Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!
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:dead: :wow: :ph34r: :dead:

Bunz get yuh boy!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-11 12:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

OMG :angry:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-11 12:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

OMG, that little boy is so friggin adorable.

He is such a cutie :star:

she is so mean
i can't stand her

LOL dats mi gyal luvs mi some Kimora!

Yay :dance: Did you see the episode of her having the baby?

Opppss...hello VJ family.

Nope wait if the new season has started why is my DVR not picking them up :angry:

OMG, that little boy is so friggin adorable.

He is such a cutie :star:

she is so mean
i can't stand her

LOL dats mi gyal luvs mi some Kimora!

Yay :dance: Did you see the episode of her having the baby?

Opppss...hello VJ family.

Nope wait if the new season has started why is my DVR not picking them up :angry:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-11 12:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!
Toni Braxton's Pulse CD

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phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-11 11:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

My girl is back!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-11 11:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

philly beans.. u always got the hook up

LOL you know it, I will be posting Monica shortly! :dance:

Philly please tell me you copied and pasted this from somewhere WHEW!!!

Of course I did LOL
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-11 11:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!
Another spoiler for Todays Episode

Thursday, March 11th#9354

Adam realizes that he has been set up. It quickly becomes clear to Adam that he is about to stand trial in front of all the people he has wronged and they are going to do whatever it takes to get the truth about what happened to Sharon and Nick's baby out of him. Meanwhile, Phyllis learns that Dr. Taylor had dying words for "Mrs. Newman." Adam implores Sharon to help him but Sharon demands the truth. While meeting with Dr. Taylor's estate lawyer, under a false name, Phyllis is forced to come clean. Phyllis proves her identity to the lawyer and after explaining her story about Adam and Taylor, implores her to give her the letter. At the cabin, Adam continues to sell his lie that he doesn't know anything about where Nick and Sharon's child is. Later, Mrs. Harrison, the lawyer, releases the letter to Phyllis and Phyllis learns that Ashley had a miscarriage. As Phyllis reads Taylor's letter, she realizes the full weight of what happened last summer. Michael enters and Phyllis asks him to take her to the Abbott cabin immediately. Meanwhile, Adam continues to play the victim blaming everyone except Sharon for his fate since arriving in Genoa City. Later, Phyllis starts to panic on the way to the cabin about revealing to Nick the truth about Faith and the ramifications for her marriage. Michael pushes her to do the right thing, knowing that it could cost her more in the long run if she doesn't. Things start to get out of control when Billy realizes that he saw Adam at the funeral home and he must have been there stealing a baby's ashes to give to Sharon in place of her child's. Rafe and Heather decide they can no longer be a party to what is happening in the cabin and decide to leave. Outside, Heather and Rafe admit to Victoria and Billy that their walk out was all an act. Outside the cabin, Phyllis stands in front of Faith's plaque, deciding that no one ever has to know the truth as she prepares to burn the only evidence.

I knew that Phyllis would try and hold the info cause guess what that will be the end of her marriage!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-11 11:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!
For my Y&R fans

Through his fuzzy edged tunnel vision, Adam sees Victor glaring at him (with an angry mob in the background – Billy, Ashley, Jack – Vikki, Nick, Sharon). Sharon, he whispers – what’s going on? Did you set me up? Victor announces he’s there because of his lies – it’s about to end. You lured me here, Adam croaks. Sharon inches forward – it’s your doing – don’t blame me.

At the club, Nikki leaves a message for Victor (she’s on her way to the cabin). Oh my Lord! She picks up a copy of RS – guess who’s on the cover of RS? she reads aloud (the shocking truth of a con artist). Nikki hangs up to call Kay – then scolds Jill (who proudly takes responsibility).

Still at Jimmy’s , Kay’s as stunned at Tucker – and assumes Jill dug up the same info she did. Kay honestly thought she’d convinced Jill to bury it. Angry, Tucker’s sure they worked on it together. Newsflash – this deal means nothing. Kay won’t run CI EVER again!

Adam’s confronted by a bevy of glares and folded arms – Ashley’s in on it to? Hell yes – we all are. No allies here. Why, it was Ashley and Sharon who put the pieces together – all the horrific things Adam did. They checked out DR Taylor’s story – the morgue and hospital’s recorded no fatalities that night – no death certificates – no undertaker received a baby’s body. No infant died that night. What happened!? All take turns – Jack declares them witnesses – judge, jury and executioner. You have no right to remain silent. No rights at all. Adam scoffs - you can’t keep me here. Sure we can. This is a kangaroo court – I don’t deserve this. Adam insists he’s done NOTHING wrong. Victor sits before him – look at me. They’ve all been reasonable – if he doesn’t cooperate, they’ll have no choice – he’ll stay there until he fesses up – what happened to Nick and Sharon’s baby? Aside, Vikki hisses that Phyllis got an important call. Nick gripes – what could be MORE important (than the ball SHE got rolling)?

Dr Heath (Phyllis) is at CL’s, meeting a woman who now has Dr Taylor’s last dictated words. He briefly regained consciousness in the ambulance – and gave the EMT specific instructions. Phyllis reads the envelope – For Mrs Newman’s eyes only.

Back at the club, Nikki sneers down her nose as she flips through the article. Jill swears it’s all true – and will put Tucker out of business. Yes, Kay knew – but she’s a soft hearted old fool. Instead of honouring Kay’s wishes, you nailed Tucker on her behalf? Nikki sniffs at Jill (suspecting her only interest is stopping Kay from knowing her son).
Still at Jimmy’s, Tucker continues to lash out – the timing was perfect – he’s been outmaneuvered - the way he did THEM. No - Kay wouldn’t jeopardize what they’re working towards – not just business. They’d begun to understand one another. Don’t ruin that, Kay implores. Tucker believes he’s been set up (and has to hand it to Kay – she’s one of the best he’s seen).

Adam’s escape is blocked at every path – this is kidnapping, assault, etc etc. Sit down! Jack orders – NOW! Knock Knock – it’s Heather and Rafe – right on time. You’re in on it as well? Adam sputters at the ‘officers of the court’. Neither see anything wrong here. I was knocked out – held by vigilante’s, Adam whines. Rafe sees an intervention – how nice that Adam has people who care. Confess, Jack barks – and who refuses to discuss Jabot. No one wants your testimony – me and your Daddy made a deal. Victor wants to know Adam’s plan – and what happened to his grandchild? Nick and Sharon’s baby? Once Adam answers, they can all leave. Adam has nothing to say (except to Sharon). What happened to my baby!? She demands.

As Dr Taylor’s executor, the woman must deliver the envelope to Mrs Newman. Dr Heath (Phyllis) immediately think of Ashley – but claims the letter’s meant for Mrs Phyllis Newman, Nick’s wife. Yes, she’s sure. She and Dr Taylor became close – she’s a lovely woman. I could give this to her. No, thanks - the woman will take care of it. Phyllis has no choice but to drop the accent and fess up - this will sound strange – I’m Phyllis Newman – this letter’s meant for me.

Kay understands Tucker’s need to lash out at someone – but the paper’s are signed – we’re partners, like it or not. It doesn’t take effect for a month. Tucker can do a lot in 30 days. Don’t do anything rash, Kay pleads – we were making such progress – don’t throw it away. Fine, 30 days – Tucker walks out – vowing to find the truth – when he’s not dodging reporters and the DOJ that is.

The executor doesn’t know what game Phyllis is playing. Why should she believe a child’s life is at stake? Phyllis shows all her ID – and explains that DR Taylor was manipulated by a member of her family. She and Dr Taylor were to meet the day of the accident. She saw them fighting – it’s on the witness report. She found several things to confirm her suspicions – Dr Taylor wanted to come forward but never got the chance. It’s about a child – a matter of life and death, Phyllis implores.

Adam’s ‘intervention’ continues. Ashley and the baby are fine, he reminds all. Sharon’s baby? I don’t know I don’t know! Sharon, I love you – God help me, I don’t have answers for you. I don’t! Stay strong – he’s trying to manipulate you, all convince the wavering Sharon. I’m not a monster – I have feelings, Adam pouts. She’s my wife. How much did you and Taylor get for her? Nick snaps. You think I sold her? Adam sounds horrified – that’s sick! I’ve had enough, he walks. Sit down, son. Victor demands. Adam repeats – I know NOTHING. Sit down. Adam obeys. Sharon tries again – every day she thinks of her baby – the one she heard cry. Dr Taylor lied. Tell me – please. If not to save yourself – do it for ME – for ME. Tearing up, Sharon walks away shaking her head. Victor stops Nick in mid-lunge. .

Though unimpressed, the woman gives Phyllis the envelope – I hope you find the child you’re looking for. Phyllis reads Dr Taylor’s letter – as suspected, it’s to Ashley – you had a miscarriage – you were not pregnant. Oh my God! A shocked Phyllis covers her mouth in horror.

Walking into the mausoleum, Jill’s on the phone offering to help with the investigation on Tucker. The Serbian government’s very interested, she boasts to Tucker (who she soon spots). My phone hasn’t stopped ringing. Tucker bets she loves that. Yes, Jill’s loving it. Any good journalist would have asked Tucker to comment. Yeah – but Jill knows he’d have put a stop to it. Her info? Let’s say it DID come from Kay – what then? She’d go down with him. Well, Kay didn’t give him up – she and Billy are incredible investigators.

Phyllis continues to read about Ashley’s hysterical pregnancy - she never gave birth. Adam blackmailed Dr T. There’s more to tell – but no time - may God forgive me. More to tell? Phyllis mutters – Oh my God – Ashley wasn’t pregnant! Mike comes in – what’s wrong? Phyllis will explain – while he drives her to the cabin.

OK – Adam has some ‘truths’ of his own to share – everyone (except Sharon) has taken advantage of him – his family treated him like an outsider. Rafe and Heather are hypocrites. He’s been beaten down since coming to GC. Sauntering over, Victor ###### slaps him across the face (as Sharon covers hers). Victor now orders Adam to act like a man – this is his last chance. Adam’s ready to tell the truth about Taylor – he’ll tell them everything.

As Mike drives to the cabin, he’s told that Nick and Sharon’s baby’s alive – the baby Cassie predicted – the baby Nick left Phyllis for is alive. Remember ? Yes, he came back – she knows all about Nick’s ‘commitments’ – until Sharon reminds him of their history. Turn the car around – Phyllis is going home to think. It’s only a white lie. Mike disagrees – if she keeps the truth from Nick, she’s no better than Adam. Dammit – Mike’s taking her to the cabin – to do the right thing.

Hang in there, Vikki encourages Sharon. Seated again, Adam talks. Nikki looks down her nose – you blackmailed Dr Taylor. Yes – to be at Ashley’s beck and call. He’d have blown the whistle if Taylor was unprofessional. Victor demands to hear what happened the night the babies were born. Please, Sharon pleads – I need to know. Who’s ashes did we scatter? Nick wonders aloud. Billy chimes in – he saw Adam at the funeral home. Adam tries to convince Billy that it wasn’t him - Billy was too grief stricken to see straight. While Billy and Nick are ready to attack, Heather can’t let them - and if the confession’s coerced, it’s worth nothing. Rafe can’t be party to this either. Victor orders them out – walk – now! Adam shouts after them – if anything happens to me, it’s on your head. Anyone else want to leave? No one moves. Victor gets back to business …..

Back at the mausoleum, Jill’s on the phone again – then hangs up to face an angry Kay. Jill changed her mind – the story worked out as planned – by this time tomorrow, Tucker will be front page news across the country. Kay explains that Tucker just signed over controlling interest in CI – when that rag appeared. Now how will she get her company back!? The name calling and insults continue. Jill wants to be honest – it’s not about Kay playing Mommy to Tucker, it’s about getting her company. Admit THAT, and Jill will admit it’s about knocking the king off his thrown. Yeah, it’s payback. Jill will admit she wasn’t looking after Kay’s best interest – or upholding her high journalistic integrity – or her ethical responsibility to the business community. Yes, if Kay will get real, so will Jill (we’re just a couple of selfish bitches). Well put, Kay admits.

At the club, Tucker’s already getting calls regarding the article - then makes one of his own. In the next 30 days, he wants CI completely dismantled.

Outside the cabin, Vikki and Billy chat about how to handle Adam. Vikki reminds they each have a role – he can’t go off and do his own thing – they must act as a group. If it doesn’t work, she’ll support doing things his way.

Inside, Sharon appeals to Adam – if he loves her, please tell what happened to her baby. Adam pleads innocence – believe me. Billy and Vikki return as Adam whines – it was us against the world – still is – believe in me. Sharon can’t – and walks away. Victor’s heard enough – so have the rest. Advancing, Victor sits across from Adam – time’s up son. No one’s coming to your defense – no one – not even those sworn to uphold the law – not Sharon or Ashley. No one. You’re gonna stay here until we get the truth – by whatever means necessary. Outside, Phyllis shines the flashlight at the plaque – envelope in hand. No one needs to know, she murmurs as she holds a lighter to it.

Next: We need to talk, Nick says. My head’s spinning, Sharon replies. Nick’s is to (as Phyllis comes in the back) …. Adam’s being restrained by Billy as he calls out - Dr Taylor was alone with you – if he did anything it was without my knowledge! Nick wrestles him (and Billy to the floor) … Ashley and Sharon cry out (hands covering their mouths, they watch in horror). My Thoughts: Oh the suspense – oh the drama (and then there’s Kay/Jill and Tucker) … Yeah, right Tucker – any ‘journalist worth his salt’ would have called you for comment – cause everyone chooses to dignify a smear campaign would be happy to provide quotes *rolls eyes* … How proud is Jack – boasting that it was his ex wife and sister who put the pieces together – How smug Ashley sounded when bragging of making all of three calls (that prove Sharon’s baby’s alive). Guess she won’t be feeling quite so much a smarty pants when she learns she didn’t give birth after all – that every time she excitedly grabbed someone’s hand – so they could feel her ‘baby’ kick, it was all imaginary – and she’ll soon be forced to hand over the precious baby she keeps babbling she can’t do without …. Probably most shocking on today’s show was that Phyllis has a library card. What?! She doesn’t go to Trumble’s? Or read anything she wants to online? …. If the counselor (the executor to Dr Taylor’s will) was familiar with ‘that’ Newman family, why didn’t she know that at any given time there’s at least 3 women who go by the name Mrs Newman? Why would she now believe Phyllis (who’s already lied to her). And knowing there’s numerous Mrs Newman’s, why wouldn’t Dr Taylor have at least managed to address it to Ashley Newman – hell, even the letter ‘A’ would have helped. Was there any doubt that Phyllis would be the one to learn of Faith’s identity (and that her instincts to protect her family would override doing what Mike calls ‘the right thing’) – but now that Mike knows what happened to Nick and Sharon’s baby, wouldn’t him keeping quite make HIM no better than Phyllis (who’s no better than Adam)? …. I really don’t see the purpose in Rafe and Heather being at the cabin. Taking no action when witnessing an assault (except to walk away) the ‘officer’s of the court ‘ seem to think their hands are clean. If Adam WERE to die at the cabin, how will she ever be taken seriously when spouting off about justice – or prosecuting any crimes? (not that she was EVER taken seriously – but still) … How convenient that Phyllis had a Zippo in her coat pocket – seems a real likely item for a non smoker (with a challenged/accident prone child who’d no doubt find and play with) to carry around – or did she ask Mike to swing by the local convenience store? Don’t wait to see Mike asking Phyllis for directions – everyone in town knows where the remote Abbott cabin is. The Abbott family cabin sure is a place full wonderful memories – a romantic hideaway for cheaters, a safe place to deliver babies early - a popular destination for kidnappers – and last pit stop for at least two recently deceased GC residents. Prospective buyers LOVE that kinda stuff on the ReMax feature sheet. Floundering economy and inactive housing market be damned – the Abbott’s should sell this cursed dump with it’s faulty generator and lousy road conditions (at least the new tower has improved cell phone signal)s …. Could just be me, but it seems a bit odd that Victor would tell Adam to ‘be a man’ – then give him a girly open hand slap ….
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-11 11:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

watch it first roxie.. my oldest says the scenes are a lil gory..if u know tim burton, you know its innocent gore, but i know ur baby is young..

I haven't watched yet but you are right check it out 1st you know how those Tim Burton movies are :yes:

Philly if you do ox tails, expect a knock at your door! :whistle:

LOL girl I'm gonna get some tonight, maybe I will save the fish since we had fried fish this week already.
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-11 11:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

I luv'd this movie!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-11 11:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

yes it did..AND best director..hmmmmm..
sometimes the academy be OFFFF :angry:

LMAO yuh think haaaaa

Well here is the link for all that care to see the Movie of the Year :P

The Hurt Locker pt 1

The Hurt Locker Pt 2
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-11 11:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

LOL. Well Ray likes everything except for string beans so far. He loves soul food. Potato Salad is one of his favs. Mine that is. lol

I luv luv luv potato salad! :thumbs:

It's like $15 for an oxtail dinner here so we just cook it at home. Whenever we go to a JA restaurant our bill is about $40. That's crazy.

You should to my house we are 2 cooking fools and we have Haitan vs. Jamaican cook offs LOL
speaking of I need to hit the store tonight cause I think I will surprise him this weekend. Hmmmm maybe I'll do oxtails or brow stew fish hadn't had either of those dishes at all this month :lol:

That's funny. Ray loves tuna mac too, but don't like relish in it. Now I have to put sugar and a little juice from the relish in it. They are wild.

Yes I use pickle juice, hot spicy mustard and scotch bonnet pepper in mine ( shhh my secret ingredients)

Goat and ox need life jacket fi swim. :rofl:

yuh see it haaaaaa
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-11 11:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Tee the suspense is building!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-11 10:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!
Cop Out
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-11 10:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!
Brooklyn's Finest pt 1

Brooklyn's Finest Pt 2
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-11 10:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!
For the pickney!

Alice In Wonderland
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-11 10:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

:huh: clutch the pearls philly :rofl: :rofl:


does he like them in JA??? thats all roger gets when we go to the Jamaican restaurants here.. OXTAILS..BLEH!

Yummmmmy Damian loves my oxtails ( they are fish too) :rofl:

i told him he gotta go catch that one on his own..its too many movies i REALLY wanna see..
i have to catch this Hurt Locker that won all the awards, anybody see it?

Girl I fell asleep on that movie :blink: but it won movie of the year?
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-11 10:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Clocks spring forward this Saturday. More day light time, Longer days.

Philly, you could put your B plants out this weekend for their initial washing, since it suppose to rain all weekend and the temp suppose to be in the 60.

Looks like Sunday will be 60 degrees so I can put some out there, that is such a pain to drag them all outta door and bring them back in there are so many and the pots are heavy. Damian is gonna have fun with that :rofl: :devil:

Hey Philly. We were watching Brooklyn's Finest last nightm but after Ray left for work I turned on the Food Network. :blush:

Hey Sun, LOL I hear mixed reviews, mek mi guh post deh link stand by

:wow: This morning hubby told me he was tired of chicken and tired of rice. :o That was the best thing I've heard in days. Time to go back to soul food. lol

Yes I am going back to not eating chicken again and only fish and ( goat cause goat is fish LOL ) Damian loves chicken and after only 3 months of not eating it he went running back :bonk:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-11 10:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-11 10:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

philly you can keep that 100 degree weather..mi cyaan manage !!!
it was so hot this past summer roger complained SOOO much..
i was like DUDE ya lived in the Bahamas and Jamaica???? but i know the heat here is not comparable!!
i love spring clothes.. i need to kick my winter wardrobe up a notch its BLAHH..maybe next year, hopefully i'll be a likkle smaller LOL

LOL Rog sounds like Damian, I told him I want to move to AZ and he said I was trying to cook him :rofl: he thought it was hot here last summer LOL :bonk:

I am so ready for the Spring I have more Spring and summer clothes than Winter even though its the longest season :unsure: I buy Summer clothes and sandals all year round :yes:

Do u ladies change the clock forward this weekend also?
I wanna start wearing my open toes but got to get a pedi first :D

Yup we sure do but we lose and hour :( but at least that means its lighter longer B-)

I'm cosigning Shanette, them babies are precious! Awww...

Girl what has happened with Adam? :unsure:

Girl Adam is a hot mess, hold on I'm gonna post a spoiler!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-11 10:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-11 10:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Tre and Philly, if you'll knows of someone who lives in FLL or Miami they could go the straw market there and get all of these movies for you'll quite cheap.

Hey Roxcie, I have a hook up in NYC and I get my movies under 3.00 a piece and some for free cause I am such a great customer. I am so ready for my shipment today I need to plan out my weekend around my African movies LOL

BABAY!! long as my toes can handle it im sporting my open toes LOL
upper 60's LOL

LOL girl I am like you I am so ready for the weather to completely break so I can rock my sandals I normally break mine out @ 70 degrees :devil:

Philly open toes shoes 60 degrees, sandals 70 degrees, but here in Washington, we sees it all. So in saying that to some people it doesn't matter. Isn't Easter early this year, so we will be seeing spring clothes and colors early. But we will have to have one more cold spell before Spring actually arrives. That is how the weather pattern works, I use to date a meterologist, so everything I didn't want to know about weather patterns I now know.

Hey Roxcie, yeah the folks are gonna start wiling out right after Easter LOL wearing all kinds of stuff I bet this is gonna be a hot summer cause it was such a cold winter. I am not complaining as I wish it was 100 degrees everyday :yes: that's my weather!
I know spring is near cause my bananas are growing like crazy in the house they can't wait to go outta door to get some sun and rain wata!

Maybe this weekend I will get a start on my veggies :thumbs:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-11 10:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!
Congrats Sheka,

I knew everything would work out, safe journey Sis I am looking forward to your good news manana!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-11 09:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Good morning ladies.. almost time for the weekend.. im so excited and don't have a thing to glad roger dont work on weekends.. we'll muster up something to get into.. almost went dancing last night, but i thought i better be home when he got back from work :whistle: next time i will give him a heads up :dance: :dance: :rofl: happy u get hubby back today..

i agree with ya'll with the older kids.. i have taught all the way up to 6th grade in schools and church and them 4th/5th /6th graders too facety and BRITE!!!! For their own protection i have to stay away.. no lie lol WHEW
i LOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEE preschool... i seem to like to be around smaller kids (2-5) more than adults :blush:

kj, glad things are going well with your SO.. ENJOY

its spring here too.. its so pretty outside, 70 degrees.. i am ready for my sandals and skirts! the only bad thing bout texas is its FREEZING in the mornings and nights

Hey Q, yes girl it's time for the weekend I wish it wasn't raining but we can make the best of that :devil:

Question for all Yardies when do you think is the right temp to break out those sandals and open toe shoes?
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-11 09:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Tee mi nuh forget about you :no: and the drama continues.....
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-11 09:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!
Mawning Ladies

BunzTheMagicSnail, *SunRay*, Dens Wifey, kjenkins86, StoneLove4Ever, IrieCat, Always Blessed

It's Thursday!!!!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-11 09:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Okay so I know I'm late but here's the pics I was suppose to show yall a week ago. These two lil munchkins are my heart....


Hopefully the link works

Shanette they are gorgeous I love babies! :luv:

Did you see the story girl they done knocked out my man Adam Damn, I am waiting to see how he gets out of this one! I love when Victor puts on that leather jacket you know its on and poppin!

oh yah and my hubby is coming back today!!!!!!

:devil: Sexy Parties a gwaan a plenty! :dance:

Morning All! Y'all were chatting up a storm yesterday :whistle: I probably won't be able to catch up! :angry:

me too LOL Hey girl ((( waving)))
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-11 09:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

:rofl: sorry not laughing at ya'll :rofl: -- Lawd mi bless no complaints

Mi too, I am so blessed Thank you God for my good good Husband!

@Nat...LOL@ sister.. i tried that too, but it NEVER worked!! :no:

Girl... I NEED to take myself out of his arm pit... I love doing everything w/ him. It was cool when he first got here, but after he started working he wanted to hang out w/ his new buddies. THANK GOD he only wants to once every other month or so. Other than that, he's always w/ me too. (L)

LOL you sound like me we are so attached at the hip, I urged him to go out to the movies wid his Brederen from Yard or go play futball and was upset that I was gonna stay home and chill he was like um get ready! LOL mi nuh mind (L)

umm, that profession is VERY battymanish
your face is constantly in close range to another man crotch, nutting cyaan right bout dat! :huh:

:rofl: :o

awwwwwwwwww D lmaoooooooooooooo :rofl:

PASSED OUT mi a tell ya LOL dat baby affi find har own way out LOL
i had my first w/ nothing but one shot of demerol.. that second one was another story :crying: :crying:

Girl I didn't have nothing with my 1st big head son I was sooooooo gonna die on that table ( which i told anyone who would listen) haaaaaaa. My second I had and epidural and they were like push I was like huh push what I can't feel ish :rofl: That was great!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-10 17:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Philly............ :no: Don't make me hunt you down and beat you.

:rofl: :rofl:

Yuh sick inna yuh head. LOL

I like some of the old wrestlers like Tony Atlas, Junk Yard Dog and Jimmy Superfly Snooker. Do you guy's remember any of them. LOL

Yes but I try not to haaaa

roger either... now i don't usually even look at tv cuz im doing something else, so when wanna watch do.. he NORMALLY lets me watch WATEVER i want.. BUT not the drag race!!
i watched it last night while he was at work :devil: :devil:
TYRA needs to hurry up and go home.. i cant stand her/him..

I like her she is sooooo pretty! I crack up when Ru tells her to lady up the voice! :rofl:

What happen to Rikishi.. He was a fat dancing fool. I answered my own post. :bonk: :rofl:

when I used to watch with the boys that was a hilarious sight! Yeah whatever happened to him he was like the Champion for a hot minute then nothing?

Philly -- she's being preped for surgery (that) was an 1-hour ago

Wow I am so sorry Lawny, is someone gonna give the 50 yr old Boyfriend a serious beat down?

Its really sad, but a happy ending..

My sister had postpartum depression really bad after having him. She didn't really want to have anything to do with him. So my mother and I stepped right up to the plate. Then when mommy died, I felt the need to draw even closer to him because I felt like I was all he had left. Thank God things are better between him and my sister now. It took some years to get this way though. He will be 8 this year :crying: She tries to make him grow up to fast sometimes though :huh:


I remember some...roddy roddy piper, macho man, andre the giant, hulk hogan yeah I know I am old school :star:

LOL I do I must be old too :star: :lol:

I know yall ain't been chatting 10 pages bout Wrestling
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-10 15:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

DILLON here you go ...poe tang---

Jeff Hardy
Matt Hardy
Chris Jericho
"The" Brian Kendrick
The Great Khali
Mike Knox
John Morrison
Rey Mysterio
CM Punk
The Undertaker
Dolph Ziggler

and --

Lawny from Trelawny Parish representing VJ yardies


my kids like those ppl, so i guess those are good to cheer for, i will get some more names for you..
the jamaican one, his last name is kingston, my 8 yr old LOVES him

Mek mi go google him!

I saw where Jennifer Hudson's baby daddy/husband, "Punk" who is a Harvard law school grad and an attorney will be starting as a wrestler I think with the he serious? :wacko: He does have a nice body though.

He looks Batty :yes:

Ever have a day where your hubby is on your ISH LIST?? Well, today is my day for that.

I've been sick since Sunday & he's been USELESS! Last night capped it off. While he was at school & I was home sick, I did laundry (as I always do...he still can't figure out machines), went to class, went grocery shopping after, came home & all he'd managed to do was shower & complain about being hungry, I made dinner while he worked out & then folded his own laundry cause I finally refused to, he fell asleep on the couch by 9:00 (as usual) & I cleaned up the kitchen....his azz had the dyam nerve to say I was being a little loud when cleaning up. Then I started thinking about the amount of housework I do compared to him & it's very uneven. Yes, he cooks & does dishes but it's about 50/50 lately. On top of that, I do EVERYTHING ELSE! I don't like him very much today! :angry: :angry: :angry:

And what happened to being taken care of when sick???

Ruh ruh he is in chubble!

Ells I will just say communication is key, don't hold it in let him know that is is uncool and your expectations going forward. Vent away Sis!

Hmm maybe I need to take an interest in wrestling.

Last night hubby refused to be in the same room with me our bedroom while I was watching a new episode of RuPaul's Drag Race.. He came in 15 minutes after it was off talking bout is your show over yet ? :rofl: :rofl:

you know I just say yuh text this morning I was rocked out last night, but it DVR's on Mondya evening on Logo I haven't watched yet cause I tried to watch them all one day have my own little marathon and catch up and Hubby was like this :blink: :wacko: :blink: after the 1st episode. 1 is his limit :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-10 14:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Well since no one is listening or talking to me, I will be like Roxie and post some music lyrics but I will do one up on her and put the you tube video also.

I was driving to get my hair braided Sunday and this came on the radio, I bust out crying. :crying:

I need you, you need me.
We're all a part of God's body.
Stand with me, agree with me.
We're all a part of God's body.

It is his will, that every need be supplied.
You are important to me, I need you to survive.
You are important to me, I need you to survive.
(repeat 3X)

I pray for you, You pray for me.
I love you, I need you to survive.
I won't harm you with words from my mouth.
I love you, I need you to survive.
(repeat 8 X)

It is his will, that every need be supplied.

I love it JQ :thumbs:

I love it! He actually does have quite the 'crib' by those standards! Not everyone has a motorcycle or even a wall house with actual beds & a light bulb. Makes a person realize how spoiled we are!

Yuh see it Ells!

Hey girl (( waving))

Sorry had to go calm my brother down.

Irie -- he broke my NIECE hand....she's in the ER now.

have you heard any recent news? Did they call the police?

Please refrain from using slang on this board. Lawny doesn’t understand it. LOL

**Hey ya’ll I’m just logging on so I know its going to be h*ll pay the piper trying to catch up*

Lawny = H*ll to pay the piper means its going to take me a lot of reading to catch up.

You ain't right!

Wait do yall say Yahmean pronuunce( Yah-mean) up the Burg?
Originally: Do you know what I mean. Bastardized to "Yahmeen"
Hey yo, Lets go rob that liquor store, Yahmeen?

triple h, sean micheals and degeneration x
randy horton or orton something like that
the owner is mr mcmahon.. he is an a hole.. talk dirty about him and u will get cool points

Haaaaa @ Mcmahon
Wasn't there some talk about he was Dead but it was all a publicity stunt?
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-10 14:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

whew thank you cause i was about to be upset lol

Soon come on the rest of the movie, but wait why they have to pull that girls eyeballs out like that :blink: ???

*grabbin my ninja suit, brass knuckles, and vaseline* Oh he like putting his hands on children... I got sumefin for dat azz!!! Disgraceful :angry:

LOL @ the Ninja suit girl I don't even want to tell you that crazy Husband of mine thought the Muslim Sistah's in their full black garb were Ninjas :bonk: :bonk:

I am soooooooooooo sleepy, I need barry manilow and a nap!

that will put you to sleep in a heartbeat :rofl:

its wednesday.. we almost thru ya'll..hang on..
im bored too.. we've been having 70 degree weather so i guess its time for me to find a workout regimen.. i hate working out in winter. im just not motivated..
man we havent had any new ppl join the thread.. sunny, you must go out and recruit LOL

Hey Q, I am the same way I am so not motivated in the winter ughhhh but now I am back in business it feels so good outside I just want to run up the Art Museum steps like Rocky :yes:

Shemmy...give me some WWE pointers.. I have to watch Friday Night Smackdown with my son this Friday since his Dad is out of town and I don't have a clue in the world about it. I need to look I know what I am talking about.

LOL @ WWE my boys used to be so into it, I used to tell them it was FAKE they would give me the look of death :angry: haaaa!
You can wear a hot blue shiny Unitard and look really excited and yell alot :rofl: ( nuh kill me haaaa)
Remember the World Wide Ladies of Wrestling?? I used to watch that mess religiously LMAO
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-10 13:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Philly, What is a chocolate ball. Is that something from JA? I thought I've heard that before in JA.

Ha nope just a regular ol ball of chocolate :yes:

Yayyy Yardie progress being made! Congrats Eric, I know you are reading this lol

Good Morning Ladies!!!!

MsTee...good luck on your Math test this weekend take your time. I HATE math with a passion too I can understand your anxiety.

you and me both I thought I would have a nervous breakdown in College when I had to take calculus! OMG the horror!

Hi JQ!!! Heard it was a bit chilly out your way this week. It is supposed to be close to 70 here today.

70 degreeeeeeeeeeees WOW! It's 60 here today but I am so excited about the spring/summer :dance: can't wait to start gardening!

I'm so mad right now -- my 16 year old niece just called me to tell me that her sister's boyfriend broke her hand and she's afraid to call the police, so I told her to go across the street, call me when she get there and I called the police. The sister's boyfriend is 50 years old ####### is wrong with people. They got into an argument because my neice wouldn't wash dish he don't even live there

Oh hell to the no! I know I am late on this one, I hope there is an update by the time I catch up! lawny Yuh nu need no more stress!!!!

Philly he is.. Lawns and Shemmy will tell you. Pure fool dat. This morning he got in bed and said honey do I act like a kid. LMAO I said hell yeah now go to yuh bed. :rofl: He would die if he knew I told these stories, but I'm sorry I can't keep them to myself. LMAO

Haaaaa I know right they would be hotter than fish grease if they knew all the stuff we share :unsure:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-10 13:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

OMG Sunny the fart in hand thing made me laugh! I am NOT TELLING Louis... he doesnt need any ideas!!! LOL


Irie: Please DON'T tell Louis about what Ray did. My hubby is off the chain.

Hey sounds like so much fun that's what it's all about that keeps the relationship alive and we hopping ( that among other things) :devil: ! My hubby is crazy too and I damn sure won't tell him bout this hand farting business cause like Irie said nuh want to give him no ideas haaaa

Corey Haim died this morning... so young!

Damn shame Crack is Wack!

Good Morning Yardies...How is everyone doing. I have been so busy at work I dont even have time to come on during the day. So I came to say hello before the madness starts. On a good Note my AOS Case was transfered to CSC on March 9th :dance:. I will try to stop by later.

Good Luck in JA Sheka :thumbs:

That's great news Lady C you are on a roll!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-10 11:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Mawning Yardies :star: today is a very busy day for me so if i don't get to post before i leave please keep us in your prayers and i will link Bunz once I'm settled and my Sis will update y'all on my interview until then yardies have a wonderful weekend :dance: :dance: and remember Philippians 4:13 - "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" :thumbs: :thumbs: :dance: :dance:

Claim it Claim it! The power of the spoken word " Yuh soon get through"!

morning yardies,

im just getting off work and it is raining here. i really enjoyed ja last week and i will soon visit again. my wife received the visa three days after the interview and she is coming home next week. i cant wait.

question yardies. how soon will my wife receives the ssn after arriving poe. what form of id can she uses to work in usa. i hear she can use passport, only if its usa passport. will she have green card to work.

That is wonderful news MyJam :dance: Coming through the POE you are supposed to be flagged to recv your SSN but it does not always happen that way, so be prepared if you don't recv in 2 weeks to go to the office with the GC as proof of identity and residency status. Hopefully the GC arrives EXPEDITIOUSLY! Good Luck to you both!

Good morning.

Have fun in Ja, MsSheka!

No 8 hrs of sleep last night :( Steven and I chatted for a while and it brought back MEMORIES! It felt like we were back in an LDR having nothing but the phone to cling to. He even skipped going out to Alfred's with his friends to chat with me.

He said he's ready to come back because he misses me. I told him to enjoy every moment with his family & friends because he won't get to see them much anymore.

Awwe that is sweet his misses his Mrs. :luv:

Hey Yall, hope all is well, I have really had time to catch up on the post so I am very lost, but hope all is well with everyone.

MStee she is 22months old.

Wow this is so sad poor baby, I really hope you are able to pursue this and legally gain custody!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-10 11:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Good Evening All:

This week is DRAGGGGGGGing!! I'm ready for the weekend. :clock: It's so cold outside and I'm tired of turning the heat on but its cold. Yea, I'm just rambling. Don't ya just love it when people volunteer you for stuff.

My lil girl is so cute her new thing is calling Corn Flakes the "Chicken Cereal" because of the rooster on the box. Gosh :rofl: she's so cute, now if only she'd listen.

Hey Shanette that is too cute about the "Chicken Cereal" are you keeping a baby book? I loved keeping those and recording every little thing during those early years :luv:

Hey Irie, I was wondering where you were. Hope everything works out for you. Don't let that stuff stress you out. I hear you on the farts thingy. I guess I started that conversation this morning. LOL Ray let's out the "SBD" ones, puts the smell in his hand and then lets it out under my nose. I can't believe the smell actually stays in there. OMG, it's the worst. Okay, I have to admit that my hubby is nasty. LMAO He had the nerve to say I was nasty in his sleep. :rofl:

OMG sunny HUSH no he don't haaaaa that is so funny sounds like something you would see on Youtube :rofl:

Lets see, Saturday I am taking my state math exam at 7:30 am :blink: Maybe getting together with Philly and RegAl and sunday sleeping probably

Where we going?

Wowwwwwwwwwwww deep!

Girl yes and it gets deeper! I'll post the rest today the guy emailed me he posted pt 3
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-10 11:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Sentence usage: Dada's epistles enable her to keep the Yardies up to date on what has transpired in the room! :thumbs:

:thumbs: Good job Teach :star:

What exactly did you almost choke on???

Haaaa a chocolate ball! :rofl:

Good Evening.. Just popping in to say hi. It has been such a busy week and it is only TUESDAY!

I am on the edge of an anxiety attack right now....oooohhhhmmmmmm. :(

People upstairs being noisy, car ins. company being a pain, all this irritates Louis....which totally stresses me out and to top it off I am PMSing..

I did see you all were talking farts today! LOL... You would not want to be in this house. We dont hide, go in the other room... nada... drop it when you got to around here!! LOL!!!
Louis' favorite thing is dropping the "SBD" ones at work or in a store... he giggles like a little kid!!!
Between Louis, Tierra and me... well lets just say we burn alot of insense!! :rofl:

That is so gross of us!!! But at least none of us mind...

:bonk: :rofl:

Posted ImagePosted Image :rofl:

:lol: girl now I want a donut haaaa
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-10 09:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Dag lawny, that's what we trying to do, full custody, but we will settle for share cause she won't let her come spend time with house, visa already paid for but she wont take her to the embassy to do the visiting nothing. And what piss me off is the condition we found the baby in, she had bumps all on her butt from sitting somplace dirty her little two chop in two from walking barefoot, she was dirty as hell and in bed sleeping! #######! she gonna talk about she must have been playing and fell asleep, its 7pm why would you not have given her a bath already and start getting her settled for the night, did she even eat dinner. I could hardly get dress for my wedding cause the baby was stuck to me like glue, the week we spent with her that was probable the most love and attention she has gotten in awhile! so mad!

OMG Portland this is a total case of neglect, how old is the baby? I hope you are able to get custody Good luck!

I got an A in my History and Business class. Thank you God ......I just knew I was gonna fail business. My first grade was a 0.45 out of 15. I was about to cry. But I knuckled down and got through it.

:dance: That's whats up You go girl! :dance:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-10 09:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

I usually pray this much and more, especially lately my faith is being tested BIG time. Ive been angry for the last two days and I definitely have to give it up to God. I prayed for MsSheka because she has gone through alot not having hubby here and especially to help raise the children so this was an important prayer for me to say especially cause Fats has to be a good boy while they are traveling so her pressure doesnt go up.... Nah you are the head prayer sayer mi sista!

Preach Tee we all need yuh preayers :yes: !

:ot: Speaking of Mi sista, what happened to Spanglas? :ot2:

girl, you should hear my British side of the family talk...I just be laughing my A$$ off and they say I talk funny...mi jus seh eeh eeh mi seh if mi hear one a dem seh "bloody hell" one more time


pick me up on yuh way! mi will meet yuh a di corner!

ruh roh :no:

a wah kine a wurd dat

sound like ebonics haaaa
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-09 17:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

MsTee i aint had to fight in like 7 years. but the devil took control of me and I started going crazy. she is beat up Posted Image and now I feel bad but you gotta watch what you do when you around other people kids.

Because I will die for my babies all day every day :yes:

And she was thinking it was a joke until I showed her what joking will get her. Posted Image

i aint the biggest person in the world Im just tall, but Im under 200 and she was way over. she was samoan (sp). and young 27 years old and thought she was bad. had the whole samoan mafia up there. But yall know my family deep so everyone was there also. it looked like a celebrity was at the supermarket with all the people there.

My daddy came up there and said how you feeling Posted Imagechamp. i was like thats not funny I am embarrassed because my baby seen me get down like that

But I teach them to defend there selves but I feel I went to far.

So please dont post anything on FB yall because it is pending appearances in court and I used a fake name.

I feel you JQ that made no sense for that ooman to be displaying that damn disrespectful behavior not only to others but to herself! She sounds like a certified hot mess and I bet her and the dude are still together! :bonk:
I hope everything works out for you Sis!

Mike Tyson got a K.O..... I don't blame you though JQ sometimes that's what people need every once in a while. Been a while since I went there, but in my younger years I stayed in some shyt. I had to be rescued from the police a few times when I was in school and once almost had to do time because I got jumped and went back for those biatches. Girls always had it out for me for some reason. Had to go to private school too and almost got sent away to some boarding school in PA, so this brings back memories. Since you gave then fake info, you don't have to go to court.

Sun that is funny cause I had the same issues when I was younger chicks always wanted to jump me and that was nothing but jealousy, we can't turn off all this fabulousity no matter how hard we try LOL. :rofl: So I know exactly where you are coming from and I bet those females are a hot mess now!

While I don't blame you and I'm glad you whopped some a$$, I can't get over the fact that you were thrown in super market jail!!!! I just snorted with laughter.

Girlfriend, I am calling you next time I go out. I need some good back up!

LOL @ you calling JQ for back up haaaaaaa
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-16 09:57:00