K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAOS k-1 SSN problem
Hang on, isn't the SAVE database what gets updated from the information entered at POE (this is why there's all the talk about waiting 2 weeks after POE) could the database be updated by correcting information at a deferred inspection point perhaps? This may be closer than 5 hrs away, and take only a lunch hour...The good news is that the CBP guys actually tend to answer their phone, so hopefully you can not waste too much time.

I think the first thing is to track down the incorrect date of birth - is it right on the visa, and all other documents back from USCIS etc? If it were me, I'd take 15 minutes and carefully examine all papers which might have her DOB and make sure it's right with USCIS. If it is, then an infopass 5 hours away won't do anything for you anyway.

Here is a link to deferred inspection sites:

Or, you might try just a regular 'ole Port of Entry:
Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-20 12:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLost K1 application
I guess I don't understand the reasoning behind the advice NOT to do precisely as the email states they should do. Maybe you can explain it to me? I mean, they got to a supervisor who has now apparently told them how to fix it.

OP, in this email, did they give specific instructions for any Attention: or special address for this duplicate packet?? If not, I would try to email back to get that info, or get your congressperson/senator involved to make sure that THIS time it doesn't get lost.

Then, here is what I would do -

I would reconstruct the entire I-129f packet I mean, if you followed the guides here, you have a complete copy of the thing anyway. Just get some fresh signatures on there. Then, I would also create a "cover packet" which would include the following:

- Cover letter stating the situation, case number, and your instructions. Request waiver of fee and expedite due to USCIS error. Reference the remaining things in the "cover packet"
- Email with the instructions to send duplicate & admitting it's lost
- Photocopy of NOA1
- Photocopy of NOA2

What a headache! Hope it gets straightened out soon.

Oooh, I just noticed that you got a military expedite. Maybe there are some other resources available from the same source to help you sort this out? I'd try there as well..

Edited by Nik+Heather, 23 April 2010 - 11:38 AM.

Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-23 11:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarried after 90 days
You're basically starting over now. Check out the guide for spouses where both are living in the US. It has all the forms etc for the concurrent filing of a spousal petition and adjustment of status.

Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-10 16:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of relationship
If the beneficiary is a UK citizen and was born in the UK, they likely won't even look at any relationship evidence at the interview, and it's not required for the approval of the petition. This is one of the benefits of a low fraud country. We sent a few pictures of us with the petition not as evidence of relationship, but as secondary evidence that we had met the requirement of having met in person. There is no relationship requirement for the petition phase.

During Nik's interview, although he had printed out some sample emails, screen shot of email inbox etc, these were never asked for before the approval of the visa. The primary focus for London is in the financials - can the petitioner support the beneficiary, and the other requirements (criminal and medical records, birth certs, marriage/divorce certs etc). In fact, relationship evidence isn't even on the list of things to bring to the interview.

Although I know it's hard to resist "just in case", sending in chat logs 700 pages long is really truly overkill. Furthermore, people have actually had their chat logs and emails used against them. There are couples on here who thought it was cute to refer to each other as "husband" or "wife" in anticipation of their vows, feeling like they were already married in their hearts (which I understand - it was in our wedding vows!) and they were DENIED a Fiance(e) visa because they had shot themselves in the foot by providing proof contrary to their claims to be unwed. Also, I'd be willing to bet that the adjudicator has to look through everything you send, and if I were an adjudicator, I'm sure I'd prefer a nice, slim file, with the required documentation neatly arranged to a behemoth file more appropriate for using as a door stop.

Focus on reading the RFE thread at the top of the forum to see how many times people trip up over the requirements vs. how many are asked for more relationship evidence. Be sure that when discussing the visa interview itself, that you seek out ONLY consulate specific advice, and read up on the London reviews to see what others going through your consulate had to provide as part of their experience. I think you'll find that of those who showed any relationship evidence, they typically brought it up themselves, along the lines of CO: "where did he propose" Beneficiary: "In this nice park...I have pictures!".

If the beneficiary is not a UK citizen or they were born in another country but became a UK citizen, then it is possible they will get a harder look more comparable to the experiences of the other country (for example, going by the London interview reviews, it's just as hard for a Nigerian to get through London as it is to get through their consulate back home)
Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-11 15:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Interview in London - Relationship Evidence

I ended up taking pretty much everything I had. None of which was looked at!
Even at the USCIS stage we only sent 3 photos and1 boarding pass...
We had all the W2s, tax stuff, 5 payslips, mortgage info etc etc

I always laugh when I read these things. It's so hard to NOT take it it seems. Glad to hear it all went well, and you'll be together soon! :)
Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-16 18:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust venting
Sometimes I sort of thought I might have liked the CR-1 route as well, but just like the other posters here, not being separated after the wedding was a biggie - plus, you can't file the papers until you get married, so while K-1s can process the paperwork during their engagement, CR-1s have to wait out their engagement until after their wedding to even start, so although the CR-1 process has sped up lately the delayed start to the whole process means you're apart longer. we are lucky enough to be able to afford the K-1 route, and I'm glad that we've been able to be together! :)
Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-16 18:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTransferring K1 fees
Well, there are the petition costs (455$ + postage & other little things like printing/copying costs) And then there are the visa application costs ($350 + medical, ~190 pounds + postage +document fees, police cert, birth cert, etc) It seems to me that if each pays for their side - meaning you for the petition, and he for the visa application, it actually means that you'll be doing a net transferring money over to England instead.

I know it's a bit tangential, to your question but it doesn't seem to make sense to have the money just coming back (to US for 1/2 of the 455 fee) and forth (to the UK for your 1/2 of the visa fees) like that needlessly.

Edited by Nik+Heather, 16 August 2010 - 04:13 PM.

Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-16 16:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShowing intention of marriage when we don't know a date!

Ah okay, thanks. I thought I read somewhere that you had to include evidence of intent to marry (besides the letter), such as catering contracts, save the dates, etc. The letter is pretty easy :)

Nope, and unless it's been a looooong time since the petition phase, London probably won't even look at an updated letter, either.
Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-17 13:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Date?

Edited to add: This is assuming you are doing the K-3 as your profile says. It might be slightly different with a IR/CR1 as they are able to work immediately. But that still won't make a huge difference as a company that is wiling to hire isn't the same as a company who has already employed someone. These letters would not make any difference if the support isn't already there.

I think the post is confusing because she refers to her fiance....maybe the profile should say K-1...

Marlea's right though, the only thing I could think might let the immigrant's income matter is if they had a binding contract for employment at an immigrant (CR-1/IR-1 spousal) visa interview.
Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-23 12:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of ongoing relationship email trail

It's better not to underestimate any Latin American or South American consulate, so include a reasonable number of e-mails (plus screen-shots of all) to convey the firm impression of a bona fide relationship, si man. USCIS will not care about this evidence, but sending it with the K-1 petition ensures that the consulate will receive it & cannot deny its existence. Be sure, however, that none of your e-mails (or screen-shots) refer to either of you as "husband" or "wife"! All of the real world would understand, but embassies & consulates are NOT the real world, no man.

Not content to only +1 this post, when you're sending lots of evidence, you want to be sure that you aren't shooting yourself in the foot with what you send in, like in the example given by TB above, but make sure there isn't anything ELSE which can disqualify you, even in a joking manner. Also, I'll bet that the people who have to read everything you send in would prefer that you keep it PG....
Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-26 11:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVaccinations requirement List
I wouldn't advise that he wait until the medical to get the vaccinations completed. If there are any missing, try to get them done through his GP, because it's SUPER expensive to get done at the visa medical, and will save a lot of hassle with AOS if he's all up to date at the time of the visa medical.
Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-27 11:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVaccinations requirement List
Aww, when I first read the topic, I thought it was VACATION requirements list, and I thought that would be a fun thing to talk about, but you're all business here!!

Anyway, the vaccinations required for the typical adult are TDaP, MMR, Varicella, and (during flu season), flu. Some people have reported that one of those (I think the adult version of TDaP?) isn't available in the UK, but they have gotten the baby versions of it. Also, you can get away with Varicella by getting the date you had chicken pox. Most of the time they just take your word for it. I hear it's really bad for adults, so if you haven't had it, you'd want to get vaccinated anyway - my sister never had it, so she did get vaccinated.

Anyway, hope that helps. Those vaccination tables are difficult! The key is to look down the column JUST for your age, and ignore the rest.
Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-26 19:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Work Visa Permit at Dulles

I came here in 2007 with a K-1 visa and i flew through JFK newyork. My passport was stamped with work authorized, i did not know that untill i went to apply for my social security card and the social security officer told me that once i get my card, that i could work because i had the work authorization stamp in my passport. I was able to get a job with the work authorization stamp in my passport. I was working while doing my AOS. I think that if you fly through Newyork, you might get the stamp and you might be able to get a job with that.

Sorry, but this is outdated information. That used to work until the I-9 was clarified in 2009, which was after you already had your green card. I understand you're trying to help, but the above is no longer true.
Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-30 10:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Work Visa Permit at Dulles

The stamp you may get upon coming in on a K-1 is not good enough for you to work. There are numerous posts here going over the reasoning, but in a nutshell, it was intended for K-1's to be given the ability to get an SSN so they can get married.

The new system they have for checking the ability to work does not show people with this "stamp".

You can apply for an EAD on the K-1, prior to the AOS, however, it will be good only for 90 days, so it would be a waste of $340.00 (since it is free with the AOS).

EAD is the only thing that you can use (other than the greencard) for working in the US.

So - if you intend to work as soon as possible, get married fast, submit the AOS paperwork (with the EAD) and you will usually get it within 3 months or so. (Umit's came within 2..7 months, and two days after that, she got her greencard....)

I used to think that too, but then I read an interesting document that I Quit posted in the working & traveling forum. The reason why K-1's are issued SSNs is because they can apply for an EAD based on their K-1 status, and they can get them without an EAD to help "streamline" the process by allowing them to get the EAD and the SSN in parallel instead of in series, since USCIS acknowledges (:blink: Yes, really!) that they don't send them the card until it's nearly expired! I wish I'd saved the link to it.
Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-30 09:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow did you decide on a K1?
We picked the K-1 because we were going to have a number of months for our engagement anyway so we could plan a wedding, so we just did the visa paperwork while we were waiting anyway.

As with many others, we didn't want to be married and separated. Sometimes I wished we'd gone the CR-1 route, but in the end, I think we made the right choice with the K-1. It's difficult enough admitting to people that we met and dated online without having to explain that I'm *MARRIED* to a person who doesn't live with me! We didn't use the K-1 for a "trial" period (Though he did use up a whole VWP entry a year prior to becoming engaged). Nik arrived only a little over a week before the wedding.

I'm usually a bit of a tight fist, especially about high dollar items (like visas), but I really felt like the K-1 was worth the extra cost. But if you don't feel financially comfortable with the job situation or the extra fees, don't put yourself through that stress and go for the CR-1 instead.
Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-30 11:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview on 7/7
I hope your interview wasn't on 7/7 and you are just now 9/2 asking about this.....

In the UK there is apparently a chain called "Snappy Snaps" that will do US style passport photos. (see simultaneous post... hah)

The difference is that the UK style are slightly smaller. he needs ones which are 2in x 2in

Where did Gary live before he was in the UK for the past 3 years? Is he a UK citizen? Was he born in the UK? Advice about what else to prepare for the interview depends on those answers.

He will need to provide his police certificate. There is a link to that website on the Embassy website that he will get from the embassy inviting him to apply for the visa based on your approved petition.
Here are a bunch of links for you...
http://www.visajourn...gdom&cty=London Be sure to click the links on this page, they contain vital information.

Also, come and visit the UK regional forum. There are useful stickies about the medical and a (really long) thread about the interviews etc.

Edited by Nik+Heather, 02 September 2010 - 03:58 PM.

Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-02 15:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCriminal Record and K-1 approval

I just spoke to him and he applied yes to the question. So we are going to see a lawyer when he comes to visit and see what our opition are thanks for the heads up.

Yeah, I think that's a really good idea, because trying to interpret that sort of law probably shouldn't be left to a lay person. And you know what sort of questions to ask and bring up during that discussion.Why don't you do it before he comes over on the VWP again?

Edited by Nik+Heather, 03 September 2010 - 08:49 AM.

Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-03 08:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCriminal Record and K-1 approval

Yes, recently he was here in Feb, for 3 weeks, no issues. why?

Then when applying for ESTA, he has answered, under the penalty of perjury, "No" to the following question:

Have you ever been arrested or convicted for an offense or crime involving moral turpitude or a violation related to a controlled substance; or have been arrested or convicted for two or more offenses for which the aggregate sentence to confinement was five years or more; or have been a controlled substance trafficker; or are you seeking entry to engage in criminal or immoral activities?

As mentioned above, if the conviction involving his ex could also be called fraud, then misrepresentation on the ESTA form could also be piled on.


I'm not trying to be scary, but operating under "forewarned is forearmed"...
Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-02 18:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCriminal Record and K-1 approval
Has he entered the US on the VWP in the last 6 years?
Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-02 16:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRequest New NOA1

It's good for the foreign fiance if they are planning a trip to the United States. It shows a border officer that the couple is doing things the right, legal way in case they happen to think the foreign fiance is planning on visiting and adjusting status.

Did you make a copy of the document?

Not once in this process did we trust original documents to the mail. We always hand carried them to interviews etc. If a couple wants to have the NOA1 for traveling, a copy would be sufficient (it was for us, and we needed it!). Not that it helps the OP, but I don't think it's a good idea to mail original one-of-a-kind documents around the world.

To the OP, you won't need the receipt for the petition later in the process, so write this one off. When the NOA 2 (petition approval notice) comes, content yourself with emailing a scan of it, and then file it away in a safe place at home, because a copy of that is asked for as part of the AOS process. :)
Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-07 14:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMissing Vaccination Records!
All he needs are age appropriate vaccinations, and for the average adult (18-64) are: MMR and Tdap and Varicella, which isn't available in the UK, but if he's had chicken pox, then he's got "Varicella History" or "VH" And that's it. Have him get those two shots, and bring the records to the medical. As above, getting them before the visa medical makes things SO MUCH EASIER down the line, so even if it's a bit difficult to get the shots, it's worth some hassle to get them done.
Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-08 09:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Certificates?
You don't get police certificates for time spent in the US, because the US embassy has access to US police records and they'll look for themselves.
Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-08 11:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPANIC

Did they change the looks of the visa? I'm pretty sure mine didn't have my husband's (then fiancé) name on it.

Apparently different people report completely different formats and information under the annotation field of the visa. I'm beginning to really question if it's worth fretting over ..

Edited by Nik+Heather, 23 August 2010 - 01:56 PM.

Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-23 13:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPANIC
NM, I'll answer in your thread.

Edited by Nik+Heather, 20 August 2010 - 05:42 PM.

Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-20 17:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStrange, I know, but if I start the K-1 process, when can I slow it down if I need to?
Agree with Gary, the place to draw out the process after filing is to drag your feet at the embassy stage. Take your time (Or rather, your fiance should take his time) replying to the invitation to apply for the visa. Also, you can contact the embassy and just touch base with them to let them know that you aren't abandoning the petition, etc.

Your finances will be looked at two times, once at the embassy interview for the non-immigrant visa, and once again after marriage during the AOS.

Also, if you have anyone you feel you could ask, you could look for a cosponsor to help you out. As above, there are two times when a financial sponsor is required. The real binding agreement, which goes even beyond divorce! is during the AOS phase, which you could draw out a further 9 months (6 months to use visa, 3 months to get married) from the already delayed visa approval.
Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-15 15:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConsidering Getting Married in Hawaii
My friends got married in Hawaii. It was a great excuse for a bunch of their closest buddies to take a fantastic vacation!

One thing I have heard is that you may want to avoid a beach wedding for two reasons: You (and your guests) won't be able to hear over the surf, and secondly, you can't control who wanders on through. Rambunctious kids, drunks or speedo clad tourists....Also, I noticed that the beautiful green sides of the islands have rather unpredictable weather and off-and-on rain (we were there in March) so your bride may wish for indoors so her hair isn't ruined. Even us ladies who don't normally spend much time coiffing our hair care about how it looks on the wedding day!!

Our friends' was at Turtle Bay and they had a nice chapel where you could see and hear the surf, but it provided a good wind break, and I thought it was beautiful. I think as part of the deal they got to work with the resort wedding planner who helped them with the details like a cake and flowers etc. Not sure how interested you are in all of that...regarding flowers, I think it's great that someone talked our friend into using native Hawaiian flowers instead of going for typical roses etc, because they just looked so fantastic!

I'm not sure how familiar you are with Hawaii, but we have stayed at both a big hotel and also rented a little place outside of the city, and infinitely preferred the rented condo to the big hotel. Our friends got a big beach house for all their family in the run up to the big day. If you're interested, I could PM you the place we stayed on Oahu...
Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-15 21:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting U.S.

He doesn't actually need a visa as he's from a VWP country.

Having and using a visa previously should not preclude him from using the VWP If he was denied a visa previously, that's what they care about.

I'm a little curious about why you have given up on the first K-1? Have you contacted the embassy to see if they would re-issue the K-1? Some people have had to leave before marriage due to family emergencies and they have been able to get the visa re-issued. No waiting for the petition again. It's worth a shot. They can't say yes, if you don' t even ask is what I say. Then, when he's there for the visit, get the wedding done, and apply for AOS in the first couple of days. Take the documentation of his mother's condition to get emergency AP for him to get home to her...

My sympathies for your troubles. Stinks that immigration issues have to multiply them!
Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-15 23:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUS Customs and my return for 3rd time this year
The UK CBP can be just as prickly as ours can be - so bring the same types of proofs of ties to the US as you can find listed in that thread and in the FAQ.

The guys in Manchester seem to be especially interested in how you are going to support yourself, and can ask a LOT of questions if they get a whiff of you being in a relationship with a UK citizen. In this case, I think proof that you are going through the US immigration process and intend to make your lives together over there should go a long way!

All that said, just like UK people visiting the US, MOST people have no problems. My two entries to the UK were such non-events (immigration wise - my mind was definitely just outside of customs!!!!!!) that I can't even remember what the officer asked me now.

Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-15 15:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-156 AND D-157 QUESTIONS

Thanks Nik + Heather, I guess I cantry and estimate the years. If I point out that the dates are estimates, and say I get one wrong would that cause a problem? Or is it better to say unknown? I dont want to complicate things.
Nik + Heather, do you know anyone that has been refused a visa and questioned about it at their interview. I would
Imagine they would have that on their record. If they ask though, no problem I will answer the question.
Any females here that had to fill in DS- 157?
Thank you!

I'm not a lawyer, just a frequent reader of the subject, so I can't really tell you for sure, other than that you shouldn't guess and make it look like the truth. With that in mind: I would put down unknown if I couldn't pin down the year for sure. As you say, it is probably in their records.

I can't imagine why they wouldn't ask you about the previous denials. Although a family based visa will break down many inadmissibilities, it doesn't clear them ALL off of the table. If the previous reason was that you couldn't support yourself, or they thought you had immigrant intent, for example, these are washed away with the K-1. If the denial was because you had forged documents (extreme example) or you're a KGB spy or something, then the family visa can't change your inadmissibility the previous visas were denied for.
Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-16 09:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-156 AND D-157 QUESTIONS
Sorry, I don't have any experience with the DS157, as my beneficiary was male, there was no confusion for us...:)

For the dates you were refused a visa, if you can find the month/year, put that, or at least the year. Sometimes it helps me to pin things down if I can remember other events happening around that time and then look up the dates for those events: ie: I remember how old my cat is because she was born on my sister's b-day my senior year of college (lol). If you absolutely cannot figure it out just be honest and say unknown, or make it clear that it's an estimate. Do NOT make any unqualified guesses. You will be asked about the reason for the denial.

Edited by Nik+Heather, 15 September 2010 - 05:48 PM.

Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-15 17:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffadivit of Support

:wacko: Now I am even more confused then what I started with....i have read the instructions and am just not totally clear :wacko: Maybe I am having a blonde moment :blush:

Hi Lucy. You guys have a pretty straight forward case. We did too, so I'll tell you what I sent Nik. We were approved, so it should work just fine for the UK. ;)

Since your petitioner has enough income to meet that requirement, ALL that is needed relates to the income. Forget assets and letters from banks and account statements. Leave all the asset lines blank.

Collect what you can of the following items:
- Tax transcripts (These are expected = required. Even if they show zero, CURRENT income is what counts, and can be shown with the evidence below)
- Pay Stubs
- Employer Letter

In order to prove income, if the past year(s) are also above the required level, order tax transcripts. They are really REALLY easy to get. Follow the link someone posted, or google IRS tax transcript. Letters of employment are relatively easy. I emailed my HR rep with the requirements for the letter (Name, job title, permanent or temporary, salary, date hired) and walked into her office a day or two later to pick it up. Other things which could be included are recent pay stubs. These are all online for me, so I actually emailed the .pdfs to Nik, and he could print out the pay stub from the week before the interview to take with him.

Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-15 23:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEAD during or after K1?
Start job hunting after you send in the EAD. If you get interviewed etc. and offered a job but they can't wait for the EAD, then you wouldn't have gotten that job anyway. BUT, if they can wait, then you'll have that job which you wouldn't have had if you had waited until the EAD was in hand. Does that make sense?

There is no prohibition legally for looking for work. You just can't actually start (even unpaid training) until you have the EAD card (the physical, plastic thing with your picture on it) in your hands. You can accept a job. You can sign the paperwork for your job, but you can't start until the EAD arrives.

In my experience, for most professional jobs have a set up time of a couple of weeks anyway while they set up the computer etc. I was more than a month from application to start date.

Edited by Nik+Heather, 30 September 2010 - 11:33 AM.

Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-30 11:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow much English is required for the visa?
Since you two speak a common language, include proof of that communication in Spanish at the interview. It comes up under the relationship bonafide section - you'll have to show that you can communicate with each other. Shouldn't be a problem, just a little extra work when the interview comes around.
Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-30 11:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPossible red flag?

Lets say it is a possible red flag! I am in teh same situation as you are as i noted in my previous reply. How can we fix this? What if we truly fell in love while we were still living with our exes but on the way for divorce? That's why we need this forum to find answers. Please guys, throw all you guys have and lets brain storm this....

Can they deny K-1 at teh consulate based on that?

The way to combat that red flag is to have a lot of evidence of a real relationship. Some people might make up a timeline of events which would include the end of the previous marriages. It's really important for these questions to seek out consulate specific advice. What someone might tell someone going through the UK will be DIFFERENT for someone going through Sri Lanka. (or Someone from Sri Lanka who is going through London for some reason). In order to keep the questions and answers straight, I would gently suggest that a different thread (or a search of your regional forum) might be more appropriate for you as the OP here is from London, where the situation may not be very difficult to overcome. Makes sense?
Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-02 16:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures; I NEED YOUR ANSWER

You have asked this question already. The answer is pure simpicity. the address on his drivers license is his HOME address. He can specify ANY OTHER United States address as a MAILING ADDRESS. Yes that can be his mother.

Fill it out and send it.


I looked at the forms, there is only one address field on the I-129f and only one (for present) on G325a. Are you suggesting that a mailing address be specified on a supplement? If there is a specific field for mailing address, could you specify the form and question number?
Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-06 15:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhy it takes so long?

Would it hurt us to call the USCIS to get an update/ would they be honest since it is a call center... I have 21 days till my 5 month mark! I need answers!!!!!! I am scheduling my trip back to Sydney in November and would like Paul to come home.. he as been gone almost 9 months!

Unfortunately 3 weeks before 5 months isn't the same as past 5 months, so you're going to have to wait it out. :( Also, I wouldn't put all of your hopes on that phone call either. They aren't going to whip out your petition and say "Oh yea, that one! Well, it's all approved now!" more likely, they will say "It'll take a while longer. Don't call back for 90 days."

USCIS is very much a "Don't call us, we'll call you" type of operation.
Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-06 14:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp Needed!! Urgent!
Nik visited me during the processing, and the K-1 NOA1 really helped us. He only had a copy of it, so no need to try to send the original around the world. He also had a letter from his employer stating the date he was expected back. He was living with family too, and although he was paying rent, they didn't have any agreement etc, so he didn't ask them for any letters. I don't think it's that surprising that people like to visit loved ones over the holidays, so I wouldn't expect to be questioned TOO closely...
Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-06 15:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLegal wedding and then a church wedding
They didn't ask us any such titillating questions in our AOS interview. All business, show evidence of co-mingling of lives & finances (CCs, bank accts, insurance etc), co-habitation (address on DL's & such), etc. Some pictures. Many K-1s do the legal marriage then take time to do a full ceremony later, so it shouldn't be a surprise to them that you are planning the ceremony at a later date. You're not going to get a Stokes interview on the initial visit (that's where they separate you and ask questions like "who woke up first this morning"), and the questions are designed to ensure that you can't just "share" answers before hand.

Just keep in mind the separation between church and state here. The AOS process is a LEGAL process. And you are LEGALLY married (which is what makes you eligible at all). So they'll say, "When did you get married" and you'll say "xyz date" which is the one on your LEGAL marriage certificate. Don't make it needlessly complicated, because it is NOT complicated.
Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-07 12:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBIRTH CERTIFICATE !!!!! Need help its really urgent
Please look for posts by the user KnightandMagpie. She went through the London embassy but she was from India and had no birth certificate. She was a UK citizen, so I'm not sure how comparable your situations are, but I know she posted about her experience, and if she's still around she might reply to a PM.
Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-08 12:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPort Of Entry...Dublin, Ireland?!!!!
Also, I'm under the impression that not ALL flights from Dublin do the immigration in Dublin, just certain airlines...and it hasn't always been reliable - ie sometimes flights on xyz airline are pre-cleared, sometimes they are not. So.....if she goes through Dublin and doesn't go through POE, not to be concerned either, just make sure she gets through immigration in NYC when she lands if it hasn't happened already.
Nik+HeatherFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-06 12:56:00