Asia: East and PacificEm yeu called consulate...

"Sir, I don't know why you call the information unit, we have no information for you."

I love this one.... Quote of the day
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-11-10 12:49:00
Asia: East and PacificEm yeu called consulate...

Maybe we are impatient, but she called consulate in HCMC and ask them if they can send the packet via currier, but they said they can have her cousin in HCMC get it for her, and then her cousin can send it to Hanoi. YAY!!!


Double check with HCMC!
Maybe it's just me, but i'm paranoia when it comes to deal with HCMC. It allows anyone who claimed to be a "cousin" of the Beneficiary to pick up packet 3? Double check if this is a new practice which HCMC is doing... How do they know her cousin is who he/she claims to be? If HCMC is doing this, it would be very unprofessional and seems like they are not doing their job! Anyone can claims to be someone's cousin and pick up Pack3, Pack4 or any document which intended for the Beneficiary.

I'm worried.

Her cousin did get the packet and mailed it to her via DHL. She should get it tomorrow. The last person she talked to (Who was nice) told her that she can have her cousin get the paperwork. I don't think the packet 3 consists of any personal information on it, am I wrong on this? I think it is just an application with no reference to anything...just generic. Now maybe packet 4 might contain personal information...then I can see how this would be wrong. Anyone have experience to know if the packet 3, 4 contain specific information regarding the case?

On another note, she initially called the consulate 3 times...the first 2 times she got someone very rude on the phone. The 3rd time was a charm and she got a nice well spoken lady on the phone. She kept this from me until this morning when she let it slip that these 2 ladies were nasty to her. Naturally I flipped out and was very angry. So I wrote a letter and printed it out to several copies and mailed it around today.

Now, I have instructed for her whenever she talks to anybody at the consulate (via phone, interview anything..etc) she is to get thier name first and record that. I won't waste anytime next time I am in HCMC to go visit the consulate there and break my foot off up in their #######!!!

Good job with the packet 3 Lurker! On the other note, it is very NORMAL and EXPECTED for Beneficiary to be treated as ####### and begger when they deal with the Vietnamese staffs at HCMC. Nothing new, and nobody ever succeed in breaking a foot up thers... You'd be too happy to get a Visa, you'd not even care what happened 6 months before... but maybe you would....
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-11-09 14:25:00
Asia: East and PacificEm yeu called consulate...

Maybe we are impatient, but she called consulate in HCMC and ask them if they can send the packet via currier, but they said they can have her cousin in HCMC get it for her, and then her cousin can send it to Hanoi. YAY!!!


Double check with HCMC!
Maybe it's just me, but i'm paranoia when it comes to deal with HCMC. It allows anyone who claimed to be a "cousin" of the Beneficiary to pick up packet 3? Double check if this is a new practice which HCMC is doing... How do they know her cousin is who he/she claims to be? If HCMC is doing this, it would be very unprofessional and seems like they are not doing their job! Anyone can claims to be someone's cousin and pick up Pack3, Pack4 or any document which intended for the Beneficiary.

I'm worried.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-11-09 09:33:00
Asia: East and PacificI need the boards help
I don't know about Thailand, if this is happenning in Vietnam and it's involved an American citizen... It is nothing easier than go to police and security force, telling them this American boy is CIA. He would be in prison and deported out of Vietnam so quick, it's not even funny! And again, vietnamese police love to watch and double monitor foreigners who living and working in the country!

My prayer is with your friend... the situation sounds horrible!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-11-22 07:46:00
Asia: East and PacificChange in free baggage allowance?
Oct 1st 2006: all international flights originate from/to the US will only allow 50lbs/piece x 2 per customer for FREE. They reduced the per piece's weight from 70lbs to 50lbs. Even more shittie if you have to fly international via domestic flight for connection flight, your carry-on is limited as well! Check with your individual airlines.

Mad Customer :(
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-11-20 13:46:00
Asia: East and PacificMedical
IOM did Kim's exam. Female doctor. Professional. A-OK! And... yeah, they def. play doctor with your honey... wear clean underwares highly recommended HAHAHA :lol:!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-11-22 07:38:00
Asia: East and PacificLater

I'm still waiting for the link to work! (It works NOW thank you Goss)

On the subject of exploiting vietnamese cheap labors, I have doubts. Friends and families have paid so much money just to get a spot on the "cooperative-workers" program (Hop Tac Lao Dong) in Russia, Eastern Europe, middle eastern countries, Taiwan, Japan etc. I can hardly call it "exporting" where the actual workers had to pay a good chunk of cash just to be on the waiting-list to be called for the job in those countries. Many vietnameses who work and live in Eastern Germany can attest to this issue better than I can as a true fact.

However, the human trafficking issue is an international issue, not just vietnam. NVC has many questionable actions and laws toward the issue. Their non-responsive attitude toward the many vietnamese young children (boys and girls) who been sold and sent to Cambodia/Thailand for child-porn and sex-slave or women are sold to middle east as toys. If you search you will find NVC has bigger issue with the Human Rights group right before they joined WTO. One thing I must say, NVC comes a long way, last week The U.S. State Department removed Vietnam from its annual list of Countries of Particular Concern (CPC) for severe violations of religious freedom. It's been awhile.... People take for granted their rights and freedom to worship here in America... try to have 30 years of NO-RELIGIOUS freedom, you'll feel it!

Back to topic: Thanks to NVC we are here typing our messages away in our comfortable leather chair and airconditioned office, life is better for you and me. What would I'd be doing back home right now if my family didn't get kicked out of Vietnam? Probably in prison, or own a "BIA OM" shop, or smuggling illegal goods cross the borders. :D Stressing about what to feed my family tonight or "nobody gets sick ok, we got no money for the doctor's visit". Here in the States, you and I worry about "hmmm do I want mexican or chinese for dinner", dissatisfied because the Steak was medium rare, not rare as I ordered it from Ruth's Chris, pick and choose which kind of gas we put in our car, decaf or regular etc. They have one type: CAFE DEN with milk.

Therefore, Thanking NVC is the appropriate things in my opinion... If it wasn't for them I wouldn't be.... (fill in the blank)... oh yeah, the americans wouldn't be there in the first place!

Edited by chuckandkim, 27 November 2006 - 08:13 AM.

chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-11-27 08:08:00
Asia: East and PacificLater

My family are always thanksful for everything, even the worst possible situation as the fall of saigon in 1975. We believe God has a purpose and a plan in everything for everything that happen to his children. It is the thanksgiving theme :) We thank you Uncle Ho for invading Vietnam that we are now living here in America, otherwise, I don't think my entire family would be here. We thank Communists for putting my father and uncles in "re-educational camp" (i.e. Forced labor camps, with a torturing on the side). Because in 19989, the USA returned and picked up ALL of the South Vietnamese military and their families to the US. We thanks the northerners for taking our lands, homes and all of our prossession so that many of us vietnamese became "boatpeople" who later on got refugeed from many countries (US, AU, France, Norway etc.) otherwise, they would have sent us to Cambodia to die. I can thank them for more but let's not!

Happy thanksgiving everyone
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-11-22 13:48:00
Asia: East and PacificLater
if it wasn't for the north vietnamese communists invaded South Vietnam, most of the vietnamese in So-Cal and everywhere else in America, wouldn't even be here. if it wasn't for the NVC (north vietnamese communist), and the NVC (national visa center), again :D none of the Visa Journey folks are here in America! They wouldn't even have the life style that most vietnameses are enjoying every day, gaining the respect from his fellow vietnameses back home in Vietnam every time they return to visit. So, looking back, most southerners better thanks them!

Your wife Lurker or anyone's fiancee who are about to arrive in this country, take this attitude: I'm happy where my husband is, and where we are together! You'll be just fine! America is a greatest country on earth, like it or not, 99% of the people want to move here, not there!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-11-22 09:45:00
Asia: East and PacificLater
Personally, those guys who protest the communist regime in Vietnam here in the safe and protected environment of South California or Northern Virginia is a bunch of old school soared losers who big on screaming and yelling at the Vietnamese Government wherever they can HERE in America. BUT none of them would ever do anything to change it! ###### and moan about the regime, relive their golden days of the pre-fall of Saigon when they were Captains ABC, General 123 blah blah blah. Just forget it, the communists are here to stay, unless Bush decides that Vietnam has WMD, then that's a different story! :D

So, as far as the protest in little saigon, eden shopping center in Virginia, or the one here in South Philly, nothing but a bunch of clowns. Stop protesting and do something good for the country. The sad truth about these protests, after they're all done, they go to the near by restaurant and "NH?U" "YO" until they passed out! Not to put down anyone but I believe this type of activity is unproductive and does not promote unity among the vietnamese american community! It'd rather be divisive!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-11-22 07:29:00
Asia: East and PacificLater
North vs. South, the constant struggle in every country, even here in the US. It will continue no matter what people say... there will be folks who just can't understand the fact the South had lost the Civil War for the longest time, still drag around the Confederate flag on the back of their pick-up trucks... Oh wait, this is about North and South Vietnamese... :D

Here is how I understand a bit of history: 1954, French lost the battle of "DIEN BIEN PHU" to Ho-Chi-Minh's "Viet-Minh" army. Signed a truce to stop the fight, and divided Vietnam into two countries at longitude 17. The french withdrew from Hanoi, massive evacuation of north vietnamese catholics, protestants and the likes were loaded up on the french ships, trains and planes heading SOUTH. Well, long story short, the northerners are now become part of The Republic of South Vietnam country, known as "BAC 54". These "Bac 54" is considered and accepted among southerners as "our people" as opposed to the Northerners who went South after the Fall of Saigon in 1975. These northerners are called "Bac-ky-75" by the southerners to differenciate with the "Bac-54". Most southerners who left Vietnam when the North took over Saigon carry with them the anger and hatrates I can not explain in a few words here on the forums, just need sometimes to talk to some southerners in South Cali or Houston Texas, You'll get the sense of hate still in their heart. "Bac-ky-75" are considered the invaders of the South Vietnam for years, although most southerners in Vietnam nowadays rarely or openly amitted that feeling, but it's there and they just accepted the fact:I just let it go, but we still know you're who you are and we are who we are! :blush:
That's how I understand this struggles between the north and south. I myself am the son of a northerner mother and southerner father, as many of vietnamese, I careless for the old school angers. It's time for healing and reconcile the differences. After all, it's one country, one people and one bottle of Fishsause!!!

You concern about how your Vo will be accepted here in America. NO TO WORRY! We are all refugees, immigrants here on this great land of America. Yes, I'm speaking to the Naturalized US Citizens as well! So what rights can they say to your Vo when she comes here or judge her for she is from the NORTH Vietnam. speak to Mike E. on this board, his Vo is a wonderful North Vietnamese woman, from the heart of Hanoi.... Nobody is more NORTH than she is. I'm sure there are many Northerners who feel the unfriendly looks from the southerners around the Vietnamese community, don't be... Considered it's rude to many when one disrepects one's VO because of her origin. AMEN???? The so-called friends you mentioned, they need to get over themselves, they aren't any better than anyone. Once you are here on this land, your rights are equal to mine. If anything, those are the guys who went back to Vietnam every years and fearfully walking through the Custom Boarder Checkpoint at TAN SON NHAT everytime, scare sheeitless at the Vietnamese police and security... but when they are back in the States, they'll be talking ####### how they would have kicked some arrsses in Saigon and stuff.

Just relax and as I kept saying: stay focus, get your visa and remember: payback is a $@%@#

So you're ok now? Back on VJ brother... :D
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-11-21 07:59:00
Asia: East and PacificLater
Who started this? North and South people in VN are still struggling with their differences. So what, that's not the objective and target which Lurker seems to lose focus along the way here. Engaging into this type of destructive responses to other members throu outburst of name callings and misused of the forums do nothing but adding more stress to others, including yourself. I keep saying: stay on focus Lurker! My Le is real! Gossipsaigon: not sure where has this individual been, but this is the first time for a long while he/she returns to VJ. Neither here or there, I read the other thread and meant to respond to your post and others, I chose not to for one reason: it has nothing to do with getting your fiance's a VISA to come here.

Think: people would have way too much time if they have to go through "creating different login names, just to mess with you", they are missing out and wasting valueable times. instead they should be working on their own case. Just like you!

About your fiancee being northern, she should have known that would be a problem with the southerner already. That is nothing special or new here! I speak both North and South Accent, why? Born that way, mom and dad are north and southerner. Just has to be cool about it. Don't blame everything on her accent, and don't believe everything you hear or see. I doubt it if people dislike someone because of their accent, people dislike someone for who he is or she is, that's how I am anyway! You?

I keep saying again and again, back to topic Lurker and stay focus. As waitforever said, it's unfortunate if you leave this family.

My first plead: Please stay! Anyone wants to join me... ????
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-11-20 13:42:00
Asia: East and PacificWhat to wear?
How would one dress for a job interview? Conservative and professional looks are commended for this event. NO, NEVER dress in AO DAI. So tacky!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-11-27 08:17:00
Asia: East and PacificBring wine to VN?
Make sure you buy your liquors before packing for your trip. Can no longer take them with your carry-on luggage. Airport Security in US airport will take them from you (Dawn it.... $100 bottle of XO). Pack them in your checkin bags. OR you can buy them at US Duty-free shop.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-11-27 15:42:00
Asia: East and Pacificwhat name will be on visa?
Welcome to America, anything is possible... a friend took his wife's last name just because...
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-11-28 08:19:00
Asia: East and Pacificwhat name will be on visa?
K1 or K3 Visa?

Beneficiary's Visa will have his/her maiden name which matches Foreign's passport ID page. Name change can be done for whatever reason but marriage prior to beneficiary's arrival in the US under a K1 Visa status. Need more information. FYI: you can change her name when she files for AOS here.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-11-28 08:06:00
Asia: East and PacificCo-Sponser
I agree with Patricks, answer what being asked!!!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-11-28 08:50:00
Asia: East and PacificCo-Sponser
Talk and PM to STLHCMC, he lived and worked in Vietnam while waiting for his fiancee's interview. Returned to the States without a job. Interview went smoothly!

Bottomline is: will you be able to show them (HCMC) you will have a job and employed when you come back with your fiancee.

Good luck!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-11-28 07:20:00
Asia: East and PacificCo-Sponser
1. Never lie to a C.O. (Consulate Officer)
2. Never lie to a C.O.
3. Never lie to a C.O.

Here is why: it's very easy to find out, just pull your SSN with Unemployment Dept in your State of residency, assumped you are receiving unemployment. If he can't pull that on the spot, on the day of the interview, he will delay your fiance's visa approval, longer wait, and if he found out you LIE. You can pretty sure kiss your chance of marrying a vietnamese woman from vietnam for good.

About your situation, the answer would be: It depends! There is NO official statement from the STATE Department or HCMC to say they will deny your case if you have a co-sponsor! They still accept and approve cases with co-sponsors. Prove me wrong people! Questions to you: Are you a professional? Making an annual salary of $50K? Or you're a doctor who just lost his job and is on his way to take another job offer from a bigger hospital? Are you just changing jobs/career path? You're taking a break from job, working from home, working as a consultant, self-employed, or you are just natually wealthy! See how you can spin your situation in a possitive vibe instead of " OH, i'm a bumb, no job, no income, lazy butt" :D

You need to understand one thing: the C.O. does not count on ONE piece of evidence to decide your case. There are folks with solid financial support, two or three co-sponsor with hundreds of thousand dollar incomes/year, still didn't get the visa because their relationship was fake and their case was fraud.

When is your interview? in the next 3 months? You can hope you'll find a job then with a HR Manager who willing to write up an employment letter which states how much you make a year, when you start, with what position etc. Then you're OK.

Or, as I mentioned before, you can be self-employed, doing consulting works etc. Nobody asks you for pay-stubs or letter of employment, they are not THE MUST have evidence, they are one of the many things you should have.

Best co-sponsor: parents! Anyhow, I can totally related to your case, I lost my job two month before I filed my I-129F... long story but Kim is here with me for 1.5 year now... it's a testimony of "HCMC makes its own mind and approves whoever the heck it pleases!" Guideline is fun to have but not always being followed by C.O. and staffs in vietnam.

For now, get your parents to sign off on the co-sponsor, collect evidence and hopefully you'll get a job soon.

Good luck and WELCOME to VJ
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-11-27 07:38:00
Asia: East and PacificWE GO IT!!!!
Mike and Huong,

Welcome home! Getting busy showing Huong her new home: AMERICA baby! :)???
I admire your courage and the calmness you carried through out the process brother. Worry not for the troubles at hand, 6 months from now, they seem nothing compare to what you may face. :D What would you say to the brothers and sisters who are in waiting for their Visa Approval right now, who going through HCMC. Any recommendation???


chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-11-27 08:21:00
Asia: East and PacificHCMC Case Question

They aren't thinking of what you did to their daughter, at least not right away. They are thinking:

-Let's cook this rooster, make dinner and "NH?U" "YO".

-When is the first grandchild coming? (counting from this DATE.... 9 months 10 days later.... better have baby soon)

-GRAND CHILD, must be a BOY first born!

They careless what you did, they just want to know if you aren't shooting blanks... HAHAHAHA "when do we get to carry our grandchild"

Enjoy and don't worry too much man!!! :thumbs:
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-12-04 07:53:00
Asia: East and PacificHCMC Case Question
Keep in mind, you lose 2 weeks last week since Bush and his entourage was in Vietnam, HCMC and Embassy were pretty much on the stand-still in preparation for his visit..... Patient folks!!! :D

Edited by chuckandkim, 27 November 2006 - 08:58 AM.

chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-11-27 08:57:00
Asia: East and PacificHCMC Case Question
Hi Huan,

What do you mean DHL received on the 6th? Here in the US or HCMC?

STL said it, it may be there, doesn't take 16 days for a package to flight there. However, NVC contracts with DHL to ship in bulks. This happened before, NVC wait to ship things out once a week to some consulates. But give it sometimes. 3 weeks! And as Lurker said: be nice to them or else, they'll be mean to you! :lol:
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-11-22 07:35:00
Asia: East and PacificNVC sent out
Congratulations hope!

Let's rock and roll!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-12-08 07:24:00
Asia: East and PacificExpiring I-129's
I wouldn't worry too much about it!!!! Noone has turned down Visa because of their I-129F expired. Check with everyone here on HCMC's practice. It is TRUE that HCMC ignores this expiration date for the fact that it takes HCMC forever to get moving with the case. Anyone wants to confirm that their interview was scheduled WAY after the expiration date of the I-129F. HCMC automatically extend/renew your I-129F until they schedule your interview.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-12-08 07:29:00
Asia: East and PacificWhy don't vietnamese people like Mexican food?
1. Nothing messes up a vietnamese more than this: mixing their cooked rice with some black/brown beans. They like them white and nothing else.
2. Vietnameses like their rice in a bowl with lot of NUOC MAM, not on/in some tortilla bread.
3. Vietnameses believe the mexican jalapenos aren't hot enough for their tiny red pepper (some of you come to known as "OT HIEM")
4. Vietnamese has a long history of eating too many tacos from Tacos Bell in their early days in America (1975). For example: my uncle hates it the first time he had mexican foods, so the first thing he told Kim when she arrived was "Don't you touch anything tacos/burritos i.e. Mexicans food! He believes it's ruined by mixing rice and beans. :no:

However, I got the fix for Kim's prejudge of the mexican foods: Margaritas. OH YEAH!!!! Lot of salts on the rim, lick it baby :) Can we consider Tequilla as food in liquid form?

All jokes aside, I myself am not big on mexican foods. BUT:
- chicken/steak quesadilla is a dish from heaven.
- tortilla soup with lot of tortilla.

These two would make my day!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-11-27 07:22:00
Asia: East and PacificUpdate: Visa finally received after delay (HCMC)

Great news! Congratulations! Packing yet? :)

About the lawyer: PM Mike. No, you don't have to be with this lawyer from the begining for him to take your case. Ask Mike again :)
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-11-29 12:07:00
Asia: East and PacificPacket 4 and question bout vaccination?
who are we speaking of? USC or VNC?

If you're the USC, no need for VAC. But if you're the VNC, contact IOM and they will take care of that matter for you. We used IOM for one reason: We do not like to deal with the vietnamese govt. doctor and nurse. IOM is more professional, the doctors are vietnamese from the US or other developing country (in Europe). Your VNC will be treated with respect and professionalism mannor. I recalled it costs somewhere $100-$150 for this phase. Someone can give more specific intel on this subject!

No worry! Contact IOM
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-12-14 08:01:00
Asia: East and PacificPacket 3, Packet 4 defined ?
IOM: International Organization for Migration
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-12-17 00:53:00
Asia: East and PacificPacket 3, Packet 4 defined ?
Anh Map: STL_HCMC has put it very clear, he just finished his Journey :) It's tough to recall every little detail on P3 and P4 phase but STL_HCMC is correct. Good advice on the "primary and secondary".

Kimi: P3, all you have to do was to sign and return what they requested. So If you did what they asked, you're good to go!

David-Hien: I must agree with you, the opposite side of the consulate is the madhouse of thief and cons. Rooting ground for scam and pickpocketers. WATCH OUT people! None of these clowns know or have any, and I mean ANY influence on the Consulate decision to approve your Visa, they also do not have that latest information (VJ does), or how to handle it! This process is entirely relies upon the USC and dealing with the US Govt here and at the Consulate. Final decision is up to the US Consulate. I would NOT trust any vietnamese lawyer from Vietnam to handle or fill out my file either, EVER IOM could not be trusted 100% to handle the complexity of your case and the mount of evidence you need to organize to best present your case during the interview. Ask "Mike and Huong", they'll tell you horror story about IOM. Anyway... just watch out for the clowns accross the consulate... good place for B/S while waiting for your fiance to come out from the interview :)


chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-12-14 07:32:00
Asia: East and PacificPacket 3, Packet 4 defined ?
Anh Map,

Welcome back! It is NOT a silly question, I'm glad that you asked. My experience: I sent an EXACT copy of what Isent to VSC and more. Just look at the list of item in Pack3 and Pack4. Preparing your final "package" to send to her with EVERYTHING and extra evidence including mails/postcards/shipping labels from HER to you here in the US.

Bring "ALL" to the interview: it depends! I would prioritize my evidence and support document for I can not show 1500 digital photos and 200 printed pictures from our trips and visits as well as hours and pages of phone bills and chat log, also over 100 handwriten letters and postcards through out the relationship WITHIN 5-10 MINUTES OF THE INTERVIEW with the C.O. See my point here? :D So, you will need to help her to organize the "evidence and support document" to BEST represent and telling your LOVE story to the Consulate Officer who will only have 5-10 minutes to confirm or deny his "prejudged decision" of your case when he meets with your wife.

Just hand in there for now, when she gets the P3 and P4, come back for more question and we'll walk you guys through!

In short for your question: Yes, send her EVERYTHING and more!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-12-13 07:54:00
Asia: East and PacificPacket 3, Packet 4 defined ?
Tony rocks!!! :dance:
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-11-01 09:48:00
Asia: East and PacificPacket 4s?

Any Packet 4s in for the VN community yet? I know there are a bunch of us pretty close inline with one another. I feel a track race coming on. Should we all take bets? Maybe I should put together a poll with those members names and then everyone pick who is most likely to be the first.

Ahh hell...I am bored. :whistle:


update your timeline... how far are you into the process?
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-12-05 15:20:00
Asia: East and PacificClinic pref. , Chrono order
Andrew and Thuy,

Organize your interview evidence material in a way to "tell" your love story. What is important and relavent piece of evidence or information you would like the interviewer to be aware of your case? Catagorically organize your pile of evidence to easily access during the 5 mins interview. NO, you can not expect the C.O. to look through everything. Therefore, how would you like to tell your story? Setup the evidence in that way! Pictures, letters, boardingpasses, giftreceipts and phone records, all are supporting evidence. The most important piece of evidence is the body language of your fiance and her personally and her delivery style when she speaks to the C.O., with confindence and undeniable and overflow with love in her heart for you :) I hope you get my point!

For IOM, nothing to fear, people use their service because the doctors who work there are claimed to be americans (vietnamese american) for that reason, most American husbands like myself send our loveones there. Expecting good service, at least better than Cho Ray's standard! That's all there is to it!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-01-26 08:23:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview date received

Looking back, the decision to stay a couple extra weeks so my wife could experience Tet with her family before changing her life and moving to America, was a vey very good decision.

True, but not everyone has the luxury to stay a few extra weeks or even return to the country to pick up the wife! I wish I didn't have to return and come back to the STATES within a week when Kim had her Visa. It was very hard on Kim's family... Do what's right for her family and she will forever appreciate and love you even more!!!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-12-13 12:40:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview date received
Ready MyLe???? Start panicking :)

J/K congratulations on your interview date and many well wishes for a successful and easy interview to come your way!

chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-12-13 07:55:00
Asia: East and PacificThink long and hard about everything you do
Read and think through everyone's stories and share experience, then develop your own strategy how to reduce and mitigate the risk of being denied by CO at the interview. There are things you have control over which you MUST by all mean taking control of it. For example: never met in person, get the plane; don't meet the poverty guideline, get a co-sponsor; don't write enough handwriten letters, start writing and mailing; don't talk enough on the phone, start calling; don't have enough photos for evidence of being together as a couple, start shooting 1G or 2G of digital photos and actually print them out; don't have the engagement ceremony, let's have one done; not sure what to put down on the application or fill out any form, let's ask Visajourney... etc. Why all the "let's do this and that", because these are the things you, the american petitioners have total control over getting it done or not, these are the things you can do in preparation of the interview.

Things you have no control: what the CO will think and form his/her opinion of your case, evidence, and ultimately decide to approve her Visa.

Said by many, most of us wish we know more of "do's and dont's" from the get go with this journey, but we didn't. Nevertheless, it didn't stop anyone from proceed to finish end. Matt's advice should be taken as "one of the many shared personal experience" and with "IN MY OPINION" caution. This applies for mine as well. So, in my opinion, in addition to Ding's wisdom, "think big picture"! Tell a good story of the greatest love of your life, by "love illustration" (pictures, video, love letters, postcard, gift receive, government require document etc.) where you two are the main characters. Painting a BIG LOVE picture with you two are the main objects, everything else just the "frame", the "lighting", the "room" where the big picture is hung. Again, your case is unique to MATT's, mine, or other's, which require (believe it or not) a certain amount of thinking and processing the provided information by the CO before he/she comes to the conclustion which may make or break your heart.

Andrew brought up another true fact: "There are no guarantees". Regardless of what anyone, including me, may tell you "do this and do that, you may pass/fail the interview". There are things you can and can't do to help to "IMPROVE" your case, but no guarantee! Why improve? Your case may be better off and look more favorable than mine if your fiance has been traveling out of Vietnam for business, school or touring. How can I improve my case, with my current availability and ability, let's book a trip to Singapore, Bangkok or Java for a long weekend while i'm visiting my fiance in VN, take her there, get a stamp in her passport! (like Matt suggested). But again, "there are no guarantees", just to help and improve your "love story", make it richer!

Bruce & Han: America is boring when you're alone and not with HAN :) America has nothing to offer Kim if I'm not here with her (said Kim). It is true for my case, where Kim was a japanese professor at the univeristy in Saigon, making over $2k/month, with flexible hours and highly respected in her academic environment. She left her family, career, everything to take me and move to America. And me is the only rational reason and make sense to her to live and stay in America, or wherever on this earth where we're both still breathing, including North Dakota :thumbs: I hope that is also the ONLY reason why your woman marries you and move to America. Once that is straighten, the rest is just nothing but routine and normal couples' daily struggles that happen to anyone in this society or back home in Vietnam.

If you make your wife feels "America is boring", let's say, you're not being a very good host, and most important, you are not working on the bigger issue here: being the man of the house, you lead your family and build the kind of family you want, how your wife and you should have the right attitude toward any given circumstances! In my experience, Kim and I were so busy with our life, building it bit by bit, everyday, every weekends for the past year and half. We didn't even have time to sit and see if where we live is "boring" or not, if moving here is the right decision or not. Too busy to enjoy our marriage, the good and the bad side effects of being married :D!

In conclusion, read and have a good filterlens when reading on public forums as VJ, as most people, I sometimes give bad advice and not being clear in my post, but with good intention to help for sure. I think we all try to be a better post and VJ member here. I learn from you guys so much, by reading and filtering what I need and don't need from the post. Let's get back to the topic and keep giving good solid fact proven advise to our brother and sister on VJ. Last words: think big picture!


chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-12 08:53:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview Rally For ridejewel
Let's bring this baby home :) forgood!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-13 06:46:00
Asia: East and PacificNerve racking...

Isn't it amazing how nerve racking it was to get the visa journey started? Let's get this show on the road!

Then began the long and painful wait. Step by step, you move along. Things started to settle down...

Then it's all nerve racking again as you count off the days til that fateful day of the interview!

I'm a bundle of nerves these days, but for a good reason. ;)

It's beautiful! This sounds like a poem or a song lyrics Idinh, I like it! What you said is so true for all of us here. To add on, wait until you teach her how to drive, then parallel park in downtown Philly at 5PM rush-hour traffic.... :dance: :help: :wacko:
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-13 06:57:00
Asia: East and PacificWhat type of visa do I apply for?

Congratulations on your 3rd Anniversary!!! and Welcome to VJ!

Here is what I am not sure I understand your story entirely...
1. You're an american born, USC
2. You are STILL living in AU with your husband (for the past 3 years)
3. You are a PR in AU
4. You and your husband will move back to the US sometimes in the future
5. You want to know if you can DCF

Read the information guide below, and read again, especially the new limitation on 1/23/07 where limits the consulate the ability to process I-130.
DCF - What is it and why do I care?

Hope this will get you started.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-02-13 07:10:00