K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmeeting wit hLocal USCIS office
went to phoenix office... thye ad no information to give me, just in processing. told me to file a service request.... AHAHA.... called to file a service request.... not out of the timeline.... is there a way to request a review... no. who decides the expedite? the ADJUDICATOR DECIDES in reviewing the case. THERE is NO DENIAL issued, the case follows NORMAL processing. If there is NO DENIAL issued, the supervisor or director DOES NOT review the denaial... it just goes quietly on by.... And no matter how hard you beat down the door, you cannot get through to anyone for a review of the ajudicator's decision NOT to expedite your request. So if you filed an expedite and hear nothing, it is the "silent" way of keeping things in process.... it keeps work out of hte supervisor's hands having to review the rejects.....

In a way I feel so beaten.... each day I keep on hoping, and hoping this wlll be the day.... but I am realizing that the day will not be for another 90 days.....and ten there is the process after that which takes another 90 days, and the process of waiting for hte visa.... guess I am just having a very, very, very blue monday after being over at her relatives house seeing everyone who is from her village but not her... meeting friends of her dad, people who knew her...

Also check out this website: http://www.guiadoimi...ia/aboutus.html

hope these help someone....
gretchen_darrenMalePhilippines2011-04-18 18:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmeeting wit hLocal USCIS office
Thanks for the input. Please note I am not pushing the poverty. The main thing I am pushing is the "state of emergency" declared by the Philippine president for the area. The bus bombings in the area. the kidnapping for ransom, the mass shooting of foreign journalists, the shooting of non-nationals, and the fact the US Embassy in Manila will not allow embassy personnel to go there without "special dispensation" from the US Embassy in manila. Yes, I know poverty is rampant in the Philippines. But these people are eating cassava, sometimes cassava is all they eat for a meal. The sad part is some of them have already been affected with tropical ataxic neuropathy or Konzo. The problem I have is: if the president of the country declares the area under state of emergency, and Idaho defines: Extreme emergency situations that create an immediate and serious
threat to public health, welfare or safety such as may arise by reason of
natural disasters, epidemics, riots, terrorist incidents, equipment failures or
other similar circumstances. A humanitarian situation defines where food, clean water, medical care is a problem.

For those who had US Aid, I am glad for you. Their area is completely forgotten. There is no US Aid in the area. When you get off the airplane and the security personnel ask if you want an escort, you know you just stepped into something. the hotel I stayed at even banned me from going out after 10pm for my own safety. When you see security personnel, NPR in front of the stores, not banks, but stores, and in Jollibee with m-16's you wonder where you are.

Her extended family lives here in the valley, I spend much time with them, even visiting her uncle when he was in the hospital a few weeks ago. He is on dialysis now. His kidneys have failed completely. My Fiance and I talk daily for 3 to 4 hours a day. I send her money so she can continue to pay for an internet load card. A friend of the family had put up a tower in the area for internet access. I took one of my own laptops over there for her, so we could connect and talk daily. And we never miss talking to each other every day. Her dad has even ginen her "special dispensation" making it mandatory my fiance and I talk each day. Maybe I am raising red flags. But I will not leave a stone unturned in my attempt to get her here faster. We even talked about marriage when I was there, but my trip was not long enough nor could I extend my trip due to business reasons. Both my fiance and I wanted to marry while I was there.

There is a chorus from a song: "I want you to be more then just a memory, I want you in my life to stay, I'll need you tomorrow, just like I need you today. When life takes it toll, Lord knows it will hurt my soul to lose someone like you. I want you to be more then just a memory, and if I can help it, I'll do all that I can do." If I am told to wait, I will wait. But as long as there is a door, a window, a chance, I will not leave one stone unturned. If you want to know why: because in one week with her in the village, I felt more loved then I had in 10 years of marriage and one horrible divorce. I never wanted to be away from her the whole time I was there. And she never once wanted to be away from me. when you have found someone who loves you so much, so wonderfully, would you be "willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause" such as her? She is my impossible dream. A girl I prayed for my ex would become while I was married (my ex withheld all of her love for years, and tried to completely ruin me financially and in my career hoping I would want a divorce but I still loved her until she asked for a divorce. Then I prayed for a girl who would love me completely. No matter how much she loves me, I will never ever tell her to stop loving me in her way. I wish everyone tohave their finace with them soon. But to me I have found my greatest treasure, my most valuable treasure. I have become the rishest man in the world ;) I not only want her here with me. I NEED her.
gretchen_darrenMalePhilippines2011-04-14 22:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmeeting wit hLocal USCIS office
I want to apoligize for being lengty, But sometimes people just get to me.... why, why why, me, me, me me. I want MY turn. You have to WAIT on ME.... sometimes I just witsh somehow the world would stop and look at others for a change....

ok, I got the NOA1 on 2/25, that is the date on the receipt. I have been waiting almost 2 months now, just trying to be patient. But each time someone asks why I should get an expedite and jump in line in front of them, I just want to take there there for 3 days and see if they can even take their type of living (a fisherman squatting village - think of poverty on top of poverty) for that long. Look at my facebook page, look at the like to my finace. look for webfire76 on youtube.

As for expedite, there are several reasons:
1) i asked int he beginning on the letterhead and recieved no response.
2) I had to call to request status and was told to go to hte phoenix office.
3) the information taken over the phone was so crude, it was horrible, I knew the request was going to be denied. The person absolutely did not care at all. they WANTED me to go into the office.
4) the area in the philippines is under a state of emergency by the President of the Philippines.
5) There is massive rebel conflict going on in the area and just south and east of the area.
6) The village is a very, very , very poor fishing village without my support the famiy would starve at times. Ther have been times where they have just eaten cassava for the meal without telling me they are out of rice or food. This even happened while I was there. I only found out because i questioned the conversation between my finace and her cousin. they eat rice, tamban, and other common vegatables 3 times a day. The family has never ever been to a Mcdonald's, a jollibee, or anything else. Imagine taking 18 people who met me at the airport to McDonald's who had never been there once in their life. It was an experience for me.
7) The water pump is located right next to an abandoned fish pond. I do not know the health in the village, but many people seem to be sick all of the time.
8) I am going to college for some mandatory courses for work.
9) I need help with my kids when they are with me so I can study.
10) I am sending approximately $200 to $400 a month to get my fiance her shots to stay healthy plus food for the family while waiting, plus make sure hte family has food to eat so both her and I do not have to worry about her getting sick.
11) up until January, the family (7 people) lived in a one room house, I provided the money for them to put up walls and divide the house into 3 rooms. The parents and girls have some privacy now.
12) these people gave for food when they had nothing, NOTHING themselves. I tried to eat as little as possible without offending, but it broke my heart to see how they were just giving.
13) I am trying to help the dad and family improve their income, and how to live. they WANT me to buy the m a boat and set them up in boats so they CAN WORK and make money for themselves. They DO NOT, stress absolutely DO NOT want me to provide for them except in emergency situations.
14) I was in the boonies, I was nowhere near ANY city. the closest city did not even have a bank or a walmart, or a tore. The nearest town was 12 miles away. It had a version os a wal-mart, a mcdonalsds, and a few mom and pop places. But where I was was not where a tourist would go. A missionary might go where I was. A relief worker maybe night go there. But I was INVITED to go there. I took it in stride. But the clothes the children were wearing, the poverty, the village itself. I just can't convey it to you. What you see in japan fro mthe tsunami, comes close to showing you how they are living. And it is not just her, or her family, but the WHOLE EXTENDED family lives in that village. Half the village is related to each other.

if she lived in a proper village, in a city, something, I would understand waiting. I would gladly wait. I really would. But this is horrible living conditions. Sometimes they do not even have food to eat. The family has 3 sons which work. they make 500php a catch (that is $11US) for the 3 of them. He makes maybe, 4,000 to 5,000php a month, a good month maybe 10,000php (but that is exceptional). During summer/fall, they make 2,000 to 4,000 php a month due to typhoons going by. Living in a log cabin, or living in a tent on a beach is the equivalent of how they live day to day. I know their are different living conditions around the world. Each of our fiance's and spouses have it rough. I am not discounting any of that. Every night in my hotel room, I had to go into the bathroom or out to the lobby to cry. It broke my heart to see how they were living. No house has running water, the bathrooms are outhouses, there are no private showers (not even public his and her showers, they was out in the open at the pump wearing baggy old clothes, back in a hidden area.) The church is a pavilion with a cross on top. They cook outside. There is no refrigerators to store food, or to preserve food. they use the salt and dry method. the pig from the engagement party feed the entire family (extended family as well.) for a week. they go through a bag (50kg/110pbs) of rice every 30 days. I wish I knew how to just break your heart until you went from the anguish of seeing how they lived and how they still have a positive attitude. My fiance humbles ME, for all I have been blessed with and all of my cares. I am remembering what it was like as a kid, to grow up in a campground and just not care about the things of life. Instead of the me=ism atttidue everyone has, but the caring about others. I want everyone here to get their turn,to get their application answered. My finace wants to come over here soon. But you know something. SHE IS WILLING TO WAIT ER TURN, just so others can come as well. find me any other girl who will live in those consitions, not complain, carae about you, AND want OTHERS to come ahead of her self. to me this girl is PRICESLEES. I would give up EVERYTHING just to spend the rest of my life with her. nothing, NOTHING I own is as great a treasure as she is. If any guys want a great girl, I know of several girls just like her looking for men who see and understand. My fiance does not know who to use a knife, she thinks a spoon is for cutting. NOW and the ACLU would throw a fit because my fiance believes by being a servant to her husband she is showing love. She still has her standards though. we are waiting until marriage. the hard part for me is LETTING her serve me. it is hard for me to accept it. Everytime she does osolmething, I feel so much more blessed to be loved by her. You want to know WHY I want her here so bad? There are only a few girls in the world have I found through all of my searches who are as PRICELESS a treasure as her. When God blesses you with your dream, with your one prayer you have been praying for for years, would you just let your self sit back and wait, or would you try to move heaven and earth thanking God. then accepting the answers if you were told to wait afte rhaving done everything? A man prayed to win the lottery for 40 years, knowing God would reward him. the only problem was in not one day of those 40 years did he buy a lottery ticket. Before I even went ot met her, we had her passport completed. When I was there we finished the application process. After coming back, we are currently getting the forms ready for the embassy, planning the trip, planning the wedding, and getting her immunizations. We are putting time to good use while waiting. We are not waiting on the "Answer" we are preparing for hte next steps. and if I can not bring her here. then I will look at going to live and work in a city there where her and I can be together until I can bring her here. but I am hoping I can bring her here. I would miss my children if I could not see them as well.
gretchen_darrenMalePhilippines2011-04-13 22:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmeeting wit hLocal USCIS office
Hi all,

Friday I meet with local USCIS office. I was advised to meet with local office when calling in to followup on expedite request and why no answer. The expedite inquiry was sent with this letter:

Your request for expedited processing has been received. After careful review and consideration, it has been determined that the request does not meet the expedite guidelines established by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. As such, the case will be adjudicated in date receipt order.

Again calling, was advised to meet with local office instead of placing another query into the CSC. Stated the forms are not adjudicated there for I-129F. Was told by call center to go into local office anyway.

wonder what is up??? anyone got any ideas? Just wondering what may happen on Friday.
gretchen_darrenMalePhilippines2011-04-13 17:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAfter my I-129F is sent...Now what?
to answer the packet question:

packet 1: this is the packet you sent
packet 2: this is the approved packet sent to the embassy via NVC
packet 3: this is the embassy requesting information from the fiance/spouse
packet 4: this is the approved visa entrance packet handed to the fiance/spouse at the embassy and opened by Customs at point of entry.

The key things is know each others family, names, places, history, living, and work. Know relatives, key dates. Just plain know each other and get to know each other more while waiting.

Yes, waiting is hard. But this is just the first step in a long, long process. there are still many forms, and many procedures to go through. This is just the first step in along journey. May this step be short so you can go through the rest together.
gretchen_darrenMalePhilippines2011-03-01 09:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F *denied* :( What to do next?
WOW, lots of information. And lots of advice. some good and some well, just not worth looking at.

1) the Application should have been returned with improper filing IF all that was there was the I-129F. I suspect you submitted the G-325a as well plus everything else. Just not the evidence section. (the evidence is a lot)

2) Filiing any other form, you will have to deal with the i-129F rejection now. It is the best course of action. But an immigration lawyer can help you in this. You can marry,, do an AOS, but do NOT leave the country IF you marry. Not until you have some sort of permission to travel outside of hte country.

3) expect a long long long process now. No matter which way you go, it will be long.

Sorry for the rejection, but maybe there was so much needed, they felt there was no real relationship proven. You WILL have to deal with the I-129F rejection even if filing other forms. It is just something which will come up.

Also, it is a right to marry whoever you want and bring the spouse to america. PROVIDED your spouse is not engaged in subversive activities against the government. This is huge. Age, race, religion, nationality, do not play a part in the decision. there are stringent guidelines to protect people as well as to verify there is not an issue.

Best of luck in this process. At least you are here in America with your spouse. there are many of us still waiting to rejoin our fiance.....
gretchen_darrenMalePhilippines2011-06-09 12:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen will you marry?
hehe, can just see the headlines.... "Wild, Wild, Wild West Wedding -- East finally meets West" couple runs across tarmac, customs officials, FBI, airport security are groomsmen and maids of honor.... couple arrested after vows said, spend first night in US as married couple in Las Vegas Jail... "True West shotgun wedding includes ball and chain gang reception." small heading "Authorities used deck of cards to decide who arrested couple." :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

"Americans rally nationwide for release of 'Bonnie and Clyde' couple"
gretchen_darrenMalePhilippines2011-06-09 20:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen will you marry?
my fiance's response to this when I asked her. My POE is Vegas right???? sssooooo....let's get the family to meet us there.....

(her first answer was: how soon after we get off the plane????) I have no idea what her response will be during hte interview... she has some really interesting answers. She is very, very playful.....

I just imagine the interviewer at the embassy or the Customs official.... She might actually ask the Customs official, "can't you marry us?.... No, well hurry.... I want to get to the little white chapel...." (and she is wearing a leopard print dress with a red ribbon sash while saying this.)
gretchen_darrenMalePhilippines2011-06-08 18:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhy would I get this Email? Whats it really saying?
it sounds like an RFE. You should have the letter in about 4 to 5 days. Once you get it, you can see what it is. It could also be an approval, but very crazy fat finger for that. the fact they are saying it is still under review leads me to believe RFE. If it was approval, they would state it is closed. but you never know. Best of luck to you in this journey.
gretchen_darrenMalePhilippines2011-07-22 17:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPaid $350 at the bank.... asking another $350 at interview?
No, your fiance should show receipt of interview payment at the appointment time. This is why the receipt is so important. If there is no receipt for payment in the interview fees, there will be problems getting into the embassy at the time of the interview. Look at the specific directions for you embassy to know of the process and procedures. But the interview fee is only $350.
gretchen_darrenMalePhilippines2011-07-23 14:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWould a Cruise Wedding violate our Visa?
LA is a good option, Lake Mead up by Vegas has riverboat cruises. and I am sure there others across the country. If you set foot on foreign soil, with no AP, you are giving up your application. You cannot get married outside of the US on a K-1 visa. on a K-1 visa you MUST (mandatory MUST) marry in the US. This is the reason for the K-1. If you want to marry somewhere else, it would be a K-3. Most cruise ships in the US are foreign soil and registered to foreign countries. (this includes Carnival, Celebrity, and RCCL.)

Cruise ship laws in the US dictate a Cruise Ship must stop at a foreign port if not registered under the US flag on a cruise unless paying certain tariffs. unless you know you are remaining in the US the entire time and the ship is US registered, I would not set foot on it until the AP was in hand.
gretchen_darrenMalePhilippines2011-08-08 06:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA month after NOA2 and still hasn't arrived at NVC?
Well I do not see your timeline or which visa center. So it is hard to know. My case took 19 business days from CSC to NVc. About 25 working days. Please note CSC will take around 4 weeks. VSC and TSC are taking around 2 weeks. It depends on where your processing was to know the times. There are a lot of holes here and hard to fill in without knowing things.

No timeline, No idea when approved for NOA2, No idea which center, No idea which type of visa, No idea which country coming from. From other posts I can gather things, but it is hard overall to offer advice when there are a lot of unknowns. we can just tell you:

1)if CSC, at about 4 to 5 weeks the NVC should start processing the application.
2) if VSC about 2 weeks.
3) like everyone has said, call and talk to operator (press 1 for english, then 2 for K visas, or other types of special visas.)
4) track the entries in the full stats page. watch for others being processed in NVC ahead of you. This helped me tremendously. Just sort by NOA2 approvals for your Service center.


Best of luck and be patient. Once the application is in the NVC hands, things start moving.
gretchen_darrenMalePhilippines2011-08-08 06:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDenied ?
maybe it is just because Jamaica is so close to the US, and the petitioner is not there for the interview. It may be age, it may be religion, or it may be cultures. It could be just further background checks on family or relatives of the beneficiary verifying no other family members are involved in illegal activities. Did your Fiance show proper respect? Had the fiance been drinking or smoking out the embassy beforehand or recently before the embassy interview? Were the clothes clean? Was there a smell of smoke on the clothes or the fiance? Just tossing out thoughts of something which might have given them reason. The phone logs would not really make a difference. Maybe but that would have been requested for more evidence at the USCIS. Since they approved without the logs, then it is highly doubtful the embassy needed them. Now if you did submit them to the USCIS and NOT to your fiance, then there would be a problem of incomplete evidence.
gretchen_darrenMalePhilippines2011-06-23 17:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGot My NOA2 today! What's next?

Your petition goes to National Visa Center in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. It stays there a while(a few days, a week) for administrative processing and then it's forwarded to the foreign US Consulate. Your fiancee receives Packet 3, she sends back some of the forms to the Consulate... She's scheduled for the interview. She does her medical exam. And she takes the rest of the forms from Packet 3, completed, to the interview, as well as the result of the medical exam. She's approved, hopefully. She comes to you. :P
Feel free to correct my misunderstandings, if that's the case.
Good luck on your visa journey!

Thanks for being so informative!
Nik.R.SandersonFemalePhilippines2011-06-25 09:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresACTIVE DUTY MILITARY to petition fiance
At the end of the day, it's not quicker.
you'll have to suck it up and go with the flow
Nik.R.SandersonFemalePhilippines2011-07-10 04:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresACTIVE DUTY MILITARY to petition fiance
I am in the exact same process right now.
they say it's quicker if your significant other is active military
but I think that's just some ear candy.
I'm going at the rate as everybody else!

Good Luck!
Nik.R.SandersonFemalePhilippines2011-06-26 05:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespersonal talk in proof of relationship documents
the only weird thing that would happen is when you go to interview.. your petition details are usually the basis for the questions.
Nik.R.SandersonFemalePhilippines2011-07-10 13:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo you find out if you passed Fiancee Visa Interview same day?
Typically yes, not unless there are other things that need to be reviewed or submitted.
Nik.R.SandersonFemalePhilippines2011-07-10 23:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long to hear about visa after NOA2?
i'm still waiting on mine.
it's driving me nuts!
Nik.R.SandersonFemalePhilippines2011-07-11 04:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Contact number?

I've been merrily calling them from England using Skype out - about 1.4 cents a minute which I think is entirely doable...

I have a magic jack somewhere.. but that is a good alternative!
Nik.R.SandersonFemalePhilippines2011-07-11 06:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Contact number?

I'm not sure about that...If I remember correctly, they will ask who is calling, and they may not give the info to someone other than you or your fiance. If the person calling pretends to be the petitioner and has the info, b'days names etc. (dont remember for sure what proof they asked for), then they could get an answer. I don't think I would try that though.
You can send an email to, include you USCIS case number in the subject line and explain to them you have the NOA2 but have not recieved a USEM case number.
They should respond within a coule of days.

This makes me feel so much better! Thank you!
Nik.R.SandersonFemalePhilippines2011-07-11 05:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Contact number?

Thats a tricky one. I think Only the Petitioner can get information and/or his Attorney. Members, correct me if I'm wrong.

Oh no... I hope it's possible!
Nik.R.SandersonFemalePhilippines2011-07-11 05:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Contact number?

The number from the US is 603-334-0700. press 1 for english, then 5 for an CSR. Since you have filed K-1, you need to speak to an operator. If you wait for the ARS, you probably will not get any info about your case using the automated system, I never did, and some on VJ have said they do not input the K-1's in the auto voice response system, so just hold for an operator.

thanks that was very helpful

I have one question for you. my fiance is currently under deployment...... is it okay to ask someone to call on our behalf? I reside in the Philippines...
what do you think? again thanks for your response!

Edited by N.Richards, 11 July 2011 - 04:43 AM.

Nik.R.SandersonFemalePhilippines2011-07-11 04:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Contact number?
Does anybody know the number in which i can call the NVC to follow up with. it's been 3weeks.
I'm dying to get my case number!
Nik.R.SandersonFemalePhilippines2011-07-11 04:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYour case can not be found at this time...
just chill! it will come!
i had the same issue..

it came!

Nik.R.SandersonFemalePhilippines2011-07-10 12:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSuch a thing as too much proof?
I have a ton I would love to show them
but just select like your ten best of each category
screen shots
chat logs
email logs

i have about 40 photos

i think that should suffice as being legit without the "overwhelming factor"

:) have fun with it!
Nik.R.SandersonFemalePhilippines2011-07-10 22:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes anyone have experience with VisaJourney Timelines??
my nvc is taking forever.
Nik.R.SandersonFemalePhilippines2011-07-11 21:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 VALIDITY
that's why if your NVC letter is delayed you need to get onto their backs about it!
Nik.R.SandersonFemalePhilippines2011-07-11 03:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp please... Form DS-157 Question!

I Put Yes,"with work authorization, employer unknown"... just followed the sample forms what VJ has provide.. :thumbs:

Nik.R.SandersonFemalePhilippines2011-07-10 21:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp please... Form DS-157 Question!
Thank you!
Nik.R.SandersonFemalePhilippines2011-07-10 12:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp please... Form DS-157 Question!
I'm stuck, I'm not sure what i should put down on question 32

Do you intend to work in the US? YES OR NO.

I intend to do so, but i don't have employment waiting for me.
what should i put?
Nik.R.SandersonFemalePhilippines2011-07-10 12:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC
Thank you to everyone for your responses!
Nik.R.SandersonFemalePhilippines2011-07-12 09:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC
It's my 3rd week waiting for the NVC letter. I'm just dying to get my hands on it.
I'm gonna end up calling the NVC (i live in the philippines) but I just want to know
how long it's supposed to take?
i see people's timeline.... it's only a matter of days....

Fiance is currently under deployment...isn't due back in SD till September!
waiting a few more days before making that call!
Nik.R.SandersonFemalePhilippines2011-07-12 02:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNSO and Birth Certificate
If it doesn't state it, then no.
Nik.R.SandersonFemalePhilippines2011-07-12 09:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFollowing up with the National Visa Center (NVC)

Per our conversation yesterday I had No MNL#. So I called this morning the NVC. I did'nt have to wait long on the phone. As I stated yesterday, the operator asked if I was the Petitioner. (I'm still wary of them giving information to the beneficiary) She asked for the NOA2 Reciept #, my date of birth, her date of birth, addresses, her e-mail address and gave the information. The MNL # was issued July 6th. I never knew this... As a post indicated yesterday from a member, they will not even let you know. That is true I see.
The operator payed close attention to every answer I provided to be sure I was who I claimed to be. It appears CSC is taking 3 weeks or less for a MNL#. You may already have one issued. As the Petitioner in your case I don't know a trick to get the # without being sneaky about it.. There were posts yesterday that added. Have you tried those options?

I gave them a call, nothing yet. they asked for my NOA2 and that they would follow up.

NVC email address is :

Subject Line: Put your USCIS# here for example, WACXXXXXXXXXX

To whom it may concern, Petitioner: Put Petitioners name herePetitioner DOB: Applicant: Put Beneficiary name hereDOB: Our petition for K-1 Visa was recently approved by USCIS. I am inquiring if our application package has been received by NVC, if a Manila Case Number has been assigned, and when it was shippedto US Embassy Manila. Thanks in advance for your prompt response!

You can also call them at 1-
603-334-0700 and be ready with your USCIS # WACXXXXXXXXXX

thank you for this!
Nik.R.SandersonFemalePhilippines2011-07-12 12:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFollowing up with the National Visa Center (NVC)

According to your timeline, you got your NOA2 almost a month ago. I would say Manila has had it for some time. The NVC had our package 5 days after we got the approval e-mail and the consulate got it about 5 days after that.

We got our NVC letter approximately 1 month after the approval e-mail.

You can call the NVC and ask them what your case number will need your NOA1 receipt number.

(603) 334-0700
Hours: Monday through Friday from 7:30 AM to 12:00 PM (EST). Best time to call is 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM and 10:00 PM to 12:00 PM

I called them, nothing yet. they asked me to e-mail them my NOA2. lets hope I get something soon!
Nik.R.SandersonFemalePhilippines2011-07-12 12:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFollowing up with the National Visa Center (NVC)
Hello VJ-ers!

I want to send out an inquiry to the NVC to follow up with them to see if they have received my NOA2 and if I can obtain my case number so that I may follow up with the Manila consulate when necessary.

I went to the NVC site, and it states to send and inquiry you have to put your case number. To my knowledge, I don't have a case number.
Advice anybody?


Nik.R.SandersonFemalePhilippines2011-07-12 10:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC number in hand
how long did it take you to get it?
Nik.R.SandersonFemalePhilippines2011-07-14 05:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStill NVC didnt receive I130
try e-mailing them. or better yet.... calling them.
Nik.R.SandersonFemalePhilippines2011-07-14 07:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 received !
you can start reading on what you have to do for after NOA2 is approved!

best of luck to that!

Edited by N.Richards, 12 July 2011 - 02:28 AM.

Nik.R.SandersonFemalePhilippines2011-07-12 02:28:00