Asia: East and PacificHCMC medical

Check out this IOM service: IOM in Vietnam for your Medical

Also ready up on the procedure: Ho Chi Minh Consulate

Good luck and welcome!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-26 06:44:00
Asia: East and PacificHCMC I-134 Quick Question
Did you go to the fortune teller again this morning Kevin? :D
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-27 12:59:00
Asia: East and PacificHCMC I-134 Quick Question

Matt just confirmed your question that HCMC no longer accept Co-sponsorship in most cases due to high fraud level.

Comment: "you know how VN companies can be about releasing information; especially into foreign hands such as mine. I'll see what I can work out on this one"

You mentioned many times that VN is a society that runs on CASH-ONLY. Now, it's your turn to apply that method to your advance :) Have a little talk with the HR or Accountant in your company, get him a nice cushy envolope with some dead-presidents inside. You should have that "BIEN LAI" (receipt) in no time :) And noone needs to know about it... just make sure you have it with you. The information on it must be truthful though, can't jack up your salary, don't recommend :)

With your current salary, you mentioned you have MORE than enough for the two of you to live in VN in confort? and more than enough for you to meet and exceed the Poverty Guideline? If that is the case, you may not need a co-sponsorship. You are making great money right now and until the end of this year? That's all it matters. Nobody can gaurantee you will have the same job today, tomorrow, next month, next year, they understand that. So you do not need to worry about what will you be doing next year when you two are return to the STATES, that is not the point. You can find jobs everywhere and can lose it anytime. Infact, I got laid off right after I sent in my I-129F, guess what? That doesn't even matter, I am a professional like you are, we can find job, high paying job, just a matter of time and the right opportunity! My unemployment income for 6 months worth more than the poverty guideline amount. So, not to over stresss and go crazy trying to get a co-sponsor. You are making good money right now? If yes, you may not need co-sponsorship.

Interview: you two are living together? They won't ask you to come to the interview, but if she makes that kind of statement at the interview, they may ask her in detail about your daily activity. So more homework for you two to do :) lituraly, HOME-WORK :) What you two have for dinner last night? How you like your PHO? Chicken or Beef? (Well, chicken is out of the question now in VN) hahaha The list can go on... but be prepair as if you are going to war :)
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-27 09:41:00
Asia: East and PacificHCMC I-134 Quick Question

Hi chuckandkim,

Sincerely appreciate the detail in your reply. It always helps! Have all the evidence that you noted in your reply, but below are a few I'm concerned about. Your thoughts?

Paystubs: easily obtained for the co-sponsor (i.e. father). However, my employer in Vietnam doesn't do paystubs. :no: I'm paid in VND each month and VN is a cash society! Not sure what to do about this, but will probably just write a statement explaining the absence of paystubs and include it with my I-134 evidence.

My response You can also ask your Viet employer to provide you a "Bien Lai Thanh Toan Tien Luong" which is a equipvalen of a paystub here. Each company does keep track of their payable/receivable for accounting purpose regardless of the nature of the business. Anything with company's name/logo would be ok where it shows they pay you for this amount, that amount from this date to that date.[

Letter of Employment: this was easily obtained for both myself and co-sponsor. All the required info you mentioned is listed, however, my letter also states the completion date of my contract here in Vietnam. I don't know exactly how this will be interpreted by the Consulate.

My response I don't see this is a problem, you are not a native here in VN, they don't expect you to live and work here forgood which explain why you are now applying for K-1 Visa for your fiance, ultimately you want to go back to the US and build a family there. So a letter with a completion date is nothing more but a plus in your case, meaning you are inneed of their visa approval to return to the States by that date with your fiance (hoping) So I don't see it as a problem, anyone disagree?

3 Years Tax Returns & W2's: Have both of these for myself and co-sponsor. However, I don't have a W2 for 2005 since I was working in Vietnam and that income was claimed as foreign earned income. Perhaps I need another little note about this to include with the evidence? '03 and '04 are quite small in earnings because I was a student and finishing my degree. '05 return is small in earnings because, well, you probably know that salaries in VN (my income is very high here and above 125% poverty for 2 in USA) are quite different when compared with earnings in the United States.

My response I understand how the salary systems in VN works, everything on paper/record is substandard living, they probably show on record you make $1,500,000VND ($100USD) a month, just for tax purpose :) but your sublimental pays are significantly higher than that. My suggestion, If you want to use your "REAL" incomes in your case, you want to show it to the CO, and you might want to read up on this rules File Requirement Have you filed your 2005 income tax with the IRS or get an extention? If you made more than $8,200 but less than $80,000, then regardless where you make that money, you pay uncle Sam, that's what I understand. However, this could play a less important role for you have a co-sponsor, but they might ask for your 05 tax return. Someone else can jump in and explain further

We'll get it all prepared as best we can, practice as best we can for the interview and then at that point it is really out of our hands! I've been living/working here for more than a year and am fortunate that I get to spend everyday with my fiancee. I hope that plays to our favor during her interview!

My response I think it will play to your favor during her interview for sure, just make sure to go over the questions with her again and again. What's your parents name, where do they live, work? Talk to them often? Where is the light switch in your bedroom apartment you two are living together? What's the color of the room? Man the list can go on and on! You should ask or search up on what kind of question HCMC has been asking its interviewees. :) good luck as always hope this helps, if not, i'm sure someone will jump on and chime in with great info.


My 2 cents,


It's great that you are getting busy preparing for the interview's package. Fun but stressful process, so many things need to be collected and organized, unbelievable :D

The I-134's Purpose: To show the C.O. a full view picture of your financial stability, can you or a co-sponsor take care of the "legal alien" or "immigrant" once she/he arrives in the US with the intent to immigrate.

Included Items:

Notarized form I-134 - Most banks will notarize for free with its in-house Public Notary agent.
Bank Statements - Print online or request them from your bank, this is FREE if not, you need to talk to the Branch Manager. This shows the C.O. the history of your financial and match with your "incomes" (paystubs, deposit, withdraw)
Bank Letter: how long you have been with this bank, having a total amonth of $XXX,XXX.XX in saving and checking account. This shows the C.O. you do have some/alot of money, but it's not important that you MUST have a lot of cash in your bank. $0 balance is OK too for people who have a co-sponsor.
Paystubs: If you work, great, attach about 3 months worth of paystubs. Shows the C.O. you're current and continuous employed by the same company or employed with incomes.
Letter of employment: this is somewhat difficult for some larger corp. for some people have been known to use Corp. Employment Letter to obtain loans and never pay back etc. so some company actually pretty strict on issuing LOE (letter or employment) to its employee. If you do get one through your HR Dept, make sure they state: your start date and currently employed in good standing with an annual salary of $XXX,XXX or hourly $XXX,XXX. Must use company stationary (letterhead and logo).
Last but so so so very important: W-2 and Tax returns for the past 3 years. Some say you only need 1 year, some will tell you their horrible stories about the "1 year tax return record". Be safe, get 3 years.

STL_HCM, they will look at your parents' I-134 package very careful. Good luck and I hope i didn't confuse you more than you are already :)


chuck and kim

chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-27 06:45:00
Asia: East and PacificHCMC I-134 Quick Question
My 2 cents,


It's great that you are getting busy preparing for the interview's package. Fun but stressful process, so many things need to be collected and organized, unbelievable :D

The I-134's Purpose: To show the C.O. a full view picture of your financial stability, can you or a co-sponsor take care of the "legal alien" or "immigrant" once she/he arrives in the US with the intent to immigrate.

Included Items:

Notarized form I-134 - Most banks will notarize for free with its in-house Public Notary agent.
Bank Statements - Print online or request them from your bank, this is FREE if not, you need to talk to the Branch Manager. This shows the C.O. the history of your financial and match with your "incomes" (paystubs, deposit, withdraw)
Bank Letter: how long you have been with this bank, having a total amonth of $XXX,XXX.XX in saving and checking account. This shows the C.O. you do have some/alot of money, but it's not important that you MUST have a lot of cash in your bank. $0 balance is OK too for people who have a co-sponsor.
Paystubs: If you work, great, attach about 3 months worth of paystubs. Shows the C.O. you're current and continuous employed by the same company or employed with incomes.
Letter of employment: this is somewhat difficult for some larger corp. for some people have been known to use Corp. Employment Letter to obtain loans and never pay back etc. so some company actually pretty strict on issuing LOE (letter or employment) to its employee. If you do get one through your HR Dept, make sure they state: your start date and currently employed in good standing with an annual salary of $XXX,XXX or hourly $XXX,XXX. Must use company stationary (letterhead and logo).
Last but so so so very important: W-2 and Tax returns for the past 3 years. Some say you only need 1 year, some will tell you their horrible stories about the "1 year tax return record". Be safe, get 3 years.

STL_HCM, they will look at your parents' I-134 package very careful. Good luck and I hope i didn't confuse you more than you are already :)


chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-26 07:17:00
Asia: East and PacificI-134 Question Annual Income

Thanks Everybody for all your input. I will put my 2005 tax return on the I-134 form. It's easy enough.

Every Day I Do OT. It's even states it on my Employment letter. I work a compress work week 12 Hours Shifts. Every 2 weeks I get 56 Hours Stright Pay and 24.5 hours OT. But I do go to work On my days off and Do more OT. I made 2X 16,000 With just my Reg work Hours, But I will have 4 people to support. Myself and my daughter, Van and her Daughter. I'm ok with the Guidlines. I just didn't know forsure which I should put down on The I-134 Form.

This may answer your question: 2006 Poverty Guidelines - For Immigrant Affidavit of Support

Your family size will be 4 (you, Van, 2 daughters) = $25,000.00 :wacko:

I don't know how realistically this number can be, but $25,000/year that def. do able even with McDonald's burger flipper. If the number for your income tax is more than $25,000 then put it down and never look back Robert :) You're ok!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-29 07:03:00
Asia: East and PacificI-134 Question Annual Income
Yes, they can look at your Tax returns first, or second. But the decision is NOT only based on the Tax returns or your income. Remember, all this is to support your I-134. If your current employer gives a letter stated you make MORE money than last year, then heck yeah, more power to you :) Bottomline is, do you make more than $16000. Do not count on the OT, OT is temp income can be gone away any day, not your BASE Salary.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-28 07:28:00
Asia: East and PacificI-134 Question Annual Income
Ditto Kevin
I used the Gross Taxable Income in my 1040. I also submitted the CURRENT letter of employment, 3 months worth of paystub, that should be plenty of evidence for HCM Consulate. They want to see a full picture of your financial stability that is why all the tax/paystub/bank statement and others are required.

Robert, don't be hung up on the small factor... are you making MORE than the porverty guideline for 2 people annually? (around $16,000 more less) If you say yes, then don't worry sick about a difference of a few grands. Relax!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-28 06:42:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview: English or Vietnamese
The question is: where to go for Good english instructor.

Kim's experience with English courses in HCM City is OK at best and unacceptable at worse. There are english learning centers everywhere, hiring "Backpackers" to have conversation with students during "conversation or dialog" sessions. Horrible, some of these backpackers/travelers are broke so took the job to make quick cash. They have no manner, speaking BAD language and slang out of their you know what...

We still couldn't find a GOOD english learning center in VN. Anyone has any recommendation. BTW, the "OK at best" learning center we found is the Australian school near VO THI SAU ave. However, the instructor is Australian so the accent will be a bit different!

But in any event, speak english to her. Written Interview is NOT and NEVER in the consulate playbook, unless your fiance/beneficiary have speech impediment or hearing problem. I never tried. But like STL_HCM said, it's a LOOOOOONG shot!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-29 06:56:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview: English or Vietnamese
You trust the interpretor who works at the Consulate to translate your fiance's words correctly?
Your fiance's English is 90% fluent, then my vote is: speak english.
Kim spoke English during her interview, it turned into a conversation/chat more so than an interview. Plus, for folks who are american born, with limited vietnamese language skill, it's an extra plus for their fiancee to speak English at the interview, showing them how you two commuincate in the past, present and in the future.

Good luck and NO, you're not getting ahead of yourself, the interview is coming any day now, fast!!!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-27 07:04:00
Asia: East and PacificEmployment in Vietnam

I didn't come here searching for work, or a fiancee for that matter! :D

AMEN brother!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-28 06:52:00
Asia: East and PacificMatt_Stevens Interview Rally


Don't you start Patricks HAHAHAHA :D :D :D
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-30 12:06:00
Asia: East and PacificMatt_Stevens Interview Rally

Well, an update. Anh talked to her parents and they paniched about this and said go go go go, so she will be here a lot sooner than first thought.

That's all I will say on this. Best not to reveal exact plans I guess. But she's going to be here very very soon.

I am going to bed now. i need rest. :)


Awesome news! We'll see you soon back home man!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: People tent to share too much on public forum, I was guilty of it... big time! Just say, when I got happy about the something, I overlook that fact that some C.O. from HCMC is reading and participating in debates and discussion on this forum as well. Back when we were on the old server...

In any event, good trip return home Matt...

Chuc Mung Anh Chi
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-29 11:19:00
Asia: East and PacificMatt_Stevens Interview Rally
worry? don't be, there always @$$hole no matter where you are.... the advice we gave you is just a precaution, not based on our own experience but from other's. I do not know your situation well, but if i were you i would do all i can to get her here THEN worry about the money thing later.

Kim lived at my parents home for 28 days after she arrived in the US. She lived! :) it was a culture thing for my family where we could not sleep in the same house before we were married. But it worked! Having her living with you while you're moving, doesn't matter in my opinion, it is more fun to have your honey next to you while you are going through all and all... together is the key here Matt. For the money part, you can always send money back to her parents when she is here, again, just my own opinion.

all and all, the more you are worried about some one on this board could sabotage your journey, the more you want to get her out.

I wish you two the best and prayer is started already...
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-28 10:05:00
Asia: East and PacificMatt_Stevens Interview Rally
If she owns any property, she must go to her Ward Office (Phuong) to transfer the property to someone she would like to have it (motobike, house, land). If she does not, the property would be considered abandenced and the government will take ownership of it. Or worse, if she didn't do that step, later on, when her family wants to register the property, they will lose it also.

If she's registered as regular resident in her parent's home, she needs to unregistered herself from the "SO HO KHAU" (Family Registration Book) and turn in her Certificate of Citizen (Chung Minh Nhan Dan) Card to them as well.

Or, just go if she doesn't own anything and wants to keep the CMND card :)
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-28 09:01:00
Asia: East and PacificMatt_Stevens Interview Rally
No need to wait for Matt and Anh's neighbor in VN, if people on this site dislikes him in any way, they can email the Consulate and falsely accuse their relationship as well Kevin!

Matt, take Kevin's advice, get her out of the country ASAP. Tell her do not celebrate with friends and family in a big way, just have a small family dinner and pack her suitcase, get on EVA Airline and come to the US now.

Kim left VN within 10 days of her Visa. ONLY her family knew about her departure and VJ family hahahaha
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-28 06:28:00
Asia: East and PacificMatt_Stevens Interview Rally
Not to hi-jack your thread Matt, but STL's worry is legit...

However, i disagree with your statement: "This is our reason for securing a co-sponsor, to show a guarantee until I landed a new position in the United States. Unfortunately my employer here doesn't have any USA operations. Kind of difficult to find another job in the United States while working half-way around the world in Vietnam" Nobody can ask you to "guarantee" to have a job by the time of your return to the STATES, it's almost impossible to promise everyone on VJ they will have their job for good, and make them to promise to keep it. Changing job is a norm here in the States, people move to a better job, lost their job for various reason, it's part of this econome. So, they will look at your past, present to project your future level of income :) Which I think with a college degree or graudate degree, your chance of landing a new job is better than most already. What stop you or guarantee you won't get another contract working "remotely" for this VN company in the future? Nothing is guarantee, so it's up to you to present your plan and state your case in the right path to convince the C.O. that you are worthy and good enough to have your fiance here with you :)

Good luck and again, thank you!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-27 09:49:00
Asia: East and PacificMatt_Stevens Interview Rally
Matt and Anh,

Congratulations on your first and most important milestone of the Journey. :) Excellent interview I bet and can't wait to hear from you two in detail what they asked and what was the key answer that seal the deal?
When do they tell her to return to pick up her Visa? Not to break your bubbles, but don't pop the cork yet, wait until the Visa is in her passport and in her hand, just in case.... BUT, cheer up everyone!


Chuck and Kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-27 06:51:00
Asia: East and PacificMatt_Stevens Interview Rally
make sure you tell her to EAT a BIG meal, for she'll be inside waiting all day without foods.... They won't let her bring in any food or drink, include Bottled water.

tell her these guys at HCMC don't believe how much she loves you and wants to marry you, so it's her job to convince and disprove them :) :) :) no pressure though :lol: :lol: :lol:

Best of luck Matt, stay focus and get ready for a party of a life time... when she gets her visa :)
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-26 12:48:00
Asia: East and PacificMatt_Stevens Interview Rally
Matt and Anh,

We are cheering for you two, think Pink and it's ok to be horny. :) Think PINK, PINK all over! Pink everywhere.... :dance: :dance: :dance:
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-26 07:52:00
Asia: East and PacificWonderful news I'd like to share with you guys
Kevin and Loan,

this is a fantastic news!!! Congrats!!!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-07-05 08:27:00
Asia: East and PacificIncome Taxes
I don't recall blacking out any information on my evidences and documents. FEAR of delaying Visa due to "information unaccessible" reason from HCMC :) I understand your fear of id theft, but we are in the position where we do not have an option to totally protect our ID but trust the Government (laughable)

My vote: do not black out anything. You already gave them enough ID information.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-07-05 08:25:00
Asia: East and PacificHow to ship personal itms out of Vietnam?
If these CD's are limited edition, one of a kind, irreplacable, then by all mean bring them. Or else, just rip them to mp3 and burn them on a few cd's. Save the room for family pictures/photos which she will never be able to find here in the US. Bring her books, all the books she wants, she'll miss a good book which i highly doubt it she can find it here. Bring dry goods (fruits, teas etc.), they dont taste the same here when you buy them at the asian supermarket. It also depends on how often you two will be going back and forth between US/VN so make a list of things she can't live without and bring those.

Kim and I left a lot of her Japanese books and important items in Saigon when we returned home. Just brought with us all of her family's photos, pictures, albums which become very useful stress-reliefer for Kim when she arrived here in the US. She missed her family so much, the pictures help!!! However, with a help of friends and family who have been back there, each trip we asked them to carry a few things home for us. The only thing we still have left over there is this guy Posted Image and Posted Image Posted Image but BIGGER and in a glass cage... We will return to bring him here with us :)

Do not, i repeat, do not use VN Postal Service, they will steal her CD's and books or "lost" accident... (NOT)
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-30 14:37:00
Asia: East and PacificTourist Visa to US from VN

as Matt said: YES, YES, YES (it's very difficult)

But it's not impossible. She needs to prove to the consulate she has sufficent tides to Vietnam: HUGE assest like homes/lands/businesses/husband/children/high-paying-job which she will and must return to at the end of her visit in the US.

The youngest age I know personally that HCMC will allow to have Tourist Visa is 62. My friend's uncle was here for 6 months just hanging out with his father and then return to VN. You can always try and who knows, but my guts feeling is that she will not get the Tourist Visa.

Sorry but hope this helps....
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-07-11 07:13:00
Asia: East and Pacificsend original NOA2?
What do you mean "see"? Are you talking about "seeing" it at the Visa Interview? Or seeing it as in "sending the file back" ?

Here what we did: we send in the photocopy of the NOA2, but have the original available with Kim at her interview. Keep in mind, you can send in photocopies but must have originals available upon request.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-07-11 07:21:00
Asia: East and Pacificpetitioner's birth certificate for interview

I am refering to mine. She had her original.

songsparrow: check this site out N C H S

For example that Matt gives us here, I can find out where to obtain one if I were born in the US, goes by STATE: (Matt is from CT, USA)

Event: Birth

Cost of copy: $15.00 (State issued); $5.00 (City/Town issued)

State Issued Certified Certificates
Department of Public Health
410 Capitol Avenue, MS #11 VRS
Hartford, CT 06134
City/Town issued Certified Certificates
Contact the city or town that the vital event occurred, or the city or town where the registrant lived at the time the vital event occurred. Visit the Connecticut Town Clerk and Registrar Directory for contact information.

Remarks: Requests for certified copies of birth certificates may be submitted to the State Vital Records office. Requests may also be submitted to the vital records office in the city/town where the person was born, or where the mother lived at the time of birth.

A copy of a photographic identification must be submitted with any request for a birth certificate. The identification must be a valid, government issued document. It this is not available, you may submit photocopies of two other forms of identification.

If State issued certificate, a personal check or money order should be made payable to the Treasurer, State of Connecticut. Or, a personal check or money order made payable to the town or city where the birth occurred. For additional information, please contact a CT Department of Health Customer Service Representative at 860-509-7897, or visit the CT Department of Public Health website at Records.


Edited by chuckandkim, 12 July 2006 - 08:11 AM.

chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-07-12 08:08:00
Asia: East and Pacificpetitioner's birth certificate for interview
Yours or Hers?

If it's hers, she can go to "Cong An Phuong/Quan" to ask for a Certified Birth Certificate (Ban Sao = copied)
If she does not live in Saigon/HoChiMinh, she needs to return to her "Tinh/Huyen/Xa" to obtain one.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-07-11 07:18:00
Asia: East and PacificCertified? Notarization?
Birth Certificate = Original or Certified Duplicate copy of your Birth Certificate.
I-134 Support = Certified of Original form. How you go about to do this? Fill out your Aff-Support form (I-134), do not sign it yet, bring the form to your local bank where they have a Public Notary officer who will watch you sign the form. He/she will sign next to it and seal with a Public Notary official raise seal. That's all it is. Why I mention your local bank, most banks have Public Notary officier on-site, will do it for FREE for its customers. Or, you can go to any Auto-Tag or Public Notary place and get that done for a small fee.

I think that's what you're asking??? Hope this helps
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-07-12 08:19:00
Asia: East and PacificI'm happy to be home...


hang in there, you're right about the tiring and little to no hope... the good thing about pain is it let you know you're still alive... We are here feeling your pain and suffer, with understanding how hard it is to go through it.


Group Hugs!!!


chuck and kim (L) (L) (L)
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-07-13 06:19:00
Asia: East and PacificUS seeks pre-flight passenger info
Off-topic!!! This is a GREAT news, keep those @$$es out of my country.... Check them, recheck them, deny them, deport them... way before they arrive...

Edited by chuckandkim, 13 July 2006 - 06:24 AM.

chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-07-13 06:21:00
Asia: East and PacificK1 visa for Vietnam

Why don't you seek the advice of an immigration attorney. Visajourney is a good resource, but no one here is a lawyer. Only a lawyer who is trained and experienced in immigration laws can advise you about the various nuances of the law and your chance of success in your course of action. Your case is not straight forward. The cost of a lawyer consultation will worth the money spent.

Great advice! Get a lawyer!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-07-18 06:14:00
Asia: East and PacificK1 visa for Vietnam
On a second thought, please read up on this: Filing AOS for your spouse while in the US
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-07-17 07:32:00
Asia: East and PacificK1 visa for Vietnam

Welcome to VJ, Dale said it clearly, there are the pros and cons for either choice you are going to make. I could go as far as having a 30 mins consultation with an experience Immigration laywer to sort out any legality options and issues you may have.

I don't know if i vote right now: stay and file for adjustment of status. The truth will win even when you think it's going to lose. Good luck and we are looking forward to hear your final decision.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-07-17 07:14:00
Asia: East and PacificOMFG!!!
You'll be fine!!! Just prepare well, you can only control so much on your end of the process, the rest is up to the Consulate. What you have no control over, why worry over? I learned that from VJ... can only do so much and then some... VJ Power is with you Justin! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-07-19 07:11:00
Asia: East and PacificOMFG!!!
Great news, eh... enjoy the moment, don't say we won't warn you... there will be panic moments to come, "OMFG what do i do" moment, or "#######" moment hahahah

Happy for you two...
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-07-18 09:32:00
Asia: East and PacificMarried before K-1

You rock! rac ruoi = trash, if you make the NVN pooped himself when you responded to his rude comment, you make him "?a ra qu?n" (poop in his pants). :D
Kim and I plan to visit Saigon during Christmas season (way too cold in Philly) and it's much cooler in Saigon. My folks are coming along also, since both of my folks and hers haven't met yet (mom knows Kim's parents for years, step-father never met). Then we'll head up North to Hà N?i, H?i D??ng (mom's birth place), and H? Long Bay. So maybe I'll take up your invitation to the "PARTY" :) It is true about Northerners sense of pride/proud is forever present within the Vietnamese no matter where you go, more so in the north! Southerners are more relaxing and easy going.

Ph? B? = Best have it hot in H? N?i in the Winter, or ANY TIME!!! :thumbs:

I like your school of thought when it comes to this whole VJ, you're right about that, worse case scenario is you move to VN and live with her. Then I think they can't have any reason to deny your now-wife her visa to return to her husband's country! I'm sure some people in China board can give you better idea how it is for them... Pretty sure at least one or two of them in China are Communist Party members and still get Visa to come here. This is the first time we hear about such case on Vietnam side of the Board.

Hà N?i = 36 Streets. Small narrow streets, best for walking, or biking. I loved it there on my first visit in 2004, the city is rich in culture and history, every corner you walk through, there is a history attached to it. I love the Old Catheadral, gotta check it out if you there. Well aged looking catholic church. I lost the photos I took in Hanoi during my trip. Laptop crashed. So charliebox, you are NOT missing anything here if you move to H? N?i, you have my VOTE, if it comes to that.

Cheers :lol:
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-07-19 08:46:00
Asia: East and PacificMarried before K-1
NO way... calm down CharlieBox, let's not jump the gun here. Wait and see what they say first ok! NOA1 is good, now let go for NOA2. Hang in there... We just give you a little precaution, be prepared and things will be ok no matter what.

chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-07-18 17:26:00
Asia: East and PacificMarried before K-1
My take on this, they will issue Visa for members of the communist party for visiting, touring, studying, business. But not sure about immigrating. If your lawyer can assure you he has done case in VN where the beneficiary is Norht Vietnamese Communist Party Member (Dang Vien Dang Cong San Viet Nam) some of the vietnamese will call them Viet-Cong (very offensive name), and the beneficiary has arrived and lived in the US. Then you have nothing to worry about, just making sure. We are a bit worry for your situation.

Good luck
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-07-18 14:52:00
Asia: East and PacificMarried before K-1

D) Immigrant membership in totalitarian party.-

(i) In general.-Any immigrant who is or has been a member of or affiliated with the Communist or any other totalitarian party (or subdivision or affiliate thereof), domestic or foreign, is inadmissible.

(ii) Exception for involuntary membership.- Clause (i) shall not apply to an alien because of membership or affiliation if the alien establishes to the satisfaction of the consular officer when applying for a visa (or to the satisfaction of the Attorney General when applying for admission) that the membership or affiliation is or was involuntary, or is or was solely when under 16 years of age, by operation of law, or for purposes of obtaining employment, food rations, or other essentials of living and whether necessary for such purposes.

(iii) Exception for past membership.-Clause (i) shall not apply to an alien because of membership or affiliation if the alien establishes to the satisfaction of the consular officer when applying for a visa (or to the satisfaction of the Attorney General when applying for admission) that-

(I) the membership or affiliation terminated at least-

(a) 2 years before the date of such application, or

(B) 5 years before the date of such application, in the case of an alien whose membership or affiliation was with the party controlling the government of a foreign state that is a totalitarian dictatorship as of such date, and

(II) the alien is not a threat to the security of the United States.

(iv) Exception for close family members.-The Attorney General may, in the Attorney General's discretion, waive the application of clause (i) in the case of an immigrant who is the parent, spouse, son, daughter, brother, or sister of a citizen of the United States or a spouse, son, or daughter of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence for humanitarian purposes, to assure family unity, or when it is otherwise in the public interest if the immigrant is not a threat to the security of the United States.

Classes of Aliens Ineligible to Receive Visas

Edited by chuckandkim, 18 July 2006 - 11:24 AM.

chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-07-18 11:23:00
Asia: East and PacificMarried before K-1
Yodrak and Charliebox: true, i'll take it back, don't say anything :) just have "a party".

CharlieBox and wait4ever: Communist party member, military member, or terrorist member: red flag. I am very interested in knowing how this will turn out. Charliebox, have you found any restriction or special treament for a beneficiary who is a member of the party? They must have, since they ask for that specifically in the Bio-Form.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-07-18 08:09:00