Asia: East and PacificWhat type of visa do I apply for?

Congratulations on your 3rd Anniversary!!! and Welcome to VJ!

Here is what I am not sure I understand your story entirely...
1. You're an american born, USC
2. You are STILL living in AU with your husband (for the past 3 years)
3. You are a PR in AU
4. You and your husband will move back to the US sometimes in the future
5. You want to know if you can DCF

Read the information guide below, and read again, especially the new limitation on 1/23/07 where limits the consulate the ability to process I-130.
DCF - What is it and why do I care?

Hope this will get you started.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-13 07:10:00
Asia: East and Pacificgreen slip

Note to self: Change last name to PINK!!! Just kidding man!!! try to cheer you up! My initial reaction from reading the 1st post until this very last one here keep improving, and I like it! Don't worry and second guess your case, seems to be solid and at this point, with the help of M.E., you can sleep well tonight. Divorce is the key, she did, the timing isn't the most convincing evidence, but it's not like people know how to divorce each other from day one when they go to gradeschool... Could have told them, there were some complication with her EX and the divorce couldn't finalize at a later time. But the key here is: you meet all requirement and more, however, a ticket to VN at this time of the year could do some good for you and her... It's TET season baby! All this time, we all thought working and providing for our family is our duty... seem like that isn't good enough for the consulate... :blush: :crying: :crying:

Our hearts go out to you Green/Tran, stay focus and get through this...


chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-13 07:45:00
Asia: East and PacificRally time for LURKER
Lurker... YOU'RE UP! Let's bring her home all the way! :) I thought It was just yesterday when you filed the petition... time does fly and here you are at the most crucial point of no return... Good luck and we are thinking "PINK" for you guys.


Chuck and Kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-13 06:42:00
Asia: East and PacificWife might pop on interview day
Go anyway! What the worse thing could happen? You're risking of being delayed for another 4 months. The risk of having the baby while she's at the interview appointment is less riskier than you think! You could have the baby and the Visa for them on the VERY same day :)

Good luck :devil: :thumbs:
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-12-14 07:55:00
Asia: East and PacificHappy Valentine and Happy Lunar New Year!
So excited!!!! Chúc M?ng N?m M?i !!!!

Sending the love and best wishes from our family to yours.
For those who are still apart, soon will be united.
For those who are starting the process, wishing you a speedy one!
For those who are struggling with Blue or Green, may the PINK will finally show!
For all who are AOS-ing, that finger-print and Green-Card soon arrive!
For some who are looking for new job, may your good fortune comes!
For the fews who are bored out of your mind for staying home all day, enjoy while you can!
Thank you all for sharing your love stories, trusting in the power of VJ for helps, consult, console, and support!
Best of luck, Year of the PIG
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-14 08:26:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview Rally For Idinh CR-1
Get everything ready and prepare to show the CO how deep is your love for one another... Good luck and think PINK!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-13 06:46:00
Asia: East and PacificGot the pink slip!
Time to hide all the porns... she'll be here soon enough!!! :D

Congrats!!! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-15 10:02:00
Asia: East and PacificTo those who have had no interview, yet.
Wait4ever, I should be spanked :D :no: :no: :lol: :lol:
ridejewel, i see your point and agree. I have learned from each members who are making a possitive impact to the community and even the one who doesn't. I benefit from mistake I made and was corrected by you guys through PM, phone-calls or Chat. Why? Everyone just wants to make sure what you, all of us, post on this forum is correct and with as much facts as humanly possible. I post disinformation and misinformation on this board before, without claiming (IMHO), guess what, got corrected by others and I think that keep me in line. To answer your question, you give me flashback of me...HAHAHAHA. Just stay focus Ride, get your wife here and the next step of this journey will be even more challenge than this one... the USCIS and States Dept never told you that, nor did they tell me. The key here is, "IMHO". That way people won't get worry for nothing, and if they did, it's their own fault 90% and 10% is yours hahaha!

Good luck and come home soon...
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-16 07:16:00
Asia: East and PacificTo those who have had no interview, yet.

Don't take heed in anything anybody says on this site. Listen only to the information that is directly related toward forms and other evidencial factors. I'm going to say this one time, so listen up: THE INTERVIEW PROCESS IS EXTREMELY SUBJECTIVE!!! Disagree if you will. If you're an American, go to the interview, let your presence be known. Write a letter for your fiancee to give to the officer, if for some reason you can't make the thousand's of mile's of a trip. Sign, notorize the letter. Let them know you're here, or there, and you'll fight the decision if it's a negitive responce. If you're a green card holder, good luck, you're in a lose, lose situation; write a letter to submit and hope for the best. The odds will be against you wheather you're a US citizen, or a green card holder, prove them wrong! Fight it before they make you fight for it! Get everything in order, show your face/writing. I passed with a $9,500 dollar 2006 income...What can I say? My fiancee fought for it, I fought for it. If you're indeed real, don't take their ######. Get it together and do it right! My point is this: Don't listen to the stories writen on this site. Some may want 'official' tax transcripts, some may want your 2006's, because the 2005's were not good enough, some may want a video of you talking in Vietnamese....Get what I'm saying? IT'S SUBJECIVE! It's all up to the interviewer and his/her attitude that day. Don't worry yourself sick because someone else failed who was in the same situation as you. He may fail and you'll pass. Good luck to everyone else and thank you for the support.

you're giving me flashback of someone we've seen on VJ.... I hope this is strictly just your opinion of the whole Visa process, based on your own experience which ONLY applies to your case alone and has absolutely no value to others who do not have the same or even similiar case. Be humble and grateful that your case passed without any issue. Move on and focus on the next transistioning phase!

Good luck and thank you for sharing your personal opinion. Subjective it may be, but what can you do to increase or reduce the risk of that subjective matter from affecting your case, that's the question!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-15 14:48:00
Asia: East and PacificMy wife had her interview at 10 AM on Friday, 02 February 2007 in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Bring her home, all the way home... Quickly!!!! Congrats!!! :dance: :thumbs:
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-16 07:32:00
Asia: East and PacificFor your experience
Just me, precaution!

As long as my wife is still in VN, still on a plane to come to America, still at the POE, still at the Immigration desk at the Airport, I wouldn't post any traveling information. Just a phone call Ride, just a phone call to the consulate could stop you dead right at the gate on the plane to America. Just one call to the consulate, they would stop your wife from entering the US. Knowing that we all have been posting a lot of personal and very detail information on this board, anyone could harm us an our wife. I'm more concerned with the folks in VN, bitter neighbors or jeoulous relatives etc. could mess up your travel plan. A relative got stopped at Tan Son Nhat back in the early 90's when she and her family left Saigon under ODP structure (different immigration status), they were stopped and sent home because someone in the neighborhood reported to the local police that she didn't pay her tax on the house she sold before she left for America. So the local police called the HAI QUAN at TSN, stopped her. Missed her flight, spend more money to take care the local police etc. In the end, she got to leave Saigon. But with so much hassle, just because of one phone call. Keep things undercover, nobody should know your travel plan, only her parents. Just say: Oh we'll leave in a FEW days/weeks and then leave tomorrow! I worried too much!!!

Have a safe and uneventful trip to America.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-16 07:46:00
Asia: East and PacificFor your experience

I would recommend you to remove all travel information related to you and your fiance on this forum until you two arrive safely in your hometown. Good luck and have a safetrip.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-15 14:54:00
Asia: East and PacificTrash it?
I gave up fighting Tony.... I always lose... in the end...
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-16 15:26:00
Asia: East and PacificTrash it?

It does bring chill down my spine reading through the pile of old docs.... How could we ever done it and got through with it!!!!! It's love baby!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-16 09:15:00
Asia: East and PacificTrash it?
STOP!!!!!!DROP!!!!!!!!!!!AND ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're on fire!!!!


Keep everything, orgainze them, box them up. YES, you will need some of those evidence and more accumulative ones for the next BIG interview, the 2-Yrs Conditional GreenCard. I don't throw out anything that related to Kim's immigration matter, not until she gets her Citizenship and that's just me! Just how I wouldn't change her last name to mine until she gets her Citizenship and go through with the whole immigration process either, to avoid naming confusion and mixed up with the SSA, USCIS, and DMV at the early stage. And that's also just me. Ask your wife to order extra certified birth certificate in Vietnamese and English ones from Vietnam, you will need a few of them when you apply for GC. Also, if she has her college or other government issued document which are important to her continuing education, get them translated into English also. It's cheaper to get it done overthere than here in the States, and it's somewhat officially looking with the red seal/stamp :D

Good luck and again, do not throw those precious evidence and document away!!!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-16 07:30:00
Asia: East and PacificVietnam don't issue marriage license?
May want to check out the Vietnamese Embassy in your intended immigrate country. For example, if you want to bring your vietnamese wife/husband to the US, here is what I found:

Marrying a Vietnamese National

K1 vs. K3: there is no better or worse, they are equally painful processes. Just need to share a little bit about your circumstance before we would dare to suggest which one is a lesser pain for you or maybe not at all. As in, there is no way to avoid the pain. Remember, each case has its very own flavor! Come back with more questions if you have them... Don't forget to read the GUIDES and FAQ's section
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-20 08:37:00
Asia: East and PacificTelephone Bills
To answer your question:

YES, you can black out your phone bill. Why? that's an entirely different question and answer!!!!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-15 14:36:00
Asia: East and PacificMy wife got Visa on her hand on 2/14/07
I don't believe this... I've just seen a ghost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chicagoman, you'd better start writing up on your report.... OMG!!!!! Look at his timeline (as wait4ever suggested) people.... this is one of the old head on this board....
Chicagoman, it is a sweet BIG surprised for us here to see you back on board and covered in PINK baby!!! Congratulations... enjoy your TET.

Thanks be to GOD!!!!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-16 07:20:00
Asia: East and PacificYep, we did it...somehow.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-14 08:07:00
Asia: East and PacificI got the pink, thank all of your wishes

Congratulations.... Get that Visa in your passport yet???? Great job!!! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-13 06:43:00
Asia: East and PacificSHE GOT IT!!!

I know how you feel right now! It is a wonderful feeling. CONGRATS!!!! :dance:

Mike, You do???? I miss what it feels like... maybe I should try again... OOPS!!!! :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: Kim would kick my @$$!!! hahaha
Congratulations Lurker, it's not too bad, is it? :) after all the dramas... it's all good brother! Time to clean the house and get ready for a life changing event, your life will NEVER ever be the same again!!!

Good luck and be well,

chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-14 07:51:00
Asia: East and PacificGot my NOA2
Great news!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-22 15:27:00
Asia: East and PacificLanded
Welcome home, and again, welcome home Ridejewel!!!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-22 07:20:00
Asia: East and PacificCR1 Case Complete.
HCMC will not inform anyone.
USC and Beneficiary will need to call/email for this information.
HCMC will send Pack3 when it's ready to Beneficiary. This may take a few weeks. Quicker if Beneficiary stops by HCMC and pick-up in person.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-11-10 07:09:00
Asia: East and PacificCR1 Case Complete.
Two to three weeks.... if NVC says they sent already...
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-11-08 12:08:00
Asia: East and PacificLurker's review
Lurker won't do anything. He'll be very busy with his new found love!!! More than anything, I think he's learned his lesson after going through HCMC HAHAHAHAHA... or not... I know I did...
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-26 08:19:00
Asia: East and PacificLurker's review

they are too "long winded" and don't get to the point.

That's how Vietnamese talks!!!! Confusing sometimes: (5 mins interview)
CO: Don't you know your US fiancé have two wives?
VN: Yes, I don't know he has two wives. He told me his wives are dead long time ago when He married me. But he still lives with his mother-in-law to save money and receiving welfare assistance. OOPS, cross the last part!
CO: You have your Vietnamese birth certificate translated to English, don't you?
VN: No, I have my English and Vietnamese birth certificate but they are not in the envelop which I carry with me in my purse and the taxi was waiting outside my house to bring me to this interview. Do you want my pictures and phone bills?
CO: (handing blue/green slip) Go home and bring me your English birth certificate and we'll see what we can do.
VN: No, me want pink slip now. You want to see my fiancé? He's in the next room. (crying)
CO: Good day.

Lesson: Yes is YES, No is NO in English. Unlike Vietnamese, Yes = VANG/DA following a NEGATIVE.

Good luck with the correction. Vietnamese women are taught and trained to be proper with their words and responses to authority figures (Father/Mother/Older siblings/Husband/Uncles/Aunts) by saying: VANG/DA before they respond to a question/request. Thinking: Yes - VANG/DA is not uncommon to them. Just need to tell your honey: YES is YES, and NO is NO in English! I hope we may avoid a lot of confusion and unnecessary delay in the future.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-20 09:00:00
Asia: East and PacificLurker's review
Your observation is correct on (d.) Want to add: Business.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-15 15:26:00
Asia: East and PacificBribes.
On our trip to return to VN last Christmas 2006 (Entering VN). I got through the Immigrantation desk without any issue. However they questioned Kim:

1. Is this your Passport (VN)? Yes
2. This doesn't look like you (the picture)... Yes that's me (kim)
3. You changed so much for someone who came and return to/from America... Uhhhh Thanks (Kim)
4. Who is your husband? He is right overthere (Kim)
5. Is he Korean? (#######, Kim thought) No, he's American (The flight we took was a KE flight from Incheon, that could be why he thought I was a Korean... but #######, Kim's returned to VN from the US... whatever)
6. What is the reason you're here? Visist my parents (Kim)
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-26 08:35:00
Asia: East and PacificBribes.
They would do NOTHING! You will do all the talking in to the CO. But that's just me brother :) Vietnamese tent to be pretty rude when it comes to official business, they talk over you, guess what, you over-talk them. All they want is $10 or $20. What do you do? Pay the bribe and forget about it, get a nice rum-and-coke at the bar afterward? :)
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-23 18:55:00
Asia: East and PacificBribes.
I did suggest to spend "coffee money" for the "HO KHAU". That is 100% different from this sealedkiss. If you didn't get the HO KHAU straighten out, you wouldn't get to be anywhere near the door of the Consulate, left alone getting near the airport gate :) Those are ways of doing business and you have to pay the Local cops who have much more power over you, your family and your American fiancé. My complain here is directed toward the VN Custom/Immigrant ion Officer at CHECK-OUT gate inside Ton Son Nhat airport. :D

The CO, these guys are purely harassing the people who are good enough, legal enough to be issued a Visa to come to America and was approved by the local and interior police to leave the country (hint: otherwise, they wouldn't issue Ridejewel's wife a VN Passport). Now, just a few mins before they leave their whole life in VN to start a new one in America, these CO's know, that why they are you giving everyone a hard time and rob them in broad daylight.

So, I stand correct: pay the coffee money to the local police, but it's just not right when you are forced to pay the CO. You were good enough for the Passport, and safe enough to get the Visa to come to America, there shouldn't be any legality issue that they can stop you from leaving.

What trouble me is some of you guys bring back things that replaceable here in America as Cd's, DVDs etc. Where almost 90% neglect to bring family's memories, if you did, it wasn't enough. My suggestion, you wouldn't have any trouble with the CO if you bring family's photos, pictures, things that are unique to you, things to remember your wife's family by... To think about those Cd's and DVDs, they aren't worth the hassle and you can buy new one here with better quality for sure. Paris By Night, Thuy Nga, Van Son, Saigon Gala etc. you can buy them here too you know. But that just me!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-23 07:06:00
Asia: East and PacificBribes.

This is not right brother!!!! These guys are major @$$, of course she didn't have her arrive/departure card because she's never left!!!!!! Telling you "you're lucky" is just another evidence of their errogant toward their own people (vietnamese) and that's how it is with vietnamese in general... They would rather give their own kind a hard time or wouldn't dare to speak to a foreigner, especially a westerner looking one. You're a better man than me Ridejewel, and I admire your patient... I wouldn't care if it's a CD from a famous singer or what not, if the CO wants me to pay him for those, I would have told him to keep it! See what he'd say! Those CD's wouldn't worth more than $5 left alone $30. Plus, If I'm not mistaken, any CD that you see in VN, you'll can buy them here at the asian shopping center in most major cities in the US. You can also order them online through VN website also. Bottom line is, I thought this type of harrassment was long gone.... I'm mad Ridejewel.

Andrew, that's horrible what they did with your friend.... Called him out at the last mins? What a classic!!!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-22 15:23:00
Asia: East and PacificBribes.
Andrew: the VN you know at work violated the #1 rule of traveling post-911 - Arrival Early! But I do know how scary it is to be stopped by these C.O. Totally

Ridejewel: I would have packed those CD's in check-in luggages, but that just me brother. However, if they wanted your money/bribes, doesn't matter what you carry-on, they will "stop" you for it. I did think of what you said about "her first time leaving VN", you want everything to go smoothly and $10 to have that false sense of security is a bargain. I thought of paying when I went back to the US with Kim the first time, and this past trip (Jan 2007), then another thought came to me: what if the C.O. asked for money, I gave him the bribe, he and I both got caught by his supervisor. Now it turns out to be a FEDERAL case. There is law in the US where you as an american will be criminalized for corrupting a foreign official. How bad would that be? My chance of getting harrashed by some CO because I didn't bribe him is high vs. a chance of both me and the CO getting caught bribing and receiving the bribe is low. However, the fear of being accused by the VN police for bribing a "People Police Custom Protection Officer" is greater than all. That's why I never bribed them. It is so embarrassing for me as a vietnamese born to see that kind of corruption is still existing nowadays. Hoping by joining WTO, it will soon help VN to reduce the corruption, at least at the Airport... I only hope and pray for my VN, one day... yeah, one day it will change for the better.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-22 10:49:00
Asia: East and PacificBribes.
ridejewel... no disrespect, and it goes the same for everyone who bribes the vietnamese custom officer in VN: you've got taken, big time! I don't pay to enter VN, I don't pay to leave it, just the Airport tax which everyone pays! Because of people like you, feeding the crookes, the crookes never go away. I've seen people on my same flight traveling from KE to VN, stucking cash inside their passport, just to hope they would get a quicker clearance through VN Immigration desk, then more money to get through the Custom scanner. Those days were long gone folks! If you haven't notice, VN Custom declaration form no longer askes for how many cameras, camcorders, laptops or cellphones you bring in VN so you have to pay tax on those or bribe them. The amount of cash allowance has been increase to $7000USD as oppose to $3000. This is for entering VN.

Leaving VN: Why would you pay someone to allow you to take your CD's? What was the reason that the C.O. gave you why these CD's aren't allowed to be transported? I don't get it, every dollar you gave those C.O. will cause them to want it more and make it harder for the next guy from VJ going through VN. No, it's not a customary to bribe those guys. Man, if they ask for money, need to call out loud to everyone around you: THIS GUY WANTS MONEY TO LET MY CD's THROUGH, I NEED SOMEONE TO REPORT HIM. Those guys paid a lot of money (somewhere in the $10,000USD range) to get that job, to sit at that desk, if you make a scene and may cost him his job, I don't think he would fight you for some CD's and $10.

Again, anyone who pays those C.O. will make it harder for the next guy who has to go through Custom in VN. Do not bribe! I didn't and I was fine!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-22 07:16:00
Asia: East and PacificQuestion on name change strategy...
Do your name change at the SSA when apply for the Card. Your passport and marriage certificate should be suffice. When apply for AOS, fill out the application with your Marriage name. USCIS will understand why it is NOT your mainden name via Marriage Certificate and by then, your SSN Card. :)


At the interview for AOS and Green Card approved, ask the Distrist Officer to issue your Green Card in your marriage name.

Echo beamup, most SEA won't care or won't change their last name when they get married. Typically, that's not important, everyone would end up calling the wife: Mrs. BEAMUP after they get married anyway. :lol:
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-27 07:04:00
Asia: East and PacificMy VJ Baby

Guys, this might not be the appropriate forum for me to post this news but I do it anyway since I only hand out in this room.

7 months waiting for the interview
8 months in gruesome AR
10 months in the US
9 months of pregnancy
26 hours of intense labor
1 C-section

And now Ladies and Gentemen,

Here he is, little baby Ethan Nhat Nguyen Dang weighing in at 8 lbs and standing tall at 21"

I am just so happy and excited.

Congratulations KEVIN, LOAN and baby Ethan. Much love and admiration from us...

Chuck and Kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-28 07:57:00
Asia: East and PacificMarry With Children!!! What's the worse may happen?
1. You've and your "fiance" never been married or registered your marriage with anyone officially (both US and VN government) Yes/no?
2. Do you pay child support to the mother of your child in the US?

This is what I think:

1. If you say yes, you need the divorce decreed. If you say no, none issue!
2. This will affect your I-134 Affidavit of support form, your poverty guideline will be adjusted to cover both you, your child, your fiance and if your fiance's daughter comes along. (4 people)

About the daughter, you can apply for her and her mother to come along. I'm not sure if your fiance needs a permisiion from the daughter's father to leave the country. Clear that up with a good lawyer if you need one, we can recommend but not through Public forum. Many of us talks about the famous lawyer here on VJ Vietnamese specific case. But yeah, she can bring her daughter along with her or you can later petition to bring the child here once her mother arrives. But just to give you an idea...

Hope I answer your question.... others please chime in...
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-28 14:52:00
Asia: East and Pacifici've got it
YOU ROCK!!! congratulations
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-28 06:42:00
Asia: East and PacificWe were robbed with guns in Houston!!!
Shortgun? Don't forget to spend sometime and a firing range, it helps to learn how to use your weapon safely and affectively. Try them out, shoot them up, see how it feels and fits in your hands, how hard it kicks when you fire. GET a safe to lock it up too! I believe in GUNS in the hands of the law-enforcers, after all, they have better training and it's their job to handle these criminals. Nonetheless, if it makes one feel safer to own a firearm, by all mean do it and excercise your 2nd Right!

Good luck and safe trip to Cleveland MYLE
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-22 06:48:00
Asia: East and PacificWe were robbed with guns in Houston!!!
My Le,

I'm angry for you and your family, for your loss and the dramatization ordeal you have to experience. Fastforward, let's pack and move to OH. Now you're about 8hrs closer to Philly :) and the great northeast where we have also big crime issues :) Living in a big city has its pros and cons. Traffic, crimes, housing, job availability, wages vs. greater access to Asian food sources, better selection of entertainment, more variety on restaurants, public transportation, shopping. BUT, getting robbed on the first few days living in America is def. NOT on anyone's to-do list. Be calm and explain to your honey that it is NOT normal, and please, never let anyone tells you it's NORMAL to get robbed, by all means. Don't let the criminals desensitized your feeling and anger toward crimes and sinful way. Be outraged and let it be known like you did here. Crimes here are just like in VN, but they use GUNS instead of knives. Losing your wallet is bad, headache, and hassles. I notice you said they took all your keys as well? Call the Locksmith? Cancel cellphones? Call rental insurance company to file a lost? Moving truck company for loss in transist? Call the apt. rental office for safety and security issue? Ask them for financial assistance to recoop your loss? File a complain to the Mayor's office? Or do what you are doing, MOVE! My uncle just called last weekend, who lives in Houston asked me to come and visit him this year. With this news, I am seriously rethinking the trip and might have to invite him to Philly instead. Hmmm!!!!

Again, I would feel very violated by this, because these POS attacked my family and my ability to keep it secured and safe. Stay strong and keep yourself busy, Kim and I feel your loss and not sure why but very angry toward the situation. But we believe you will recover in no time once you move to OH.

Best of luck and thank you for sharing your story with us....

chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-21 07:12:00