K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapplying for k1 visa for fiance in Pakistan

Some countries have mandatory administrative processing. Pakistan is one of them. It all depends if it is done before or after his visa interview. We were in AP for 17 months (several years ago, it has now sped up) because he is from a country considered to be a sponsor of terrorism.

Ok I looked up the Pakistan embassy page: http://islamabad.use...rant_visas.html

"Some visa applications require additional administrative processing, which requires some additional time. Most administrative processing is resolved within 60 days of application."

That doesn't sound mandatory to me. Just out of curiosity, where did you get that info that it was mandatory?

Well I assume you've got your Visa now, sorry they put you through that, and congratulations!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-04-30 13:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapplying for k1 visa for fiance in Pakistan

95% is not too harsh for Middle Eastern country. In Egypt I would bet it is higher than that.

[Some countries have mandatory administrative processing. Pakistan is one of them. It all depends if it is done before or after his visa interview. We were in AP for 17 months (several years ago, it has now sped up) because he is from a country considered to be a sponsor of terrorism.]

Wow, didn't know that. Now I'll have to check up on Cyprus (South), technically it may be in the middle east. Thanks.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-04-30 12:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapplying for k1 visa for fiance in Pakistan

Alright. Thank you, and congrats to you for successfully completing it all!

I can't believe somebody said 95% chance of AP. No way that doesn't sound right at all. There has to be something that triggers suspicion before they would place it on AP. Such as the name checks seem to have hit in their database and they need to further checking, or maybe they are suspicious or your relationship, etc.

But 95% is way to harsh.

Good luck!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-04-30 05:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew update for anyone who is following!! yOU GOTTA HEAR THIS

maybe some of you know of my situation, fiance in new delhi, had his interview august 3rd and was denied saying our relationship not bonafide. I have sought much help and emailed all over creation for help in getting second chance. We got senators involved . yet they told my sentor office we were denined still. NOW after application has expired and all hope drained.. they email me at midnite 9/1/2011 (today) we have a second interview, BUT they want me in NEw Delhi by 10am tomorrow, IMPOSSIBLE. No flight I have checked will get me there in time. I emailed them this info and am waiting, i called the embassy and got nowhere they said allow this hard fought for interview to pass then come and pay them to reactivate a nos how interview. What? i call the senators office and told them everything , they agree its not right and they dont like that the embassy lied to them about our case only to come back and give us an IMPOSSIBLE 2nd interview date. For now we wait to see what will happen as the senator office will again contact embassy. Has anyone ever dealth with this before? I have talked to a lawyer to see abt what else we can do. There is no flight that is able to get me to India that fast.. we had only a few hours notice? thats ridiculous. any other ideas?

Thats terrible!!! You've got your senator on your side, which is good. Have you tried contacting DOS and see what they tell you about your case? Here's a post on how to get through to a person at DOS. http://www.visajourn...he-nvc-and-dos/
good luck and hope you can get the interview rescheduled! (F)
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-02 04:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTelling the truth on medical questionnaire (sexual health)

Thank you - I didn't expect any support other than the visa related issue, but clearly there are lots of lovely VJ members. Gands: I'm sorry for your news. Fingers crossed for you that it will just go away on its own as it should, with time. It sounds like yes, you should declare it, and that it shouldn't negatively impact your visa application.

Keka: Glad to know everything went ok for you, it was good to hear of your experience. I am normally an incredibly honest person, there's just something about this that makes me want to forget about it, even though as sciencenerd points out, that's irrational.

I know I should tell my fiancé, and I will. He knows I have very strong views on sexual health. It's just so annoying that I have to tell him over the phone, thousands of miles apart. That's much more difficult: there are so many nuances of communication that are lost over the phone. It's going to be difficult, is all.

So if I tick yes, what documentation do I need to include? How do I go about getting a letter from my doctor, especially if this was treated at a GUM clinic on the other side of the country. Do I have to pay for a letter from the doctor? I guess I am going to have to go into the all details several times with lots of different people by the sounds of it. Seems bizarre that my doctor would give me a letter about something she didn't know I once had??

Since this is not so serious of a disease you could probably get away with just writing a note acknowledging that you had HPV and were treated at the GUM clinic at whatever date, and sign and date it.

Remember this is a medical and they want to protect your health so its helpful to the doctor to know. For this disease I think doctors recommend women get a PAP test every year. So in the worst case if you haven't gotten one recently he may recommend to get one and it can possibly be in the U.S. when you get there.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-05-23 05:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTelling the truth on medical questionnaire (sexual health)

I can understand since I've recently found out that I have HPV.
I don't have genital worts I just have a low grade change of cells on the cervix and it means (as my doctor explained) that these cells are infected with HPV.
I feel really embarrassed about it as well but my doctor said that it's really hard to prevent it and the sad story is that I discovered it on the PAP smear I did on the same day I went to get the prescription for the vaccines!
Anyways my doctor advised me to keep getting the vaccines since they still protect from other kinds of hpv.(and I already got 2)
There is nothing I can do about it right now except keep checking up on it every 6 months and hopefully it'll go away in about 2 years.
Now my question is: is this going to be a problem for me since it's new in my body even though I don't have any worts or problems?
Should I really declare that I have it? If so, do I need to bring some kind of a note from my doctor stating her findings?

Thanks for your help and support, and Violet you are not alone in this.

Thats what my fiance and I agreed to do. She had the type that could cause cancer. The clinic she went to cleared it up and will be giving her a report stating so. So we agreed that she should acknowledge it and attach a copy of the report from the clinic.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-05-22 15:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTelling the truth on medical questionnaire (sexual health)
There are so many different kinds of HPV and its considered to be a virus. They say 70% of people will get this within their lifetime. So its not something to get upset over.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-05-22 11:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresurgent!!! please help us!!!

No you're not screwed. Canceling and refiling seem like a good idea to me, if they don't reject it immediately instead of send a NOA1. If you cancel, I suspect you may need to have the new I-129F indicate that a previous petition was filed, although I'm not sure if it matters because it was canceled before being approved... something to think about and ask if it isn't obvious (sorry I'm not going back and reading the form right now to see the exact reading of the questions about previous petitions).

Its previous APPROVED petitions, so you are fine, just make sure its cancelled or rejected before filing the new one.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-11 19:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresurgent!!! please help us!!!

OR is there any number we can call regarding ther retrive of the application or anything? I am kinda pissed at myself for letting him do all the package without me checking it up!!!

I don't think so, its going to go to Texas and the to a service center and before you get a chance they'll put it in the system. It would be nice if he also forgot to send the check or sign the I-129F so it gets rejected right away.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-11 17:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresurgent!!! please help us!!!

He just sent the i-129f package without putting in any evidence documents in it!!!! I will be rejected or there will be another 1 year of waiting??? I cannot believe he made such ridiculous mistakes!

Any advice is appreciated!


There was someone in the March filers group that did the same thing and got rejected after 4 months without receiving RFE so it might be worth cancelling and staring over again, if they don't reject it straight off.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-11 17:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow do I know if USCIS ''touched'' my application?

Wait, do I have to create an account for that? Because I go to USCIS' website, on the left side put my number and it logs in, then there I see only where it says Initial Review, or to see the processing times. Nothing about what you said, so I suppose I should create an account there to see that?


Yes you have to create an account with your case number, username and password and all.

Edited by LookyWhatIFound, 13 April 2011 - 06:34 PM.

LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-04-13 18:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow do I know if USCIS ''touched'' my application?

Hey, so they send it to you everytime they ''touch'' it? I thought we'd need to sign-up for something, to be able to know that.. Thanks

No usually they don't send you emails, cause touches are generally quite meaningless without knowing why they scanned or moved your package. I, in the past, and many others have got approved without any touches.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-04-13 18:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow do I know if USCIS ''touched'' my application?

Hey everybody, I have a question... I've seen posts here, and been watching certains timelines and I always noticed the term ''touched'' in many of them. I also went to uscis' website, to check my case status, but they only have the principals steps, like Innitial Review, Request for Evidence, etc...Didn't see how I could check if they did anything to our application, when and what.
So, since I've seen this term here, I'd like to know HOW and WHERE you people see if they ''touched'' your petition.

Thanks everybody who reply, in advance.
Carolina. :)

When you first log in to Case Status on USCIS, there are 4 columns or so, Emal Alerts, Mobile Alerts, Last Updated, etc. But look at the date under the 'Last Udated' column, if the date changed we call it a touch.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-04-13 18:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresadministrative process and re-submission of expired docs
I don't really know but it seems like this could be a good sign. I mean if they thought the AP was going to go on after so long why would the ask for new medical and police reports.

Wish you luck and the nightmare ends!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-01 03:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChange of address during K1 processing

Thanks again I`ll go ahead and list out her best friend`s address as she proves to be the most reliable. So I assume that all of the forms from the embassy as well as the NOA2 will be sent to her friend`s address that I list on the K1/G325-A applications instead of her previous address correct? I wouldn`t want the packets to be sent to different addresses. Sorry for all the questions its my first time being involved with immigration paperwork. As far as the DS form I didn`t know about this thanks for the information.

The address needs to be changed 2 places, on the I-129F and add it to her G325A.

1. If you want to list her friends address do it on both the I-129F and the G325A. I would think they would send to the one listed on the I-129F.

2. On the G-325A they ask for where she lived for the last 5 years. You can put her previous address in a date range that just ended and the for the present period list her friends address. You can think of it as a temporary transition address.

The embassy will only send her one informational packet and it may not even contain the forms but just telling which forms to fill out.

You should snd her a full copy of the I-129F petion that you send to USCIS. You should also send her all the originals of evidence, receipts, barding passes, bag claim tickets, pictures if she doesn't have them etc.

In addition you should send her the I-134 Affidavit of support. Also when it comes closer to her interview she will need to get police reports from all places she lived for over 6 months since age 16, birth certificate, divorce certificate ( if any ), etc... all for her interview.

P.S. The DS forms need to be sent to the embassy to get her interview, or some sequence like that, all embassies have slightly different rules. But the embassy informs her they are ready for the DS forms by sending her the packet.

Edited by LookyWhatIFound, 23 April 2011 - 03:11 PM.

LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-04-23 15:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChange of address during K1 processing

Thanks for your prompt response. I didn`t know that it was possible to put down a different address other than where she lives. I`ve always thought that the officer would do a investigation as to whether she truly lives in that address or not. I guess its paranoia lol if you don`t mind me asking what exactly are the DS forms? Also what do u mean "Once it gets to the embassy" are you talking about the packet?

Any investigation of her would come at the embassy stage. You can list all her addresses on her G-325A but you can list this new address also. If they really check up on her at that level, which I somehow doubt, they will have to check all her addresses.

In any case, if she ever needs it, she has a valid reason why she used this new address, you just explained it.

Right I'm talking about the packet she will recieve:
The DS (Department Of State Forms) are found here: http://travel.state....forms_1342.html

You can check your embassy website, I think, to see which forms they require. Those are mostly what her packet from the embassy will tell her to fill out.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-04-23 14:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChange of address during K1 processing

Hello everyone

I am about to submit my K1 packet to the USCIS this Tuesday for my fiance in Pakistan. She has just informed me that she may be moving within the next few months her and her parents are still looking for a house. If she were to move and I were to inform USCIS of her move would that delay our application? Thanks in advance for the help

It wouldn't delay your application but I question the reliability of USCIS to do it. There have been posts here where the case still went to the emabassy with the wrong address. So the embassy sent the packet to the wrong address.

If you can, I would suggest use the address of one of her relatives, grandparents etc. Once it gets to the embassy you can later inform them that her address has changed, like on the DS forms.

Good luck!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-04-23 13:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List

hi i sand ref 07-09-11 back to uscis stii no nov2 any won know how long take for nov 2 ref about 129f part 2c
Part C. Other Information
2. Have you ever been convicted by a court of law (civil or criminal) or court martialed by a military tribunal for any of the following crimes:
* Domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse and neglect, dating violence, elder abuse or stalking. (please refer to page 3 of the instructions for the full definition of the term "domestic violence.)
* Homicide, murder, manslaughter, rape, abusive sexual contact, sexual exploitation, incest, torture, trafficking, peonage, holdng hostage, involuntary servitude, slave trade, kidnapping, abduction crimminal restarint, false imprisonmet, or an attempt to commit any of there crimes, or
* Three or more convictions for crimes relating to a controlled substance or alcohol not arising from a single act.
Anyway, the answer is NO, simple as that

I had the same RFE, from several posts here with this same RFE, it seems it can take up to a month for most. One person I think got to 2 months. I think they probably do background checks around this stage so once thats finished you should get your approval. Good luck.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-28 17:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhich Date?


So far from what I have heard the visa is good for six months but on the NOA 2 theres an expired date 09/24/2011 what is that date for?

Congratulations! You're supposed to do your interview within 4 months of your NOA2. If the embassy can't schedule the interview by then they will extend that. Still you should get all your paperwork and everything completed for the embassy.

Good luck!

Edited by LookyWhatIFound, 26 June 2011 - 04:43 PM.

LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-26 16:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo you give copies or originals at the interview?

Dear fellow VJers,

At the embassy interview, do you give the CO copies or originals of the Boarding Passes, Reciepts, ect...

I worry if I were to give them the original Boarding Passes and Receipts, and for some reason the visa is not approved, then they might keep the originals with them and I am left with no original Boarding Passes and Receipts that I might need for a second round at the finace visa process.


At the interview stage if they ask you for the evidence, they are asking for proof, so giving them copies is just asking for trouble at that stage, I think. If you get denied your Visa those old originals are not going to do you any good, and you'ld be better off making new originals for whatever your next steps will be.

You can always ask then if they'll take the copies and give you back the originals.

Good luck!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-26 10:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresaffidavit support

Could you explain 125% is determined by Employer? Not by ITR and/ or Paycheck stubs? thanks!

Yes you are right. I just meant her income is coming from her employer so you should have the employer letter veryifing your employment. Plus the employer letterhead can show a number and address of the employer.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-26 18:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresaffidavit support

So if you are above the 125%,do you still a statement from your employer??

IF you are above the 125% poverty line,do uscis still ask for a bank statement???

Don't forget Nemata your 125% over is determined by your employer so yes that is quite important, along with pay stubs and preferably 3 years tax transcripts to show a trend.

The bank statement is not techinically necessary and neither is showing assets but if you have them I would flaunt them if you can show proof cause it can't hurt.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-26 18:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresaffidavit support

packet 3 and packet 4 never are sent to USCIS.

I-134 is needed, along with tax data, income data, on interview day at the IV unit.

Good Luck ! (my apologies if I've misread your question)

The OP was just saying that they will also send a copy of the I-129F package, which was sent to USCIS, to the benficiary also.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-26 15:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresaffidavit support

How do you know if you need a co sponsor? If i make close to 40,000 a yr and it's just me and my fiance will i need a co sponsor? Also will i have to show bank statements and assets?

Thats what I'm planning to do, fill them out on my computer and send to her to look over and sign the parts that need to be.

There's a section, at least on the DS-156 (haven't checked the others yet) on who the form was prepared by so I'm going to put my name in there.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-26 13:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresaffidavit support

How do you know if you need a co sponsor? If i make close to 40,000 a yr and it's just me and my fiance will i need a co sponsor? Also will i have to show bank statements and assets?

I think its 1.5% above the poverty level thats required, so you are fine. You don't have to show if you have the income.

If you have assets like 401K, mutual funds and all, you can list them if you can provide proof.

Good luck!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-26 10:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan i Sign and Date the Forms NOW before the Interview ?

My understanding is that you sign DS156K at the interview..

Someone who has had the interview can clarify ... (I'm just saying dont sign until you have further advice)

There are parts that say DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE, like on the DS-156K, those signatures are signed in front of the Counselor Officer at the interview.

Good luck!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-28 18:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-156 Online Not Working

Keep trying. It didn't work for me on Sunday and most of the day yesterday, but I kept trying and managed to load it correctly last night.

Yeah it seems to be random, I don't know maybe it gets screwed up when there's too much traffic on the site?
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-28 04:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPetitioner moved and case is already at the embassy

I dont understand this??? so you are saying that when u applied for a K1 visa after u get your Noa2 the beneficiary gets a Alian number?? I am asking this because in one of the forms i think is the DS-230 they ask me about my alien number and i wrotte none..

I am comfused now!! :wacko:

You are the beneficiary right? Do you have a copy of your NOA2. In the 3rd row the box all the way to the right that has in bold letters 'BENEFICIARY' lists your A# and your name.

Well you can probably let the embassy know and get that DS-230 corrected but they probably already know you have that number on your NOA2.

Goood luck!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-28 18:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPetitioner moved and case is already at the embassy

im also having this same problem and i have tried to change the address online but they also ask for an A number and i dont know what it means, im guessing Alien number but i dont have an alien number for my fiance and the form would let me just enter NA or continue. What do i do?

Ok not enough information here. But you're not the same case as the OP cause the OP is trying to change the petitioners address.

ok I'll list some things and maybe you can figure it out from there

Are you the USC petitioner? You can only change the beneficiaries address with USCIS if he/she living in the US.

If you got NOA2 your fiances alien number is listed on it.

If the beneficiary moved before they get the packet was sent from the embassy, you have to contact the embassy. The packet just list the forms and doctors and all you have to do before the interview. The DS forms for the embassy also has a place to list the beneficiaries address and where they intend to live in the US.

Good luck.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-28 04:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPetitioner moved and case is already at the embassy

So my fiance moved to another house... we got approved right away (in less than 4 months), and our case went from NVC to Embassy in less than 2 weeks..Our journey is going faster than we thought that we forgot about changing the address
Where do we change the addres now? And how? I know it cant be at uscis since our case it's not there anymore.

Will be a big issue if we just live it like that... and when I fill form DS-230 and DS-156 I state his new address??

Yes that should be fine. In the forms for the embassy list his new address as the one you will be living at. If they ask just tell them he moved to this address. Meanwile the petitioner can change his address online with USCIS, which only cares about addresses for people living in the US.

Good luck!

Edited by LookyWhatIFound, 26 June 2011 - 10:30 AM.

LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-26 10:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespolice report

hopefully the consulate wont think my sam is in danger to lose his teeth LMAO

If he is willing to take the risk its none of their damn business! :devil:
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-24 03:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespolice report

im the beneficiary. the case was closed after 2 days, my classmate withdrawing everything she said. romania is not strict about a punch in the face between classmates, but i know USA is and that kinda bugs me cause im not a violent person. blah

There are much worse offences then knocking a tooth out, especially when you're a teenager.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-23 19:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of support co sponsor

Hi everyone

I am having an issue filling out the I-134 affidavit of support. My co sponsor is a US citizen through naturalization but it's been so long (30 yrs) we do not have the Certificate number. Will they accept a copy of my sponsor's passport with the number?


Also scratch the part about the RFE, I got confused.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-27 05:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of support co sponsor

Hi everyone

I am having an issue filling out the I-134 affidavit of support. My co sponsor is a US citizen through naturalization but it's been so long (30 yrs) we do not have the Certificate number. Will they accept a copy of my sponsor's passport with the number?


Oops you're talking about the co-sponsor? Where does it say that the co-sponsor must be a US Citizen? Also it does not ask for certificate number on the I-134 form or instructions does it? In that case, if you are just worried about the possibility take the copy of the US pasport with you.

Edited by LookyWhatIFound, 27 June 2011 - 05:51 AM.

LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-27 05:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of support co sponsor

Hi everyone

I am having an issue filling out the I-134 affidavit of support. My co sponsor is a US citizen through naturalization but it's been so long (30 yrs) we do not have the Certificate number. Will they accept a copy of my sponsor's passport with the number?


A US passport is proof or US citizenship, but they do still ask for the certificate number on the form. When I got my Citizenship the court made 2 other copies in case we ever needed them. Have you tried contacting the court where he got his naturalization done?

These days they allow for you to make copies for backup purposes for that exact reason. You can try it with just the copy of passport pages but I cannot guarantee that you will not get an RFE for the certificate number.

Good luck!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-27 05:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat if guys the Income Tax return of my fiance is 2009 and 2010 only? and he cant find the 2008? is it fine to use the 2007?

What if guys the Income Tax return of my fiance is 2009 and 2010 only? and he cant find the 2008? is it fine to use the 2007? coz it requires #years of IRS im just wondering about it... thanks

What they ask for depends on your embassy and how solid the fiances look. Three years of tax transcripts can show a good solid trend. Its quite easy and fast to get tax transcripts free from all 3 years from the IRS, and they contain all info they would require, including W2.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-04 06:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLast letter of my name misspelled on tax transcripts

Although this would be a great idea the problem is that I sent USCIS a copy of my passport that has the same name spelling as my I-129F packet in order to prove that I`m a citizen. I was thinking on maybe writing a letter to the consulate stating that I also go by that name and that I mistakenly forgot to include it on the I-129F form.

Ok thats fine, I'm not sure why it matters what name was on the passport, we were just talking about the other names used question on both the I-129F and G325A forms. Just thought you could inform both agencies of that so that you have a solid story during the interview.

Well anyway good luck!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-04 05:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLast letter of my name misspelled on tax transcripts

I don't think it'll be a problem. I mean it is the same name, you just spelled it differently and forgot about the other spelling. Its pretty much too late to correct it except if you get an RFE from USCIS but I don't think they know any other name so you might get NOA2 without an RFE.

Good luck!

One more thought. Maybe you should call USCIS, ask the first person you need to talk to a tier 2 officer. Explain that you need to have this other names section on the G325A corrected and explain why. He might give you an address to send the information to. Make a copy of it before you send it. They aren't too reliable on this but its worth a shot. At the embassy you can give your fiance a copy of this letter and tell her to tell them you did try to notify USCIS of this.

Edited by LookyWhatIFound, 03 July 2011 - 07:03 PM.

LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-03 19:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLast letter of my name misspelled on tax transcripts

Ohh ok so you think I should go ahead and put in Erik on the DS form where it ask to state other name(s) used and ignore the fact that I put "none" on the I-129F form correct? So I guess a note in this circumstance wont be necessary. From what it seems this may be my only option since it would be a pain having to somehow get my entire tax documents and W2 forms corrected. :(

Sorry for all the questions I just don`t wanna have any problems when my fiance has to present herself for the interview

But I don't know if there is (I kind of doubt it) a spot for you the USC to put other names used on the DS forms. The DS forms are for the foreign fiance. Make an attachment to them or like Ebbas said write up an explanation for your fiance to take to the interview. I was just thinking if there was some question or area where you could put miscellaneous info or something.

I'm fuzzy here on exactly what to do but you have to let them know at the embassy. I don't think your situation is very severe but I have heard of certain cases that got sent back from the embassy to USCIS, and for sure you want to avoid that.
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-03 18:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLast letter of my name misspelled on tax transcripts

This seems very convenient but on the I-129F form I put "none" under other name(s) used. Would there be a problem if I include it on the DS forms?

I don't think it'll be a problem. I mean it is the same name, you just spelled it differently and forgot about the other spelling. Its pretty much too late to correct it except if you get an RFE from USCIS but I don't think they know any other name so you might get NOA2 without an RFE.

Good luck!
LookyWhatIFoundMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-03 15:34:00