VJ-------------------NOA1------NOA2-----reopened-----RFE update------RFE mail -------S/C------F/C

Sleepless in OR----03/06-------03/31-------06/20--------06/26------------07/05------ -- CSC----France
mike1972e------- -03/13------03/25-------06/23---------07/05-----------none----------- VSC----Vietnam
rlt --------------------03/29------04/17------06/22--------none-----------none--------------VSC
Mad Man ------------03/31------04/07--------?------------none------------none-------------VSC---Philippines
jell -----------------04/17------04/25-------06/29---------none------------none------------ VSC
Xiuyin --------------04/21-------05/01-------06/29--------none------------none------------ VSC---China
Cigarovich---------03/24------04/06-------?----------------none------------none----------- VSC---Russia

They emailed me last night at 10:22 with the RFE being sent!!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-07-06 05:25:00
I have lost a little faith, but this will not prevent us from being approved. I haven't seen my SO since January, and was hoping for a July interview but that was ruined. We are all in a bad situation, but I am basically starting over since our Packet 3 was received at the conulate a few days after they returned our petition. They told me that she will need to fill out a new one. It would be faster for me to start all over and reapply, but I guess that I wouldn't be able to do that. Everyday that goes passes, I get angrier and sadder. How hard is it to stuff a damn envelope?????? :blink:
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-07-05 20:33:00

VJ----------------------NOA1--------NOA2------reopened------RFE update------RFE mail ------service center
Sleepless in OR------03/06---------03/31---------06/20-----------06/20----------07/05-------------CSC

Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-07-05 19:21:00

You must remember that there are different offices and people working at different parts of the process, so the fact there are adjudicators working on cases already with an RFE, doesn't mean there's no one looking at new RFEs and working on the recalled cases, I am sure they're doing all together.

apologies in advance for this but i don't have to must anything. the facts i have indicate to me that no one is working on my case - 2 weeks have passed since it was reopened. rlt has been 2 weeks as well. many recalled cases are still not even reopened. so seeing cases approved is pouring salt into the wound. if i sound like a b*tch it's because i am! time for round 38 of phone calls! (ding ding ding ding americanwoman enters the ring......)

I am right there with ya. It has been about two weeks since my case was reopened, and to see people getting approved with NOA1 dates in June is sickening at the least. Most people that can't understand why we are so worked up and stressed about this is due to the fact they are not in our position. My fiancee as well as many others, would have had their interview by now and would be here with us now, but due to incompetence, we have no idea when that will happen.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-07-05 11:56:00

Well I finally got thru to Vermont, and spoke to someone that actually sounded like she knows what she is talking about. I have already received the 2 emails saying our case was reopened, and she told me that I will be receiving a RFE within the next several days. It sounded like it will be send out this week to me.

Mike thats great news! Clarify for me just one thing please, did you receive the emails after you had already spoken to her or before? Do you think she had something to do with opening your case?
thanx :thumbs:

I got both emails on Friday a few hours apart, and then they touched me on Saturday. It sure felt good, but then they left me hangin with no new updates. When I called she told me about the two updates, and said that they will be sending out a request of evidence to me within the next several days. I also asked her if she could check my request for expedite status, and she couldn't since it is a different department. She said they receive so much mail every day that it may take them a few days to get to it.

What I don't understand is the fast they had my case in their hands and was active, how much time would it take them to print out the RFE and throw it into a envelope?
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-28 14:34:00
Well I finally got thru to Vermont, and spoke to someone that actually sounded like she knows what she is talking about. I have already received the 2 emails saying our case was reopened, and she told me that I will be receiving a RFE within the next several days. It sounded like it will be send out this week to me.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-28 10:53:00
I just tried calling Vermont, and after entering my Receipt number, was told their system is temporarily down. I couldn't even get thru to an operator. So no luck so far.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-27 09:42:00

My fiancée called VSC about 2 hours ago.

They said they have almost all recalled cases back now, so they are now working hard on them.

The officer said what takes time is to match the petition they receive back ith something called Alien File. That is what they keep in Vermont for people with approved petitions. That could take a long time.

They told her VSC has already done that to my case, that´s why my status online shows my case as reopened and processing.
Matching the petition with the alien file can take a long time.

I think it won´t take a long time from now. But it´s been already more than a month since they recalled the petitions.. maybe they were working on it and are now puting things together.

They also said ALL OF US will get a RFE. There is no way they can approve any case without the IMBRA part of the form.
That´s the next step after having a case reopened.

The officer couldn´t say when my RFE would be sent, but having the case reopened is definitely a good thing!
They said the RFE will be mailed within 30 days.

I took that as a regular answer. They say that for everything. So I think it won´t be after next week.
Think about it.
The cases are there. They are already reopening them. They know our NOA1 is dated way before the pending petitions and they are working hard on this.
They do have about 1000 recalled cases there.. it takes time, but I think that´s what they´re doing now.

Let´s keep checking our status online. I still do that about 20 times a day...

If I get anything new I´ll post it here.
Please do the same!

I really think is our turn now!


Thanks for the info. I hope this is accurate, and if so we have good news, and at least we have an idea what is happening. Hopefully we will receive them this week or next.

Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-26 18:14:00

Question: do you receive an email when they only touch your case?

ps - i didn´t get a touch yesterday. Last time was 06/23.

RLT, they don't send an email for that. They only send you one when the status changes. Just bring the touches!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-25 09:55:00
Well, I am suprised. Yesterday I received to updates online and 3 emails for each. They are the same emails and updates as you have received. I checked my status 3 times today, and nothing chaged, and when I just checked now, I was touched, but no new message, just a touch. I think we are on the verge of seeing how they are going to handle this mess they got theirselves into. I hope all of us get something very soon. I know how frustrated all of us are, and it is really hard to explain everything to your family and friends because they don't understand to process. We just need to stick together and support each other in this stressful time.

Please keep touching me!!!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-24 20:42:00

Also, do you guys know if they can touch the case more than once a day? Do they do that?
Like, is there any chance I can receive another email today?

RLT, I got two today. I got both emails and status updates both today. So in the email they sent us, it states they will email us a decision. What decision is there to be made if they are just sending the RFE?
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-23 12:44:00
I don't know why they recalled them. Maybe the embassies and consulates can't do the checks they will do. Maybe they will only send the RFE if there is evidence that you have a criminal record, or previous petition, or marriage broker. Why would they need our signature to disclose nothing to our fiance(e)s.

I just got the new message you got earlier that that it is now being processed. The word processed, means they are working on our case not thinking about sending the RFE.

In all, this is great news that we have actually got some action, and can track what is going on. It is a huge relief to know they have it and are working on it.

I submitted an expedite request at the beginning of the week, has any of you that have received these emails done the same?

Edited by mike1972e, 23 June 2006 - 11:07 AM.

Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-23 11:06:00
I am wondering exactly how they will handle our cases. I am thinking we may not get an RFE unless something come up on our criminal backround or a previous petition has been found. Maybe they will just do the security check, petition check, and see see how we met from the question we replied to on the original I-129-F and you are clean they will reapprove our petitions. It says they will inform you when the make a decision or finished processing.

This is really good news, andmay be the reason they sent our RFE's to those not approved yet and not the recalled cases.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-23 09:55:00

I have not received anything yet :cry:

Hang in there, you will get yours very soon. All I think they are doing at this point is receiving our petitions back from a warehouse or something, and as they come in they are updating the system. Once they have us on the system again they can beginsending us RFE's. So don't worry to much you will get one very soon.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-23 07:49:00
Well, I just got to work a little bit ago, and decided to check my email, to my suprise I got 3 emails from USCIS. It is the same email that you received. It looks like they are at least doing something. What kills me is the fact this should have been done when they actually received our cases back.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-23 07:19:00
I think this is really good news. They probably have accessed your case along with the recalled petition. They are probably getting ready to send you a RFE. What I don't understand is why do they need us to sign a piece of paper that they can release our no criminal backround, and the fact that we have never applied for a K-1 before, to our fiance(e)s. If we are clean then just approve the damn thing and quit wasting time and money.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-22 17:19:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE Scan
Thanks so much for sharing, it is truly helpful. I thought they would give more details about the marriage broker definition. It is very broad, and leaves a lot of questions.

I met my fiancee on Yahoo personals, should I check yes or no????
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-21 19:46:00
USCIS Service CentersTalked with Vermont
This is just rediculous. First they totally screwed up and had to recall the petitions, and now they have no order what so ever. The RFE's are not being sent out by receipt date. The only thing I can think of is they are sending them out based on when they received them back from the consulates, or in the order when the security check was done. Why couldn't they just send out an automated email for people to print and then send in?????????????? They RFE is the same for everyone.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-16 12:48:00
USCIS Service CentersTalked with Vermont
I am really happy for you. Hopefully you will get it in the mail asap.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-15 17:55:00
USCIS Service CentersTalked with Vermont
Lol, I just called also, and the girl said that her last three calls asked the same question, it must have been you. She said that my case also has not been active, and that there is a big backlog. she said she doesn't know in what order these are being sent out.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-06-15 14:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusex-husband's permission for child to leave the country?
I am hoping someone can give me some information that can help me bring my fiancee's son with her when she comes to the US. We are running out of time, and he still hasn't signed the paper. Can she take him to court and the court will decide where the child will live. She has full custody, but he has visitation rights. Her son has lived with her his whole life. She is from Vietnam, and I don't know where to tell her to go for the courts to give her permission. Any advice is appreciated.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-05-21 09:45:00
USCIS Service CentersCalifornia hasn´t checked any October fillers but some November and December
; OMG, OP, are you serieus? :jest:

Why freakin' out if you still have 2 months (or so) of waiting left? I am an October filer as well (VSC), and VSC also have approved some Oct/Nov/Dec filers (maybe expedited cases?).

I ain't jumping outta the waiting line, just because of that. My 5month mark will be, like yours, in March. That is the month you need to hold on to in first place. :huh:

Cheer up, don't be silly and 'enjoy' the last part of the bumpy ride :pop:

Edited by Channah&Aaron, 29 January 2011 - 06:30 AM.

Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-01-29 06:26:00
USCIS Service CentersOctober fillers are not moving up
; I think reading posts from people who are in a hurry or getting more desperate by the day and asking why other got approved in a "short(er)" amount of time (including me :rolleyes:) is making us more impatient!!

And I completely understand, some people feel the need to have questions to their answer to confirm their thoughts of why it's up&down hill with the service centers a little more than others...

Like everybody else, I get more impatient by the day. BUT ONE COMFORT THOUGHT: "read my signature" :innocent:..

In the mean time, there is nothing much we can do either to visit your significant other or just taking little baby steps in the waiting line.. :clock:

So, that being said.. Anyone want some? :pop:

Edited by Channah&Aaron, 06 February 2011 - 10:55 AM.

Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-02-06 10:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I WAS DENIED IN MOROCCO CONSULATE
; I am sorry to hear this :blink: !! If I were you, I would try and do anything possible for them not returning your case. Never shoot is never hit.. or however you say that :whistle: . Try to appeal, if nothing else works, talk to your fiancee about the CR-1 route.. I wish you all the luck!! :thumbs:
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-03-28 19:13:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)feeling down and depressed
; I hope you guys will hear anything very very very soon!!! :star:
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-11-21 22:15:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Oh my gosh! Somebody please help me!
; I agree with the rest, they don't do an other drug test if the first one would be negative. And everybody who had their interview haven't had any sleep, well, atleast, not much. :blink:

Something seems a little bit of fishy. Apparently he hasn't been telling the truth about using drugs. Maybe he is ashamed of it, or whatever the reason is.

Hopefully you can have a one-2-one conversation on webcam and have an honest talk.

If you decide to give him an other chance, hold on to what the Embassy told you to do and hopefully he'll stay off drugs and pass the future test (after a year?).

Good luck :thumbs:

Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-08-11 13:33:00
United KingdomVisa Denial
But for people with no criminal history on both sides? I am just a little worried after finding out we are expecting a child.
GrahamandMeganMaleScotland2008-04-15 08:30:00
United KingdomVisa Denial
Just as the title says. Is there any instances when someone from the UK has been denied a K1?
GrahamandMeganMaleScotland2008-04-15 08:21:00
United KingdomUK to South Carolina
You should come up to Pittsburgh for a Scottish bar. Piper's Pub on Carson Street.
GrahamandMeganMaleScotland2008-04-21 21:18:00
United KingdomTax Transcripts for Interview
Anyone able to help us??????
GrahamandMeganMaleScotland2008-08-10 07:09:00
United KingdomTax Transcripts for Interview
Hi everyone,

Just a quick question for you all..........Before Megan arrived here last week we got her 1-134 and letter of intent notarised. Along with the I-134 for her step father who is co-sponsoring us. She didn't have the transcripts from the IRS to bring with her so her mother sent them out to us and should arrive in the next couple of days. My question is though is that upon receiving Packet 3 it says that the last year's transcripts should be notarised. Is this correct or are the ones direct from the IRS ok??? We are just a little concerned and can re-order them online is needs be. Thanks!!!!!
GrahamandMeganMaleScotland2008-08-10 04:46:00
United KingdomCo-Sponsor at Interview Stage
thank you guys! i didn't realize that i would need to prove his citizenship also! crazy stuff lol. im going to get his birth certificate copied for graham just to be on the safe side. don't want him to be at the interview and them ask him for it! 2 weeks today! so exciting!!!! thank you guys again!
GrahamandMeganMaleScotland2008-08-21 22:19:00
United KingdomCo-Sponsor at Interview Stage
Anyone able to help us???????
GrahamandMeganMaleScotland2008-08-20 17:09:00
United KingdomCo-Sponsor at Interview Stage
We have just received out interview date of September 4th and as some may know we are using a co-sponsor, Megan's Step-Father.

So we have and I-134 prepared and notarised for both Megan and her Step-Father. Last 3 years tax transcripts for both. Letter of employment for both and a notarised letter of intent for Megan and I to be married. Is this everything we need to meet the financial requirements laid out by the poverty guidleines? Is this covering everything that the London Embassy will ask for, for both Megan and her Step-Father????

Thanks in advance.
GrahamandMeganMaleScotland2008-08-20 15:36:00
United KingdomHow far out has London been scheduling interviews lately?
That person was maybe us and we put on our forms that we wanted to travel and marry ASAP.
GrahamandMeganMaleScotland2008-08-20 15:32:00
United KingdomGetting an early interview in London?
We put down ASAP on our forms and got our interview date for two weeks tomorrow............
GrahamandMeganMaleScotland2008-08-20 15:29:00
United KingdomFolder For Interview
Excuse my ignorance but is it ok to take your wallet and change in with you? I was going to leave my phone at home and just call Megan and my parents from one of those credit card payphones that are everywhere in London.
GrahamandMeganMaleScotland2008-08-30 15:55:00
United KingdomFolder For Interview
QUOTE (Nich-Nick @ Aug 30 2008, 02:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Looks Good. Well prepared. I'm highlighting what is probably all they take from you. Have you figured out where to leave your cell phone or keys? Can't wait to hear how it goes for you.

I don't have keys, the joys of living with my parents at the moment!! I'm not entirely sure about my cell phone either. I'm tempted just to leave it at home and just call my parents and Megan from a payphone. Make it nice and simple. I'm getting the sleeper service overnight from Stirling to Euston so I won't have left luggage facilities at a hotel or anything.
GrahamandMeganMaleScotland2008-08-30 10:03:00
United KingdomFolder For Interview
Hi guys,

Got my interview on Thursday and have been furiously getting a folder together with everything in it I need to take with me and other things I probably don't but would feel better having. Can you kind people who have been through the experience tell me if I've missed anything out........ Thanks.

P.S. Never been married, never been a bad boy and never, as far as I'm aware, died!!!

1. Train Tickets
2. Interview Letter
3. NOA2 Hard Copy
4. Passport
5. Birth Certificate and Copy
6. Notarised Letter of Intent from Megan
7. Police Certificate and Copy
8. Notarised I-134, 3 years tax returns, 4 pay slips and Letter of Employment for Megan along with a copy of the Biographic page in her Passport.
9. Notarised I-134, 3 years tax returns, 4 pay slips and Letter of Employment for her Step Father as our Co-Sponsor along with a copy of his Birth Certificate and Live Birth Certificate.
10. All the paperwork from my Medical in case they want to see it.
11. A copy of all the forms I sent them in Packet 3. " x DS-156, DS-156k, DS-157 and DS230 Part 1.
12. An exact copy of the full I-129F petition we mailed in on April 5th.
13. New pictures of us together, along with Boarding passes and emails.
14. 2 Colour US Passport Photographs.
15. $131 in cash for Visa Fee.
16. £14 in English money for the Visa Delivery Fee.

I hope that is everything, I am absolutely bricking it already!!!

Thank you for your help guys.
GrahamandMeganMaleScotland2008-08-30 06:40:00
United KingdomPacket 3 anyone?
It took 9 days from the Embassy receiving ours to us getting packet 3. I'm sure it'll be there sometime this week. You can call DOS at 202-663-1225 then option 1 then option 0 to talk to someone. Give them your London case number and I'm sure they'll be happy to tell you if Packet 3 has been sent, when they received it back from you and then when your interview is.
GrahamandMeganMaleScotland2008-09-02 04:12:00