Asia: East and PacificI need help immediately!!!
As you all of you know we were affected by IMBRA, and are awaiting our approval to be reaffirmed. Well, my fiancee Huong just called me and she just received PAcket 4 in the mail with her interview date of August 14. What do we do, not say anything and hope they won't realize it. I just don't know what to do. I have all her evidence here and I want to fly there for her interview. PLEASE HELP!!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-07-28 07:59:00
Asia: East and PacificCalling Consulate in HCMC?


My fiancee and I call them very often. I also email them. They are responding professionally and quickly by the way. Sometimes, email replies can be 4-5 days or hours depend on how busy they are.
Give them a call Monday.


That is news to me. Every time I have emailed them, it has always taken about 1 week for them to reply back. Maybe their case load has been smaller due to IMBRA, and have more time to answer more responsively. All I can say is to call if you have questions, but make sure you don't call them with a question every other day. I fell the same as you, I don't want them to have a reason for someone there to give us a problem.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-08-11 22:02:00
Asia: East and PacificSome Good News!!

Hi Mike,

Perhaps you've already made travel arrangements for your fiancee, but after thinking about this, I think it would be to her benefit to stay in HCMC, at least for a few more days to see what sorts out with receiving the file from NVC.

A quick search on the DHL website shows that a package was sent from NVC to HCMC on 8/10/2006. It was received in HCMC on 8/14/2006 and signed for by DUNG at 10:50am.

Did you buy a one-way ticket for her from Ha Noi to HCMC, and then will buy another one-way for her travel back to Ha Noi? If so, I think your cost-benefit would lean towards spending a few more $$ on hotel, rather than flying back to Ha Noi, just to turn around and shell out more $$ for another R/T to HCMC.

It is encouraging news to hear the Consulate personally called your fiancee and apologized. Perhaps they'll press your case and get to that DHL package quicker than normal (remain positive and optimistic). In any event, they realize and accept that they made a mistake.

Best of luck Mike!


The problem lies in the fact she flew from Hanoi to HCMC and has stayed there for the last 10 days, so she could get the medical. I paid for the plane ticket, hotel, and she missed 10 days of work. Now we don't know if she should fly back home or stay in HCMC.

Thanks, we figured the same. I tracked that same package yesterday. I called and gave her that information. She wants to wait a few days before calling them, because she doesn't want to irritate them. So she is going to sit tight and cross those I's and dot those T's. Crossing my fingers for that call tomorrow!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-08-15 05:57:00
Asia: East and PacificSome Good News!!
After I called the consulate, the woman I spoke to called my fiancee to apologize to her. She also told her as soon as they get our file they will call her for her interview. I called NVC and they sent our file back to the consulate on Augist 10, so they should receive it any day. The problem is, how long will they take to confirm it is there and how long will they take to process it? She will call tomorrow and see if they received it.

Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-08-14 07:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaGente de Venezuela
Chicos... me mandaron este articulo de la asociacion de venezolanos en pittsburgh. Me parecio importante, sobre todos para los que no nos sacamos el pasaporte de la republica bolivariana de venezuela. Ahora a ver como arreglamos esto.

Coordinación de Comunicaciones ONIDEX. 01-02-06.- “Luego de un exhaustivo análisis técnico se ha decidido mantener la vigencia de todos los pasaportes, indistintamente de su color y nomenclatura de portada durante todo el año 2006. Motivo por el cual se llama a la calma de los usuarios en vista que podrán utilizar los pasaportes que estén vigentes aún, durante todo lo que queda del año, así lo aseguró, la nueva Directora de Pasaportes, la Ing. Sandra Milena Crespo (vocera oficial de la Institución en la materia).

Desde el 16 de septiembre de 2005 se han venido otorgando 10000 citas por semana para la tramitación del pasaporte, procesando efectivamente 180000 documentos en este lapso, de los cuales se han retirado de las oficinas sólo 150000, quedando 30000 en las oficinas expedidoras, ya que los usuarios no asisten a las citas y otros no retiran sus pasaportes. Además, curiosamente se mantiene la tendencia a que sólo el 10% de los que se le entrega el documento de identidad internacional lo han utilizado y el resto no ha viajado, quitándole oportunidad a los ciudadanos que lo requieren con premura.

Actualmente, la ONIDEX, está ampliando la capacidad de producción, lo que se traduce en un mejor servicio para los venezolanos, aumentando así la posibilidad de entrega de pasaportes de una manera más rápida y efectiva.

Crespo, aseguró, con relación al Estado Zulia, que se está evaluando reiniciar los trámites ordinarios de pasaporte en ésta entidad, durante la semana del 20 al 24 de febrero. De igual forma, cabe recordar que la ONIDEX se vio en la obligación de trasladar las entregas de pasaporte del Zulia, cuya solicitud fue hecha a partir del nueve de enero de este año a la oficina del Estado Lara, en Barquisimeto II, motivado por la delincuencia reinante y apabullante, ya que la Policía Regional zuliana no responde efectivamente a los ataques de las mafias. Por tal motivo, es probable que las tramitaciones se hagan en alguna instalación militar de éste Estado para brindar mayor seguridad al ciudadano. Esta información se dará a conocer en los próximos días.”

Julio Cesar Zamora


Edited by rob&ana, 03 March 2006 - 08:44 AM.

rob&anaFemaleVenezuela2006-03-03 08:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaGente de Venezuela
No necesitas round trip, pero por lo general los one way son mas caros (en algunos casos)... de todas formas, si el one way te sale mas barato.,.. dele plomo. Suerte buscando tu paquete 3. Y de una manda otro correo diciendo que ya tienes lista toda tu documentacion (si ya la tienes) para que te den la cita (se tardan como 3 semanas entre que mandas el correo y que te dan la cita definitiva). Ojo... importante, no necesitas traducciones de tus papeles para la embajada, lleva copias y los originales, las fotos si quieres llevalas en copias a colores para que se las dejes, aunque es la experiencia que no te piden mas nada sino la partida de nacimiento, la carta de buena conducta, el affidavit of support (ese si en original, notariado con todos los soportes originales). Ah... y lo mas importante... los 100 dolares convertidos en bolivares en efectivo!!!! no se si se me olvida algo... (el examen medico). Ojo, ese es otro detalle, si puedes, ve donde el Dr. Fischbach, el mete las planillas en el sobre de la placa de rayos X. Con mucho cuidadito, abrete el sobre (esta engrapado) y sacale copias a las planillas que te da el medico y guardatelas junto con tus registros de vacunas, poruqe cuando vienes aca, y vas a hacer el examen medico del AOS, se te hace mas facil, y mas barato (yo pague solo 25 dolares, creo que Camila pago casi 200).

Esas son mis recomendaciones. Espero sean de ayuda....

Saluditos, y mucha mucha suerte!!!
rob&anaFemaleVenezuela2006-03-02 12:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaGente de Venezuela
Hola Chicos....
Pues si... la mezcla de sensaciones, sentimientos y emociones es ... como explicarlo?? duro, dificil, pero al final es siempre manejable. Lo unico que hay que hacer es ver el lado positivo de todas las cosas, que poco a poco se van enderezando y vamos consiguiendo alimentos, tiendas y gente que se hacen familiares a nuestra acostumbrada Venezuela.

Les cuento que mi hermana que ha estado aqui casi un mes, conocio por internet a un muchacho venezolano que tiene mas de un ano viviendo aca en Pittsburgh, y la muy pasada hasta lo invito a comer arepas. Mi pobre esposito, que no puede ser mas gringo (y hasta a veces se pone necio con la comida venezolana), se tuvo que calar una noche de arepas y de conversaciones en espanol. El chico me dio unos tips, y ya nosotras en la caminadera habiamos conseguido una tiendita latina, donde conseguimos harina pan, y otras cositas, entre las que les menciono nectares de fruticas ricas y venezolanas como parchita, guanabana y guayaba. Tambien compre cascos de guayaba que me encantan. El simple olor de la tienda es como cuando uno entra en el abasto de la esquina (una mezcla de comino, adobo y tierrita... jajaja) que te traslada de pais en un segundo. (Eso si... los precios son de Super Mercado Gama... jajaja).

De mi les cuento, que nada, que sigo esperando, que la gente de inmigracion me tiene abandonada, que hice los biometrics el 7 de febrero, y los muy *%^^%$$ no han tocado mi caso para nada, y nada, que pensaba que arrancaba a trabajar en marzo y todavia nada, que no me llega la tarjeta y que me empieza a dar panico, porque los churupos tambien se me acaban, y ahora si que voy a tener que depender 100% de mi maridito y ya ustedes saben como me siento al respecto.

Pero mente positiva, y le sigo rezando a mi Virgencita Maria Auxiliadora para que meta su mano santa y me acelere el papeleo.

Dani, te debo los numeros telefonicos, te los mando ahorita mismo por correo. Como dice Carola "pa'lante es pa'lla" y tu mas que ninguna otra, estas acostumbrada a esta vida, a esta gente y a este pais. Los nervios son normales, a cada quien le pega de manera diferente, pero una vez que uno esta aqui, con el gringo de su vida, pues la cosa cambia y los nervios se van....

A todas y todos... besitos, apapachos... y vamos a ir cuadrando la reunion venezolana... ok??

Cambio y fuera!
rob&anaFemaleVenezuela2006-03-01 10:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaGente de Venezuela
Hola Chicos... solo escribo para reportarles...
ya hace 10 dias desde mi biometrics... y aun nada...
se que me estoy desesperando... y quizas sin motivo...
pero es que me da angustia pensar que se pueda estar retrasando por algun motivo tonto.

Bueno, por otro lado (el positivo), tengo a mi mami y a mi hermana de visita, asi que por lo menos no estoy aburrida como una ostra...

Besitos a todos... y reportense!!!!
rob&anaFemaleVenezuela2006-02-16 12:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaGente de Venezuela
Hola a todos....

Amigas... el proceso es frustrante, y adicionalmente a eso, hay que lidiar con cosas como el no estar con la familia, y la falta de independencia que teniamos en Venezuela. Pero, all in all, vale la pena. Estar con la persona a quien amas no tiene precio, y definitivamente no lo puedes comprar con una Mastercard...LOL

Bueno, sufi... les cuento, me fue super bien en la cita del Biometrics, totalmente sencillo y agradable. Te toman las foticos, te toman las huellas y san se acabo.

Esten pilas, porque si sus Biometrics appointment letters son Code 3, incluyen el AOS y el EAD. Pero, cuando uno llega alla, te dan una planillita, y debes chequear tambien el AP (Si lo estas haciendo) y ellos incluyen el AP en el biometrics, asumo que es para aprobarlos todos juntos.

Fue super sencillo, la gente es bien agradable... totalmente painless....

Bueno, eso es todo por los momentos...

Cambio y Fuera!!!
rob&anaFemaleVenezuela2006-02-08 10:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaGente de Venezuela

Yo pense que yo era la unica extrana que me sentia como en el limbo, incluso llegue a pensar que los demas estaban como mas enamorados que yo!!! porque aunque adoro y amo a mi Robert...conchale! esto de venirse a otro pais, y ser nadie!! casi que menos que nadie, porque no se puede hacer absolutamente nada sin los fulanos papeles, me daba un sentimiento de frustracion super agobiante.

Quizas sea un periodo de adaptacion, y definitivamente si, es un limbo, porque mientras no tengas papeles, y tu I-94 este vencida, es casi como si estuvieras ilegal aqui, aunque, nosotros tenemos ventaja porque con el NOA1 del AOS, tenemos cierta legalidad. Yo creo que cuando te aprueben el EAD (porque el AOS se tarda mas), con eso es que puedes sacarte la licencia, eso le dice a ellos que vas a estar aca por un buen tiempo.

Bueno, espero que todo salga bien, y que pronto te lleguen todas tus cositas para que no tengas que esperar mucho para sentirte... normal otra vez... :)


rob&anaFemaleVenezuela2006-02-07 10:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaGente de Venezuela
Hola Chicos!!

Carola (CA), no te preocupes, no creo que sea muy importante lo de poner el nombre por detras, sobre todo en tu caso, puesto que no estas mandando mas que fotos tuyas, me imagino que no debe haber confusion para ellos, digo yo!! pero como a veces los del USCIS son medio Brain Surgeons (o que tuvieron una brain surgery)... quien sabe, pero mente positiva con eso, mandale buenas vibras para que nada pase... ok? Ah, otra cosa, cuanto te lleguen tus NOAs por los papeles que metiste, puedes ir a cambiar tu Learning Permit por la Licencia (o por uno que dure el ano). Les explicas que ya introdujiste tus papeles para obtener la residencia, etc, etc.... ellos estan informados al respecto de estos papeleos. :thumbs:

Carola (TX), amiga, disculpa que te tenga abandonada, pero la verdad es que con mi hermana aqui, casi que tengo hasta a mi marido abandonado (mentira), no paro en casa, hoy por primera vez en la semana nos vamos a quedar, porque le dije .. "mira, tengo ajuro y porque si, que recoger esta casa, porque si no me va a dar como algo" ella refunfunando me dijo que ok, pero yo la entiendo, quiere aprovechar sus dias y conocer lo mas que pueda. B) Otra cosa Caro, los papeles de la casa no los necesitas enviar con el AOS, esos los puedes usar para la entrevista. Lo de los taxes si, porque ya salieron los poverty guidelines del 2006, y uno deberia enviar taxes del 2006. Definitivamente necesitas lo del ITIN para Karen y para ti (si aun no tienes el SSN). Pero muestras de que mantienen una relacion verdadera de verdad verdad... jajaja, solo la necesitas cuando vayas a la entrevista, conjuntamente con fotos, cartas, tarjetas, etc, etc, etc...

Alguien ha sabido algo de Cris?? no saben si Daniel llego a USA??? que es de su vida??? no consigo el telefono, y no la he vuelto a ver en el messenger, asi que no tengo noticias. :blink:

La Sra. Kukowski, debe estar super ocupada!!! porque tampoco se le ve ni el pelo!!! espero que todo ande bien, y tambien tratare de llamarla.

Dani y David... USA los espera con los brazos abiertos, ya les falta poco!!! jajajaja.... espero que todo vaya bien en sus correspondientes preparativos, a mi me parece que lo mas duro de todo este proceso, es dejar la patria y a la gente. Pero por otra parte, aqui hay tantas cosas para comunicarse con los queridos en Venezuela, que hay dias en que no sientes la distancia.

A Mopito... bueno, sigue la espera. No sabes a que service center mandaron tus papeles?? no se por que se les tarda tanto. Pero bueno, cualquier cosa, estamos a la orden.

No se si me falta alguien, pero igual a la orden pa todo el mundo.


rob&anaFemaleVenezuela2006-02-03 08:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaGente de Venezuela
Que loquera!!!
Pero bueno chicos... como dice Franco D'Vita... No lo dejen morir...
esto ha sido un apoyo increible para todos nosotros, asi que sigamos todos posteando nuestras experiencias aqui. Por mi parte, lo unico nuevo que tengo que contarles es que ya me llego mi carta de Biometrics, y que mi hermanita llego el sabado pasado, y mi madre llega el 13 de febrero, asi que quizas no este posteando tan seguido como antes (por estar ocupadilla). Si Dios quiere y la Virgen me favorece, espero poder trabajar el 6 de marzo, mi jefa no puede ser mas paciente y la verdad es que ya tengo ganas de empezar a trabajar para demostrarle que valio la pena la espera!!!

besitos a todos...

rob&anaFemaleVenezuela2006-02-01 11:26:00
Asia: SouthUS Consulate in Hochiminh sucks
I have gone to your website and read your story, and it really does break my heart. You have been living with her for some time now, and if that is true evidence of a true relationship, then I don't know what is. I was just thinking the other day about the Consulate, and how they work there. I don't think that this is the way our government intended this consulate to work. I do understand that there is fraud there, but that happens at every consulate and embassy. Every Consulate and Embassy should be following the same rules. My lawyer told me that you just need to prove you have been together in the last two years, and evidence of a relationship, along with the support documents.

Something should be done to bring this to light. I don't know at what forum, but either a lawsuite, or to USCIS. It is our right to have a relationship with anyone we desire, and to bring her into this country. Isn't what they are doing some sort of being prejudice against Vietnamese coming to the US and getting married to a US citizen? Isn't this the same kind of stereotyping that police get in trouble for????? I could see if all the embassies followed the same guidelines that they do, but it just is not the case.

I really do wish you all the luck in getting that Visa. You both need to confort each other and don't let them get the best of you, because that is exactly what they are trying to do.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam4/13/2006 18:16
Asia: East and PacificUS Embassy In Vietnam?
Hello To all,

It has been a week since the VSC received my package, and still no NOA1. The question I wanted to ask is about the US embassy in Vietnam. My fiancee lives in Hanoi which is far north of HCM city. There is a US embassy in Hanoi, but I have not see anything on this board about it. Are all interviews held in HCM city?

Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-17 18:30:00
Asia: East and PacificFiancee's son?
Thanks for your support! He is 5 years old. This morning before I went to work, I had a chance to chat with my fiancee and her son, and he was so happy to chat with me and see me on the webcam. He asked me if i can come there for one day so we could play :crying: . Then he said he wants to come here so we can swim, and play. My nerves are shot now. I hope to change his mind!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-23 22:46:00
Asia: East and PacificFiancee's son?
:crying: :crying: :crying:

I was hoping I would not read that. Thanks for the information. I hope there is some way we can change his mind.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-23 20:58:00
Asia: East and PacificFiancee's son?
My attorney informed me after reading my fiancee's divorce decree and custody papers that her ex husband would not have to sign fo my fiancee's son to come to the US with her. Her custody paper basically states that she has full custody of her son, but her ex husband has visitation rights. Does anyone know if she needs her ex husbands signature so her son can come to the US and live? What kills me is the fact that he won't sign it, because he just wants to hurt her more than he already has.

I sent our application in with her son's name on it, meaning we applied for him also. If her son cannot come with her and she is still willing to come here, will this create a problem at her interview? Or will they approve her Visa and deny her son? Everybody please say a prayer for me, I want her and her son to come to the US, because I love her son very much!!!

Thanks for your help my fellow Visa Journey friends.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-22 18:08:00
Asia: East and PacificGood Luck ct94
Congrats are definately in order!!!!!

:thumbs: :dance: :thumbs:
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-27 20:21:00
Asia: East and PacificGood Luck ct94
GOOD LUCK, Hope all goes well!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-21 12:44:00
Asia: East and PacificWe got our interview date
Congrats!!!! I hope the interview goes smooth and you get an approval!!


Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-25 16:34:00
Asia: East and PacificGot my passport back from Vietnamese Embassy

This is very important, If you stay at a hotel, book the room for you and your Fiance in advance or they wont let her into your room.

Are you telling me this is all I had to do to avoid the panic I went through every time I was there???!! We stayed at a willing hotel, but without fail every time I was there at least once a week there would be police doing a random inspection and I tried desperately to sleep without dreaming of being hauled off to a Vietnamese jail showing them pictures of our engagement ceremony and bribing them to get me out!!! fortunately they never checked our room. :bonk:

Besides, it doesn't matter. We learned in another post that Matt's fiance is saving herself for marriage :innocent: , so I'm sure she will never be in his room

Actually, according to Vietnamese law, the foreigner has to be married to the Vietnamese citizen in order for them to be allowed in the same hotel room. So being engaged doesn't count. And yes, they could have hauled you off to a jail if you're found to not be married to the woman staying in your room. But I'm sure a little bribe will go a long way towards resolving any problem.

I guessed I dodged another bullit then. When I made the hotel reservations, my fiance said to be sure to list her name on the reservation. So thats what exactly what I did. Thanks for that correction, because my facts were off. I really thought this within the law.

Both times I was there my fiancee stayed int he room with me. If the Fiancee talks to the receptionist and tells them you are going to get married every thing will be fine. I stayed in 5 different hotels and didn't have one problem having her stay in my room as well as the worry of the police. The key is to come to the hotel together to book the room for more than one night. If you come there yourself and then bring her bak with you then that is when you have probelms, but if you two are together all the time, they don't say a word.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-26 02:01:00
Asia: East and PacificGot my passport back from Vietnamese Embassy

My fiancee and I met in person twice in Europe when she was researching universities, so this will be my first trip to her home country of Vietnam and my first time meeting her parents.

Sent my passport to the Vietnamese Embassy in DC last week and received it back today, with the Visa. :)

47 days and counting. :thumbs:

Matt, I am really happy for you. I have gone to Vietnam twice to meet my fiancee, and her family. It is very differnt than here in the US, but I really enjoyed my time their. I was a little worried about how people would react to me, but now I know there was nothing to worry about. The people of Vietnam are wonderful. There are many things in their culture that I just loved. It is a very good experience, and you will learn alot about your fiancee's culture, and life. I miss being there, and I wish I could go there soon, but I must wait for her Visa to be approved. My fiancee is from Hanoi, where is your fiancee from? I wish they interview there, because she will have to travel for her medical exam as well as the interview.

Have fun and enjoy the time there, because you will be very busy with meeting her family and seeing Vietnam.

My fiancee and I met in person twice in Europe when she was researching universities, so this will be my first trip to her home country of Vietnam and my first time meeting her parents.

Sent my passport to the Vietnamese Embassy in DC last week and received it back today, with the Visa. :)

47 days and counting. :thumbs:

Matt, I am really happy for you. I have gone to Vietnam twice to meet my fiancee, and her family. It is very differnt than here in the US, but I really enjoyed my time their. I was a little worried about how people would react to me, but now I know there was nothing to worry about. The people of Vietnam are wonderful. There are many things in their culture that I just loved. It is a very good experience, and you will learn alot about your fiancee's culture, and life. I miss being there, and I wish I could go there soon, but I must wait for her Visa to be approved. My fiancee is from Hanoi, where is your fiancee from? I wish they interview there, because she will have to travel for her medical exam as well as the interview.

Have fun and enjoy the time there, because you will be very busy with meeting her family and seeing Vietnam.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-25 21:14:00
Asia: East and PacificHow to track after NOA2
I received an email with my NOA2, and I checked the site today and was touched after the NOA2 approval. The email said they send my NOA2 on a few days before my email came. So I am wondering if they shipped it to NVC today? I am so used to being able to check the status online, and I am clueless now. :wacko:

I have seen people's timelines showing what day it was mailed to NVC, What day NVC received, What day NVC sent to consulate, and what day the consulate received it. How do you track this information? Is this using the same USCIS site? I read about people checking with DHL or something, how do they know which is there packet? Thisngs have been moving so fast for me and I hope the luck continues B)

Thanks for the help
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-03-28 17:26:00
Asia: East and PacificAnother case denied in HCMC.

I hope you are right.

Now my problem is taxes. My ex wife SHREDDED all of my returns and W2's! Why? Because she could. So now what?!

I am really ready to have a heart attack. My stress levels have not been this high since the divorce was going on. :(

Hello Matt,

I didn't have my tax records either, and this is information given to me by my attorney:

If you don't have a copy of your Federal income tax returns, you can order a transcript of this return
from the IRS by calling 1-800-829-1040; however please note that we will still need copies of
all w2's and/or 1099's. You should be able to obtain copies of your w2's and/or 1099's from
your employer, and you can also order copies of them from the IRS however the IRS charges
a fee for this service.

You should contact them to obtain your records. It took about 8 to 10 days to receive the transcripts. I had my W-2's, so I didn't order those. I hope this information helps.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-02 13:17:00
Asia: East and PacificEngagement Ceremony?

I think these pictures are right on with the right on!

How come nobody in Vietnam ever smiles when you take their picture?

Didn't I read somewhere that she had a son? Where is he?


So youthink these pics are ok to show? She does have a son, he is some of the other pics, I have one similar to the one with her parents, but it shows more of her dress.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-03 22:02:00
Asia: East and PacificEngagement Ceremony?
This new thread is a continuation of one posted in the general threads. Can someone tell me if these photo's would be considered useful for evidence of the Dam Hoi? Dalegg, thanks for posting your pics in the other thread. In case you are unfamiliar with the original thread, someone else posted a thread discussing a non legal marriage ceremony and reception. I was in the same situation. Her parents wanted us to have a ceremony and reception, without filing for any marriage certificate. They wanted to see this, since it is tradition, as well as they will not be able to attend our ceremony int he US. We were debating on whether to show some pictures of our ceremony and reception. In these pictures I came to her parents home with five baskets, filled with gifts for her parents and family. When arriving at the home, I sat down with her parents and family, as well as the people representing my family. Her father talked to me many things, and I did the same with a translator. Would this be considered the Dam Hoi? Or are these baskets well known as being for a marriage? Also My fiancee had to stay in her room while all this occured so she is not in the pictures when we talked. Afterwards I had to come to her room and bring her out. So maybe I can show the pics of us talking and not the one with her wearing a wedding dress, or maybe I can show them all. I would greatly appreciate any input on this, if anyone has experienced this. I discussed this with my lawyer, and he is clueless. He told me that an engagement party is not important to the consulate, and to just provide evidence of our relationship. Well, sorry for the long explanation, but maybe you will have a better idea of my situation. Here are the pics:

Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-03 21:27:00
Asia: East and PacificVietnamese Translation

Yes, just tell her to go to her local precinct to obtain her police certificate. My wife said that's also where you get the single status document too, as strange as that seems. She also said those translations HAD to be done at that place in Vietnam. It probably states that somewhere in the pack 3 instructions because she was adamant about that. But your fiance living in Honoi makes me think there's probably another place up there. Just wait until she gets pack 3 before you do anything you're not sure about. You are not going to be rushed between pack 3 and the interview AT ALL. Trust me on that. None of those certificates need to be sent back when you send in your visa application after pack 3. The only thing you need to send back are the forms in that packet.

Does the police office have the certificate they will fill out? Do they know what they need to do or does she need to explain everything to them? Also the same for the single status paper?

Thanks so much for everything.

I don't even bother with my lawyer, I just come here, because I know I will get reliable information.

You guys are the best.

Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-04 12:02:00
Asia: East and PacificVietnamese Translation

Oh no, I read translation and thought you were trying to obtain your Birth Record and Single Certificate translations. Yes, you do need her Police Record translated also, so bring that along with the Birth Record and Single Certificates for translation. Miss Huong is telling me that it has to be done there. The single certificate is certified in so called " Cong An Phuong "- at her local police precinct office. Sounds strange but that's what Miss Huong is telling me. Police Record is obtained at Link

My fiancee lives in Hanoi, can she mail these to HCMC for translation? I am clueless here with what and how she needs to do things in VN. So She should go to her local police station for her police certificate? They will have the form that needs filled in or written up? Where does she obtain the single status paper? When she has these two items, she can then send them to the place you gave me the link, because she lives far north of HCMC. Are you saying the translation of the birth certificates and divorce papers also need to be done in her country? I had them translated here at a company. Thanks for your help.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-02 15:09:00
Asia: East and PacificVietnamese Translation

You must have them translated at Notary Public Office No. 1 ( in Vietnamese Phong Cong Chung so 1 ) located at the corner of Pasteur and Nguyen Du street

Tell your fiance to bring a book. It's a government facility and they are just as efficient as our own DMV. I had the pleasure of going there on one of my trips. She will need to bring 3 certified copies of her single certificate and birth records.

Thanks for the information Dalegg, but maybe my brain is fried right now from school, work, and worrying about everything that needs to be done. Why does she need to bring 3 certified copies of her birth certificate and single certificate? I thought she would just have to show her ID for the police certificate, and why do you need those certified papers in order to get a translation? I had her Birth and Divorce certificate translated in the US by a company, and they gave me one copy of the translation wihich was certified. Do I need to request 2 more original certified copies? Where can she get her single certificate? I did not know she needed this, or is this a paper she will receive in Packet 3? Can you please explain this a little more for me, it would be greatly appreciated?
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-02 14:05:00
Asia: East and PacificVietnamese Translation
To all of my Vietnamese family members,

Our petition is on it's way to the US consulate in HCMC, and I would like for my fiancee to go get her police certificate. Does the consultate provide the paper she needs filled out? If not where do you get the form? Also where have those of you in Vietnam gotten this translated? Can a friend who speaks Vietnamese do it or is there a service there that someone can provide me with information?

Thanks for your help in advance!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-02 10:32:00
Asia: East and PacificGot my interview date
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-06 05:13:00
Asia: East and PacificPolice Certificates for Vietnam

If you can tell us where you find that list, it would be helpful. You do need a police certificate for Vietnam. They have been required since forever. You get the certificate at the department of justice at the provincial level, or if you live in HCMC, at the city level.

That list might be the list of places where non-resident can not obtain a police certificate from. But any residents of Vietnam who apply for a visa will require a police certificate.

Here is a link where I found that information. I do agree they are obtainable, since those before us have gotten them.

Thanks for your help, She will go to the Department of Justice next week to get hers.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-06 06:13:00
Asia: East and PacificPolice Certificates for Vietnam
I was trying to locate some information about the police certificae and came across this:

Do not attempt to obtain police certificates covering residence in any of the following countries, as they are not available:
Afghanistan, Ghana, Malaysia, Sudan, Angola Guatemala, Mexico, Syria, Azerbaijan, Haiti
Mongolia, Tajikistan, Bangladesh, Honduras, Nepal, Thailand, Bulgaria, Indonesia, Nicaragua
Turkey, Cambodia, Iran, Pakistan, USA, Chad, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan, Colombia
Kazakhstan, Sierra Leone, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Laos, Somalia, Vietnam, Equatorial Guinea, Libya, Sri Lanka

As you can see Vietnam is on a list of places to not to attempt to obtain a police certificate. Is this true? If not, can some one please tell me where does my fiancee get the actual paper that the police will fill out? Do they have it at the police station, or is it inside packet 3?

Thanks for your help.

Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-04 18:28:00
Asia: East and PacificHow much is enough?

My head hurts!!!! :D

Anh and I mate at AsiaFriendFInder. I contacted her. At first we just chatted as friends. "Romance" was not the intention. But we have no evidence of that corresponding because AFF deletes messages every 30 days. So May, June and 1/2 of July last year is "missing" from our timeline. Our first piece of evidence is our first "chat" via Yahoo in mid July.

We don't have many hand written letters. Suppose I will need to tell her to write more? They want me to send all the letters she wrote back to her as evidence? Am I reading this right?

I never had any proof that I met Nicole on American Singles either. Just state that in your letter of intent. You don't have "many" hand written letters, but if you have some, then that is good. Just keep writing and then when she gets pack 4, send her all of the letters she wrote you so she can use them at the interview. That's what we did anyway. Don't know if it was necassary, but it worked.

As far as the handwritten letters, how do they even know what date they were wrote? Every time we wrote any we just wrote the date at the top. Is this all they need, because the letters were inside a box or packaging with other things sent, so the envelope to the actuall letter has no stamp. The NVC sent my packet to HCMC on March 30th. I tracket it thru DHL and assume that the one shipped on that day is mine. Do i need to contact them to make sure, or just assume? I think if they didn't spend so much time emailing people and answering phones, that maybe they would be a little more efficient. I don't want to anger them in any way.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-10 14:39:00
Asia: East and PacificHow much is enough?
[quote name='Bruce_Han' date='Apr 9 2006, 08:56 PM' post='120213']
Seriously I did send her some pics of my car, house, and swimming pool so her parents and her could see where she would be living. I was just joking with you about the lol. :thumbs: :thumbs:

It's cool. You know I still connot figure out how to quote just part of a quote,

I have the same problem Bruce, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

What is your opinion about highlighting with a highlighter certain things on emails? My fiance used to reply to my emails, by just adding her answers inisde my email, lol, like that explains it good. Anyways, some of our emails have what we both typed mixed, so I was going to highlight what she typed, and write a note on the bottom of the email saying that the highlighted is what Huong typed. Will they disregard these documents if I do that?
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-09 20:14:00
Asia: East and PacificHow much is enough?
[quote name='Bruce_Han' date='Apr 9 2006, 08:36 PM' post='120194']
I did send her a picture of my car a while ago, but didn't include it, lol.

Mike, Help me out here. :(

Seriously I did send her some pics of my car, house, and swimming pool so her parents and her could see where she would be living. I was just joking with you about the lol. :thumbs: :thumbs:
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-09 19:52:00
Asia: East and PacificHow much is enough?

Print out your 10 favorite E-Mails and don't bother with the chats. They'll be far more interested in what you write in your handwritten letters than in a bunch of chats that you could have paid someone to edit for you (come on, you know you could have).

How do they feel about couples meeting online? Well, seeing how about 80% probably meet online, they are used to that. I met my wife online- American Singles. I've heard from some people that this is more "preferred" if such a thing exists. Which is more likely to be fraud- "I met her onlne" or "I met her through a relative of hers here in the U.S. (who looked at me and saw a pefect opportunity)"? People just don't visit Vietnam enough for many chance encounters to happen- not that it doesn't ever happen.

You have plenty of evidence. In fact, you are going to be disappointed because you will have amassed all of this fine evidence and they will look at one or two letters, 3 or 4 pictures, ask her several questions and it will all be over.

Thanks for your input. When reading Lan's interview, they asked her for the very first month, so if I only print 10 of them then what to do? I don't want to give them any reason to say we need to provide more evidence. Although I don't feel it necessary to provide them with every email. I was just going to print about 4 from the first month, one or two from each month, and the one before and after each visit. I read somewhere about each of the fiancee's calling wach other husband and wife, and we did the same thing when we knew we wanted to marry. Will they question this or am I over thinking?

Hey Mike,
You are doing a great job! My personal opinion is: Take as much as you can to the interview, But as Lan says (Andys fiancee): it is most important to have everything in very good order by date. send her some post it notes! You would want her to seperate all the correnspondence from the time the two of you first met up to the engagement and then from the engagement all the way up to the interview. I hope that makes sense. I also sent sent my fiancee a picture of my car with me standing next to it just for the heck of it. Did you send her the credit card reciepts for the plane tickets?

Thanks for your input. I have a picture of my daughter wearing an Aoi Dai dress my Fiancee sent her for her birthday. I did send her a picture of my car a while ago, but didn't include it, lol. I purchased my plane tickets both times thru orbitz. I printed the intinerary which shows how much I paid. I also included my bank statement which shows the purchase on it. I also purchased flowers for her online, and I am providing the bank statement which says Vietnam Floral.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-09 19:00:00
Asia: East and PacificHow much is enough?
For those of you that have gone thru HCMC and those of you about to go thru HCMC, how many chats and emails are you presenting at the interview? Here is my situation: We met each other online in February 2005, and began communicating thru emails, chats, and talking on the phone.

How does HCMC feel about couples meeting online?

This is what I have as evidence of relationship that we will provide:
1. 40 pictures of us together, by ourselves, with family, and with friends.

2. 3 pictures for the engagement ceremony, 1 pic of a man representing my family speaking to her parents, 1 pic of me with a translator speaking to her family telling them I am sorry my family could not attend, as well as me thanking them for there blessing of their daughter, and 1 pic of her father speaking to me and given me permission to marry his daughter.

3. 6 pictures from studio showing her engagement ring wearing Veitnamese special dress as well as me, by ourselves, and with her son and parents.

4. Handwritten letters from her to me, to my kids, to my parents, and letters from me to her, to her son, and to her parents, and letters from her parents to my parents, as well as letters from my parents to hers.

5. Airplane stubs, receipts, Visa Stamps, Hotel receipts, train tickets, water puppet show tickets, etc.

6. Phone records for the duration of our relationship

7. Emails for the duration of our relationship (About 400)

8. Chats (Did not save all of them, because how is one to know you need to save everything)

9. Mail receipts

I may be forgetting some things. So how many emails and chats should be present with her at interview time? IF we print them all then, it will be challenging for her to look thru them all to find specific ones they request. Where do you draw the line? I feel we have enough evidence, but you know HCMC, you just don't know what they want, and expect. What are your thoughts as far as the evidence I am providing? You know, I just don't understand how one is to know that you must save ever little piece of evidence. If one was looking to commit fraud then they would know ahead of time to save everything, but for those who go into a relationship and don't know where it is going to lead to and are only it for love, you do not know that you need to save everything, so it seems like things are reversed. Sorry for rambling!!!!
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-09 18:28:00
Asia: East and PacificThe K-1 and HCMC
Can't we all just get along? lmao

We are all stressed and need to support one another!!!

An engineering student in his last year of study had no income and was declared as a dependent on his parent's taxes. His parents earned over $100K annually and were co-sponsors in his fiancee's application. As an engineering student he had a bright future ahead of him, or so the Consulate assumed. His fiancee's K-1 visa was approved.

A young man who was a gas station attendant was making about $14K annually. He had visited his fiancee in Vietnam six times. His parents were co-sponsors and had an annual income of over $120K. The Consulate refused to issue a K-1 visa based on his insufficient income and would not take into consideration the co-sponsorship of his parents, who clearly had more than sufficient income.

Based on the two examples given, it appears that the Consulate is discriminating between those who might make sufficient income (like a student) and a working adult who currently does not. Where co-sponsorship is concerned, the Consulate seems to be turning a blind eye to working adult petitioners. This would also answer why the Consulate has not published this policy on it's website. How they wish to view/allow the co-sponsor is still dependent on the specifics of each case.

I have a question regarding attending college. I have been working full time at an engineering firm for 11 years. I am currently attending evening classes to obtain my Civil Engineering Technology Degree. My income is a little above the 40k mark. Our petition includes my fiancee and her son. I was wondering if I should provide a letter from the school i am attending, stating my major. Will this be beneficial for the support? Or won't it matter?

Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-11 11:59:00
Asia: East and PacificThe K-1 and HCMC
I totally agree with the above, my fiancee doesn't even drink. And as far as going to the bar or disco club, her family would either not allow her, or they would look greatly down on her, because her family is very traditional.

I am very thankful for finding this site, and all the help that everyone on here gives, but when I read posts like this, it really plays a mind game on me. Our relationship is as true as it gets, but with all the negative things that I read, it makes me feel like there is such a slim chance of any of us passing the interview. Then the thoughts cross my mind, what if? I don't even want to think about it, but the thought of her not passing the interview would just totally crush me and her. It should not be this way. We have discussed me coming there to live if they give her a hard time at the interview. We are just going to be as prepared as we can.
Mike n HuongMaleVietnam2006-04-09 16:42:00