Asia: East and PacificVisa Waiver for Vietnamese Americans
My travel agent is applying the Visa Waiver for me. I think it costs the same as applying for a Visa.

Not sure, just saw the site...

Visa Waiver Application for Vietnamese American
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-09-04 13:26:00
Asia: East and Pacifichow to talk to a HCMC C/O ?
Bonehead! Yes you!

Hiring a lawyer is NO crime here! Accusing others of cheating the system without proof is low.
Marc Ellis, the most respected and beloved by many HCMC VJers. I've never had to retained his service but I know a number of folks here got through VJ with his assistance. I also PERSONALLY recommend M.E. for people in needs of a little legal "push" if need to be, again, it's not a crime and nothing wrong with it!

Reading the posts..... there is No need for putting down others because of their choice to retain an attorney. To hire or not to hire an attorney is strictly personal choice and based on your level of comfort to deal with organized documentation, follow up, meet deadline tasks. Some are good at it, some aren't so good. I am thankful I've never had the need for a lawyer yet, but I'm sure will not shy away if the need arrives! So what if someone is a firm believer in lawyer and you don't, let him hire and bring up the topic wherever he feels like. I only worry about people who do hire a lawyer and receive no service from him. You can check out the lawyer's credential all you want, if he wants your money, he's got it! People here only try to recommend a GOOD EXPERIENCE lawyer whose business mainly through word of mouth and through people who actually got the VISA. PM me if anyone needs M.E.'s contact. And No, I did not use M.E. for my case simple because I didn't have to.

Good luck with your cases, you're fighting because of the long wait. This VJ process takes brutal beating on your emotional toll. Save your strength and fight the system instead!

Chuck and Kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-01-10 14:24:00
Asia: East and PacificPINK After Lawyers Help!!!!!!!!
Great news!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!! good.gif Please leave quietly and arrive safely in the States and then, only THEN.... DANCE kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
Do not announce your fiancé's departure date with anyone but her parents, just to be safe and avoid unforeseen complication while she's still in VN.

Great news! good.gif
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-01-10 14:33:00
Asia: East and PacificWhy Do I Not Trust The U.S. Postal Service With My Passport?
Unless you live in the woods, most of the metropolitant areas have Asian Travel Agent who can get you Visa to VN by obtaining a good clear scanned copy of your US Passport information page, a scanned of your Passport size Photo, email to the agent. Done deal! Visa will be issued when you come in and pick up the Ticket or mail to you with your tickets.

Sending passport to the consulate/embassy is "old school"! I am with you on not-trusting ANYONE with my passport. People may question "how can the travel agency be able to 'issue' Visa to you?", no they don't, travel agency apply sign up with the Consulate for pre-approved Visa form, all they need is to match up the ID/Passport with the name, write the name on the PINK visa form, glue the passport photo on it, and there you go, your brand spanking new VISA to VN. $30!

Question I had before, how do they know if people don't make fake Visa to VN? The question here is, what will happen to you if you try to enter VN with a fake Visa? smile.gif Thinking of 100 ways VC can make you suffer... for starter, lock you up for a few days/weeks without "1-Phone-Call" to your lawyer/US-Consulate? Then kick you out, banned you forever to return to VN? Or they can say: Visa is invalid, turn around and head home!

So back to the original question, I trust USPS not with all my heart thou! Nobody complains that they lost their passport before, at least on VN-HCMC Board!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-01-17 07:37:00
Asia: East and PacificWhen should I file the application?
Tell him Chuck! biggrin.gif
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-01-11 10:07:00
Asia: East and PacificWhen should I file the application?
QUOTE (Eric and An Thuy @ Jan 8 2008, 05:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think that you should get engaged first that is the way of Vietnam Custom I sent in many photos of our engagement thats just my thoughts

I'm with Eric!
You know you will marry this girl, then an Engagement is expected culturally and "legally" helpful in your Visa journey with HCMC.
I understand you have your reason why not have the engagement ASAP but wait until July 08. However, these days HCMC will 99.99999% want to see your Engagement ceremony pictures/video/evidence of some sort as part of their Visa Review/Approval process.
Yes, you can apply right now based on the fact that you two have met within the past 2 years from the day you apply. After you start your application, before the scheduled interview date, hopefully you should have already had the engagement ceremony.
Keep in mind, all the Guides and FAO's above are recommended if not required reads for everyone who visits VJ or plan to apply for someone to enter the US via K-1/K-3/CR-1 Visa. However, each Consulate is different, ESPECIALLY "HCMC"
Prepare yourself for an emotional ride that you've never seen before smile.gif Come back often on VJ for Q&A. There is no dumb question, just stupid answers! (ME, guilty!) innocent.gif

Good luck and I think you should start gathering the evidence to support your Petition ASAP. Good luck! good.gif
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-01-08 07:44:00
Asia: East and PacificWhat is the weirdest food you ate in SE Asia?
Not weird but smart eating:
Fresh of the farm shrimps with heads and tails, still jumping.
Freshly chopped coconut.
Cut a big enough hold on the top of the coconut, open it up like lit, then deep the fresh jumping shrimp inside the coconut. Cook it with all the acid in the coconut juice (so they say!). The shrimp did get cooked and very juice!
if you want a little wassabi, go ahead! Fresh shrimp tastes so great anyway you eat it!

Regards about the Snake Heart. Not sure if the boys in VN were scare, but it's true not all Vietnamese men get to eat the heart. Just because there is only 1 heart at each party, and most likely the guest of honor would get to eat it, they wouldn't have been to that many Snake Heart Party! So, it's true they never eaten the heart, but I doubt it because they are afraid!

Heart and Blood: I would be more concern about the blood smile.gif Hep B and C! Oh well, the blief is the vodka will kill the virus/germs smile.gif so drink up and eat up!
Cheers good.gif

PS. Great story!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-01-17 07:49:00
Asia: East and PacificUpdate on 12/31/07 Email to Consulate
Good news Peter! smile.gif good.gif
The Consulate does respond when emailed! 5 days seems long but not too long, usually they get back within 2-3 days. But at least you know you keep the communication line start and never respond without previous email correspondence smile.gif Keep an audit trail of emails for them and yourself for future reference
Good luck!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-01-08 07:34:00
Asia: East and PacificDear guys :some questions
QUOTE (ridejewel @ Dec 14 2007, 08:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hope your fiance doesn't get your taxes like everyother american, ya jerk.

Sound a bit angry!!! wacko.gif Owe much tax last year? Calm down!

Don't worry about what you claim on your W-4 but what you actually end up paying the IRS for the past 8 years, got evidence to back them up? If you say YES then one less thing to worry.
However, Your concern is legit when it comes to HCMC! As "Alt name" suggested, most CO's don't waste their time to analyze people's tax documnets, may be in some cases, but I know for fact HCMC will analyze your Tax Return document. If you have been claimed for years "Married with 9 kids". You will have some explanation to address this information. HCMC has little to none tollerant when it comes to K-1/K-3 Visa and people with previous marriage. Have you been married? Are you currently married to someone? Anyone? Anywhere? If you say Yes, then you have bigger problem as AmericanGentlement suggested, "dealbreaker"!

In either case, claiming "married with 9 children" for tax purpose, or actually "married with 9 kids" will require you to provide a clear evidence that as of the day of your petition for her Visa, you were available to be married! (meaning, all previous marriages must be terminated and finalized, in other word: Divorced!)

Have fun with your journey and keep this near and dear to your heart: NEVER LOSE SIGHT OF THE BIG PICTURE! You're doing good by coming on VJ and asking all these questions. There are no stupid questions, just stupid answers!

Good luck

Chuck and Kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-02-01 08:16:00
Asia: East and Pacifichigh expectations from attorney?

Let's get this straight: like anything else not all lawyers are created equal!
I myself started the process with a very good dedicated attorney but shortly after that I found out about VJ. The rest was history! I did pay my attorney $500 to have her reviewing EVERY piece of paper I sent in for the petition, the package 3 and 4 upto the interview. The rest of the journey, I did it with VJ help! So my take on attorney is VERY positive! It helps to ease your fear when you not know how/where to start this process, to bring someone from a far far away land home! smile.gif

About your current attorney, write a formal/official letter to release him from his duty as your lawyer, make sure you pay all that you owe him off. Come and request ALL documents that belong to you and filed on your behalf. Take the files and RUN! This lawyer and the service won't get any better when time progress.

More so, you have answered your own question as JenT mentioned... contact M.E. who is working and living in Vietnam, whose immigration legal expertise is beyond any lawyer here in the US office. Why? Simply, M.E. can meet the Consulate Officers face to face ANYTIME on your behalf for official business.
Just for fun, ask your current lawyer "Can you point out to me where is Vietnam on the map?" wacko.gif
Anyway, contact M.E. if you like, but I am not sure where you are with your case?

Hang in there
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-02-01 07:58:00
Asia: East and PacificHow many people have sent money to Vietnam?
The answer to you OP's questions: Hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese send money to VN for loved ones. Especially during the Tet's celebration!

VJ people sending cash home for the wife/fiance? All the times, why not, every relationship has a price, some less expensive, some are more!

Must agree with Andrew, focusing on the relationship, building it, making it stronger for the right reason (i.e. you're about to marry this girl, not too worry about HCMC, regardless of what they say, your love for her is real, isn't it?) The side affect and added benefit of a real relationship is it built on solid mountain of evidence that so easily to see by anyone, including the CO.

Hint, sending flower, sending gift, sending notes, sending handwriten more than random emails, sending "just because" cards, sending money just for fun, not making it seems like "I am paying this girl for love". Keep in mind, CO lives and works in Saigon more than anyone here on VJ, so they understand and know exactly what's the cost of living there! Don't ever underestimate their ability to jugde and spot a lie!

Good luck with your Journey and enjoy every moment of it.

Chuck and Kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-01-17 08:53:00
Asia: East and PacificApproval at last!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-02-01 09:17:00
Asia: East and PacificMeeting with Consulate
Each case has its own set of problem and issue!
Just make sure you have your evidence organized, speak the truth, and do not make mistake! Think like a CIO! Remember, you can not give what you do not have! Relax and enjoy this journey! Also, just for a backup plan, contact Marc Ellis just in case you may need him while you're there. Search for his phone number on VJ. Just in case!

Be well!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-01-11 10:04:00
Asia: East and PacificVietnames Culture - ALL VN please help
Good and sound advices are being given here on this thread!
Agree with Peter and Tony! I say: leave it alone! Don't make waves, she's only there with her parents for a few more months. If you think by saying whatever you're going to say to her parents will make you the man in front of your father in law, stop! smile.gif Just let it go, she's 25, not 35, let her deal with it. BTW, her parents are young too! They had her when they were 17???? Anyhow, just let it go! Focus on the big picture now, try to bring her here! good.gif
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-02-20 08:47:00
Asia: East and PacificVietnam k1 - AM I CRAZY OR WHAT?!?!?!
Linda and Tan,

Did you have a chance to read through what mnieto sent you? If yes, great! If not, start reading, at first it will confuse you even more smile.gif That's normal... come back and ask questions

What Peter presents here is exactly truth. Follow that lead!

My only advice to you as everyone else here is this: with HCMC (I can only speak about it because of my own experience)

1. Think big picture!!!! Why am I going through this VJ? Fill in the blank - I love ....... !
2. My objective is to GET ..... a Visa to come to the US
3. Everything happens during this process is just part of the journey, like Rest-Area on the highway but not my destination!
4. Again, think big picture, GET A VISA!!!! visa interview denied, delayed? They can't stop us from loving each other, let work it out!
5. Thinking and working with each other to iron out all the issues may arise during the interview. If you think of your previous divorce may hinder Tan's visa approval, what is your plan to address that issue? (Divorce decreed would be a good place to start out to collect all official evidence to substanciate this claim)
6. Your time with Tan: do you document it as well as you should? It's all about timeline and audit trails when it comes to HCMC. You met him on ABC, you engage to him on DEF, you continue to call him, chat with him, living with him on GHI etc. Ultimately, you will have a BOOK of Record where you keep all the important document which can substanciate your ON-GOING relationship with Tan.
7. When you posted your "ASIAN MAN and WHITE WOMAN" stereotype post, think: The consulate office (CO) will have the same stereotype and doubt toward you and Tan, they are only human, very skeptic and unacceptive of the extraordinary!!!! I must say, this is a rare case, but no exception! Prepare way to counter attack those stereotype without screaming "I hate stereotype!!!!!!" smile.gif Again, think big picture, you just want the Visa, you will do anything within your availability!
8. Tan and you must know each other stories by heart. Family background. Previous relationships. They may ask for the most obvious item on your relationship. (So what's Linda's ex-husband's name? Where does he live?)
9. Last but not least: Think like a Consulate Officer. What would you ask someone who wants to bring his "trophy" asian wife to America to make sure He/she is not trying to marry the USC to come to America!!!!!? (Sorry, stereotyping here) How would you question the asian woman/man to make sure the relationship is real? Not "fraud"! Keep thinking and work out a plan to counter those questions. Can't 100% sure you will be granted a Visa, but at least you are somewhat prepared and not as clueless as some when entering an interview with HCMC CO.

Good luck and we think your story is beautiful!

P.S. No lawyer needed yet! But if you do need one, we have our FAMOUS Marc Ellis who living and working right there in Saigon, helping many VJ couples to overcome HCMC.

Chuck and Kim good.gif
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-02-25 08:21:00
Asia: East and Pacificchildrens interview
Mr. Green!
Sound like a piece of cake smile.gif
Good luck and wow, hasn't it been that long already... 7 months???????
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-02-26 08:54:00
Asia: East and PacificVietnam Engagement Party
QUOTE (dalegg @ Feb 25 2008, 05:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ILoveTan @ Feb 22 2008, 04:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
For anyone interested or in Vietnam now, you are invited to our Dinh Hon party in Nha Trang Vietnam... in about 3 weeks. Still not sure exact date. Please contact me if you want to come... especially since I will be the ONLY WHITE PERSON THERE. blink.gif And now that the family wants to do the party, they are inviting half of vietnam.... I

Why should you feel any different than the rest of us who went though it?? At least you can speak the language somewhat!

good.gif True!!! good.gif
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-02-26 08:52:00
Asia: East and Pacific**For anyone who has had already had their interview in VIETNAM!**
1) How old are you?
In the 30's

2) How old is your fiance?
In the 30's
3) What is your race? i.e. are you Vietnamese-American or just American?
4) Did you file a k1 or k3 visa?
K1 baby!
5) how long did it take from time of filing visa to interview?
6 months
6) Did you get blue, green or pink the first time at interview?
Expected to receive Green
7) if you got blue or green, did you try again?
No choice, of course you have to respond to the request on that blue/greem sheet or risk of having the case sent back to the US
8) if you tried again, did you get pink?
Expected to get PINK
9) how many tries did it take to get pink?
10) did any of you NEVER get the pink even though you tried more than once?
Read up on VJ you'll see. But there is always K3 as the fall back.
11) did anyone have a strange or unconvential job, i.e. couldn't show normal tax returns and had to show assets or letter from new job, etc? Please explain the situation.
Right before I filed Kim's 129F, got a consulting gig, then a full time job, then NO job right after she got the Visa. Show 3 years worth of ITR, show Employment Letter from the last full-time job stating: Employment start date, salary, current status "Present". Bank Statements for 6 months. Bottom line is, showing them that you are NOT a deadbeat, that you will have a way to feed this jungle boy when he comes here with you smile.gif
12) for anyone that got blue or green, what was the reason given?
We knew that they needed PC from Japan - Kim was living ans studying in JP for 8 years
13) what did it take to overcome that reason?
Bring the Green letter to JP Consulate in Saigon, fingerprinted, paid a few $$$, got the JP PC back within 6 weeks. Returned to HCMC with a clean PC from JP. Returned to HCMC to pick up the PINK slip for Visa. Got Visa 2 days later.
14) what was the most confusing or difficult part of the forms/process?
Nothing, VJ has all the answer!
15) any advice for those of us just starting?
Think Big Picture and stay focus. You are here to get the Visa, not to get engaged, not to get Tax paper filing, not to get financially fit, not to write 1000 letters, not to call days and nights, not to take 10,000 photos and track million lines of chat-logs, no sending $1000's of dollars to prove your relationship is real. Not one single evidence will make or break your case, you need to show them, make them see the BIG PICTURE, of your on-going genuine relationship. How are you going to get there? Ask VJ!
16) are you a male or female?
You as in me? I'm Chuck and I am Kim! I think HCMC and the State Dept are very old-school when it comes to the definition of marriage smile.gif Has to be Female and Male when it comes to applying for Visa. They will deny your application if you a male or female who try to petition for your "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" to come here, accordingly!

Edited by chuckandkim, 06 March 2008 - 07:58 AM.

chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-03-06 07:56:00
Asia: East and Pacificsecurity and address check?
Back in my days whistling.gif
HCMC sends out its agents (vietnamese workers) to beneficiary's local/neighborhood and verify address/family tights. One case: Agent came to visit and no-one home, spoke to an unfriendly neighbor who bad mouth about the beneficiary. Case was denied! This happens accross the country, people got a visit from HCMC in Hanoi, Can Tho, HCM City etc.
HCMC calls the phone number you provide, ask random questions "Is Thuy living here?" "Is her 'HUSBAND' home?" in vietnamese of course.

I am not sure what they are doing nowadays....
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-03-04 07:28:00
Asia: East and PacificAnyone Ever Sent A Wedding Invitation To The Consulate?
Thought about it, felt unnecessary and fruitless, adviced against it!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-03-07 15:11:00
Asia: East and PacificConsulate in HCMC, Vietnam just changes from Standard to Appointment Post

Thank you for the update, keep us posted. It's good to read up on the changes nowadays seem never ending in HCMC. good.gif
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-03-10 06:36:00
Asia: East and Pacificquestions about blue, green slip?
1 and 2. Nobody knows the answer to this question for sure. They didn't ask for your timeline yet, for I have a feeling that they have doubts toward the legitimatecy of your case. Are your last names the same? (Le's, Nguyen's, Tran's etc.) Americans still believe if you have the same last name, there is a good chance you two are related and you know how they feel about relatives fake their marriage to sponsor each other to America. So how do they know for sure? They ask for each individual's parents' BC document. Hopefully, your parents and hers don't have the same last names, not from the same village/farm, because that may bring up more redflag. I know it meaningless to some case but that is one of the tools HCMC uses to weed out the frauds that come by their desk every month! Obtain the requested document and resubmit without further delay!

2. I didn't see until now that you have the same last name as her mom. You seriously don't think HCMC would hold you up for this? The good news is, it happens before and it is NOT a huge problem to overcome.

3. Yes, they will verify the information you provide. Yes, the damage can be extensive if they call the ex-husband and says: We are HCMC staff, is your wife ("Tung's Fiance") home? and the ex-husband says "Yes my wife is home". Guess what they will do? Delay/deny your case for further review. Do not underestimate HCMC's ability to investigate the information you submit, if you say you don't know where her exhusband is, that could be an OK answer but never lie to them when you do know where he is. HCMC doesn't like when people lie to them.

Tung, please do not take this as word of discouragement but as my way of saying: be prepared for the worse case scenario. Even when the worse case scenario happens, you can not do a dawn thing about it but at least you know it's coming your way smile.gif Stay focus ok, this is ONLY a part of the whole journey, this Divorce paper and information clarification process, just another task to get your fiance a visa to come here... just do it!

Edited by chuckandkim, 10 March 2008 - 06:53 AM.

chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-03-10 06:51:00
Asia: East and PacificHow long is Police Certificate from Vietnam good for?
A long time ago, translate your Vietnamese Government Official documents into English is a must do when submitting them to HCMC. Rule has since been changed. However, since the cost of translating those documents which seem to me very important in America IF there ever will be a need to "trace of origin" of your fiancé's "legitimacy", you would have these document clearly in ENGLISH not vietnamese. For what it costs to translate them and notarized by So Tu Phap vs. the cost of translating ANYTHING here in the US, I would recommend to get all of her documents to be translated into English just in case.

I had Kim translated the following:

CMND, HS Diplomat, Birth Certificate, Single Status and Employment Reference Letters from her Universities where she has taught. That helps us a lot when she applies for job here in the US.

Just my suggestion,

Chuck and Kim
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-03-11 06:19:00
Asia: East and PacificHow long is Police Certificate from Vietnam good for?
6 months
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-03-06 07:36:00
Asia: East and Pacificbig mistake on 129 did not catch before it was sent to hcmc
Signing without reading? mad.gif mad.gif mad.gif
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-03-18 09:12:00
Asia: East and PacificPreparing Home for Vietnamese Fiance
QUOTE (ridejewel @ Mar 14 2008, 02:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
me, as a man who won't ever eat fish sauce,

Calling yourself a man, and can't take a spoon full of fishsauce? whistling.gif No self-respecting vietnamese nor vietnamese-lite wouldn't use fishsauce in their dietary. You just need to get the kind of fishsauce you like, mix it up with garlics, lime, sugar and some hot chilly peppers, oh so good... think EGGROLLS, Ch? Giò and G?i Cu?n. YUMMMM!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-03-18 09:03:00
Asia: East and PacificPreparing Home for Vietnamese Fiance
Question is... where do you live? Louisville KY?
Google is your friend!
Here is what I did, unless you have been married before and have stuff left over from your previous marriage, otherwise, go shopping with your new wife would be an experience that money can buy smile.gif Note I say "CAN" buy smile.gif You learn so much about each other, you learn if she is a spender or a saver, practical and impractical impulsive buyer, or just clueless on the domestic front. Once you have that down, you then have a plan of attack and decorate the home as well as furnishing it to her taste and style that fit you, you means BOTH of you!

I wouldn't buy anything but the basic female products, foods wise... just go with her to the asian market and buy what you need. There is no way you are prepared for this life changing experience. I also find my frig is still full of produce from 2 years ago, dry fruits and baby shrimp. We don't use those much since we can buy them here in South Philly asian market anytime we need. Just want to save the "good" stuff from the motherland!

Yes, Nuoc Mam and Ricecooker is essencial but it's not the ONLY things vietnamese needs. Can't eat them alone, you just have to go shopping with her and find out you may need a lot, or you may need not! In my case, I need not for I myself an iron-chef-wanna-be smile.gif So I buy those way before Kim arrives.

Ok... thinking of vietnamese foods making me hungry and it's 7:31AM here... Coffee anyone?
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-03-10 06:32:00
Asia: East and PacificCosign for I-129F
Your mother does not to be employed to cosponsor your petition, she just needs to show she has a combined income that meet the requirement.
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-01-07 10:27:00
Asia: East and PacificCosign for I-129F
Unless you and I missed the memo from the State Department, CO-SPONSOR is still an affective policy for Visa application process. HCMC still accepts co-sponsor, sparingly! Don't get "tunnel vision" during this process. Understand how HCMC works is important. Not ONE thing, one issue, one component of your application will decide your Visa approval, it is the totality of your case! How can you tell HCMC that your case is real and remove all doubt with a strong supportive evidence of an on-going relationship!

Answer: No, it's not true, HCMC is still accepting cosponsor, sparingly!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-11-14 07:55:00
Asia: East and PacificFiancee received letter requesting birth certificate - I may not have it?
Contact your County Court where you are living, asking for a Affidavit of Birth Certificate Record.... I don't know what they call it in your county/town. A county-clerk will fill it out and have a judge sign/seal/notarize it for you. Even HCMC would do one for you for $50 (in 2004) when you show up there, given that you have your US Passport in hand when you arrive.

Good luck! Don't sweat, HCMC wants to double check if you're not related to her smile.gif Fraud Prevention standard precedure!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-03-21 07:07:00
Asia: East and PacificCalled 3/19/08, Found Out Interview is on 4/1/08
The Medical exam is the tough one.... most people pass it, a few of us didn't which we just need to get a clear bill of health after going throu treatment, complete shots. However, some fiance who is already pregnant and expecting will not get the shots due to the health risk factors.

Note, I am giving you the worse case scenarios which would delay your case. However, I believe if one tested HIV Positive, it's over!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-03-21 13:35:00
Asia: East and PacificCalled 3/19/08, Found Out Interview is on 4/1/08
Unless Phuong fails the medical exam, something negative shows up on her bloodwork or x-ray (I am just giving you the worse case scenarios) then it will delay and you must reschedule the interview. Otherwise, get as much evidence you can to her as soon as possible (FEDEX next day would do it, if you mail them out today)

For P-3 and 4: go to the Consulate and pick it up! You don't have much time brother! If not a bit short!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-03-21 11:19:00
Asia: East and PacificVisa Refused (221g): HCMC Embassy
QUOTE (b_weeks @ Mar 17 2008, 06:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know this is an old post, however I am going to revive it for the time being.

I am in a similar situation. My fiance is pregnant, however I knew she was pregnant before I filed the petition.

I also have the same lawyer in this case. However, because we were aware of the pregnancy, we were able to provide this information ahead of time in the peption when we filed.

We received NOA2 march 12th.

It is my understanding that the Consulate can NOT deny a petition for K1 visa based on information already approved by USCIS. If there was something in the peptition to deny, it would have been denied at the Service Center.

The only way she could be denied is if she somehow fails the interview, lies, fails the medical, but she can NOT be denied based on the premise she is pregnant, as it was stated in the petition, that she is pregnant.

We are aware that we will have to file CRBA with ACS at the consulate, but we didn't plan on her coming to the US until after the baby was born anyways.

Create your own post! And yes, I was confused what the heck 3AD is doing here with this post smile.gif
Nobody can be sure of anything HCMC will or will not do. Yes, they can deny/delay your petition/application for any reason within their rights. But also in the same breath, YOU will also reapply, require, reopen the case if you really really really love her and refile! good.gif
So, this goes both ways!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-03-18 08:57:00
Asia: East and PacificVisa Refused (221g): HCMC Embassy

I feel your pain. Not sure what to say...
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2006-10-27 08:51:00
Asia: East and PacificI129F Filer, Wedding Reception & Pictures Taken Before Interview
QUOTE (CraigCam @ Mar 20 2008, 11:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We will show pictures of the reception party and refer to it as an engagement party.

Everything you do without the Marriage Certificate signed and sealed is considered: HUGE @$$ Party with dressing up like marriage couples and bunch of people who you don't personally know, come, eat, drink your foods and beers and they seem to be very important to your fiance's family.

What Craig said is clear and simple, Phuong please take note! Your picture with you and your "wife/fiance" whatever you want to call it, is just a picture, C.O. is fully aware of this tradition in Vietnam. No respectable family will let their beloved daughter marry a foreigner and leave with him, without having some kind of "Official Announcement Ceremonial Party" to the whole neighborhood and klans to share the good news. Therefore, your "wedding-lite"/"engagement" ceremony is not only wanted but expected by HCMC. Do not, I mean do not hide the information or appear to be deciving as some suggested on this thread. HCMC knows you think you married her, no wedding-look-alike will override the "Certificate of Single Status" from both of you. Also, you know how easy it is for HCMC to pick up the phone and call over the Dept of Vital Records and ask: hey, did Phuong and such and such get married last year, they claim they aren't! The answer would be devastating for you if it is YES and clear up everything if it is NO.

Remember, your relationship is REAL, isn't it? Then you can only give HCMC what you have. You can't give what you don't! Focus here, everything you do and worry these days is a very good attitude, you are anticipate the worse and hope for the best. So you worry about the "wedding" pictures? Get your Single Status Certified notes ready, both of you. Having a letter stating that your relationship is ABC and you can't wait to bring her to America to "get married" officially. C.O. will not just deny/delay your Visa for one reason, usually, they aren't sure if your story is real! And it's up to you to help them to see that it is...

Focus, not a single piece of evidence will make or break your case, it's the totality of your love story that backed with supportive and convincing evidence will give the C.O. a FULLER view of the "big picture" of your relationship, and as the result, will decide the fate of your fiance's visa application, hopefully in your favor!

Think big picture! good.gif
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-03-21 07:02:00
Asia: East and PacificPrenuptial agreement - anyone else do one?
I'm with you!
Think of it this way, it's too late when you're married. She knows where you sleep at night, she knows where you take a #######, don't be caught with your strouse down. Why should you be worry that she may take your earthly possesion when the more important question I should be asking: We have No trust in our marriage, can this be everlasting, or We will be constantly looking out for each other? I wouldn't get married if that is the precondition!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-08-31 07:04:00
Asia: East and PacificPrenuptial agreement - anyone else do one?
Ok, the consenseous here:

No 3rd world countries, no oriental (I think of wholesale rugs when I hear ORIENTAL.

Read more on Oriental
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-08-30 18:30:00
Asia: East and PacificPrenuptial agreement - anyone else do one?
Don't lose the topic here is about Ding who wants to get married a Thai who lies and needs his forgiveness to come to America while Ding still maintains his wealth and riches by having a prenuptial agreement with this Thai woman!

Seem to me Ding has a little bit twisted reason and motive to marry. Making her feeling sorry, feeling as if she owes you for your grace and mercy because you have forgiven her for whatever she did to offend you, is NOT a good strong foundation to build your future upon. I do not know and will never do what she has done to disgrace you and to deserve this treatment and the mentality behind it!

To HappyOne,
Third world or first world, people are @$$holes, lie, cheat regardless of their social, demographical, geographical and economical background IF they are @$$HOLE by nature. There are a lot more @$$HOLES in 1st world than anywhere else! But you learn to accept them as a norm for they are everywhere... Ask your S.O. about lies and @$$holes in Germany, I am pretty sure there plenty of those over there too. However, I choose to focus on the goods and drill into it. I find goodness in the bad in people, and fight it out until they absolutely proven to me they are certifiable @$$, then it's their loss not mine to continue the path.
Bottomline is, thirdworld or not, being-an-@$$ is not only reserved for any particular group, people, ethnic background or part of the world. They are everywhere people!
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-08-30 06:32:00
Asia: East and PacificPrenuptial agreement - anyone else do one?
ding, as opposed to patrick, should all of these comments are strictly viewed as your personal "opinions"?
or maybe, you are stereotyping the whole ethic group based on your limited experience with one group of people and a book?
Prenuptial agreement is an idea of protecting the unforeseen event that may bring you a lesser favorable result. No doubt! However, as some people mentioned here, why did you marry her in the first place if you don't trust her? Need a wife in a hurry? Talking of forgiving her as if you are her God giving me a chill sir! Somehow I feel you do like to be the one who takes charge of the relationship by holding a "I forgive you" power over this Thai woman. Personally, if everything you said is true, how she lies and unacceptable to your standard, then again: why are you marrying her?
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2007-08-28 10:09:00
Asia: East and Pacificsingle cert
Peter is so right!
Not having a SC does not break or make your case, but now you know. So go get one!
However, not having Passport photos and SC could minorly delay your visa to get in your passport smile.gif
Over prepare for the interview so when you get the blue/green slip, it will drive you crazy why you didn't think of it!!!! J/K just get the SC and be done!
Good luck with your journey
chuckandkimMaleVietnam2008-03-10 06:57:00