Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (Trelawny20853 @ Jun 9 2008, 01:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

KELLY (JOMO'S girl) and ANDRE....they're such a cute couple and so down to heart. Andre is a true gentleman and they had me cracking up. Kelly's picture does her no justice. She looks great and I got so many cute gifts (yes, I'm bragging). Okay, going to get a cup of ice now, it's to DAMN hot outside.

Glad u guys had fun. Sounds like it was nice to hook up with some folks from here. I was wondering where Kell had been this last week... laughing.gif
tnwFemaleJamaica2008-06-09 21:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (JaEnglishGirl @ Jun 9 2008, 03:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Trelawny20853 @ Jun 9 2008, 07:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good Morning Dear God;

What a week. Lord, thank you for blessing me, my family and my friends. I thank you for hovering over us last week with the passing of my 6-month-old nephew. Thank you for blessing us with the 2 hours he was able to spend with us after his birth. Lord, I know that you have a plan for everyone and I just thank you for given me the strength to step up and deal with the things I had to put in place last week. Thanks for given me the strength to help my sister deal with her loss and for helping me to break the news to her daughter. Lord, we thank you for life and for everything that you've blessed us with. Amen.

Lawny, my heart goes out to you and yours.
I cannot begin to imagine the pain your sister must be going through, I can only pray that it isn't too hard to bear.

Yeah Lawny, sorry for ur loss. I'm sure ur sister appreciates all you've done. I pray that she gets through this with ur love and support. PM me when it gets closer to ur interview/ trip.

tnwFemaleJamaica2008-06-09 21:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (Forever Young @ Jun 9 2008, 05:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Guys,

First of All Sunny, darling...CONGRATS!!! You are ON your way!! Lawny, Baby Girl, I am so very sorry for your loss! As always you and your family are in my prayers for peace and healing at this time!

Well Ya'll the DEED is DONE!!! I am officially Mrs. Young...and from now on will be 'Forever Young'...but the same ole Crazy Gill! laughing.gif

The wedding was BEAUTIFUL considering we threw it togher in like TEN days! Ok...the worst part was the DYAM heat...unfortunately..the East Coast was heat with a Bloodcleat HEATWAVE inna early JUNE!!! Just 2 weeks ago it was 40 degrees...whatever.

We didn't let that spoil our day! I was in tears I said recited my vows...because my heart and soul finally felt at ease and knew..."THIS TIME WAS FOREVER!!"

Ken looked so...dyam GOOD!!!! So did our boys!!! Tghe reception was wonderful one of our friends justed opened a new restaurant that hasn't 'officially' been opened as of yet. SO he let us use it! We had a magnificent chef that's Jamaican by birth, but was culinarily trained in France and London! He is part owner, of the Restaurant...the food was OFF THE HOOK!!!!!

It was very small only 35 of our family and friends...we had no DJ, no mic...but it was so geniune! The speeches moved me to tears...everyone saying how happy they were for us and how proud they were of me for taking a chance on love again!

It was great. Ken and I forgot to bring our camera...thank G-d my friend sent some to me this morning... I wanted to at least post one or 2 pictures...b/c I promised!

Love you all,


CONGRATS GILL & KEN......OR SHOULD I SAY "MRS. YOUNG"! Love the Pics...u two look so happy and your sons are quite the gentlemen next to Ken! kicking.gif kicking.gif

Thanks for sharing Gill and i wish u the best, as always!

tnwFemaleJamaica2008-06-09 21:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
Sus, Where can I find coochie chream? whistling.gif
LMAO!!!!!!!!! rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif

I loved this one fam....You all are too much!

Off and dave made it to the social security office today. No problems...they had his info in the computer and we're hoping he gets the card in a few weeks. We're going to a hockey game tonight to see the Penguins play in the finals but i'll check in with you all soon.

Hang in there Shrewdie and Lita...I know ur feeling miserable but i'm sure good news is right around the corner.

Best wishes with the wedding this weekend Gill too. wink.gif

tnwFemaleJamaica2008-06-04 20:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (clairern @ Jun 1 2008, 06:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
offtopic45vn.gif Hey guys, I have been back from Jamaica for a copule of days now but was in kinda of a funk. sad.gif

When I visited Mike in Ja last month, he expressed that he was not sure if he was going back to the embassy this month to turn in his police certificate so he can get his visa. He said that a man his age has to pack up from the way of life he has been used to all his life and move to a new country to start his life all over. I was dumbfounded when I heard this because of all the plans we made and what my expections were. I am at a loss right now.. crying.gif crying.gif

What do you guys think about this?

Maybe just having cold feet about starting over in a new place....hopefully he'll have a change of heart in the next few weeks. All you can do is try to be supportive but still firm in ur expectations of the relationship and see where it leads you.

I wish u the best of luck! Hang in there good.gif
tnwFemaleJamaica2008-06-01 19:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
Hey Fam....just stopping through to say hello. Dave's adjusting nicely so far and says he's enjoying all the new things he's learning. He's still pretty amazed at how many rules we have for driving up here (LOL) but other than that...things are cool. My family has been really supportive and even found him a couple odd jobs he can do until he's on his feet. We went to the mall yesterday and he told me "babe, I can get like 2 or 3 jobs in here alone!" LOLLLL We just both laughed and went on our way. laughing.gif

For all of you traveling back to JA this week or who have SO's coming here, I wish u safe travels and good luck with all those up and coming interviews!

CONGRATS to IRIE CAT and MARVSGIRL for your recent Visa Approvals kicking.gif kicking.gif

TRELAWNY...I'll be looking for your call in a couple weeks (smile) wink.gif

Have a good weekend everyone!

tnwFemaleJamaica2008-05-30 20:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (Trelawny20853 @ May 20 2008, 03:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
DAVE AND TONISHA are together in New York...she said he got the EAD stamp and she's very happy. She says she'll check in later....I THINK NOT!

laughing.gif laughing.gif

Hey All....

Thanks Lawny, Michelle, Kimmy, Gill, Kell and everyone else who posted this week for thinking of me and Dave. JFK was a little hectic.....especially for a someone like me who not only wanted to go outside and smoke cigarettes while I was waiting for Dave but let's not forget.....I HAD THE NOTORIOUS SPACE BOOT (as Lawny put it) on my ankle as well!!! rofl.gif

I got to New York around 12:30pm, talked to Lawny around then while I was waiting for Dave to fly in. He FINALLY got there around 3pm (you know Air Jamaica was late getting in LOL). Everything went pretty good from there. Dave said he was surprised to see all these people "standing" in the International Arrivals section of the airport when he got off the plane. He said he thought there was about to be a concert or something and I just laughed. Ninja Man also came off the same plane and let me tell you....he was looking a HOT mess! The whole day was pretty interesting but we finally made it back to pittsburgh around 10pm that night. Dave said he had no problems getting the work stamp or with the INS folks either.

Yesterday, we basically rode around...went to get groceries etc. Hung out with my mom and then went out to eat with some of my friends. Dave's dad (who lives in N.Y.) asked us to come up for the weekend but we told him we have to hold off till I get back to work etc. Dave wanted me to tell all of you thanks for all your well wishes and support. He said he feels like he's been a part of Visa Journey himself. LOLLL He seems really happy so far....the only thing he didn't like was how "cold" it was here and I was like, hold on to your seat because 68 degrees is warm in Pittsburgh for right now. Wait to you see November!!!! rofl.gif

I just wanted all of you to know that I was o.k. and that we were doing o.k. Dave went with me to the doctor's so I could finally get rid of the Space Boot on my ankle, but it looks like I'll be wearing it for atleast 2 more weeks. Probably didn't help that I went to New York and walked around for 12 hours the other day! My doctor probably wonders why my ankle was so swollen, I'm sure. LOLLLLL But guess what??? My doctor gave me another 6 WEEKS OFF WORK which was WAYYYY more than I though I would get so Life is Good! I'll have to let you know how the weekend goes and what me and Dave are up to next week.

Good Luck and Safe Travels to all of you heading off to JA in the next few weeks! We'll talk soon.....Take Care

Tonisha heart.gif
tnwFemaleJamaica2008-05-22 21:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
Hey All,

Just wanted to send positive vibes out to MARVSGIRL who's fiance is having his interview tomorrow morning!!!!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif

(she hasn't been on here much but we hung in JA in February with the SO's)

Good Luck to her and any others celebrating Interviews, Approvals this month!
tnwFemaleJamaica2008-05-19 17:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (Trelawny20853 @ May 19 2008, 10:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sonshyne @ May 19 2008, 09:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good morning Yardies!!

Lawny it's Monday and I sure could use one of your prayers today.

Dear Heavenly Father;

Thank you for another blessed week. Lord we turn to you for comfort this week as many of us are dealing with our own struggles in life. Lord, I pray that you heal those that are ill or recovery...shower them with your strength. Lord, please watch over Tonisha (FUTURE HUSBAND) as he'll be here tomorrow. Please get him to the airport on time and deliver him safely to her arms at JFK...(I can just see her now hoping to give her man a big hug). Lord, please watch over those that are pregnant and those that are TRYING to get pregnant innocent.gif. Lord, please push forward the approvals for those that are waiting (SHREW) is calling out to you as well as Sunny and Mommy 2 b. Lord for those who has mishaps last week in their lives, THANKS for protecting them and finally, thanks for bring Marla to her loving husband Jason. He has been patiently waiting for his beautiful wife and we can all feel the love he has for her. All these things I pray to you Dear your son's precious and might name. AMEN...AMEN...AMEN.

THANKS LAWNY!!! I'll be sure to let everyone know if he made it and how it all went tomorrow.

Don't be surprised when I send you a text msg about his arrival so u can post on VJ for me! LOLLLLL laughing.gif laughing.gif laughing.gif

I just checked and confirmed both of our reservations for tomorrow so hoping all goes well. I told Dave leave all the "perfume" at home or put em' in his checked luggage if he MUST bring the sweet smelling stuff. rofl.gif


tnwFemaleJamaica2008-05-19 16:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (sjb1221 @ May 17 2008, 09:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jomo @ May 16 2008, 11:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My night just went to surreal.....a speeding car just hit the for sale sign of one neighbor's house and crashed into the tree on my neighbor (and cousins) front lawn. Then, they ran. Of course, I missed it all cause I was in the tub. I did manage to see all the police, CSI, and the two truck that parked on my lawn to tow it away.


Our crazy story....Damien's car broke down last Friday. It wouldn't start after he ran into a store. He was on his way to pick up my daughter from the train station. I was working late that night so I called AAA thinking the battery needed a jump. We finally had the car towed. Went out to dinner and Target...didn't get home until midnight. We had so many plans that weekend now we have to share a car mad.gif Walked in the electricity. We've had power shortages for no reasons before so I didn't pay attention until I noticed two of neighbors had lights on. The electricity was closed so nothing we could do until 7 the next morning.

Meanwhile is Damien is pacing the floor then putting up boobie traps just in case someone decides to break in wacko.gif He said he had a bad feeling something bad is going to happen. I'm like - boy, are you crazy...go to bed. Besides, what else could go wrong....

5:35 Saturday morning...someone is BANGING on our door. I'm thinking it better be Pepco (electric company). I'm half sleep when I opened the's
the POLICE asking if I had an Impala. I said no but my neighbor's boyfriend drives one....I drive a Malibu. I was about to close the door when he said I traced the tags to this house and your car has been involved in an ACCIDENT. I said that's impossible because I parked my car right infront of our apartment...I saw my car is sitting on the grass. Someone hit it dead on...knocked it outta the parking spot into another car.

I ran upstairs to wake up Damien. He thought I was playing a trick on him...


I don't know where i was when u posted this one but i'm soooo sorry about what happened to you and D. I know u were beyond pissed when u realized it was YOUR car after the night you just had too. I know how it feels when someone just destroys your car or your stuff......I'm sure we've all been there at one time or another, so i'll pray you get through this.

Check ur PM's and email...I'll link you.

T smile.gif
tnwFemaleJamaica2008-05-19 16:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (nannygirl82 @ May 19 2008, 05:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone!!!

just got Kaila's pics done today....there were so many to pick from..this one was the cutest!!

Attached File  kaila.JPG   18.53KB   27 downloads

Hey Shauna smile.gif

Love her new photos!
tnwFemaleJamaica2008-05-19 16:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (tnw @ May 18 2008, 08:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Trelawny20853 @ May 18 2008, 06:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tnw @ May 18 2008, 06:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jomo @ May 16 2008, 01:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (sjb1221 @ May 16 2008, 12:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No, I purchased Damien a one-way on AirJamaica to Baltimore. Round trip tickets are cheapers sometimes. It wasn't in our case.

I purchased a one-way for Andre through American. Was about $200 cheaper for us to do it that way. No issues.

Yeah, i purchased Dave a one way on Delta from JA to New York to Pittsburgh for $400. His flight outta JA is actually on AirJamaica and I didn't have any problems booking it. I used a travel agent so i'm not sure if they asked her anything, but a one way seems to be fine.

A roundtrip would've been about $700 and there's no need for it.


That's how much my friend was about to pay for her man's tickent roundtrip...when she called to book it they ask why she was booking it one-way only.

That's funny that they asked her why she only wanted a one-way because all that matters is that the person traveling "into" the U.S., whether it's from JA or some other country, has a visa that ALLOWS them to travel.

Sounds like she was just trying to get in ur friend's know, trying to confirm for herself whether or not ur friend's SO actually "had" the right travel documents etc. LOLLLLLLL

I never heard of anyone else having a problem with the one-way travel stuff so I hope it all works out for her.


Hey Shrewdie smile.gif

I know it's been tough but i'm still praying that you receive Good News this month! Keep your head up....

tnwFemaleJamaica2008-05-18 19:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (Trelawny20853 @ May 18 2008, 06:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tnw @ May 18 2008, 06:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jomo @ May 16 2008, 01:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (sjb1221 @ May 16 2008, 12:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No, I purchased Damien a one-way on AirJamaica to Baltimore. Round trip tickets are cheapers sometimes. It wasn't in our case.

I purchased a one-way for Andre through American. Was about $200 cheaper for us to do it that way. No issues.

Yeah, i purchased Dave a one way on Delta from JA to New York to Pittsburgh for $400. His flight outta JA is actually on AirJamaica and I didn't have any problems booking it. I used a travel agent so i'm not sure if they asked her anything, but a one way seems to be fine.

A roundtrip would've been about $700 and there's no need for it.


That's how much my friend was about to pay for her man's tickent roundtrip...when she called to book it they ask why she was booking it one-way only.

That's funny that they asked her why she only wanted a one-way because all that matters is that the person traveling "into" the U.S., whether it's from JA or some other country, has a visa that ALLOWS them to travel.

Sounds like she was just trying to get in ur friend's know, trying to confirm for herself whether or not ur friend's SO actually "had" the right travel documents etc. LOLLLLLLL

I never heard of anyone else having a problem with the one-way travel stuff so I hope it all works out for her.

tnwFemaleJamaica2008-05-18 19:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (Jomo @ May 16 2008, 01:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (sjb1221 @ May 16 2008, 12:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No, I purchased Damien a one-way on AirJamaica to Baltimore. Round trip tickets are cheapers sometimes. It wasn't in our case.

I purchased a one-way for Andre through American. Was about $200 cheaper for us to do it that way. No issues.

Yeah, i purchased Dave a one way on Delta from JA to New York to Pittsburgh for $400. His flight outta JA is actually on AirJamaica and I didn't have any problems booking it. I used a travel agent so i'm not sure if they asked her anything, but a one way seems to be fine.

A roundtrip would've been about $700 and there's no need for it.
tnwFemaleJamaica2008-05-18 17:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (Jomo @ May 15 2008, 08:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tnw @ May 15 2008, 07:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jamaica to CT @ May 15 2008, 07:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (BelwinMills @ May 15 2008, 06:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations Jason!! kicking.gif



Hey All,

I know i'm late but CONGRATS to JaEngy on the approval and Jason on Marla's arrival! kicking.gif

Thanks Mich (SunnyJa) for letting everyone know that my surgery went well. I've been outta commission for a few days from all the meds but i'm coming around. I'll have to let u know how it goes with me meeting Dave next JFK....on crutches! laughing.gif laughing.gif

.....JFK, here i come!


Get them to wheel you around the airport in a wheelchair or on that little cart-mobile thing.

ABSOLUTELY!!! good.gif laughing.gif

I figured....I won't have any luggage or anything so as long as i get there. LOL I spoke to the folks at Delta airlines and they said they'll have an "escort" at the ticket counter take me thru security. I was like.....sounds good! LMAO

I'll be sure to update you all next week about our adventure at JFK. wink.gif
tnwFemaleJamaica2008-05-15 19:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (Jamaica to CT @ May 15 2008, 07:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (BelwinMills @ May 15 2008, 06:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations Jason!! kicking.gif



Hey All,

I know i'm late but CONGRATS to JaEngy on the approval and Jason on Marla's arrival! kicking.gif

Thanks Mich (SunnyJa) for letting everyone know that my surgery went well. I've been outta commission for a few days from all the meds but i'm coming around. I'll have to let u know how it goes with me meeting Dave next JFK....on crutches! laughing.gif laughing.gif

.....JFK, here i come!

tnwFemaleJamaica2008-05-15 19:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)

tnwFemaleJamaica2008-05-11 18:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (shrewdgal @ May 5 2008, 08:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How is everyone today?

JG- sorry about your aunt sad.gif

Still no news from vermont. Its going on 7 months now.Life isnt going the greatest for me right now, still in need of prayers smile.gif

I'm sorry Shrewdie....I was wondering how things were with you. I pray that u hear something soon....I know the last few months have been stressful but hopefully, good news is near.


I almost Claire.....tell Mike good luck with the interview tomorrow!!!! I'm praying you'll have good news soon after. Best of Luck and let us know how it goes.....we'll be thinking of you!
tnwFemaleJamaica2008-05-05 19:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (Deyoungting @ May 5 2008, 08:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
*****GOOD NEWS*****

kicking.gif kicking.gif Ken got a job! kicking.gif kicking.gif He is going to be working at a Jamaican/Chinese Restaurant/Night Club! Doing what he does...being a Jack of all trades!!! biggrin.gif My Dad knows the owner and told him to bring Ken down last night for an 11:00pm interview blink.gif ...I was like pure foolishness that! But, Ken came back like... biggrin.gif . He said "Baby Gurl, mi mash hup deh hinterview! Mi tell deh ooman nuf tings mi see fuh fix and clean up inna dis place!" He gave his resume & letters of recommendation! Then he started pointing out things to her and how he could fix it or make it better... she was like..."YOU'RE HIRED!!! Come back tomorrow at 9AM!!!" wink.gif

Plus because he is legal she started him off at a DYAM good rate and told him she will increase it if he saves her $$ on hiring outside people to fix things!! She also told him if he does a good job she will continue to allow him to work there until he gets his green card!! biggrin.gif THANK GOD!!! GOD IS GOOD!!! So I dropped him off this morning! He was so excited...I almost felt like I was dropping off one of my kids at school for the first time!

Thank you all for your prayers and blessings!

We sincerely appreciate it!

Have a happy Monday!


Hey Gill....Tell Ken CONGRATS on landing the new job! kicking.gif

I'm sooo happy for you two and it sounds like Ken really impressed the manager so I wish him well! Atleast this lets me know that Dave "might" be able to get a job once he gets here and gets the work stamp. good.gif Ken must be too thrilled and i'm sure this really boosted his confidence so congrats are definitely in order.
tnwFemaleJamaica2008-05-05 18:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (Trelawny20853 @ May 3 2008, 09:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jomo @ May 3 2008, 07:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Vawa-2006 @ May 3 2008, 12:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Been awhile since I last posted in this thread...well, finally good news - I have my interview set for May 20 at Federal Plaza, NY. Long journey. I just hope everything goes great for the interview!

Finally! I wish you the best.

Hi Jawi. Missed you!

Lawny........I reported your post to Capt. Ewok. He wants to help you. Please send him the information you have so he can look into it.

Hi, everyone else. It's been a long tough week for me. Glad it is over and things have run their course. I've missed all of you. Hope everyone is having a good weekend thus far.

Thanks JG--

The only name that I could remember was NewYorksfinest...I deleted most of messages so fast and blocked her because I was so upset. So, she strated harrasing me in my yahoo mailbox (that's also blocked).

I'm past that now. But if this person is reading this, all I want to know is WHY ME? Still, if you're reaching out for HELP! It's here for you. No hard feelings. Once again, I'm past that now.

Mr or Ms. Ewok; I'll see if I wrote down some of the other names at work. Since I posted that message, I've not gotten a reply YET. So, maybe this person gets it.

QUOTE (tnw @ May 3 2008, 07:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jomo @ May 3 2008, 07:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kimmykashi @ May 3 2008, 06:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
VAWA....nice to see you..and good luck it's the day before out no mean nuttin /...but mi hope it brings good luck !!!


JG...really nice to see things moving along..was wondering where u were for most of the week

WHAT????? Miss disappear all the time now. Where have you been, girlie??????? Kidding. Hope all is well.

My aunt died on Tuesday. Dad's sister. We had a bunch of family stuff to attend to the rest of the week. Funeral was yesterday, so back to normal. Thank you for missing me, Kimmy!

Hey All...haven't been on here for awhile so just catching up.

JG....Sorry about the loss of your Aunt. Glad things are getting back to the normal for you.

Lawny....Hope you get that issue resolved with all the PM's and the negative comments u were getting. Sounds like Ewok can help u out....let's hope that works. good.gif

CONGRATS and good luck to everyone having interviews this month and for all the approvals too! kicking.gif

I'll keep ya posted on how things go in 2 weeks.....Dave'll be here by then so I'm sure i'll have updates and tons of questions, so be prepared........... laughing.gif laughing.gif

Nish -

Link me when you get a chance BUSY woman! Have a great weekend.

We'll catch up this week Nov.....LOL....I know i've been ripping and running these last few weeks but I'm about to slow down when dave gets here and i get the surgery on my ankle on the 12th. Thanks for thinking of me!

Have a good night.....

tnwFemaleJamaica2008-05-03 20:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (Jomo @ May 3 2008, 07:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kimmykashi @ May 3 2008, 06:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
VAWA....nice to see you..and good luck it's the day before out no mean nuttin /...but mi hope it brings good luck !!!


JG...really nice to see things moving along..was wondering where u were for most of the week

WHAT????? Miss disappear all the time now. Where have you been, girlie??????? Kidding. Hope all is well.

My aunt died on Tuesday. Dad's sister. We had a bunch of family stuff to attend to the rest of the week. Funeral was yesterday, so back to normal. Thank you for missing me, Kimmy!

Hey All...haven't been on here for awhile so just catching up.

JG....Sorry about the loss of your Aunt. Glad things are getting back to the normal for you.

Lawny....Hope you get that issue resolved with all the PM's and the negative comments u were getting. Sounds like Ewok can help u out....let's hope that works. good.gif

CONGRATS and good luck to everyone having interviews this month and for all the approvals too! kicking.gif

I'll keep ya posted on how things go in 2 weeks.....Dave'll be here by then so I'm sure i'll have updates and tons of questions, so be prepared........... laughing.gif laughing.gif
tnwFemaleJamaica2008-05-03 18:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (Jomo @ Apr 28 2008, 02:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My check won't come till sometime in June. More time for me to dream of the bed we are going to buy!

Same for me check till June....June 13th to be exact. That's the day the IRS is "supposed" to be sending them out for single filers like me.

I'm thinking it'll get used for our AOS paperwork, Like Gill said! laughing.gif rofl.gif
tnwFemaleJamaica2008-04-28 14:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (Deyoungting @ Apr 28 2008, 11:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tnw @ Apr 28 2008, 11:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What will Dave have to Show or Turn In at the Social Security Office to obtain the SS#? I know he needs his passport and probably his birth certificate....anything else? He's not coming for a few more weeks but figured now would be a good time to ask.....LOL

(Gill...if ur out there PM me since Dave's getting the work stamp like Ken did smile.gif )


Hey Ton-Ton,

If you don't mind I'll post publically (sp?) to help out others going through JFK! Ok, Ken & I went to the SSA the next day and all they really needed was his passport with the visa & EAD stamp in it! The EAD stamp is a tiny stamp placed on Ken's I-94 (I think). You fill out the SS-5 at the SSA office. That's it! But make sure you tell Dave to ASK for the EAD stamp at JFK!! Sometimes DHS forgets to give it to them!

Bless, Gill

Hey Gill smile.gif

Thanks for your help! I'll be at JFK when he comes in so i'll remind him to ask for the stamp, just in case.

tnwFemaleJamaica2008-04-28 14:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
What will Dave have to Show or Turn In at the Social Security Office to obtain the SS#? I know he needs his passport and probably his birth certificate....anything else? He's not coming for a few more weeks but figured now would be a good time to ask.....LOL

(Gill...if ur out there PM me since Dave's getting the work stamp like Ken did smile.gif )

tnwFemaleJamaica2008-04-28 10:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (Deyoungting @ Apr 28 2008, 10:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jomo @ Apr 28 2008, 09:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm going to admit something today that I have only told Gill so far..........

I took my husband to see Barry Manilow friday night. It was my 8th time seeing him and I was a little scared Andre wouldn't like him. I should've known he liked the music cause he is one of the 6 CDs in the changer and I come home to hear him singing along sometimes. Anyhow, if you've never seen Barry, he's a great showman. Video screens, dancing, back up dancers, lots of musical action.....constant motion. Andre loved it. He said it was the best show he's ever seen. Coming from someone who has seen so many live shows in JA, I took that as a great compliment. Wasn't as thrilled with the opening act, some guy with a lot of horns in the band. The guitar player was some guy from Earth, Wind, and Fire and Andre liked his solo stuff cause we recognized the songs.

laughing.gif laughing.gif...I am so glad he had a good time JG!! Ok, I 'm gonna come out of the closet... I LOVE BARRY MANILOW!!! Never seen him live...but "The Copa" was the ISH back in the day! My sister and myself had a whole dance routine to it! laughing.gif laughing.gif ...And Mandy...Can't Smile Without You...Looks like we made it...I write the songs...weekend in New England!! Oh, I could go ON!!!

I dyam near drove Ken to drink this weekend..I had him listen the 'Rock the Cashbah' by The Clash, Rock & Roll High School by The Ramones, Stairway to Heaven and Kashmir by Led Zep, Rio by Duran Duran and The Best of U2! He was like blink.gif huh.gif ...How do you know these songs??? And please turn them off!! no0pb.gif

We will be moving into the Musical genre next..LAready started him with the Sound of Music!!!

Good for you JG good.gif exposure, exposure, exposure...there is more to music than Dancehall, Badman and Reggae! (Although I love those too!)Gill

ABSOLUTELY!!!! good.gif

Glad u had fun J.G.!!!!
tnwFemaleJamaica2008-04-28 10:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
Hey All.....

Just stopping in to say hey and congrats to everyone who received approvals, interviews etc. I see a bunch of you are on your way to JA next month for interviews and trips to see the SO's.....I wish I was going with you all but looks like I gotta stay put this summer! LOLLLLL

Dave'll be here in a few weeks so i'm just keeping busy & countin' down the days.......

TTYL smile.gif
tnwFemaleJamaica2008-04-23 19:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (nannygirl82 @ Apr 22 2008, 01:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
just wanted to stop bu and say hello...i was left out of my cell today laughing.gif what a crazy crazy not at all what i had thought child birth would was all worth it in the have my little princess....the best gift i could ever ask for.....

CONGRATS SHAUNA! She's beautiful! kicking.gif

Hope u and the baby are doing well......

tnwFemaleJamaica2008-04-23 19:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
Hey....Anyone heard from Shauna (nannygirl) about the baby? Sorry Shauna if u already posted...I might of missed it in the last few days. Hope all is well!

JG....Sorry to hear u weren't feeling well....I hope everything smooths out in the coming days. sad.gif

Kimmy....How u been feeling lately?

SJB1221....if u read this....check ur PM's LOL

Lawny......glad to see u made it back in one piece...sorry about ur sister....I hope she's doing o.k.

Gill........Glad things are still going smooth wink.gif

SunnyJa.....Where u Been??? whistling.gif

Congrats to Tonya, LaPrincesca and everyone else who got approvals this month!!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif

Shrewdie, Mommy2B, Islandwoman and anybody else I might have forgotten....Hang In There!!!! Things have a funny way of working out in the end! good.gif

Looks like alot of people are making their way to JA this month so have fun!

tnwFemaleJamaica2008-04-19 17:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (Islandwoman @ Apr 18 2008, 01:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mommy2B @ Apr 18 2008, 01:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yea, I wish I could go there often but unfortunately I have a very demanding schedule at work and I can't take too much time off. I am planning a trip in june for a few days, been looking at airfare but it is ridiculous right now, the cheapest I've found is about $400 and up b/c I only like to fly non-stop. Its a bit cheaper with a connection.

It sure is!! I just paid $380 for a non-stop from JFK to Kingston. And that is after I drive 4 hours to get to JFK. headbonk.gif But I had to do it. It has been almost 6 months since I was there last and it was taking its toll on us, for sure.

I finally got Dave's ticket this week on Delta and paid $400 for his one way....JA to pittsburgh, going thru JFK. I think his plane "stops" in kingston on the way to JFK....probably the same flight u got! LOL

All the airfares are ridiculous right about now with these fuel prices. I could've flown dave straight to pittsburgh but no matter what...he would've had to connect somewhere.
tnwFemaleJamaica2008-04-19 17:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
Hey all....

Just checkin in to see what's new....Congrats to all those who have recently gotten approvals or had updates about their cases! Shrewdie...I didn't forget about you....hope u hear something soon. yes.gif

Did shauna have the baby yet? I got catch up on all the posts....I've been so busy getting ready for dave to come but i'll check in again tomorrow. Nothing new to report on our case, just waiting for dave to come so we can move onto the next phase of the journey.

....Gill, go easy on know we move A LOT faster than they do, on everything! LOLLL

....JG, u should be in heaven right now cause baseball season's in full swing! LOLLL wink.gif

How's Trelawny...anyone heard anything else from her? I can't wait to hear about her trip....I know she'll have LOADS of stories for all of us!

TTYL, Tonisha smile.gif
tnwFemaleJamaica2008-04-15 19:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 5)
QUOTE (JA Tam @ Feb 1 2008, 09:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tnw @ Feb 1 2008, 08:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JA Tam @ Feb 1 2008, 08:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tnw @ Feb 1 2008, 08:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Can someone tell me how to get my timeline at the bottom of my posts like everyone else? I know how to update my timeline....but how do I get it "show up" at the bottom? wacko.gif

I know what ur come i didn't ask that about, hmmmmm 8 months ago?! laughing.gif

T, when you go to the top of the page, you see the link My Controls. In the controls on the left hand side you will see Edit Signature, just type it in. It's going to be a bit of work good.gif

Thanks Tam! You know I'm behind the times! laughing.gif

It look nice, Tonisha smile.gif good.gif

Thanks Tam....I worked on it for 20 minutes laughing.gif !

See what happens once you finally get approved? Now I'm taking the time to learn how to actually navigate the control panel! laughing.gif

I'm right with ya' Gill....haven't thought much about "the wedding", still trying to accept getting approved for now. I love your idea of a small wedding here and a bigger ceremony later down the line. Either way, the marriage is more important than the ceremony....For Sure!

QUOTE (clairern @ Feb 1 2008, 09:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Deyoungting @ Feb 1 2008, 08:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Marlita @ Feb 1 2008, 05:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congrats on the interview Gill!! So happy for you! Looks like your well on your we haven't talked about is your wedding. If its not too personal...have you made plans for a wedding, or are you just doing a civil. Yuh kno we need anodda wedding fi attend afta Toya han Fitz'

Happy Birthday JAE!!

Hey Lita,

Fi tell yuh deh truth gurl...we haven't really thought that hard about it! It will be VERY small (we want to do a bigger one in JA on our 3-5th anniversary). Since he will PROBABLY be here late march...we will have til late june to git married. We have talked about May 23, 2008 (exactly 18 months after we first met)...but we'll see.

I have imagined 15-20 of our closest family in my church's old chapel (it's quaint & much smaller than the current one +
I married 'The A$$hole' (my ex) in the current one.) I am wearing a very simple wedding dress or suit...probably off-white or champange. Ken will be super handsome in his tux. His brother is his best boys & my Dad will give me away! biggrin.gif Then a wedding brunch afterwards. We are planning a family honeymoon in ATL & FL.(Disney) when the kids git out of school end of June.

I just want to get him here first! Then mi nuh really bizniz if we a git married pon deh Brooklyn Bridge!...WHATEVER...JUST GIT HERE KENNY!! laughing.gif Gurl, I have learned that the wedding isn't nearly as important as the marriage! luv.gif Which is what I am REALLY looking forward to


Agree wid yuh on dat one bout the marriage more important dan de wedding. yes.gif yes.gif


tnwFemaleJamaica2008-02-01 21:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 5)
QUOTE (JA Tam @ Feb 1 2008, 08:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tnw @ Feb 1 2008, 08:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Can someone tell me how to get my timeline at the bottom of my posts like everyone else? I know how to update my timeline....but how do I get it "show up" at the bottom? wacko.gif

I know what ur come i didn't ask that about, hmmmmm 8 months ago?! laughing.gif

T, when you go to the top of the page, you see the link My Controls. In the controls on the left hand side you will see Edit Signature, just type it in. It's going to be a bit of work good.gif

Thanks Tam! You know I'm behind the times! laughing.gif
tnwFemaleJamaica2008-02-01 20:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 5)
QUOTE (Deyoungting @ Feb 1 2008, 08:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tnw @ Feb 1 2008, 07:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>


I'm sooo happy for you and Ken.....I woke up knowing today was gonna' be a good day and I had a feeling you were going to get an interview date today!



kicking.gif kicking.gif CONGRATS TON-TON!!!! I TOLD YOU IT WAS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER!!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Everything should speed up from here on in!! I would figure a late April Early May Interview date!!!

I am sooooo happy for you Chica!!


Thanks Gill...You were right on with your predictions. One minute I thought I would never get approved and all hope was lost....then... there it was! LOL

Late April, early May is fine by me!!!
tnwFemaleJamaica2008-02-01 20:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 5)

Can someone tell me how to get my timeline at the bottom of my posts like everyone else? I know how to update my timeline....but how do I get it "show up" at the bottom? wacko.gif

I know what ur come i didn't ask that about, hmmmmm 8 months ago?! laughing.gif
tnwFemaleJamaica2008-02-01 20:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 5)
QUOTE (Marlita @ Feb 1 2008, 07:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Whew!!! Dear God TNW!!! mi tink yuh was fi seh oonu pregnant!!! Congrats on the NOA2!! i figured there would be alot of news coming out today cause there was alot of movement with approvals on the other threads, and its the end of January so they must have a deadline or something. i'm hoping to be there soon!

laughing.gif laughing.gif laughing.gif No babies just yet but i'm good with the NOA2 for now!!!

You're right....VSC is turning out approvals everywhere. The first of the month must me a big turnaround time for petitions. Don't're next!!! yes.gif
tnwFemaleJamaica2008-02-01 19:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 5)
QUOTE (Deyoungting @ Feb 1 2008, 04:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
kicking.gif **************I GOT A DATE********** kicking.gif

kicking.gif kicking.gif I called 202# today and they FINALLY gave me a date!!!!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Tuesday, March 11, 2008 @8:30am good.gif good.gif good.gif

I don't think Ken will be here by Easter crying.gif sad.gif ...But WHATEVER at this point...I'LL TAKE IT!!!

THANK YOU KINGSTON EMBASSY...YOU WONDERFUL EMBASSY YOU!!! laughing.gif laughing.gif luv.gif



I'm sooo happy for you and Ken.....I woke up knowing today was gonna' be a good day and I had a feeling you were going to get an interview date today!


tnwFemaleJamaica2008-02-01 19:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 5)
QUOTE (Deyoungting @ Feb 1 2008, 04:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
kicking.gif **************I GOT A DATE********** kicking.gif

kicking.gif kicking.gif I called 202# today and they FINALLY gave me a date!!!!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Tuesday, March 11, 2008 @8:30am good.gif good.gif good.gif

I don't think Ken will be here by Easter crying.gif sad.gif ...But WHATEVER at this point...I'LL TAKE IT!!!

THANK YOU KINGSTON EMBASSY...YOU WONDERFUL EMBASSY YOU!!! laughing.gif laughing.gif luv.gif



I'm sooo happy for you and Ken.....I woke up knowing today was gonna' be a good day and I had a feeling you were going to get an interview date today!


tnwFemaleJamaica2008-02-01 19:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 5)
QUOTE (kimmykashi @ Jan 26 2008, 09:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tnw @ Jan 26 2008, 09:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kimmykashi @ Jan 26 2008, 08:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ton becareful wat u wis hfor..when is ur next trip to JA whistling.gif laughing.gif

Kimmy, I'll be there on Feb. 22nd! U better warn Dave about that "water" going around here on VJ...I ain't ready just yet laughing.gif

smile.gif by the time the baby is born..he will be here ..just a thought blink.gif wacko.gif

You know neither one of us have any kids and now you're starting to sound like him innocent.gif Let's see....nine months from February is...... wacko.gif laughing.gif

(off topic)

I gotta go pick up my sister from the airport.....guess where she's been all week? New York! tongue.gif Talk to ya later!
tnwFemaleJamaica2008-01-26 21:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 5)
QUOTE (JA Tam @ Jan 26 2008, 09:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ton, I never knew laughing.gif; My dear, if yu don't want the VJ wata to get yu, mek sure Marlita don't mention your name with baby... laughing.gif

laughing.gif laughing.gif laughing.gif yeah her or Dave's Aunt....I'll remember that! LOL
tnwFemaleJamaica2008-01-26 21:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 5)
QUOTE (kimmykashi @ Jan 26 2008, 08:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ton becareful wat u wis hfor..when is ur next trip to JA whistling.gif laughing.gif

Kimmy, I'll be there on Feb. 22nd! U better warn Dave about that "water" going around here on VJ...I ain't ready just yet laughing.gif
tnwFemaleJamaica2008-01-26 21:02:00