Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Got the $$ today! Woooo!
And... the car dealer got me a better loan w/ lower interest and I don't have to give them all my money!
:dance: :dance: getting a car today! :dance: :dance:

Maybe I should get MY hair done! LOL. You know I haven't had it cut since a week before Louis and I got married.

Irie that is awesome I know you are so happy! I am doing a lil dance for you over here LOL :dance: Yes treat yuhself you deserve it!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 10:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

JQ... have a great trip! Have fun! Good luck on the interview!!!

JQ I second that, have a fabulous time and good luck on the interview but yall got this in the bag my girl! :star:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 10:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Philly, that's going to be a nice get away. We suppose to go back to the Yaad in September...I can't wait! :yes:

YAY Den's I know you are looking forward to it. Is Den's missing Yaad at all? My Hubby wasn't he really in no hurry to go back we were planning to go back this month and he was like :blink: :blink: LOL so that's why we are pushing back till August.

What dates in Aug. I will be there at the end of Aug.

We are going the beginning of the month :star:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 10:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

It's so hard to budget and try to stay within it but its something we trying to practice and make it second nature. :yes:

Girl tell me about I am the budgetnista but honey it nuh so easy again. I told hubby we will be eating tin fish and dumplin, using candles for light and catching rain watah till the Jamaica and Hait trip to save $ :rofl:

Thanks for asking. Physically Im feeling better than I have in a while...

Im a little bummed out today. I got the results back from "THE MATH TEST" - Results: Failed

I have my study guide with me again today and Im about to call the college and try to get a tutor. Im discouraged but not defeated. I only missed it by 4pts! Posted Image

Oh No Sis I am sorry to hear this Wow 4 points that really is rough. I know you will get the tutor and knock it out the box, but don't feel bad cause didn't a Professor even say that it was a hard test so don't be hard on yuh self (( big ol hug to yuh)

I think you need a Nollywood flick to cheer you up, soon come
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 09:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Philly, how is your son today? Did he have any issues going to school with the black eye yesterday?

Hey Nat well he is being a big baby today but I sent his rass to school, he didn't say anything about anyone teasing him or whatnot but then again he isn't saying much since yesterday's drama :alien:

Thank you Nat.. So I went to the chiro today and they put me on a machine that stretches my neck.. I am having so much relief right now.. I feel better!

And they don't get no better as adults either!Posted Image

Oh good Lord that does sound painful? And yuh seh yuh k=nuh sue the insurance company Chile I would be on the 1st thing smoking to the Lawyers office :star:

You got that right jsut got call from my Oldest sons school I have to come up for a parent teacher conference or he will not be allowed back in class. Can you say HOTTER THAN FISH GREASE but I think I'm gonna throgh my Yut for a loop and let Damian handle it. I can see my son's face now will be like :sleepy: :shocked: :huh2: oh well~

It's so hard to budget and try to stay within it but its something we trying to practice and make it second nature. :yes:

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 09:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Morning, All!

We saw Why Did I Get Married Too last night. That was INTENSE!

We were supposed to be at the courthouse right now transferring the title, but didn't wake up early enough. I'm about to go lay back down for 20 minutes b4 I go to work.

Hey Nat, I am gonna watch it too I loved the 1st one mi soon post the link too stand by

Philly, LOL!
He not trying to have all of this outta site! :no:

LOL mi knoa Hubby nuh let me out of site for a minute LOL Girl I go in the garden cause that is my Zen time or my time where I am at peace no kids working my nerves or nothing and he comes and sits right down like what ya doing so mi put thim to wuk :rofl:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 09:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Goodmorning ladies :star:

Hey KJ Mawning

good morning everyone ...hope everyone has a great day gotta pick mylelf up and go to work..

Hey My3 long time no speak how are you and the fam doing?

Hey girl...yes Boy Boom to your boy, Den...he will be alright though. He knew I met him while traveling so why would I stop traveling now that I'm married. Of course, I don't want to go on my trips without him but sometimes a little space is not a bad thang.

I know you're so excited about Baby Girl's interview...I so miss JA right now! :crying:

Hey Dens' I am missing mi Yaad right now too but August soon come we are going for 2 weeks then to Haiti for a week. Back on my diet and exercise hustle got to right and tight :star:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 09:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

What ever happened to the Jamaican dinners on wheels??

LOL dem soon come :yes:

Well I'll be darned I'm the first on dis morning.... Good Morning!!!!!

Hey Dada wha gwaan yuh walk dis mawning? I went out to go walking and it started raining so I worked in the garden instead, planted my dasheen and cannad and cleaned out cat boxes.

Good Morning!

Nat.. congrats to Steve on the job.. any more details?

MrsTee.. I didnt mention yesterday that I am happy Dad is alright. :) That is great news.

I gave my new lanlord security deposit yesterday! Yay! I had Louis call our present landlord to tell him we are leaving 1 month early. I guess lanlord was fine with it. He likes us and knows we couldn't deal with the noise. Now I am anxious to start packing and getting organized.

No check in the mail yesterday. Maybe tomorrow. They just sent yesterday. But will have a car Thursday hopefully. I need to think of a new Vanity plate!!! :)

Hope you all have a great Tuesday! :)

Congrats Irie that is awesome I knew you would get through! ( clapping my hands) :D
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 09:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Hello to my Yardie Fam....

I've been MIA the last fews days and I'm so far behind. :( I hope everyone had a great Easter.

Dills: I hope Mikel gets the job tomorrow

Nat: Congrats on hubby getting a job at the restaurant. That should be fun and you"ll get some food too. lol

Sorry for whateva else I missed because I can't go back and read right now.

Hey Sun you and me both wuk still a kill me. I hear it will be 90 degrees in your area today WOW I hope you get some sun today!

Hey ladies, I just had a little rum cream try to ease me a little bit ugh, my shoulders feel like boulders! ugh

Oh no I hope the rum cream eases yuh pain a likkle :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 09:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Hey yardies B-) just dropping in to say hey been real busy with hubby and kids but i have not forgotten mi yaadie dem :no:
JQ i know your daughter's interview coming up soon good luck girl bring that baby home :dance:

Hey Sheka ( waving ) Glad to hear all is well I know yuh busy Sis with the fam we miss yuh pon deh board!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 09:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

I hope not...cause we trying to live below our means!

Me too girl but it aint working too good LOL

i agree.. i already knew his money would be a bit of a relief but nothing to write home about :rofl:

so far his budget is gas for HIS car, monies for the kids in JA, all the cell phone bills (mine, my daught and his), the car insurance, and he put in on the grocery bill, and then a LIL bit of mad money for hair cuts/miscellaneous (like buying wifey something :devil: )

the rest he will save for his ja trip but when he get back, that will go towards cable and internet :wacko:

Hey Q, that is great I always say baby steps no one is gonna be Donald Trum right out the gate feel me! He is working it out and that's whats up!

:lol: I don't have high standards when it comes to cleaning.

I had 32 2nd/3rd graders by myself (a smaller crowd than usual, surprisingly. I guess cause they had 6 services istead of 4). I sat one or two boys at each table and told them "Before the girls come in, I want you to know that you are your table leaders. If the girls need anything, you are to handle it for your table." So when the girls came in, the boys got the colors, pencils, craft, & other papers for their table. Whenever a late person came, the guy at that table took care of the new person. It was SO precious.... while it lasted. Eventually, the children started acting like children and kept talking instead of working quietly while a movie was on. It was ok, though.

Those are awesome hours.

lol That's what I was thinking, but he got there over 10 minutes early, so I guess they started early. Plus, it's less than 3 miles away.

He hasn't told me yet how much they pay, but I already have a spreadsheet ready: input the # of hours & hourly pay and it'll break down the weekly/monthly/yearly amounts before and after taxes. It also indicates how much we'd add to different budget categories, as I already put in what % will go toward each category.

:blink: :blink:

:rofl: Philly tap it mi trying ta work here!!!! :rofl:


Philly sweetie we haven’t taught Nat anything besides how to beat, whip, punch, kick and choke slam her kids. Umm I don’t think we make the best mentors… LOL

LMAO yuh see it but at least we kep it real on what to expect, the different stages of raising children is no joke!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 09:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

After I clean it up, I will take a picture of it. If there's a big mound in it, I buried the dog!!!!!

Where you get calallou to grow? And, how the heck does it grow? Like lettuce, spinach, etc????? I love calallou.

Don't think I can grow potatoes or carrots, etc....because of the boxes, probably going to have to stick to above ground plants.

JG let me tell you how silly I am :bonk: , I was digging up the darn calallou and bringing it in the house LOL till Lawny seh mi a mad ooman it will come back every year and she was right!

Yup it looks like collard greens or shpinach and grows in a crown formation.

Posted Image

Posted Image

The potatoes run too much they have to be staked like tomatoes and the lil suckers were so darn small and only produced 4 Damian was cracking up, like wha yuh mek wid dat :rofl:

Yup those need to go in the ground, I want to try sweet potatoes too but they run worse than the white potatoe :blink:

Posted Image this is an illustration but there were 4 ft tall vines!

Giirl that why I like you, picturesssssssssssssssssssssssss :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The Auntie flow one is cute but what about this one Posted Image :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:

OMG at that pci haaaaaaaaaaaaa
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-22 15:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Thanks guys for trying to make me feel a little better. I knew there was a chance we would get a RFE for the medical since so many folks been getting hit up with it and having to do full medicals again. :blush: Oh well I just have to wait and see what this RFE is for and get it back as soon as possible!

No worries it will all work out I know it! Like you say God has brought you thus far and will see you through to the end :yes: !



My goodness they are gorgeous!

Hello everyone...I been lurking not really knowing what to say.... :crying: It's been one of those days and I am sure that everyone understands....

Dara, your trip report has brought a smile on my face though :D Glad you had a great trip.

This weekend I have a 3 day training on how to massage cancer patients....not sure how I am gonna emotionally handle this the way I am feeling.... :( on top of all that auntie flow bout to visitPosted Image so I feel like its coming from all sides!!!

trying to shake it off,,,,, Posted Imagewhat flava should I get???

Hey Jamerican, ((( Hugs))) be strong Sis!

As far as the shake how bout chocolate, that is supposed to elevate your mood :lol:

Hey jamerican my west coast sister. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-22 14:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
I'll continue the movie it's a good one, Tam is here I hope you like it

I'm putting my order in today for this movie

Posted Image

Wealth and fame were hers for keep, but true love was hers for want. Chantelle deprived herself of love; with a desperate and intended focus on her work for fear that she might die of a terminal heart disease. However, Davids sudden presence in her life was perhaps irresistible, and his mothers noble gesture echoed the idea of a pre-destined, perfect duo even further. But was this preset of a scintillating fairy tale, deserved of a happy ending?
A consummate, gripping, captivating and twisted tale of indifference, agony, love.
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-22 14:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Philly, you will love this. BF made me an 8 ft. x 3 ft. planter box......17 bags of topsoil, 3 flowers, and some mulch. Plus, he planted 5 flowers in a pot and put it on edge of patio. Took him 4 hours just to get that stuff ready, with some running around. Glad he made the darn box at firehouse or it would've been an all day event. Anyhow, Go out there last night to let dog in......flower pot in the middle of the yard, holes in planter box. Needless to say, dog got his head shoved in the holes and beat. Poe thing!

I am researching growing veggetables in flower boxes. BF has a garden in back of firehouse.....tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers, banana peppers, and jalapenos. Maybe lettuce and watermelon this year too. He's got me wanting to grow something edible. I have this big ugly slab of concrete in my yard that used to house a shed until previous family divorced and he took it with him. I want to build flower boxes on it and grow stuff.....fence it in sides and top (lots of squirrels) I have like 12' by 24' to play with on that and 10' by 8' in another spot. Planning on working on those boxes this year and not actually planting anything till next. Kind of excited though.

Shoot I'm excited! That sounds awesome JG

Please take a pic of this 8 ft. x 3 ft. planter box that is fabulous, but sorry to hear bout the dog :o Ouch!

So sounds like you want to do a green house Luvs it!

I also am doing different veggies this year as well I want to be able to eat all the veggies in my garden.

This is what I grew last year:
Tomatoe, white potato,calallou, scotch bonet pepper, banana pepper, mint

This is the new stuff im planting this year:
Cabbage, lettuce, cucumber, eggplant, yellow and green squash, calabash squash and white and red onions.

I would like to do carrots but i would need tofind a plant too late to sew seeds we consume a lot of carrots in my house :yes: .

Yes enclosing your veggies will be a great idea cause dem squirells are crazy I saw one take a tomato and run! hot mess LOL
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-22 14:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Full house this afternoon Yardies!!!

Well I got a case update today online and via text. We got a RFE...not sure for what yet! :crying:

I'm sorry Sis, nuh worry yuhself you will work it out!

Yeah, well, I love Penney's cause they said I was like 3 sizes smaller then I thought I was. Going to shop there more often.

I didn't move it all by myself. There were 5 of us....and fueled by hot dogs!!!!

Ha I would love them too!

Well glad to hear there was help and FOOD :lol:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-22 13:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

in your yard? wow, that is a lot. i have a city lot so my yard is small....25 X 35 feet of yard in the back. cant wait to buy some new lawn furniture too...maybe a hammock as well..

Yes new lawn furniture can make or break the garden experience LOL, I have an outdoor lounger that doubles as a bed :devil: . the boys love to sleep out there in the summer alhough I am not too keen on that idea! :ph34r: I love the Hammock idea, my mom has a suspension hammock its awesome.

i need to get some new summer gear too..

my belly is so jiggly like jello... :lol: i better start workin in it..

on it not in it

LOL girl you will snap back in no time!

I'm working on my jelly too haaaaa and my shins hurt like hell today :dead:

how are those beautiful babies doing?
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-22 13:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

:wow:I'm :devil:. Not going today, hubby says I should wait till tomorrow. If you going back I have a $5.00 coupon I can e-mail you. :thumbs:

LOL you know you gonna be on the 1st thing smoking over there tomorrow LOL I love to shop too Sis!

LOL can you email me the coupon too haaaa I never go to Kohls anymore but when I did they had awesome sales :thumbs:

I helped put down 2 tons of dirt and 125 pieces of sod last weekend. If you lived closer, I would come help you.

I did that last weekend. J.C. Penney's. Got 2 skorts, a skirt, and 2 summer tops. Receipt told me I saved $97.81 with their buy one get one for 88 cent deals and the clearence. Gotta love that!

JG I need help too :help: :P 2 tons of dirt, 125 peices of sod You go girl!!!!

I used to love skorts they are so cute :thumbs:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-22 13:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

hi philly gardenista!! i was gonna rent a sod cutter this weekend to rip up all the grass inna mi yard but now its supposed to rain :crying: ready fi get mi project going!

Hey Finesse, guess its time to change my name again huh LOL

oh damn sorry bout the weather sounds like you are all motivated and ready! Good weather soon come! Sounds like you got this girl~ when yuh done mek mi see picha please :yes:

very sweet of you to plant the flower! (L)


Hi everyone, I only jumped on for a minute...

I went to Kohl's and spent $106 in merchandise. I saved 125.00. They were having a sale and I had a 15% off coupon and they gave me 20.00 credit towards my next purchase at the store!!! Wooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooo

I got 3 pairs of sandals
1 pair of shoes
Crock pot for my sister!!! Im in heaven....Posted Image Likkle more!

You go girl, sounds like you did good! sounds like me last week shopping for our upcoming trip, got so much Baby Phat and Dereon hotness for up to 60% off new styles I was so happy!

I love retail therapy!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-22 13:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Well he told me that they are a close family and he loves his sisters to death. He even told me in a way that it was important to him to see how they treated me and how I treated them. I’m the first farrin woman in the family. His brother is here in the states but he’s here from a job not marriage and he is still single. When I first walked in the sister gave me the side eye. Of course she is the one he is closet to she also told me her brother is a good kind man and she doesn’t want to see him hurt. She was kind of giving me the sister warning you know. But after a while she warmed up to me. I think what really got her was when I came to her house I didn’t act all americanfied if that is a word like I didn’t act funny about her food or her surroundings. I think she liked that I kicked off my shoes and sat down and watched tv with everyone else and when he came around trying to touch all over me I shooed him a way a little. I also tried to get to know her daughters. I don’t know you can tell they were watching me but I think they just saw that I am cool.

Yuh tink me like him?? He told me the next time I come he wants me to stay at his house no more hotels… All I can think about is that hill. I told him too who said I’m coming back I told you see you next year… LOL

Haaa @ Americanfied I know exactly what you trying to say :lol:

LOL Dada im rolling about the hill, chile I have one of those hills in my life too so I know exactly what you mean! My cousin's property is on top of this hill in Bettletown chile one night we came in from the club and I stood at the bottom crying for 15 minutes before my cuz realized I wasn't in the house :bonk: :rofl: I couldn't do it I told him I would sleep in the bush :wacko: he dragged :ph34r: me right up that hill and told me to go to bed :dead:

Anytime I think about that hill I cringe it may as well be Mount damn Everest!!!! :help:

Philly how many languages do you know? PM mi your dates so I can see if me can link up wid yuh…

Umm let me go check dis post too you know how mi get about the fluffy comments :no:

Are you really going home to sleep Nat?? :whistle:

LOL Well Hubby seh him nuh knoa what language mi a speak it soun farrin to him :lol:
But mi nuh as fluent in Creole like I used to be when I was younger, Espanol but really more like Spanglish LOL, Patwah and English and you can count Ebonics if yuh want haaaa

ok PM soon come did you see my other message yet??? taps my fingers!

LMAO @ the Nat question :lol: Shoot I wish I could go home for lunch :whistle:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-22 12:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

wha ya deal wid yardies!! congrats to all the good news!!

my vj sister shrewdgyal.. she was always an inspiration.. so patient, bubbly and such faith in God.. her unconditional love and her visajourney was one that could teach us all how to put all things in Gods hands even when we don't understand.. just like now.. i love you rosa and i pray that your husband and your family receives the strength and comfort they need now.. (F)


Well Said Q (L)

I hope all is well with the fam :)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-22 11:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
Thanks Ladies, I was compelled to do it for her....

How are you ladies doing today, I know it's kind of hard to post with the thought of this tragedy in the forefront but she wouldn't want us to stop chat I'm sure but it's hard.......

I wanted to post the rest of the Nollywood flick from yesterday but just feel a way about it, what you ladies think?
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-22 11:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
Hey Nat , Jamerican, Dillon, Dens and JG

I planted a flower for her last night in my garden for Shrewdie, Damian thought I was nuts cause it was raining but I thought it was important to do it immediately. If there are special people or people that have moved on to the light and impacted my life I honor them with a flower.

These will multiply in the future (F)
Posted Image

Posted Image
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-22 10:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Morning Yardies Its been awhile. I hear there is sad news and great news. :crying: RIP Shrewgal you will be missed. God has called you home because he has better plans for you and you have done your work here on earth. Congrats to all the newly pregnant ladies. Mi nah drink the VJ wata. Well we moved last weekend and now we are all settled in.

Hey Lady C congrats on the move! that is always such a big project but I know you are glad you can now kick back and enjoy! :thumbs:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-22 10:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Posted Image No need to say it we KNOW you are

Tre actually told me... wow.. so young.. rest in peace my sistaPosted Image Posted Image

What the hell ya need a lighter fi light ya spark? *Passing Dada a lighter* lol.... Okay well at least ya real...Posted Image

Yeah I text Tre to let her know yesterday, I am still in shock about this.

:crying: R.I.P. Shrewdie (F) God needed His Angel back
May God Bless you and your family

Hey Mamma I sent you back a message, yes you are right God needed his Angel back (L)

Well good morning VJ. This morning is a not going good we just got robbered at work. i work with a distrubiting company and when one of the ladies goes to the safe to collect the money... well long story short and ex employee knew the route and rub her she is in the hosiptal along with another co worker..

Whaaaaaaaat?? OMG that is foul, I hope your co-workers are ok?
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-22 10:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

OMG! My prayers are with her family.

I haven’t been on here in a while but I am so sadden by this. My heart is so heavy right now. Every day this week someone I know has passed.

As I have to say farewell not only to one of my little cousins, an iconic mentor, now to a VJ friend.

God bless you shrewdgal! (F) (L) (F) RIP

My girl, I am sorry to hear about your cousin's passing you know you and your family are in my prayers (F)

Hey Sis. I'll link you, just trying to catch up a likkle. LOL @ AirJamaica :bonk: :lol:

LOL I'll never forget that day :no:

Wha u say dominican speak espanol, lol i going to use that to my coworker tomorrow. My children godfather is haitian and he always speaking creole to me...still aint get it lol hopefully on day, cause i just love the language. but all of it is sure broken up

Bon Maten Sugarapple (((waving)))I jsut bid you good morning :D

:dance: :dance:

All that wasn't about sus, I was also referring to Nat's babysitter who requsted her as a friend on facebook then dropped her, I wouldn't say anyone on here is stupid mama...

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-22 10:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
Mawning Ladies, I hope everyone is having a good day so far


I had an awful night I couldn't sleep thinking about Shrewdie :(
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-22 08:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Hey DaDa, my cousin's SO is from Lucea. I’m a Mobay girl too but when they got together I tried to give other places a fair chance and so A and I started traveling with her to Negril. I did that all last year but this year I had to return to Mobay. Idk, I enjoyed Lucea and Negril but the Mobay and Westmoreland areas just feel more like home for me. It’s funny I haven’t really heard anyone start out somewhere whether Ochi, Negril, or Mobay and convert to another locale. It’s almost like your first is your first and that’s where your heart is. I don’t think it necessarily has to be completely about your x, it just seems that Mobay is your first love. But I'm sure there's still room for a second love too. :D

Do my yeyes deceive me? is this really my girl J2? weh yuh deh we need a link up ASAP LOL mi a text yuh right now :yes:

This is too funny cause you were on my mind, I don't know why I was thinking bout this while exercising but took me back to the day of our cancelled flight in the Airport! I always chuckle when I look at the pics we took the next day :lol:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-21 16:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

He was the first thing he said was so yuh letting Mobay go?? I told him yeah. He said hearing me talk about Mobay bothered him because he new I was talking bout my X and not the town. Not really mi really lub Mobay its all I knew of JA but in a way he is right I know so much about Mobay because of my X. I just thought about it and mainly all the memories I have of Mobay are with the X. Some not so good. So as I sat on the plane I was like yeah Dara it is time to let go…


Posted Image RIP Shrewdgal

O God, you do not willingly grieve or afflict
your children.
Look with pity on the suffering of this family
in their loss.
Sustain them in their anguish;
and into the darkness of their grief
bring the light of your love;
through Jesus we pray.

Like a wall hanging that is completed, the tapestry of their human life has been finished. It now hangs in the living room of God's house. (F)

Seeing her picture is heartbreaking you can see she was so full of happiness and life!

I just heard about Shrewdie! This is the most shocking news. My condolences to her husband, family, and friends.


Hi Wakey ((waving)) great to see you, so sad......

My prayers go out to Shrewdie and her family. The world is a darker place today because we lost a true gem. I will truly miss her. R.I.P. Rosa.

JG you said it best, she was a Gem!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-21 16:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Dada sound like they treated you well. When I go to visit my husband family talk their lingo to me and i talk back the same way. she one of his cousin say to me yuo understand the patawa good. I say of course I from saint thomas, she say you from jamaica, ahhhh no saint thomas, VI and we talk our own lingo here.

plus i don call jamaica talk patawa cause for me patawa is creole, dominica or haiti. I just call jamaica talk broken down english, just like us saint tomian.

LOL I just chuckled at this statement cause Dominican' speak Espanol and we Haitians speak creole sort of a French Patois. LOL but like you say its all broken up languages!

I'm glad he enjoyed the text I even told my friend about him cause girl I remember that line for line what he said!!!1 LOL

I do need time to heal Philly I don’t want to go in with too much baggage yuh know. Plus mi still owe yuh a long over due PM. I feel like dis if he is serious about me he won’t pressure me but he won’t give up eidda. If he does well then I guess he wasn’t worth it.

You ladies just swear mi gwaan back. Dang....

I was looking at July/ Aug though....

Shut up she is the one that has the picture with her face looking down right. She was a country bumkin who brought her sweetie ova. OMG I wonder what happened??

Yes yuh owe me a PM LOL but we usually catch each other on IM so I'll be lookign fi yuh! I agree about leaving that baggage behind and starting fresh, girl Hush stop chat bout he nuh serious :bonk: Just go with the flow I have good vibes on this one!

Yup im going in August for 2 weeks and will be in your area ( wink wink ) so we will chat bout it tonight :thumbs:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-21 15:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Girl yes it is messed up the way that parents get away with not taking care of their kids.
He needs to pay and it might be snack money for my son for a week but so be it.

He dont even know that I moved but i made sure he knew i was married sent him pics and all and of the kids going to disney world in florida


My brother is a dead beat dad. He has 3 children and 2 BM's...SMH. His little girl turned 2 and his BM called me asking could I send her some $$$ for the little girls party...I sent her something Western Union but I told her that I can't always send $$$ cause I didn't lay up and get that baby. I love my niece though. She's a cutie. I always want to be a part of her life. Then my brother had the nerve to get mad at me cause I still talk to the BM...I told him "N....BOOM" :angry: Leave me out of the foolishness...its not about him, the BM, me or anyone...its about that baby girl. Then later on that night he sent me a text asking if I could pay his phone bill...why I still have not responded to that one and I won't be ever. :rofl: Poe Thang, he needs to get his stuff together! :bonk:

Dens Damn! It is such a shame that our men are not taking care of their pickney and leave it to the Mothers! I have no words for these Men, actually they are not Men cause a real Man will never abandon their seed!

LMAO @ "N....BOOM" :rofl:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-21 15:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Yes she was a sweetheart.

Didn't she just post the other day that they were buying a house?

This is so heartbreaking.

I jut feel weak right now :crying:

I just saw that and I jumped on her to see if it was real...

Hey Portland, yes unfortunately it is......

This is so sad. I did not know Rosa, but she did seem like a nice girl. My thoughts and prayers go out to her husband and family. I am in tears thinking about this. My heart aches for her husband.

Yes mine too, he has only been here a little over a year so sad I can't even imagine what he is feeling right now.....
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-21 15:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
Sus just sent this link, my God this is so sad.....I so feel for her Husband he has been here a little over a year.... such a tragedy

News Report about the Crash
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-21 14:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Are you serious???? I'm wasn't friends with her on FB, what happened????

She was in a car crash that is all the post says but all of her friends are posting condolences, this is so sad she was such a sweetheart.

All Yardies please hold your loved ones tight and tell them you love them everyday as you never know when the Creator will call you home! Everyday is not promised.......
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-21 14:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
Rosa is Shrewdgyal, it is real she has passed. OMG my heart is so heavy right now............ one of our own is gone..... God bless you Rosa! (F)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-21 14:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
Has anyone seen the FB post that Rosa passed away is this real? OMG I am really sad right now
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-21 14:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
Bunz I know yuh will clown me on this Photshop Pic :rofl: :rofl:

Posted Image

Rose (Tonto Dikeh) was vibrant, so expectant, and relishing the idea of finally getting married to the love of her life. But all the fantasies turned illusions as a result of her fathers indiscretions, an inexcusable act of thievery. To recompense for his mistake, he had to trade in his daughter (Rose) to Sir Rufus; the beast of a man who had no emotions, moral and ethical considerations. Her life turns from happy to hell, and it was just a matter of time before she caved in to the desires of her roaring devourer.
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-21 14:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

I can always count on good ole Dillon!!!! I was waiting fi someone to ask.

I was waiting for you ladies to be like propose?? Get out of here it’s too soon!!!

Well my mouth dropped when he asked. We were sitting on the beach sipping cocktails and playing cards when he told me now that I was there face to face he really enjoyed being with me and he feels like he is ready to propose. I was like propose??? In my head I’m like get out of here if this doesn't scream Visa what does. But what he meant was he was ready to take our relationship to the next level. He would like for us to be man and woman. He wants me to only be with him and he will only be with me. It was sweet and so sincere but... I turned him down for now. I’m still not ready to commit yet. Yes it has something to do with my last relationship and I told him this. I told him I really enjoy him too but my heart is just not ready yet. I want to keep enjoying our friendship and maybe we’ll approach this topic again. I told him that part of me wants to trust him but not yet. See when I go into a relationship I go hard I give my all and I can't take being played again. He looked disappointed he told me he was not willing to take no for an answer and he will continue to try. I must admit the whole time I was there I was like Roc who? I never thought about him or anything.

When it was time to head back to the airport I was cool but of course he stayed by my side. Our goodbye he held onto me long and kept wanting to kiss. I still have to get used to the public displays of affection. He has no problem hugging, touching and kissing in public where as I do. We kissed and kissed and kissed. He was about to make me miss my plane I could hear them announcing my plane was boarding. I had to pull his fingers apart to let go. I waved goodbye blew him a kiss and through the doors I went.

When I got on the plane I just smiled. Man did I have a good time!!! During our trip he got mad at me cuz I kept talking about Mobay. He said I made him feel like Mobay is where my heart is. When he came to pick me up from the airport I waved goodbye as I left for Negril and when he took me back I was so excited and I mentioned I’m home baby. Also if anyone mentioned Mobay I lit up. He told me he laughed it off but it hurt a little inside. He said he tried to show me his parish and towns hoping I would like them instead. I was speechless when he told me this. So I sat pon de plane I had a likkle credit on my JA phone so I sent him a text. Mobay was my past, Negril/Lucea is my Future….

Dada I am so happy for you and proud as well. I know how it is to come from a negative failed relationship and enter into a new one there is always that trust factor sitting right there like a big barrier! You did the right thing being honest with yourself and him about moving into a new one and not being able to fully trust him! I agree yuh need more time, to heal and to get to know him as well. I like dude! He sounds great and of course time will tell but right nows taking it slow is the way to go! I am so happy for you Sis!

Also the last text was so nice I wish you could have seen the look on his face when he read it :wub:

Well now you are getting closer and closer to me when in JA hopefully next trip we can link up :thumbs:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-21 14:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Then she writes me a letter saying if she goes to prison can I take my niece.

Uhhh HEl! No :no: :(

I have 2 boys and then my daughter coming, who is the same age as my niece, GIRL BOOM to many children for me at one time. :o

I wrote her back and said what about my daddy and step mom who been together for 23 years and have they own house and a separate room for the baby, so we will see

My sister has been in and out of jail since she was 16 and now they dont want to fool with her no more straight to the big house

Then she a dike :huh: , (to each your own) but she is not a lesbian she a damnmn dike. she wear boy clothes and she has a bad attitude and my neice is the cutest thing I feel so bad for her because nothingis liek your mother or father being with you!! and we dont even know who the father is?

Damn, the family drama never ends does it! Poor baby (F)

He did but it wasn’t a corny rolling out the red carpet it was like he was just trying to show me his town. He wanted me to feel at home. He knew I was bummed Star canceled out on me and well he just was him I guess.

I can’t explain it but this trip was so different not like the ones I am used to. There was no arguing fussing and fighting and he just was cool with chilling. We grabbed a bite to et wherever we could and we just made do. He didn’t make me feel like a tourist. I can’t put my finger on it but it was really cool.

Dada that's what I like to hear!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-21 14:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Not going to keep you in suspense like I did last trip plus this wasn’t that kind of trip. It was smooth sailing from the time I reach until the time I left. Something I’m so not used to. With my last friend it was constant fighting the whole time. This guy is different when I tried to pick an argument which was hard because there was nothing to fight about he told me point blank Dada mi naa going ta quarrel with you you’ll quarrel by urself. I’m also on patwa over load. Mi lub de language but after hearing it for five days straight me juss wan sum English please He spoke straight patawa to me the whole time. Once he learned that I knew some of the language he pretty much talked it the whole time. I met his family. Mi lubs his sisters and they are so very pretty. They started off in English but once they seen him talking in patwa they joined in too so the whole time I’m reading lips and using context clues to figure out what they were saying. I did very good. So many times at the end em was like yuh ovastand and yes I did. He would sey wah me sey and I told him and he was like hmm yuh do ovastand. Now I know I should have said NO….

The sisters house was BEAUTIFUL. She has an upstairs and downstairs five bedroom 2 bath home and her second bath has a huge jacuzzi tub. She has Kenmore appliances with the ice maker and nice rass stove. She has it going on. We had dinner der Sunday night and then we watched the new show. It’s like Rising Star what Princess Tia was on (by the way Nat they know Princess Tia they said she is from there town. They know her and her parents. They said they all can sing but they weren’t familiar with Steven.) Anywho its like Rising Star but instead of singing they dance. It was funny watching them shout at the tv. We watched Cry Baby afterwards. His nieces weren’t to happy with me at first I guess they were like who is dis fluffy farrin ooman wid mi uncle but after a while they warmed up a little .Well two out of the four did.

I went to a wedding reception on Sat. I was so mad he didn’t tell me we were going so I only had on a sun dress. Now of course I rocked this sun dress but they were all really dressed nice so I felt under dressed. We didn’t stay long at all. I see he is a popular guy loved by his family and friends. He went out of his way to introduce me and they were nice and greeted me. I went to all his hanging spots and he showed me his house. He really really lives in the country. When he said he is a country boy he meant it man.. He’s not a drinker and at the wedding reception he had a little too much. I stopped him from drinking I told him no more until he ate. He went all day without eating. His sister loved that I stopped him and she helped me make him eat. After a while he sobered up some. But he went right to sleep and we were supposed to be getting ready to go to the Jungle and meet some of my JA friends. Well they came to the hotel and he wouldn’t budge so I got dressed and left. I didn’t come to JA to sleep. I had a BALL. The club was mad packed but it was so darn hot. The DJ was on firyah!!!

Let’s see umm I went to Rick’s for the first time it was so nice and breezy but I didn’t like how the boys begged for money to jump off the cliffs. They were kind of blunt about it. I played Ping Pong for the first time into the night. I learned how to play Dominos while drinking vodka and BOOM on the street.. I also got proposed too :whistle:

Dada this sounds like you have a wonderful time! I am so happy fi yuh Sis :yes: :wub: Love is in the air!

Hey girl mi miss yuh!!!! Mi checked mi inbox and no message der....

Luv mi ave ta inbox yuh.... Whoooo I have an example ta give yuh fi sure!!!!

It was deh pon FB LOL too many places to send stuff LOL
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-21 14:05:00