Asia: East and PacificProof Of Former Spouse Address
Know anyone in Florida? in her town? close to it? Ask them to just seating outside her place, take a few roll of films or even video taping her enter and leaving her apartment with visually clear House address and location. Mail the photos and tapes from Florida. You can even hire a PI to do a quick run on her Credit History for you as well, you'll be surprised how much of your suposed private information is publically available to anyone who willing to pay for the dirt.

Good luck

have an awesome strip brother!

Chuck and Kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-03-27 06:57:00
Asia: East and PacificProof Of Former Spouse Address
Think Big Picture!

What they are really doing is to make sure you and your ex, she and hers aren't living together and trying to pull a fast on the Consulate :) Address is NOT the only piece of evidence where you can show you two aren't together. TAX record can be used as well. You mentioned she doesn't own a home, she rents? Ask the landlord for a copy of her rent contract, give him a sweet green Benjamin, that would do it in most case! Don't say ####### about your real reasons to obtain one, just say: for insurance purpose. I hope she didn't tell her landlord already to look out for Anh Map comes knocking and asking for her rental contract :)

You can also, if you want to go this far, pick up her trash the morning of trash pick up day. Almost 80% of the poeple don't shred their mails or junk mails. Since these are trash and in plainsight, you can pick them up buddy! :) Dumpster Diver! Ok, this sounds shady about it is the extreme scenario which I hope you don't have to go there. Take her junk mails and other free credit card offers from BankOne :) You get the idea!

OH, check with her neighbors. Can they attest to her where about with their own address written on the letter? Show it is next to hers.

The possibility is endless Anh Map. You've gotta try them all and then in the end, if you still don't have it, you can always ask the USCIS to contact the DHS to verify her SSN and find out on their own. Remember, you can not show them what you don't have! Neither does your honey in VN!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-03-26 05:49:00
Asia: East and PacificProof Of Former Spouse Address
That's what's up Kevin... Dead Uncle Ho!!!! :)
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-03-23 10:08:00
Asia: East and PacificProof Of Former Spouse Address
Just tell them the TRUTH. "My ex did not cooperate and that would explain even more so why we aren't together!"
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-03-22 07:30:00
Asia: East and PacificProof Of Former Spouse Address
Is your name on the little girl's Birth Certificate? If yes, they you will need sometime of document (i.e. the girl's BC) to show HCMC that you have a child in your life. Paper trail or not, you do pay some types of support for this little girl, cash and gift.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-03-21 12:49:00
Asia: East and PacificProof Of Former Spouse Address
David and Hien,

They do ask for these information, especially if you previously married. Need to verify the ex's address.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-03-21 10:54:00
Asia: East and PacificProof Of Former Spouse Address
Go to the local police where Linh's ex lives, talk to them and see what they can be at any help. Ward Police Department (Cong An Phuong) would be where I start looking for help.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-03-21 09:59:00
Asia: East and PacificP*I*N*K !!!!
Be well and enjoying every moment of this trip. Take many photos, video of Vietnam, document your trip in detail. :) Vietnam will never be the same after she comes here. Because, the next time y ou two return to it, it will be your second home baby :)

Think to bring when she leaves:
1. Do not buy any clothes in VN, they will be out of style and impractical to wear here. T-Shirt/Polo-shirts are always good! :) But again, they will be out of style, and waste of money. Tell her no need to go shopping for clothes, we'll do it here in America.
2. Bring family's photos, video, memory pieces, things to remind her of her and make her feel like home in America for the first 6 plus months of sitting at home and doing absolutely nothing :)
3. Do buy knock-off designer handbags and purses. Fun stuff for girl!
4. Bring snach foods from Vietnam. No meat! Fish product is OK!
5. Make extra copies of her Birth Certificate, certified and translate them. You will need them when you apply for AOS. Any important document about her school records, family records, birth cert and official ones, get them translated and certified. It's cheaper to do it there than here in the US. You never know when you will need an extra copy of her School Diplomat in English :)
6. Remember: Keep her "Brown Envelope" aside in her carry-on luggage. You will need that to enter the US at POE.
7. Travel Smart and Safe: it's a slow season in VN, ticket should be below $1000 or cheaper. No liquids and knives :) But you already knew it! hehehehe

I'm gonna shut up now... Good luck and have fun!!! We are so happy for you...
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

chuck and kim

chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-03-30 05:56:00
Asia: East and PacificHelp...we got blue slip!
Think like a consular...

"Hmmm, dating a new girl while repealing another K-1 for someone else? This gotta be a biggest joke in the history of K-1 Visa, what is this guy thinking? That we Consulate Officers are a bunch of tools? or fools? DENY!!!! BAMM, SLAMM, DONE!"

"Falling out of and in of love within 2 months? This guy is ruthless! Must be a crazy to approve his case! Deny!!!!"

Now, your turn: how do you overcome their legitimate doubts and distrust your fiance's (USC) intention and motive. Let's read the post everyone has been telling you: get a lawyer! Let's not come to conclusion too fast, this is NOT a denial, it's a delay and giving you a chance submit MORE evidences and it is a good time to retain an attorney!!!

Good luck and stay extremely focus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-04-02 07:31:00
Asia: East and PacificPink Slip!!!
Let's get party :dance: :dance: :dance:

chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-03-06 06:40:00
Asia: East and PacificMy wife is sad
Are these people paying any of your bills? People are jeolous of your woman being with you, they will say anything to tick her off and get on your nerve. Just tell your girl be nice and nod and smile at those unconstructive criticism. Remember, not to scare you but some of you know me on this board, as long as your woman is still in VN and NOT here in the US yet, anything could happen which has a very negative impact on your K-1. For example: hateful friends just want to mess with your case, calling the Consulate to report some false information about how she was married to some random guy. Stop the interview and Visa issue! Relative wants extra cash to keep it quiet or blackmail you with the local police. (hassle!) my thoughts to you, keep her family happy to a level. Take care of your girl's basic needs according to your standard, not anyone else's. Keep low profile while you're there and while she's still there, nobody should know when and what is up with her case (people in her village or ward, or neighbor, even relatives).

Basically, keep yourself off the radar for blackmailing and crazy friends and relatives. Enjoy your trip, focus on the task and ask a lot of question while you're here in VJ :)


chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-04-05 07:26:00
Asia: East and PacificMy wife is sad
Totally agree with tway22! In addition, Viet Kieu would be stupid to act and throw their money around like it’s trash. I personally never spent money on anything that someone else already did, like going out for breakfast/lunch/dinner, Vietnamese love to prove that they have more money than you by paying for your lunch/dinner where we Americans would just share the build evenly if not paying for our own meals. I wouldn’t reach for my wallet unless it was my idea and invitation to have dinner, then I’ll pay for it. Most of the friends I know, are now wealthy and would consider them are a lot richer than me. Business is opening up to the people in VN, they make money, a lot of it. So with your few extra dollars from America, barely buy them a “BIA OM” session. Not that I know anything about it ;)
But the point is to take it easy with the spending spree, you are NOBODY in Vietnam. Viet Kieu or not, you are just another Average Joe in Saigon. 10 – 20 years ago, yeah maybe you were somebody to the Vietnamese in VN, but not now, and never will be again. Remember, there will always be someone is a lot richer and wealthier than you in VN.

KDragon, you still can back out if you feel this is not right! Just to be franked!

1. Good girl from good family would not move out her parents’ home without her husband.
2. Decent and honorable family would not have their engaged-daughter moves out on her own when her husband is not here for “traditional value” and “economic reason”
3. Asking for money directly or indirectly is a shameful act for any self-respecting Vietnamese parents
4. It is a duty and responsibility of the SON of a Vietnamese family to support his parents, not the daughter. Daughter gets married and she belongs to her husband’s family.
5. Her friends “think” she is now rich because she is engaged to a Viet Kieu. How do you know if she doesn’t believe it also?
6. Remember you can not buy love, there are other men out there with a lot more cash than you who would be interested in taking over your wife once she gets here. If this marriage based on love and MONEY as a condition for it to work! Beware!
7. She should and MUST work. Free times to seat around and being around her family while waiting to come to America will do her more harm than good.
8. She lives with her family her whole life, why changes because she’s engaged and her husband is not here.
9. You are NOT paying for other’s free-lunch/dinner
10. Buying lunch/dinner for others only when it’s special event (i.e. successful interview and Visa in hand)
11. Your money is NOT theirs or HER, not yet. You need to set the rule up and have them understand you will not paying for anyone anything if you don’t see it justify according to your standard.
12. No, you are not marrying her whole family although sometimes it does seem that way.
13. On and on with the money issue would ruin your marriage.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-04-04 12:43:00
Asia: East and PacificProud to say, WE GOT PINK!!!
HOLLY COWS.... I thought you quit!!!!
Great news icarus.... Chuc Mung! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-03-30 13:29:00
Asia: East and PacificBad news..
Just fill out another set and personally take it to the Consulate. Don't worry about the lost package. Time is too precious to be wasted and debeating over where/how/whose fault it was to lose your file. Focus!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-04-04 10:49:00
Asia: East and PacificNVC Questions
USCIS Status Login

Try this...
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-04-06 14:02:00
Asia: East and Pacificbirth certificate
You don't even need your Naturalization Cert, just your passport. Who travels oversea with their Birthcertificate (US Born citizen) and who travels with his NC? People travel with their Passport. You can not have your passport issue if you can not prove you are a USC, via US-BC or NC. And go further back, if you weren't born here, you couldn't get the BC or if you were qualified and met all requirement by the USCIS, they weren't issuing your NC either. Why I am telling you this? Because when you are inside HCMC, some C.O. will try to ask you: where is your Naturalization Certificate? Your SSN Card? Your State ID/DL? Any proof of your Birth origin? All you need to show them is: US Passport. It contains ALL the information they need, but your address in US. About the other documents, explain to them you would not carry those vital and important documents around Saigon and risk being robbed and lost. At least that what I said to the C.O. when she asked why I didn't have my PA DL on me, in my wallet?

Good luck!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-04-18 06:37:00
Asia: East and Pacificbirth certificate
You can always have an affidavit of birth certificate. Pretty much you go to HCMC, show them your passport, sworn in front of the Consular Officer there, stating that what you say on your affidavit of birth certificate is TRUE: you were born in 1/1/1978 in Vietnam. Done deal! Cost you $50. That piece of paper is as good as your Birth Certificate. Remember, what you say on it will come back and haunt you if it's not true! That's how I did when I was in Saigon back in 2004, thought we would go the K3 route that why I applied one.

Hope this helps and I make myself clear... need coffee now...
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-04-05 07:15:00
Asia: East and Pacificbirth certificate

Does anyone know anyone who can get a birth certificate made in Ba Ria- Vung Tau? Thanks!

Be more specific. who is it for? YOU? a USC? or VNC?
What you mean by "made in", as if you lost your original? and need a certified copy?
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-04-04 10:51:00
Asia: East and Pacificsnake wine from vietnam
Great information! About the actual taste and benefit of the snake wine, I would say to gain such benefits as the traders claimed when they try to sell the snake wines to the potential buyer the buyer must keep in mind: You gotta drink AWHOLE LOT OF snake wine and on the daily basis to see the health benefits. What do you do when you run out, not like you can just go down the QuickieMart and get another bottle. Waste of money and I think it's disgusting! On top of the big corbra, they now throw in the little snakes and insects, that just nasty! Somehow I believe the corbra has to be at a certain age or reach its maturity before it would somehow provide the benefit one would hope to get from drinking it!

For decortation: Cool factor ranges about 2 points in my book!
Medicinal and Health Benefit factors: My vote is "No snake wine in my house! :thumbs:"
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-04-18 06:48:00
Asia: East and PacificInvitation to wedding reception in vietnamese
Your father passed way, your mom is now a Widow the word for Widow is:

Bà Qu? Ph?: Le Kim Long (something like that)
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-04-24 08:49:00
Asia: East and PacificWhat to submit to NVC for HCM
You only need to follow the instruction on the P4. Please disregard NVC's instruction at this phase. Follow what HCMC wants, it tells you in P4. Focus and get ready for the big day...
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-04-27 08:11:00
Asia: East and Pacificpersonal appearance for interview
First Impression?????
Keep in mind, treat this interview "professionally". How you would dress, behave as if you are going to a JOB interview, but only the differences are you will get paid in VISA baby!

Keep hair long, but neat! Dress in clean business clothes.

That how I WOULD do it and WOULD expect someone who comes in for an interview of any kind! :thumbs:
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-05-03 09:40:00
Asia: East and PacificPolice Report
To my understand and experience, PC will list or confirm "YES/NO" Criminal Records of the individual. My wife from Vietnam, lived and studied in Japan for 8 years. HCM Consulate wanted both, VN and JP's Police Certificate, just to make sure she has no records.

So if your beneficiary has prior records, it will show. If not, it will just say: "no record"

Good luck,

chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-05-02 07:59:00
Asia: East and PacificWe got a Visa!

What a journey you have gone through!!! Amazing how when you seem to lose all hope, the love you gave to her brought you back up and made you even stronger than before. With a little or a lot of expert helps from M.E. (Marc Ellis), your case is now SUCCESSFUL. I must say, Kevin and Loan are my heroes, so are you! We have seen so many cases where HCMC put them throu hell and back, this is one of those. You outperform yourself and our expectation :) :thumbs:

Way to go Martinart... Going back to VN to prepare her trip to America, aren't you?

Be well,

chuck and kim

P.S.: forgot the routine... Congratulations... Can't say enough of it to you two... :D :thumbs: :thumbs:
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-05-14 07:50:00
Asia: East and PacificIs hepatitis B a show-stopper?

Deptrai, answers to your questions are:

1. Hepatitis B is vaccine-prevantable diseases. Thus, it will not stop your fiance from getting her visa. Hovever, it must be treated and documented. Please refer to this link for more info.

2. Medical Exam: I keep refering people to IOM office on Pham Ngoc Thach. Much better service and more professional than Cho Ray. There is no need for appointment but you can call ahead if you prefer. However, you do have to return the next day for the X-ray result. My wife had her exam done 1 week prior to her interview. Two things to keep in mind: a. do not have the exam too close to the interview date. Sometimes, delay in getting the exam result will cause delay for your visa and b. your fiancee must have her current vaccination record.

3. You can always reschedule your appointment but it is not advisable. Do you really know how much more longer does it to treat the diseases? So, I'd say you go ahead with the interview and inform the CO of the situation. Of couse, blue slip will be given but at least you know you pass or fail the interview.

I'd like hear what other have to say about this case. This is not a "typical" question I see here often.

Listen to what Kevin and Loan say! It will not be a show-stopper. But need to show you have started the treatment. Read up! I must agree with Kevin, this is not your normal everyday Q&A. Good luck and I think you should be concern but not overly worry.

Chuck and Kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-05-02 08:08:00
Asia: East and PacificVN interview date rec'd
Stay focus and read up on VJ, especially people's fail-attempt interview. You may learn a thing or two how not to mistake this interview with others. Gather evidence and organize them. Ask a lot of questions here on the board and post your list of items and evidence to support your relationship, some people on VJ may help you to sort thing out and remind you what you miss.

Good luck and congrats...

Again, stay focus but enjoy the journey as well... you only do this once!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-04-23 08:08:00
Asia: East and PacificMissing Document for Interview?
I did have the translation, but some people have confirmed they no longer required English translation for document that issued by Vietnamese Government!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-05-15 09:32:00
Asia: East and PacificMissing Document for Interview?
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-05-15 07:22:00
Asia: East and PacificMissing Document for Interview?
Well, too late to chime in, but Paula gave the sound advice!

How was the interview? Did you do ok? Please give us the update on your interview.

Waiting and thinking PINK for you...
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-05-14 08:14:00
Asia: East and PacificA LITTLE WORRIED
:thumbs: YES!!!! Proof of an on-going relationship is vital to many cases!

Edited by chuckandkim, 16 May 2007 - 06:41 AM.

chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-05-16 06:41:00
Asia: East and PacificYippe!

Just few hours ago, my wife called with happy news: she passed her interview. :dance: She went in at 7am and her appt. was at 8 am. The interview was pretty short. She was out by 9am. The CO asked just a few questions about us. We had lots of pics from our weddings, numerous vacations, and my 5 months stay over there. The translator and the CO chuckled when my wife pulled out the 800 pages chat logs. They just thumbed through it briefly. Thank you dead trees.

Oh, a lady at the IOM (the place that does the medical exam) gave my wife a scare Monday, when she told my wife we needed the I-864 rather than the I-864EZ. She said that the Consulate would not accept the I-864EZ. Well, I reassured my wife that EZ version is perfectly acceptable as long as we qualify to file that form. So have no doubt about the I-864EZ, if you meet its requirement.

We could not have made it this far without VJ and its many helpful members. Thank you, from both of us. We're so happy now. Time to book a flight back to VN and pickup my honey.

T & P

Great job JustDuck, where's the Chick? :)
Your example of well prepared and armed with knowledge of the rules/laws have play a huge part in the passing of your wife's interview. You should be proud of what you have done together. It helps to put her at easy and keep her focus on the "BIG PICTURE" i.e. "telling a truth convincing love story of yours" to the C.O.

Love to hear a happy ending...


chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-05-16 06:28:00
Asia: East and PacificTonights the night, gonna be alright!
Alright... i'm late... please update the family on your honey's interview. HOPE EVERYTHING GOES WELL
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-05-16 06:44:00
Asia: East and Pacific221g
You're sure about that? 100%?
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-03-12 06:10:00
Asia: East and Pacific221g

- 221g is NOT a denial notice, it is a letter in plain English to explain the reason they can not approve your fiance's visa at this point due to the following reason(s).
- Going through an agency is a NO NO on this Board :), ask why.
- You two are a bit younger compare to the average age for HCMC

My opinion:
- Age is the big factor here, based on various cases we have seen on this board. My friend from college, her brother who was about your age 24, engage to a girl in Saigon whose parents a friend of the family, the girl was 18 (bit younger than yours). The case was denied flat out for FRAUD!
- HCMC tents to check you out more so than others when your family and hers are "friends" back in the days. What are they looking for "NOT TO SEE" in your relationship and link to her: you two are NOT relative. Hint: the birth certificate of your parents and hers. Same last name? (NGUYEN, TRAN, LE, PHAM, HUYNH, LY etc.) prepare for some explaination and deeper reach to find out and verify in fact you two aren't related, are you?
- HCMC knows it is a common practice among vietnamese in the US to do their friend a favor (for profit or not) to marry their daughter and bring her here to the US. Not saying this is the case for you.
- Photos of you two were kids have raised suspicions among the Consulate Officers. Photos is a double edges sword, C.O. might have took the photo of your parents (mom and her mom) as "they are sisters, trying to help each other out". Be very careful of what you are sending in to support your case.
- There is no ONE or a SINGLE piece of evidence of your relationship which will give you the Visa. It's the whole thing, think Big Picture here. How can you best present your love story to anyone that you may convince them afterward your relationship is genuine. The C.O. does the same thing. Despite what I said about there is no ONE piece of evidence that will lead to a Visa approval but it only takes ONE, just one piece of "not so sure" evidence to delay or deny your whole case. It's up to the C.O. to decide, no one else at that interview.

What I would do:

- Write a letter explain your case (in other words, your love story).
- Provide the requested documents ( BC and all, must be translated in English if not already)
- Chronological put together a package of EXTRA evidence which show YOU two are genuinely in love and are a couple
- Pictures taken WITH her family is a big plus. Don't send random photos of your family mingling with hers, any photo must have you in it.
- I do not know what did you include in your I-129F application for evidence. You said they seem to decide your fiance's case upfront and the interview is just a formality. TRUE. Based on the evidence you have submitted along with the I-129F, in some cases, HCMC check and decide they want more evidence. Remember, this is your once chance to rebutal your case before they send it all back to the US, that will be a huge problem. So get all the evidence you can gather, don't forget to include ALL letters and cards she SENT you with postmark. Assumed you two do spend time to hand-write your letters/cards not just emailing.
- Write an affidavit of no relations: "I, Mr. Etrnaly, here solemly swear that the following people 1. 2. 3. are not related to me bhabl blah blah and will take full responsibility and penalty permitted by laws blah blah if this statement to be found not true by anyone. Sign and get notorized. Done! (not common for one to go this route but if they have doubt you two are related, you must go the extra mile to disprove their suspicision.
- Do the same for your parents.
- Go up the chain, use the grandparents birthcertificate if you have access. Same for her grandparents.

Bottom line here is: Remove all doubt in regarding your family's non-relations with hers. Good luck and WELCOME to Visa Journey.
I hope this helps and by all mean I have doubt in your relationship. These are my opinion and should not be taken as legal advise :D

Chuck and Kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-03-09 07:06:00
Asia: East and Pacific221g
Just wait! They will get to you... we are waiting with you :)
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-03-06 06:48:00
Asia: East and Pacific221g

Keep in mind, the sooner you re-submit the sooner your case will re-open. Don't let them sit around on someone's deskdrawer too long, your file might be pushed off into the storeage room :) Get on the requested items, and return with all documents. Good luck!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-03-05 07:11:00
Asia: East and PacificWedding Ceremony and Fiancee Visa
L? ?ính Hôn
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-05-17 14:07:00
Asia: East and PacificWedding Ceremony and Fiancee Visa
Marriage law in Vietnam requires both parties to register at the Justice Dept in town, with certified document by the local police (Cong An Phuong) that the parties are legally and readly to marry. As an american citizen, Lucas, you will need to apply for a permission from the Vietnamese Government to marry its citizen :) Sound crazy but yet, human trafficking is huge problem in VN, this is one of the many failed measure they try to put in place to prevent it from happening.

So, from reading your post, I understand you and your vietnamese girlfriend will not legaly marry but have a ceremonial wedding, without signing any marriage license application, nor you will register with the local Justice Office. If the answer is YES, you're good to go! You can have the biggest wedding in town, even evite the US Consular if you want to, and still apply for a K-1 Visa :D. Remember, as long as you do not register your marriage or legalize it!

HCM Consulate will see it as: non-issue, just a "wedding party", that's what it really is in the eye of the laws. bunch of folks like to eat, drink and lking each other, get together eating, drinking, singing bad Karaoke, warm iced up beer, where some US Citizen tries to show the vietnamese family his respect and obvious cluelessness in what's going on at the ceremony and reception :) Just relax, this is NOT how they get you. Think, even if they say: well, these pictures seem like a wedding, are you two married? The answer will always be: NO we are not, legally, but will be after we get our visa and move to America! That would be the end of it, in rare cases, most of the time, HCMC is very good of knowing and understanding vietnamese traditions. They wouldn't be there for that long processing K visa all these years for nothing!

About the sister's american husband, for one, he didn't have the support of the whole Visa Journey community as you do right now :) :thumbs: plus inexperience who does not know HCMC exclusively as one lawyer we have here on the Vietnam side of the board, will get your case in trouble for sure. I do not believe the sister's case will impact yours. Why would it? Unless you and the american guys are introduced to both sisters by a marriage broker in the US, and the sisters have families here in the US as well. That could raise some red flags are marriage frauds and prompt for delay, deny of k visa by the Consulate Officer.

BUT, that's not here nor there, you just take sometime, read up on VJ and post a lot of questions. No one person can know all the answers and no one case is exact the same as others. Keep those questions coming!


chuck and kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-05-17 06:58:00
Asia: East and PacificUpdate!

Yeah, I hear ya . I think I should run some porn sites and have her updated them for me on a daily basic. that way she won't get bored at work and making some good money for the family in NAM . she's been taken care of her family since she was 11 years old. poor chick . I will call her up tonight and ask her to take some computer class. like programming or web designs etc .. tons of money to be made online .

P.s maybe di buon ba'n is another option buy the stuffs for cheap and sell them back for a higher price .

#######?????????? Again, if this is your true and true intention and grand plan for the wife, I think it's best to leave her where she is in VIETNAM, not NAM. The only folks who allow to say "NAM" are American VET who fought in Vietnam, IMO!!!! Anyone else who uses it, just showing such a disrespecting attitude toward the country itself.

However, IF you are having a good time and making a joke using Porn site and Nail Salon as your wife's future path of career. It leaves a very bad impression of you and to the extent of your family here and back home, including yourself. Nothing wrong with working and making the money to support and assisting with your family's financial independent. However, please I feel you are putting down many folks who working very long and hard hours at these nail salons, uncalled for!!! You should think of getting yourself and BETTER job than it is right now, so you can support her for at least a few months while she's adjusting to the new environment. Every time you post a comment like this one, it makes you increasingly irrelevant to the board! Remember, know when to stop or else you'll cross the line and in this case I believe you are so far off the line, it becomes a dot to you brother!


Chuck and Kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-05-29 06:24:00
Asia: East and PacificWhat's going in Saigon Now?
OP found out his girl wasn't banging anyone that he knows of.... Just a gut-check... Damn internet-lacking!!!!! I can't imagine when he actually lives with her, they probably will never leave the house. :unsure:
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-03-23 06:27:00