CanadaFunny website-help
You know...I'm reading this. I SO miss the Robertson screws! Best invention EVER that never made it to the states.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-07-18 22:28:00
CanadaIn need of a bank...
In college (t Arizona State Univeristy) I opened an USD bank account in Ottawa at a Toronto Dominion bank and just used an ATM card to pull cash as family members (thanks Grandma!) filled it up. No problems there.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-09-07 00:12:00
CanadaWhich province are ya from?
I was born and partially raised in Ottawa, ON. Moved to PEI then to Chicago. Raised in Chicago (got USC) then moved to Phoenix. Most of my family still lives in Ottawa though.


what is with the Prairie people moving to BC??..... :lol:

heh...then they go to Arizona for the winter :lol:

No kidding! We have a TON of them coming here after Canadian Thanksgiving! I can't believe the number of BC lic. plates I see in Phoenix.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-13 01:52:00
CanadaCanadian/American Flag
That would would be hard to find I would imagine. The US is VERY particular about its flag and how it is represented. Why not just fly both? My mom is Canadian and my dad is American and while I was growing up we always had both proudly flying in the front yard.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-09-30 22:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaHusbands of Americans
I would imagine that it would be helpful for him. I have read on these boards several different people saying that they hooked their spouses up with the email address of someone elses spouse. The need to vent to someone in a similar position is a HUGE help to adjusting to life in a new country (or a new spouse). Or on the other side to compare new loves about the adoped country too.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-07-10 12:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaHows about
I'm hoping that in the short term the 'sticker shock' will keep her spending habits in check. :)

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-07-17 23:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaHows about
You know that is SO funny! Someone asked me that today. "So, Joel, what are you going to show your wife once she gets here." My answer, "CostCo!" the best place on Earth!


Edited by Joel Halfwassen, 17 July 2006 - 10:57 PM.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-07-17 22:57:00
Middle East and North Africaage different

:help: I really need a answer to this question if any one knows.What kind of problems will we have because of our 23 years old age different,He is 25 years of age and I am 48 years young and I need to know has anyone out there has any advice,Please no stupid remarks about the age different.It's love,not age!!!!
[font=Arial Black][size=6]Please someone help me.We will be married soon in Morocco.

I'm very late on this post AND I am ignoring your request to avoid age difference posts. But as a 'mature' woman marrying a 'younger' man? I would say, "Good for you!"

Now...problems? I have dated many older women in my life. The only real issue was children. I wanted them, they were too old to have them. Ironicly sex was always just AWESOME. Older women always seemed to know, and were secure with, what they wanted/needed.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-09-27 12:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaHi- New Here

I've been lurking around this part of the side for about a week now. I'm in the beginning stages of applying to bring my fiance here from Iran.
I'm still at the beginning but I'm already stressing over the whole AP thing. So- anyone else with a SO from Iran?

~ZiZi :star:

Welcome to VJ! We are glad you are here. are in for a rough ride, but we are all here to support you and help (if we can). Especially these folks on the MENA side of the board. They are a wonderful group with a large following of non-MENA lurkers (like me!). Anyways...I look forward to hearing more from you.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-10-05 20:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaShould the ME/NA board be shut down?
Keep MENA alive! The rest of us need someplace to lurk and laugh!

In all IS the most educational forum. I have to look up half of the terms you guys use! :lol:

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-01 00:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaIslamic banking

Now...I think a related question would be how does a person who does not believe in/does not like/does not want to pay interest function in the US. My wife is from Ukraine where it is almost impossible to get a loan and when you do the interest is a CRAZY amount for a very short period of time. Needless to say...she HATES loans AND interest. In order to make her comfortable I am trying to figure out how to live without borrowing money. I am finding it VERY difficult to do in the US.

That's a very good question and one I've discussed at legnth with my brother. In his business he has to borrower money frequently in order to get his job done and make money in the long run... (he builds houses)
He's talked to me about getting to a point where I'd be able to buy forclosed properties and sell them for profit but we can't wrap our minds around how I'd go about doing that without borrowing the money initially to buy the house and then paying off the loan after I sell the property... Granted, one could pay off the loan before the first payment comes due and avoid interest altogether but in the back of my mind I'd still be wondering if "agreeing" to it in the first place would also be wrong.

I should mention I've worked in the banking/lending/real estate industry most of my adult life so this is something pretty important to me... it's my livelyhood after all... my dad, brother and SIL are all in this same line of work as well so none of us can really imagine life without some kind of interest.

I don't have any loans that I pay interest on anymore and I won't take them because I'm not clear on this matter but if it's not as simple as all that then I'd like to know what my limits truly are.

I totally get your point about inflation as well... my brother says pretty much the same thing. Of course they don't consider "usury" in the bible the same as the interest we know today.

Who voted "yes but it's much more complicated than you think"??? Can you explain your answer please??

Here is something to think about would be making a profit off of people who WOULD get a loan WITH interest to purchase your property. As a matter of fact you would probably PLAN on people getting an interest loan to buy the home. Where is THAT line? Is it okay to profit when other people do use interest, but just not okay to use interest yourself?

Not a judgement...just a thought that crossed my mind.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-10-29 00:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaIslamic banking

How come no one's voting or posting? :( :help:

ETA: Ok two people have voted but no one has responed :( and it says over 30 people have veiwed so why not 30+ votes? :(

I'm guessing that it is because this is a tough topic...and there is a lot of football on today. ;-)

Before I comment I want to provide a disclaimer...I am a BIG fan of interest and approve of it fully.

Based on your passage I'm wondering if 'interest' is okay as long as it maintains the value of the original loan amount (i.e. is equal to inflation). I don't think that the Quran would intend for the original lender to LOSE money. "Deal not unjustly, and you shall not be dealt with unjustly."

Now...I think a related question would be how does a person who does not believe in/does not like/does not want to pay interest function in the US. My wife is from Ukraine where it is almost impossible to get a loan and when you do the interest is a CRAZY amount for a very short period of time. Needless to say...she HATES loans AND interest. In order to make her comfortable I am trying to figure out how to live without borrowing money. I am finding it VERY difficult to do in the US.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-10-28 22:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaSupporting the family
We have had a couple of arguements about this. She wants to send money home to her parents. She feels it is her 'duty'. I'm a 'traditional' American. Put the old folks in a home and wait for them to kick off! :-)

In all seriousness I would be okay with it if we HAD money to send to her parents. At the moment $100.00 per month goes a LONG way in Ukraine. However, we are newlyweds and have a house payment, a car payment, insurance, and all kinds of other bills that she has never had to worry about before.


Edited by Joel Halfwassen, 08 November 2006 - 10:41 PM.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-08 22:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy connecting flight just 2 hrs 20mn
It can take anywhere from 15 minutes to several hours. It depends. I have been through chicago many times and watched all of the immigants just fly through through the line. When Katya and I came through it just happened to be the day after the bomb arrests in Canada so the bomb dogs were at EVERY POE and all people and luggage were scanned, etc. So it took WAY longer then normal. We missed our flight. However...the airline will always get you a new flight.

My advice. If the ticket works for you then go for it and hope for the best. If you miss your connecting flight, well, then you just have the airline book you on the next flight. Not a big deal.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-13 14:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaPower Voltage question for US and MENA

Thanks everyone for the info...I think I will invest in a better convertor...also I was wondering b chance does anyone know if I bought like a baby monitor, mini food processor as gift for my family would it work there with the convertor...or should i just get them something else.

I normally buy those gifts in the country where I am going to be. That way I don't have to travel with it nor do I have to mess with power issues.


I agree, I wouldnt get anything where they would have to deal with a converter. They tend to overheat and cause issues so its simply not worth it IMO. Chocolates, candy, clothing, make up, etc always make great gifts.

I always take jumbo flour tortillas to Ukraine. Make HUGE burritos for everyone. They LOVE them! :lol:

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-13 17:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaPower Voltage question for US and MENA

Thanks everyone for the info...I think I will invest in a better convertor...also I was wondering b chance does anyone know if I bought like a baby monitor, mini food processor as gift for my family would it work there with the convertor...or should i just get them something else.

I normally buy those gifts in the country where I am going to be. That way I don't have to travel with it nor do I have to mess with power issues.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-13 16:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat are you thankful for?

I am thankful for Joel for spicing it up around here after one long ### boring week in ME/NA.

I have my moments. I skipped work today and spent most of my day with one eye on VJ. Kinda sad really... :lol:
Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-14 22:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat are you thankful for?

I am thankful for HEROES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like...SUPER heroes...or REAL heroes?

I think the TV show!

Oh...I have VJ so I don't watch TV. :lol:

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-14 22:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat are you thankful for?

I am thankful for HEROES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like...SUPER heroes...or REAL heroes?
Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-14 22:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat are you thankful for?

I am thankful for:

being able to get married this year

visiting my family this year

having a few people to spent Thanksgiving with this year

being my family and I being healthy this year

being without any debt

getting alot of my INS petitions approved (yea!)

being able break my bad habits

improving my language skills

having a "family" to cook for...or rather to experiment on now ( LOL)

thankful that this year has pretty much been a good year...nothing too bad has happened so far ...and will not (inchallah)

french vanillla flavoured coffee

driving very fast on the auto-bahn in a small stick sift car

for my faith

That is sweet. (F) You are SO much more mature then the rest of us. I'm glad things are going so well for you. :)

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-14 22:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat are you thankful for?

India, terror, disillusionment, frailty, consequence, silence

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-14 21:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat are you thankful for?
24 hour diners that server breakfast ALL 24 HOURS!!!
Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-14 21:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat are you thankful for?

I bet Jenn is thankful for her new El Camino :lol:

Jenn has a NEW El Camino?!? B!tch... :lol:

Edited by Joel Halfwassen, 14 November 2006 - 09:44 PM.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-14 21:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat are you thankful for?

NO SAPPY STUFF, this is the one time you can be thankful for material things. :lol: Like spaceheaters. :thumbs:

In that case I am thankful for my refinished pool that I got done in time for the 4th of July...AND underbudget!

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-14 21:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat are you thankful for?

I thought this wasn't supposed to be sappy about how we're thankful for our fiance/husbands. That didn't last long!

That was my thought, darn it! Stop it you sappy people! :lol:
Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-14 21:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat are you thankful for?
I only wish I could be thankful for that! No. I'm thankful for family's good health. My grandparents are almost 90 and you wouldn't think they were much past 65 with all of their activities.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-14 21:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaChristmas

Mark and I was talkin about that yesteday ...Both of us are Muslims I love christmas time here in USA it's very beautiful and I love decorations and the houses decorated with houses ..I am thinking to get a tree and decorate it I really wanna celebrate it as a holiday not a religious way ..In fact I don't know why poeple put chrismas tree from the point of chrisitanity so I will do it ..i don't care what it refers to christianity I believe in God and iam muslim so I really wouldn't mind do that But this year thedecoration in my house will depend on our budjet because iam thinking to go away with my husband rather than spening hundreds of dollars on a tree or lights..:)

um i recommend an artificial provided you have the room to store it throughout the year. when i was a kid, i remember us having the same tree for over a decade and it fits into my "green"side (yeah many didn't know i had one i bet :lol: ). i refrain from having a real tree as i feel it is a waste to cut down a perfectly good tree just for the benefit of one month. some countries do sell trees that are dug up (roots packed in a big bag) so the tree can be replanted after christmas is over :thumbs:
i think that's a great idea so we are not filling up our landfills with trees.

We used to have a fake white tree with gawd awful blue lights and I think by year 17 the thing was so dirty you couldn't tell that it used to be white. :lol:

I started using a fake tree once I got divorced because I couldn't deal with hauling it in and out myself never mind the mess of vacuuming up the fallen needles. I bought a nice fiber optic tree about three years ago and I love it 'cause I don't have to deal with stringing the lights. (i love that song with the guy bitchin' about the lights lol) I used to miss the smell of a fresh tree but now I just get a yankee candle like the Christmas Eve one and it has a whole bunch of nostalgic scents rolled up in to one. :luv:

Great! Fake tree, fake get fake gifts too?!? :lol:
Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-19 20:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaChristmas

I long ago introduced my husband to the Jewish Christmas tradition--Chinese food and a movie :D

That is SO funny! My neighbours who were Jewish did that too! They were doctors and so offered to work on Christmas to allow the Christians time off (or at least less of a chance of being FORCED to work). They would come home for the evening with a VHS and Chinese take-out!


my husband does not permit me to visit family for christmas. he told me it is haraam. hamdullah

I am TOTALLY butting in and being insensitive, but...I REALLY hope that "my husband does not permit me..." "he told me..." was said in jest.


Edited by Joel Halfwassen, 18 November 2006 - 02:18 AM.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-18 02:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaTattoos and piercings

Seeing as the vast majority of these discussions go SO badly here, I am curious why someone would start a thread essentially knowing where it will go.
Is that the case here? Surely there are other fora more appropriate for learning about your faith?
The regional forums here are intended to be a place to trade 'local' notes about Embassies etc. Seems to me that these types of topics stretch the intended use of VJ. Beyond what a polite guest would do.

I started this thread in this forum because it is for regional discussion and I believe that questions about Islam fit in here as this forum is the Middle East and North Africa forum which are generally Muslim countries. :star:

Which does not answer the questions I asked.

This is an immigration related site. The admin offered a regional area to contain travel, moving, local getting-around info that is related to the immigration process.
Add a cup of:
These conversations have consistantly turned into flame wars, hurt feelings and outright cruelty with a sprinkle of ignorance and intolerance.

Starting to look like a recipe for disaster?

MENA is a very active group here in VJ (as you know better then anyone :P ) The threads are pointed towards topics that affect this region or that have a distict cultural characteristic FROM the region. I find their postings very appropriate for this forum. Part of the immigration process is the cultural aspect of the American citizen blending with the culture of the spouse. This includes history, poilitics, family, local tradition/lore, etc. This forum provides a good home for that transition.


Edited by Joel Halfwassen, 19 November 2006 - 08:17 PM.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-19 20:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaTattoos and piercings

This has been fascinating to read about, I never knew about the tradition of facial tattoos in the Middle East --thank for talking about this! :yes:

I second that! This is awesome reading!

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-19 19:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaMOROCCO MONDAY -- Add Your ME/NA MOJO !!!
Good luck y'all! You are in my thoughts.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-20 01:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterfaith Marriage
I just read the article. It isn't only Muslims who hold this view. Almost all religious leaders of all faiths proclaim something similar about this religion. I know my wife's family is VERY concerned about our marriage because I am not Russian Othodox. They keep saying that they don't want their grandchildren raised as heathens or pagans. :)

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-11-22 12:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaPre-arranged Marriages for your children

Our children will be allowed to mary whomever they choose. Afterall, that's what we are doing.

That brings up a good point. I am anyone on this site in an arranged marriage situation?
Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2007-01-17 19:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaYou know your husband is ____ when...
These are funny. I work with several Egyptians men at the University and can see much of this in them. Although I am sure I am missing some of the cultural nuance. Oddly, some of this can be applied to my Ukrainian wife who grew up in Odessa (Must be the Ottoman influence). I'm going to kill the mood for a moment with my ignorance. What the heck is a shib shib?

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-07-15 22:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaRaising bi-cultural kids
As the American saying goes, "If Mama ain't happy, ain't no one happy!" I have found this to be more true then not here in the US.

And I would agree about the forum. I go to these threads before I do the others. :)


Edited by Joel Halfwassen, 21 July 2006 - 09:20 PM.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-07-21 21:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaRaising bi-cultural kids

When my family moved to the USA, I was raised arabic as I said before. My parents did a great job of raising me, but since they were new to the USA we were all learning together about the USA.

When I was in 1st grade, our teacher handed us a map of the USA and told us to find the state where we were born. Well I was looking and looking all over for Jordan. I couldn't find it, then I saw Georgia, and I said Yesssssssss! this must be it. So when the teacher asked me where I was born I said Georgia, she looked at me with alot of doubt and asked what city, I said Amman, Georgia. :lol:

You know I had a similar problem. I was born in Canada. I couldn't find Ottawa on the map we were given. It was rather a stressful moment in my life. Like I really didn't exist. The school even put me in speech class to try to remove my accent. You can imagine how my parents hit the roof when they found out!! :) Once the teach learned I was from a different country and did not have a speech impediment we had a class conversation about 'foreign' people. And then people asking questions like "Say something in your native language." <sigh> Thank God the 70's are over. I would say that things have gotten better since most people now know where Canada is at least. Although that is mostly due to the hub over the 'Medicare' bus trips for cheap Canadian drugs. :)

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-07-21 17:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurespasspot reflecting marriage

Hi everyone,

I am confused becuase I just received my wife's DS-230 form and supplemnt of form OF-169, which says that "passport should be amended to reflect your marriage."

But my wife made the passport on her madien name, according to her id before marriage. She already has sended me her passport copy, now does she have to make a new passport + id. Or should I still send her unmarried passport copy with DS-230, becuase i have used her maiden name on all her petition papers and also her passport does not show that if she is married or umarried except through her name. Otherwise It is going to be a long time before she get here new id and passport, I already have her DS-230 from NVC.

Any suggestions.

Thank you

I just went through this with my wife. The embassy needed to see my last name (her legal married name) on her passport before they would continue to process. Now the exception is if she is planning on continuing to use her maiden name. This is refected on the marriage certificate. In other words the passport should reflect the legal name. The down side to this is that it took the Ukraine governement 2 months to do the name change for her passport.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-07-03 18:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS 230 quick question
Wait a second...For the DS 230? The petitioner is the person filing the DS 230 which would be the alien, right? Because it is the alien who is petitioning to COME to the USA.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-07-10 12:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS 230 quick question
The Alien. The USC is the petitioner for the I-130.

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-07-10 11:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview for IR1 vs CR1
I am making a guess, but the interview will be the same. It is just that the probablity of them saying "no" will be very not being able to see it small. :)

Joel HalfwassenNot TellingUkraine2006-07-10 00:56:00