K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
Here's an update. I talked to Loreta this morning, afternoon her time. Somebody in her apartment bldg last Thursday found her on the floor and called an ambulance. She's still sick and trouble breathing and it hurts when she coughs. Pneunonia is an infection of the lungs. I was so relieved to hear from her. Will have to deal with the embassy again, but what can you do?
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-02-07 11:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..



Geor and Andie no good news, she had a fever coming on around the beginning of last week. We were hoping it would just go away. Late Thursday I found out she had pneumonia, from a cutoff text msg. Haven't been able to contact her, just praying she's ok.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-02-07 02:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
Geor, thanks, it should go fine this time. Its good you'll see Dante soon!!!

Carolina Congratulations!!! Now the question is what the heck are you going to do with yourself now that your not waiting? :P

Still have several days before the interview. Loreta's ear infection is gone too so she can hear in her right ear now. Thanks for all the wishes! Fingers n toes crossed and hair braided! Will let you know.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-31 07:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

I think I know what you are saying Looky ... I believe we go through different stages in our lives and patience and understanding increase as time goes by - life is full of compromises ... for the interview, my best wishes - I hope for the very best for you both. (F)

Yes Andie, and to add I'm one of those who believe there are only a few people in the world that are perfectly in tune with you. I'm almost 50 and I've never been married and there's only a few I ever considered, but now I've found her and I'm not letting her go.

In a way I believe Loreta and I have got the hardest part out of the way, the part where you have to build a trusting and loving relationship and can take on any problems with your partner and solve them. Of course I haven't been in the same place with her for 10 years but we certainly have been having the conversations over the phone over that time span, about everyting and know how to deal with each other.

Nothing good ever came into my life without a fight, but once you get through it you appreciate the prize much more! Thanks for the wishes! I want to believe you two have the same sort of relationship Andie, just there's a bit of a road block that you have to get through first. So best wishes for you too Andie. (F)
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-26 21:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Hey everybody, long time I don't post here. Well, but always on the K1 group on Facebook.

@RK & Inday, congratulations guys! February 5th its almost here, wish you all the best!

@Geor, I know everything about the apartment haha :P :lol:

@ Looky, I don't know what to tell you man. Honestly, I've been reading about everything it happened to your fiancee and the updates, I really don't know what to tell you. But to be honest with you, something does seem wrong to me about it all. Since its none of my business, I can just wish you good luck, if its meant to be it will happen, sooner or later.

About our case, we sent last week our AOS package and last night I received the NOA1's for everything. I'm very excited, but not really about the wait :huh: Oh well though, I had to wait to be here with my husband, now its all good. :luv:

I hope everybody is doing alright and enjoying their time with family or loved ones. (F)

Well congratulations Carolina! I don't think you realize how different my relationship is with Loreta than almost any relationship I know about and could easily be a good movie story. First of all the fact is she has always had way too many health problems and now that she will be 37 in 4 months its not getting any easier for her. I've known about the problems since I met her, almost 10 years ago. She and I are best friends and we can never be apart for too long. She's tested me against past boyfriends and just about everything else but I've always won her, over and over again. We both need each other. I really wonder sometimes how long it will be before some health problem comes along that could put her over the edge, but I'm going to be there for her cause there's no one else that can take care of her the way I can.

So don't worry about me, she and I are fighters till the end and we've already given each other so much happiness that we will always be happy for what we have!

Enjoy Carolina, but one thing, quit waiting for everything, cause you'll be waitng for something all your life! Spend the time doing the stuff that makes you happy and so the time will fly and you'll be wondering what the heck you were waiting for anyway!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-25 19:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
Just to update. Loreta's interview was rescheduled by the Embassy, by about a week later. I'm not putting out the exact date on purpose, to protect her. Good news on her one ear, her hearing is coming back after starting therapy.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-25 05:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..


Hi, I haven't visited the VJ site for awhile mostly due to wedding planning. The big date is February 5 and Inday and I decided to "do it up big" rather than go for the justice of the peace option. So, trying to fit a typical years worth of planning into about 2 months is taking its toll time-wise.
Anyway, I am glad that I logged on today and saw your and your fiancee's status. I am almost daily thinking about you and Loreta and cheering you both on. I hope your finacee's health concerns will soon be abated and that she may continue to gain good and better health. Meantime, keep pressing onward for the prize, especially being so close to the goal.


P.S. Inday was surprised by rthe cold even though I warned her multiple times. Her idea of dressing warm for November arrival was a light sweater and her barefeet in sandals. Fortunately, my family met her at the airport with gloves, hat, scarf, and think overcoat. [She was still shivering wearing those!] Didn't think about the feet, however. The good news is that Inday adapted rather quickly to the colder temperatures.

Hey Congratulations RK, the 5th is not too far away!!! I imagine you two are quite busy and running around like chickens with their heads cut off right now, :lol: with all the arrangements and everything!!! Great!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Thats funny, with Inday's bare feet and all, I guess being from the Phillipines she probaly never been in really cold weather. Its good she's adjusting but I guess you need to let her build up her immunity to things like the flu and all.

Thanks for the cheers and thoughts RK! Everythings still going quite well for Loreta and I. I'm able to talk to her everyday now and all is looking good. She just got her passport photos taken again today cause I think the old ones are almost 9 months old. She thinks she has everything she needs for the interview but we'll go over everything this weekend to make sure she is all set!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-20 12:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Hope she gets better soon Looky, I'm an outsider too in this whole process :crying: I'm still in Peru trying to sell my apartment, but any day, hopefully sooner than later.
Your interview is pretty soon right? Tell Loreta to take extra care of her these days so nothing weird can happen again! Best wishes for you! :thumbs:

Thanks Dante, hope you get your apartment sold soon, so you can go to America soon! The K-1 Visa requires you to travel to the US before 6 months right, so make sure you don't miss that deadline.

Yes the interview is coming soon and I got all the updated documents to her. Yes every time she has to take a taxi, I ask her if she wore her seat belt so she doesn't forget. She lives in a safer area now and I'm asking her not to listen to her friends, if anything takes her focus off our goal. We are trying to be extra careful cause we know even I fell into some sort of scammers trap over there, people somehow got information on us. I think the scammers have given up but I'm letting her be aware, in case she gets calls from phone numbers she doesn't know.

They did an MRI and blood test on her to make sure the hearing problem wasn't due to cancer, and fortunately it wasn't and now she is getting some therapy done for her ear. We actually wanted to get her here closer to Spring/Summer time when its warm here, so we're not off schedule.

Best wishes to you too, and I really think we will get this done this time!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-18 05:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
Hope all is going great for March filers. There are a few straglers like Andie and me but I think most others are in the US by now.

As for Loreta and I, we are still moving along smoothly. Loreta is still having some issues, like just last Thursday she lost hearing in her right ear. Hopefully its only temporary, she'll see a doctor on Monday. In any case she will get to the interview on the 27th.

Another good thing for us, I got tired of the temporary Sim card she uses in Cyprus cause the phone connections from the US are horrible at best! I got her an international sim card like the one I use when I go out of the US, so now she and I can call each other whenever we feel like with no worries about whether we'll get a connection!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-15 12:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Looky, the writing on the wall is screaming get her OUT of that place! Really, you seem to have been moving heaven and earth to make this work, and sometimes things are insurmountable, but it doesn't stop us from doing it anyway,, no matter how difficult.

As the song goes Thea, 'you can't hurry love, you just have to wait'. She can do this interview on her own and doesn't need me to babysit her on that. If she doesn't get to the interview this time, then the COs are right she doesn't want to go to America. That said, I think she will get to the interview and I just have to trust her word.

Thea you have to understand that everything is going very smoothly. I can't force her, she has to go at the pace that she feels comfortable at, or it could end up all flying back in my face. She lives in Cyprus for a reason, its warm and her system doesn't handle freezing cold weather too well. I think she could learn to handle a gradual change but putting a shock into her system like going from warm to freezing cold, in America, all of a sudden is just asking for trouble, especially when I would have only 3 months to make that ever-lasting impression on her.

I really do appreciate your concerns, but now I can only keep talking to her, and hope everything keeps going smoothly. (F)

Edited by LookyWhatIFound, 04 January 2012 - 02:30 AM.

LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-04 02:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Looky, is there any way that you can fly over there, and go to the interview with her from her home? I hate that she keeps running into all these mishaps, and I know if it was me, I'd be scared and anxious to go again, dreading what else could go wrong. The support that you could give her would be priceless, and it would go a long way at the interview to know that you went with her every step of the way this time.

I thought about that a lot Thea, and also talked to her about it but we are thinking its not worth it this time. I'll mention it to her again next time I talk to her.

The thing is I just went and got in a big mess trying to find out what happened to her and salvage this whole process. I already have plans to go over there once she gets the Visa, to bring her to America with the dog.

I think she will be fine cause she got a hint of what she might have to deal with when she talked to the guy at the embassy and he got a bit sarcastic with her, but she says she'll be able to handle the interview. Plus after my recent trip she would rather I just come there after the interview and closer to the Spring when its warming up in America.

She already knows what I went through and what I am doing to keep things alive for us. I think she'll be fine this time and I'm trying to sink it into her mind so she doesn't forget this time. "Don't forget to wear your seat belt when you get in that taxi"!

I found out when I went there what a scary sort of place she was living in! Had I known, I would have had her move. She has moved now to a much nicer area, so I don't fear somebody stealing her money this time.

Thanks Thea, but I'm thinking, if something went wrong again this time, it would be time to take a good look at the writing on the wall.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-02 18:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Sounding good Looky !

Happy New Year everybody! (Jan 1st now in this part of the world)

Very best wishes for a fantastic 2012 to you all :yes: (F)

Happy New Year Andie, may this year surprise you with a brand new spanking petition! Merry Happy New Year to All!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-12-31 16:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
Well the Embassy was pretty quick to send the interview date of January 2nd. I had to call them and tell them that was way too soon! Anyway we settled on January 27th.

She still has some brief mild, dizzyness and/or headaches in the mornings but they're getting better. I think this third time will be the charm!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-12-31 14:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA 2!!

It took a reasonable 116 days and now my fiance SMS'd me that we've gotten the "I-797 Notice of Action: The above petition has been approved" in the mail. :dance: . Reasonable because I assumed it would be a much longer wait because we were processed through Vermont but there it is. Thank you all VJ'ers for helping people out. I can't believe four months ago when I found this site that I was so misguided about what marrying a USC meant. I know that the hard part is still to come (and I'll probably come to you with questions) but step one is over, thank God. It's a good day.

Congratulations!!! Good luck the rest of the way. :dance:
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-19 18:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm whining! I want my NOA2 and I'm a March filer!


<br><br>That's what the Customer Rep told my fiance when he called USCIS, others got luckier than us. We are still in our 5months mark and we are advise to call them back after Aug. 8 if we haven't received our NOA2. So, my fiance said, stop being paranoid, get a grip, August is just around the corner...yeah yeah! if I know he is worried as I am...haha! :P ....I will accept even RFE just to know they are working on my case :P but hopefully no RFE because we ran out of evidences to show....we already sent everything w/ them...Oh man, I can't wait to dance under the rain..get wild and wet! =))

How's ur RFE btw? have u sent it back? Hope u will get ur NOA2 soon...&gt;:D&lt;

Thats what I thought too, I ran out of evidence, but luckily not the kind they asked for, I still had the evidence to muster a big fat NO for them. People always say they will be happy with RFE but in the end the fact is if you don't get RFE, in most cases you will be approved a month faster than if you get an RFE.

Yes as far as me, I got my status updated and email, while I was sleeping last night, they received my RFE and now my status is RFE Review. How long it could take to process a Yes/NO question is beyond my comprehension ability and hopefully they don't dive into my petition and try to find another place to RFE me! :bonk: :lol:

Maybe you need to do some rain dances to get the rain going and then your NOA2 will come so you can go dance in the rain! :rofl:
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-20 11:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm whining! I want my NOA2 and I'm a March filer!

last time I saw him was january 29 and I will see him again on Oct but still that won't appease me. I want the approval. I want to go with him to US when he go back there and be with him forever.....and yeah it's getting harder especially seeing those who filed after us are getting approve. I know I haven't reached the 5months mark yet and don't like to sounds bitter- yah know, the" I file first so I have the right to get approve first"...I'm happy for those who got their approved, but I admit, I envy them and If I feel any bitterness, it's towards the process not to my co-filers...;0

I'm whining again! :((

Good luck Jan, I can see this is taking a toll on you. The big problem is, you don't know what batch of adjucators your petition got stuck with, and how backlogged they are. So right from the start its sort of the luck of the straw you drew. If you can, try to look on the bright side, you haven't gotten an RFE yet, and March cases have just started to get processed, so its still quite possible that any day or week now your tune will change and you will be dancing in the streets even while it is raining and you are soaking wet! :lol:
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-20 05:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm whining! I want my NOA2 and I'm a March filer!

At first the embassy told us that they gonna have a background check and document verification. When we emailed them over and over again, they said that the consul needs to be satisfied of our relationship. Kinda scary it sounds like they dont believe us. I had so much proof to show but they didnt even ask for it during my interview.

Wow, did the give you an opportunity to send in that evidence that you had (the ones that they didn't ask for in the interview)? How about when you first sent in the petition was there plenty of evidence in that? It sounds like something made them suspicious. I guess if you have good solid evidence they haven't seen maybe the petitioner should find out if they will accept that. Well good luck and fight this out and hopefully you are out of AP soon.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-20 04:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm whining! I want my NOA2 and I'm a March filer!

Its quite likely that you will have your NOA2 before start of October. NVC will only send out to the consulate based on your NOA2. So I mean they have to know at the consulate that you received it otherwise they would not even be talking to you or sending you packet 3.

Ask others who did their interview there in the Phillipines whether they were even asked to show a copy of their NOA2. Of course you should have it just in case but I hardly think its likely that you get put on AP for not having it.

But if it ends up that way I mean wouldn't it be worth it to delay his vacation for the month or so until you get the NOA2?

Oops! This got screwed up! I just added ask people who did theor interview in Phillipines if they needed to show their NOA2.

Edited by LookyWhatIFound, 18 July 2011 - 06:28 AM.

LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-18 06:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm whining! I want my NOA2 and I'm a March filer!

haha! just exaggerating :P :P :P but yeah, been all through hell ( yah know ) and it never became easy for us...but all good I know it's all worth it in the end...

as for the vacation, he will be here on Oct. 2 til Jan. 14, 2012. My worry is if no NOA2 til Oct 2, it's either cancel the vacation or go to interview w/o it but if I don't have the hard copy of NOA2, might it'll put me to AP or my visa will be rejected because I read on the k1 guide, the NOA2 hard copy should be sent to the fiance/fiancee for interview, otherwise no problem at all.......aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh! :(( :(( :(( why we can't always get what we want....:((

I'm whiningggggggg! :P

Its quite likely that you will have your NOA2 before start of October. NVC will only send out to the consulate based on your NOA2. So I mean they have to know at the consulate that you received it otherwise they would not even be talking to you or sending you packet 3.

Ask others who did their interview whether they were even asked to show a copy of their NOA2. Of course you should have it just in case but I hardly think its likely that you get put on AP for not having it.

But if it ends up that way I mean wouldn't it be worth it to delay his vacation for the month or so until you get the NOA2?
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-18 06:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm whining! I want my NOA2 and I'm a March filer!

I hope so because we really need the approval before my fiance will go here for 3months vacation! I can't feel the excitement because I'm super duper worried not to get the NOA2 before his trip....afraid our petition will just goes to waste because we miss our

I still braiding my hair and I still wearing my pillow case at night....for good luck...:P

and I'm whining because I'm 8 years pregnant! I already crossed all the desserts, climbed all the mountains, swam the whole pacific ocean and fought all the battles too just to be with my babe, to be his wife and to be the mother of his children and to be the grandmother of his grandchildren! :)

and most of all, I'm whining because I missed all the beers and the chocolates and the pizzassssss!!! I want Ice cream too!!!!

anyways, Thanks for whining w/ me guys, u are all awesome! ur posts made me laugh hard! =)) Hope everyone of us will get our NOA2s, Case #s and Visas and for the soldier's wives to be w/ their husbands soon....

everyone are welcome to whine here....:)


Wow crossing deserts, climbing mountains and swimming the pacific is quite a feat when you are 8 years pregnant! Have you contacted the Guiness Book of World Records cause that must be a world record! Oh what we go through for our partners!

Don't understand about the vacation part. A vacation is not at all a vacation if you end up missing out on getting the K1 process done, to be together permanently. Don't know whether a copy of the NOA2 is officially required for the interview, probably not, but I would definitely send a copy of it to my fiance before the interview.

Edited by LookyWhatIFound, 18 July 2011 - 05:05 AM.

LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-18 05:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm whining! I want my NOA2 and I'm a March filer!

Can I whine here too.. Im done with my interview but yet we are put in AP.. so until now no visa being release.. I wanna whine...... eating pizza!!

Being put on AP has got to feel terrible, do you have any idea why?
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-18 04:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm whining! I want my NOA2 and I'm a March filer!

No whining unless you are 15 months pregnant walking up-hill in the snow just to post on Visa Journey!!! otherwise :protest: whining!!

But..but isn't that kind of a problem for guys. I mean most of us can walk up hill but that other part about being pregnant, as far as I know thats a no no for men! :blink:
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-17 19:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm whining! I want my NOA2 and I'm a March filer!

Is she a Barbie Doll? You can find lots of great coordinated outfits for Barbie at the toy store!

Looky, the pizza's here, where's the envelope with all the cash in it? Don't tell me it's still at the NVC???

I have been waiting on the NVC for 46 hours now... waaahhhhh!

46 hours of waiting on NVC OMG, that feels like 10 years for you and me! And no pizza to drown our sorrow in but at least we have the drinks and Thea's famous bloody mary technique. Hey talking about drinks who was in charge of getting the beer and vodka and all?

P.S. Pizza check? Hey you know, from now on never give me any responsibility cause that doesn't seem to be one of my stringths! :blush:

Edited by LookyWhatIFound, 17 July 2011 - 07:10 PM.

LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-17 19:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm whining! I want my NOA2 and I'm a March filer!

Don't forget to turn on the sad songs.... If I get lucky, i will get to see my fiancee on labor day this year. Haven't seen her since memorial day. :clock: :cry: :protest:

I am shopping for angel wings for her now. (the kind she can wear) :secret:
http://www.buycostum...LnRyq_DfweLTpk=,k:angel wings :secret:

also looking for clothes for her, plus STILL waiting on the pizza.... where is that delivery guy???? oh wait... forgot to click submit on Dominos order...... :oops: :ranting:

Yeah haven't seen my woman since end of August last year but I'll see her in September when I finally get to bring her and the dog to America, first met her 9 years ago and its about time!!! Tired of having to keep the relationship alive and kicking through the phone! Thats my only whine. And of course the fact that its 5 minutes to eight and no Pizzzaaa, are you sure you hit the submit button Darren? :whistle:
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-17 18:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm whining! I want my NOA2 and I'm a March filer!

LMAO, this is getting great to read... Is there any room for me to whine about NVC????? :huh:

:cry: I want my case numbeeeer!!!! PHEWWW glad to have a place to whine here! :rolleyes:

You too Carolina, you can do better then that, go ahead take a deep breath and tell us how many weeks, days, hours minutes and seconds you have been waiting on NVC and all the times that they've said wait 15 days and how rude they have been and all that good stuff.
Come on, I mean must we teach you proper whining technigue! :rofl:

Edited by LookyWhatIFound, 17 July 2011 - 06:14 PM.

LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-17 18:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm whining! I want my NOA2 and I'm a March filer!

Sounds like i should expect that my NOA2 will be on February 2012, :lol: yipeeeeee that's tax return month hahahahha :yes: specially until now my case can't be found in their system yet ...... (Sigh*) (Sigh*) (Sigh*) :mellow:

You mean your case isn't in the online system? You should have the USC petitioner call USCIS and ask the person you need to speak to a tier 2 officer. The tier 2 guys have computer access and tell you at least if your case is in the system or not and if there are any updates. Good luck!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-17 18:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm whining! I want my NOA2 and I'm a March filer!

Just remember to clean up your mess, we don't want the new VJer's to get too disheartened... and it is BYOB = Bring your own Bubbles. :pop: the champagne is uncorked at 8 pm EDT. :diablo: And I am waiting on pizza....

Pizza? We totally forgot the pizza!!! Anybody know of a good delivery place, I mean its urgent it seems Darren may get a bit angry if he doesn't get his pizza folks! And where are all the whiners??? Not showing up for their own party?
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-17 17:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm whining! I want my NOA2 and I'm a March filer!

You guys have any room in here for an April/May filer who's feeling a bit whiny too? I brought cookies!!

Welcome aboard anybody bearing gifts or food or both are welcome and so far we have cheese, chocolate cookies, sccoby snacks and more cookies, tissue and toiler paper, oh my! :lol: and don't forget the Whine!!!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-17 16:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm whining! I want my NOA2 and I'm a March filer!

well...i have toilet paper o_O'

Well I hope that toilet paper is very thick for the size of whining campaign that seems to be starting up here! :rofl:
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-17 15:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI'm whining! I want my NOA2 and I'm a March filer!

Not being sarcastic sorry if came across that way. People want to whine as I did. Free and happy for it. I know how it is to wait with no idea.... I am just saying right now is not a good time for NOA2. Something is broke at NVC in processing applications. Right now I feel worse in limbo then before. At least when in waiting for NOA2, I KNEW my application was at the USCIS. Now my application is neither at USCIS or recieved at NVC. Until my applications re-appears somewhere, I have no idea where I am. the sad part is this is true of most CSC people in the last 5 weeks. If you take that in total. That is about 2,500 to 5,000 applications in limbo. I know you want the approval. and I hope it comes soon. I just hope NVC is fixed by the time you get the approval. Don't want to see you sit for another month or longer wondering where the application disappeared to.

I know the feeling, The last time I applied I was approved in 2007, and the lonliest no-mans land feel was waiting for it to get to the NVC and what made it worse is that NVC didn't get it even after 1.5 - 2 months. Contacted the embassy they don't have it contact USCIS they say we sent it out, our job is done, NVC tells me to contact USCIS. Finally I contacted my congeressman and in a matter of a week I got a letter from him and later a letter from the VSC director that they put the petition in an 'Offsite Storage Facility' hmmmm, can you say trash can, but finally they reapproved the petition again and this time it actually got to NVC!

I've alreadty ran into two cases lately, these past 2 months, where the same case happened.
So just saying watch out, you're never home free until the 'Fat lady Sings'!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-17 12:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting so long for NOA2

True most didnt wait so long just us, hope no one will ahve to wait as we did... We will find this next week after we make the call how things are, will let you all know what they said. Hope we will have the answer we want.. Good luck to everyone!

Good luck Lavi, sometimes there's no rhyme or reason. Who knows maybe you got the unlucky straw from the beginning and got stuck in the backlogged adjucators pile, or you got a common name that matched in their database and it took longer to unmatch it.

In any case hope the wait ends for you soon!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-24 13:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting so long for NOA2

Thank you. You gave me some hope. Hope that happen with you also

Thanks, I think so most who got this didn't wait too long after, fingers crossed! ;)
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-24 09:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting so long for NOA2

Our RFE for that question also.We was waiting for NOA2 over 3 weeks after sent it

Hi E&P I didn't quite get that, are you saying its been over 3 weeks and you still haven't gotten NOA2? I was doing a search here and looking through the RFE Master thread. It seems most people who got this for RFE had to wait about a month, so hopefully it'll happen soon.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-24 09:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting so long for NOA2

Yes the 60 days are after the RFE was snet back to them... we will do that next week. Hope they just forgot about us and that is all :(. Thank you

I just recently got an RFE for that question too, it seems several people here missed it too. I am wondering if they start the background checks around then, and so they want to verify that answer about criminal activity first. Don't know for sure, but background checks are a big variability in the time it takes, especially if the name checks bring up possible matches and they have to dig a little deeper.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-24 07:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober Filer Receives NOA2 after almost 10 months

Finally! Thank you to all my VJ friends who were supportive of me during this difficult wait, Channah, Michele, Dumb/Dumber, Charlize, Tacia, and so, so, many more of you who expressed your kind words of support and your prayers for us during these past ten months.

Now, hopefully the rest of the process goes smoothly and QUICKLY!

Congratulations Monyfer, after a killer wait it turned out for you!!! May the rest of the process go smooth and quickly for you two! (F) :dance: :dance: :dance:
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-28 04:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 !!! Thanks to Everyone

We received our NOA2 Today!!! :D I'd like to thank all of the Visa Journey members for their advise and help. Good luck to all those who are waiting.

Congratulations, good luck the rest of the way!!!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-26 05:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat a bummer! Visa gender error! What?!

Visa error fixed! :dance:

I went to the embassy early morning today and presented the visa. They were able to generate a new one in just 2 hours. Great job! :thumbs:

Congratulations Kish, enjoy the long flight to America and life in the US!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-28 04:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 ----- FINALLY HERE YAYYYY !!!!!!!!

Hey guys just got a Message saying our petition was approved today. Really Happy now !!!!

Thanks for all your help.

Congratulations, good luck the rest of the way!!!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-26 03:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 visa approved in 130 days! :)

Thank you Looky. I'll keep my hair braided till I get there in the US :D and oh, I just saw you had an RFE. But thats no biggie, for sure you and your woman can comply all the documents that was being asked. And once its done, NOA2 will come your way :)

Thanks, Kish, it turned out to be a bumble on my part cause I missed a yes or no question! I"ve already answered NO this morning to whether I've ever been convicted for criminal activity, violence, murder and all that other crazy stuff! Yes its very true that I've never done any of that stuff in this life, and I want to think in none of my past lives also! :rofl:

SO I'll be sending it to Vermont certified as soon as I can break from work to the post office!

Great job getting your visa, enjoy!!! :dance:
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-15 04:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 visa approved in 130 days! :)

wow, that was quick!! congrats!

Wow congratulations Kish!!! Welcome to your new life, and America!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-15 03:23:00