Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!
Tee the last one was out of sequence sorry this is the next in order

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-09 12:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-09 12:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

LOL.. i always feel like somebody's WATCHING MEEEEEEEEEEEEE.. lol
yeah.. that is hard.. mrsbuggy and i were just in a debate with our hubby's bout the need for vj to vent and let go of issues so we don't carry that baggage within ourselves.. the positive feedback as well as a shoulder to lean on REALLY helps in this journey..
ERIC..we love ya bredrin, but you might affi find another ja/us board LOL.. joking!!! (a little bit) lol

Girl yes, the Men don't really understand they look at it more like we are telling all the business! Maybe they need to start a Men's thread LOL and then they can chat about everything under the sun too and see why we need this venue to vent :yes:

This is a joke: OMG Ray was sleeping yesterday and has a habit of laughing in his sleep. Yesterday I was laying beside him and he started laughing and when I looked over at him he was knocked out. A few minutes later, he will still sleep and said Mich yuh nasty..... I looked over at him and said what. He was still sleep. When he finally got up, I said honey why did you call me nasty? He started cracking up and saying I dreamed that you farted and I sad Mich yuh nasty. LMAO :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I was crying.

:rofl: Haaaaa Damian says I talk in my sleep too LMAO but he never tells me what I say :bonk: telling you.. i have never heard anybody say my dads or my uncles name without saying the others name..
it was like it was ONE name instead of TWO LOL, he doesn't have any kids..
the ex, girl.. i keep saying maybe his marriage will mark the end of this roller coaster ride with him.. so far soo good.. i dunno tho..

So far so good huh LOL girl from your lips to God's ears!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-09 12:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-09 12:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

cho.....dat man cyaan live w/out me for one second :lol: ......nuttin nah gwaan cept mi poppin out di girls dem next week...

LMAO you sound like me and my Mistah haaaaaaaaa

Still cyaa believe yuh pop next week God Bless yuh Sis!

Hopefully you will post the baby pics deh pon FB :devil:

I go by mamajew, but since Eric is on here as much as me, I switched our screen name.

Mama Jew are you on FB?

I am fine right now actually but I would say by the weekend I will be missing him. I am happy for him that he got to go back down just a little disappointed that I couldn't go with him. I told my son I would beat him if he didn't stop crying. Total joke there...I told him he is the man of the house now and he needs to man up. Told him to go and take a shower and wash all that funk that he is feeling off and when he came out he was much better. Said he felt better too.

LOL go Mamma Dills
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-09 11:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

thanks philly :star: I'm just feeling so thankful today :dance: we have come so far i have a feeling this is going to be very emotional :crying: for us this time :yes:

Girl let out those tears of joy I know it will feel so good to be together as a family again! He soon come home nuh worry yuhsef :star:

T BABY!! how the heck are ya???
last night was the first official night.. it was WIERD being home alone at night lol
he said the manager of the receiving dept was a JAMAICAN.. lived not far from him in cool
this dude has been working for HD for 19 years :thumbs:
he said it was a bit hectic cuz alot of the team is either on vacay or were out so he was pretty much on his own, but they picked the right one cuz roger is REALLY good at catching on and figuring things out..
he is on another job interview as we speak so maybe he might get a daytime gig as well :joy: ..we'll see

That is wonderful Q about the Depot Manager, but even more fabulous he is on another job interview! Go Rog! :thumbs:

Yep 2 weeks! He is doing good..he was a bit sad last night but I made him snap right out of it.

Awwe I bet he is sad, poor baby:luv:

im good philly.. the service was beautiful..its sad but hopeful as well, im glad my dad doesn't have to suffer anymore with addiction and depression and failing organs. im in prayer for his bro, they were like peanut butter and jelly.. he is alone now for the first time in his life. he is still on drugs too. (F)
i praise danced and am sore than a mug.. WOW.. this is sad how my body is doing me.. i need to get more fit FOR REAL..
the ex got married this weekend too, i wished him well, from the pics i saw, it was beautiful.. he went bipolar on me of course, he had been showering me w/ emails since my dad died trying to make sure i was okay.. he asked me the night b4 if i could go get taylor some shoes for HIS wedding..ummm i already took tay to get her dress altered and cleaned AND got the girls hair done..i think thats enough..he WENT OFF!!! said i can't do a simple thing for him..
WOW.. good luck new MRS...LOL

Q Wow that is quite a story, I feel for the Brother this has to be really hard for him I can only imagine what he is feeling now that his right hand Man isn't by his side.....I know you take comfort in the fact that he is no longer in pain and you reconciled your relationship I am so happy about that I know that wasn't easy....but that was GOD!

Girl I would love to see you praise dance I so enjoy watching it's so emotional!

Lawd the Ex :blink: SMH at him! Hopefully the new Mrs/ will now take the full onslaught of his harassment or do you think it will ever stop?
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-09 11:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!


phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-09 11:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!
For Tee

African movies starring
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-09 11:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Yayyyyyyyyyyy :dance: :dance: :dance: Im soooooooooooo happy for you MsSheka. Have fun girlie, you deserve it!

*Prays... Dear Heavenly Father, please help and guide MsSheka and Fats to have a safe trip. Please help MsSheka come back with her Mr. and please Lord.... Don't let fats act up.. Help keep him calm doing their travels so his mommy's pressure don't go up! Watch over her other children as well. In the name of Jesus Christ ... AMEN!!

Im excited! :)

Good morning yardies :)

Luvs the prayer, keep them going :star:

To whoever is trying to focus on the weight reduction... Im a big'un and that's how im goin to stay :rofl:

Hush LOL

Next post is all you stand by :devil:

i can't catch up guys.. but from the responses..
glad to hear bout the house dw.. be blessed
tre, i hope ur granny feels better, she is a strong woman, she always seems to pull through..i pray its in Gods will this time as well!
kj.. glad u and hubby are enjoying ur time
nat, glad u are about to enjoy some time alone lol

Hey Q how are you feeling Mamma

DW congrats on the house hope it all works out for you guys.

Mikel made it through customs without them opening the bag. They did ask why he had so much luggage and he used the story that his wife and kids were coming on a later flight tomorrow. They just told him to go through. THANK GOD!!!!

Woo hoo I knew he would be ok :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-09 11:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

my best friend lives in alaska and was telling me about the iditarod that she went to and sent me pics and there was all these pics of the people waving the jamaican flag.....i was thinking to myself damn what the hell jamaica doing in that cold azz place... :lol:

Yardie Massive Worldwide :thumbs:

That is too funny. I used to live in Alaska for 4 years. My dad was stationed there. Honestly. It is just a lot of snow. It is much colder here during the winter than in Alaska. The wind will swop you up and take you away here. There the temp is just about 20 below

Oh Hell to the no LOL I will not be visiting there EVER LOL

Girl when I saw my electric bill once Eric was here, I was like oh no my BRUTHA. But then it hit me that. He is here all day, he sleeps with TV on, and for the life of me Forgets to turn off the lights when he comes out of a room. So me being military was like....alright babe. WE GOTTA TIGHTEN UP....(really I just meant him)

LOL I know thats right, Hubby is pretty good with the current eh will have us all in the dark and catching rain wata if it was up to him ( luvs him) :rofl:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-09 10:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

that's not even the word I'm so ready to see my hubby :yes: Posted ImagePosted Image :devil: :devil:

I know you are on cloud nine girl (dang where is that smiley LOL) I am so happy for you!

Likkle more Yardies...going to get my butt back to the grind over here on these cases! :whistle:

Have a blessed day! :D

I know that's right! me too girl :blush:

bad bargain philly!!!! :bonk:

morning yardies!

Run roh, mi in chubble LOL
Let me get some Ringyard credit LOL :star:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-09 10:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Morning All! :dance:

BTW, we found the house last night. :D Just praying on things and hope to decide this week...

Hey Den's that is fabulous news I am so happy for your Sis!

We still have a lot of snow on the ground so they are worried about flooding now..

oh dang, yeah its just about gone except those huge piles they are taking their sweet time to melt. It looks dutty and nasty yuck go away already!

ST. LOUIS: Two people are injured in fire

Two elderly people were injured Monday night in a fire at a four-flat apartment building at 2141 and 2143 Russell Boulevard.

The man and woman suffered smoke inhalation and were taken to a hospital, where they were listed in stable condition, St. Louis fire department Deputy Chief Brian Walsh said.

Firefighters rescued the man and the woman, who was bedridden, from separate apartments.

The 9:30 p.m. blaze likely started in the basement and significantly damaged the building.

The cause of the fire was not known. One firefighter needed the help of his partner when he became disoriented inside the building and his breathing unit began to run low on air, Walsh said.

The firefighters got out safely and were not hurt.

I was a nervous wreck last night. The Partner mentioned would be my BF.

Oh Wow JG I am glad that everyone made it out ok:thumbs: I would have been a nervous wreck too :crying:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-09 10:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Mstee, you meant to say SunRay.... I'm trying to focus so I'll keep the Fried C***** word out of my mouth.

LOL mi nuh focused eidda :unsure:

I agree. I have been applying for jobs down NC and it seems like when I was using my PIT address no bites. Now that I’m using my cousin’s address I’m getting some hits. I have to go take a test on Monday. I’m like ####### I haven’t took a test in years. It was nice they sent me some examples of what is going to be on the test so I guess I will study this weekend.

It bites I can only go down on Sun and be back on Monday because I have tickets to the Jay Z concert on Tuesday….

Good luck girl, things are moving right along in yuh favor!

I forgot my manners :( Morning all!

Hey 1luv

That's what I was thinking, Nat.

Hey JG

Brooke yuh not ready fi mi..... :rofl:

:blink: For April/May??

yes April/ May, the spring break for the boys has everything all jacked up plus the house nuh ready yet but either way it's gonna be before the 2n's week in May. Do you have yuh dates finalized are you going back to Negril or Mobay?
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-09 10:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Night night yardies....taking my sickie self off to bed after getting hubby to get up off the couch so he can move to the bed!

Ells I hope you feel better, you were up late last night? You couldn't sleep huh?

Mawning Yardies :star: No sleep my stomach is in knots :unsure: HA HA HOURS BABY HOURS!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:


You ladies are talking up a storm.

Morning ALL!!


I got 8 hours of sleep! :dance:

Mawnin Yardies...

Where is everybody? :unsure:

Good to see you MrsBuggy and goodluck with the getting your stepson to the states.

Mawning Ladies ((( waving)) Happy Tuesday
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-09 10:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

LOL... I'm going walking with my sister at 7pm. I hope I can keep this up because it's so hard to get back into it. Pray for me. lol

How did the walking go? I walked in the door to fried fish and rice and veggies LOL I know I'm being bad :bonk: Healthy eating soon come :lol:

Hello yaardies!!! I'm BAAAACK!!! LMAO! Hope everyone is well and happy!! I KNOW I have missed so much... just wanted to share w/ you that we are going to start the process w/ my stepson... here we go again, LOL.

Hey girl long time no see, good luck on the process :thumbs:

are you serious wow! i have to ask the lady running the trip how she plans on getting her group there :blink:

Dont teas me philly :crying:

PHILLY STAY FOCUS... ya chat about food in dis post!!! STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY FOCUSED! :bonk:

Yeah I happened to go on the site yesterday but since they have not fully absorbed Air J into their flight roster there is nothing updated plus the entire merger can take up to a year.

I'll post a movie today just trying to think of which one B-) nuh worry yuh self I'll post a good one.

Girl I am not focused right now and I can surely admit it, I am getting it together though, the warm weather definitely puts me in the right frame of mind for the healthy lifestyle. Still on the edge about elyptical machine or bike I still can't choose?
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-09 09:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Mrstee, I'm just here. Today was my day off so I was in bed with hubby most of the day. LMAO

That's where I should have stayed too, you go girl! :thumbs:

Hye TAMH, I'm sure you've been enjoying the weather here these last couple of days. If only it could stay like this. :wacko:

It better last! Its supposed to rain for the latter half of the week but I'm not complaining cause it will get rid of this last bit of nasty snow!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-08 17:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

MANGOES -- that's what I'm talking about. I've seen customs try to take jerk pork from people and they just take a big bite out of it.

:rofl: I know that's right!

We went to a baby shower this weekend and the guests of honor didn't show up...she went into labor at noon that day and had the baby that night. I was so happy for them but they weren't due until the end of March.

Wow on the day of the shower now that's something!

Im not braggin but i did manage to get mangoes, jerk pork, beef patties and sugar cane back with me on my carryon.. I was scared shytless. I wont do that again... :no:

Girl :bonk: :bonk:

Philly mi sistren.. I know you are busy but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I need Nollywood pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase with sugar on top!

LOL I just talked to my African's Sistren and she is sending me this today just released. ( yeah I know I got the hook up)

Posted Image

Slys (Majid Michel) premonitions and dreams are ever recurring, a pre-occupation that goads his desire. The expression of unconditional love by Katty his lifelong admirer remains a mere illusion. In a contrasting world of Marlows (John Dumelo) empire, a rich business tycoon who begets what he wishes in snap, love is just a mirage, and engagements between two souls leave just for the spur of the moment. But would Chelsea (Nadia Buari) change his perceptions? Would Sly finally get to meet his fairy princess? The Armageddon beckons
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-08 17:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

3 more nites :dance:

Almost there girl, :star: you are good I can't stand to be unattached from the hip for more than the 8.5 hours plus commute time I am at work :blink:

ohhh it was probably that bitter Sercy (sp) tea plant Posted Image

Nope mi knoa cerassea I have no idea what it was, look like a bush, even hubby was like :blink: ( shrugs shoulders)

Do they ever call/text to see how u doing b4 they found out u coming??
I just hate that :angry:

Haaaaa yes everyone start to call, can you bring me an Iphone :rofl: :bonk: :rofl:

that reminds me of something hilarious
back in the early 90's when ppl used to bring to try to smuggle in american apples, this woman coming home got stopped and customs was gonna take away her apples, a whooooole heap of them too
now of course di dutty customs officer not going to throw them away
dem going tek and dem and go sell dem or share dem up fi dem fren and family
so this woman goes o'rly? and proceeds to bite every single apple and rub dem up against her vaggy :rofl: :rofl: :blink:

ROTFL DWL haaaaaaaaaaaa see it deh, that is hilarious I would have been rolling if I saw that :lol:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-08 17:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

i just sent hubby to get me a shamrock those things..

LOL @ the cravings

Oh...I forgot to say earlier that I've never been searched in JA...not bad for 20+ trips. Damien has never been searched either...think he's been home 7-8 times in the last 5 years.

They searched my Hubby a million times even rescanned the Laptop WTH and this was in JA but not in customs :blink:

Bunz does he look suspect or something? Maybe its the dreadloc ponytail ( shrugs shoulders)

Lucky you...I didn't start getting searched until I got a US passport. I would always be greeted with welcome home by immigration, then customs was a PITA (Pain In The A$$) -- and I hate rude people, but sometimes I would dish it back -- like when they would ask "who dis fah" or "you nu ave nutin fi no baddi" -- I would reply I don't understand what you're saying. The attitude is what I can't take, just do your damn job. Back in the day when AJ would allow 70lbs, that when I really brought things back. Too bad flat screens weren't were so expensive back then.

:bonk: :rofl:

Guess he is just going to have to figure it out then. I did tell them what you all said about him being allowed to bring in $500 duty free...I am sure he will be stopped he has two HUGE is his stuff and the other one is full of the give away stuff that his Mom sent to us to take down. She said it wasn't much but when we got it...enought to fill a huge bag. Plus he has his carry on bag stuffed to the gills. He already said the next time he goes he isn't tell anyone until the day he is leaving. He was really upset about carrying so much down.

I have my fingers crossed he will be just fine, he has a $500 I wouldn't stress :no:

Philly, I was going ask you how you jog with them big girls. LMAO I have a hard time with my DD’s. LMAO

Air Jamaica use to fly out of Baltimore at 8:45 and get to JA at 10:50am and they would leave Mobay at 4:45pm and get home at 9:05pm. NOW…………….they leave Baltimore at 3:00pm and get there at 7:00pm and coming back they leave Mobay at 9:45am and get home at 2:00pm or 3:00pm. I hate it………..

Girl, I’ve been working on my dumplings. Lol I’ll have to get Lawns over here to try them and then I’ll know they are ok. Lol

Dillon that was a good excuse to tell Mikel…. I traveled with an 10 piece comforter set before and got through. I told the lady I was allergic to hotel bed sheets. LMAO

LOL yes Sun with the unitard contraption and a good sports bra haaa

Whaaat that is a crazy hot mess in regards to the flight times I truly hope that this doesn't change in Philly cause I love my early flights and late returns

I went on the site and they don't even have flights from Philly right now :blink:

LOL @ the comforter and hotel sheets!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-08 17:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

i had to "verify" my degree to sit the exams at a cost of 150 dollars (because i didn't earn it from a us university)
so they verify it i sit the exams and i have passed
i thought at this point i send in my fee for the license and that's it
only to find out i have to get the degree verified AGAIN! the same degree i had verified to sit the exam
so it was good enough to allow me to sit the exam but its not good enough to get me the license? :angry: :blink:

mi hear ppl seh him inna columbia

Are you serious, Damn! :blink:

Girl I wouldn't doubt it!

The day is getting better. I was scrounging in the kitchen for some oatmeal and a handful of peanuts when one of my bosses came in with a veggie sandwich, chips, and a cookie. I feel better now.

LOL I have been there and done that, scavenging in my top drawer for crackers and oatmeal LOL
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-08 16:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

So they don't have to hire new people and they can charge us ridiculous prices for healthcare, so that we have to use our healthcare after having a stroke or heart attacked at a young age for all the stress/work, they keep piling on us! That's why.... :wacko:

Say it again Tee! Basically since they don't want to hire additional staff we just have to keep reinventing ourselves and perform other duties as needed. Job Security!

Good afternoon everyone :star:

Hey KJ, to chime on what everyone else says I think you should do you Sis, whatever works out best for your and your SO and your wallet! :yes:

Things are wonderful.

Sorry I ran out of here Friday. Had a doctor's appointment in afternoon.

Went to a rockin' country concert Friday, hung out at FH on Saturday, and played bingo yesterday. Didn't win anything again or it would've been freakin' fabulous.

Day is s--l--o--w though today!

I absolutely love BINGO! I used to play all the time at the Senior Center back in the day they are a riot and serious bout their BINGO :yes:

hi everyone! wha gwaan? mi lay pon di couch watching spongebob...

Hey Finesse how yuh feeling today
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-08 15:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

What makes me :angry: is coming back to Philadelphia. I ALWAYS get searched... :angry: I keep asking them why and one time they said its the amount of liquor I bring back.. BS... I hope they enjoy sniffing my dirty drawers! :angry: Maybe I should do like Sunny and leave a potato in my panty.. bet they won't look no more! Cho!

I normally get searched by Agriculture cause I bring back alot of food and whatnot, I just let them look through whatever just let me leave wid all mi food items :yes: I see so many people ready fi kill dem cause they throw their food in the trash. One time dis old ooman had a likkle bush in ar bag and they gave her this look like :blink: I have no idea what it was but she was so upset cause she wanted to make ar tea I felt to bad for her :unsure: .

I just bought some hootchie shorts at Target that I am in love with!

LOL I just got some from Walmart LOL

Tell it...tell it.

yes do tell :yes: love us cause you keep coming back for more!

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-08 15:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

i think it has alot to do with how you deal with them and the amount of load you are carrying
if you coming down with ten million peices of luggage
you are likely to be search
my fam in florida always goes into the nothing to declare line and they get through

That be me LOL and I go in nothing to declare :yes:

I lol too bunz...she just can't keep leaving us to go on vacation cause it takes her too long to catch up lol

You know I am slow to catch up after vacay LOL

JQ are you one of the ppl who monitor troubled teens?
i know someone who had a job like that once and that poor girl lived in fear of her cell phone ringing in the middle of the night to go hunt down kids

This sounds like one of the programs I had my youngest son in and wouldn't you know that after a million calls to his " Big Buddy" the funding was lost. I hope that had nothing to do with all my calls :whistle:

Country I know your not talking.. You sound like you left Jamaica or Haiti yesterday I was cracking up cuz when you got excited yuh chat patwa… LOL

I didn’t see you on line dis weekend…

LOL I'm cracking up cause Hubby says he has no idea what language I speak :bonk: :rofl:

I know girl I was out of pocket this weekend I will be on tonight :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-08 14:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Philly, with all of that beauty you are carrying around, the men can't even think straight when they see you coming thru custom. LOL

But you are right I have seen guest who are in the nothing to declare line have their bags open. So it's a hit and miss.

Roxcie awwwe that is so sweet, LOL but you are not far off I do wear those low cut tops for a reason he he :whistle: :innocent:

likkle dis likkle dat lol
i'm an accountant by profession

LOL Bunz dat sound like me too!

Good Afternoon...
I am covering for a couple co-workers this week and am busy busy busy!
Hope you all had a nice weekend.. it was warm (sorta) and sunny here... I Loved it!

Hey Irie ((( waving)) yes 60 degrees seems like a heatwave for us right now :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-08 14:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

:angry: sitting here shaking my leg cause I'm hotter than fish grease...still nothing. They hung up on my aunt that called from NY. Mom bout to leave work...looking for fares to fly out tomorrow tomorrow. We have family there, but they won't let them on the ward or tell them too busy to talk to family... I hate this helpless feeling :angry:

Tre I am so sorry that don't make no sense! I would be ready to jump on the 1st flight down!

Dillon, they screen citizen bags alot more than tourist. They are looking for the citizens to pay taxes on everything. But it could be his luckly day, he could get missed. He needs to be prepare if he is screened and taxed.

Bunz, that don't always work now, they might make him open up his bag right there. I saw it happen, it's better to declare something than nothing if your bag is huge for a 5 day trip.

True dem search Damian like he a pose threat long kissteet! :angry:

It's possible. It's his frist trip back and they're going to ask him if he's brining things for family. I'm not 100% sure about this, but I think you can bring in up to $500 worth of goods. So, tell him to be prepared for his suitcase to dig up. What we've done in the past is bring receipts (don't produce them) unless they fussing at you about the cost of something. In my case, I brought home 2 flat screen 22 inch TV in my suitcase and they tried to tell me the tvs were more than $200 a piece. They wanted me to pay taxes on what they thought the tvs were worth and I told them no I have the receipt.

One more thing, have him remove tags from everything. They don't bug you so much with's electronics.

Yes cause dem ask mi a million times, mi have DVD's phones and PC's and mi tell dem , it all fi mi inna mi Yard LOL!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-08 13:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Nat, isn't that $500 dollars for JA citizens, they can bring back up to that amount in merchandise duty free. I don't think there is a dollar amount for guest. But, they tend not to charge guest unless it is a big ticket item. Now again this has been my oberservation at the Kingston Airport. Mobay may operate differently.

Yup Rox you are right, but I have seen visitors in Kingston get charged for items declared. Now mind you I have no idea what they are bringing or telling customs but I don't get charged and I always bring alot of stuff ( shrugs shoulders).

lmao @ philly JUST now catching up with the saga

LOL yuh knoa I was catch up if it took me 2 weeks LOL. Wuk has been crazy but I am tiyad today and feel like going home and getting back in my bed! :whistle:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-08 13:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Good Morning Ladies!

Tre your Grandmother and your family are in my prayers...hope you get an update soon.

I am getting ready to leave for lunch and take Hubby to the airport. :dance: I made him make me a BIG pot of rice and peas last night to hold me over for a bit before he gets back. I am with Nat on this one I will miss him but I really am looking forward to a little ME time.

Den's..glad you love your new ring..BLING BLING!

Philly I fell asleep in the same spot as you did last night watching the Oscars...I rolled over and turned off the TV right as Sandra Bullock was getting her award.

Have a great day everyone.

Awwwe that is so sweet about the rice and peas :yes:

I still have to see who all won, I saw Jeff Bridges crying on GMA :crying: I never knew he was nominated 5 times previously?

Good Morning Yardies :star:

IN THE NAME OF JESUS Lord I hold up Tre's family and I ask you to change the hearts of the hospital staff, and convict them for their evilness and being inconsiderate.
Tre just remember Love is patient and kind. Dont let a rude person take your eye off the prize who is your grandma. The devil sometimes want to occupy our time with things that are not important(like a rude person having a bad day). Continue to keep her in prayer and have FAITH. (F)

Great prayer JQ! :star:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-08 13:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Even though I would be smiling in the morning I felt like I would be belittling myself. Like I would be telling him it was o.k. to do what you did I forgive you and I don’t. I don’t forgive him for the simple fact he couldn’t be honest with me. That story was bullcrap and he knows it. He didn’t call me too many times this time. He knew I was either out or avoiding him I guess.

The next day, my last day is always the worst day. Its time to go. Star got in at who knows what time. I heard R come in with her but when I woke he was gone. She was like did you have fun with Roc. I told her Roc didn’t come over. She was shocked like get out. We went to breakfast and I swear it was the best breakfast ever. Probably cuz it was my last JA breakfast for some time. Roc called. I answered. So you leave today ey? Yup. Why you nuh answer last night. I was busy. Oh mi gwaan meet yuh at de airport. I told him no need to I’m good. He said what yuh man going to be there. I told him we already said our good byes that‘s all there is too say. He told me he had some more to say I told him to say it. He told me when he sees me. I replied what ever and hung up.

The next day, my last day is always the worst day. Its time to go. Star got in at who knows what time. I heard R come in with her but when I woke he was gone. She was like did you have fun with Roc. I told her Roc didn’t come over. She was shocked like get out. We went to breakfast and I swear it was the best breakfast ever. Probably cuz it was my last JA breakfast for some time. Roc called. I answered. So you leave today ey? Yup. Why you nuh answer last night. I was busy. Oh mi gwaan meet yuh at de airport. I told him no need to I’m good. He said what yuh man going to be there. I told him we already said our good byes that‘s all there is too say. He told me he had some more to say I told him to say it. He told me when he sees me. I replied what ever and hung up.

Why were we taking so long to get ready? Our plane departs at 1:30 and its 12:00 and we are still at the hotel putsing (sp) around. R was supposed to come back and get us but no sign of him so I call my Jamaican brudda Mike to help get us there. He picks us up and drives us to the airport. Funny I love seeing this place when I arrive but I hate seeing it when I’m leaving. I get out the car so Mike and I can take a flick for my girl back home whose in love with him. As we finish taking the pic I notice Mike stops and ask someone can they help them. I turn around. Get the freak out of here!!!

It’s the bartender from Negril. (yup Sus you guessed it) I stopped. I’m shocked. What are you doing here I ask him. Seeing you he replied.. My happiness turns to doubt. Aww damn is this fool about to tell me he cant live without me, he’s fallen in love with me, he couldn’t sleep last night because he missed me you know some of the bull ish lines they feed us. I wait for his next sentence. He was like I came to see you off. We were supposed to link up de next day memba but yuh lef Negril in such a hurry. I’m standing there waiting for the ball to drop. I wish he would just say something crazy and put me out of my misery. I just replied, ”Oh”. Mike looks at me like are you o.k. I give Mike a hug and tell him I’m good. Thanks for the ride. Mike goes to grab my bags but Negril gets to them first. He told Mike he has it. Mike jumps back in the car and pulls off. You know Negril asked me who was that. I laughed. That’s my Jamaican brudda. I explain to Negril how he helped us get to the airport. Negril ended up telling me his manger had something in Mobay he needed to pick up so Negril volunteered to do it for him thinking he could swing past the airport to see if he saw me. He said he was waiting for a ½ hour and he was just about to leave when he spotted me. I asked him didn’t he have to leave I didn’t want him to get in any trouble. He explained everything was cool.

I go inside and get checked in and drop off my bags. I have about 20 minute to spare. Star is out talking to R he showed up too. Negril and I are talking outside when I see him walking towards me.

I'm almost der!!! Yuh dont want me to finish??

Oh ish I forgot about Roc. Roc is smirking but his pace becomes slower. I think he sees me talking to Negril and wondering if we’re together or not. My heart starts racing I really hope Roc won’t perform. Negril is trying to get my attention he is wondering why I became distant. I hear him saying you hear me but right now I’m concentrating on what is in front of me. Roc and I had an incident before where I was chatting wid someone and it didn’t end up so good so I’m like oh hell what will happen dis time. Negril follows my stare and sees me staring at Roc. I look at Negril he looks at Roc I look at Roc he’s looking at Negril. Roc walks up to me and stands in front of me. The smirk is now gone. He simply asks me am I good? I think for a minute and then I turn my head to the side like I have attitude. Yeah mi good. I look confident but I’m nervous as heck in the inside. What if he curse me in front of all these people or make a scene. Negril puts his hand on my back. Nice move Negril now we both might get jacked up. Star stops talking and she starts walking over. It’s only the end of the trip before you act concerned. I feel like Roc is staring at me I guess waiting for me to clarify things or jump into his arms like normal. I say nothing. He moves closer to me uh oh here it goes. I’m thinking to myself now if he hits you do you do the windmill on his rass or get into a boxing stance and try to punch him in the nose. He moves closer he’s inches away…

He ends up walking right past me. He bumps my shoulder with his but he keeps walking. He never looked back that I noticed.

Whoo.. I let out a whole heap of air. Negril asks was that my brudda too? I laugh and tell him no. After that I’m ready to get on the plane that mess has me rattled. Negril asks me to keep in touch and he walks me to the security check point or what ever it's called. O.k. is he going to ask to marry me now? He gives me a nice tender hug and kisses me on my cheek. Call me when yuh reach he says. I walk through the security he stands there and then he leaves.

As the Jamrock Turns Concludes...

I sit on the plane and just lean back and sigh. For some strange reason my eyes got teary. I think it was from Roc. If it wasn't over before it damn sure is now. I think about the two years we had and think of the good times we shared. We had a lot but you know what we had just as many bad. All the fussing and fighting we did was enuff to make anyone go mad. Star commented she was surprised to see us not fight. Everyone who has been around us know how we get down. We go months without seeing each other just to get together and cuss each other out. I always left JA saying I would never return I hate him to be back down there three months later if not sooner. That was my boy and well I'll always love him but I'm moving on. Our relationship was crazy but I enjoyed it so I guess I'm just as crazy.

Negril was cool and I did enjoy myself with him. I liked how he wasn't pushy or over bearing. He was just cool. I guess we shall see what happens but this time I'm taking it S..L..O...W. The stewardess tells us its time to turn off all electronic devices. I grab my cell phone to shut it down. Right then I see I received a text message. You will always be my woman...

The End...

Wow Dada that was truly an emotional rollercoaster, girllllll and at the end I swore he was gonna make a scene but for your sake I am glad he didn't. I knew he couldn't leave it alone and something told me he was gonna text you right before you fly off cause he knew that would drive you crazy and you couldnt text back till you reach back a farrin. I have been in those types of relationships before to be honest you think it's love but it's not, Love don't hurt! I am so glad you saw through his lies and you are ready to move on. The ONE will present himself when the time is right :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-08 12:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Yummy, He's actually making a banana foster ice cream cake but just seeing the bananas in the sauce on the stove make my mouth water. LMAO We went to D&B a few weeks ago but it was like a 2hr wait to eat so we left and went to Fridays.. :unsure:

Sun we were there this weekend and Lawd we had to stalk the tables to eat in the gaming area! Then they didn't have my favorite chicken and shrimp fettuccine :angry: but at least the boys had a good time. It was nice to have a family outing after what seems like forever.

We took another morph pic to see what our dawtah would look like and awwwe this time it looks like ours LOL
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-08 12:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Nuthing gyal how you??

Trying to stay wake mi taught mi was grown lass night and went out for dome cocktails. I knew betta to go out on a work night but oh well I did have fun…

Hey Country I mean Lady LOL LOL yes you knew better than to go out drinking on a work night but I'm glad you had fun!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-08 12:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

I have 7th Heaven reward points too. I don't ever plan to fly them again with those crazy flight times.

Wait you flying out of Bmore right? they changed your flight times WTH?
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-08 11:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

I'm so mad...the nurse told me tell your family stop call because we not going to provide any information over the phone --- friggin factey :angry:

Oh Hell no she didn't :angry:

Sorry, I didn't even say Good Mawnin!

Hopefully everybody had a good weekend. I did! We went to see movie Cop Out yesterday and it was nice. We didn't make it to the breakfast place on the beach because we stayed in bed too late. lol For dinner I made steamed fish with banana, yam, ans dumpling and hubby said it was the best and that he was soo proud of me. I'm going to be the dumpling queen. LMAO

Hey Sun, you go girl excuse me I mean Dumpling queen :yes:

Me too Bunz. I loss 7lbs so far and I have to keep it up. Going to the track with my sister tonight. I can't wait. I need to get some of these pounds off so that I can look halfway decent when I reach yaad. LMAO

That is rude.... Who is up there? your aunt and who else?

Congrats Sun 7 lbs is a great accomplishment :dance:

Ok I guess I better get it together, I need a new work out unitard that is the only thing I can jog in and keep the tatas down LOL
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-08 11:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Posted Image

:wow: she looks STUNNING!!

Yes she does I feel asleep on the Oscars after Monique won

Posted Image

:wow: :wow: i need to get my a$$ in a gym ASAP!

girl you and me both I haven't stopped eating since I came back :help: its nice out now almost 6 everyday getting back in the swing of things to jog for the rest of the week before work :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-08 11:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Ya'll please pray for my grandmother she passed out 12noon yesterday and they still can't wake her and di damn people dem at the hospital won't answer the phone so we can get an update. My cousin said before she blacked out she called my name. The last converstation I had with her was they day I was born she even remembered what I wore she then told me --- if I'm ready...then she's ready.

Lawny, I will keep your Gran in my prayers ((( hugs))) (F)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-08 11:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

i bet NOTHING can ruin your mood today!!!

i'm gonna miss that air jamaica aircraft
there was a certain pride i took in it

Hey Bunz (( waving))

Yes girl I know exactly what you mean, there are so many people who work for AirJ in our scheme and they are NOID about what this can mean for their jobs. I mean these people have worked for the company for years and this is extremely scary for them as they just don't know what to expect. I hope that under the new umbrella of Caribbean airlines their jobs will be preserved but who knows, especially in this economy. :unsure:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-08 10:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Sheka gwaan guh pack....

Here is the info some of you asked for ---



MIAMI, FL – March 5, 2010 – A preliminary targeted transaction date of April 12, 2010 has been set by which the operations of Air Jamaica will begin the transition to Caribbean Airlines. This transaction date dovetails with the airline’s major schedule change that was previously announced. However, the transaction date could change as the details of the transition are finalized.

Seamless Operations
The following are important points to note as the changeover is made:
• The transition to Caribbean Airlines will be phased over a period of up to one year, in order to ensure that customers will continue to be provided with the best possible travel experience.
• Air Jamaica aircraft will continue to be utilized during the transition period.
• Current Air Jamaica pilots, flight crews and ground staff will operate the aircraft for the schedule already published.
• All customer services, including reservations, website and sales, will continue to operate in much the same way as today, for a period of time.

“We have enjoyed a tremendous relationship with our loyal customers in Jamaica and the wider Caribbean, as well as throughout the Diaspora, and we are pleased to advise that our company is also committed to continuing these relationships, doing everything possible to earn your loyalty and trust,” stated Bruce Nobles, Air Jamaica’s President and CEO.

Schedule advantages
As of April 12, the airline offers a superior schedule between Jamaica and its core destinations – namely four daily flights from Fort Lauderdale, three daily flights from New York (JFK) and daily flights from Philadelphia, Baltimore and Toronto.

To book future flights, continue to call your travel agent or Air Jamaica Reservations at 1-800-523-5585 or visit the website at

About Air Jamaica
Celebrating its 40th year as Jamaica’s national carrier, Air Jamaica offers the most nonstop flights between the U.S. and Jamaica. The airline serves 12 destinations with more than 160 weekly flights, including service between Jamaica and Toronto, New York (JFK), Chicago (O’Hare), Baltimore, Philadelphia, Orlando, Fort Lauderdale, Curacao and Nassau, as well as nonstop service between New York and Grenada. Voted “The Caribbean’s Leading Airline” for 12 consecutive years, Air Jamaica offers one of the industry’s most generous rewards programs, 7th Heaven Rewards, along with award-winning, free in-flight entertainment, the Island Stylee video and SkyWritings, the in-flight magazine. On Air Jamaica passengers experience the legendary Lovebird Hospitality and warm Caribbean smiles on every flight. For more information or to book travel, visit

Mawning Lawny, read this over the weekend I am calling them today to get my free ticket for my rewards miles can't take no Phockery when it comes to my ticket! :no:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-08 10:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

oh it's not bad at all. i'm happy that ya'll can post so much and there's no bickering! a few other regional threads could take a course in getting along from ya'll.


Mawning Ladies, Happy Monday!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-08 09:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

Walking through the door I could smell my hubby's cooking. Fried Chicken, rice and salad. I'm in heaven right now. :D

Hey Sun, you save me some chicken :devil:

Hey Philly you up late or should I say early too?

Hey girl, I was up watching a movie and the PC was on. I was so into my movie I never even replied then fell asleep.

Why was I hotter than fiish grease last night cause Y&R didn't record it must have been pre-empted by something ughhhhh :angry: Thankfully has my back and I am recording now while watching and African show :P
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-06 23:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

I was keeping up with what page I was on.

oh LOL good idea

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a bacterial
infection that is highly resistant to some antibiotics.
unfortunatly once you get it.....YOU HAVE IT FOR LIFE..... :blink:

OMG I am so sorry to hear this, I hope that isn't confirmed and Sus will be ok!

I hope you come back here when you're feeling better Sus! I'll miss you here....but I will see you on FB!

Me too! I love all ya'll despite any differences we may have & I just like to remain the pacifist (despite my soapbox rants on daily annoyances). People might think I'm introverted (until you meet me in person) but I just keep to myself too & don't see the point in all the 'he said she said' business.


Ok Ladies, I am out of here going home to clean and get ready for the weekend and drink a likke whine LOL soon come
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-05 18:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 24!

What a horrendous day I had -I so badly wanted to call out sick to work, but I have a huge document review that has to be done so I threw on sweats and went - Only to find out that outside council was in, and I was running up and down executive row all day - So not a good look in my sweat pants. Add to that, my Doctor thinks I have an MRSA infection - I am so ready to just crawl into my bed.

But, before I did so - I want to bring something openly here cause I am really tired of the behind the scenes PMs, texts, calls, etc.... all of which have inaccurate info - feels like we went back to Junior High School where your insecurities are trying to make you rally everyone around you to hate on the other person and get them to be on your side. So, to put it all out there once and for all -

I saw something that concerned me and I went to someone that I considered a friend, in confidence, who is also friends with that person, about it - I will apologize for not going directly to the person when I saw it, I should have - But it's the type of thing I would hope someone would care enough to do for me - if you are good with it, then that's your life, your choice - no problem. In my mind, it's worse to see something and not point it out. Obviously, this has shown me that people I considered to be friends or ones that I can trust to come to in confidence are not that - because if they were, this would never have gone down the way it has.

But since that time, there has been all kinds of back and forth about how I am "hiding" from here cause of stuff that went down, that I am running around making comments and calling people to let them know, that my facebook posts are about her, that I am fake and not to be trusted, etc... - Sorry, I have things that are going on in my life that have NOTHING to do with VJ, which is what my FB posts are about - I also joke around with my friends about things that aren't related here, cause I know other things about what they are going through. Anyone that has been on the boards with me for a while or knows me should know me well enough that if I have a problem with you, I will bring it to you - I am not gonna run around crying to everyone else and bashing that person to try to make myself feel better. Or are you so insecure that you assume you would be the only thing I have to talk about? I don't wish bad on anyone, we are all supposed to be here as support for one another - But again, come to find out that is not the case, cause some people talk one thing to your face and then jump cause they think they know it all and bash you to behind your back - It's the old adage about don't ASSume - or is it with friends like this, who needs enemies?

I never in a million years would have thought that this person would resort to the juvenile BS and backstabbing that has gone on today - if you had a problem with me, then you should have acted like a grown woman and come to me instead of trying to make sure everyone on VJ is on your team. I now understand why people have disappeared from this thread - cause people that you think are truly friends are not -

For those of you that know me for who I am, you know where to find me - and finesse, I will PM you my email since you refuse to get pon FB. I wish you all the best in your journeys - despite what some might think. Right now, I need to focus on myself and my health and leave the junior high ish to those who seem to thrive on it.

clutch the pearls :o

Edited by phillyfashionista, 05 March 2010 - 05:33 PM.

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-03-05 17:32:00