K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

@Looky. Funny!! :lol: :D I agree, is better and safest not to metnion dates/time frames or other items that may reveal info wiser to "keep under one's hat." Too many suspicious events to take any chances. Importantly: glad to her all is going well! I am rooting strongly for you and your fiancee!! -RK

Thanks RK and Geor! One of Loreta's friends came to visit her and she is going to go to the embassy with her.

Just as we thought we would be able to forget that man, we realized that Loreta's police reports were missing and the only one that could have taken them was that guy. First thing I did was email that embassy lady, and all she said was we need to get them and she also said if Loreta knew where the man was maybe we could get them back. I told he no way, Loreta would be scared to see this guy again and I wouldn't want her too go near him! I just told her we would just order the reports again.

Oh mann thats when we had another big scare. Loreta went to the police station to request a report, and instead they took her passport, said there was some sort of complaint against her and that she would have to sign something the next day stating that she would not leave the country. They said they needed to do some checking and they don't know how long it would take! Loreta said she needs the passport as she has an interview with the US Embassy, and they said they will contact the embassy. They called her a bit later saying, it was ALL A MISTAKE and she could come and get her passport! It definitely got her in a stressed and worried mood and worried me for a little bit when we were on the phone and then her other phone rang from the station giving her the good news!

So we're both in our happy moods again and I'm still confident that everything will work out fine, just that she will have to do the interview and then get the police reports to the embassy when they come in.

Hope all is going well for you Geor, and the same for you RK!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-21 19:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

@Looky--Yup, "Ogling stove-top containers hinders ever attaining 212 degrees Fahrenheit/100 degrees Celsius" :). Very glad you got a positive response and extremely elated a new interview date has been scheduled!!! Excellent!!! --RK

Ogling your pots over the stove and hindering ever attaining 212 degree F can cause your food to come out mushy and overcooked by the time it does boil. Thus you won't be impressing your wife with your fabulous cooking abilities! :rofl:

All goes well here, still a bit of time. I suspect this time we won't have any outside interference but I'm not taking any chances and not mentioning dates.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-15 18:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Hi Looky, my due date is on Thanksgiving... go figure!!! We still don't know if it's a boy or girl, but that really doesn't matter as long as (s)he is healthy we're fine! :thumbs:

Congratulations Georgina, you'll have lots to be thankful for on Thanksgiving!

Oh by the way the embassy sent us me an email yesterday (June 5th) with a new interview date!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-06 11:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Thea - Wow! Congratulations on receipt of green card! Way to go!!! :joy: :dance: :dance: :dancing: -RK&Inday

Looky--Wow, already two months--time flies. Yes, good idea to "check in"; hope they don't give you any grief or might have good news for you. Meantime, sound like the Latvia trip plans are coming to fruition which I am glad to hear. Will be staying in touch here! --RK

Yeah RK it did go by pretty fast even for us, I guess mainly cause we totally took our minds off it. I did email the emabassy lady, didn't notice before but she's the visa unit chief. It was a holiday over there but she still sent me a brief response. She seemed very nice about it and said she'ld check the status when she gets back to the office and if she doesn't get back to me by Wednesday of Thursday, to shoot an email to her. So actually she made me feel good about it like our case is still on track.

Thanks, and yes it'll be great to see her in Latvia!!! :dance:
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-04 18:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

@Carolina -- Hello & thanks for checking in. Things for Inday and myself have gotten, well as calm as they can be. A bit stabilized now. Even though extremely busy. Still been plugging away at AOS any spare minute can. Barring any unforseen circumstances, looks like we should have it all "wrapped up" and ready to drop in the mail early next week. Eager to hear if you closed on house OK. How is all else going? --RK

@Looky -- interesting about Cyprus. Not sure I would want to experience that environment first hand! Yes, your strategy of patience with lady at embassy is a wise one. Hope your plans for a visit in Latvia will work out. --RK

@Georgina -- Enormous congrats to you on (very soon!) upcoming wedding date!!! -RK

RK -- Thanks alls going well, Loreta already has tickets for Latvia for about 10 days in Latvia for July 29th and I'll be doing the same. We're both excited about it! She's my best friend so we always have so much fun when we're together, and I still talk to her every day. She's happy cause she gets to take yoga, gymnastics and dancing lessons, which she hasn't done in 2 years or more cause of these health things, but no sign that they're coming back.

About Cyprus, I guess I left out that its relatively quiet and not crowded at all, its warm and beaches all around. It was the warm weather, beaches and ability to get jobs there which attracted her to the place. But these days with the Euro crisis and all I think some places are starting to only hire native Cypriot people.

It'll be two months in about a week, so I might email that embassy lady just to let her know we're still here and make sure they haven't forgotten about us.

Glad you're getting you AOS going, enjoy!

Carolin -- Hope you're enjoying your new house!

Georgina -- Conratulations, when is your baby due!!!

Thea -- Glad you got your Green card!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-02 09:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..


Sorry to hear about investigation delays [& I opine it was not an attempt by "agent" to generate more work; 95% or more of the population avoid generating more work, especially guys like that plus from what you's told us sounds like this guy and his female accomplice had someething more nefarious in mind]. Anyway, I hope things move towards some kind of resolution in reasonably short order. Glad to hear you are considering a visit in June. Most of all, am very very glad that your fiancee is doing amazingly well healthwise. Thanks for keeping us posted!!! --RK


That's great about the house! Hoping and praying will work out for you!!! Thank you for the condolences. Inday is feeling much better now. So, we are back to tackling AOS. Yes, been reading guides & instructions, visiting VJ AOS forum and I see now AOS seems comparably straightforward. "Comparably" I write because I suspect experience of I-129F prep combined with interview prep makes AOS seem a bit less intimidating. For me, anyway. Inday still has an enormous aversion to paperwork; she literally cringes when she hears the word :-). [Inday had already--for many years--been working in an international government office when I met her in Singapore so I think there and then she got more than enough paperwork to last a lifetime!!] Still hard to find time, AOS-wise but I figure if I can gather one support item/document per day or work on part of one form, even at least for a few minutes then at least moving forward. [have drafts done of AOS, EAD, AP forms now--just need to check/proof a number of items.] Praying and hoping to be finished and submitted this month, May 2012. --RK

Hi RK, yeah you are probably right. I still get angry at what went on, but it won't help us a bit for me to be angry cause we need the embassy to give us the Visa. The lady from the embassy admitted they did send someone to her previous residence about 5 months ago. She wasn't there cause she was stuck in Germany, but a man came over there and asked for her, her neighbor and friend told the man she wasn't there and had gone to Latvia. This man was crazy he went and started questioning, intimidating and making people at these community type residences feel threatened. Loreta's friend said why don't you just ask Loreta she'll tell you everything, and his response was a sarcastic, threatening...Oh she will tell me, she will tell me everything!

Cyprus has a problem, they've got people coming in from who knows where, selling drugs and stuff like that. Russian speaking women also have gotten a very bad reputation there. The cops are on edge, and treat people like they are guilty before proven innocent. The UN patrols the border between North and South Cyprus to keep the Turkish and Cypriot (basically Greek) people from battling each other over their forever ongoing dispute over the island.

I'm just going to give this embassy lady a chance, her last response was sort of nice as opposed to the previous one where she started off like I was accusing them for what happened.
She was saying we don't do those kind of things. The kicker was that nobody knew Loreta's new address until we faxed the new DS-230 to the embassy, and that this man knocked on her door just a week and a half before the interview.

Its been a month so I'll probably give them a month and a half or two before I email this embassy lady again. I can tell rushing her is not a real good idea. We're fine and as long as she's happy everything will be good. Actually now we're thinking early July meeting in her home country of Latvia. Cyprus is kind of a boring island, and we have so much more fun in Latvia!

Good luck with AOS and everything RK!

@Carolina, congrats on your new house!!! B-) Oh by the way thanks for confirming, but on the first day I tried that drink, I decided to put a quarter glass of Aloe Vera in, and you'll be happy to hear, I helped prove that it can make you take many many trips to the toilet! :rofl:

Edited by LookyWhatIFound, 10 May 2012 - 07:23 PM.

LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-10 19:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Awww, I'm sorry Looky. I hope everything solves in a timely manner. Wish only for the best, and it'll happen

Best wishes for you!

Hi Geor, thanks! We're making the best of it. Loreta's gotten much healthier, more energetic and I think back to normal or better than normal. She's even back to taking dancing lessons and gymnastics, which she had stopped doing almost a year ago. That pneumonia vaccine she got was a big deal and probably a game changer for her, cause she's been quite susceptible to it since childhood. No more pneumonia for her, that thought she never before could have imagined!

Her dance instructor recommended this energy drink recipe. Mix together in a normal glass of water, 2 teaspoons of Aloe Vera, 1 teaspoon Apple Cidar Vinegar, 3 teaspoons of lemon and 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix that well. The instructor said you can drink that every morning about 20 minutes before you eat breakfast.

Loreta and I have both been trying it for the last week. She likes it and says she feels a lot of energy after she drinks it. Well for me, it definitely makes me wake up. I don't know what that Aloe Vera does for you, but I know one thing if you put a lot more of that stuff in, you may have a bunch of trips to the toilet coming your way! ;)

I'm starting to think about my trip to go see her, I'm thinking early June.

Hope everything is working out good for you and Dante, Geor.

Best Wishes!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-05 08:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
I called DOS this morning to see what status they have on our case and wether it was actually in AP. All they knew was about the March 30th interview, and if she didn't have the interview how could it be in AP. She just said the embassy could be doing some processing and don't always notify DOS.

The lady from the embassy had basically said in email that they don't know how long it will take, they're short on staff and full of cases and to 'be patient please'. Its been 3 weeks so I think I will have to wait another 2 months and try emailing this lady again.

If it wasn't for this 'agent' guy we wouldn't be having this investigation. Sometimes I wonder if he wanted to force an investigation so that maybe he would get some more investigative work for himself to do?
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-27 09:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

So, I'm finally leaving tomorrow morning! :dance: :dance: :dance:

@Looky: I hope everything goes well with this AP. You guys did nothing wrong, so you will get through this. My thoughts are with you. And I really wish all the best for you, you have been nothing but supportive with me, and I really appreciate that :thumbs: You'll see time will fly until you're reunited with Loreta. Tell her to take care of herself, so she can stay healthy.

Thanks a lot Geor, yes we did nothing wrong and Loreta is doing well and accepts that we will have to wait, as she says, what else can we do? I imagine you're in America now so your moment has finally arrived, congratulations and enjoy!!! : :dance: :dance: :dance:
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-21 21:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
Well Carolina, RK, Geor and Thea and all, hope all is going well.

We are officially in AP. I can't imagine it will take forever for them to check Loreta's name and I wouldn't imagine women are too common on the big bad people database. Plus she's not from one of those countries that always have long APs. She got her pneumonia vaccine Wednesday and so far no signs of side effects so hopefully she will not get pneumonia again! I guess I'll go to see her in a month or two, since we'll just have to wait this one out.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-20 11:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

@Looky--Thank you for keeping us posted and hope all will turn out well eventually. I hope the investigation does not take too long and hopefully ends up having multiple good results. Kudos to you and your fiancee for the extreme patience you have both had to have over the past many years. Prayers continuing for you both. --RK

Hi RK sure, no problem. Sorry to hear about the deaths, my family had a close friends mother die of cancer over Easter. Its nice of you to say, yes, Loreta and I are both very strong people inside. Thats probably why we hit it off so well from the day we accidentally ran into each other almost 10 years ago when I was visiting Latvia. Its really not so bad for us, I've always been an adventurer/explorer. I've never been married and neither has she but she and I just enjoy whatever time we spend together even if its just over the phone.

No news to tell you, last Friday through Monday were part of Easter holidays over there. I think I'm probably going to give that lady who emailed me from the embassy at least two weeks from now before I ask whats going on. Right now just focusing on Loreta. She's planning to get this pneumoninia vaccine tommorow, something we are both very eager for her to get. Right now no news is good news, especially when it comes to knocks on her door. Thanks for the prayers, no worries we'll find a way.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-16 19:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
@Carolina Happy house hunting! Thanks for the wishes. Well about our situation, well can't say I've really ever liked Cyprus. Its an island divided, with the North being Turkish and the south being Cypriot/Greek. So it seems to me they're all mistrusting of outsiders. I especially got this impression from when a tall good looking policeman that was obsessed with Loreta stuck a gun in my face, 5 years ago. They seem to think people are guilty until proven innocent.

We're going to wait it out to see what the embassy says after completing its investigation. In the meanwhile I reminded Loreta about this pneumonia vaccine that she definitely needs to get. If worst comes to worst, I'm going to take her to Riga Latvia and we'll get married there, and in that case it would be the Poland embassy.

@Geor, happy flying, and remember if you can get everybody in the airplane to flap their arms up and down the plane will get to America faster! :rofl:
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-12 05:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

@Looky, I am very thankful that Loreta was released and hopefully without harm. I am including psychological harm because the situation described could be potentially mentally/emotionaly traumatic. Yes, so called "agent" has some kind of problem. I agree with Georgina in all respects. It is high time to pull out the heavy artillery and continue to fight this with all you've got. [Many posts ago, you'll remember I suspected these happenings were not all bad luck/coincidence]. Unfortunately, I've dealt with such "wackos" before and they tend not to give up, habitually preying on those they perceive to be vulnerable. They are generally cowards but are disturbingly tenacious. Thus, the best that one can do to extract oneself from their actions is to either totally disappear off their radar or fight them tooth, claw and nail with a "if I'm going down, you're going down with me" attitude until they eventually go away to seek easier prey. I know, both options are not easy solutions. Looky, in this matter, I continue to pray for you wisdom and Loreta's safety and tenaciousness. Thank you for letting us quickly know that you heard from Loreta. --RK

You are right RK. We thought we were off the map. She moved to a new address and as far as I know the only people we informed of the new address is the embassy 3 weeks before her interview date when we faxed the new DS230 to them. This guy knocked on her door a week before the interview date, its too hard to believe thats a pure coincidence, it seems this guy somehow got the info that was meant for the embassy.

After all this I think Loreta will be more willing to take a more cautious approach. The embassy did seem to understand the seriousness of what happened, and I think the way I phrased it they took it as if I was accusing them of something, so I'm pretty sure they will try to get to the bottom of this.

Thanks RK, I will have to take all you and Geor said into consideration. I got to go right now, Thanks!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-09 16:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

OMG! Can't believe that happened to her! Talk about bad luck huh? I can't imagine what she had to live, and all that because of a lame "agent"!!
At least you've got news from her, and know that she is now ok, and safe at home. I still believe you should report all of this "agent" actions to the USEM, just to let them know what happened, make another interview app. and tell Loreta to be extra extra careful, and if you can go there, you'd better be with her, just in case...

Best wishes to you and Loreta Looky :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

Yes Geor, I sent an email to the embassy mentioning this guy 2 weeks ago. Yesterday I sent them another email telling them about this new incident. They responded back today, with a good long paragraph basically saying that it was not the embassies doing, and they don't know who did this. They said they will begin an investigation with the local police to find out why they questioned my fiancee. They also mentioned that this could have a bearing on whether she can get a fiancee visa.

No its not completely bad luck, its the circle of people that you can get mixed up with there. There are plenty of shady characters over there that find the place easy to do criminal activity without gettting caught.

But I have faith in Loreta, but none at all in the Cyprus police. The embassy won't give us another interview until they have investigated this situation. I believe Loreta is safe from these guys cause they totally wasted their time and found nothing on her.

Edited by LookyWhatIFound, 09 April 2012 - 03:08 PM.

LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-09 14:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Thanks Andie, my sentiments are the same for you. Seems we have something in common, holding onto a prayer. (F)

Ok I got good news and news that makes my blood boil!

First for the good news, I was able to talk to Loreta today. She is ok.

You know this 'agent' I told you about before? Loreta didn't open the door for him, but he and some lady were waiting for her outside her apartment building. Somehow this 'agent' convinced the police that she was involved in drugs! :blink: So they basically held her for nearly 11 days or so and they also took her 2 phones. They were obviously looking at who was calling her in hopes of finding drug dealers! Anyway obviously they didn't find anything and they released her late Saturday or early Sunday! :devil:

This is absolutely crazy! I don't believe its the embassies fault. This 'agent' probably has closer ties to the police, and I don't believe the US Embassy would have any say in how a foreing country conducts investigations, if they feel there is criminaly activity. But this man is obviously a nutcase! :devil:

P.S. She couldn't attend the interview cause they wouldn't let her free! :devil:

Edited by LookyWhatIFound, 08 April 2012 - 05:33 PM.

LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-08 17:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Looky, I can only hope for the best for you both and will continue to do so ... (F)

Thanks Andie, my sentiments are the same for you. Seems we have something in common, holding onto a prayer. (F)
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-07 04:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Worried here, Looky... have you heard anything?

Just an update here, we're booked for an interview May 16 in Kansas city...

Thea and Geor, I got no news or clues. I'm just living on a prayer, about her. If she is alive, I will hear from her again. Its entirely possible that she has to take time out to think about things. No matter what, we've had a happy and wonderful relationship to remember forever.

Geor your flight to America is coming soon, enjoy it!

Thea congratulations on your interview!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-04 19:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
RK thanks again for your wishes and prayers.

Geor, same to you thanks.

Today was interview day. I've been trying to call Loreta and still no answer but the international phone is still charged. She has a Cyprus number but its always very tough to get a connection on that, except on weekends I have better odds. I did write the embassy saying, I assume she didn't make it to the interview but she was scared by that 'agent' and I was afraid that maybe she hurt herself. At least maybe that will possibly give us another chance at an interview, if she didn't show up and is ok.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-30 13:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Looky, if it works out, I hope you can go to Loreta at this time. I went to Philippines at time of Inday's interview, had to come back to U.S. for work reasons while Inday prepared for U.S. trip, then a few weeks later I flew to Philippines to accompany her back to U.S. One trip instead of two would have been better for the pocketbook and less interference with work but I went those times to give moral support and to be there in case any problems came up. The double-trip was worth doing and did make things go smoother. I also understand about the thinking and waiting and "looking before you leap" precaution as well. May wisdom and good fortune be yours, my friend, and whatever you decide continuing prayers for Loreta's safety and both of your future together. --RK

RK, I truly appreciate your support and good advise, but the major problem is I don't know where she is, she could be hiding to avoid that guy knocking on the door or in a hospital. When she gets stressed it's not predictable where she goes. I found out from experience that I have a lot of trouble finding her, and her friends are of no help to me. Besides that its too late now, interview is supposed to be this Friday morning. I don't want to cancel it in case she finds a way to go, and I don't know for sure if she's got any of my txt messages and she doesn't have a home computer. Thanks for the prayers too, I'm also praying she's safe and her health not deteriorating. The waiting I was talking about was more to when I might here from her. But we will find our way back, we always do.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-28 11:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Aww I'm sorry Looky, hope everything is fine with Loretta. Both of you are in my thoughts, and I'm sure in all Marchies' as well!! It'll be over soon, and you'll be with her again!

Thanks Geor! Well I still have some possible hopeful signs to go on, whether they are false signs or what it really means, I don't know. I got this international sim card for her and so far that phone is still ringing, which means somebody is keeping the phone charged. Nobody else but me and sometimes her mother talks to her on that phone. Somebody answered it yesterday, but I couldn't really be sure if it was Loreta cause it was a really sleepy and or tired voice, just answered with 'hello', I couldn't really make out anything after that, then a couple seconds later it seemed some other woman was on and she just said something in some language twice and then hung up. Of course silly me throughout just kept saying hello cause I couln't understand any of it. I called back once right after, but no answer. So far this morning its ringing but no answer.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-28 05:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

@Looky--still here pulling for you and Loreta, praying for you, hoping for you, anything can do. Is there anyway you can personally go to Loreta, be there? Perhaps to help unscramble some of the problems but more importantly just to the there with Loreta. Same as I beleive you advised yourself to one of our fellow March filers, just being there might help. Still sincerely hoping the visa will be approved and in short order. --RK

I want to go RK, but right now I think there's going to be another delay, something seems to have happened to her again, she was probably overstressed from that guy. Yes I need to get her out of this rut. I was talking about going a week ago but she thought for sure nothing could go wrong this time. She wants me there for flying to the US together with her dog, so if there was a delay in getting the visa I would have to go back again.

But now its getting over crazy and so your right, time to do something about this if I get the chance. Either that or maybe take her back to her mothers place in Latvia and get married there.

Thanks RK, lot of thinking and waiting to do to see whats happened to her.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-27 17:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Congrats on your card!!! Now the search for a job has begun to you!!! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

Congratulations Carolina!

Good luck Geor!

Andie, you need luck too! (F)

Well, I don't know whats going on, wasn't able to contact Loreta yesterday or so far this morning. I emailed the embassy about this 'agent', didn't do it before to protect Loreta from this guy in the future. The only people that knew about her new address is the embassy, after she faxed them a new DS230. So something tells me this guy is a scoundrel that thinks he can get away with it.

I fear this may be it for the visa thing, at least for now, who knows.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-27 05:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Idk Looky, but it doesn't seem like a normal procedure to me. Not at all! I know if it was my case, I wouldn't hesitate to contact the USEM. Better be safe than sorry... and tell Loreta not to open the door to absolutely anybody... Hope everything is good with her.

Thanks Geor! :thumbs: Actually when I talked to her this afternoon I was saying that probably she should not answer the door. Its funny I just got out of bed to write that here. I'll email the embassy just to let them know I told Loreta not to answer this guy. She already let him in twice, and thats one time too many! She'll go to the interview and if this guys report to the embassy is not so good, we'll fight that and I have lots of ammunition to do that with cause obviously she had her privacy invaded. He had no right to search her apartment either! :diablo: :no:

P.S. Yes Loreta was upset enough of course to tell him to get out. She seemed to be taking it all in stride after I talked to her twice today.

Edited by LookyWhatIFound, 23 March 2012 - 11:32 PM.

LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-23 23:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
An 'agent' for the embassy came and knocked on Loreta's door Thursday. After asking her questions like if she does drugs and stuff he kept asking her if she worked in a casino, and he kept insisting that he knew she did. He then said he would come back on Monday. Then this morning he knocked on her door and asked her about her mother and stuff and then started looking at her magazines and papers and phone. Then he asked her to open the bedroom door and she said she couldn't cause her dog is in there. At some point he kept arguing with her that she worked at the casino and he knows it. So finally she probably shouted and told him to leave. He said something like she will regret this. He also said something about coming back on Monday.

He's got me a bit angry. I told Loreta that if he harasses her again to get his name and tell him that I have a good mind to report him to the embassy if he keeps harassing her. I was actually thinking about calling the embassy but then decided to wait till next week to see if he keeps this up. The guys nuts! If he wants to accuse her of anything he best produce some proof, and he certainly won't find any in her apartment! :bonk:
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-23 18:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

@Looky, good luck on Loretta's interview!

Thanks Carolina, its all looking good so far, this one should be the charm!

@Jan, well its like this, Loreta's with me in spirit. B-) Hopefully I'll have a different answer in the next month or so.

@Geor, wow April 7th, 3 weeks earlier than what you said before cool! Enjoy! :dance: :dance:
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-21 18:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Well, we're trying now to get there by last week of April, but haven't bought the tickets yet. And no Looky, I'm not worried of Sebastian aging out, he has american passport, so he's not included in this whole visa thing... So now if things doesn't change -again- I will be flying by April :)

Good deal Geor, it should be nice weather here by then to thaw out your relationship from the deep freeze! B-)
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-18 07:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
RK, wow they demolished your nice apartment complex for for a noisy highway, sounds like progress to me. :blink: I'm sure Inday and you will appreciate all you had to go through for the wedding and memories for the future. Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers.

Georgina, best wishes with it all, you two should resolve this now instead of later, cause as Andie can tell you if you let Sebastian age-out you will only make it tougher on all of you. I'm not worried as much now, about somebody finding out the interview date, but with all the wierd things that have gone on, there's no need to leave a gaping hole open for somebody to exploit.

Andie, well its good to hear that you two are sticking with it. I know the months apart are not easy at all! For me it was summer of 2010 when I last saw Loreta. If you love each other then you have no choice but to keep the faith.

For us everything is very smooth and we've got a phone system now that allows us to talk everyday. We've updated all the ds forms, financial support stuff and all that, so she's well armed! B-) Good luck all! (F)

Edited by LookyWhatIFound, 17 March 2012 - 01:38 PM.

LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-17 13:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

How's everyone doing??? Well, I'm right on the same spot :S but at least talking a lot with Dante, trying to solve our issues, love is still there, so we just have to work it out! Looky, how did everything go?? did Loretta have her interview yet?????

Geor, good to hear you too are talking, thats always a good sign! No Loreta's interview is in a couple weeks, I'm being vague on purpose cause I don't want to advertise the date. I'll let you know soon enough.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-16 08:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Well, to be honest he's mad at me. Because last Saturday we went to party, and allegedly I was flirting with his friend right in front of him (go figure) I guess is just the consequences of too much whisky. So he was mad until Tuesday he left. He says he loves me but he can't think of me flirting with some other guy and blah blah... I got mad at him too because I wasn't flirting, and if I wish to flirt with some guy obviously I wouldn't in front of him, and less, to his best friend...
But, now his mom called me and told me to get my a$$ over there ASAP to solve this (his mom loves me, lol) so idk what to do, tickets are way expensive this days also.
And yes, Sebastian, our son is here with me

Sounds like he's a bit oversensitive and a bit over jealous, which is actually a good sign that he loves you, I don't know how old he is but maybe still young. My suggestion is to just recognize that, and find ways to let him know that he has no reason to be jealous. I know you didn't do anything wrong but sometimes you just have to let a guy like him win a little and just tell him, or email him something just saying that you didn't think that you were flirting with his friend and you're sorry if it made him think that and it certainly wasn't your intention.

It sounds like something that he can get over, just give him some time and you'll hear from him again.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-04 18:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

You're right Looky, I was thinking to show him how eager I'm to make him fall for me again, but idk if just going and standing in front of him would be the right thing to do right now. I was planning on do that, but he told me he would cancel the papers, so idk how this is now... I just don't know what to do... beside calling him like dozen times a day,

I guess he is the one that wants drop the whole thing? Is it that he's not intersted anymore or maybe there is something you did or some attitude he doesn't like. Maybe there's something he's not telling you. If he doesn't love you enough to give it one more chance in America then he's not worth it. But its his son thats with you right?

If he's not calling you then I don't really know what to tell you. It takes two to fix the problems. I hope something works ou for you Geor! (F)
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-04 09:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Thanks for your kind words, I guess is the way it should be, no more no less. I'm in pain physically and emotionally. But we're trying to talk a lot these days, to try to work out things. 'cause love is just there, but we've lost some things in the way (I guess it was because of the distance and all that - it's 4 years now since he left us to go back to the States)
But we don't know what will happen now, at least I have a valid visa 'til May 1st. So that will give us some time...

Long distance is a killer Geor and many a relationship have been its victim. While you're apart all you both have is your memory of how it was when you were together. You've waited so long to get this Visa, it seems like the least you two can do is meet each other in America before May, for the 3 months before you lose the chance. If you don't try to spark the fire burning within you when you have this chance you risk the chance of extinguishing the flame. If it still doesn't work at least you'll know you gave it your best.

There's no such thing as an effortless relationship that runs smooth forever. You both have to work hard and compromise to make it work. Good luck Geor, if both of you love each other, as you say, then you too can work it out cause true love will find a way!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-03 22:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Hi Looky, Things are sounding better... yes, I didn't think about the vaccine - great.

We are still stumbling along on opposite sides of the world... I think we are gettng closer to our new petition. We have had so many delays caused by outside influences/complications. Hoping we are on the move very soon. I have had time to put into renewed paperwork etc. so here's hoping it will be on its way shortly. It's now over a year since we saw each other, so its not easy.

Thats great to hear, that you're finally close to getting your petition started again! :yes: You two have known each other since your childhood, or high school days right? Its about time to get it done so you two can finally be together!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-03 13:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Oh Thea, how frightening. Some crazy weather going on down in NZ in the last 24hours, serious damage but no lives lost as far as I know. Stay safe you guys.

You too Andie stay safe over there in NZ. I'm in the North East, away from all of it. I'm hearing whacky things 72 tornado touch downs reported yesterday, around Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee and crumbled houses and buildings everywhere. I heard they found a 2 year old alive in the middle of a field somewhere and they have no idea where from. They say the worst of the tornadoes are probably over but could be more today.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-03 11:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Hi guys and gals. I haven't been around that much, well a few of you know Dante was here in Lima, now he's gone. But unfortunately our journey has ended, or at least for now. We had a few problems when he was around, and decided to give us some time to re-think about some things... So I guess is a goodbye for now, I've deactivated my fb account so I can't put any on the group there (this way I avoid haters telling "I told you so" and bs like that)
But I wanted to thank you all for your support and for just being there. You are awesome people and I wish you the best :thumbs: I hope this is not an absolute good bye, just a see you later... but only God knows nowadays...
I feel devastated as you all can imagine, but I guess is for the better, to have this kind of "separation" today, than later...

Geor OMG this is a shock, hopefully this is only a temporary argument between you too. Its very true that relationships must go thru the ups and downs to become stronger. Best wishes to you and hope you can resolve the issues and we hear from you again. (F)
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-03 08:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Just a quick note to let you know that the tornado hit near here but not on top of us. Thankfully it landed on the strip instead of in a residential area, and we had no fatalities in town, though some homes were destroyed. It hit really close to where Stuart works, but about 10 minutes away from where we live. I checked out the damage yesterday, it's incredible, there's hotels missing walls, a brand new restaurant that is missing it's entire side, my grocery store's parking lot is a huge pile of rubble, and I think it will be a while before it reopens, if it can. Crazy, but we're safe...

@Looky, finally another timeline to count down! Here's to your health!

OMG I'm hearing of 6 tornadoes breaking around Kentucky and the South Thea! Don't know where you stay, but you both stay safe! :blink: :wacko:
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-02 16:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Just a quick note to let you know that the tornado hit near here but not on top of us. Thankfully it landed on the strip instead of in a residential area, and we had no fatalities in town, though some homes were destroyed. It hit really close to where Stuart works, but about 10 minutes away from where we live. I checked out the damage yesterday, it's incredible, there's hotels missing walls, a brand new restaurant that is missing it's entire side, my grocery store's parking lot is a huge pile of rubble, and I think it will be a while before it reopens, if it can. Crazy, but we're safe...

@Looky, finally another timeline to count down! Here's to your health!

Oh thats too close to home Thea! I'm glad it missed you both, and the residential area. I've been hearing about tornadoes out mid west and south. Hopefully they go away soon when the season finally turns to Spring.

Yeah another countdown but we're ok and more determined than ever to get thru this. Its actually a bit easier for us these days now that I got her this international sim card cause now we can talk pretty much every day. I just realized there's a pneumonia vaccine these days, and we're both eager to get her that.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-01 18:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
This thread will now be colliding against the new March thread. Finally Loreta has been getting completely off her pneumonia. Since Tuesday I was wondering if the embassy was ignoring us? But this morning we got a new interview date, 5 weeks +/- off in the future but thank you so much to the CO and all at the embassy!!!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-01 06:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

@Looky--Letting you know we are still out here and thinking of you. Have read over your recent posts and sorry to see the recent run of "challenges." Yes, you are right to keep mum about details (e.g., interview date) which can place you or your fiancee at certain times/days/specific circumstances. The scamming and other previous troubles may be purposely directed at you/Loreta or just a "run of bad luck" or any combination these factors. Whatever the case, prudence dictates caution. In most part, still praying strongly for Loreta's improved health and for a successful interview appointment. Take care, Looky. --RK and Inday

RK congratulations on your big wedding and all!!! It wasn't purposely directed at us but we fell into a trap and they smelled vulnerability. This place she was previously living at was sort of a community building and lots of shady things going on there, and we believe someone that she thought was her friend was in on this. They smelled money and ganged up on us. While she was unconcious in Germany somehow they knew everything about us and got me to believing she was really sick and needed money, cause they knew I was desperately looking for her and she was unconcious and/or lost her memory and they were taking advantage of her situation and got my international phone number and all, probably from her phone.

Anyway I think that crazy stuff is over. She's living in a much nicer area and apartment. I'm not receiving those calls anymore from Cyprus phone numbers that kept changing every week and all.

At this point I'm just waiting for her to be completely over her pneumonia, so about two weeks more. I did write the embassy when this happened and mentioned that I would be asking for another interview date when she was over this.

Thanks for the support RK, no worries she and I will get through this. Take Care.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-02-14 20:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Oh no Looky ! Dont know what to say.... is there anyone there who can help her get her health on track and go with her to the interview?

You don't have to say anything Andie, sometimes bad luck streaks hit us and good streaks too. She has friends over there but I don't really trust her friends anymore. Cyprus is next on the list after Greece to go bankrupt which means more and more people are going to lose their jobs. I'm helping her as much as I can. This is all a chain reaction from that taxi accident and now I'm always reminding her to wear her seatbelt. The worst has got to be over for her. I imagine for a couple weeks she will have to go to the clinic everyday for antibiotic injections and she'll feel weak from them. She'll get through this and I can now talk to her everyday. She can get food delivered to her.

Maybe this time I will try again to go there for the interview, I'll see how she is feeling.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-02-07 18:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
Here's an update. I talked to Loreta this morning, afternoon her time. Somebody in her apartment bldg last Thursday found her on the floor and called an ambulance. She's still sick and trouble breathing and it hurts when she coughs. Pneunonia is an infection of the lungs. I was so relieved to hear from her. Will have to deal with the embassy again, but what can you do?
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2012-02-07 11:48:00