Asia: East and PacificCommon Interview Questions
Hi everyone,

I am wondering if any who got fiance interview before me can list some of the questions asked at the interview. I hear 2 commonly asked questions are fiance's mother name and her address. Please feel free to list any question that you feel is commonly asked or your fiance has been asked before. Thank you to all that reply.
ThanhHienMale02009-11-30 13:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNotice The Signature Update
Excellent news, KT! This has been a long time coming!

I await the new hat-type adornments, whatever those might be...
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-15 13:59:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOne more RUB member added!

The wife know's who to call "Papa". B-)

Trust me when I say that whenever I get off the plane in Minsk and word gets out that Big Daddy Kip is back in town...well nipples get hard, hips quiver, and panties start to drop.

That sounds like the result of some kind of environmental hazard.
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-05-10 18:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOne more RUB member added!

Thanks! And I'll happily put up with any cons of having a son to not have to deal with that time when a daughter wants to start dating! I would *not* be looking forward to that!

No sweat. If you have a daughter one day, just cultivate the grumpy dad persona and invest in rifles, a rocking chair, and a porch. I'm sure I'll get my Brit husband to embrace firearms when the boys start calling.
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-05-10 14:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOne more RUB member added!

Iv'e got some way better pics on a thumbnail drive...I'l start scouring the house for it. She had her hair "streaked" I guess you would call it, and she's in a little leather mini with a black leather vest and those over the knee leather boots. I'm telling ya, If I had come across her before the's hard to say who I would have ended up with. And the mom...unlike my wife...actually cooks.

Kip, stop!

Edited by Empress of Groovy, 10 May 2011 - 12:46 PM.

Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-05-10 12:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOne more RUB member added!

Time may ravage the body, but it ravages a lot harder on those who don't eat well and exercise. From what I can gather, many of our wives on here are very aware of what it takes to age like fine wine and take the necessary steps to do so.

Well, of course a sensible diet & exercise help, but time will take away that smokin' hot bod no matter what you do, baby or no baby. Mother Nature is cruel like that. Not wanting to deal with a "horrible monster" :lol: is a much better reason to avoid having a kid! But of course, most monsters are made, not born.

Thanks for the photo evidence, Kip!
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-05-10 12:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOne more RUB member added!
Time ravages the body, and no one's immune. Except maybe Kip's MIL. :mellow:
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-05-09 11:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOne more RUB member added!
Ha! Oops, I didn't mean to dis your momma. :blush:
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-05-06 14:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOne more RUB member added!

We have a six-month old girl. During the scary first few weeks (Why is she making that raspy noise? Why isn't she making any noise? How did she become a volcano of spitup? Is she too cold? Too hot? Is her poop supposed to look like that? etc.), we constantly had to remind ourselves that there are 6.75 billion people on the planet, and many of them managed to survive all sorts of less than ideal circumstances, including dumbass parents ("I bet my 2-month old would love a Coke!") You'll do great.
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-05-06 13:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI have this friend .............
How about Kip-Daddy's MILILF?
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-07 22:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChild support for a Ukrainian baby?????
Has there been confirmation that there is indeed a baby?
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-18 12:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFound an old girlfriend on

So you girls think AWs are sluts too?

The slutty neighbor could be from anywhere. Anywhere at all...(except the UK).
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-19 16:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFound an old girlfriend on

Actually it starts with the VJ FB crowd. They decide what should and what shouldn't be posted on this site. Seeing how some regional forums are as exciting as watching paint dry some people take it upon themselves to troll other regional forums to see what they approve of and disapprove of. Life just isn't worth living if you cant sit on your ####### in front of your laptop while eating an entire chocolate cream pie and dispense moral authority over others on this site.

It's not trolling, Kip, it's joining the party. It's common knowledge that the UK subforum, for example, is boring. Mostly practical matters and "OMG!!!! I'd kill for a REAL Cornish pasty!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and "My slutty neighbor is flirting with my hot UK MAN because of his SEXY ACCENT!!!!!!" But, the RUB subforum isn't an exclusive club, as much as a very few guys (and it's all USC guys) want to make it like that. There's so much hilarious baiting that goes ignored, and when someone with a UK flag makes a comment on just about anything, it's "Oh no! The hairy-legged Anglophone man-haters are here!" It's a weird dynamic, but it's lots of fun. At least I think it is.
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-19 16:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFound an old girlfriend on

Someone had the YouTube version of "Destination Unknown" posted on here. That was a lot more risque than the maid jpeg. I think what's important is intention. Clearly the intention of the maid pic was adult humor and a follow up to several different posts concerning dishwashers and MIL.

A warning to newer posters. There;s a rat fink feminist boot licking poster that has rejoined us. We ran him out of Dodge a long while ago. Now he's back and looking to make trouble. My advice, ignore his silly azz posts but watch the sex stuff cause he'll rat you out in a heartbeat.

Deep breaths, VV, deep breaths.
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-19 15:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFound an old girlfriend on

Mama Tanya couldn't be a maid without the proper work attire now could she?

I see there's a knife block on the counter. Perfect for the next scene!

Actually, I think it would be more like Tales from the Crypt. Anyone remember the one where the guy (played by Joe Pesci, I believe) has twin girlfriends, and at the end they literally cut him down the middle so they can share him?
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-19 14:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFound an old girlfriend on

When we first met online, she had mentioned something about getting her mom a resident visa for here, but she hasn't brought up that idea in years now. I was kind of hoping mama Tanya could be like our live in maid. :hehe:

That sounds like a great premise for a gruesome horror movie. :whistle:
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-19 12:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFound an old girlfriend on

I saw that "pleading the 5th" on a movie about Jimmy Hoffa..the one with Jack Nicholson and it's the best invention imo since the "Mulligan". :)

In that case, I can't say I blame the missus for being...concerned from time to time.
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-18 20:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFound an old girlfriend on

I'm going to take the 5th on that seeing how it's my right as an American citizen.

Dear didn't involve your MILILF, did it?
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-18 14:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFound an old girlfriend on

Iv'e never heard of a co-ed encounter group before, but it sounds like a good place to pick up chicks. One that worked for me was borrowing my brothers youngest step kid. I'd take her to the ice rink at the mall with me and tell the moms there that she was my kid and my wife died of cancer. That one was money in the bank. Nothing like playing the dead wife single parent card for an easy score.

Wow, that's hot.
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-16 17:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVodka
I don't have a terribly sophisticated vodka palate, but I like Hangar One. It's from California! Does that mean it's not the real deal?

I'll have to try Svedka.

Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-18 14:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusEx Issues

If you keep feeding the stray cats, they'll never leave. Think man. Think.


Posted Image
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-13 14:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusEx Issues

Anyone that thinks British literature holds a candle to Russian literature when it comes to grimmness, hasn't read much Russian literature. Sydney Carton on the block is a man sacrificing for someone he loves and realizing that his life can mean something. Anna Karenina in front of a train is someone who decides that her life really is a total screw up and there is no way to make it better. There's no comparison.

For another comparison, look at Pride and Prejudice vs. ????????????? (by Ostrovsky). The setup is pretty much the same (a charming and attractive girl from a family tries to navigate her way into a successful marriage). In the British version she finds Darcy. In the Russian version there's a Collins, several Wickum's, and Darcy turns out to be a profligate who hangs out with Gypsies and marries for the money. The girl ends up floating down the river with a bullet in her back after being taken advantage up by Darcy.

You don't understand dark literature until you study Russian literature.

Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-13 12:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusEx Issues

I wonder if we could suggest the addition of an American flag icon for members that are no longer married to their foreign spouses and maybe their own forum? Or maybe like a Union Jack with one of those red circles with a line through it? It may not work well for a Canadian flag, maybe a blue line and circle for that one.

"ex issues" seems the appropriate thread for this.

Why's that? Educate us.
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-12 21:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusEx Issues

:thumbs: Quick thinking eekee.

Christ...I'm trying to come up with something and I'm drawing a blank. This is what happens when someone post in the UK forum...I'm all fckd up now. :(

Kip: Think MILILF!
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-12 21:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusEx Issues
I predict a quick recovery.
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-12 21:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusEx Issues

Who left the gate open and let all these Brits in? Damn...I turn my back for a minute and the forum is infested with them!

Well, hello, good sir! Fancy a spot of spotted #######?
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-12 19:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusEx Issues <---- I would have never guessed it. I was fishing in the dark on google trying to figure out the title of that movie. That be the one nailed it. Great movie up until the time she sails for England...then it got depressing especially when she offed herself at the end of the movie.

The Brits* are among the best when it comes to grimness. Come to think of it, Russians are no slouches in that category either.

*In this case, sorta British?

Edited by Empress of Groovy, 12 January 2012 - 06:48 PM.

Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-12 18:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusEx Issues

You gals are ok in my book, but you scare guys off. It's like you gals over there go out of your way to run guys off in that forum without even realizing it. The UK forum is like the complete opposite of this's oil and water.

:lol: I think you have a vivid imagination.
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-12 16:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusEx Issues <---- It's not like I didn't give them a chance to save that thread....and they still blew it. :hehe:

It was a heroic attempt, Kip.
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-12 15:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusEx Issues

And you think I missed that point and married a Ukrainian woman by mistake? :wacko:

Yeah right, and every morning I wake up, look at Alla laying next to me and think "Dammit, I coulda had a UK chick" :jest:

You step right into it, every time.
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-12 15:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusEx Issues

Any testosterone in the UK forum will be quickly beaten to death by women using bars of soap wrapped up in towels, the source of the hormone will be tracked down, cut off, ground up and fed to their cats.

I think you're missing the point, Champ-A-Dilly. The UK ladies have more testosterone than all the males in the lower 48. They can break industrial vacuums in half with their bare hands. They are angry, mustached, and motivated.
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-12 15:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusEx Issues
I remember Richard Dawson...he was the host when I was a kid. None of the hosts that followed him seemed quite right, bless his smarmy, sleazy heart.
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-12 14:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusEx Issues

ok, I posted. But tbh, the witty and intellectual types don't catch a man. Sex and food is always a gals best bet.

You should consider hosting a TV dating show.
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-12 13:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusEx Issues

I just checked out that thread after reading your post and it's anything but a testosterone laden discussion. Now if you want it to be a testosterone laden discussion then a few of us RUB's can post on that thread and fix that situation in no time flat. :yes: But before we do that you have to promise us some kind of immunity in regards to getting banned.

Alas, I am powerless to provide immunity. I can be a champion of genuine spots on the spotted #######, however.

Manly ladies + manly men + spotted ####### - purses = SUPA-MANLY!
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-12 13:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusEx Issues
I just thought I'd mention that there is a testosterone-laden discussion of spotted ####### in the UK subforum.
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-12 13:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHappy Birthday to K-Bone, si man
Happy birthday to my...ahem, favorite RUB character. Maybe someone special will treat you to a fabulous weekend in San Francisco!
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-06 16:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOur daughter is here! (well, was here in June)
Mazel tov! She's beautiful.
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-04 13:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPosting

I wonder if the Empress of Groovy knows how the RUB handles carpeting.

This thread had digressed to the level only we in the RUB can appreciate. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It has been very enlightening.

Green shag will make a worldwide comeback, mark my words!
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-26 10:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPosting

I thought this was the RUB bastards unite thread?

I think carpets might be some kind of unifying topic. Kinda like hippies & bikers both like The Dead.
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-20 23:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPosting
Please allow me to answer, if you will. All are welcome.

Currently, the topic is carpets (*snork!*).
Empress of GroovyFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-20 16:28:00