VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
This thread is still active. The thread was originally created to capture a list of VN-US couples on VJ. However, as you can see, the whole "Asia: East and Pacific" board is dominated by VN-US couple PERIOD! biggrin.gif So the list seems to be unneccessary and therefore less people visit it. Most questions are asked and responded via the general area on Asia: East and Pacific.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2009-04-21 06:30:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
The answer to this is "MAYBE"!
Keep in mind from now until the day you are finished with this VJ journey: when it comes to Immigration/Visa, there is no Silverbullet or magic trick to get by or short-cut the process. It is long, painful and fill with stress everyday until the day she arrives in the US!
I do not know the whole story, but if HCMC claims someone's didn't have $20K in the bank, I would ask myself the following questions:
1. Is this guy applying for the same type of Visa? (K-1, K-3, or what not)
2. Does he have a co-sponsor? HCMC is very funny about co-sponsor, they still accept it in rare cases, but not often.
3. $20K is the magic number??? why not $50K, or $100K? Wouldn't that be batter?
4. Why saving account but not Life Insurance/Stock Portfolio/Checking/Bonds or they meant: GUIDELINE Poverty?
5. What is Guideline Poverty you may ask, read the GUIDE's and FAQ's
6. If $20,000 is the magic number for this girl's fiancé to cough up, think again, HCMC has 1000's reasons to as tools to DELAY/DENY a Visa application and this could be one of a fews.
7. Your case is NOT this guy's case, very unique in so many ways.
8. No silver bullet, nobody can guaranty your Visa approval

BTW, post your question in the Regional board for better response for the oldheads from HCMC VJ don't come in here quite as often as I notice!
Good luck and have fun on your VJ!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-01-08 08:04:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Volt... you guys rock! Your story gives a lot of encouragement for those who are waiting for their AOS... Address misspelled... that's horrible.... We're happy for you after all...

chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-11-06 07:16:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Congratulations!!!!!! :) :D
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-09-19 11:45:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Weren't you already? :D :D :lol: :lol: How's marriage life treating you??? (pretty sure you will get a lot of those questions from now on from friends and relatives ) HAHAHAHA

Edited by chuckandkim, 30 August 2006 - 02:30 PM.

chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-30 14:29:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
BTW???? What the ####... :D that should be a first order of the day... MY WIFE IS PREGNANT!!! :lol:
Great news Zerovoltz, we wish you two the best... BABY TIME, baby! :)

About the fishsause... i think i just skip that tour if I ever go to Phu Quoc Island. I love that stuff too much to stay away or let anything ruin the experience of enjoying and loving it for so long :D Ok, you got me really curious now... what did you see there at PQ Island? It's "Show&Tell" time :)
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-24 07:10:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Ain't nothin' wrong with drinking fishsause straight up!!!! :D :D :D
Just make sure don't get them on your clothes... that stuff is stinky!!!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-15 08:42:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
To get on this List??? I heard rumor you have to buy Vietnam a bow of PHO' :D and Iced Coffee (Cafe Sua Da) J/K :D

Welcome to VJ
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-06 07:07:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Did we make you mad somehow??? We are no longer on the list? :( :( :(


chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-14 07:01:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Matt, your fiance's English is 100% better than your Vietnamese, isn't it? :) :) :) Good luck Matt!

Chuck and Kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-05-31 16:34:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
No! Just make sure she brings that receipt of the MRV fee!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-05-30 06:49:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

Do what icespots said...

When you are in Saigon, coming with your fiance, bring her birthcertificate (BC) and ask to speak to the consular about YOUR petition (bring your NOA1 receipt) etc. Only USC can request to meet with a consular for any business prior to your beneficiary's interview (correct me if i'm wrong) At this meeting, you can present your case and tell them you would like to admend the mistake. Hopefully they will let you get by and update your file. Remember, up to this point, the issue is on your end (petitioner) so you can request to give them an UPDATED file.

Worse case: they will make you re-file your I-129F.
Better scenario: request to send in an updated G325A

Knowing HCMC Consulate, delaying will be unavoidable if you are NOT proactive in your preparation. Come clean, come all, tell them upfront that you make mistake. Keep in mind, it is UP to you to show them (US consulate) how sincere you are and truthful you are to them. They will find out if you missing anything or anything is out of order. They have these "vietnamese staffs" who will comb your file with a fineteeth comb to pick up disorderness or any fault/mistake. Basically, come clean and tell them you need to update your G-352A. done!

If you "wait and see", they could look at your case as if you try to pull a quick one on them... "Why didn't you put her mother's name on her G-325A?"; "How could you forget something that important?"; "Ok, go home, we will investigate more into your case to make sure you are not a fraud" etc.... I am not trying to scare you... but: don't mess around with these guys :D

I wrote to much... but: come in the consulate, bring BC and updated G-325A.

Good luck Matt, don't worry about it... things will sort themselves out...
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-05-09 13:06:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
I want to say this, based on our experience at the Visa Interview, HCMC's workers (the vietnameses) have the LIFO or FILO systems :)

Last In, First Out
First In, Last Out

they do not follow the FIFO or LILO models like we do here in American. :)

So if your files get there at the sametime, whose ever file arrives last at their door will get process first. Why? Just because the last file will be on top of the pile and the workers will grab the first one, on top! :)

Sometimes, the files get shuffled around and who knows what will happen to them... but all and all... your file will get process and pack-3 get sent with in a week or two of its arrival.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-04-06 10:08:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

Question for you folks. Howlong after Packet 3 is being sent is the wait for an interview these days? It looks like the wait has shrunk from what I am seeing? Am I wrong on this? My case should be at the HCMC Consultae any day now, which means packet 3 will be soon. Will my fiancee have her interview before August then?

By the way, I need to send her money for the Dam Hoi. What is the best way to send money to her? I want it to get to her safely, but without too many fees.

Best way to send money? In short answer: Any asian supermarket will have at least one or two "Travel Agency" which also provide "wire-transfer" or sending cash "FAST" services. These range from $5 flat-fee for each $100-$350 fund transfer, or % upto but no more than $3000 per fund transfer transaction. I've never had to send money to my wife family for "Dam Hoi" or anything like that, it's a sign of insult for some family if you "send" money to help them out, in my case, it was out of the question for me to send money! Check with her family before you do send the money, unless they are economically challenged then, by all mean, send the cash!

You can do this way, which i've done before to send gift to my wife's nephews in VN. Ask friends who are going back to VN, or who are already there to bring the cash to your family and you will pay them back here in the US. Work well, no fees, and guarantee the money will get there, FAST!

Just my 2 cents.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-04-03 07:25:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Unless your fiancee lives in the countryside which i do recommend her to stay in HCMC the night before. She does not need to be there as early as 3 hours before her appointment. ONLY people who have been scheduled for interview that day will be allowed inside the Consulate. The consulate does have their limitation and workload cut out for themselves, so there isn't any LOOOOOOOOONG line like some said. YES, they may be a long line, but you already have your appointment, you will be let in no matter how many people who have arrived before you but do not have the appointment letter.

Eat a good meal that morning, since she'll be waiting for awhile before they will interview the K-1 cases. Just how they work, IR and K-3 go in first, the rest of their time is for K-1. I never once heard anyone with K-1 in HCMC got let in at the very first hour of the day. :)

So, relax, bring everything but the kitchen sink... notice what Andy said, be VERY organize and chronological about your evidence.

Good luck and Congrats Andy and Lan... your English is perfect... i'm still working on mine... still :) hahaha

When are you arriving in the US? Big party in Landy Land :)
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-03-31 07:05:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

When your fiancee entered the Consulate, she will hand in ALL of her paperworks, except the evidence, to the Consulate workers. These workers will sort out your fiancee's documents/paperwork, check-off "must-have" items (Birth Certificate, Affi-Support etc.), put/organize them in a nice folder to prepare your file for the Consulate Officer who will interview your fiancee. During this phase, IF your fiancee is missing any of the MUST have documents, they could send you home right there. Or they still could send you home after the interview, it depends! But these "WORKERS" are major pain!!!

No, they won't just give it to the CO, the workers will check it out first.

I think it's not more or less important ifshe met your parents or not. Each case is different. Think of Lan and Andy, it's a normal question for the CO to ask, just in case "did you meet his parents"? Of course Lan did :) she was here visiting Andy during Christmas.... It would be crazy for them to ask you :) knowing that she never been to the US and your parents never come to VN. (at least in my case, it is) Either way, the key is having an engagement ceremony and reception :) which you did! So rest easy!

my 2 cents...


chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-03-29 14:12:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Andy and Lan,

What is your thought about the Journey so far? Is it too hard? I thought it was pretty straight forward myself...
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-03-29 12:35:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Lan and Andy,

I think we all expected the Visa all along :) Come on, remember how i said I jeolous of you both for you having her visiting you while waiting for K-1 Visa? :) :) :)

I know EXACTLY how you feel when that phone call arrived... Heart pounding like an african drum, then the news broke, then a million plans start forming in your head... GREAT!!!!

Congrats to you both...
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-03-29 08:18:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

I think it is true 3AD. I have my dad as a joint sponsor and that ain't work out either
For sure that I will go back to Vietnam and get marry then file K-3. That will take another year and a half for us to be with each other 4ever. It kinda such but you have no other choice.
Take care,

I asked you this question in the K-1 forum but you didn't answer.
What does the green 221(g) denial letter say? What exactly does it ask for?

I went through HCMC with a co-sponsor and passed.
If you need a co-sponsor now, you will need one with a K-3. You should find out the exat reason for denial and try to correct it. Even if you file K-3, there is no guarantee you will pass. Being married is not a guarantee for any visa.


True, there is NO guarantee by getting married will lead to Visa issuance, but it is the next option. I must say, you're right about not to get over the simplest thing... asking Duc_Uyen what were noted on their 221(g) is a good question.

Usually they do not just flat-out deny one's case. Is it a DENY/REJECT/RETURN or DELAY, requesting for more evidence/information? Please be clear on this... Another tool you can use is contacting your Congressman to intervention.

Please, come back with detail reason why they "deny" your case (i hope it's just a DELAY)

Thank you :)
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-03-07 16:47:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Duc Uyen,

The next step is to get married in Vietnam and file for a K-3 Spousal Visa.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-03-06 08:09:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
Go West, Northwest, city name: Seattle.

Last year or the year before, a huge ring of marriage fraud was bursted by the FBI and USCIS. Look for guys with last name: NGUYEN, TRAN, LE, PHAM, HUYNH, LY etc. Over 101 couples who married for the sake of getting around $40-$50K to bring a man/woman to America. I hope you find them and choke them to death man...

It's a joke and disgrace what some people would do to get here. I know you mad, but how do they know your marriage is real when 99% of them are fakes, therefore the whole Admin Rev is taking place to filter out the bad seeds.

Can you be more specific, is there a huge age difference between you and her? Were you and her coming from the same town? Same last name? Can you say your case is straight forward, no complications? Neer married, no children, same job, stable incomes, no criminal records etc... No to all? If you say yes to any of these, it is expected to be delayed. But either way, if there is any hope in this, I've never seen any case was denied flat out. All VJ members who was on this board, telling horrible stories about HCMC, their treatments etc.... in the end, all got through and came to the US.

So... hang in then man... i know it sux and easy for me to say, but we've all been through HCMC... WE KNOW HOW YOU FEEL....
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-02-03 08:32:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

Well, hi your all :)
I just being update from a friend that one of their relative who recently had the interview with the consular in hochiminh, and yes seems like they starting to discard all the co-sponsor (not officially but did happen)

Somone told me that for K1 Visa the petitioner alone must meet minimum income requirements and CANNOT have a co-sponsor. Is this true?



You, petitioner can have a co-sponsor if your income doesn't meet the poverty guideline.

Are you kidding me???? If this is true, these guys in HCMC are asking for a lawsuit at their door... Please give us more detail about this issue, is it an "undocumented" practice in HCMC to discard all cases with Co-sponsor??? We need to hear more from people who going through HCMC... That's crazy!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-02-02 09:10:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

Somone told me that for K1 Visa the petitioner alone must meet minimum income requirements and CANNOT have a co-sponsor. Is this true?



You, petitioner can have a co-sponsor if your income doesn't meet the poverty guideline.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-02-01 13:31:00
VietnamHCMC - Evidence you should have
List looks great! good.gif
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2009-04-10 07:03:00
IMBRA Special TopicsMillion Fiance/Spouse March on Washington
This sadden me, we spend so much time and money and effort to do thing legally, do the right thing, wait and wait and follow instruction/direction from our Government for days/weeks/months/years, just to bring our loveone here.

That brings me to the idea of congress and the president just to give a free-pass to all ILLEGAL aliens sicken me!!!

If our USCIS don't have to pay attention to those illegal aliens, they would have more time to process our cases. That how I see it! Only 2hrs for me from Philly to DC. I'm there!

Marching: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: (can't find a marching one, so dancing will do for now)
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-07-20 07:59:00
USCIS Service CentersExpedited Service
Where did you read/hear about the Expedited Service policies?
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-12 12:05:00
Asia: SouthChina moves 20 km into Indian territory
Doesn't surprise me!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam5/9/2007 6:38
Asia: East and PacificVietnam VisaJourney Members
Thank you Aussiewench
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-02-06 10:01:00
Asia: East and PacificIf interview is at U.S. Embassy, why is it so tough in Vietnam to get Visa approval?

the initial fear and hopeless are the norm... Why? With many uncertainties and undefined bit and piece of information floating around on the internet and stories you hear from others... sometime that scares the ####### out of, even, the most fearless and straight forward K-1 Visa petitioner :)

Echoing previous posters: volume and historical fraud cases from HCMC are the two main reason for the "semi-automatic" denial.

My wife Kim had an american male Consulate officer and vietnamese interpreter female at her interview. No negative responses from both of them, standard Q&A session. That what happened in the interview booth.

BUT the outside section where your fiance will be going through when she first arrives at her interview. She will hand in ALL her paperworks, in categorically order, the vietnamese administrative staffs will go through each item in her file with super mean pair of eyes, VC (Viet-Cong) style!!! At this point, sometimes, the Vietnamese staff could close the file and send you home if they find out your fiance is missing any, i mean it, any piece of "required" evidence. Ask to come back later when you have the appropriate document etc. (Extreme case, but not so rare anymore). so be prepared!

About your financial situation: I am not to worry about it. Personal experience to share: I was laid off from my job, and was unemployed during my K-1 petition process for Kim's Visa. Well, at the time I filed for her I-129F and during her interview, I have no steady job, I was doing some consulting works for a couple of companies. But I was able to show them my income/tax-return in the past 3 years (2001,2002, 2003) etc. Co-sponsor was considered in my strategy, but turned out, my income was met and exceed the requirement.

Back to your case, I would seriously consider writing a detail letter to explain your situation and your unique profession where incomes don't come in a form of "Bi-weekly" checks as most corporate-cubical-young-professional folks :)

About CO being hostile... it's normal. Remember, it is your fiance's duty and responsibility to convince the CO that she is DESERVED to get a Visa to come to this country. It's not her right, her benefit or anything to request a visa. Visa is a priviledge not a right! So with that mentality in mind, they will do anything to the beneficiary at the interview to weed out the bad seeds, and it is not their job but your to show them that you deserve to be in America. The consulate did not create the repuation, the beneficiaries and applicants did. If the folks before us didn't lie and deceit the Consulate to obtain visa to come to the US in a massive scale and almost like organized crimes, it wouldn't be so tough for all of you guys now... So, don't blame them a 100%. Take the share also!

Do your homework and ask lot of intelligent questions or not so on Visa Journey. Dumb questions are allowed, stupid answers are discouraged :) I did my good share of dumb questions before... still do now... but VJ people are very forgiving...

Congratulations on your NOA2 Approval! Seem to go better than expected!
Good luck and keep your hope up... it's not all that crazy after all...


Chuck and Kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-03-06 08:56:00
Asia: East and PacificK1 or K3
She needs a lawyer???? Her case must be pretty complicated, anyway... make sure we get the timeline straighten out and don't believe everything they say... check the fact yourself...
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-02-03 08:33:00
Asia: East and PacificK1 or K3

HI! My girlfriend is Vietnamese, while I live in the US. She told me the other day, very passionalty I might add, that the US government increased the restrictions on K1 visas for Vietnamese. SHe said if could take up to 1-1.5 years (!!) for her to be able to come to the US. I'd like to know if anyone else heard of this or could help me in any way. This a great website...and I hope to learn from everyone experiences!


Hello DQ,

Could you please verify with your friend the following:

- 12-18 months total from the time USC applies for I-129F until arrival in the US.


- 12-18 months from the day your physical files are received in HCMC to get an interview/Visa

It took them 6 months from the time i submit I-129F to the Actual Interview and visa approved. My case was a bit different because it's involved some "oversea" activity. But overall, it took us more less 6 months to get the Visa.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-02-02 15:47:00
Asia: East and PacificPolice Certificates for Vietnam
I believe there is a mix-up on the issue. The list of countries here represent the ones whom will not issue a Police Certificate of Lack of Criminal Records (PC) to a foreign national.

For example: If you are an English man, who worked and lived, this case the country is Vietnam. Later in life, you meet an American woman, and decide to engage to her and apply for K-1 Visa. You, the English man will not be required to obtain a PC from such countries, included Vietnam when applying for a K-1 Visa.

This section will not apply for Mike's fiance. She is a Vietnam national, she will be able to obtain a PC from her local police department. It is a must have for ALL vietnamese who applies for Visa to come to the US.

My wife Kim, lived and studied in Japan for 8 years. HCMC required a PC from Japan before they issue her Visa. This was in addition of the Vietnam local police certificate of lack of criminal records.

I hope this clear up some,


Chuck and Kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-04-10 07:40:00
Asia: East and PacificCalling Vietnam - How do you do it?
Try LYCOS or GLOBE7, calling from PC to Landline only .01/min
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-04-12 19:25:00
Asia: East and PacificCalling Vietnam - How do you do it?
There are many ways to communicate with loved ones in VN and US. Your goal is to find a provider who will give you CALLING records for proof of "on-going" relationship at her's HCMC interview. It is NOT a game of SMS or calling for chit-chat.

Once you set your priority straight and agree with her, you will need to decide whether you want to have ADSL and a laptop hooked up at her local residence or you want her to spend her time in an Internet Cafe. I have bad stories happened to Kim and I while she was at the internet cafe.

But, once you have decide to have ADSL and PC/Laptop installed at her home (do recommend)... the sky is the limit by what means you want to communicate with her, or her with you.

In my opinion, SMS is funny as hell but serve no edit trail purpose. Calling on US Cellphone to Mobile phone in VN is extremely expensive.
Kim and I had been using service for over 2 years now, since we started communicating.

The rate to call from US to VN is around 28 cents/min, however from VN to anywhere (mobile/landline) is only 2.5 cents/min. Best part about it: all you calls are keep tracked in a logfile online. There are no connection fees or monthly service fees.

They have a D.I.D. Service to enhence your calling experience: by entering her telephone number in VN into the system, you can call a US Local Number, then enter in your I-phone#, that call then will be forwarded to her cellphone/landline in VN. This feature gives me extreme flexibility whenever I go out on the road and not at my PC to call Kim (back in the day)

Anyway, now, Kim and I are here, we use SKYPE all day, all the time to keep in-touch with her family in Australia and Vietnam. We pretty much talk at least once a day with her family for FREE, of course!

So in my opinion, you should do the following:

1. Set up ADSL + Laptop at home for her (if you already did, awesome)
2. She should contact (in Vietnam)
3. You should contact (in US)
4. Set up accounts, pay with credit card for her and you (so easy)
5. Setup Skype for everyday talk/chat/super-fast Video conferencing.

Phone cards is the biggest cheat of all. Nobody who wants to save money would call international directly via their homephone phone service provider, VOIP is the way to go!

Good luck and happy calling.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-03-09 09:12:00
Asia: East and PacificVisa Approval
Great news Duc-Uyen...

Now it's time to fill in the details about her interview. It's a VJ Tradition here, don't skip it :D
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-05-03 10:34:00
Asia: East and PacificPolice Certificates for Vietnam/Child

Thanks so much Chuck and Kim, I hope this will provide her with enough information to take to the Justice and they will understand what they she needs.

I'm surprised that the police in Ha Noi didn't know what she needs for US Visa :) but hope this will shed some light... good luck and let us know how you make out.....
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-05-03 14:02:00
Asia: East and PacificPolice Certificates for Vietnam/Child
you were correct on the original post: LÝ L?CH T? PHÁP

Read this from HERE

- Gi?y ch?ng nh?n c?nh sát (lý l?ch t? pháp) cho m?i ???ng ??n t? 16 tu?i tr? lên ???c c?p trong vòng m?t n?m qua b?i S? T? Pháp t?nh/ thành ph? n?i ???ng ??n c? trú h?p pháp theo nh? ??ng ký trong H? kh?u.


Th? Th?c Lo?i K c?a Công Dân Hoa K?

- ??n b?o lãnh I-129F ch?p thu?n b?i S? Di Trú và Nh?p T?ch Hoa K?(USCIS)

- ??n này do USCIS chuy?n th?ng v? Lãnh S? Quán

- Th? m?i ph?ng v?n

- 4 ?nh màu làm th? th?c

- Biên lai thu phí MRV 100 USD ?óng t?i Ngân hàng Citibank

- Gi?y ch?ng minh nhân dân (b?n chánh và b?n photocopy)

- H? kh?u (b?n chánh và b?n photocopy)

- H? chi?u còn hi?u l?c ít nh?t tám tháng sau ngày c?p th? th?c (b?n chánh và m?t b?n photocopy cho m?i ???ng ??n)

- M?u ??n DS-156, ??n xin th? th?c không di dân (2 b?n)

- M?u ??n DS-156K, ??n xin th? th?c hôn phu hôn thê (1 b?n)

- M?u ??n DS-230 Ph?n I, ??n xin Th? Th?c Nh?p C? và ??ng ký Ngo?i Ki?u

- B?ng theo dõi chích ng?a c?a Trung Tâm Ki?m D?ch thành ph? H? Chí Minh

- K?t qu? khám s?c kho? t?i B?nh vi?n Ch? R?y ho?c T? Ch?c Di Dân Qu?c T? (IOM)

- M?c phí khám s?c kho? là 60 USD cho ???ng ??n t? 15 tu?i tr? lên, và m?c phí khám s?c kho? là 40 USD cho ???ng ??n t? 14 tu?i tr? xu?ng.

- Gi?y khai sinh c?a m?i ???ng ??n (b?n chánh và b?n sao)

- Gi?y khai sinh c?a ng??i b?o lãnh (b?n chánh và b?n sao)

- Gi?y lý hôn ho?c gi?y ch?ng t? c?a v? ho?c ch?ng c? c?a ???ng ??n và ng??i b?o lãnh, n?u có (b?n chánh và b?n photocopy)

- Gi?y cam k?t ??c thân cho t?t c? ???ng ??n n? t? 18 tu?i tr? lên và nam t? 20 tu?i tr? lên còn ??c thân, ho?c ?ã ly d?, goá v?, goá ch?ng

- Gi?y cam k?t này ph?i ???c ?ánh máy và do c? quan có ch?c n?ng ? ??i ph??ng c?p và ph?i là b?n g?c

- N?u ???ng ??n có con nh? d??i tu?i v? thành niên (d??i 18 tu?i) xin th? th?c cùng v?i ???ng ??n nh?ng còn cha ho?c m? ? l?i Vi?t Nam, ???ng ??n c?n ph?i cung c?p gi?y ch?p thu?n cho con xu?t c?nh sang Hoa K? c?a ng??i cha ho?c m? ?ó.

- Gi?y ch?ng nh?n c?nh sát (lý l?ch t? pháp) cho m?i ???ng ??n t? 16 tu?i tr? lên ???c c?p trong vòng m?t n?m qua b?i S? T? Pháp t?nh/ thành ph? n?i ???ng ??n c? trú h?p pháp theo nh? ??ng ký trong H? kh?u.

- N?u ???ng ??n ?ã t?ng s?ng ? n??c ngoài trên 6 tháng k? t? khi 16 tu?i, ???ng ??n ph?i n?p gi?y ch?ng nh?n c?nh sát c?a n??c ?ó

- Gi?y t? liên quan ??n toà án ho?c ti?n án, n?u có

- H? s? quân ??i, n?u có

- B? b?o tr? tài chánh m?u I-134 và ch?ng t? v? tài chánh. M?u I-134 ph?i ???c ký b?i ng??i b?o lãnh và ph?i ???c th? th?c c?a phòng Công Ch?ng trong vòng không quá 1 n?m tr??c ngày ph?ng v?n kèm theo ch?ng t? thu? c?a n?m g?n nh?t và gi?y ch?ng nh?n vi?c làm ???c ký trong vòng 1 n?m (trên gi?y có tiêu ?? c?a công ty) ho?c gi?y phép kinh doanh còn hi?u l?c. C?n 1 b?n photocopy m?u I-134 cho m?i thành viên ?i cùng. N?u ???ng ??n có ng??i ??ng tài tr?, ng??i ??ng tài tr? ph?i n?p toàn b? gi?y t? nh? ?ã li?t kê ? trên và b?ng ch?ng ng??i ??ng tài tr? là công dân Hoa K? ho?c Th??ng Trú Nhân ? Hoa K? nh? gi?y khai sinh ? Hoa K?, gi?y ch?ng nh?n nh?p qu?c t?ch Hoa K? ho?c th? xanh.

- Toàn b? b?ng ch?ng ch?ng minh m?i quan h? c?a ???ng ??n v?i ng??i b?o lãnh và v?i các thành viên trong gia ?ình ?i cùng.

M?c dù h? s? b?o lãnh di?n hôn phu hôn thê ch? có giá tr? trong vòng b?n tháng, viên ch?c lãnh s? có th? gia h?n th?i gian hi?u l?c c?a h? s? b?o lãnh v?i ?i?u ki?n là viên ch?c v?n tin r?ng ng??i b?o lãnh và ???ng ??n v?n duy trì tình tr?ng h?p pháp ?? t? do ?i ??n hôn nhân và v?n d? ??nh k?t hôn trong vòng 3 tháng tính t? ngày ???ng ??n nh?p c?nh Hoa K?.

English version:

Fiancé(e) (K-1) & Spouse (K-3) of an American Citizen

- I-129F petition approved and forwarded to the US Consulate by USCIS.

- The Appointment Letter

- Four (4) visa photographs

- Fee receipt for the US$100 MRV fee payable at Citibank

- Identity card (CMND) (original and photocopy)

- Household registration book (original and photocopy)

- Passport valid for at least eight months past the date of visa issuance (original and photocopy for each applicant)

- Form DS-156 Nonimmigrant Visa Application (in duplicate)

- Form DS-156K Nonimmigrant Fiancé(e) Visa Application (one copy)

- Form DS-230 Application for Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration, Part I (Biographic Data)

- A vaccination assessment from the Quarantine Service of Ho Chi Minh City

- A medical examination from a panel physician at Cho Ray Hospital or the International Organization for Migration. The medical examination fee is US$75 for applicants age 15 and older and US$50 for applicants age 14 and younger.

- Birth Certificate of all applicants (original and photocopy for each applicant)

- Birth Certificate of the petitioner (original and photocopy)

- Marriage certificate only for spousal visa (K-3 visa) applicant (original and photocopy)

- Divorce Decree or Death Certificate of previous spouse(s) of the petitioner and beneficiary (original and photocopy) (if applicable)

- Quit claim for all minor children giving the other parent’s permission for them to immigrate to the U.S. (if applicable)

- Police Certificate(s) issued within the past year by the Department of Justice office in your district of official residence as registered in your household registry (Ho Khau) for each applicant age 16 and over.

- Foreign Police Certificate(s) for persons age 16 and over from any country in which you resided for more than six months

- Court and prison records (if applicable)

- Military record (if applicable)

- Original Affidavit of Support Form I-134 and the specified financial documents. Form I-134 must be signed by the sponsor and notarized by a Notary Public no more than one year prior to the date of interview and include tax records for the past year and an official letter of employment (on company letterhead) signed within the past year or a valid business license. Submit one photocopy of the I-134 form for each applicant in your family. If you require a joint sponsor, the joint sponsor must submit all documents listed above plus proof of citizenship or LPR status, such as a U.S. birth certificate, naturalization certificate, or green card.

- Proof of your relationship with the petitioner and any derivative family members

Please note that although a K-1 visa petition is valid for a period of four months, a consular officer can revalidate the petition provided the officer concludes that the American citizen sponsor and the applicant remain legally free to marry and that they continue to intend to marry each other within three months of the alien’s admission into the U.S.

Edited by chuckandkim, 03 May 2006 - 12:28 PM.

chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-05-03 12:31:00
Asia: East and PacificPolice Certificates for Vietnam/Child
Mike and Huong,

When you say THEM/THEY, who are they? Local Police? Worse comes to worse, she needs to travel to HCMC for this paper. But I do not believe "THEY" don't know/hear anything about it... You're correct, there aren't too many of viet-girls marry an american in Ha Noi. Just make sure to clarify who are they?

She needs to go to "SO TU PHAP" of Ha Noi, or the Police District to obtain "Gi?y Xác Nh?n Không Ph?m Pháp". On her packet-4, they should tell her exactly what she needs from "S? T? Pháp" also.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-05-03 10:47:00
Asia: East and PacificPolice Certificates for Vietnam/Child

I am hoping soe of my fellow Vietnam Journey men and women can help me. I have been tryint o explain to my fiancee about the police clearance certificate, but with a little language barrier, it is hard for me to explain to her what she needs to ask them for. So I found this on a website and was not sure if theis is the correct name in Vietnamese for the police certificete "Phieu Ly Lich Tu Phap"? Is this the correct naem, or what is the name in Vietnamese for the police paper?

Also I am in a critical situation. Her exhusband is not swaying his decision to sign for her son to come to the US with her. HE is only doing it to hurt her, because he doesn't care for their son. I talked to her about letting her son living with her ex for 1 or 2 weeks so he can understand everything that he must do in order for him to take care of his son, because he has never had to do this since my fiancee does this everyday. We are still worried that he will not sign the paper for her son to come here. I have read other threads from other countries regarding this, and they go to court to fight for the fiancee to bring their child to the US. Does anyone know where my fiancee can go to do this in Hanoi Vietnam? Or any other action she can take?

Hello Mike,

I will try to answer your question to the extended of my knowledge of the Police Certificate. As far as it goes (PC) can be obtained by any Vietnamese from her local police department, by bringing "HO KHAU" and "CMND" (ID card). Asking the Police in her "Cong An Phuong" (Police Ward) or "Cong An Quan" (Police District) to give her "Giay Chung Nhan Khong Pham Phap va Khong Co Tien An, Tien Su". This could take up to two weeks for the Police to verify. Since Vietnamese govt. doesn't have a robust information system/record of its criminals, so it will take sometimes.... prepare for it! Ultimately, she must go to "SO TU PHAP" in her district of residency for this kind of paper.

IF she is in HCMC, she can visit "So Tu Phap" at this address: 143 Pasteur, Phuong 6, Quan 3, HCMC.

BTW, i hope you are fully aware of the fact that her husband must sign a document "A QUIT CLAIM" of a minor child, and agree for the child to immigrate to the US? Not just a simple, "please let my son go". I don't know anything about this, but I pray for you Mike!

Good luck.

I hope this helps

chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-05-01 16:04:00
Asia: East and PacificHow should I take the engagement ring into Vietnam?
The watches,just throw away the boxes, keep them in your toiletry bag. Why? Masking those watches as if they are USED items, if those clowns at the Customer Border in VN ask, just say they are yours to wear. Don't even worry about them or list them. I bought 3 watches home with me all the time. One for dinner with the family, one to wear when i'm out partying, one when I go diving. What's up Vietnam :)!
No need to list them!

Lotions and stuff, no need either, those are for personal use. I told the custom officer once that i do need a lot of lotions because of the weather in VN, i have sensitive skin! So what's up :) You are worrying too much about the little thing. Relax and again, enjoy your trip. I wish I were there right now :)
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-05-03 12:11:00