Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGot the NOA2... now what?

Wait until the interview is scheduled to send the stuff. Send the most recent pay stubs when you send. How many times have you two met? Lovey dovey emails and other records are just as important to proving a relationship as hotel receipts.

Is the interview something I need to schedule with a call to the Moscow emabssy, or is this scheduled by them? My understanding is once the application has been forwarded to the embassy by the NVC, the embassy will process this, and prepare a letter to my fiancee which will contain a list of sanctioned medical exam places, and interview date and time. The flowchart area called this "Forms and Checklist sent to Beneficiary." So the interview date and time will be in the packet of info sent to my fiancee once the application has been processed at the embassy?

I will have the most recent pay stubs ready to go when I need them.

Love Dovey emails..... Check. We did send emails to each other almost every day, and most times more than one a day. Most of the time we talk via video chat, and a little bit of chatting for which we have a chat history for the past year. Also I made it a point for the last 6 months to send a snail mail post card every week. Most of them have made it to Russia, but we have over 25 of them with post marks on them. I thought it could not hurt to have too many.

We tried to cover as much as we can to prove ourselves when the time comes. Hopefully it will pay off.

so bottom line is wait to send my original proof of meeting, 325A, and I-129F and I-134 until we have a confirmed interview date?

Thanks again Barron.
Chris MMale02010-08-16 19:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGot the NOA2... now what?
Hey all. So I got the NOA 2 ten days ago and I am wondering what next? I have most of the information ready to go as far as tax forms from the IRS for the past 3 years, pay stubs, letter from employer, ongoing relationship evidence, NEW letter of intent to marry and the I-134. I have not sent these to my fiancee yet because I thought I needed to wait until I received the next notification, which should have the interview date and time plus the medical exam??? I am not sure if I am following this correctly. Should I send the copy of the I-129F and all the above mentioned info to my fiancee now, or wait until I receive the next letter from the NVC?

Should she get her medical exam now as well, or is this something the consulate gives a list of places to go that are sanctioned by the US that is in Russia? I imagine a police report for my fiancee would be a good thing to get now as well?

So to sum this up... I have the I-129F application (copy of the entire original packet), along with all original proof of relationship items (plane tickets, hotel receipts, postcards, pictures, etc...), I-134, employer letter, pay stubs, taxes for the last 3 years, NEW letter of intent to marry all completed. All this needs to be sent to my fiance ASAP, right? I thought I needed to wait for the letter from the NVC saying they have my case. I think I am wrong.

Is there anything I am missing here? I just feel like I am forgetting something. Let me know if there is an older post somewhere that may already have this question.

I appreciate the help guys and girls.
Chris MMale02010-08-16 14:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview scheduled, Moscow hotel?? and getting a SSN

hey all Tanya was asking what the address is for the IOM medical exam. There are two, but I cannot remember where I saw the address for the IOM place. She needs to make her medical exam appointment, and most of you all said the IOM facility is going to be better than the other. thanks.

I found it. I located it on the embassy website. this is kinda strange, but I remembered it in a dream last night. ha ha. CRAZY!!!!
Chris MMale02010-09-20 06:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview scheduled, Moscow hotel?? and getting a SSN
hey all Tanya was asking what the address is for the IOM medical exam. There are two, but I cannot remember where I saw the address for the IOM place. She needs to make her medical exam appointment, and most of you all said the IOM facility is going to be better than the other. thanks.
Chris MMale02010-09-19 22:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview scheduled, Moscow hotel?? and getting a SSN
work was telling me try UPS, but I don't know. Any thoughts? Also, about how long did it take some of you for your significant other to get the parcel? I thought it should be about a week, but maybe more.
Chris MMale02010-09-16 16:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview scheduled, Moscow hotel?? and getting a SSN
OK, I will try FedEx. Thanks. This should be much easier. Little more abundant in my area.
Chris MMale02010-09-16 11:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview scheduled, Moscow hotel?? and getting a SSN
So I have all of my papers ready to go, but I am having a hard time locating a DHL location or authorized dealer close by. Did anyone else have any experience with another carrier? From the postings here it seems like DHL is the best, but when I also put in a quote to see how much this would cost it was over $100 for a pound of paper to be sent. Any other ideas, or is this typical with DHL? Seems high, but I imagine DHL is not cheap.
Chris MMale02010-09-16 10:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview scheduled, Moscow hotel?? and getting a SSN
Yup, it is the Russian language one. Sounds good. I'll send it out sometime this week. This is so exciting. ha ha. Thanks again for the help.
Chris MMale02010-09-14 09:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview scheduled, Moscow hotel?? and getting a SSN
OK this is what I have for the packet of info i am sending Tanya for the interview. I think I have it all, and think this might be a good check list to follow. Maybe this can help someone else along the way. Let me know if I am missing anything.

- Email stating interview date and time
- DS-156 Non-Immigrant Visa Application
- DS-156K
- I-134
- DS-230
- Copy of the Notice of Action 2
- Original I-129F
- I-129F Supplement: Part B, Question 18, explanation of meeting in person
- Letter certifying intent to marry (Petitioner and Beneficiary)
- G-325A and passport style photo (Petitioner)
- G-325A and passport style photo (Beneficiary)
- Pictures from our meeting in Egypt
- Copy of Birth certificate for Christopher (Petitioner)
- Letter of Employment from employer and 3 most recent pay stubs.
- IRS tax information from 2007, 2008 and 2009
- Tatiana’s Divorce paper in Russian, and translated to English
- Tatiana’s Birth Certificate in Russian, and translated to English
- Tatiana’s Police report in Russian, and translated to English
- Copy of Christopher’s passport and visa in Egypt
- Copy of Tatiana‘s passport and visa in Egypt
- Proof of having met in person in the past two years, plane tickets, hotel receipts
- Proof of ongoing relationship with emails, phone bills (texting), video chat transcripts
Chris MMale02010-09-13 20:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview scheduled, Moscow hotel?? and getting a SSN
iKobo sounds interesting. The last time I sent money I used my bank and it cost about $35 for about a thousand. I see iKobo is $8 for using a transfer from my bank account, and then a fee from FedEx(I imagine) for sending the card. So with this being said I am wondering how Tanya can get American dollars out of various ATM's. I cannot imagine she can have dollars dispensed from ATM's in Russia, so for getting American dollars she would need to the card to make a withdrawal from an ATM for rubles, then go to the bank to get dollars where she would probably be charged a transaction fee for the exchange.

As for the pics... the embassy site said this.. "Two color non-glossy full-face photos 50x50 mm for visa. The eye level should be between 28mm and 35mm from the bottom. Another two pictures will be required for medical examination. Please cut the photos and sign your last name on the back." To me this looks like she will need 4. I'll let her know.
Chris MMale02010-09-13 09:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview scheduled, Moscow hotel?? and getting a SSN
I am getting ready to send out the documents for the interview now. Going to send them sometime this week. Is it OK to send a US check in there as well? Or is this not advised, and I should do a money transfer to Tanya's account? It does not look like the directions are too specific on the embassy website other than "No credit card payment is accepted." It does say you can pay in rubles or dollars, but I was just assuming send her a check. Just curious what you all did.

How many more pictures does Tanya need? We had 2 each for the I-129 petition, and it looks like she may need at least 2 more for the medical, and maybe 2 more for the visa. Should I have her get 2 or 4, or do we need to get any at all?

Two easy questions, but as always... Thank you all.
Chris MMale02010-09-13 07:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview scheduled, Moscow hotel?? and getting a SSN
It is for K-1 visa.

When you all talk about "paying DHL," what are you talking about? Is this so the embassy can send her the visa once it is received? Could she pay for this "DHL charge" in her home town by chance then take the bill/receipt to Moscow with her? Just an idea to save time as you all said.

I am printing off the other forms now, and hope to have all this done and sent out Monday or Tuesday.
Chris MMale02010-09-10 11:44:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Thanks so much for all your help. I'm going to the site now. It is so wonderful to have a place to go to with my questions where there are caring people to help! star_smile.gif
me!FemalePoland2008-07-21 12:37:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
We had our interview on monday the 14th, but didin't get approved. :-( It was because of the police certificate. He lives in Scotland and requested his police certiicate in March. I thought he had received it in the mail, but when I got there just before the interview he only had the receipt for the 10 pounds that he paid. I guess he thought the form was being sent directly to the embassy. He said he never got it in the mail.

So we went to the interview anyway, and not surprisingly they said they can't approve until the police certificate is sent to them by courier. The trouble is it never came in the mail. So I called the number given to us by the police station for information. They said they mailed it to him on April 4th, but that they will mail him another copy. However the woman on the phone also said something that I didn't understand. She said that a form was also mailed to him from LONDON but that that can not be mailed again. What is this paper from london? Does he need both this and the paper from Scotland?

I'm confused and a little disheartened. Thought he'd be here for my sister's wedding in September, but now it's not looking so good. Has anyone else had to mail stuff after the interview. How long did approval take then? What worries me the most is that they said he may be requested to come for a second interview. It was a long trip down to london the first time and cost a bit. Not to mention it could take them a while again to fit him in the schedule. I thought we were doing so well when we ordered this police certificate in march, and now it got spoiled anyway. crying.gif
me!FemalePoland2008-07-20 14:43:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
I have an interview date! July 14th!
I called DoS on monday of last week and they hadn't even entered into the system the fact that they received our p3 yet, but when I called again on friday, four days later, they had received our p3 and assigned us a date :-)
I e-mailed the consulate in the meantime about some questions that I had had, and they replied to me the next day. Everyone I've talked to has been helpful and nice. I just hope our luck holds through the interview!
me!FemalePoland2008-06-16 11:47:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Hello! My packet 3 was received by the embassy on june 6th, so it shouldn't be long now till the interview. Reading all your stories has helped a lot! I'll let you know when my interview is so it can be added to the list. I'll also be updating my timeline this evening :-)
me!FemalePoland2008-06-10 12:11:00
VietnamUsing the Wii in Vietnam
So my wife and I are taking a Wii with us on our upcoming trip to Vietnam for some family fun.

Has anyone done this and what precautions should I be taking as far as voltage? Does anyone know if the Wii is dual voltage and if not I guess I could use a converted?

Also will the games work on Vietnam's format of video? I think it is PAL or something.

Any help is appreciated.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2010-10-11 13:39:00
VietnamStep Sons Interview
As I was sitting here in Hanoi working awaiting the phone call from my wife and son for the results from the interview I could not stop thinking why she has not called yet. All of a sudden the phone rings and it is my son and he is so excited and he tells me he passed. He was so excited he started to choke. Uhhhhh, what a wonderful day. The whole family is extremely happy, but I know my parent in laws will miss him so much. I remember when me and my wife were leaving at the airport when she moved to the US and it was such an emotional rollercoaster. I know this will be the same.

The interview went smooth. It lasted only 2 minutes asking my wife questions only. They only looked at the pics of her and her son growing up together and the pics of all 3 of us together. They aked how we met and looked a the timeline I made for 10 seconds.

It is time to celebrate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bia Hanoi here I come!!!!!!

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2010-10-27 00:24:00
VietnamStep Sons Interview
Well the day is finally approaching. After such a long wait. First awaiting his fathers permission and then the Immigration proccess. Now all we have to wait for is the interview this week. Please pray for us, for our family to finally be complete living together as one. It has been 4 long years for my son living in Vietnam awaiting his fathers permission. Please let his interview go smoothly and he can return home with me and my wife.

On another note: If you ever get a chance, please make sure you take a trip to Sapa next time you are in Vietnam. The views are breathtaking. You must make sure you go at the right time of year. We took the train from Hanoi, which was an experience. Met some guys from German and a guy and girl from France. There were a few things that I didn't like in Sapa like the constant push of the Hmong trying to sell you handstitched items and seeing little kids at the age of 3 or 4 working trying to sell you something. I felt so bad watching little kids around 8 carrying their little baby sister or brother on their backs. I guess this is their culture and who am I to put it down. You still need to see this place.

Laptop is working great, thanks to all your advice. My battery charger for my camera and my hair clippers both won't charge. Also my Flip Video is not charging either. Don't know the reason. Got plenty of pics and video before they ran out and my Iphone came in handy for video and pics.

Thanks again for everyone's help and advice these past few months.

Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2010-10-25 09:18:00
VietnamAnyone coming to Vietnam?
I wish you would have posted this prior to my trip. I would have brought them over for you.

As for the gifts when returning to Vietnam, time will make you understand. I complained why we had to buy so much stuff before our trip back. I only understood after seeing how much love and care her family has showed me. I was sitting here working just a half hour ago and my mother in law walks in with a plate of fruit and a bottle of water. They won't let me pay for anything.

You not only have to buy gifts before coming over, but then you have to buy gifts going home as well as supplies. 10 G's seems pretty high to me, but each couple is different. The small gifts that you give brings extreme happiness that won't be forgotten.

Your culture's blend into one and that one you both must embrace.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2010-10-25 09:34:00
VietnamFlooding in Vietnam
I was awake most of the night last night worried about getting out of Nha Trang. The hotel manager was working with his friend to switch my flight to today as the weather was supposed to be a bit better. It rained almost all day yesterday except for maybe 3 hours and it rained all night long. I figured my chances of getting to the airport were gone. Suprisingly when we went and spoke to the hotel manager she advised us that the road to the airport is now open again. I said I don't care what time the fligh or flights are today I am going now before the road is closed again. I packed the suitecase and headed to the airport with my brother in law and his wife. They wouldn't let me go alone even though they were staying until tomorrow. Getting to the airport was a mess. The road leading to it is on the edge of a cliff and a mountain on the other side. The lane closest to the mountain was closed making us drive on the other side of the road. ALong our way we drove thru 1' of water at some points. There were major landslides at various points along the way with bolders as big as our car sitting in the middle of the lane we should be driving in. This road would have been closed for sure in the US, but happy enough it was open to make it to the airport. It rained there all day again. They are to be hosting Miss Earth I believe this month. Don't know how they pull it off.

Got to the airport after a dangerous trek. The flight at 1:50 was full but was put on standby. Luckily enough seats opened up for me to catch the flight. Sitting in Hanoi now drinking some Hanoi Bia!!!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2010-11-03 07:43:00
VietnamFlooding in Vietnam
Well, I am here in Nha Trang and it is a mess. We arrived Sunday and it has rained the whole time except for about 8 hours. I am scheduled to return to Hanoi where the weather is beautiful right now on Thursday night, but am trying to get out of here ASAP since the taxi driver said the road to the airport is not driveable. Hopefully tomorrow it will be and I can get out since my flight back to the US is on Saturday. Due to the stress I had consumed enough alcohol this afternoon to consume my first taste of snake meat and it was suprisingly tasty.

On a very good note. My son got his visa on Thursday and him and my wife have made it home to the US. He loves his own room and has already had his first McDonalds meal with my mother. Can't wait to get home and join them.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2010-11-02 06:43:00
VietnamAPPROVED !!!

Celebrate the good news with the family and spend her final days with her family and friends as they will be dearly missed by her.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2010-11-03 22:48:00
VietnamSon arrived in US
I just talked to my wife on the phone and she asked the customs person when will he receive his green card and she was told it will arrive within 6 months. So we don't have to do anything but wait? I am confused if we need to file AOS or Register his permanent residency. Why is this info not supplied to the applicant when arriving in the US?
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2010-11-04 22:38:00
VietnamSon arrived in US
My step-son got his visa last week and him and my wife have arrived back in the US. She is currently a 10 year permanent resident card holder. I am a US citizen. Since I filed as he is my son, has he arrived as a permanent resident with the same status as his mother or will he be a US citizen? Also in order for either of these two to occur what do I need to do? Will he be assigned a bio appointment at the local office? Or did I need to file AOS?

Also, I remember when my wife arrived we had to get the second round of shots. ANy guidance on that would be beneficial.

Lastly, I read that we will need to file for his Social Security Number as well even though we checked the box on original paperwork due to the fact he is under 18. He is only 10. Any experience from other members is appreciated.

Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2010-11-04 03:55:00
Congrat's on the Pink!!!!!

Now your real journey of life together here in the US begins.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2010-09-21 20:03:00
Our family feels sadness for your loss. Our condolences.

We lost my wife's cousin to the same thing a few months ago. He was 37.

Our prayers are with you.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2010-11-28 21:25:00
VietnamOur Rebuttal
Wishing you the best of luck!!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2010-10-01 05:59:00
I originally posted this to show that there is light at the end of the tunnel for everyone's SO's journey.

I am extremely happy that my wife's journey has come to an end. Whether we decide to have her parents or siblings come to the US to live with us is a family decision and has nothing to do with the fact that my wife's journey has come to an end. You will not bring me down :ot2:

And this situation will eventually apply to you as well, once her 3-year waiting period is up and she's got her citizenship. I don't care to bait/[whatever word you care to insert here] anyone. It's the fact. You're the one who bear the responsibility and burden[/b]. I'm just the one to bring you back to reality. If you think that's the cause to celebrate, your choice. I'd be careless.

Expect to "sponsor" someone else in her family in the future. It's that simple.

Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2011-09-07 11:38:00
Just wanted everyone to know my wife passed her Citizenship Test :dance:

It was a long journey, but finally the end has come. So happy right now!!!!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2011-09-01 14:53:00
VietnamBeneficiary Address

My wife and I have applied for visa's for my wife's brother and parents. In Vietnam they have a household book that list your recorded address. My wife's family book has their previous address, where her uncle now resides. When we filed their I-130's we used the address in the household book. Today I received a letter from the NVC stating they received undeliverable mail for them due to an old or bad mailing address in their records.  They want us to provide them with the current mailing address. I am assuming I should give them their new address even though it differs from the household book?


Any guidance would be appreciated.

Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2013-09-30 18:59:00
VietnamNeed A great Lawyer - Marc Ellis is the one.
I would agree that I would hire no other than Marc. I used his services and our case was handled in a very professional manner. The lawyer can only do so much as stated in other replies. All cases are different and not everyone one of them will be approved depnding on the facts of the case. The lawyer can make sure your case is represented fully and correctly and present that to the Consulate. It is not his job to interview for you. It is your SO's job to interview and to answer any questions they have.

I would definately give him 2 thumbs up. :thumbs: :thumbs:
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2010-04-01 14:51:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Put us on the list also for the month of February

First Tet in Vietnam for me!!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2009-10-27 11:53:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Congrats on the AOS!!!!!! We are just beginning this part of our journey.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-12-01 07:25:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Matt, my fiancee Huong is the same way. She is worried about the interview because of her English. I tried to explain to her, the person interviewing her has interview probably thousands of Vietnamese people speaking broken English. I am sure that they are very familiar with hearing them speak English, so it should be no problem. We also wanted to wish you both good luck.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-05-30 17:42:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

I just returned yesterday from Vietnam. Lan and I returned to America together last night! The POE experience at San Francisco was very easy! Here is a short description of what happened:


We are so happy for you both!!! :dance:

Good Luck on your future!!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-05-01 10:57:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

Ah, OK. How did you know mine was sent? Freaky that that info is available to all. :)

Hey Matt,

DHL doesn't list your names. If you know the date that the NVC mailed it, then you go to the DHL website and track by reference, not by name. It will give you a list of packages that were sent from NVC to all the embassies and conculates, showing the date shipped and date delivered, but no names. So you just assume that it is yours. I tracked mine, because I knew they shipped it on MArch 30th, so I tracked all packages leaving NVC on the 30th, and one was listed going to HCMC, so I knew this was ours, and it says delivered on April 3.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-07 15:30:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

Which number is the correct one to call? I see half a dozen of them.


Here is the number for NVC, (603)334-0700. When you get to the voice prompts enter 1 and then 5 to speak to an operator.It is really hard to get thru. I see on the Vietnam members page that they sent your petition out on March 16? If that is correct, I checked the DHL site and a package left the NVC on the 16th and arrived at the Consulate on March 20th, and was signed for, so all is good. Both of ours are there, and probably haven't been touched yet. I know we are both so anxious to get packet 3. After looking at your timeline, both of our petitions arrived at the Consulate in less than 1 month from sending it in, that is pretty fast, and I hope both of us continue to have that same kind of luck in getting to our interview.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-06 18:04:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

I just wish I could find out if my case is actually at HCMC. I emailed them (again) yesterday using a different email address. Hope hope.


Your petition arrived at the NVC before ours. I just called today to check the status and they mailed it to the consulate the same day as the date on my letter. So I checked the DHL website and ours arrived at the Consulate in 4 days. If you want to check on yours, you should call the NVC to see when they mailed it, then go to Then you track by reference. You type Correspondence in the Reference field, and put the date they sent it out. Then you type in the outgoing postal code which is 03801. Then you will see a list, and just locate one that was sent out on the date they told you and going to Ho Chi Minh City. Yours should be there already.

Hope this helps
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-06 12:03:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
My fiancee lives in Hanoi, which is far far north of HCMC, and she needs to fly to HCMC for her medical as well as her interview. The site says that she should get her medical at least one week before her interview. THis would mean that she would have to fly to HCMC for her medical then return to Hanoi, and then fly back to HCMC for her interview, and then she may have to stay for a few days to wait for her visa? Does anyone have any suggestions that would enable her to just make one trip? I know that she could stay for like two weeks, but I don't think she would be able to do that. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance for your help
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-29 22:09:00