K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied...HELP ME
QUOTE (ANODES09 @ Sep 12 2009, 01:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (HYZ @ Sep 11 2009, 03:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi, I wish I could help, but I am new at this and I don't know much. I just wanted to show some support as a fellow Dominican. I know that the consulate in DR can be very difficult, and I am nervous myself about my own case because even if our relationships and marriages are true, they don't care they just decide whatever they want. I'm sorry to hear about what is happening to you, sorry I can't help. Good luck and if you speak Spanish, con Dios delante todo saldra bien, solo hay que tener fe.

I'm inclined to slightly disagree with your comment....

Yes, the consulate in the Dominican Republic can be difficult, but you have to understand why they are being difficult. Fraud is extremely high in this country for numerous reasons. No, the consulate cannot just decide on whatever they want. That's against the law. If that were the case, I'm pretty sure no one would get approved. It's up to us to be prepared properly. If we know that we're going to be tested and tried going into the fire then we need have ALL (and I mean ALL) documentation prepared. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. If you go in to the consulate with a gaping hole in proving your relationship is valid....guess what? They are going to hone in and move in for the kill. No doubt about it.

I could not agree with you more on this. The OP was not prepared, pure and simple. They don't take you to winodw 11 unless they have something that came up in the investigation before you even got there. Most people aren't aware that they DO investigate - ask neighbors, friends, investigate your background in the DR, and they have sources that are not affiliated with the local law enforcement (very corruptible).

There are things she is clearly not telling us. She would have gotten a pink form at the Consulate with the reasons for denial checked off.

Edited by twincactus, 13 September 2009 - 07:35 AM.

twincactusMaleDominican Republic2009-09-13 07:34:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshelp withe i-130
Please check out our site It's just for people doing Dominican immigration and we can help you do this without an attorney OR and advocacy group - you can do it yourself. We also have a moderator on our site who runs a document service and is very reasonably priced. You really can do this yourself but the thing I would be concerned about is if you cannot afford to do the process then you might not qualify for the minimum income requirements to petition someone. Please feel free to visit our site and ask questions.
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2011-10-12 04:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHas Anyone Been Through K3/4 Visa Interview in Santo Domingo

Els although I have not gone through the embassy in Santo Domingo, I have several friends who have done so as well as family members (I am Dominican). It is advisable for the petitioner to be present at the interview. There have been cases of people whose visas have been put on hold until the petitioner was present.

It's not only advisable, it's really pretty much required. You will almost asuredly be denied of you do not attend. Why would you not want to be with your spouse during one of the most important moments in his life? Wouldn't you want to take him home right after the interview anyway? You will be waiting over a year for your interview. Don't take any unnecessary chances!

About your question on the Consulate in the Dominican Republic, the answer is no, that particular Consulate does things much different than the other Consulates because of the high incidence of fraud they have. We have a forum devoted just to Dominican immigration. Please visit us and we can help you.

Visit the Dominican immigration forums at:
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-03-17 12:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMy interview in Dominica Rep

Ok, I went on the waiting list for the Dominican Consulate and I found my case has an interview in August but I havent received anything, he hasnt either. I dont know what i need or what he needs. There use to be a forum on Yahoo but I havent received any more emails on updates from them so I dont know. I am hoping that maybe someone knows something about the interviews in the Dominican Republic :(

After getting your NOA2, the consulate has to send the person who will attend the interview what we call a Packet 3. This packet contains the instructions and list all the documents that need to be brought to the interview, such as police records and an affidavit of support. The content of packet 3 varies from country to country. After you've gathered all the documents needed, you're then supposed to send the consulate a form which states you're ready to have your interview scheduled. They will then send you Packet 4 - more forms to fill out and intructions regarding a medical exam that needs to be taken.

If I were you, I'd try and call or e-mail the consulate to find out more. Interviews aren't supposed to be carried on without these documents and forms.

Hope I helped.

Sorry Mew, it's not like that in the DR. There is no packet 3. Approximately 25 days before the interview your fiance' (and you if you asked for it) will recieve your interview packet which explains everything you need to do including the medical exam. Just have everything ready by the time of your interview. You will need to pick up your medical exam results the day before you interview and take them with you to the Consulate.

Calling or e-mailing the consulate probably will not get you much with their 27,000 case backlog. Why not come over to our forum and check out all the interview questions and other resources that we have? We have many members who are active and have already been through the interview and can guide you with what you need to know.

Visit the Dominican immigration forums at:
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-07-09 09:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCurrent timeline for Dominican Republic/Checklist

Hi all,
I have two questions.
Does anyone know what the "typical" time frame is for K1 for lady from the Dominican Republic to get her interview?
Also, is there a K1 checklist of requiered documents, anywhere?
Many thanks in advance,

Unfortunately, you have a 24-30 month wait. I know you don't believe me but you probably don't know there is a waiting list for interviews in the DR with 27,000+ people on it. My wait was 20 months total, 13 months for the interview.

As for a checklist, I'm assuming you haven't read the K1 instructions because they tell you exactly what to do and how to do it and where to send everything. It's pretty easy.

If you haven't sent paperwork, you might consider getting married somewhere else and filing a K3 with that Consulate to beat the wait.

Visit the Dominican immigration forums at:
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-09-30 05:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVaccinations
Yes you will be able to get the shots at the clinic.

Here are some useful links:

.......and if you don't already know, if you just started the process it is now taking 20-24 months to complete and there is NO way around it.

Good luck.
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-10-28 11:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionquestion on whether fiance visa interview is videotaped or audiotaped

Thank you all very much for your responses. I am particulary curious if the consulate in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, either videotapes or audiotapes these interviews. If I know whether other consulates record the interviews, I will have a better idea as to whether this consulate does.

I am quite sure our interview was NOT taped. I don't know where they would have put the camera. You could pose that question to our forum members at if you want. We have several people who had interviews this month and more that have December interviews.

Thank you for that information. How was the demeanor of agent who interviewed you and your fiance?

Our agent was very pleasant but my members are telling me there is a woman there right now who is apparently from hell. All I can say is be as prepared as you can and you will have no trouble. Don't give them a reason to deny you.
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-12-03 20:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionquestion on whether fiance visa interview is videotaped or audiotaped

Thank you all very much for your responses. I am particulary curious if the consulate in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, either videotapes or audiotapes these interviews. If I know whether other consulates record the interviews, I will have a better idea as to whether this consulate does.

I am quite sure our interview was NOT taped. I don't know where they would have put the camera. You could pose that question to our forum members at if you want. We have several people who had interviews this month and more that have December interviews.
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-11-25 07:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat comes next
The DR does not issue packet 3/4. You will get a packet of instructions about 25 days before the interview which unfortunately will be a very very very long time, 22-26 months in all probability. After your NOA2, your case will be sent to the NVC, where it will then be transfered to the Consulate in Santo Domingo. At that point they will put you on the waiting list. It will take approximately 3-4 weeks for your case to show up on the list. Yours will most likely be on the January 1 waiting list. You have LOTS of time until you have to start worrying about packets and such. In the meantime, please visit my site strictly on Dominican immigration at

Here are some other useful links:

twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-12-05 15:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionThe dreaded question about I-134
It IS very clear IF you read the directions. Anyway, YOU shouldn't be filling out the forms, the USC should be doing that. This is precisely why, because you don't understand the laws of the USA.

Also, Please don't cross post. You posted this already in another forum.
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-12-09 05:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSanto Dominigo Dominican Republic
Thanks for the support everybody! I didn't want people to get the idea that the provess was fast in the DR. I wish it was, but unfortunately it seems to be getting even longer.
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2007-01-08 23:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSanto Dominigo Dominican Republic

Take heart k-1 visa seekers who are waiting for an appointment at the American consulate in Santo Domingo. If you check on the scheduled appointment list for January 2007 on their web-site you will find the case numbers indicate that the vast majority of the cases they are interviewing were sent to uscis in june and july of 2005. This means an approximate wait of 12 -13 months from receiving the approved petition at the consulate to the interview date. This is taking into consideration processing time at uscis and the national visa center. Though still outrageously long, this is a great improvement over the 2 year period being reported.

They are a very few k-1 cases dated to May of 2006 (I believe 5). I don't know if this indicates that they are working from both ends of the waiting list or if they are giving certain cases priority (potential spouses of dept of state employees, ha ha.)

Apparently they have either hired more staff or are giving more priority to k-1 visas. Our tax dollars at work. Maybe they heard our complaints

The latest cases received and put on the waiting list for cases which have not been scheduled an interview are from August of this year.

I'm sorry but you are not correct here. You are right that the case number reflects the June and July date, however this is the date the NVC assigned the case number and is the date the cases were sent to the Consulate in Santo Domingo. This does NOT take into account the time the case was at the USCIS service center OR the time it may have been at the NVC in the case of a marriage visa. Add about 6 months right now for the USCIS and even longer for the NVC if it's a CR1 petition. I just came through the process and it took 20 months total. We had several people with appointments in November, December, and January on my forums, and each of them is in the 22 month range. We have not noticed a difference and in fact the waitiung list has gotten larger this month.

I do wish you were right about this.

The date used in determining the case number assigned by the nvc is the month in which the petition was approved by the uscis, not the date it was processed by the nvc.

Yes, that's true, however, the date the case is received in Santo Domingo determines it's place on the waiting list. At this point however, it wouldn't make much difference anyway. 28,000 people ahead of you is a looooong wait no matter how you slice it. I have members on my forum who are just now getting interviews after almost 2 years of waiting for an appointment and it isn't getting any better. I fail to see your point. I myself just finished the process, and it took 20 months total. I started at 16,000 on the list. Today's people are starting at 28,000.

if you knew that about the case numbers why did you say other wise, your rich in misinformation and worst case scenarios, we all know someone who took forever to process through santo domingo, and yes santo domingo is the worst for getting a k-1. I've done it before.

We all know that our wait will be long. I have had experience with k-1 visa's and other business at the consulate in santo domingo before. I know what a mess it is and what it takes to go through the process. Given the many variables and the inability of human beings to prognosicate the future I don't try to pinpoint when my visa interview will be, that would be an exercise in anxiety and futility. All I was saying is that according to the numbers assigned to the cases, the k-1 visas that are being assigned interviews in jan and feb were passing through uscis last june and july. 28000 in the waiting list, 25000 being processed each month. Do the math.

if it doesn't go according to the math because of prioritization, thats fine, if your worried about it, it won't bust my bubble

Frankly, I trust very little advise given to me in these matters, least of all yours

p.s Just came from s.d

que lo pase muy bien,

felice ano nuevo

Fine, think what you want but don't foist your misinformation on other people here. Look at the numbers and YOU do the math. You added one too many zeros to the 2500 figure, and even THAT isn't accurate. Sure, that many cases APPEAR to be processed but some are indeed duplicates and if you know anyone on or have been on that waiting list, you would know that the list is moving approx 1200 spots per month, but I forgot you know everything about the Consulate down there. I was just through the whole process myself. I run a website you obviously haven't bothered to check that gets 3 million hits per month and is dedicated ONLY to Dominican immigration. So you are saying that I and ALL my members have been waiting on an imaginary list for an imaginary time........what a piece of work. Most people on my board have been waiting over a year for their interviews, but I forgot, they are all liars.......Why do you care anyway? If you have been through this process any time in the last 2 years you would know, otherwise you went through the process prior to the summer of 2004 when the backlog appeared.
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2007-01-08 00:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSanto Dominigo Dominican Republic

Take heart k-1 visa seekers who are waiting for an appointment at the American consulate in Santo Domingo. If you check on the scheduled appointment list for January 2007 on their web-site you will find the case numbers indicate that the vast majority of the cases they are interviewing were sent to uscis in june and july of 2005. This means an approximate wait of 12 -13 months from receiving the approved petition at the consulate to the interview date. This is taking into consideration processing time at uscis and the national visa center. Though still outrageously long, this is a great improvement over the 2 year period being reported.

They are a very few k-1 cases dated to May of 2006 (I believe 5). I don't know if this indicates that they are working from both ends of the waiting list or if they are giving certain cases priority (potential spouses of dept of state employees, ha ha.)

Apparently they have either hired more staff or are giving more priority to k-1 visas. Our tax dollars at work. Maybe they heard our complaints

The latest cases received and put on the waiting list for cases which have not been scheduled an interview are from August of this year.

I'm sorry but you are not correct here. You are right that the case number reflects the June and July date, however this is the date the NVC assigned the case number and is the date the cases were sent to the Consulate in Santo Domingo. This does NOT take into account the time the case was at the USCIS service center OR the time it may have been at the NVC in the case of a marriage visa. Add about 6 months right now for the USCIS and even longer for the NVC if it's a CR1 petition. I just came through the process and it took 20 months total. We had several people with appointments in November, December, and January on my forums, and each of them is in the 22 month range. We have not noticed a difference and in fact the waitiung list has gotten larger this month.

I do wish you were right about this.

The date used in determining the case number assigned by the nvc is the month in which the petition was approved by the uscis, not the date it was processed by the nvc.

Yes, that's true, however, the date the case is received in Santo Domingo determines it's place on the waiting list. At this point however, it wouldn't make much difference anyway. 28,000 people ahead of you is a looooong wait no matter how you slice it. I have members on my forum who are just now getting interviews after almost 2 years of waiting for an appointment and it isn't getting any better. I fail to see your point. I myself just finished the process, and it took 20 months total. I started at 16,000 on the list. Today's people are starting at 28,000.
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-12-25 13:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSanto Dominigo Dominican Republic

Take heart k-1 visa seekers who are waiting for an appointment at the American consulate in Santo Domingo. If you check on the scheduled appointment list for January 2007 on their web-site you will find the case numbers indicate that the vast majority of the cases they are interviewing were sent to uscis in june and july of 2005. This means an approximate wait of 12 -13 months from receiving the approved petition at the consulate to the interview date. This is taking into consideration processing time at uscis and the national visa center. Though still outrageously long, this is a great improvement over the 2 year period being reported.

They are a very few k-1 cases dated to May of 2006 (I believe 5). I don't know if this indicates that they are working from both ends of the waiting list or if they are giving certain cases priority (potential spouses of dept of state employees, ha ha.)

Apparently they have either hired more staff or are giving more priority to k-1 visas. Our tax dollars at work. Maybe they heard our complaints

The latest cases received and put on the waiting list for cases which have not been scheduled an interview are from August of this year.

I'm sorry but you are not correct here. You are right that the case number reflects the June and July date, however this is the date the NVC assigned the case number and is the date the cases were sent to the Consulate in Santo Domingo. This does NOT take into account the time the case was at the USCIS service center OR the time it may have been at the NVC in the case of a marriage visa. Add about 6 months right now for the USCIS and even longer for the NVC if it's a CR1 petition. I just came through the process and it took 20 months total. We had several people with appointments in November, December, and January on my forums, and each of them is in the 22 month range. We have not noticed a difference and in fact the waitiung list has gotten larger this month.

I do wish you were right about this.
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-12-03 22:46:00