K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresassembling K-1 stuff
make sure your court paperwork is certified by the court. or at the very least has a judges signature.

go to your bank and have your copies notarized in your binders. (your bank should do this for free.)

make sure the copies of your passport are notarized.

Make 3 copies of the letter of intent and have them notarized for your records. (You may get an RFE on this and good to have extra copies.)

Make copies of all of your forms. 1) good to have for records if getting RFE. 2) your fiancee will need these for embassy and any local government needs. (like Philippines CFO)

Wish you the best of luck. The journey is just starting.... how exciting for you.
gretchen_darrenMalePhilippines2011-12-30 11:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe worst period of waiting....
Have your information all together. I would say to expect an RFE. They may be missing something they cannot locate, or maybe a background check is taking a little longer. Call the USCIS and ask specific questions on your case. Does the adjudicator have it? What is the current process? is there a request from the ajudicator? Is there a form I need to file? Can there be a status request made? How long has the case been at USCIS? Is my case still in normal processing time or outside normal processing time? Ask specific questions on the case, not general questions of why is it taking so long? Be very ,very specific on your questions. Best of luck, let me know how the call goes.
gretchen_darrenMalePhilippines2011-12-30 19:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIt begins!
you need proof on ongoing relationship. Copy of phone bills with calls. copies of emails and copy of a few chats. Nothing major. if you have logs of calls placed and when on skype, that is all you need.

Supporting evidence needs to be logs, history, records, emails. supporting evidence of meeting in person. Plus include photos with who is in the photos. Many have found the photos printed in a word document with tags underneath work the best.

Cheers, and best of luck...
gretchen_darrenMalePhilippines2011-12-30 11:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134

As far as I'm aware a W2 form and a few pay stubs is enough. Is this correct? Also, can it be notarised at a bank?

Thank you.

i would go on the side of caution on this one. This is used at the embassy. Bank statement of deposits, W-2's, paystubs, and balance plus the last 2 year's of tax returns helps. Notarizing is not necessary. Check out those who have interviewed recently at your embassy to see any notes.
gretchen_darrenMalePhilippines2011-12-30 10:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProcessing Dates California Service Center
at 2,000 approvals a month that is between 2.5% and 3.3% of all applications a month at the service center. This is also true of VSC.
gretchen_darrenMalePhilippines2011-03-29 05:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProcessing Dates California Service Center
some answers you may or may not like:

1) the director at CSC was replaced in August.
2) they made budget cuts at the end of the government fiscal year (or right at the start of the 4th quarter fiscal year (August).
3) CSC DOES work 2 shifts.
4) CSC has 700 employees plus 400 contractors.
5) k-1 is only 1% of ALL applications received in a month for ALL Service centers. 5,000 per month out of 500,000.
6) CSC focus is to process i-129 (h-1,H-2) visas in 2 months.
7) CSC recently added more workers to the family line backlog during and after the annual Febraury meeting with the Director over the service centers.
8) Based on november projections, without adding more staff, they would have been behind by a year in approvals.
9) CSC attempted to transfer 35,000 i-130 applications to TSC for work. This transfer failed miserably. These applications are now being processed back at CSC.
10) there are 3 units at the CSC. I-129F goes to the family unit. (with I-130)

This is all research from the internet. Most of the facts are from the Jan 26, 2011 meeting at CSC in which I-129 lawyers were taken on a tour of CSC. 01262011.pdf

Additional general information from the CSC tour: CSC is the only USCIS service center housed completely within one facility (“under one roof”). Approximately 700 federal employees and 400 contractor (“Stanley SCOSS”) employees comprise the CSC workforce, and the center operates two shifts. CSC receives approximately $32 million in fees each month and processes about 60,000 to 80,000 applications and petitions per month. All denials are reviewed by a supervisor.
gretchen_darrenMalePhilippines2011-03-29 05:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCFO documents and schedule questions here
AS a k-1 visa you will not have an immigrant data summary. You will have a brown packet with your visa in it wrapped in plastic. You can only take out your passport, nothing else. IT IS VERY VITAL to follow the direction on the packet when you receive your visa. Also, keep that packet on you during the trip, DO NOT PUT INTO CHECKED BAGGAGE. You will need the packet to leave the airport, as well as when first entering customs in the US.

the CFO will take most of a day if you start in the morning. You will need just about everything you took to the Embassy for your interview. Cebu is a good locaation to go for the CFO. You will start in the morning, attend a conference, then returnin the afternoon for a one-on-one. Depending on your age, you may need a certified letter of consent or counseling from your parent or guardian. If one or both parents can attend, this is really good. You will also need a copy of your fiancee's passport bio page, his brith certificate, and current known address. (the current known address if for follow-up). they will not visit you, however, they may mail you something for survey later on. they do expect you to send a card after being in the states for 3 to 6 months to let them know how you are doing. If your fiancee is with you, He (or she) needs to wait outside un til asked for. I wish you the best in the process. Congrats on getting this far. The visa will be there soon.
gretchen_darrenMalePhilippines2012-04-23 09:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhere to get Immigrant Data Summary
as a k-1 you will not have immigrant data summary. Just need a copy of your visa page in your passport. Immigrant data summary sheets are not part of the k-1 packet. This is addressed by the CFO page on their website. Cebu is a good place. God in the morning. The afternoon session is not highly attended. Get there at 9 am to pre-register and complete forms. then from 10 am to noon is the talk session, and videos. Then breka for lunch. then go back at an appointed time for one on one.

best of luck
gretchen_darrenMalePhilippines2012-04-23 10:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSEM Interview

Hi, just wondering where to attend the CFO seminar and where to get the sticker? Thank you.


You can attend CFO seminar in Manila at good Shepard convent or PRISM (not recommended) or in cebu. Takes about a day. At good Shepard convent. you can do everything at once. Attend CFO, get green check, then get sticker if you have the visa in hand. You can attend without the visa/passport. and get the sticker when you leave at the airport. We got her sticker at the counter in the international terminal 2 of philippine airlines. (did not take us long, about 15 minutes at the counter) but you have to attended, show proof of attendance and payment, plus have visa/paaasport in order to get sticker at the airport.

Please don't forget, you are subject to eh age requirements of the Philippines. 21 and under needs parental/guardian consent. 21 to 24 needs parental/guardian counseling. this is a requirement. If your parent or guardian can attend, it helps.

cfo fiance and spouses
gretchen_darrenMalePhilippines2012-04-23 10:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWife did not make it past homeland and got k-1 cancelled
Reading this I have lots of questions:

1) if he was waiting at the airport, did they interview him?
2) if they were allowed to see each other, what was going on?
3) did they search her luggage and find something illegal?
4) Did she refer to you as husband instead of fiancee?
5) did she say you were already married instead of the marriage would happen in 90 days?
this is a common trick question of the Officers to catch couples who are married.
6) why did they allow you to exchange weddings bands? this could easily have been viewed as being legally married and fulfilling the K-1 visa requirements. Why were they allowed to see each other, how long were they allowed to see other, what happened in the process when they were togther, how long had he been waiting at the airport
7) ages of the SK and USC?
8) how long was her interview?
9) how long was the process at the airport?
10) Why did they have him buy a ticket back for her? (something sounds wrong here)
Why did he buy the ticket, what caused him to buy the ticket, how quickly did she get on a plane home
11) Did he argue with them, did he intervene on her behalf?
12) Did he do anything to arouse suspicion of their relationship?
13) like others have asked, how do they talk and communicate?
14) why did he not travel with her from SK to take her through customs?
15) was a translator provided or did the IO understand enough Korean and she said something in her native tongue which prompted issues. (she could have said insults about the process or to the IO in being detained, and those insults could have been taken as threats to USA causing the IO to refuse entry.
16) How did they get a k-1? He has no timeline, no information, nothing to help us understand their process.

steps: (there is no magic bullet here to fix the issue. the quickest way is to go to US Embassy in SK for first help.)
I would go to the Embassy in SK and have her Visa checked and re-issued if possible.
If the Embassy in SK re-issues her visa, travel WITH her back to the USA, accompany her through customs. DO NOT GET MARRIED. Make sure she refers to you as FUTURE HUSBAND, make sure she knows wedding date.

if there are issues, with embassy re-issuing K-1, marry and file I-130, ask for an expedite based on process which happened. State her current situation based on the what happened at the airport in refusal for K-1 entry. You may not be granted expedite. but there is no harm in asking.

Best of luck in this. Nothing is easy. And like they say, each step is a hurdle to cross. Until you have the naturalization, anything is possible.
gretchen_darrenMalePhilippines2012-04-28 12:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs K-1 the best way for us?

I just did some asking around, and I guess a marriage ceremony here isn't recognized legally. You have to do the civil registered marriage to have it be legal. So, I think my plan should work out fine.

Check this link: south korea

and this Link: marriage in korea
I would suggest being highly careful on how you approach things. A K-1 visa states being able to be free LEGALLY to marry. Even though it is ONLY a religious ceremony. The cleric MIGHT record the ceremony in the Ward's office for you. Unless you are extremely fluent in Korean, I would be extremely careful. There was a norror story on here recently of a person bringing his fiance to the USA, only to have her sent back home at the Point of Entry. (possibly due to the fact she called him her husband, plus she had wedding rings in her possession.)

If you are going to Marry in Korea, go the I-130 route. Do not even attempt to misrepresent. You may get through the I-139f and Embassy and get the Visa. but when you come to POE (Port of Entry), she could be denied. Please note there are also severe fines on you for misrepresentation besides on her. Either do one thing or another, but don't try to swing from a branch which has thorns on it over a cliff.

Most people who do a K-1 visa, have an engagement party, come to the USA and get married, then Go back once have GC or AP, and have a wedding back in the country for the fiance family. I wish you best of luck in your process, but what you are attempting to do is fraught with peril and danger. IMHO, don't come crying to us on VJ for pursuing this course of action if something goes terribly wrong.
gretchen_darrenMalePhilippines2012-05-12 08:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDESPERATED AFTER RFE
/The good news is your RFE means someone IS processing your request. The great news is now that you have answered the RFE they are looking at your documents to finish the process. Normally you hear in about 7 to 10 days after answering an RFE. But it can take longer depending on the documents provided from the RFE request.

I hope all goes well for you on the process.
gretchen_darrenMalePhilippines2012-05-08 07:43:00


Hello. Thank you for your response. :)
Robb&AnnNot TellingPhilippines2012-11-01 18:59:00
Hello. I'm just curious if we can Print the form (I-129F) with some infos included (those that only fits in the boxes) then handwrite other infos that don't fit into those boxes esp the Address box.. and even my name dont fit in one box.

Robb&AnnNot TellingPhilippines2012-11-01 18:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPACKET 1 CONTENTS (MORE THAN REQUIRED)

The contents in #2 will be used at the interview.

hello. yes i am aware of that but does it matters if we also send it along with I129f? thanks
Robb&AnnNot TellingPhilippines2012-11-01 19:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPACKET 1 CONTENTS (MORE THAN REQUIRED)
Hello everyone. I've got another question:

1. Does it matters if we send more than what is only required along with the I-129F package?

2. Is it ok if we also include the beneficiary's passport biographic page photocopy, Birth certificate (photocopy), NBI clearance with Travel abroad purpose and CENOMAR?

All comments are very much appreciated.
Thank you in advance!
Robb&AnnNot TellingPhilippines2012-11-01 19:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCHAT LOGS FOR K1
thanks for the replies. so far ours is at almost 500pages. waaaaaaaaaaaaaa and it was edited already.
Robb&AnnNot TellingPhilippines2012-12-04 02:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCHAT LOGS FOR K1
Hello everyone I would like to ask how did you choose your chat logs before sending it along with the application or going to the interview;

does it has to be from DAY 1 up to the last day before sending the application or going to interview?

based on what I have read or watched in videos, we can atleast provide 6-12 copies of chat logs and that it should show our discussions regarding our future plans like having a family and getting married.

comments are all welcome.

Thanks in advance!

Edited by Robb&Ann, 01 November 2012 - 07:05 PM.

Robb&AnnNot TellingPhilippines2012-11-01 18:56:00
hello, wat i mean affidavate in supports of our relationship are statements from friends or relatives.:)

You don't need I-134 for I-129F petition just yet. Once approved, you'll send it to the beneficiary and will take that to the Consulate along with other required forms and docs.

Good luck!

Robb&AnnNot TellingPhilippines2012-12-10 01:51:00
Good day! I just want to ask if it is really necessary to include an AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF OUR RELATIONSHIP to I-129F package. I am just curious if it is needed to support the I-129F package or maybe just provide during the interview?thanks
Robb&AnnNot TellingPhilippines2012-12-04 02:10:00
hehe it's ok. but i think i already know the answer. thanks anyway for the reply.

No offense but thank you for confusing :-)

Robb&AnnNot TellingPhilippines2012-12-10 12:17:00
Hello everyone! I have a question.

I have a permanent address and a present address. I also do have previous addresses.

I had 2 previous addresses, the first one was 10 months and second one was 4 months. 10 months as a bed spacer and 4 months as a tenant too. now 4months on my present address as a bed spacer too. I want to use my permanent address in all the forms im going to fill out. So how should i fill out the G325A saying list address within 5 years. so if i put my present address first, how am i going to date my permanent address in "from" and "to" box.. and can i also use my permanent address in my Letter of intent to marry" instead of my present address? How am i going to use my permanent address so that all the correspondence that a beneficiary will receive would go to my permanent address? can i just not put my present address besides im just a bed spacer or what?

im kinda confused. all comments will be appreciated. TIA!
Robb&AnnNot TellingPhilippines2012-12-10 01:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWEDDING BLESSING NO LEGAL BINDING
The problem is that what is considered 'Legal' is a bit fuzzy.

If the Philippines view it as a legal wedding then the embassy will recognize that as legal and you're K-3.

I have heard of situations where the marriage was considered legal WITHOUT any papers or signatures. In those cases, it was officiated by a priest, vows and rings exchanged.I have heard of both situations where it was and was not considered legal. I just wouldn't risk it.

I understand wanting to have a wedding with her family, I wish that as well. Many people think of being married in both the Philippines and US. But sometimes it backfires.

I would ask a Philippine lawyer if it would be a 'non-legal wedding' before doing more. Remember, if it's seen as legal in the Philippines then it's a wedding.

-- Robb

Edited by Robb&Ann, 28 December 2012 - 06:23 AM.

Robb&AnnNot TellingPhilippines2012-12-28 06:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWEDDING BLESSING NO LEGAL BINDING
i hope i was able to enlighten you. LOL. I dont want ur party to be spoiled. remember some countries do have different cultures. some people who left a comment might have gathered info from different sites. but in my opinion, as long as u have proofs to show to the embassy then fine.. CENOMAR is required by the show that ur fiancee was NEVER married... have ur fiancee get it few weeks before the interview so that it is latest.. Posted Image
Robb&AnnNot TellingPhilippines2012-12-28 05:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWEDDING BLESSING NO LEGAL BINDING
and yes. Don't call it a wedding.... it is not a wedding like what u said. and maybe announce it to everyone that it is an engagement or whatever u may want to call it as long as not a "Wedding" maybe post a banner like saying "Engagement party of ___ & ___" so that if someone interviews her neighbors, they wont say that she got married just because they saw her wearing a white gown.. LOL. sometimes neighbors relays wrong let everyone know that it is not a wedding but just a party or what u may want to call it. :)
Robb&AnnNot TellingPhilippines2012-12-28 05:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWEDDING BLESSING NO LEGAL BINDING
maybe just call it an Engagement party.. with the invitations, foods and family... there were Filipino couple who even wore wedding dresses but it is only for their engagement party.. for me, as long as there is NO MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE and the CENOMAR (CERTIFICATE OF NO MARRIAGE) of your fiancee says she was NOT married then fine..that ceremony could be ur engagement party and could be use to prove that u throw a party for engagement.. isn't that u can use picures of ur engagement party or invitations.. as long as u dont sign in anything saying that u got married then fine.. some countries and some people might have different views and i am just stating my won opinion though. engagement party or a mass gathering.. to bless the two of u in the path uve chosen.again as long as the cenomar says ur fiancee is not married and that u as the fiance is legally able to marry her then fine.. the picture wearing wedding gowns does not means that u got married.. there are papers that can prove whether u got married or not. that is why we have NSO in Philippines. :)
Robb&AnnNot TellingPhilippines2012-12-28 04:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support was sent before receiving NOA2
Since some have decided to be insulting to my fiancée I must jump in here.

First of all…

Per the advice of 3 separate immigration attorneys, we have provided the I-134 with the I-129F and other documentation, such as documentation to be presented at the interview.

In their experience, this can simplify the interview and approval process.

Yes, the original documentation still needs to be present at the interview as well as supplement documentation covering the period between when the filing and the interview.

Perhaps English is not the first language of those who deem it necessary to be insulting, so it may be more difficult for them to understand those whose English skills are less eloquent or more variant than their own. Even native English speakers whose personal linguistic skills are somewhat limited find it difficult conversing with some people who may have adopted English as a second language. As someone who speaks several languages I can attest to the fact that English is a relatively unforgiving language.

However, that is no excuse for discourteous behavior.A little tolerance goes a long way.

Over all my fiancée was agreeing that this information still needed to be presented at the interview, likewise according to advice we have received per legal counsel.

Her only issue was with the tone of superior indignation that some individuals have needed to express.

It is entirely possible that your advice is more reliable than that of those who have passed the bar, have legal standing, and have processed thousands of visa applications over decades of practice. Who knows,anything is possible.

That being accepted, being insolent, inconsequential,obstinate is probably not needed.

Keep in mind that most of us here have a significant other who we are deeply in love with who may not have English as a first language. So the insults cut deeply at a broad swath of people.

We, as a community of people here on this site, seek each other's support and advice. The unwarranted and unneeded vitriol only serves to affirm some of the stereotypes assumed to those of us who are seeking a K-1 or K-3 visa.

Edited by Robb&Ann, 28 December 2012 - 07:01 PM.

Robb&AnnNot TellingPhilippines2012-12-28 18:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support was sent before receiving NOA2
Someone here is just simply RUDE!!! if you have nothing good to say then just leave the thread and comment somewhere else.. anyway with regards to I134, u need an orignal of that for the interview so have the petitioner fill out that form again and sign and date when ur interview is near... send papers that will support the I134 too. like the company letter and ITR.. latest ITR or the past 3 years..
Robb&AnnNot TellingPhilippines2012-12-28 05:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Questions.
a link that will show the poverty level for 2012.
Robb&AnnNot TellingPhilippines2012-12-29 07:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Questions.
i have read a thread like this. and same with us, we will have my fiance's kids as his dependents. besides if u r above poverty level even with the kids then Posted Image
Robb&AnnNot TellingPhilippines2012-12-29 07:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about address on I-129F
u may also use this...

Robb&AnnNot TellingPhilippines2012-12-30 19:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about address on I-129F
ya u can put ur permanent address for now but once u move then u may contact USCIS regarding ur address change.. here is the link that might be able to help you.

u will alsoo see in the I129F instruction regarding the address change

Edited by Robb&Ann, 30 December 2012 - 07:13 PM.

Robb&AnnNot TellingPhilippines2012-12-30 19:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescost of filing K1

Never DO DO when DO will DO :whistle:

CENOMAR, police clearance (if lived in another country for 6 months or more), NBI (etc) truly are not needed at the petition stage of this journey and not having them in the petition will not be cause for getting an RFE - it just makes for a big pile of paper that has no value at this time. As long as you have what is listed for the I-129F process you will be just fine.

Happy New Year! Posted Image

Edited by Robb&Ann, 30 December 2012 - 08:46 PM.

Robb&AnnNot TellingPhilippines2012-12-30 20:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescost of filing K1
if u notice in the CENOMAR it will show the dates or periods covered in their statistics (in NSO) so if you will use the CENOMAR for the interview that ur fiancee has right now then it is not updated anymore. it might take up to 6months to get a NOA2 plus medical exam and scheduling for the interview.. the embassy would like a latest copy of cenomar so it is either u send that or just keep it and get another one for the interview.. but again, it is up to u whether u want to send that or not. won't hurt. :) Posted Image
Robb&AnnNot TellingPhilippines2012-12-29 21:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescost of filing K1

Sounds like i will be ok with what I have now, I made a few adjustments but will have everything.

The hotel operations manager will sign a doc on hotel letterhead stating Gema has been a registered guest in my room since July so that will be proof of having met alogn with pictures, passport stamps.
The cenomar can wait till later for the interview. I am not worried about her stay with me meaning something else at this stage because as others have said they are not establishing proof of her being able to marry at this point, this is simply confirming I have the right to petition her and we have met.

Thanks again everyone =).
please feel free to add more if you think of something, it can't hurt.

Goodluck in ur visa journey. :) however CENOMAR can be used as a proof that she can legally able to marry you as well as divorce papers (if applicable) but since it does not state that Cenomar is needed along with I129F then it's fine. It just depends f u want to include it or not. with ours we will send in my cenomar to support the letter of intent (by the beneficiary which is me) which states that I can legally able to marry him.besides it wont hurt but we just want to prove that I can legally able to marry my fiance. it is not only us who will do what we are planning but actually some already did the same thing in the past and it did not hurt their application but they still provided for the interview and they passed. but again, it is up to u. :) Posted Image
Robb&AnnNot TellingPhilippines2012-12-29 20:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescost of filing K1
right but it wont hurt ur petition if u r frontloading it. :) as long as u r willing to spend money for that too. really depends on how u want ur I129F to be. but as long as u provide the primary docs first
Robb&AnnNot TellingPhilippines2012-12-29 16:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescost of filing K1
the good thing of sending a CENOMAR along with the I129F packet is that it will show that the fiancee is legally able to marry the petitioner. cenomar will prove that during the time before the I129F was sent, the fiancee is single.. and another cenomar for interview to prove that she is still legally able to marry the petitioner. :)

NBI, police clearance can also be used to prove that the fiancee do not have any records on file. before sending the I129F and another for the interview to prove that during those time that the I129F is on process, eh the fiancee did not had any records on file. though yes those are not required to be send in along with I129F but might help the reviewers if they need something to be verified..
Robb&AnnNot TellingPhilippines2012-12-29 07:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescost of filing K1

Receipts with both of your names on it is definitely proof of meeting in person ;)

unfortunately here in Ph usually receipts dont include the customer's name unless u use ur credit card/debit card that has your name or an itineraries.. but yes it is definitely a proof of meeting in person. Posted Image
Robb&AnnNot TellingPhilippines2012-12-29 07:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescost of filing K1
for NBI - good for 1 year but the US embassy requires to have atleast 6 months validity when u bring it during the interview but nowadays it is easy to get nbi already by just registering online and make an appointment. u can get nbi in 1day if ur name is not a "hit" meaning no other person has the same name as yours. a week if ur name is a "hit" like mine. cost is P140 (online) plus 20 if paid thru gcash globe center

Police clearance - 60 days cost is 300 for abroad purposes like for visa (but im not sure if it is the same in other places in PH.mine is P300)

CENOMAR - they said 6 months, some says 3 months but better if ur fiancee gets a latest copy bec usually in the cenomar, NSO updates the dates of their record and it will reflect in the cenomar .. a certain date/coverage of their record on file will be shown in the latest copy. cost. depends if u order online. P450 (in other online site where u can order and have it delivered) / P435 (at e-census) but again depends too on where it is going to be delivered. takes 3-5 days in manila but could be weeks in province but if u get it at NSO u will get it in 1 day and cost is P100+ but it will surely be a long line at nso

*I think the cost won't matter as long as you will be able to get your fiancee and live happily

I134 - yes it should be available during the interview too.must have the petitioner's original signature and other supporting docs like ITR, company letter,etc..

Proofs of having met in the past 2 years:
-etc.. send all the proofs that will show that u and her have met in the past 2 years (which i know you really are since you said you both stayed in one place)

with regards to her mom's trip to manila, in my opinion it is fine.. just add additional note about it.. for me it is fine at least it will show that you met her family members and even spent for her mom's trip to Manila. though it might not be necessary but if they don't need it then they will just disregard it..

with regards to chat logs, it is one of the documents of proof of an ongoing relationship. but what about between November 2011 to April 2012, what are your means of communication? If you talk on skype thru videocall, then you can extract the call logs on skype.

With regards to you and her living in one roof when you were here, that idk... I hope someone can give u a better idea with regards to that part of u and ur fiancee living in one roof while u r here.. because it could be viewed in a different way. i am not a legal adviser and I dont want to mislead you. I will ask my fiance once he wakes up and see if he has an idea on this. :)
Robb&AnnNot TellingPhilippines2012-12-29 07:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescost of filing K1
hello there.

well ya it says no need to send the beneficiary's BC, NBI etc.. but i think it wont hurt anyway.. me and my fiance are also doing the same thing. we will send a copy of his birth certificate and copy of his passport, copy my birth cert and a copy of my biographic page in my passport, we will also send a CENOMAR police clearance and even a parental consent,etc. well we just think it won't hurt the petition anyway. the more you provide the better than receiving RFE. if they dont need it then they can just ignore it. but it might be helpful for them if they will do a background investigation if not, also fine.

However we will also bring documents needed for the interview. like the CENOMAR, NBI, POLICE Clearance, etc...

I guess for some filers they prefer to send in more than LESS.

But make SURE u provide first the documents are are primarily needed for the I-129F.. then add some if u like.

Our cover letter is 2 pages. LOL! but we made sure to provide what are really needed then the supporting docs. :)
Robb&AnnNot TellingPhilippines2012-12-29 04:04:00