Asia: East and PacificLittle more Packet 3/4 explaination

You call it what you will, but I believe they determine everything off of your original I-129F submission.

I actually a firm believer of "submitting ALL evidence which tell your love story" up-front!!!! Lurker got it right! Send them everything they ask and more.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-11-06 13:55:00
Asia: East and PacificHow does a HCMC citizen get her Birth Certificate "Certified"?

Sorry, but the Net connection here is a disaster and the search function just times out. My fiance doesn't understand this certifying her birth certificate requirement. Where does one do this? She says she thinks her original birth certificate is somewhere at her apartment. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

How much will Anh have to pay at her interview? I have read three different answers. :(


P.S. OK, new problem. Anh needs to go and pay for this Visa Application Fee at the CitiBank office, but she works for the hours they are open and after today will only be able to have the day of her interview off. No other day or 1/2 a day can be given to her. Can someone else go for her?

P.S.S. We all need to make a proper FAQ for HCMC since there is none. Seriously. It needs to be done.

For your Visa Application Fee question: the answer if HERE (In vietnamese) or HERE (In English)

Or have everything Packet 4 scanned and pdf-ing here Thanks OP!

For her Birth Certificate, yes, it is her Birth Certificate. To have it CERTIFIED which she will need anyway, must go to the "SO TU PHAP" to have it translated into English and certified by the Official translator with seals/stamps.

Hope this help....
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-05-25 14:50:00
Asia: East and PacificHCMC.. Vietnam Governent forms???
Hello songsparrow,

Kim and I went through the similar thought process :) it's only normal to figure out your options. Why did we come down to the K-1 route? For a few reason but the major factor is that: If you choose to go with the K-1 Route, you only have to deal mainly with the US Government, which compared to VN Government is 1000 times EASIER and 99% corruption-free!

If you choose to go the other route, you must prepare to pay out a lot of money for the Vietnamese Government Officials in ALL LEVEL of the process, and the wait is LONGER for no good reason from the VN side. Even if you try to ask for some information, it will cost you money for them to answer your inquiry.

Just make sure you weight your options out, who do you want to deal with during this coming stressful times: US Government or VN Government?

One more note, even after you married your lover in VN, now you have to go back to deal with the US Gov., for your K-3. Why double trouble yourself?

Just some of my opinions :)

Good luck and no matter which route you choose there are some cool people on this board can help you out...

love chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-05 06:22:00
Asia: East and PacificAt last, Loan is here
Kevin and Loan,

Super late congrats!!! but CONGRATULATIONS... you two made it!!! :)
Do tell us about the trip and why the hold-up??? :)


Chuck and Kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-05 06:32:00
Asia: East and PacificFiance Employment (in VN) and K1

Thanks for the input. I did not sound correct to me. It's trying at times to convince Linh that complete disclosure is the best. She's telling me that she heard this from folks that have gone through the process. I believe it is someone misreading the I-134 requirements.

Would you mind to explain a little bit about what exactly these "folks" have been telling your fiance? She out of anyone should have known how easy it is to find out where she works and where she lives in VN. There are many "folks" who live around her would not hesitaste to rat her out if a consulate officer comes to them and ask about her "business". That's just the way some people are, would she take a chance with them or rather disclosure the facts when being asked?

I am sorry, but hearing someone who gives ill advice to a fellow VJ makes me angry.... Anh Map, stand your ground and make sure she will follow your DIRECTION and ORDER now. It is not the time for her to play around. Unless, her employment is illegal as some other folks have mentioned, she has nothing to hide. Even if she works for the POLICE in Vietnam, it's ok too to tell the consulate... It's just a job! Relax.... But make sure everything she or you give the Consulate is FACT!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-06 07:03:00
Asia: East and PacificFiance Employment (in VN) and K1
Welcome anh map,

First thing first, please fill out your Timeline, it's a great tool to us to assist you and not keep asking you for dumb question as: when did you send your I-129F blah blah blah!!!

About the advice, are these friends who working for US Consulate or been through this process before, and they are now in the US? If the experience they HEARD or KNEW about are from 2nd or 3rd account, please and please disregard.

There is NO gaurantee for this K-1 Process, I've not seen anyone can give a "bullet-proof" advice or way to obtain K-1 Visa from HCM Consulate. Each case is processed individually without exception. So if anyone, including Visa Journey folks to tell you that you can get K-1 Visa if you do this and this and this and that, they are misleading you.

To answer your question: do not, and I mean do not "misrepresent" your information/situation/circumstence in any way. If your fiance is currently employed and working, make sure you put that down on the P-3 and P-4 when they arrive. No, you do not need to give them "Employment Verification" document of any kind, they just need to know you work there, TEL and ADDRESS of your employment are useful. BUT, the consulate can ask for anything if they want to understand your case and be sure about it! So, be prepared...

Kim taught at the University in VN, guess what, we put that down as her employment. Kim worked for a pubilcation copany, guess what, that information got on the application paper as well. Never once, she was asked about those employments. BUT like that I said, it's case specific.

Just don't lie to the consulate, they have been known to send its staff to your local residence and neighborhood to verify the information you claim on the application. Random phone calls to the vietnam nationals aren't no new news these days, just to make sure you are who you clain you are...

I think i said enough now i will shut up and let others chime in...

good luck,

chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-05 07:17:00
Asia: East and Pacificanyone write a summary of their relationship for interview?
Back up for the back up!!! Just in case... You need to shower them with mount of evidences or not! Nobody knows the exact formular to crack this Consulate :D
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-06 08:19:00
Asia: East and Pacificanyone write a summary of their relationship for interview?

the summary of your relationship letter is part of your I-129F application requirement. Therefore i'm not sure why wait4ever advises against it... Wait4Ever's case is an exceptional case which I still don't understand why he's been delaying all these years. There is no trick to this letter, you and your fiance will sit down and decide what will be writen for this Summary.

Two styles I've seen for this Summary Letter:

Facts stating letter: we met XX-XX-XXXX, did this, did that, decided this, did such and such.

Put your heart out: we were inloved at first sight, blah blah blah, long walk on the beach and propose to her blah blah :) you get the point? :)

Either way, it is extremely important you two agree what to say on this letter and memorize it!!!!

Good luck,

chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-05 08:12:00
Asia: East and Pacificmarriage in vietnam
Do whatever makes the most sense to both of you.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-08 06:06:00
Asia: East and Pacificmarriage in vietnam

K-3: too much effort up front, waiting too long, being apart for a good bit of your relationship. But when she gets here in the US, she's done, no more AOS, will get her Green CARD right away!


A K-3 visa does NOT confer Permanent Resident (Green Card) status right away. An Immigrant Visa (CR/IR) however, does.

It doesn't ???? OH BOY!!! I make mistake again???? Horrible Chuck :)

Thanks meauxna for pointing that out. so retrack: No K-3 will not give you GC right way. (Delete...delete)
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-06 14:21:00
Asia: East and Pacificmarriage in vietnam
Welcome to VJ!

I highly recommend you to take the time and study your options. the FAQ's and Guides on this board/forums is good place to start. I do not advice against retaining any legal service or an attorney. Personally, after going through the K-1 Visa Journey which took Kim and I from start to finish at least 6 months until interview and approved, with the exception of the 3 months delay due to no false of ours or the consulate, just waiting for a Foreign Police Certificate from Japan to clear, total 9 months until Kim got here.

Most people will advice you to go the K-1 route over K-3. Just have to weight your options: K-1 without a doubt the most popular and quickest way to be with your fiance/lover within 12 months. The draw back: you will have to followup a lot more after she gets here in the US to obtain Green Card, Employment Authorization Document etc. BUT you'll be doing all that WITH her by your side. The best part is you will only have to deal with the Vietnamese Government, for maybe 1-2% of the process.

K-3: too much effort up front, waiting too long, being apart for a good bit of your relationship. But when she gets here in the US, she's done, no more AOS, will get her Green CARD right away!

So, read up on the guide! then decide if you want to try us out... I did everything myself even though I did retain a lawyer, who is excellent, at best $500, who filled out my applications, cross the T's and dot the I's for me. From that point on, I got all the helps and Q&A from this wonderful site. Kim and I just celebrated her one year in America last month.

Everything is possible...

Good luck.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-06 11:54:00
Asia: East and PacificK1 Visa saga, a journey remembered ...
Any update on your case wait4ever?
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-07 06:11:00
Asia: East and PacificK1 Visa saga, a journey remembered ...
Kevin........ Loan..............
You two are my heroes....WOW! I am speechless... Best of Luck to you both...


chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-06 06:52:00
Asia: East and PacificDocuments Translation from Vietnamese to English in Vietnam
ST Louis :)

AOS will come!!! Stay on ward ok!!!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-12 06:18:00
Asia: East and PacificDocuments Translation from Vietnamese to English in Vietnam
Translation of all foreign documents will be required and a MUST at later states of your Journey. Yes, this office "HCM Consulate" may be no longer required translated documents, but this is only applied to HCM consulate office where they may have 100's of vietnamese staffs to verify the authenticity of the document in vietnamese. What will happen when those files/documents get to the States?

My suggestion: translate them all, certified them all, do you wanna take a chance?


chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-05 07:49:00
Asia: East and PacificPaper work for HCMC Interview
Internet? Highly doubt it...
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-13 07:52:00
Asia: East and PacificPaper work for HCMC Interview
This issue about the "wedding" or "engagement" has been discussed before.
Your case: fiance wore a "wedding" dress at your engagement ceremony. Doesn't matter, you can wear anything you want. You can even have an official to administer your wedding vows. BUT without the Marriage License Certificate, everything you did just a formality.

Some people HAVE TO have the WEDDING Ceremony prior to the arrival in the US under K1 Visa. Oximoron???? Nope, for religious reason, for traditional values, some had to do that way. Just have a full blown wedding but never registered with the Vietnamese Government. When they arrive in the US, they then have their Legal Wedding/Marriage session.

So, your thinking is on the right track when you want to cover all your basis by having the Single Status Certificate for BOTH of you. Just in case. They didn't ask for specifically on the P3. BUT we are playing OFFENSIVELY against them :) Get it ready, only costs you $10? Good deal!

Hope you understand what i'm blah-blah-blahing here :)
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-06 11:33:00
Asia: East and PacificPaper work for HCMC Interview
Single Status Certificate can be easily obtained at HCM Consulate for $50. If you are in HCM City, bring your passport and your fiance with you to the Consulate, request to see US Citizen Service Dept. Here you will pay $50 for the fee, then both of you will be interviewed seperately in one of those famous booths about WHY DO YOU NEED A SINGLE STATUS CERTIFICATE?

When you are done answering all the questions to the Consulate Officer, he/she will signed off your Single Status Certificate, then send you back to the Main office to have THE Consular "Manager" who will sign and seal your Single Status Certificate with an US Official Seal. DONE! UP you go!

If you are here in the STATES, go to your county courthouse, swear in, sign in front of a Judge or your county's office that you here declare yourself a FREE man/woman to be married. They will sign and seal your sworn statement. There you go, your very own Single Status Certificate.

Do not worry about obtaining 50 statements from 50 states. Only the very first marriage is consider LEGAL, all else after that one without a divorce decreed will be nulled, and deem to be invalid. So if you swear to the judge in your current residency (California) that you are single, but in fact you are married in New York. Guess what? If you get married in CA, your marriage is a fraud and illegal.

Furthermore, IF you lie, misrepresent your current single status to the States Department, the Consulate, and any of those under DHS, you know how easy they can find that out? You can very much forget about bring your fiance here in the STATES.

In conclusion, what Mike has stated here:

" I went to the Courthouse where I ordered my Divorce Decree and I also order a Single Status Paper. They typed everything for me stating my previous marriage, and that I have not married since. "

Simple and your courthouse in the US can do that for a small fee, or HCM Consulate can do that for $50.

Everything I stated here is based on my own experience. YMMV. Kim and I did not get married in VN, however, we both obtained our Single Status Certificate and those documents were included in our I-129F and through out the K-1 Visa process. It was a must needed document to show that we both were single and free to be married once we arrive in the US to fullfil the condition of a K1 Visa. You can choose not to obtain one (USC) and I do not know what would happen if you don't have one, but for a Vietnam National who applies for K1, it is a MUST have in her application to the Consulate.

Hope this clears up some confusion, or may start new ones...


Chuck and Kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-06 06:38:00
Asia: East and PacificPaper work for HCMC Interview
Tax Return and W-2: photocopies is OK, I filed my Tax via Turbo-Tax, so the "original" would be what I print from their website (PDF). However, I sent Kim copied of my W-2 and original slip. 3 years worth of tax information.

Paystubs: ORIGINAL, I can always order them again from my Payroll Dept. or ADP.

Please put "Case Specific" next to 14, 15, 17

Add: Foreign Police Certificate for applicant who lived in a foreign country for over 6 months after his/her 16th birthday. List of some countries are excluded from this policy can be obtained from Pack-3 and Pack-4.

Single Status document IS REQUIRED for both petitioner and beneficiary.


chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-05 07:43:00
Asia: East and Pacificquestions on I-134 Evidence
I-134 support evidence:

- Bank Letter stating when was the account openned, currently is in good standing, with how much in total of checking and saving account (CD and others)

- Bank Statements for at least 6 months worth

- Employment Letter: stating you started working for the company since XX-XX-XXXX, currently employed and in good standing, with an annual salary amounth of $XXX,XXX.XX plus bonuses.

- Three (3) to six (6) months worth of Pay-Stubs

- HCM Consulate wants to see 3 years worth of TAX Returns and W-2's

Why all the troubles and more than TWO items as stated on the P3? They want to see the WHOLE picture of your financial well being, do not let them have any reason to deny your fiance's at the door because she did not have 3 years tax returns or enough bank statements or paystubs...

Good luck, and remember you are dealing with HCMC, the above items have been known by many of us here as "no good reason" to delay Visa Approval or "PINK SLIP"

Good luck... again,

chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-14 07:27:00
Asia: East and PacificHow hard is it for a Vietnamese person to get a tourist VISA?
Not that hard if your fiance/lover is 76 years old like my parents-in-law. They can get visa within 10 days of the application receipt, to come visit us here for 6 months.


Somehow, I don't think it's the case here... Your fiance/lover must be young and sweet, without any major financial asset in her name (Business she owns, houses, lands, factory etc.). Then as Dale said, almost impossible, hard as dawn hell... :)

if you spend sometimes read up on the Guides and FAQ's, then you can decide which route to go. Under $500 is JUST for the fees to apply your I-129F and stuff.... You will be spending more than that natually, but def. less than retaining an immigration lawyer to do the K-1 for you. (THANKS TO VJ)

Good luck,

chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-14 12:58:00
Asia: East and Pacificupdate on my situation ...
sweaty palm, tired right arm from grabbing so tightly to the safety handle, right foot sooo tired.... 1.5 foot parking away from the curb (NICE)... if I can't see the lamp post, then it must not be there.... parking by sounds not sight... anyone drives slower than you is an idiot, faster is a maniac!!!! I guess it's all the same everyone, Vietnam or US :)

I am scared!!!!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-15 07:05:00
Asia: East and Pacificupdate on my situation ...
you poor thing!!! making her driving your butt around town now????
wait, that would be me :) Kim is learning and practicing her driving everyday now, it's awesome... I don't have to drive all the times now... The view from the passenger side is pretty cool actually, especially when she drives extra closed to the parked vehicles and the lamp post gets closer and closer to you.... :D

Keep it up, you bought her a new car already, correct? Last year, I remember??? We are currently car pooling together, her office and mine are 12 miles apart and another 22 miles to our home. Total driving each way is 34 miles for both of us. Man that's a lot of "quality time" together in the car....

I am planning a trip to Houston by then end of the summer. Hope things work out!!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-14 13:28:00
Asia: East and Pacificupdate on my situation ...
I must repeat what STL said, there is NO official policies in regarding of HCMC not accepting co-sponsorship.
For Yellow and Matt are both worried and making decisions under "rumors" and "hear-say" about the policy, I think it is unwise to withdraw the Petition K-1 application.

I might have missed Yellow's story, but did you actually file with co-sponsorship and they DELAYED or DENIED your fiance's visa? Delay is different, denial is just another sign to crank up your gun and go for requesting to reopen your petition with the NVC.

Don't stop unless they (HCMC) specifically give you their official reason why they DENY your fiance's visa.

Good luck, Kevin and Loan: you are my heroes :)


chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-14 12:04:00
Asia: East and PacificLetter of intent to marry

Need both, read my note... one for each of your. Both must be signed by the petitioner and benny! UNLESS, she gives you her "power of attorney" then you're good go sign all her documents which immigration related... for K-1 process.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-15 12:56:00
Asia: East and PacificLetter of intent to marry
$50USD in Saigon, that won't buy you much these days... :D

1. Dinner with some friends and Tiger Beer.
2. Massage session
3. 20 bootleg DVD's
4. Faked designer bags (2-3 bags)
5. Bonus to the Vietnamese staff who digged deep in your file and found all the deniable reasons
6. Maybe... pay for new AC system in the waiting room out in the "Hall of HELL" where they have the interview booths

The list can go on of the possibilty what would they do with your money.

For refund, please contact:

1800 Pennsylvania Ave,
Washington DC
Attn: BUSH Jr.

Interest? What interest? :D
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-14 13:04:00
Asia: East and PacificLetter of intent to marry
Letter of Intent does not require notary!!!
You write up one in English, replace your name with her name (2 copies). You sign yours, she signs hers. Or you can sign them both if she gives you her "Power of Attorney" document already which I did have to sign/stand-in for her in all immigrantion related matter, regarding her K-1 Visa.

Got approved in 45 days.

It's that simple!!!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-14 07:36:00
Asia: East and PacificHCMC - Single Status Certification
Trust the email?Would you print and bring it to the interview instead of your Single Status Certificate?

Your choice!!!

My vote: Get the dawn Certificate and don't even think twice about it.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-15 12:32:00
Asia: East and PacificThe Interview HCMC
Agree with Dale!

1. HCMC won't let you inside the Visa/Immigrant section of the consulate (you are USC)
2. HCMC won't allow anyone in the Interview "Booth" but the Visa Applicant (you are USC)
3. There is nothing you can do or say at the interview to influence the C.O. even if they let you inside

I would save the trouble and wait for the Visa in her passport after the interview.... THAT is when I will flight back and bring her here with me. Which one is more supportive than the other? Being in Saigon while she's inside HCMC for her interview, or come back to bring her here on her (for some would be the first time on an airplane flight accross the ocean) trip to America.

Kim and I decided there was no need and no reason why I should be there in Saigon, just make sure I get my butt back to VN once she has her Visa. It's a very nice thing to do and show to her family and friends how much you care for her.

See the big picture, interview pass/fail/delay is only a part from the longer JOURNEY. Won't let a little speedbump or pothole to stop you from moving right along...

So my vote is: no need to be there at the interview. 100KM away or 10,000 miles away, your hearts are still close together...

Good luck and welcome to VJ "Anh_Map", I like that name btw... I'm going to be "anh_map" soon with all the cooking from Kim since she came here...
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-14 12:21:00
Asia: East and PacificA couple K1 questions for HCMC

Beneficiary is 21 yrs old = 2006 = Unemployed
From 2003 - 2006 = Student
Graduated HS (???) = 2003 = Student
Born = 1985

Beneficiary is 21 yrs old = 2006 = Unemployed
From 2003 - 2006 = Waitress
Graduated HS (???) = 2003 = Student
Born = 1985

Your choice to break it down from 2003-2006 (three years) as for what she has been doing student/waitressing/unemployment etc.

Very simple....
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-20 12:41:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview scheduled--HCMC
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-20 12:45:00
Asia: East and PacificAmbiguous documents??
Ditto wait4ever, :dance: :dance: :dance:
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-26 06:49:00
Asia: East and Pacificds-230 block 12 23 14
Listed her highest level of education. If she graduated from HS, no need to mention her 9th grade diplomat. If she graduated from College or some college, no need for HS.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-26 06:51:00
Asia: East and PacificMailing back packet 3

You can hand deliver our package. Make sure to make a complete copy of everything you are handing over to the Consulate. Just in case!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-26 07:31:00
Asia: East and PacificJust booked flight!!!!
So what is the verdict Mike? Are you going or not?
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-27 07:06:00
Asia: East and PacificJust booked flight!!!!

Seriously, we can not and will not make you go if you truly believe some fortune teller telling your girlfriend that you will be in great danger in VN. I can tell you it is expected to be in GREAT danger EVERY TIME I go back to VN. You've seen the way the traffic goes over there? How about got framed by the "Cong An" for something you didn't do and put in jail for a few days without any legal representation? That's great danger! Fear of losing my passport or something happens and the Vietnamese won't let me out to go home. The list goes on and on... That's considered great danger in my book...So whatever the fortune teller tells her and you believe it, it's a given Mike! Vietnam is a lawless society, even though you can see many policemen and military people with AK47 walking around town.

Asking for a "GOOD DATE" for an engagement ceremony: formality task and culturally thing to do through out Vietnam. No, i'm not downplaying the important of this gentleman who has every good intention to the two of you. Mike, picking a date for any important event in Vietnam is very common, nothing special, you can buy a book and pick the date for yourself if you like. But it's a proper thing to do for some, come asking for a date for your grand opening of a business, come ask for a date for your traveling etc. So, no exception this time, everyday is a good day in my book when you wake up and breathing.

It comes down to: she cries and that breaks your heart. She tells you not go to, and you wanted to. Well, will you take a chance to see her?

My vote with Matt and the rest: just go!!!! What if the fortune teller was right, and something happens... would you rather be with her when that happens or not? IF it happened!!!

GO GO GO GO!!! I love flying 30hrs and eating bad foods in a pressurized aluminium tube

Hen Gap Lai Kep Sau (We'll meet again in the future)

We shall meet again in the NEXT LIFE!!!

Calm down robert :) Mike is stress out the to the max brother! Group hug!!!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-23 14:35:00
Asia: East and PacificJust booked flight!!!!

What are you talking about? Stop that non-sense man!!!!! Get packing, get going! I can tell something REALLY bad will happy right now if you don't go: lose out $1500.

If you already fall in love with a girl who is in the other part of this world, if that wasn't a risk and impossible deal for you, what else is? Some witch doctor who makes a living by telling people good news and bad news have many tricks to get people to believe and pay them money for this type of activity.

In vietnamese folk tales, we have a joke about these fortune tellers:

He'll say: "You are a single girl, if not married.... Your first born is boy if not a girl... " that some fortune telling...

In any case, I think most vietnamese has gone pass that phrase. The guy who told her about your "great danger" can see how worry and stress she is and it's always been one subject in her conversation with him: Visa to come to America, my fiance is an american, and I'm pretty sure this guy can get more information from her by using scare method on her. Go and be with her!!! Worse thing could happy right now to you is getting a mad case of "tieu chay" from eating bad foods in VN :)

Relax.... you sound like you actually believe this teller as well.... think man!


chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-23 11:51:00
Asia: East and PacificJust booked flight!!!!
Amen to that Matt!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-20 14:52:00
Asia: East and PacificJust booked flight!!!!

Actually, the CO who interviewed my wife asked my wife about the Thailand stamp in her passport; he was impressed that she had already traveled outside of Vietnam AND we had pictures of our trip to show him (we said the pics were our honeymoon photos) was helpful during the interview.

FYII:Very few Vietnamese leave the country (That could be changing nowadays)

100% agree! Kim had to get a brand new passport just fot them to issue her K-1 Visa. All the pages in her last passport were filled with stamps and visas from Japan for 7 years of studying and living in Japan.
Traveling to a foreign country isn't a luxary that many vietnamese can affort, so a visa/stamp from a trip is a big plus!!!!

Keep it up guys!!!


Enjoy the heat and rain in VN :) Wish i could be there

Edited by chuckandkim, 20 June 2006 - 01:19 PM.

chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-20 13:16:00
Asia: East and PacificHCMC medical

Check out this IOM service: IOM in Vietnam for your Medical

Also ready up on the procedure: Ho Chi Minh Consulate

Good luck and welcome!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-06-26 06:44:00