Asia: East and PacificAfter NOA2 for K1
For PC (Police Certificate), if she lives in Saigon, she can go to "S? T? Pháp" to apply for one. They should know exactly what you need if you tell them it is for HCM consulate Visa. If not, your honey can check in with the local police in her town/village.

"Gi?y Ch?ng Nh?n Không Ph?m Pháp" is what it calls.

Your case can be tracked here via website, sign up an account with the case #. They will email your the status of your case HERE in the US.

Your case number can be used to communicate with HCMC once your physical files are sent to VN from NVC.

Hope this helps!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-09-08 10:36:00
Asia: East and PacificAfter NOA2 for K1
Note: this is the GENERAL guides for generic case. HCMC is a bit more difficult with its requirement for Visa approval as you may find out by now from reading others' responses from VN. my thoughts to you,
1. Collect 3 years of ITR (income tax return) with complete W-2's (original and copied) for your Aff-Supp, 2. Collect phonebills or evidence that show you two are constantly communicate before and after your ENGAGEMENT (assumed you did get engaged). We may go into more details about this "Communication proof" later on if you have more question.
3. Collect pictures of you two together to show a continuous relationship (proof of your visits)
4. Continue writing hand-writen mails, holiday cards for each other and from families to each other (proof of family's involvement and approval of this future marriage and build a strong relationship foundation for your case)
5. Proof of Employment: paystubs, letter of employment from your employer (no need to get it just yet, just let your HR Dept know you will need one in the next few months when your fiance is ready for her interview date)
6. If you were previously married, need to show them you are no longer... I don't know what you have to prove that but Divorce decreed and childsupport payment records would be great!
7. Bank statements
8. Credit card statement where it shows you paid for your own tickets when travel to VN (or some kind of financial record showing you were the one who paid for the ticket)
9. Get her ready for the interview early. Search for "Interview Questions" from HCMC.

I can't think of anything else now, but if you have questions just shoot ok!

Keep this in mind: BIG PICTURE - You are collecting and preparing all available documents to prove your relationship is REAL and your fiance deserve her VISA to come here with you. Do not sidetrack or hang up on ONE or a few things I mention above which you may or may not have. HCMC does not ONLY look at or weight one evidence more than the others. They look at the whole "package" (you and her) and go by their experience and they are the one who make the final decision to approve or not. So, stay cool and stay focus... you are in a long haul.

Good luck,
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-31 07:23:00
Asia: East and PacificAfter NOA2 for K1
First, congrats on your NOA2!!! :) In addition to what Stacey gave you above (Excellent guide Stacey)
This is what available to you in the GUIDES section Kimi:

1. A copy of the entire I-129f package (that you made when you sent the petition in) and a copy of information that you sent back due to an RFE (if you received one).

2. Send all originals of the documentary proof that you submitted for the I-129F to your fiance(e) for their interview at the embassy.

3. Send an original letter affirming your desire to marry your fiance(e) and your continued support of the K-1 Visa. Sign and date the form. This will be similar to the letter you provided with the I-129F, but dated much closer to the interview (it will have most likely been several months since you submitted your I-129F).

4. I-134 Affidavit of Support form. Ensure it is notarized (by a public notary), with all required supporting evidence. Some consulates may require a different form. Some require an I-864. If yours does, send that instead. You can call or email the consulate to check. Additionally, the consulate will notify your fiance(e) via mail correspondence which they prefer. Begin collecting the required information ahead of time, as it can often take several weeks to collect it all.

5. You will likely need at a minimum (for the above form) two to three of your most recent pay stubs and a signed letter from your employer listing you job title, start date, your salary, and the status (full-time) of your position. Begin collecting these asap after your NOA2 arrives. You will also probably want to include other evidence such as your banking information and other assets as required by the I-134/I-864. Specifically you will need at least 2 of the 4 options mentioned in Section II-Supporting Evidence of the I-134.

6. A copy of the NOA2 that you received in the mail.

chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-31 07:07:00
Asia: East and PacificCute vietnamese baby names
For girls: avoid "MY DUNG" = M? Dung, "MY BICH" = M? Bích, "MY HO" = M? H?, "MY LAN" = M? Lan, "MY VAN" = M? Vân, "MAI TRUC" = Mai Trúc
For boys: avoid "MY PHUOC" = M? Ph??c, "HUNG" = Hùng, "DONG" = ??ng, ??ng, "THONG" = Thông, "TUNG" = Tùng, "HO" = H?, "DUC" = ??c, and my favorite: "PHUC" = Phúc (blessing),

I say: for boy go with Vinh - V?nh - V?nh = Vince
Girl: An - Ân - Anh - Ánh = Ann = Annie or Ái (favorite)
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-09-06 08:10:00
Asia: East and PacificThe big day is Saturday, but I am nervous. It's been tough.
BTW, don't let them use PMS as an excuse to be a biotch to you... NO WAY!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-24 12:34:00
Asia: East and PacificThe big day is Saturday, but I am nervous. It's been tough.
Interesting fact about the PMS.... Shouldn't you have known about that while she was having it? Future ref. needs to know it just in case they ask you at the AOS interview.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-22 14:04:00
Asia: East and PacificThe big day is Saturday, but I am nervous. It's been tough.
3 Days after the supposed wedding day.... No news is good news????
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-21 21:54:00
Asia: East and PacificWe need some help in NON LEGAL TERMS on name change

I wished I were in your case now... but Yes, I agree with you Mdyoung is great resource but his/her language is required major Vocab with lot of deep understanding of the legal system, put it this way, I still can't figure it out on my own.

However, in your case, you didn't file your AOS yet, you can fill out your AOS paper for her, using the name you would like to start using for her legally from now on: Anh Steven (correct)????

By start using your new marriage name on your GC application, that will solve all the issue you may face later on with SNN, with DMV and more IF you want to change her name later. Man, I give up in changing Kim's name.

We didn't fill out the AOS applications in the naming order which we'd like, so when we try to ask SSN to change her name on the SSN card, they said "No way, we only go by what it says on your GC", but of course to change name on your GC you will need to reapply and pay $250+ for a new card. DMV is fun, they check Kim's name against SSN system. So it's like a circle of hell where nobody can tell me what should happen first before the next step can be done.

I did make a mistake, not intentionally, but it was a mistake NOT to fill out Kim's AOS in the naming order which we like, and with my LAST name.

In conclusion, someone correct me, if I'm not mistakence: by start using Anh Steven on her AOS application, that's how you change your name. By filling out your legal doc with Anh Steven, it's how you change your name.

- AOS = GC = USCIS' record showing Anh's new married name = Green Card with New name = SSN Card with new married name = DMV new married name = Anh Steven.

Best of luck,

Chuck and Kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-09-11 07:27:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview time, how much extra time needed?

I understand your case Dale, how long did your wife have to wait before she got to see the C.O.? Kim's appointment was at 10AM, her interview was at 12PM or a quarter of! Being their early was def. prepared her for the interview, calm her nerves and seeing people failed the interview left and right also put her mind in perspective: this is SERIOUS business, I gotta stay focus and get it done!

I can't see how seeing dozens of applicants walking past you in tears would calm your nerves. If I saw 50 people go in and 48 came out with blue slips and wet tissue paper while only 2 came out with pink slips (and wet tissue paper) I think it would shake my confidence a bit. Ignorance is bliss.

Ignorance is a bliss! agree!! However, in this case, I'd rather see the worst of it, mentally prepared myself for it, than walking in there without the knowledge of the reality: people get turned down left and right. Not being prepared to deal with the worst and thinking everything thing will be roses and butterflies are pretty dangerous attitude. Remember Dale, we both dealt with the unexpected and expected through HCMC, they SUX!!!! :lol:

Still, come early!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-09-19 07:30:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview time, how much extra time needed?
I wouldn't risk to be yelled at by the Vietnamese staff if I show up late or even giving them any reason to "boss" my ### around the consulate! If you don't think you will be on time, be early! Nothing wrong with being early, but there will be a huge problem if you're late.

I understand your case Dale, how long did your wife have to wait before she got to see the C.O.? Kim's appointment was at 10AM, her interview was at 12PM or a quarter of! Being their early was def. prepared her for the interview, calm her nerves and seeing people failed the interview left and right also put her mind in perspective: this is SERIOUS business, I gotta stay focus and get it done!

But, that's just me Dale, I'd like to be early if I can. Not like Kim had something MORE important than the interview that day that she needs to be doing. Get in, sit down, get set, get go, get PINK!

Good luck

chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-09-18 23:10:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview time, how much extra time needed?
What time does it say you need to be there?

EX: 9AM, get there check in at 7AM
10AM, get there at 8AM
just subtract 2hrs.

Since, you need to check in at the counter with the GUARDS, the the Vietnamese staffs who will go over your files/documents with their check-list. It takes awhile. So, just get yourself ready and get your mind settle a little bit before you enter the interview booth.

Hope this answer your question...

Remember, do not get so wrapped up in the little thing... Relax and over-prepared your file :)
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-09-18 22:54:00
Asia: East and PacificMedical Exam Before Interview
No doubt! :thumbs:
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-07-19 07:06:00
Asia: East and PacificMedical Exam Before Interview
That's a great news!!!! Confirm: IOM will issue her a paper states that she has done her Med-Exam? That's no problem then of couse she can continue her interview without reschedule. Your initial post gave me a different understanding, that she won't have the Med-Exam paper because she didn't complete her med-exam. Not everyone has the med-exam completed because of the timing and some of the requirement is not age-appropriate (too old to have it done).

It is a technicality to have all the papers at the front-desk when you arrive for your interview. The vietnamese staff just check and check to see if you have every piece of paper they require, the content won't be a great concern, not yet at least at that phase.

So, again, great news and I'm glad you will have all your documents/paperwork ready.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-07-15 06:14:00
Asia: East and PacificMedical Exam Before Interview
If you do not have ALL, and I mean ALL required documents. The Vietnamese staff will send your fiance home right at the front desk where they go through your files, sort them, check them against their own check-list (not the same as our P4). If you are missing ANY thing, especiallly the Med-Exam, they WILL send you home and reschedule your Interview. You will not be allowed to meet/have your interview that day.

Unless they change now or miss to check your file, they you will get through the interview. But, on the day you arrive to get your Visa, they still can refuse issuing your visa until you return with all required document. Personal experience....

Can anyone confirm this practice is still going on in HCM Consulate? Vietnamese staff usually won't miss that kind of papers from the beneficiary's files.

Have you tried "PHAM NGOC THACH" or IOM to have your Med-Exam done there?

Good luck...
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-07-14 07:02:00
Asia: East and PacificFastest Safest Mail to HCMC,Vn????

it's not USPS who STOLE your $#|#, it's VNPT (Vietnam Post and Telecoms). I sent 65lbs container of Christmas present in the beginning of 10/2005. Guess when did my in-law receive the notice to pick it up? March 2006. Went there, the container mysteriously weighted 30 lbs lesser when It left the US. Go figure!

VNPT also jacked up the VAT, all used children clothes were taxed at 20% rate, B/S But whatever, I know for fact USPS has nothing to do with your package, it's the VNPT in Vietnam. Lesson: Send CASH next time, no more gift from America hahaha :) Unless you personally go to VN then bring gifts, lots of gift!

Good luck

I know...but I throw USPS in the same bag as VNPT.

Actuallyl that's not fair :D but it's your call. USPS did not allow me to buy the "insurance" for the package if that any helps :) But I had no choice at the time, thinking... well it's cheaper than FEDEX or UPS. Turn out, it would have been less hassle and nothing got stolen from the package if I went with FEDEX or UPS. Lesson well leearned.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-09-21 14:21:00
Asia: East and PacificFastest Safest Mail to HCMC,Vn????
it's not USPS who STOLE your $#|#, it's VNPT (Vietnam Post and Telecoms). I sent 65lbs container of Christmas present in the beginning of 10/2005. Guess when did my in-law receive the notice to pick it up? March 2006. Went there, the container mysteriously weighted 30 lbs lesser when It left the US. Go figure!

VNPT also jacked up the VAT, all used children clothes were taxed at 20% rate, B/S But whatever, I know for fact USPS has nothing to do with your package, it's the VNPT in Vietnam. Lesson: Send CASH next time, no more gift from America hahaha :) Unless you personally go to VN then bring gifts, lots of gift!

Good luck
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-09-21 06:35:00
Asia: East and PacificFastest Safest Mail to HCMC,Vn????
Fedex for sure if you plan to send documents!!!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-09-20 07:29:00
Asia: East and PacificPls help...
1. Payment as documented here. Use a personal check so you can track the payment.
2. Cover Letter (see example). Should include a description of what your are petitioning for (I-129F), a table of contents (list everything in the packet). If you need additional room to explain your case, attach a separate sheet (list the attachment on the cover sheet). Make sure to sign and date the cover sheet.
3. Form I-129F: Petition for Alien Fiance(e) (see example)
4. Declaration of how you met in person in the last two years. This should be a single typed page regarding question 18 of the I-129F. Make sure to sign and date it.
5. Letters (from both the US Citizen and foreign fiance) certifying an intent to marry within 90 days of entering the US on a valid K-1. (see example)
6. Proof of having met in past two years. (click here for examples)
7. G-325A (all four pages) filled out by the US Citizen signed and dated (see example)
8. One passport-type photo (see note) of the US Citizen. Write the full name of the US citizen on the back. Place in a plastic bag and label the bag "Photo of <Insert US Citizen's Name>". Attach the bag to a sheet of paper and place behind the corresponding G-325a.
9. G-325A (all four pages) filled out by the foreign fiance(e) signed and dated (see example)
10. One passport-type photo (see note) of the foreign fiance(e). Write the full name of the foreign fiance(e) on the back. Place in a plastic bag and label the bag "Photo of (insert foreign fiance(e) name) ". Attach the bag to a sheet of paper and place behind the corresponding G-325a.
11. Copy of the Birth certificate (front and back) for the US Citizen or a copy of ALL pages of the US Citizen's passport issued with a validity of at least 5 years or a copy of a naturalization certificate. This is used to establish citizenship.
12. Copy of Divorce Decree(s) or Certificate(s) for the US Citizen and/or foreign fiance(e) if either has been previously married.
13. In regards to Section C Question 2, if applicable provide certified copies of all court and police records showing the charges and dispositions for any specified conviction(s) (in accordance with the IMBRA). See section 9 of the I-129f instructions for more information.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-09-22 06:25:00
Asia: East and PacificLocation of ex
HCMC - Automatically blue slip if Benny doesn't have information of the USC's ex.

- Current address
- Proof of separation from USC (utility bills, ITR's, etc.)
- Phone records

Basically, they will ask USC to show that he/she is no longer in a relationship with his/her ex. How you're going to proof it is up to you. I suggest you to PM Mike and Kevin, they are the expert on this matter by now. HCMC is no joke when it comes to cases with USC's ex-spouses.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-09-22 06:42:00
Asia: East and PacificTime frame for visa issue HCMC
Unless they call you back the morning after "PINK" to let you know you will need "additional" documents, which can once again, delay the process for months. The deal is: nothing safe and 100% A-OK until she arrives in your front-door here in the States! Just get her ready for the interivew! First thing first....

Love you guys,

Chuck and Kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-09-26 06:25:00
Asia: East and Pacificviet nam
Forewarn: Nhatrang and Green, If you PM Mike72e, he will have something totally different to say about IOM. Just beware! IOM did toss out Mike's vital documents which he included in his fiance's interview package, since some of the IOM staffs did not know which document was what and why it needs to be included. Result: Blue Slip! Just beware!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-09-27 06:09:00
Asia: East and Pacificviet nam
BTW: you want to go to the CONSULATE and fill out the I-129F not the counsler nor the 1-29f. You'd never get your honey here HEHEHEHEHEE :D

So, are you straight now? got your petition filed? Keep us update ok!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-09-26 11:02:00
Asia: East and Pacificviet nam
This I-129F will be completed by the USC (American). Therefore, absolutely no need for getting helps from some vietnamese person at some "service" / coffeeshop!

If you are an american with a reasonable education (HS or GED), with helps from this forum reading the Guides/FAQ's, I believe you will be able to fill out the form and getting things ready to apply/petition for your fiancee's visa.

I really hope and strongly disagree with anyone who encourage our brother/sister to use the service/coffee-shop people in Saigon, near and around the consulate for help in anyway. Period! Anyone disagrees with me, please read up on Mike's story... where the so-called service took out his vital documents (divorce paper) from the "interview package", thinking "Oh, his fiance doesn't need this paper for her interview". Result: Mike's case is in BLUE-Slip Hell right now.

Green/Tran: read up on the Guides and FAQ's. Come back with lot of questions and I am sure people here will be more than happy to assist to their best and share their experience with you.

Good luck, and stay away from those "people who point"

chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-09-26 06:19:00
Asia: East and PacificGoing through Immigration, What to expect?
Two lines: USC and Non-USC lines.

You can wait inline with her all the way UP TO the Non-USC Immigration Counter then split to go to the USC one. I don't know how Chicago is setup, but in Anchorage Alaska, that's how it is.

There is no guarantee for the time or how long Immigratition and Custom to clear your honey fast enough to catch the next flight. After all, it is not their duty/responsibility to make sure you have enough time to catch up. They are there to check and inspect.

Can you book a different flight, going to a smaller city (Anchorage :) ) as POE. No rush nothing. EVA Airlines. Although, Anchorage is a POE, but all you have to do is get off that plane, check in with Immigration, wait for the plane to refill, then you get right back on to your same airplane :) At least that's how we did. No crowds, just relaxing!

Can you have your travel agent arrange a later flight? Or just take a chance with Chicago. Either way, you should be happy and thankful at that point that you are with your honey and not alone like the last many trips... just enjoy and don't let the little thing like "DELAY" stopping you... Focus!!! :)

Fruits, forget it! :)
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-09-19 06:16:00
Asia: East and PacificGoing through Immigration, What to expect?
Ditto Yodrak,

Upon POE, you will go through the line for NON-USC, show your K-1 Visa in your Passport (Vietnam). Hand in your Big brown sealed envelope. Immigrant Officer will look through, ask questions right there and then, IF everything is ok, you get your I-94 and go get your luggage. If further questions need to be asked, you then escorted to a private area when they will have more drilling questions. All is good, they let you back out and go get your luggage.

NOW, after you get your luggage, you will go through CUSTOM BORDER PROTECTION officiers who will ask if you bring in the US anything you shouldn't :) "KHO BO", "CHA BONG", "KHO MUC", "FRUITS" stuff like that? If you do, they will take it away from you. They may ask or may not... very random!

After you get through Custom... you're good to go :)

This is based on my own experience when Kim came here....

Good luck and no worry... really! Just make sure don't bring anything in your luggage that they don't want you to!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-09-18 23:02:00
Asia: East and Pacific2nd Set Of Vaccinations
Good Info mike!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-10-03 09:36:00
Asia: East and PacificCould someone translate this into Vietnamese please?
Zerovoltz and Lan,

This is also our song! Still gives me a chill each time I hear it.... remember when we put it on "repeat" mode on the IPOD hahahaha and cry our heart out.... Very good job on the translation!

Brings back a lot of memories.


chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-10-04 08:28:00
Asia: East and PacificBirth Certificate Translation
You are kililng me here Phong_Mai :lol:
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-10-04 08:31:00
Asia: East and PacificBirth Certificate Translation
Don't know what country you're from originally! But, I translated my own BC and get a friend who signed the form says: I swear I am fluenced in vietnamese! Done! Attach it with your "translated" BC. Nobody ever asked or questioned about my BC.

Good luck
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-10-03 09:33:00
Asia: East and PacificK-3 I-130 for Vietnamese national
OOPS!!! My bad!!!

It depends! Most cases, only the beneficiary, some extreme situtation will require the USC to attend the interview. They'll let you know!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-10-05 11:29:00
Asia: East and PacificK-3 I-130 for Vietnamese national
That's it, no Visa for you STEVE :)

Of course you don't have to be at the interview. This is how I understand it:

You (USC) petition for your "fiancee" to come to the US, to marry you. Hint: K-1 Visa.
Beneficiary (your honey) will need to be interviewed by HCMC after your petition is approved. ONLY the beneficiary will attend the interview, for the visa is for HER, not you. HOWEVER, to prepare for the interview, you and her will need to cooperate to get all the supporting evidence in order to have a better chance of passing the interview.

Relax? yes? no? :D
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-10-05 10:58:00
Asia: East and PacificK-3 I-130 for Vietnamese national
Here it is Steve, and welcome to VJ

Guide for K-3
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-09-28 08:14:00
Asia: East and Pacificsongsparrow interview rally interview 09/26
Congrats!!! Ok, where is the detail update? :D
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-10-05 09:18:00
Asia: East and Pacificaaaaand does vietnam accept co sponser or not???
Respectfully disagree!

Telecommute: Meaning, you do not have to be a residence of a State where your employer is located to be employed or to be offerred employment. One can be offerred of job regardless of his/her location, the employer can and may offer the job based on the line of work and qualification of the potential candidate. I work from home at least 2 days a week, in the office the other 3. My employer is based out in Europe. That's why, location/state is not the problem. I don't know how to explain this to you, but someone can chime in and help out please!

The point I'm trying to make here is: even with an offer letter from some employer in the same STATE of residence, it still won't be 100% guaranteed to have your visa approved. The lawyer you're retaining may be correct and knowing something that I do not know, however, I would ask the question: why does a job offer letter work? Just because isn't good enough, the OP probably needs solid supporting evidence, rather than some lawyer says: get a job offer letter and you're set!

Thank you,

chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-10-05 14:48:00
Asia: East and Pacificaaaaand does vietnam accept co sponser or not???
I don't see where a job offer would help! Anyone could have a job offer writen up by some friend's company's letterhead paper. In fact, if you need one, I can write you up with my company's letterhead paper! Meaningless to the consulate if you show up with one, you could and couldn't have accepted that offer. The bottomline is do what you can to meet the guideline, requirement, to prove your case and provide supporting evidence.

Remember, OP needs to make the ultimate decision based on what best represent his case to the Consulate. Co-sponsor or not. I still think having a high paying job, fat-wallet or solid career is just a part of the WHOLE BIG PICTURE. OP should not get completely locked up on this "MONEYTRAIN" :)

If OP can share more information with us, he will be better adviced. In the end, Co-sponsor is the last option if OP can't come up with enough incomes to meet the guideline. I think!

Good luck,

chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-10-05 08:48:00
Asia: East and Pacificaaaaand does vietnam accept co sponser or not???
The answer to your question is "it depends".
Each case is treated and review by the Consulate Officer individually based on the specific circumstance which relevant to the case.
I will try to make a lot of assumption when giving you the answer for your question here.

Assumed your annual gross-income: $16K plus or more. It meets the poverty guideline for K-1 to sponsor ONE (1) person.
Assumed you and her do not have any children of whom you need to sponsor and bring them here to the States.
Assumed your total net-worth is well beyond $20K or more. You can use house/car/stock/bonds/life-insurance/business/saving/checking accounts/valuables to present as your total net worth and substantiate your financial well-being and meet the Govt. poverty guideline. The keyword here is "GUIDELINE".

The C.O. is not only looking at your current financial being, but also looks at your pass and future potential earnings as well. For example: If you were a Medical student who spent the last 4 years in Med School, scrubing :) and earning next to nothing, got no incomes to show when asked vs. a someone who works at McDonald for the past 4 yrs making the minimum wage. Who do you think would have a better case, financially? The answer is BOTH, because "it depends", and that's the standard answer for a lot of questions when it comes to HCMC. So you need to look at this process in the grand scheme of thing: How do I present my "story/case" in the best possible way to tip the scale on my side!

Once you setup and put your finance in working order, and you still don't meet the minimum poverty guideline, then you may have to think of having a "CO-SPONSOR". Remember, HCMC does accept Co-sponsor, however they reserve the right to deny it when they are in doubt of frauds involved.

Good luck and I hope this helps....


chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-10-04 08:23:00
Asia: East and PacificFilling In My Timeline
great news indeed :D
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-10-05 08:38:00
Asia: East and PacificThings have sped up I think
Price is good!

Welcome home STL_HCMC
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-10-01 12:41:00
Asia: East and PacificThings have sped up I think
Why are you talking about booking a ticket or even look for one right now when you should be focusing on getting her ready for the interview? Just want to bring your focus back on the game: Get ready for the interview. When she gets the visa, only then you should go ahead and buy her ticket oneway/rt, does it matter anymore at that point?

HI is a tough place to purchase direct flight from SGN. I would def. contact a travel agency, prefered an asian one.

Good luck on your fiance's interview, and get the PINK slip first!


chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-09-25 07:51:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview Date For Van

Sound good!

Here is the reason why HCMC doesn't have to tell you anything and you MUST know everything :) Your fiance and you must convince the Gatekeeper (C.O.) that you two are authentics! You watch footballs? You think they would give you their playbooks before the game start? These are some of the many tricks to spot frauds. You have nothing to worry about because it is what it is, isn't it?

I also assummed you have sent back to her ALL the letters and cards she WROTE to you and mailed to you here in the States? They want to see those cards you two send to each other! Postage receipts are good too.

About the EX, ask her to give you a copy of her License/ID, a copy of her utility bill or cable bill. JUST IN CASE!!!!!

Photos: No need to give them tons of photos. The truth is your fiance will need to have the pictures to tell the love story for her :) Organize the photos in order: Beginning - First Date - First Trip - Second Trip - Engagement - Vacation - Family gathers - Family dinner - Social Events - Recent trips together - Pictures of you send to her where you went for vacation in the US, hers in Vietnam, etc. Normal stuff like that but significant to you and her! I saw folks show up at the consulate with suit case of photo album and still get BLUE and WHITE slips! Think this way: the C.O. only has 10 mins to make his decision to approval or deny your visa. Organize and present your evidence as a marketing sale executive at a Client site meeting :) Presentation is everything!

Good luck!

chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-09-28 08:00:00