines, or if you submit the statements and you don't have $20,000 in your account you will run into problems.

Any help is appreciated :thumbs:
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-18 16:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Bank Deposits
My lawyer sent me the I-134 form to fill out to send with my original petition, and it is the same form that is in the example forms section of this site. On the I-134 form, I don't see where it asks for the total deposits for the year. Question 7 asks: I have on deposit in savings banks in the United States _____. I believe that this is just asking what your balance of your accounts are, unless I am misinterpreting the question. If I am wrong about this, please let me know where it asks for this information, Thanks.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-19 18:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDocuments to send in for K-1

I have a lawyer (***) that helped me fill out all the paperwork for my I-129. One of the things he had me do was make a notarized letter of intent from me. He didn't have me get one for my fiance. Is that required? I am looking at the instructions on the I-129 form and it says to provide original statements from both of us! Will I get a RFE from this???? There is plenty of other stuff from her. The signed Bio form and a ton of pictures.

You know I used a lawyer too, and just realized this same issue yesterday. The one they filled in says being duly sworn. I think it will serve for both of us.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-20 11:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce Decree
I just sent the final decree, one page, and got no RFE. I just hope when she has her interview that they don't want everything!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-21 06:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChild Support
Well after checking my options, my ex wife who I am good friends with now called her attorney who did initiated our divorce. Her attorney said that since our divorce was settled out of court that she could provide me with an affidavit stating that we settled everything out of court and that me and my ex can type up what we agreed upon. We will list my kids full names, date of birth, our divorce date, and it will also state that I hav paid all of my child support payments on time, and it will be adressed directly to the consulate that my fiancee will be interviewing at. We will both sign this affidavit. Also I will provide the divorce decree. I called the same place I received the decree from and they said I could go online to view our divorce judgement, and I just printed that out as well. I will also provide a few months worth of bank statements showing the checks that I paid.

This should all be enough to prove what they want. If not it would be totally rediculaous.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-22 16:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChild Support
I am sorr, I don't know the answer to this, but I am interested in this topic. I am divorced and I do pay child supprt to my ex wife, but it is not thru the court system. We decided on the amount and I give her a check every month.

Do all divorced applicants with childrem from a previous marriage, need to submit this information? I don't understand why this is not listed on the required documents to provide at the interview, if they want this.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-19 20:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExemplification of Record????
While at the courthouse to get my Divorce decree, the woman said that she has heard of some people needing an Exemplification of Record for marrying a foreign citizen. She was not sure if I needed this or not, so I am just wondering if anyone has ever heard of this??
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-23 20:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresKids !!!!
I am in a similar situation. My fiancee has a son who is 5. Her divorce decree states that she has full custody and her ex has visitation rights. I emailed the embassy where she will interview to ask what is required for him to come here. They emailed me back stating they need a quit form from her ex husband, which I assume is the same as what has been discussed earlier.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-25 11:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Engagement
You can also provide them with congratulation cards or letters from family and friends. My fiancee has the ring I gave her that she wears all the time, so she will show her ring at the interview, as well as the congrat cards we received. The letter of intent to marry also is the big piece of eveidence.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-29 09:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBank Letter!
I know this has probably been posted soemwhere but couldn't find it. I filed one with our original packet, but they didn't include last years total deposits. So can someone give me a list of everything that the letter should include so I don't miss anything? And how you have asked for it at the bank?

Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-05-05 06:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to mail important papers overseas?
I am glad you started this thread, because I was wondering the same. I have a question about what you are going to send. As for Pay Stubs, W-2's, Bank Statements, phone records, and any other supporting information, are you sending originals or copies? I know they have the right to request to see the original of any document you supply. If you are to send the original, then I wouldn't be comfortable blacking anything out, because you are tampering with an original. Please Help Me, I need to know whether to send originals or only copies?
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-05-18 17:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFilling out DS230
Thanks so much for the info. I know she must fill in one for her and one for her son. On her sons form, he needs to sign it and date it. He is only 5 years old, and I am not sure how well he can write to do this. How have any of you done this or any advice would be appreciated!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-05-19 22:34:00