National Visa Center (Dept of State)AFFIDAVIT

can anyone tell me what is the filing fee for the affidavit has it says filing is free but my hubby was asked for $70 . CONFUSED !!!!!!! :unsure: :whistle:

That is the fee at the NVC. You will get an official "fee bill" for the form and then you have to wait until they receive the money to send the form.

twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-03-03 21:59:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I-864
So, you are sponsoring your own now???? or what?

On your son-in-law's application you were a co-sponsor. If you are filling out a new from for your own spouse or fiance, you need to put that down when they ask the question if you are sponsoring any other immigrants. I am sure they will count him as one in your family size for the new application. Read the directions carefully and don't read things into the questions, just answer them as they are.

Visit the Dominican immigration forums at:
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-03-30 03:37:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case completed at NVC
Hehe, I have been waiting 13 months......just for the interview! It varies by Consulate. I don't think it has been long at all in your case.

Visit the Dominican immigration forums at:
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-03-30 03:40:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Divorce Decree
You are all incorrect. You, as the PETITIONER, will need a certified copy of the divorce decree at the interview. Be prepared. Quite frankly, I don't know how you got your I-130 approved at the USCIS without that.
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-04-24 03:56:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case Startin 0n January 2005 @NVC Only
Three last words everyone.....


We all made it. It's like watching Poseidon or something. Hehehe.

Life is good.

Thanks everyone for the congrats, Lord knows we earned this one. You all know where to find me. Two million hits per month and climbing. My personal site will be revamped soon, you can always find me there as well. I am still toying with the idea of our own little private forum.... I'll let all of ya know what happens.


twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-06-03 03:50:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case Startin 0n January 2005 @NVC Only
OK guys. you can close this thread after the congrats..... :)

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
We will be on our way home on Saturday. Saturday we are going to stay with some friends from my message board that live in New York, go out to eat and show her the Statue of Liberty in the harbor. Then the next day we fly back to Phoenix and I have planned a week off to enjoy our new time together.

Thanks to everybody that has become my friend here and stuck with us until the last. I hope to meet every one of you personally some day.

We are exhausted. I am going to get some much needed sleep now.......

Keep in touch everybody!


Edited by twincactus, 24 May 2006 - 11:45 PM.

twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-05-24 23:42:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case Startin 0n January 2005 @NVC Only
Congratulations David & Onn!

For everyone else, the interview is coming up in the next few days. I will check in and let you all know. Thanks for all the well wishes!

twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-05-22 11:13:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case Startin 0n January 2005 @NVC Only
Well guys, I am ready for the interview. Got waaaaaay more evidence than I need and tons of stuff for the I-864.

I'm leaving in 2 days, wish me luck!

Will report back when I get back.

twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-05-15 02:01:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case Startin 0n January 2005 @NVC Only
Hi everybody!

Just a little update.

I will be flying down on the 17th of May for the interview and coming back on the 27th. The date is somewhere in between those two ;)

Dave, good to see you back here. We need to go see you guys after my wife gets here. Maybe we could bum a boat ride?

Todd, glad everything is going good for you man. I hope those idiots at work didn't get you down. Anyway, you are the one who is happy now, screw them. Congrats on the driving test.

Jill, thanks for always being there and remembering us. You know you promised a visit when you come through Arizona. you are welcome anytime.

Dcdn, good luck with the baby. Like Dave said, girls are the best. I have three of them. My boy is great too, but the girls are really special.

Keep in touch everybody. Anybody hear from Sandy at all?

twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-04-30 03:57:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case Startin 0n January 2005 @NVC Only
Thanks guys!

You will get a full report at the moment of truth. I hear the interviews are getting really tough but I'm ready. My wife is a very strong girl and can take whatever they put her through. I have all the evidence to back her up.

dcdn, yes, I finally feel like this thing will be over soon.......

twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-04-07 22:27:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case Startin 0n January 2005 @NVC Only
Hey everybody, we finally got our interview date. I have been sworn to secrecy by my wife. It's a shame that some people in her country might want to screw up your interview but that is what sometimes happens so I can only say that the date is at the end of May. We are extremely happy about it though, and I promise I will let you guys know the minute we get the visa!

twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-04-07 01:40:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case Startin 0n January 2005 @NVC Only

Excellent news!!!

Sorry I've been so absent but life seems to get in the way!

Tim ... news from you soooooooooooooon please!!

Spring is trying hard to get going round here. I have grow lamps and seedlings all over the house and can't wait to get out. My daughter and family arrive in just over 2 weeks and my mum and sister at the beginning of May .. can't wait to show them around!

And ... my daughter signed a pre-sale contract for my house yesterday!!! It's taken well over a year but I didn't have to drop my original price by much ... about 5%. Anyway I was celebrating last night and Butch spent all evening on the IRS site trying to figure out the capital gains aspect!!

Hope you are all well and happy. Jill

Jill, have him pick up a copy of Turbo Tax. It is fantastic software and won't let you make any mistakes.

I should know my interview date by the end of the week or at the latest, next week. I am on pins and needles waiting.

Hehehe, spring has been here in Phoenix for a while now..... :devil:

twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-03-29 13:30:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case Startin 0n January 2005 @NVC Only
Still no word from Sandy guys? Sandy, let us know what happened.

Our interview will almost assuredly be in May now. We should know at the end of March.

twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-03-21 15:28:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case Startin 0n January 2005 @NVC Only
OK, update folks.

We are now 7XX on the list.

That means we are almost sure to have an interview in May!

I am leaving Sunday to go down and see her, and when I get back I am going to call over to the visa specialist to find out if we have a date. Some people on my board have called before the waiting list is out and they got their date!

Man I can't believe it will be a year and a half. If our marriage can stand this, we can go through anything.

I'll update you guys when I have a date for sure. Am I the last one here?

twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-03-03 21:56:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case Startin 0n January 2005 @NVC Only

I really do hope you get your interview, at the latest, in May.

you will get there!!! :yes:


Thanks Daniel, I am sure we will have it then, and there is a small miracle chance it could be April but I am not counting on that.

I will keep you all posted.

twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-02-26 23:26:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case Startin 0n January 2005 @NVC Only
Good luck Sandy. Don't worry, you'll be fine.

Man it look like Mexico's wait is about as long as year wait for the interview. I don't envy any of the newbies at all.

Our date will almost definitely be in May. The new waiting list comes out on the 28th.

twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-02-25 21:55:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case Startin 0n January 2005 @NVC Only

I also hope you have a better port of entry than Chicago
we have been battling USCIS since October, I never would have thought
congressmen and senators were powerless against DHS.
They will not help you out and do not give a damn :wacko:

Hey Todd! What's been the problem?

And Hi, everyone else! Hope all is well with all of you. Just checking in to make sure our tortoises are coming along ok.

Tim, Sandy and anyone else I may have forgotten ... you are always there in the back of my mind. They really should be giving out prizes for the patience you have had to show. Praying for "soon" ... Jill

Yeah anyway Todd, what's up? Let me know if I can help. You need to let the press know that your Congressmen don't care. That is the only way I know you can put pressure on them. Write them and tell them you are going public (don't threaten). Let them know they may be in the news, and then tell your story everywhere that you can. Newspapers and TV stations like human interest stories. Make sure when you tell your story you stress how much you love your wife and how hard it has been just to get her here.

Jill, thanks for your prayers. I am hoping for a miracle at the end of this month when the list comes out. We could be in May if they don't move too fast.....

twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-02-07 05:46:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case Startin 0n January 2005 @NVC Only
We are now 2,4XX on the waiting list.....possibly an April or may interview the way it looks folks.

twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-02-03 06:52:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case Startin 0n January 2005 @NVC Only
Glad you archived it.

No news here but the new waiting list comes out in like 3 days. I am expecting an intervew in April or May. I hope they surprise me.

twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-01-28 23:48:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Isnt't this weird?
The automated system is updated only once a week so if you missed the cutoff, you could be waiting up to a week before it appears.
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2007-01-31 06:42:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)missing documents @ NVC..
An RFE can come via email IF you gave them your email when you filed, or it may be sent via snail mail if they don't have any other way of contacting you. The visa specialist is your best way to contact then to see what you are missing and what your status is.
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2011-07-25 05:31:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I need help fillin the DS-3032

I want to send the DS-3032 by email, but im waiting a confirmation from the NVC
But for awhile i want to be clear and ready in case i decide to send it by ordinary mail.

The documents i have says that must be to:
National Visa Center
Attn: ACL
31 Rochester Ave. Suite 200
Portsmouth, NH 03801

But in the the web (http://travel.state..../info_3177.html)says that it must be sent to:

National Visa Center
Attn: CMR
31 Rochester Ave. Suite 100
Portsmouth, NH 03801-2914

so, which one?

You're making this much harder than it is. Do it by email. What confirmation are you waiting for from NVC? You must send it from your significant other's address (the beneficiary). Other than that, it's not hard at all and will save you time over sending it through the mail. Not being able to send money through the mail is ####### too, use DHL and DON'T tell them what is in the envelope, it's none of their business.
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2011-06-22 05:45:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-230 specific questions
#44 is actually intended for paid preparers but it certainly won't hurt to put your information there if you assisted him.
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2011-10-18 04:57:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Any last minute tips?!?!
Relax, most of all don't lie. If you don't know the answer to a question don't guess, just say "I don't know". Be yourself.
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2011-10-18 05:00:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK-3/4 or I-130 - Husband in Dominican Republic
scy is right, file the I-130 ASAP.

Whatever you do, DO NOT hold up your own I-130 to wait for the one for your stepson. You will regret it later. What I think will happen is that since you are on the waiting list at 14,000, you have about a year to wait and in that year, your stepson's petition will have been approved and he also will be on the list. At that point, you should contact the Consulate and ask to have his interview with yours. You may want to get your Congressman to help you here. This is a common situation and the Consulate will usually want to save time and do all of you at one time.

Please visit our Dominican immigration forums and you will surely get more info on your situation.

Visit the Dominican immigration forums at:
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-03-17 11:54:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDR co-sponsor !!!!
I doubt seriously if they are doing DCF. Well, they might think they are but I don't believe the DR is doing DCF at this time. It IS up to the consulate whether they do it or not, and they have a waiting list for interviews of over 26,000 people. The wait is over a year.

Visit the Dominican immigration forums at:
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-04-07 02:28:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSwitching from K1 Visa application to K3 Application
There is little difference in time between the K-1 and K-3 visas with the wait at the consulate. Getting married in another country my well be worth the expense since it soon will be a 2 year wait. There are 27,000 people waiting for interviews.

Also, DCF is NOT available there. It is at the discretion of the Consulate and right now they are NOT doing it with the backlog.

Visit the Dominican immigration forums at:
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-07-03 12:07:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureslooking to convert from fiance visa to k3

that really depends on her intent when she enters the US with her tourist visa doesn't it?

If she's coming here strictly for a vacation and will return to the Dominican to wait out the remainder of the K1 processing, then she just may be allowed entry. With no harm done to the K1 petition or later application.

I'm a bit confused if you've only just sent in the petition (I-129F) or if that's been approved and you're just waiting on the K1 visa application (DS forms) to be sent to the consulate and an interview date set. Which are different processes. Ones a petition and ones a visa application.

Your second scenario: She could try to come visit the US and be denied entry and sent back to the Dominican. Again, usually with no harm to the petition or later application for K1, other than she would have to put on the DS form that she was once denied entry to the US, and for what reason. No harm, no foul.

At no time (unless for criminal reasons such as a felony record) will a denial of entry harm later non-immigrant visa applications. However, if she's trying to use the tourist visa to enter the US for the purpose of staying to marry you, then it is very likely that she'll be denied entry.

We understand your pain, lots of people here at VJ are separated from their spouse and child(ren), unfortunately we have to do things this way in order to be legal.

Agree with all the above, I visited US when my K1 was being processed, all down to whether she can substaniate non immigrant intent if quizzed.

You absolutely cannot compare your coming here from a first world country to this situation. The DR has the highest incidence of visa fraud in the western hemisphere. She will be denied entry and it COULD affect her petition. Don't do it.

As for switching to the K3, it won't matter. You will just get in the back of the 27,000 people already there, sorry. It took me 20 months to get my wife here and that was fast by today's standards. I'm afraid you don't have much recourse here. Visit my forum and read more specific information on DR immigration.

Visit the Dominican immigration forums at:
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2006-07-04 22:57:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBefore sending off the I-130 ....

But does anyone know what this means?

And I saw this on the K1 visas, what is it and does it apply to spousal visas? "extened approval" and pursuant to 9FAM 41.81 N3.1 (Period of validity),

Thanks :thumbs:

The sad fact is yes it does apply but they speak the speak but don't walk the walk. In the country where we petitioned it took me 20 months, yes 20 months with no RFEs, and I had every form ready before they asked for it. There is a waiting list there for Consular interviews that is - get this - 28,000 people long. It took me 13 months just to get an interview. Of course most Consulates are not like that but many do have backlogs and the State Department seems to be doing nothing to comply with the LIFE act.

I hope your process goes much much faster than ours did.

Get familiar with the process, read past posts like you are doing and get the actual forms and read them. All of them have instructions that are for the most part easy to follow. Don't forget there are some good guides right here on VJ.
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2007-01-31 11:03:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBefore sending off the I-130 ....
This is DIRECTLY from the I-130 instructions:

7. What Documents Do You Need to Prove a Family Relationship?

You have to prove that there is a family relationship betweenyou and your relative. If you are filing for:

A. A husband or wife, submit the following documentation:

1)A copy of your marriage certificate.

2) If either you or your spouse were previously marriedsubmit copies of documents showing that all priormarriages were legally terminated.

3) A passport-style color photo of yourself and apassport-style color photo of your husband or wife,taken within 30 days of the date of this petition. Thephotos must have a white background and be glossyunretouched and not mounted. The dimensions of thefull frontal facial image should be about 1 inch fromthe chin to top of the hair. Using pencil or felt pen,lightly print the name (and Alien Registration Number,if known) on the back of each photograph.

4) A completed and signed Form G-325A, BiographicInformation, for you and a Form G-325A for yourhusband or wife. Except for your name and signatureyou do not have to repeat on the Form G-325A theinformation given on your Form I-130 petition.

NOTE: In addition to the required documentation listed in 1)through 4) above, you should submit one or more of thefollowing types of documentation that may evidence that bonafides of your marriage:

1) Documentation showing joint ownership or property; or

2) A lease showing joint tenancy of a common residence; or

3) Documentation showing co-mingling of financialresources; or

4) Birth certificate(s) of child(ren) born to you, thepetitioner, and your spouse together; or

5) Affidavits sworn to or affirmed by third parties havingpersonal knowledge of the bona fides of the maritalrelationship (Each affidavit must contain the full nameand address, date and place of birth of the person makingthe affidavit, his or her relationship to the petitioner ofbeneficiary, if any, and complete information and detailsexplaining how the person acquired his or herknowledge of your marriage); or

6) Any other relevant documentation to establish that thereis an ongoing marital union.

Please! the instructions entorely before you fill out the forms.

I'm not trying to be an @ss here but if you don't do that in this process, you will be doomed to failure.

That being said, I did not send anything except my marriage certificate and got NO RFEs. Just make sure your packet is in order when you send it it.

To answer your other question, no, a letter of intent is NOT needed for a K3.
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2007-01-31 06:27:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 visa Help!!!!!!!!!????????????
You will always get a letter saying they forwarded your case to the Consulate. How did you know the case was forwarded to Damascus? I bet you got a letter.

Also, a suggestion. Like was mentioned here, go to the Consulate website and do some research. In fact, the State Dept also has information on the K3 visa. Here on VJ also, there are guides to let you know what to expect during the process. Get familiar with what will happen next by reading this information.
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2007-02-20 03:16:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresvisa petition and filing taxes

When I was filing my taxes..they said that I could file with my husband, but I had to send his Dominican Republic passport. They also said I had to claim what he made last year even though he has never been to the US. He only made about $2000.

You could have made a copy of his passport, and had it notarized at the Consulate for about $30 then sent in a W-7 to request an ITIN. Yes, they have to report income but it usually is little or nothing and the saving for filing jointly is immense. Most Consulates have facilities to notarize documents for US citizens abroad and the fee is resonable. No need for original docs if you use the notarized passport copy.
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2007-03-01 06:15:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhich way to go

I would add that since the process takes 20-24 months in the DR, like most here have mentioned, the CR or IR visa is the way to go and the suggestion to file the K3 was right on the money. They are actually harder on the K1s at the Consulate it seems and the time difference is little if any with the wait being so long. The added benefit of not having the hassle of AOS is just icing on the cake.

Twincactus, Did you go the CR/IR visa route? would doing the k3 visa route be worth it? I'm sorry if I'm repeating the same questions, I just want to be clear so I can decide which option is right for us. He is in the Dominican Republic and I am in the states, we were married last month in DR. This is very frustrating and it really stinks to be apart from your loved one for so long. Do you know if the processing fees will definitely be increased next month? Thanks. sorry for all the questions. by the way I love this forum, it really is very informative and helpful. Thanks for creating it.

Yes we did the CR1. I did not file a K3 because at the time they were not moving at all.

Now, you should definitely file a K3 because it will generally get to the Consulate faster and could save you months on the processing time. Also, there are many many advantages of doing the marriage visa over the fiance' visa.

Just to clear up a point, I didn't create this forum, I created :D

Edited by twincactus, 24 May 2007 - 05:24 AM.

twincactusMaleDominican Republic2007-05-24 05:22:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhich way to go

Nothing is better I think everything is the same due to the backlog that the Dominican consulate have, you can be approved here in one month, but you have to wait 12-24 month just to get an interview. I'm so dissapointed with this situation too. I cant beleived that this is happening to me, I think is better to go and get tourist visa and then do all the paper work here.

You won't get a tourist visa. Less than 1% of those are approved and if they know your intent is to immigrate you will be denied. Your only choice is to wait. Why don't you ask some questions of the Chief Consul over on our site?
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2007-05-24 05:19:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhich way to go
I would add that since the process takes 20-24 months in the DR, like most here have mentioned, the CR or IR visa is the way to go and the suggestion to file the K3 was right on the money. They are actually harder on the K1s at the Consulate it seems and the time difference is little if any with the wait being so long. The added benefit of not having the hassle of AOS is just icing on the cake.
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2007-05-15 19:51:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI130

This does seem to work if the case is still in the USA at the USCIS or the NVC. If it is at the Consulate, there isn't much the senators can do there. Right now, USCIS is a bit slow. It has been taking about 6 months for some people to get approved there.

If you are petitioning for a Dominican, the wait at the Consulate for an interview can be 2 years or more!

Can someone explain why they jump numbers??? Our I-130 has been in the Dominican
Consulate since 10/06 and the I-129 since 11-06....Our numbers are 17000 & 18000 but this month I see on the waiting list that petitions filed along w/our dates & petitions for 2007 have appointments for next month & also those new petitions are now in the lower numbers....How did they get jumped past my applications????

Is there anything I can do....I tried calling the number they give(where you have to pay all this money for the phone call) and they are useless, they just give you the same info that you can see on the web....

There are a number of reasons they would "skip" you in line. The biggest one is that if there is a family that say has the mother in the front of the line but the children are in the back, the Consulate will combine all the cases to keep the family together. This seems fair to me. The other reason is that there are humanitarian reasons some cases get expedited. I know of one where the petitioner was a US serviceman who was called up for a tour of duty in Iraq. They allowed him to bring his wife here before he was deployed. I am all for that also. there are numerous other reasons.

Unfortunately, there is no "secret way" to get your appointment expedited. The backlog has actually reduced this month by almost 1,000 cases. they are working on it but it will take time as resources are limited down there.
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2007-07-05 06:16:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI130
This does seem to work if the case is still in the USA at the USCIS or the NVC. If it is at the Consulate, there isn't much the senators can do there. Right now, USCIS is a bit slow. It has been taking about 6 months for some people to get approved there.

If you are petitioning for a Dominican, the wait at the Consulate for an interview can be 2 years or more!
twincactusMaleDominican Republic2007-06-22 07:43:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Marriage for I-130
QUOTE (chabo @ Oct 25 2007, 05:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (elizabeth.e @ Oct 25 2007, 08:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hope to soon mail in my I-130 for my Dominican spouse, and would appreciate some help with a particular issue: Documents needed to prove a family relationship (in this case, marriage). My concern relates to the "additional evidence" of the bona fides of the marital relationship, some examples being documentation of joint ownership of property, joint tenancy of a residence, or co-mingling of financial resources. We have none of these things, although some are in the works. I obtained two notarized affidavits (example I. of this question on the I-130) from people with knowledge of the marital relationship during my most recent trip to the Dominican, but I am concerned that this is not enough. Example J. on the form includes "any other relevant documentation" establishing the union; what are some examples of this?

Are the affidavits, in addition to the required evidence (marriage certificate, photos, etc.) sufficient? What are some other things I might be able to include? Thank you!

I just sent in the certifided copy of our marriage licence and that was it there were no questions

Ditto that. Please do not send too much documentation. The USCIS has enough to do right now.

You may be in for another shock however. The waiting time for a visa APPOINTMENT is 2-3 YEARS in the DR. I waited 20 months myself. Too bad you didn't get married in another country, you could have had a K3 adjudicated at that Consulate.

twincactusMaleDominican Republic2007-10-28 01:30:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied...HELP ME
QUOTE (Karina & ALex @ Sep 12 2009, 05:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Karina & ALex @ Sep 11 2009, 05:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I got married Aug.11.07, started to do his papers in September '07, got our appointment in SANTO DOMINGO Dec.29,08 He got his visa denied and they closed the case, the paper said it was a fraud marriage which they are so fukin wrong but they don't care, we just messed up on the interview. That was the hardest & saddest day of my life sad.gif , i felt like it was unfair. I'm dominican born in the US & he's dominican...i don't understand why the didn't leave my case open so they can investigate, if they did investigate i would be with my husband right now.

The consulate in Santo Domingo are known to be the worst people. headbonk.gif

And a yesterday i called the consul in Santo Domingo they said the case was sent back to the US, USCIS told me they have to review it and they choose to deny it or send it back to Santo Domingo & get another appointment, So i gotta wait like 120 days.

Can somebody tell me what happens or what can i do ??

After i got denied i went to the top immigration lawyer in Dominican Republic and she was an ex-consul and she said i can't do anything. I did talk to congress they said i have to wait till i get a letter from USCIS that explains why i got denied. So i'm just waiting. Then i have to prove my marriage is real. I've talk to every department that has to do with immigration. I'm going to talk to Congress again. Everyone says to. Thanks everybody you helped me a lot.
Some of you guys say to move to DR but I'm still in school. And i visit my husband alot.

First off, everyone does NOT get denied no matter what you think. Only about 3% of cases are rejected, and out of those, only about 1% are denied after their appeals. You are in the miniroity, not the majority, but one thing is clear. If they took you to window 11, there was more wrong with your case than just not knowing who showered first. BTW, they only ask these types of questions in investigations window 11. This is the fraud unit. You don't go there if you are missing documents or even if you lack enough evidence, but ONLY if they suspect you are trying to pull something.

Secondly, this is a United States process, NOT a Dominican process. the Dominican government could not care less if they leave the country, it's the USA that won't let them in. Yadira is NOT an immigration attorney, at least not an AMERICAN one and as such she knows little about this process. She has a TV show, and she makes money from people like YOU who watch the show and then pay for non-advice. You need a good AMERICAN immigration attorney, but even then, you are going to have to be honest with him/her and tell your story WITHOUT leaving out details, which I am not sure you have done here.

twincactusMaleDominican Republic2009-09-13 07:43:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied...HELP ME
QUOTE (ANODES09 @ Sep 12 2009, 01:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (HYZ @ Sep 11 2009, 03:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi, I wish I could help, but I am new at this and I don't know much. I just wanted to show some support as a fellow Dominican. I know that the consulate in DR can be very difficult, and I am nervous myself about my own case because even if our relationships and marriages are true, they don't care they just decide whatever they want. I'm sorry to hear about what is happening to you, sorry I can't help. Good luck and if you speak Spanish, con Dios delante todo saldra bien, solo hay que tener fe.

I'm inclined to slightly disagree with your comment....

Yes, the consulate in the Dominican Republic can be difficult, but you have to understand why they are being difficult. Fraud is extremely high in this country for numerous reasons. No, the consulate cannot just decide on whatever they want. That's against the law. If that were the case, I'm pretty sure no one would get approved. It's up to us to be prepared properly. If we know that we're going to be tested and tried going into the fire then we need have ALL (and I mean ALL) documentation prepared. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. If you go in to the consulate with a gaping hole in proving your relationship is valid....guess what? They are going to hone in and move in for the kill. No doubt about it.

I could not agree with you more on this. The OP was not prepared, pure and simple. They don't take you to winodw 11 unless they have something that came up in the investigation before you even got there. Most people aren't aware that they DO investigate - ask neighbors, friends, investigate your background in the DR, and they have sources that are not affiliated with the local law enforcement (very corruptible).

There are things she is clearly not telling us. She would have gotten a pink form at the Consulate with the reasons for denial checked off.

Edited by twincactus, 13 September 2009 - 07:35 AM.

twincactusMaleDominican Republic2009-09-13 07:34:00