Asia: East and PacificWe were robbed with guns in Houston!!!
My Le,

I'm angry for you and your family, for your loss and the dramatization ordeal you have to experience. Fastforward, let's pack and move to OH. Now you're about 8hrs closer to Philly :) and the great northeast where we have also big crime issues :) Living in a big city has its pros and cons. Traffic, crimes, housing, job availability, wages vs. greater access to Asian food sources, better selection of entertainment, more variety on restaurants, public transportation, shopping. BUT, getting robbed on the first few days living in America is def. NOT on anyone's to-do list. Be calm and explain to your honey that it is NOT normal, and please, never let anyone tells you it's NORMAL to get robbed, by all means. Don't let the criminals desensitized your feeling and anger toward crimes and sinful way. Be outraged and let it be known like you did here. Crimes here are just like in VN, but they use GUNS instead of knives. Losing your wallet is bad, headache, and hassles. I notice you said they took all your keys as well? Call the Locksmith? Cancel cellphones? Call rental insurance company to file a lost? Moving truck company for loss in transist? Call the apt. rental office for safety and security issue? Ask them for financial assistance to recoop your loss? File a complain to the Mayor's office? Or do what you are doing, MOVE! My uncle just called last weekend, who lives in Houston asked me to come and visit him this year. With this news, I am seriously rethinking the trip and might have to invite him to Philly instead. Hmmm!!!!

Again, I would feel very violated by this, because these POS attacked my family and my ability to keep it secured and safe. Stay strong and keep yourself busy, Kim and I feel your loss and not sure why but very angry toward the situation. But we believe you will recover in no time once you move to OH.

Best of luck and thank you for sharing your story with us....

chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-21 07:12:00
Asia: East and PacificUSCIS...again...
You ain't kidding....immigrant lawyer!!!

Posted Image
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-03-01 07:24:00
Asia: East and PacificUSCIS...again...
Not too bad Ridejewel :D

Remember the big picture mentality we always talk about??? This is the same thing... how can you best tell the D.O. (District Officer) your marriage is real and genuine so that he sees it's justify to grand your wife a 2 yrs conditional permanent resident status, the Green Card although it's not green but a bit pinkish nowadays! Phew, that sentence is a long one, so sorry! :D The minimum amount of how-to knowledge of AOS process is available to you right here on VJ Guides, for specific question for your individual case/situation, AOS forum is the spot you want to hang out. Keep in mind, there is no stupid question, only stupid answer and I know all about those stupid answers, hahahaha I was the one who gave them out from times to times hahahaha.... Relax and ride this jewel piece to the top baby! :thumbs:
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-28 06:50:00
Asia: East and PacificUSCIS...again...
To avoid Moderator moving your post from here to AOS section. Start reading the Guides onAOS for VERY good information and come back for specific question. Just make sure that you start collecting evidence to show you two are married couple, are for real. Those evidences will come handy at the AOS interview.

CONGRATULATIONS on your marriage! Make sure to ask the Court Clerk to give you EXTRA copies of the Certified Marriage Certificate. Need them for other government business in the next fewl months. Don't worry much, just enjoy your AOS process and do thing right the first time with the help of VJ power. Again, congrats! :D :dance: :dance: :dance:
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-26 08:26:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview Rally for MartinDart!
Are you serious?????? This sucks so bad..... Don.... I'm speechless....
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-28 06:41:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview Rally for MartinDart!
Pure speculation: the "coach" is hitting on MartinDart's honey! :) And he's going to stick his foot so far up his aaarrttssss with his steeltoe boot in it.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-27 06:59:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview Rally for MartinDart!
#######... who is this teacher????
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-26 19:03:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview Rally for MartinDart!

Pink underwears, pink bras, pink sunglasses (Elton John :D), Pink shirt, Pink pants, Pink hat, Pink lipsticks (her, not you)... All decked out babe!!! :D :D :D let's bring her home brother!!! Good luck and We are waiting for the goodnews with you... with excitement!!!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-26 08:17:00
Asia: East and PacificVietnam Entry Visa Cost
VN Visa was included in my airline ticket via Travel agent. About $35 per 1-time Visa.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-03-05 07:14:00
Asia: East and PacificPoint Of Entry
Attorney and the rest, they are human after all! Mistake was made before and will be for the near future. Trust but verify is my philosophy!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-03-05 12:49:00
Asia: East and PacificPoint Of Entry
I always have a different opinion on whether or not one should be there during the interview. I truely I can be more at help right here in the US during her interview than sitting in Saigon when the Consulate may ask for some documents back home in the US. But that's just me. I would save my trip for the return trip with the wife! But that's just me! Given the mental support by being there is better than here during her interview to some, but for practical purpose and what not, I'd rather be here IF she gets a blue/green slip and quickly supply the documents they request to her. Many of you have done that trip back during the interview, and what were you doing during that in terview? Probably sitting outside the consulate, drinking KEN's :) But that just me!

My vote: save your vacation day for the return trip. do not go there until she gets her visa within a reasonable time frame.

Good luck!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-03-02 14:31:00
Asia: East and PacificPoint Of Entry
It seems like you putting the cart infront of the horse. My suggestion to you, do not get all worked up over this yet, your fiance must have the interview first, get the visa. Only then you will plan for her travel. Like I said, here VJ folks tent to give you the worse case scenario just to mentally prepare yourself for this journey. (I know I do!)

IF, you are extremly panic and fear of bad thing could happen, this will take you no more than 3 days. Flight back to VN and come back with her, you can do it in 3 days. Forget about having a good time in Saigon, drinking Tigers and "YO" hahaha! Just get on the plane, flight back, pick her up and head back to Tan Son Nhat the following night. If this is your only concern, then you should be prepared to have Bigger issue :) Relax, let's stay focus on the the interview, getting the visa first. Tell your honey not to worry either, you will get her all worked up for nothing. Remember, there are things in life you have control and be able to do something about it, the rest just Fuba which you just have to take it and accept it. This is one of those things, that out of your control. Why worry, just plan to handle it!

Good luck and stay focus on the interview....
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-03-02 06:59:00
Asia: East and PacificHow much money do you send back to SE Asia

I opened up an account through "ANZ" international bank. There is a branch is HCM and you can wire money from any major bank in the U.S. You can even get an ATM card for the account if you are daring.

Try HSBC, they have branches in the US, and ONLINE ( which also give you an ATM card. There is a HSBC branch in Saigon (near Highland Cafe). Exchange rates is very good!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-07 13:00:00
Asia: East and PacificHow much money do you send back to SE Asia
I must be very thanksful for this is not one of my concern. If anything, my wife's family wants to send money here for us to invest in some real estates. The picture I get from Vietnam is quite different from you guys: Vietnamese people have a LOT of money, but do not trust the Banking system nor do they trust the "PARTY" to invest their hard ern money, nor they can invest in anything that worth the ROI they want! So, sending money here for us to buy investment homes and rent them out, collecting monthly rents, split the rent with the family in VN, re-investing to buy more homes etc. That's how we deal with the money issue. Given the housing market in the Northeast is still hot!

Sending money back to VN, I haven't done that before... if anything, I would send some to the nephews and nieces during TET!!! Red envelopes for Li-Xi is expected for good luck!

I would def. hold off on the "investment offers" in vietnam. There are many folks actually pour money in real estate in Saigon, Hanoi and the suburbs, not sure if that makes sense unless you are there and watching your investment, otherwise, good luck to recoup if the "Party" decides to change the "rules" midway. I still can't trust them!

This is my opinion and hopes i didn't offend anyone.

chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-07 09:18:00
Asia: East and PacificCalling Consulate in HCMC?
Why not Martinart? Call them up, well not now, it's Sat's morning already...
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-11 13:46:00
Asia: East and Pacificgetting a little nervous
Welcome! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 phew!!!!!!!

Ok take a deep breath because everything is going to be alright no matter what happens when you are taking a ride on the VJ Rollercoaster ride :) We've all been through it! There will be moments of panic attack, joy beyond recognition and fear of losing hope! But it's all gonna be ok!

Echoing most, I would write my "LOVE STORY" in chronological order: WHO WHERE WHEN WHY HOW you two met, hopefully in the past 24 months before you file an I-129F petition. This is the MOST important condition to qualify for filing I-129F benefit. Remember: one (1) page, almost like a timeline but with a little more hearts into it!

Chat logs: None stop chatting with your LOVE (days and nights)
Boardingpass: Travel to meet your LOVE
Phone-record: Spending real quality time and recking up the phonebill for LOVE
Handwriten Letters: great evidence, emailing is too easy, hand-writen takes much more effort (LOVE)
Picture: send enough for them to see you two were together and doing stuff while you were with him.
Passport stamps: Show you actually travel there to meet your Love :)

List can go on and on, bottom line is, right now you need to show them you MEET him at least once and you want to file the I-129F benefit on his behalf. Think of it as if you would tell a short story of your lovestory for a super busy CEO who only has 5 mins to decide whether or not you two are truely in love and should get approved! NO PRESSURE HERE :lol: :lol: :lol: Just kidding!

Ok, just relax and collect the evidence ok.... the VJ Power is with you!


chuck and kim

Play it safe .........notirize the stuff you sign

They don't ask for notary! Don't trouble yourself!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-14 14:36:00
Asia: East and PacificSome Good News!!
Mike and Huong,

Stay strong and keep pressing onward! Bottom of the ninth, bases loaded!!!! Batter up!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: This is too excited for most of the weaks, we VJ-ers aren't ones, this is NOT the major issue yet to come, the file will get there within days. Continue to stay focus in preparation for the D-Day which will come any moment now. Go over your stories with Huong, and over. Cross your T's and dot your I's.

We are holding our breath here for your good news.... Again, this is NOT yet the major problem, the file will get there.


chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-14 07:52:00
Asia: East and PacificSome Good News!!
:dance: PINK :dance:
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-08 06:54:00
Asia: East and PacificDocs required for interview for K1. How many pay stubs?
I gave them one month! With employment letter states I work since XYZ, and currently employed in good standing, annual salary is $XXX,XXX.XX. Well, only one month because I took an offer from my company 2 months before Kim's interview. So, can't give them what I don't have! Visa got approved without any problem! Keep in mind, HCMC is where they ask for 3 yrs ITR.

So, It depends on the consulate. Some will ask for more some don't even look at your paystubs. You just need to be prepared for what they MAY ask for during the interview.

If you have 1 months, give them one more, 2? give them two. You have 6 months, bring 6 months. Remember, you can not give them what you don't have! :lol:

Good luck!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-14 14:34:00
Asia: East and PacificJapan K-1 interview

Why does he need to apply for an extention? Approval is good for 12 months. Unless, we don't think OP's fiancee's interview date won't happen within the next 12 months, or won't be approved for a K-1 Visa at the interview and has to go throu more delays which could pass the 12 months expiration?
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-14 13:54:00
Asia: East and Pacificairplane ticket
One-way for us too!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-16 08:08:00
Asia: East and PacificNeed clear answer.. how many tax returns, w-2's they really need?
The short answer is "it depends!!!"

Depends on the specific consulate, some ask for most recent (2005), some ask for "last 3 years" worth of ITR and W-2's.

The big picture that "Anh Map" talks about is to show them you are financially well-off. Say...if you can show them 5 years worth of tax but you only make $10,000/year and have 4 kids who currently are on welfare benefits and receiving foodstamps. No a chance in heaven they would approve your case. But, if you were a Medical student for the past 4 years, of course, you were in school to study and just land a full-time job at the hospital being a Brain doctor who makes $150,000/year (2006 and on). I think your chance to have your case approved by showing them 1 year worth of tax and current employment would be pretty good.

Here is what I would do, call the IRS, asking for your tax transcript (STL_HCMC can give you his contact, or check online) which has the income tax return information that you sent to the IRS. No W-2's needed! OR, just show up for the interview with your current employment letter, paystubs for the past 6 months where you can show them you make well over the poverty guideline which come out to be around $16K/year of you and your fiancee.

Short answer, there is none. This whole Visa Journey is case by case specific! Nobody can tell you exactly what the Consulate will request, sure there are guidelines, but that are just for guidance purpose, the C.O. may choose to follow in some cases, but will ignore it and ask for more evidence where he/she sess it fit. So to be well prepare and not kicking yourself in the you-know-what later on, if you hear people who are being asked to submit 3 years ITR and W2, go get them! Or just show up without the other 2 years and be worry for the rest of the week. IMHO.

Good luck and I hope that clears up some more!

I honestly don't think i can even get them if i wanted.

Ask you shall receive :)
How to get my Tax Return
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-14 14:12:00
Asia: East and PacificIcarus Interview Rally!
That's an attitude we want to see from Icarus!!! YOU ROCK! You can only do one thing that worth your while here in VN: Create memmories with your honey! :) You will need them and she needs them too for days to come... Take Pictures, Video tapes your time with her... I mean it... you will find yourself watching those video clips very often... I did! :crying: :crying:

Also remember, this is just a "DELAY" and it's not your fault!

Good day in Saigon,

Chuck and Kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-24 07:05:00
Asia: East and PacificIcarus Interview Rally!

My fault... You're right... Icarus didn't get approved... Just ignore what i said previously
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-23 11:30:00
Asia: East and PacificIcarus Interview Rally!

First thing in the morning, reading this news while drinking my coffee makes me wanna choke someone. 3000 cases? Who cares about those, you only care about yours, the one was approved and issued pink-slip within 5 mins of interviewing. So, to take these phone-opperator at the consulate and the embassy serious is something I find hard to believe. I will not listen to the information they gave you. Here is why: initial response she gave you was 3000 cases, the next time you called within a few days, she told you 2000. Either what she told you was "hear-say", or the Consulate just magically processes 1000 cases within a short period with the help from the toothfairry, or this girl was full-of-it. Remember, your case is approved and waiting to go through the routine process of "delaying for unknown reason" which is a well-known process for most HCMC VisaJer. You need to hold on and make sure your honey understand this is just a DELAY which will be lifted any day now. I can only tell you to check-in with your Congressman for "inquirery" on the case if you'd like. Sometimes, that helps speed up the process, sometimes makes no difference.

This is just a very typical behavior for HCMC. "HURRY-UP-AND-WAIT". Just to be clear for others who read Icarus' comment about "by the book". What book? :D there is no book on this process, there IS guideline which functions as "suggestion" to the Consulate Officer :) They will decide who get the Visa based on facts and "gut feelings". Icarus and others have prepared for and aware of the "facts" they may face, but the second part, "gut feelings" is not something in our control. Just hang in there, it sux so bad to wait and being apart like this Icarus, I know, been there done that. But, if you look at it this way, you are going to spend a life-time together, just a few weeks delay won't make it or break it for you. The wait-time is an invaluable thing to forge and strengthen your relationship through hardship and endurance. I hope you won't be discouraged by this inaction from the Consualte. Stay strong! You did it, you got the Visa Approval, just need to wait for the Visa in the passport.

Try to understand and figure out the routine/partern of the Consulate's approval method is almost certain to dry one crazy! :) I still don't get it most of the time why people get approved superfast and others, just as real/geniune relationship like yours have to wait.

We hear your rant and we feel your pain... Keep up the pressure with the consulate. BTW, it is absolutely horse-####### that the consulte office won't speak with anyone. I'm wondering how come you didn't ask her "WHY NOT?" Vietnamese people don't ask too many "Why" questions, and they don't like to answer them either :) So, I suggest you to call back or personally go to the Consulate, and come up with a bunch of WHY questions:

Why there is a delay?
Why there is a delay on your case particularly?
Why is your case difference than others?
Why your case is approved already and still not get the Visa?
When is the earliest you can get it? Why not?
What is the ETA? Can you put it in writing? Why not?
What can the consulate do to speed up the process for my case alone? Why not?
Why don't I feel the need to care/know about the other 3000 cases that backed up behind, I only care for my case which was approved. Why didn't we get the visa already?
Why doesn't the consulate inform the petitioner about the delay?
Why can't the consulate give a reason why there is a delay?
Can this information about 3000 back-log be verified? Why not?
What is the hold up? here in HCMC or USCIS? Can you find out more information? Why not?

I can go on and on with this until they are sick of me and can't answer those questions any more... THEN, hopefully they will send me to a CO.


good luck and we are supporting you two....

chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-22 06:52:00
Asia: East and PacificIcarus Interview Rally!
"This is my cellphone, this is my sim card, this is the records show Icarus calls me on this phone". They know better that one can't REALLY PROVE anything with PREPAID phones. Same with Internet CHAT LOGS and EMAIL. Do they ask people to have AOL or MSN or YAHOO! to swear that these chatlogs/emails are really from MSN/YAHOO/AOL mail servers? NOT!

They are just giving you a hard time to see if you want to play their little game. I can tell you one thing, you can't show them what you do not have! And do not have is a way to obtain "proof" of communications between the two devices (landlines and mobilephones) which is really out of your control! IF they turn around and say they deny your Visa because YOU can't show them your phone records, that would be a very very very bad reason which you can fight back!

People don't just conmmunicate via PHONES nowadays anymore....

So for the consulate to pint you down with their request for unobtainable phone records is not a good reason. Tell them: This is what I've got, and I swear my statement is TRUE. Take it or not, the truth won't change. I can not obtain and give you something I do not have nor can I get it from the phone company. If you find this is the ground to deny my fiance's visa, we will have to find another way to prove to you how real this relationship is to us.

The point is, don't get hung up on this ONE issue. You must be able to offer them more proof and other type of evidence to show them you two are the REAL MCCOY.

Good luck!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-15 08:39:00
Asia: East and PacificIcarus Interview Rally!
You can always sign and swon statement that these are your phonenumbers. They can choose to take it or they have to disprove your statement!

Can you show them where the calls originated? For example, if you called her phone numbers from your house using some type of calling-card for saving cost, can you have the BELL company sending you a copy of the bills for those months? Match the date/time you called the 1-800 number on those calling cards to call Vietnam, WITH the times when the phone in Vietnam received A call from that time frame!

Confusing! But you can do it!

good luck
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-14 14:51:00
Asia: East and PacificIcarus Interview Rally!

I'm very sorry about this news. :crying: :crying: :crying:
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-12 10:33:00
Asia: East and PacificIcarus Interview Rally!
PINK!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-08 06:31:00
Asia: East and Pacificvisa fraud busted
Hi Sweetiewynn2,

I feel you and you have every right to be on fire brother! Frauds = Crimes = Problem for everyone! I am not questioning your ability to fight crime, your bravery to walk the street of Saigon at night, or roam the back alley of some ghettos in the US. I want to make sure that nobody starts something that will end up affecting EVERYONE. Say, you will start reporting folks who you THINK or deem to be frauds to the Consulate to investigate. All of the sudden, the Consulate realize "HOLLY COW, there are so many cases that potentially frauds and we need to STOP everything and investigate everything all over. Delay everyone, let work this out with this Sweetiewynn2 guy... he's a good guy who reports crimes"

Great! Now guys like Mike and Huong will be PISSED out of his you know what, because his case is almost done. Just because of some guy who reports something... now HCMC stops processing his case! I know I'll be pretty mad! In short, the current system is pretty straight forward, NOT the best, but it works 80% of the times. People who went through with lot worse circumstances than yours, got through no problem in the end.

I hope you do what you can to help YOUR case and try to avoid creating more roadblocks for other. Believe it or not, the Consulate does have their own investigator who they actually send to your locality to verify your facts (living arrangement of your fiance, her jobs, asking your neighbor) You know what, maybe they did, and your fiance's neighbor might have thought your case was fraud and report it you? (twisted!) No, I have no doubt or no reason to give doubt in your case but it could happens. You can not control the C.O.'s gutfeeling and instince he/she has developed during their time working at the consulate, their experience with Vietnamese and they may claim: We can spot LIES!

Yes, they may not CARE about your report of crimes for some reasons, and NO they don't need to explain anything to you, why? You are the one who in need of their service and approval! You can't demand what you can't have :) Have you ever thought, by walking up to some C.O. to tell them: Hey, I found frauds in these cases A, B, C. Can I get a visa for my wife now? Good trade huh? The initial reaction from the C.O. would be: Who the #### is this guy to tell me how screw up I am to approved these cases? Are you questioning my competency? Security!!! Please remove this guy from me!

Yeah, that's how it is at the consulate. You and all people will need a little grace, like it or not, you need them more than they need you. Need to think through and not to be afraid when you start blowing the whistle, but there will be consiquence IF things don't work out the way we think it would in our head.

What I said above is just another point of view that MAY be seen in the light of HCMC, of couse it could never happen to any of us. My only advice right now to you is Focus on your case and your case only, prepare to fight the consulate if they don't get your visa. Redirect your negative energy to positive out-come for you and your fiance rather than looking for frauds and reporting them. Don't lose focus brother, the end game is: Get your honey here!!!! Reporting frauds to get visa is NOT your job and that's why I say you are wasting your time. Pick your battle, this is not one of them! IMHO

Good luck and may the VJ force be with you :D

chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-25 06:56:00
Asia: East and Pacificvisa fraud busted
Say, I were the C.O. you were writing the previous to...


1. You're wasting your time and mine by reporting frauds
2. I have more cases to handle than you can imagine, for every real case I approve, there will be 10 cases I deny.
3. How do I know you are REAL and the ones you reported are frauds? Back to square one! Adding more times to my work-day.
4. You're not a professional, has no credential in law enforcement and criminal investigation. You may be interferencing with the officials and task force, endanger yourself and others if you set out to investigate this type of activity on your own. Please stop!
5. I will not and can not promise anyone who turns in a fraud case or two to issue visa to his/her fiance. This is the State Department, not bounty hunter, or Bond office. How didn't you know if someone did drop a dime on you with us? So that's why we are investigating your case and cause all the delay right now?

I can go on and on but I need to get back to Mike and Huong's case, or Icarus' case or other's cause They seem to have everything in order...

C.O. done talking "

Ok, back, chuck and kim :) You get my point? They can't do a trade!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-24 12:19:00
Asia: East and PacificAPPROVED!!!
Congrats!!! Packing and Get Going soon :)
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-25 13:47:00
Asia: East and PacificNOA2 Approval Rec'd
Anh Map, Tony, and Kimi...

Best news in the morning :D Congratulations. Time for you guys to get ready for the big day :) Interview day that is!

Anh Map, are you leaving for VN soon or what? Dam Hoi is on Sunday? You will have a blast brother! If you are leaving, bring a good camera, take tons of photos :) Bring chnage of clothes too, don't want to wear the same clothes in every photos you took :) Bring home her letters to you and your family, bring some of your support evidences also. Save the Fedex package for later :)

Good luck with your DAM HOI, Tirger Beers on the Rocks for everyone, indeed... on the rock brothers! :thumbs:
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-29 06:21:00
Asia: East and PacificBad week in HCMC, but STAY FOCUS guys...

You are truely a VJ-HCMC trooper :) I can speak with experience about the dawn Blue slip, bad bad blue ever. I like your take on this whole VJ process, regroup and prepare for more entense fighting, for our every own battle with the system, it's not a perfect system but it's the best we can come up with as a US Govt. Still rooms for improvement. Most of our brothers and sisters on VJ-HCMC are strong and courageous when it comes to show their colors, PINK baby! I think guys like Dale, Zerovoltz, KevinandLoan, Wait4ever, you, STL-HCMC and many more of us who went through HCMC are sticking around for one good reason and become an invaluable part of this very special group HCMC. We have learned so much and owed so much to VJ when we were "fresh", didn't know where to turn or even how to ask the right question about this whole VJ process. I myself did get amazing, detailing answers from VJ members who in fact kept me out of troubles many times (wink* wink* Dale and Zerovoltz thanks)

So, I just want to echo many, stay focus and we all will get through this Visa hell :D

good day,

chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-31 07:36:00
Asia: East and PacificBad week in HCMC, but STAY FOCUS guys...
Keep on and keep up your focus, it's now the time to prepare for the interview. Monday was a bad day for some of us in HCMC, with the Blue for Mike and Huong. Where the consulate just turned away hundreds of crying and including one pregnant fiances that morning, White and Blue slips were issued without a pink. Based on the conversation I had with Mike and his fiance, I hope he doesn't mind. I am not sure what's going on in HCMC, this is a pure guessing, but it seems the holiday (Labor's Day weekend) is coming fast, C.O. need a break, and that maybe the case where they just want to delay approvals for a few days. So, please remember our brothers/sisters who are still stucked in Hell Hole of Blues in your prayers.

I hope the PINK will start showing up again. Please, stay 100% lazer focus on your case, prepare and go over evidence with your fiances and continue to prep her how to interview well, as well as getting her ready to move to America, 100% different than VN or any other country they may have been to live or to study. As always, I believe the power of VJ will help us through, the support will endure us, and last but not least, stay focus guys!!!

Good luck to those who just got approved (NOA2) and ones who about to interview....
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-29 06:35:00
Asia: East and PacificTo Chuck and Kim
Thuy Canon,

Kim's read the script here... She said it's a list of locations in America, spelled out in Japanese. Something about Missiouries, greeting phrases. Katakana English-Japanese dictionary would be best for this email. We had a hard time to understand the Japanese's english writing in this letter. She did say this email asking for information about the hotel.

Thanks and sorry we can't be much help...

Chuck and Kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-28 07:24:00
Asia: East and PacificTo Chuck and Kim
Thuy and Bob,

Kim's at work, no computer, but I will make sure she get this :)

Dale, you are killing me here :D Love the story... Gary Coleman?

Zerovoltz, no boxes...
Here you how you can try to read Japanese in IE:
Click VIEW on the top bar, then ENCODING, "Unico UTF-8" as your default... or choose JAPANESE...
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-24 12:31:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview Date!!!
AJ, are you sure it's a great news? Or it was mistakenly posted in this thread?
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-30 07:00:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview Date!!!
Right back on Track Mike :)
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-08-24 12:22:00
Asia: East and PacificAfter NOA2 for K1
For PC (Police Certificate), if she lives in Saigon, she can go to "S? T? Pháp" to apply for one. They should know exactly what you need if you tell them it is for HCM consulate Visa. If not, your honey can check in with the local police in her town/village.

"Gi?y Ch?ng Nh?n Không Ph?m Pháp" is what it calls.

Your case can be tracked here via website, sign up an account with the case #. They will email your the status of your case HERE in the US.

Your case number can be used to communicate with HCMC once your physical files are sent to VN from NVC.

Hope this helps!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-09-08 10:36:00