Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPlease help! Med exam told my fiancee she could not go to interview because she did not have her adolescent vaccination records!!!!! She never went
Does this sound OK for the Moscow embassy????? I left out Tatiana's last name here.

My fiancee, Tatiana, had her interview scheduled on October 21 at 0800. She went to her medical exam the day before the interview, and was told she needed to have her vaccination records from when she was a child. She was told she cannot go to the interview because she did not have the vaccination records which is why she was not at the interview on the scheduled day. Is this true that she needs vaccination records when her younger days? I thought we had everything in order for the interview and the medical exam was just something we needed to do as a formality to have vaccinations and blood work done.

At any rate we need to reschedule the interview, and we realize this could be some time, but we are extremely lost as to what to do now. She does not have these records, so we do not know how to proceed. Could this stop her from getting an interview? We are both very confused right now. Please help.

Thank you very much for your help.
Chris MMale02010-10-27 06:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPlease help! Med exam told my fiancee she could not go to interview because she did not have her adolescent vaccination records!!!!! She never went
So i am talking to Tanya now and she said the people in the medical exam office told her she could not go to the interview because she did not have her vaccination records as a child and teen. Anyone ever heard of this? So to make a long depressing story even worse she did not go to the interview. I cannot believe this!!!! So she is trying to see what she can do to get these vaccination records she does not have. She called her father, with whom she lived with for a time, to see if he has them, but it does not look good. why would this even happen? I thought the medical exam was a formality where she just gets her results and goes to the interview. I have no idea where my vaccination records are as a kid.

so I am in the process of writing an email to the Moscow embassy to ask them about rescheduling the interview. I still do not know why she didn't go, but if someone told me I could not go to an interview because I didn't have the right paperwork I would probably do the same and not go. I know the next interview date could be two more months away, and at this point is fine, but will they look down on this because she did not show for the interview? Did I mention I cannot believe this happened????

I need some desperate help here. what do we do now? We have no idea where we go from here. Please help.
Chris MMale02010-10-27 06:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHotel close to Moscow embassy or medical exam?
Anyone??? anyone??? Bueller..... Bueller
Chris MMale02010-11-28 19:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHotel close to Moscow embassy or medical exam?
Hey guys and girls. Tanya has her medical exam and interview next week, and her friend she stayed with in Moscow last time will be out of town for the two days she is there? Any suggestions on where to stay? We never had a need to get a hotel before because she stayed with her friend. She flies in to Moscow early Monday morning, and her medical exam is at 11 with the IOM. then the next morning she goes to the embassy interview at 0800 on December 7. she will then fly home after the interview in the evening. She only needs one night, so any ideas would be appreciated, or a fiancee of anyone's who can help her. we are hoping to find something cheap, but also safe for her. Let me know.

Chris MMale02010-11-28 10:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRemember Chris M and Tanya?
I know there are tons of things to do here. I actually started a big list of things to do around here. I'm looking forward to doing most of them.

I'll check out skyscanner. thanks again Phil
Chris MMale02010-12-07 18:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRemember Chris M and Tanya?
good idea. I use a program like that to do mine, so I can def change last years figures taxes to see where it would be. Never thought of that. thanks.
Chris MMale02010-12-07 16:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRemember Chris M and Tanya?
Thanks all.

Got a text at 0450 this morning, and gave Tanya a call. All went well, but I'm sure we will go in to depth a little more when she returns home to Kemerovo. Tanya had told me about a month ago she would want to come over in February or early March. I thought the same at this point especially since the holidays are upon us now, and there's not much to do here in the winter months of Pittsburgh anyway, so it could def work out perfectly, but I also would not be surprised if she said she wants to be here in a month too. I'd love to have her tomorrow, but I also think her fmaily is important too.

but what about this tax credit? I know when you get married your taxes change, but is there some other incentive in 2010 like buying energy saving windows or a Energy Star approved clothes washer? Of course the money would be great to get, but I don't want to rush her, and family is important to me too, so whatever she wants to do is fine with me. but how much money we talkin'? ha ha

so what airlines, or ideas have you all used to get your loved ones here? Any sites i should look at, rather than the regular Orbitz, Expedia, Kayak, etc...???
Chris MMale02010-12-07 16:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAirline baggage weight limits for Russia to USA
I tend to agree with slim, she is not 5. she has done a lot of the leg work on getting the visa already. I'd rather save my days for when she gets here so we can use them here together.

the interesting this is Kemerovo to Pittsburgh is cheaper than JFK, IAD (Washington DC), PHL (Philadelphia), BWI(Baltimore), and it seems like any other decent size city. And I didn't lookup the KG to pounds is for 20KG. that is a lot, and if she can get 2 bags checked that's a hell of a lot. she really doesn't need to bring much either. She does not have a car, lives in a studio apt, and really does not have much.

Bottom line is get her here in one piece, safely.
Chris MMale02010-12-09 21:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAirline baggage weight limits for Russia to USA
So we got our visa approved the other day, and have now started the search for a ticket to get Tanya here. Not buying anything until she has the visa in her hands. :) So she brought up a good thought about the baggage limit restrictions. Tanya spoke with one of the Aeroflot reps and they told her it was 20KG for checked bags, and another 10 for carry-ons. I was planning on getting a ticket that goes from her city of Kemerovo to Pittsburgh. I know it's a couple stops and all, but it will be much easier for Tanya to have one full itinerary rather than fly to Moscow on one carrier(Aeroflot), then get on Delta to go to JFK and on to Pittsburgh. The idea of changing planes, airlines, and re-checking her bags for the next airline would be very stressful, so we are not doing that. I know when I travel to Europe I am allowed to take two checked bags for 50 lbs a piece, and of course a carry-on(I never bring this much). So I was hoping it was the same for her, or at least something that would allow her to bring as much as she can with her. We will def ship some of her things too, but it will not be the whole apartment. ha ha. Any ideas? Or what have you all had with this?
Chris MMale02010-12-09 11:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBridal Shower??? English classes???

:ot: Although I'm sad that some of you don't like us Amurrican women, don't give up on us. Poor OP, I bet he is thinking, "#######? I just wanted to know if I should throw a bridal shower."

Yes, this is exactly what I was thinking. Bridal shower, or no bridal shower? Simple question, and I opened a can of worms.
Chris MMale02011-01-01 09:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBridal Shower??? English classes???

Depending on the service you want to use, you may need to get an apostille attached to her transcript and diplomas. This is cheaper, faster, and easier for her to do before she comes here. She should talk with the issuing body about getting an apostille attached to her diplomas and transcript.

We used to make equivalents for Marina's classes, but first you need to translate and get an apostille attached.

So a Apostille is a stamp, or seal, that says her documents and diploma are from Russia? It sounds like it's almost a notary seal or something. I never heard of these things, but looked it up and found an explanation. Looks like one of those gold seals I used to get as a kid when my Publisher's Clearinghouse mailing came. ha ha.

So tanya should contact her academic institution in Russia saying she needs her transcripts and a copy of her diploma with an apostille (or seal of approval so to speak) attached? then get everything translated. This makes sense, I just hope her university understands what she needs.

Essentially though we really only need this if Tanya intends on going back to school for something, right? I think it's still a great idea to have this taken care of when she is still home, but then again these are Russian degrees she already has which may be different than American. Getting a job here she probably would not need. just a thought. either way it would be worth getting the apostille and translated.
Chris MMale02010-12-28 15:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBridal Shower??? English classes???

There is an evaluation service, where her transcripts (with apostile) can be translated and compared to American curricula. Vika has the equivalent of a M.A in accounting, according to the eval. Any college can give you the service they want you to use (I think there are several).

Do they have a website or something for this? I have a list of things (that keeps getting bigger and bigger) we need to do before, after and when Tanya arrives, and this definitely makes the list. I imagine she should bring her transcripts and diplomas to have this done as well. And of course they charge a fee I imagine.
Chris MMale02010-12-28 15:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBridal Shower??? English classes???

As far as English classes go, I'd highly recommend it. My wife had times where she was depressed during about the first year here because she wasn't doing much. I thought I was giving her time to adjust to everything, get a driver's license etc. What she was really needing was to be out around lots of people and doing something.

I think back just 2 years ago, and we were trying to figure out if she should even go to college or not. It was definately the right move for us. So if you are thinking about ESL or something else, I'd say go for it. It's probably going to help her mood as well as it will her English and may lead to something else.

That's great about the A+'s too. those are classes I would not have taken too. I'm lucky I can spell Calculus and Trig-o-nom.... ha ha.

Yeah we are definitely going to do the ESL classes. It seems as though this is a one-time class, but as you said it may lead to something bigger and better, or at least something else to help her get more confident with English and job-seeking. I think just getting out of the house would be great. so this is a definite thing we need to do. I am excited, but more so excited for her.
Chris MMale02010-12-28 15:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBridal Shower??? English classes???

Vika took a couple of semesters of ESL at a local community college, and has now registered for US History I and Psychology with American students, just to see if she can follow. I am positive she will have no problems, other than being shocked at the slow pace and the lack of attention paid by her classmates :lol: My point is that she says the classes and conversing in the classroom helped her develop vocabulary and get comfortable with lots of expressions she already knew, as her English was fluent when she got here.

That's an idea too. Anything can help her feel more comfortable, maybe meet some people and learn something about US history, among other things. Probably help with that citizenship exam later down the road.

Tanya has a degree in economics and accounting, so we are both hoping this will transfer over here for her. I forgot to ask about this as well. How does something like this transfer into a degree here in the US. I am just curious for things like writing a resume. In the jobs I have had I have not had to show proof of my Bachelor's or Master's, but I am curious to know how that would translate, no pun intended, here. I am thinking she will be OK, but have any of you dealt with foreign education degrees for working here in the US?
Chris MMale02010-12-28 14:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBridal Shower??? English classes???
Nothing at all wrong with American girls. I met Tanya in Rome by accident, so it was a nice surprise. I went out with girls here, and have tons of friends in Europe, and I noticed a difference, through my eyes of course. I know there are some great girls here in the US as well, but I had a hard time finding one, but I could not be happier with Tanya.

As for classes. I also have the Rosetta Stone English courses as well. this will most def help her since I am using Russian, and they have helped me. Although I know I learn better when in a class. not to mention we may meet some great people in class, or it might be 3 of us in there too, the teacher, Tanya and I. ha ah.

I do have a younger sister who has already asked me about this, so I thought it would be nice. does not have to be huge or anything, but it would be nice for her.

Thanks all.
Chris MMale02010-12-28 14:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBridal Shower??? English classes???
As the topic says... Did any of you do a bridal shower? Tanya knows a lot of my friends and family through email and webcam, and I thought it might be a good way for her to meet them all and to get her feet wet with American traditions. Of course I would rather she not be an American girl, ha ha, but at least I could have something small for her. I'm sure she would love it, but I was curious if any of you did this. Any other ideas, or just get married, as I am sure many of your answers will be.

Also what about English classes? Tanya speaks English very well, but as any person coming to a new country to call home, she is a little apprehensive about her English skills. I told her there are English as a Second Language classes that begin 2 weeks after she arrives here. these classes could really work, so to put her mind at ease a little I am thinking we will attend this class. I know it will not be the real-world experience as living and breathing amongst the people here in Pittsburgh with the crazy dialect, but if it helps to put her mind at ease, I am all for this.

Just wanted to see what you all thought.
Chris MMale02010-12-28 10:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGet a international driver's license before coming to the US???
Hey thanks all. I appreciate the input.
Chris MMale02011-02-12 17:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGet a international driver's license before coming to the US???
Hey all. So Tanya and I were talking about things to bring, and she brought up her driver's license. She has a Russian driver's license, but she was asking about getting an international driver's license. She read somewhere that having an international license might make it easier to get a license here in the US. Anyone have any experience with this?
Chris MMale02011-02-12 08:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian TV Channels or TV Websites?
I have a LCD tv, and what we did the other day was take a monitor cable (VGA cable...very cheap on either Amazon or and run it from the computer to the back of the TV. Not all of the older tv's (tube) have this connection. Or I saw on Tanya's laptop she has a DMI port which I imagine can be run from the latptop to the tv, provided you have an open HDMI slot. Once this has been done I then select the source which on my tv is PC. Then I have essentially made my TV a huge monitor. :) The volume is something different. we just use the volume on the laptop. It's not perfect, but it is volume. You can also hook up some external speakers to the laptop, or try to play around with the volume on a receiver if you have one.

I think you will like the results. Let me know if you have any questions.
Chris MMale02011-03-20 09:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian TV Channels or TV Websites?
thanks all. I really appreciate it.

--Brad, thanks for the site. I'll check it out tonight with Tanya.
--Shawn I forgot about torrents. I'll take a look to see what I can find.
--Bainbridge, please let me know about the internet site when you get it. I appreciate it.
--Phil, I will talk to Tanya tonight about talking with Alla through Skype. She has been online all week with friends, and family, so I am sure she would be excited to hear from someone who is living in the US, and has more experience living here.

Again, thank you.
Chris MMale02011-03-17 14:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian TV Channels or TV Websites?
Hey guys and girls. I am curious to see what you all do for Russian entertainment for your loved ones. Tanya was asking me about Russian TV last night, and I see Dish Network and Direct TV both have Russian channels, but unfortunately my digital cable provider does not.

Are there any Russian tv websites you all use? I could patch the internet feed through the computer to the tv which would be perfect. Are there any pay sites that charge for a monthly subscription for Russian shows so I do not have to change my setup, and go to Direct TV or Dish? she said not to worry about it, but I think watching Russian shows would help her out a little.

And....Tanya got here this past Friday, and things are going great so far. Thanks for the help all.
Chris MMale02011-03-17 10:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI have this friend .............
Hey guys thanks. Yeah her going home stinks because we did put so much time, effort and love in to it, and it was a huge let down, but I know it was for the better. We are still friends, but I do not think she will be coming back. It's unfortunate, but it was the right thing to do.

I would love to find someone who is already here in the US, which as you all know is half the battle. I will definitely try the sites you all listed here as well. I know there are a ton of girls from RUB on Facebook, but I always hated getting those creepy "friend requests" from people I do not know. I can only imagine it's much worse for the girls, RUB, or any other girl. ha ha.

I'll give these a try. I appreciate the advice.
Chris MMale02011-06-23 15:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI have this friend .............
I doubt any of you know, but Tanya and I decided not to get married. She went back home 4 weeks ago, and although I miss her it was a mutual break. We got along very well, but we wanted to respect each other, and not want to get married thinking it would get better. We will be very good friends, and that's where it ends. It is very unfortunate because of the time, money and effort, but we both wanted to make sure we were getting married for the right reasons. I have a lot of respect for her, and she is a great person, and wish her the best. :) I know this is a whole other topic, but I wanted to stay on topic here.

I see this post, and I am curious to hear if there are any sites that have RUB girls already here in America. Tanya and I met on Elena's Model's almost 2 years ago, and it was difficult as I know all of you have experienced this as well. I would love to find a RUB girl who may already be here, and thought I would ask. Elena's has a section on the site for RUB girls in the US, but I wanted to see if there are any others. Again, I wanted to stay on topic. Thanks.
Chris MMale02011-06-11 12:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCan we write off K-1 and other expense (ie airline tickets) on taxes?
So I was sitting here doing my taxes today, and had a thought. Some of you may know my situation, but last March I brought my now ex-fiancee here to the US. She was here for 2 months, and we both decided it was in our best interest not to get married. We got along great, but I know it was a tough adjustment for her and saw it was not going to work. Although I respect the hell out of her saying something before we got married, and wish nothing but the best. We still remain friends, and that's good for me. :)

At any rate, I never thought about asking to claim the K-1 fee on my taxes in 2010. Not really sure why I didn't think of it before, but I'm thinking about it now. Also in 2011 would I be able to claim any flight purchases to get her here to the US, and back again to Russia. As we all know those are not cheap either. What else could we look at as well? What would we file these under using Turbo Tax or Tax Act software?

So for myself, and everyone else on here during tax season, what can, and can we not claim on taxes?

Thanks all.

Chris MMale02012-02-09 16:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest Calling Card or VoIP to call Russia? Skype? Magic Jack?
yes, we use Skype all the time. she is here with me now too. Unfortunately her mom and sister do not have a computer, and obviously the internet. what else we noticed we can do is buy a calling card, use the 1-800 to make calls through Skype (so we do not use our cell phone minutes), calling card PIN, and then dial her friends and family in Russia. she can talk right through the computer to a land line in russia. I have a card for about 4.5 cents a minute which is not too bad.

So answer your questions, we DO have the internet, but her mom and sister do not. :)
Chris MMale02011-03-22 09:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest Calling Card or VoIP to call Russia? Skype? Magic Jack?
I saw some posts from 3 years ago about the best services to use for VoIP's and phone lines. I was curious what you all use now. I do not have a land line in the house, and by using the cell phones we eat up the AnyTime Minutes. We were looking at Skype as an alternative, using a 1-800 number to dial through Skype or Magic Jack.

1. The Skype international calling seemed like an OK deal

2. buying a calling card with a 1-800 number on it to then dial using Skype, and therefore not waste our cell phone AnyTime Minutes. I have called many 1-800 customer service numbers using Skype, and have never been charged. Maybe we can do the same with a 1-800 calling card.

3. Magi Jack would be nice, and a girl I sit beside said it works, but they also charge an international rate if in fact you are dialing a phone on the other end. Her parents live in the Phillipines, and she sent them a magic Jack to attach to their computer. Tanya's mom does not have a computer which would in turn charge us a per minute basis rate.

Anyone have any more recent experiences with a calling card, Skype, or some other way to call home?
Chris MMale02011-03-21 11:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAfter Entry To The USA......What do we need to do?

You apply for the SSN at the local office where you live. Your entry point has nothing to do with anything but entering the USA lol.

Thanks, I feel so overwhelmed with uncertainty sometimes lol
DaveLovesDashaMaleRussia2012-01-02 16:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAfter Entry To The USA......What do we need to do?
What do we need to do after entry to the usa. Of course i know we will get married, but will my fiancee need to apply for her ssn in New York since that is the city she's flying to? I live in the Pittsburgh area but thought it would be nice to see NYC so i would drive there to pick her up.
DaveLovesDashaMaleRussia2012-01-02 16:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow Interview

4-5 business days; you can pick it up at the local Pony Express office in Moscow or have it delivered to her hometown, which may be a few days.

Check out the Moscow Embassy website for info.

So it's unrealistic to think they would issue it on the same day?
DaveLovesDashaMaleRussia2012-01-03 16:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow Interview
How long after i successful interview can my fiance expect her visa? I have read they can issue it immediately, and other places say 4-5 days, and i've also read 1-2 weeks..
DaveLovesDashaMaleRussia2012-01-02 16:05:00
United KingdomWedding Dresses On Planes

I sent mine by FEDEX...took 3 days to get here and it was a reasonable price...i was told that i would have to put mine in my i was going to let that fedex maybe a good option for you

I did this too...
Had it packaged from the store, and then flew it directly to Rob's mom in Pitts. The dress got here before I did... LOL. Took it to the cleaners just to get it steamed, was worth the money.
rob&anaFemaleVenezuela2006-10-04 12:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRolling the Dice

Gotta tell ya...

For me it worked out pretty nicely that I applied for everything at the same time. My application was in someone's drawer for a while, for no reason at all. Everything was perfectly ok with my AOS application but still it took around 7 months for it to be approved. I did get my temp EAD from the USCIS right at the 90 day limit time, so I was able to work. I moaned and groaned to the get the AP (so I could travel for work). So for me it was worth kicking down the money.

If she can wait and stay home for 4 o 6 months, and if you guys can afford it. Then yes, just apply for AOS. If not, I'd be safe cause I hate to be sorry.

Good luck in your choice...

rob&anaFemaleVenezuela2007-01-31 09:49:00

mike, that sounds very frustrating indeed - good luck at the interview next week. You're so close - that's so exciting!

People have mentioned being able to track things through DHL. How do you do that? Do you need a tracking number? I looked at their site and couldn't get anywhere...


Mike, I'm glad to hear that they've rescheduled the interview! Best of luck! I hope that you soon post about an approval... :)

Here are the instructions Mike's sent me:

"GO to DHL Worlwide Express website
Select USA
A new page will open
At the top highlight tracking and click on TRACK BY REFERENCE
In the Reference field type CORRESPONDENCE
For the Shipment date you should select a day before and after the date NVC said they sent your file.
Customer number leave blank
Origin Postal code should be 03801
Then Click Track

This will give you a list of all packages sent from NVC to every consulate on the date you specified. You then find all shipments on the date NVC said your package was shipped, and it tells you where they were shipped to. SO you find the packages shipped to your embassy or consulte. Usually there are more than one going there. It will give you the status of the shipment, and when it arrived, who signed for it, and what time. You can only assume that one of them is yours."

Actually I was looking at the NVC forum section and came across the following information. There are three types of reference (Expedite NIV Section, Expedite IV Section, and Correspondence). When you use each of these, it will give you a totally different list of shipments. So you need to type in the correct reference depending on your Visa Type. Below is the list

There are several references used by NVC depending on the visa type.

1. Expedite NIV section - For all non immigrant visa
2. Expedite IV section - For all Immigrant visa
3. Correnspondace
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-08-25 10:14:00
Well it has been a while since I poted in this forum. I am not sure how many of you know about my situation, but I will give you all a briefing. As all of you, we were struck by IMBRA. The consulate sent us Packet 3 a week or so before they returned our file back to NVC. We didn't know this until my fiancee returned the necessary papers, and I emailed them to see if we were affected by IMBRA. They informed me that they returned our file to NVC. Well At the beginning of this month, my fiancee received packet 4 in the mail with her interview date, I was very suprised. I wasn't sure if they made a mistake or it was true. I had my fiancee call the consulate before flying there to make sure they didn't make a mistake and they told her yes you have an interview on August 14th. So she took a plane 10 days before the interview so she could get her medical done and ready for they interview. Well the big day came, and when she entered the consulate she was told that the consulate made a mistake and that she could not be interviewed until they receive our file back. I called NVC and was told it was send on the 10th. I tracked it with DHL and I knew they would receive it very soon if they haven't already. So I called the consulate and explained that we had to pay for a plane ticket, hotel, motorbike rental, and food for the last 10 days. I asked if she should stay there or return to her home, and was told to stay there if NVC said they sent it. Well after a week and a half of not knowing what to do, and contacting the consulate, they finally called her today and she has her interview on August 28, only 14 days later. This was a total mess. First the huge mistake by USCIS, and then this one by the Consulate. I am just releived she will have her interview finally.

Good Luck to everyone.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-08-24 19:59:00

Damn! I just got approved!

(F) (F) :dance: :dance: (L) (L) :dance: :dance:

I need to make a big margarita and calm down!



Hope to see more and more, and many interviews scheduled!!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-08-07 14:21:00
I have no idea how it all happened actually. We received the interview date a few days before the actual reapproval. Maybe the consulate has everything needed for the interview. I really don't know, and my fiancee called the consulate to confirm the interview, and the girl said, yes you have an interview on August 14. I hope this is just the beginning for all of us.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-08-07 11:55:00
I hope this will give you all some hope. Our case was reapproved, and they scheduled my fiancee for her interview on Agust 14th. I am not sure why we got our interview date so quickly, I am just happy that we got it. I really hope that this will give us all hope and I hope that I hear the same news from many of you.

I sorry I haven't posted this earlier, just been too busy getting my fiancee prepared for the big day.

Good Luck!!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-08-07 06:26:00

YES - I recieved the notice today! it's the exact same format as the first approval - same wording and everything w/ an updated expiration of date of November.

Rene, that is awesome news!!!!!!!

I am really happy for you, and expect the rest of us should see the same very soon. Is it correct that it ggot reapproved on the 13? or was it today the 17?
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-07-17 20:18:00
One thing I have noticed about the RFE's being sent out, is the fact that maybe they do stuff each enveelope separately, and then send them all out in the mail on one day as a bunch. So everyone that gets the RFE email this week will likely get their RFE in the mail on next week on Wednesday. Those that have received the RFE's in the mail all received them in the mail on the same day, but their RFE email was on different days.

Good Luck to everyone, and I am hoping to hear good news from all of you very soon.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-07-06 18:29:00
VJ-------------------NOA1------NOA2-----reopened-----RFE update------RFE mail -------S/C------F/C

Sleepless in OR----03/06-------03/31-------06/20--------06/26------------07/05------ -- CSC----France
mike1972e------- -03/13------03/25-------06/23---------07/05-----------none----------- VSC----Vietnam
rlt --------------------03/29------04/17------06/22--------none-----------none--------------VSC
Mad Man ------------03/31------04/07--------?------------none------------none-------------VSC---Philippines
jell -----------------04/17------04/25-------06/29---------none------------none------------ VSC
Xiuyin --------------04/21-------05/01-------06/29--------none------------none------------ VSC---China
Cigarovich---------03/24------04/06-------?----------------none------------none----------- VSC---Russia

They emailed me last night at 10:22 with the RFE being sent!!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-07-06 05:25:00