PhilippinesDecember 2013 interviews! Let's update each other RE: visa issuance / delivery / pick-up.

yay! visa approved..thanks God smile.png

yehey!!!! congrats sis! na excite sa inyu since lastnite pa. Im happy that your interview went well...early xmas gift hehehe! hws apple21 kaya? forsure she got approved also :) yepeeee!!!!! *HOPESOON*

Hopesoon2Not TellingPhilippines2013-12-18 20:54:00
PhilippinesDecember 2013 interviews! Let's update each other RE: visa issuance / delivery / pick-up.

Tomorrow is the  day! hehehe! dancin5hr.gif  Goodluck apple21/ jay24 / cassy for your interview !!! God is good! 

inhaleno0pb.gif ...exhale no0pb.gif ...please share us your iterview experience ......Godbless


Hopesoon2Not TellingPhilippines2013-12-18 07:24:00