K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPhotos with G-325a
; Incorrect? The American Consulate told me that it has to be 5cmx5cm... :whistle:
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-01-25 16:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPhotos with G-325a
Size definately matters :rolleyes:

I mean, about the pictures ofcourse :blush: ..

(5cm x 5cm) :hehe:
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-01-23 12:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting US while K1 is processing
; I visited my fiance past December/January and I am going to the US again this april 2nd for an other 3 weeks.

My acces has been denied once (May, 2010 :bonk: ), and I had to do an interview (B2 Visa) and got approved.

Since then, (July, August, December, January), not a problem, although it takes some time for them to finish my secondary security check.

I just took/take a copy of our I-129f package, copy of our NOA1, return flight, letter from my employer and some salary specifications.

You should be able to prove strong ties!!! That's all, and be honest about your relationship and everything they ask you... :innocent:

Don't worry, it is alright to visit your fiancee :blush:

Edited by Channah&Aaron, 27 January 2011 - 02:03 PM.

Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-01-27 14:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDomodedovo Terror Attack: Expedite for Russia?

Perhaps if people read this comment, they will understand more where you are coming from That must've been incredibly difficult for you. I really hope you have a quick process so you can start your lives together.......

Just because he has been through a lot of sh*t and he now is desperate to get his NOA2, he still doesn't have the right to use this Terror-Attack as an excuse.

When he apologized, (appology accepted), he was only talking about how much bad times he has been through, but not about the terror attack he first seems to be so worried about his fiancee's safety. It just doesn't make sense to me. First it was the Russian Airport Attack, and now he said it's just because of the things he went thru.

Though, OP, I am sorry you had to go thru all that. But seriously, next time, just say this straight away instead of using the Attack first. That's why a lot of members, also me, felt offended.


Edited by Channah&Aaron, 28 January 2011 - 04:39 AM.

Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-01-28 04:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDomodedovo Terror Attack: Expedite for Russia?

I have but one objective and one objective only: To get my fiance here in the minimum possible amount of time. I am sorry if you do not like my tactics, but I do not have the luxury of worrying about what other people like or don't like. I have a job to do, and I am gong to do it. Anything to cut this hideous delay by any amount of time, even by one day, is something I will do without doubt or hesitation of any kind.

If it were not for this misguided TPS business, I would have had my NOA2 in early November, and Elena and I would now be looking at dates for her airplane flight. Instead, and because of this TPS business, we are not even past the first step and completion of that step is a distant dream, with not even the slightest and remotest clue as to when it might happen. Am I not allowed to be angry? Adjudicator time that I paid for and that I need to get Elena here was forcibly taken from me in the name of charity. Why doesn't the government raid my refrigerator too and donate my food to the poor?

This is my last post on this topic. If I am not allowed to be angry and express my anger over this absolute worst governmental decision since Jimmy Carter created the thermostat police in 1979, I will do here what I do in my offline world: Pretend that everything is just fine and hide the fact that I am ready to explode.

Happy now?

I think you are ridiculous. I can't help that. You knew that timelines are very flexible before you started the process, that's a well known fact. And I don't think you are only angry, I think you are desperate. Your married future is in their hands, accept it, because this Visa shouldn't be taken for granted. You have a no, yet you can get a yes. Depends on your case. And starting this excuse of the terrorist attack where many people got killed, you want to expedite your case... how selfish and pathetic that is. We all first think of the people that have died and their families, than worrying about "oh in that case, maybe I can ask for expediting my case"... I would say, get in line in this waiting game. Don't take this process for granted. And stop using lame excuses about Haitians, people are dying over there and your fiancee isn't... DUH!!!!
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-01-26 17:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDomodedovo Terror Attack: Expedite for Russia?
; It seems like you're using this terrorist attack as an excuse to expedite your case...

Such a selfish thing to think!! :bonk:

Some people come on this site to be helpful and to be helped, some come on this site only to prove that their love is somehow superior to everyone else's.

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-01-26 03:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting USA while K1 Being Processed

Aaaaahhhh i remember why I dont post on message boards to often...same sh!t different forum.

Take whatever advice you like...All I can tell you is that I got into the US for over two weeks to spend Xmas with my fiance and her family and it took all of two minutes to get in.

I think the bottom line is, there is no rule to say you cant travel, but it is a grey area for sure. Just make sure you prove your not staying to sponge off the system. :-)

Good luck either way.

; I'm sorry if I offended you with my message. But I hope people don't see my experience as "sh!t". I think you were LUCKY!! Eventhough the Officer was suspicious for a second, he decided to give you the stamp. Lucky you!! And I hope next time, when you lie, you'll still be lucky. Because going through a situation when your entrance get denied, that's some serious "sh!t"!! :whistle:

Edited by Channah&Aaron, 28 January 2011 - 04:12 PM.

Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-01-28 16:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting USA while K1 Being Processed
AND BY THE WAY, You said you got nervous when the Officer asked you; visiting friends, interesting!! It could have been a different officer telling you you have to come for secondary security check and they will dig deep inside of you for answers, screaming at you and what else. You got nervous yourself, if you tell the trust, then there is nothing to be nervous about....
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-01-28 15:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting USA while K1 Being Processed

I flew into LA on 23 Dec 2010 for two weeks at Xmas.

Normal procedure...he asked why I was there. I said visiting friends. He replied "visiting friends, interesting" at which point a got a little nervous, but almost right away he stamped it all and said "happy holidays".

Welcome to America. My advice...dont mention your fiance. Friends or family. And always travel with proof of ties to the UK. I had a letter from my boss saying I was coming back on XXX date and my mortgage agreement. I didnt need them at all.

YOU ARE SOOO WRONG!!!!! Please, don't take her advice saying your visiting friends instead of your fiance(e). As you posted your comment below mine, you could've read that my ENTRANCE was DENIED because I mentioned friends instead of visiting my fiance!!!!!

They will always find out, maybe not soon, but they will later. TRUST ME!!! They make phone calls to people, you don't even mention or thought they wouldn't call. It could be a far lost friend. And seriously, I KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT!!

Please, take my advice instead and you will be fine. Bring a copy of your I-129f package (for just in case) and most definately your NOA1, and NOA2 (if you already received it). Letter from your employer and salary specification.. DONT LIE!! Lying is wrong anyways.......
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-01-28 15:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting USA while K1 Being Processed

You said you had been denied May last year?

We are about to file our initial package actually, so by the time march/april rolls around i'm sure we wont have the NOA2 yet, but will probably receive the first one, right?

; Yes, my access has been denied last May :bonk: !!

Because it was my own stupid fault.

1) The officer asked me if Aaron and I were romantically connected. My answer was; No, he is just a friend. (He was at that time, ofcourse my boyfriend). I was just too scared about getting denied after reading horror stories online. I thought it would be the easy way. Oh my, I was dead wrong. It was horrible how I have been treated. But I guess I kinda deserved it :rolleyes: I'll never listen to other people and do what I always did before and do still. Be honest!! :thumbs:

2) I flew to the US several times, but never had to show any prove. Before I got denied, they asked me things such as a letter from my employer or anything. I didn't bring it with me. Eventhough I had strong ties with Netherlands, I just couldn't prove it to them. (though, I'll never fly through Philladelphia again :blink: )

I've learned from my mistake, got a B2 Visa (multiple entre visa) and I flew after my denial a couple of times - I was dead nervous - but never got me in problems. The officers in Pittsburgh Airport know me by now and they know that Aaron and I are dealing with this legally :innocent:

Good Luck, be well prepared and just be honest. You'll be fine!! Enjoy your time whenever you're in the US!!
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-01-28 09:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting USA while K1 Being Processed
; Hi !!

I am also waiting for my NOA2 and I visited my fiance in the US last december 30th up to january 5th this year.

I brought the following:

* letter from employer (with letterhead employer) stating that they approved my holiday request and when i have to return to work.
* salary specifications from the past 3 months
* a copy of the I-129f package, to prove the Border Control Officer that I am legally working on my K1 Visa.
* a copy of NOA1
* copy of my B2 Visitors Visa interview documentation since my entry to the US has been denied May last year.

You said you're going to visit your fiance this march-april, I'm going too :innocent: ..

Anywho, I hope I provided you the answer you are looking for
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-01-22 16:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat kind of evidence (additional financial support) did you bring to the interview?
Hey you :innocent:

I am an October filer, and hopefully -if Vermont keeps up the speed- Aaron (pet) and I (bene) will receive our NOA2 this March :blush: Gosh, I hope so!!! My bottle of wine is waiting to get opened :whistle:

Because I am, like you all who are waiting for your NOA2, very impatient, especially we are on our way to the 4th month of the waiting game, I decided to go to the US to stay there for 3 weeks in March, so he and I hopefully receive our NOA2 when I'm there.

However, my question is, what kind of financial evidence can we gather/collect during my time there. Or what is needed for him to give me for my interview -although he is coming with me to my interview-.

I know that he must give me his tax returns (2008,2009,2010), salary specifications from the past 6? months, proof of the house he is going to build, proof of his appartment lease, letter from employer, proof of owning 2 trucks..

What are the kind of other documents, other than the forms, we can add to proof that he is financial stable to support me..

What did you all add to your case???

Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-01-31 14:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa Approved! - 6 Really Long Months
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-01-31 06:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 Timeframe
; It took 3 days to receive our NOA1 :whistle:
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-01-30 16:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance leaving the US to be with me till my visa is approved
; I am an October filer as well, and like you, my entry was denied last May :bonk: !!
(It was really traumatic and I was too afraid to go back to the US ever again).

:ot: The Border Officer told me I have to apply for a B2 Visa (multiple entrance Visa). I had my interview a month later and I was approved after I showed that I have strong ties to the Netherlands.

However, 2 months after my denial I flew back to the US (I never was that nervous), and because I have an "orange" flag on my name, I had to go to secondary security check. Yadee yadee yadee.. After my denial I flew 2 more times (July and stayed for 2 months), and last December/January for 5 days to spend NY's with my Fiance (L).

Though I am going back to the US in 3.5 week again and stay for 3 weeks. Hopefully we'll receive our NOA2 during my stay this March.

:ot2: Like you I was afraid that our I-129f would be denied since my entrance got denied. But a lot of people assured me that it wouldn't infect the process as if I wasn't misrep or got a bar.

Though, how come all of your other visa got cancelled? I've never heard of this before and what was the reason you got denied again?

Sorry if I'm talking about denied entry only, but we both are October filers and we were denied Entrance once. :innocent:

I'm curious what other people have to say about it. But as far as I'm concerned it wouldn't affect your case as long as you haven't overstayed or any other serious threats.
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-02-06 05:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen does my fiance have to stop visiting
; A lot of us members have been visiting our fiance(e) during the process. :innocent:

Just like the other members above me have said, you have to show them that you have strong ties to your home country when they ask for it.

I go see my fiance every 2 months and this is what I'm taking with me:

- Copy of my whole I-129f package
- Copy of my NOA1, (I am also an October filer, and ofcourse I haven't received my NOA2 yet :whistle:)
- Letter of employer (with company letter head) stating when I have to return for work, dated/signed by my employer
- Salary Specifications from the past 3 months, so they know I have an income
- Return Ticket

I live with my mom so I don't have a lease, nor my own car. Though, what I mentioned above are very strong proof!! :thumbs:
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-02-07 16:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo NOA1. Should I Worry?
; My advice is to call immediately, although I have seen some cases where couples received their NOA1 in the 4th week.

But still, it's a long time from the date you two sent the package. The check hasn't been cashed yet (The Service Centers are darn fast cashing them :whistle: ) Don't wait til next week, just call and hopefully they'll provide you the answer you are looking for :thumbs:

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed!!

Edited by Channah&Aaron, 08 February 2011 - 12:07 PM.

Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-02-08 12:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview

I think you're coming off as quite rude, kinu4real. Nobody's jumped on your post, people are simply asking for clarification on what happened in your case so that in the future, they can AVOID giving false or misleading information to people.

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-02-04 14:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm going to visit Fiancee in April NEED REASURRANCE
; LOL, thanks!! :dancing:

it's sooooooo good to focus ourselves on our next trip than on that darn NOA2 :jest: hehe..

Edited by Channah&Aaron, 08 February 2011 - 04:00 PM.

Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-02-08 16:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm going to visit Fiancee in April NEED REASURRANCE
; OOPS!! :blush: I didn't read carefully!! I apologize, it has been a long day, LOL :rolleyes:

Ok, forget about copy I-129f package.....

I thought you also have to prove Australia that you don't have the intention to stay and prove strong ties to your home country.. :whistle:
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-02-08 14:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm going to visit Fiancee in April NEED REASURRANCE
; Hey you!! :innocent:

I'm an October filer and yes, I am also waiting for my NOA2 :whistle: (hopefully this March).

Anyways, I visit my American fiance every 2 months... That's quit often, and I haven't accured any problems after I obtained a B1 vistors visa(knocking on wood!!!!).

My last visit was last December 30th up to January 5th. And I am going back to the US in 2 weeks for a whole month. (though, I am more nervous now since I've been there last month).

OK.. I got some tips for you.. Bring the following documents with you:

* copy of you I-129f package
* copy of your NOA1
* letter from your employer (company letter head) stating your employer approved your request for holiday and when you have to be back to work -dated&signed-.
* salary specifications or enough money with you, because they want to make sure you can support yourself during your trip. And it actually shows that you have an income.
* return ticket
* and maybe you can show them like a letter stating your rent, car lease, etc.

The things above I mentioned are strong ties...

Last but not least, ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAY WITH YOUR LOVE (L) :dance:
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-02-08 14:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTies to country when visiting
; So, from what I understood. You want to visit your fiance in the US? :innocent:

If so,

Not every officer at POE will give you a hard time. Some are lucky with just the question given "who are you going to visit, and for how long". Others may have a more difficult time during this process. It's all about being well prepared!!

I'm currently waiting for my NOA2, and I visit my (L) every two months. I take the following documents with me:

* Copy of the I-129f package (additional)
* Copy of NOA1 (+NOA2, if you received one and they know you are working on this legally)
* A letter from your employer, stating that he approves your holiday request and when he/she expect you back for work(company letter head), dated&signed by your employer.
* Salary specifications from the past 3 or so months, so that also proves that 1). you have a job in your home country and 2). You can support yourself while you're there.
* A return ticket to you home country
* Contracts such as car insurance, house mortage (if you own your own house/car).

& most of all. Be honest :innocent:

That's all, and enjoy your stay with your fiance :rolleyes:
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-02-14 11:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 filers
; "Can please someone call the USCIS and tell them to send us all a NOA2 Valentine`s greeting card?" :rofl: mwuaha!!

Anyways, happy Valentine's Day to you too :rolleyes:
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-02-14 14:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnothing in My Case Status
; Don't stress, it can take some time before it comes thru on the website.

My NOA1 is dated on October 28th, but mine appeared online on Nov. 5th, 8 days later so that was my first TOUCH as well..

You are in the System, no doubts about that. Maybe they haven't scanned your file yet (moved to an other desk), but that doesn't mean that they aren't working on it.

Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-02-15 12:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 visa NOA2 .....still waiting

Thanks so much for your sweet message!
and guess what? just few minutes ago my beloved called to share with me the beautiful news!
So happy ! with a big smile on myheart!
and here i am sharing with you the news and the toast!

Thank you & most of all YOU ARE WELCOME, I'm just trying to throw out some of my optimisticsm (however you spell that :whistle: )

Congrats once again!!! :thumbs: :thumbs:

Edited by Channah&Aaron, 17 February 2011 - 03:31 PM.

Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-02-17 15:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 visa NOA2 .....still waiting

Thank you all for your messages and support!
Our petition has been approved! So happy ! :dance:
good luck to every one who is waiting!... and never lose hope!

I MUST HAVE BROUGHT LUCK!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

hehehe.. :rolleyes:

It's time for my bottle to be Popped!!!!!!!!!!! Who wants to have a glass to celebrate??? :thumbs:
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-02-17 15:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 visa NOA2 .....still waiting
; Don't worry.. I know you might be tired of hearing "hang in there, your NOA2 will come anytime soon".

The final waiting step is the hardest, BUT really, I bet yours is on it's way :thumbs: VSC is still approving petitioners who have applied in beginning/med/and the end of August. And late July filers every now then....

Maybe your NOA2 is struggeling with hard wind :innocent: . You'll be one of the next who will post a topic "YES, RECEIVED NOA2" anytime soon :star: . Just trust on that little bit of patience you have left :thumbs: .

My bottle of non-alcohol is ready to pop open to have a toast for your approval.. :blush:

Edited by Channah&Aaron, 17 February 2011 - 10:12 AM.

Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-02-17 10:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy K1 nightmare
; I didn't know that some Americans can be that hassled when they return to their own country :whistle:
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-02-17 12:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshelp!!!!!
; OMG, i thought reading your topic title that there was like FIRE!! but it's just about your username? :rofl:

though, it's working :pop:
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-02-18 18:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresvisiting with Visa Waiver Program during K1 processing
; Ok, here is my 2 cents:

I have bad news and good news (based on my own experience).

*** YES, you are allowed to travel and visit your fiance in the US during the K1 process.
And you are absolutely right that you have to prove strong ties, and bring the following documents (the more you have, the more prove you can provide and confince them).
- Copy of your I-129f package
- Copy of your NOA1 (and NOA2 if you received one already).
- Documents like mortage/rent of your house, car insurance
- Salary specification from let's say 3 months, or bank account documents
- Return ticket

Normally I add - Letter from your employer with company letterhead, dated&signed, but since you are not working, this is out of question.
However, having a job is a very strong prove since they know you have to return home and most important they have a very important answer for their question: He/she can support herself during her stay!

My own experience: My access has been denied last May because I couldn't show them enough prove, and the biggest one was that I didn't have a job to go home to and they really thought I wanted to come to the US to work. Which, seriously wasn't the case. I told them that I quit my job because my employer wouldn't let me have a 3 month holiday. I really just wanted to spend the summer with, at that time boyfriend, my fiance. I've been questioned for hours and in the end they escorted me back in the first plane back home.

I was told by the officers that I have to apply for a B1/B2 Visa. But also at my interview I had to show them very strong prove, also Job Documentation (Thank God my boss told me I can go back to work and let me off for 3 months after me begging for daaaays :rolleyes:).

At this point, maybe you just apply for a visitor visa B1/B2 and show them really strong ties to your home country, other than work employment. I mean, there are tons of people who take a year off and travel. It's all about showing prove that you can support yourself and that you don't have the intention to stay longer than the allowed time they give you.

I don't want to scare you, you asked my opinion and my opinion is based on my own experience. And like I said, it's not only about having a job, it's just the other prove you have should be very strong :)

YOU CAN DO IT!!! :thumbs: :hehe:

Edited by Channah&Aaron, 18 February 2011 - 04:38 PM.

Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-02-18 16:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOnly touched once in 10 weeks
; I only have been touched once in 4 months!! But, for a fact, that doesn't mean anything.

Some people get touched every couple of weeks, some people dont get touched at all..

So yeah, you might stop freaking out :rofl:
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-02-21 02:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1curiousity
; Spouse Visa :thumbs:
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-02-21 12:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBeneficiary Work History
; all they really care for is the petitioners work history since the petitioner has to show that he/she is financially stable enough to support his/hers fiance(e).
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-02-20 15:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIn Time for Wedding?
; You'll make it before August!! As long if there arent any problems popping up..

Just make sure yall pass the interview :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-02-21 15:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresshould i wait 2 years before applying for fiance visa
; FILE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE :thumbs: now you two decided you want to get married and live happily ever after in the US and A. :innocent:

The longer you wait, the longer it takes for you to be with your beloved one (though, don't hurry too much when putting your packet together obviously), since the waiting line is getting longer and longer :whistle: .

Good luck with your journey!!!!!!!

Edited by Channah&Aaron, 23 February 2011 - 02:17 PM.

Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-02-23 14:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfiancè visa
; It shouldn't affect your application since a K1 Visa is a totally different Visa than a Student Visa.

A Fianc(e)e Visa is part of Immigration, you don't have to show strong ties when entering the US with K1 Visa in hand, since it's a ONE-ENTRY Visa.

A Student Visa has, ofcourse, nothing to do with Immigration. However, you have to prove strong ties for them to know for sure you won't stay in the US.

Anywho, like I said, it won't effect your Case at all. All you couldn't prove was strong ties, and it wasn't about a serious crime or whatever, now that would be a different ball game. Don't worry and enjoy the bumpy ride!! :thumbs:
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-02-23 17:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresestimated processing time?!?!?!
; When you past your 5 month mark, you should make a phone call. At this moment, the Vermont Service Center is backlogged for one month and people get their NOA2 around their 6 month mark. However, just make a phone call and the person on the line will tell you a new estimated time for you to hang on to. It could be 2 weeks or an other month, who knows? :whistle:

Good luck with your journey and hopefully it's a speedy one! :thumbs:
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-02-23 17:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswait time for K-1
; Yes, some get approved sooner than others, but just keep in mind that you might not be one of the lucky ones. Ofcourse I hope you will be, like anyone else :innocent:

NOA1-NOA2: 5, 5 1/2 months
NOA2-Interview date: 1,5 - 2,5 months

I would just think of a the wedding in like October, just in case, and it wouldn't be that nerve-wracking if you can make it on time!! Though, don't plan anything yet until you have your NOA2 in hand...

I wish you a speedy process :thumbs:

Edited by Channah&Aaron, 23 February 2011 - 04:19 PM.

Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-02-23 16:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswait
; Probably they put you in AP (Administration Process). They have to re-view your I-129f package/further check.

If they don't contact you before 25 days, you should call them and ask why they are re-viewing your documents. They will tell you what the RFE would be, so you have to send them more prove of a specific document.

There isn't much you can do about it. You'll probably hear anything between 20 days or 6 months. AP sucks, but don't stress, just get to the bottom of this and try to find out what it is they need from you.

:thumbs: Good luck!!
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-02-20 11:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPost Decision Activity
; congrats!! :thumbs:
Channah&AaronFemaleNetherlands2011-02-23 11:57:00