Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

JQ sometimes you can't help the way you feel. Heck I had no reason to be mad at Mikel, I was the one who encouraged the trip and honestly I was the one that said he should go by himself. We were all supposed to go. Once the time came and he was excited and was down there it was a different story. I still don't know why I was upset and was picking fights and what not. I know you say you wouldn't act like he is acting but honestly until you are the one being left behind you just don't know. Call hubby and tell him you know he is going to miss you and that you really wish he was going and it isn't going to be the same without him. I think that is all I was looking for. The last thing he wants to hear is how much fun you are going to have kicking it without him especially because he was the one you were kicking it with before.

Dillon you are so right, that is a huge step IMO and have to consider the other parties feelings that they are gonna miss the heck out of you when yuh gone! :yes:

MrsTee I agree absence does make the heart grow fonder and trips and time alone are needed in a healthy relationship.

Dills we must be the only couple who are attached at the hip. I don't need any time alone time at work is enough for me and when I'm gone is enough for him. I can't imagine leaving the country getting on a plane without my Husband for th sale of fun, God forbid something happened and I was never to return? All that aside I don't want to travel alone or with girfriends without him, I did that enough when I was single I love my Husband and want to spend every moment and share every experience I can with him. I understand there are certain instances where there is a need to travel alone, family emergencies and such, but just cause I need a vacation Nuh Suh not without my Man. :wub:

Now I know you Ladies prolly aint feeling this but its my feelings and I am keeping it real.
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-07 13:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

What!! Cricket is stepping up their game. I just heard a commercial for them on the radio the other day saying that they're now in all the states. I remember when they were only in a few locations.


I was craving bagels & lox for lunch, so I went to the organic store to get just one serving of lox. Would you believe it came to over $5!!! ($30/lb) Anyway, I learned that I feel the same way about lox as I do about sushi: if I eat more than very little, I feel sick.

I love lox too but its too damn high :angry: I can make it cheaper than i can buy it. Do you like the whitefish spread?

Irie I don't think anyone answered when you were asking about your vanity plates. Why can't you just keep the ones that you have? I really like it.

I did yesterday, I suggested Rasta 4 Life or Luv Mi Rasta ( shrugs shoulders)

I agree. My "Ms Independent" Butt went to JA 3 times without Damien since he's been here. Although he didn't say much...I know it really bothered him. We would agrue the night before or even while I was in JA over dumb stuff. Plus I missed him TOO much and didn't really enjoy myself so I won't do it again...just my 2 cents
Hello everyone.

Hey Shem (( waving)) yuh never get my email :crying:

AWWW Posted Image aint that about a b*tch!!

Well dont try to make my trip f*cked up because you mad.

Im sorry but if he was going I would not treat him like sh*t. I just wouldnt. i probably be mad and have an attitude but I wouldnt ignore him for days.

Im ranting because yall are the only ones I can talk to about this and I feel its really unfair.

I mean dang since Sunday you aint talked to me.

and I told him make sure you get the info from your brother on the embassy, when he picking me up, where, when he going to get the medical.
He was like I dont have no one to get the medical. I was like #######.
You spent all this money on these punk Mf ers and they cant go to Mo bay to pick up your daughters medical. I told him if the medical is not picked up ####### is the point going to the interview. but i bet they can find a way to get to Ochi to get these clothes and shoes.

Aint that about a b*tch

I will boom everyone azz tonight if they dont get it together i swear to Jesus

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-07 13:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Irie...congrats on the new car and the new apartment. So how long until you guys move?

I am a cougar too. I am 37 and he is 29. ROOOAAAAAARRRR!!!!!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Dills I am rolling!

Philly - bout to rip her youngest son head off.. too much fukery right there, but she is too blessed to be stressed and job working her half to death, but hubby has the remedy to cure it all [img]

Tee yes absolute hot mess right now both boys are in the hot seat, dem try fi test Damian and dem get thumped!

[img][/img] Philly dont let her know we know but she will be 28 this month

She better start looking for the walker
also :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

haaaa BOOM LOL thats the 1st time I said that :lol:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-07 12:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Hey Dada, Dens Wifey, TAMH, Nat, Irie, Philly and SunRay.....just got a lil break so I stopped in to say hi!

Hey Mz Morgan

Good morning all

Hey Honey hope you feel better

Thats right Dada... stay motivated mi sista.. things will turn around for us soon! God is good all the time and He will never forsake us!

LOL Yes I am a COUGAR... dyaam proud too! hahahaha.. There is a 16 year age difference between hubby and I.. He will be 24 and I will be 40 this year! Hot dyaam! I STILL got it! And for those who want to say Im like Stella trying to get my groove back, well I proudly tell them "I aint neva lost it" ;)Posted Image

YOu go girl! :star:

KJ asked me this last night and for a CR1 they automatically registered my hubby. They sent him the card stating you are registered if you have any question call us :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:

LOL thanks for the info, let me check if we got anything then

Tee, I think its beautiful. Age is nothing but a number...Den is the youngest guy I've been with...4 year difference and he is the most mature...damn what "they" say... :angry: "they" don't "they" better let it be or else! :rofl:

Tell it like it T. I. IS!

I was watching that bwoy like a hawk.

LMAO I know thats right he messing wid peoples future!

aww Irie salon day with the girls , i cant wait til my baby gets here, i wanna do that also.

September, January, December that is 3 sisters I went to school with in Los Angeles growing up :blink:

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-07 12:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Yes girl its on our list of things to get after we close on this house! I always tell Den..."Baby, we don't need a Tom Tom...we got a Den Den" always makes him smile... :hehe:

OL that is too cute!

MrsTee... I am being nosey now. How old is hubby? Are you a cougar?? LOL

LOL I always crack up when I hear the term cougar what the heck do they call and older man and younger woman. Let me go google LOL

No star mi walk in de evenings…

Mi naa figet yuh PM it soon come...

Hey Dada
Mi just sen yuha text

I think she is and if she is who I think she is her and hubby have a cute pic together….

Yup we are now FB buddies :thumbs:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-07 10:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

It was, even if his way of cleaning is to put ALL clothes in the dirty clothes hamper (even clean ones). I then get to spend several minutes fishing them out & Febreezing...but hey, it's the thought that counts.

I call one of my coworkers grandpa & he's 29. When I came to the team, he was the most senior person on it. Te majority of people in our group (200+) are young.. probably under 35. So it's weird when I see other groups in the company that have all old people. I hope they're training some replacements.


Great name for your alter ego.. She now we got a Lesheka, Rashida and Nique1!!!! hahahahaha... see our husbands did this to us!!!Posted Image

LOL Tee I Need an Alias Name for my kids can you help me out? Maybe Bumquisha? :content:

Good Morning. Happy Hump Day!

Just catching up a little. We went to dinner and the mall last night... glad I can come and go as I please again!

MrsTee... congrats on the compensation. That is nice, I like to know good things do happen.

Ells... sorry about the phone issues. That is our biggest bill. We don't use cell phones though, just a land line. Louis is really trying hard to keep it down. He realizes his friends can call him just the same if they want to. The most $$ goes to "mom calls" and I can't discipline him on those. :)

On selective services.. if you do not register and you are under 25... then decide to try for loans etc for college.. you will get screwed. You MUST register, don't forget about it... I know this is just one bump you will hit there could be others. The reason I know this is because Tierra's jackass father never registered and then got in big trouble when he tried to get a student loan a couple years ago.
Congrats on the homecoming MsSheka! That is great news!

Den... he is not OLD!! What would that make me and Louis at 35??? LOL Jeesh! And now I am trying for this baby, I am going to need a walker when I am a few months along!!! LOL

Irie that is great info thanks for sharing that :thumbs:

LOL @ the walker that's what I say too. Shoot if we over 30 Nat gonna have us in the funeral parlor picking out caskets and burial plots soon :rofl: :rofl:

Invest in a GPS yall trust me. Born and raised in Philly and I STILL get lost Posted Image

Girl you aint neva lied, I was gonna get one but I use my Iphone instead there are a million GPS apps but I use Mapquest mobile its great and it GPS
s your location from LOC A --> LOC Z Luvs it!

Did I mention I (L) (L) (L) (L) my Iphone :D
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-07 10:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Morning!!! I'm here drinking my ginger t & eating a raisin bagel. Some need coffee in the morning. Well I need ginger or peppermint t. Must be the Jamaican in me. Anyhow, everyone enjoy your day

Hey MO, LOL girl after my own heart, I only drink fresh sorrel tea inna mawning I brew from the dried flowers if not that its my ginger or mint from my garden. Must be the West Indian in us :yes: Matter of fact I'm drinkin git now :P it seems like you're adjusting learning you way around and stuff...Den is driving somewhat but he still is trying to learn the city...he says every street here has "Peachtree" in it and he says he gets confused :help: ...poe thang, I told him with time he will get it! :rofl:

LOL @ Dens that is too funny haaaa

That's the same guy I had too, he was about to give me a blue slip for the affidavit of support which was steering him in the face. When I saw him made the circle on the blue slip I quickly indicated to him that the affidavit is with the other docs he just need to check properly.

Hey Tam OH no he didn't I know you was all on my my bwoy wid dat foolnish! LOL @ his nickname neing Blue Slip hot mess!

You got me though lol... I hope you are in the best of health and feeling better today.

Hubby and I will be heading to the DMV to get my state ID when he gets out at 2:30 so Im gonna go do laundry and style my hair lol. TTYL (F) (L)

Hola Bess, enjoy yuh day :luv:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-07 10:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

thanks Nat i see your hubby's card was already ordered :dance::dance::dance:

I posted a review here it is :thumbs:

Review Topic: IR1/CR1 Visa

I went to JA for my hubby's interview we arrived at 6:50am (i know we were super early) we sat outside until 8:00am they we proceeded to the entrance which there was a very long line but i was told to proceed to the front since we are what they call "Filing" and i was told the others in the long line were "Non-Immigrants" we left everything in the car so security was a breeze a young lady at the door took two of my hubby's passport pics and wrote his name on the back and put them inside his passport and inserted the first page of our interview appointment letter inside the passport as well, they asked for my passport to prove i was the one filing for him them we proceeded to the courtyard and was directed to the check-in counter, we were given a number at 8:15am we were inside while waiting we noticed the numbers were not in order as we already knew by other reviews and we noticed the process as well(first call finger prints, medical and document check, second call interview) also we noticed a LOT OF BLUE SLIPS were being given for 2009 TAX RETURN & W2's and also for CO-SPONSORS we also observed what CO were really strict and stern and which ones were really nice, there were three Americans and three Jamaicans that were doing interviews and they would switch it up every now and then, the Jamaican guy was very nice and so was one of the ladies with her hair braided, there was a African-American girl with a short bob she was very strict and conducted all interviews on speaker phone which i found very upsetting because everyone could hear every question and every answer, and there was an African- American guy who me and my hubby called "BLUE SLIP' BECAUSE 90% OF HIS INTERVIEWS ENDED IN "blue slips" (who also turned out to be our CO) he was very thorough and he asked everyone to pick up the phone so it was really hard to tell what most of the "blue slips" were for but i remember two that needed co-sponsors and two that needed more proof of ongoing relationship, other than that they were giving visas left and right../reviews/smile.gif no denials, at 9:45am our number was called for the first time a young Jamaican female (very nice and polite) took my hubby's medical, took his finger prints and have him sign his Police certificate and asked him some general questions then she asked is this our first marriage we said yes she told us to have a seat and listen for our number again, at 10:30 our number was called again we were first asked to raise our right hands and to swear all the info we gave and that all our answers would be the truth then the CO asked me to take a seat and asked my hubby to pick up the phone, i could hear my hubby's answers and from that i knew what the questions were
1. how did you meet?
2. how long have you known each other?
3. when did you get married?
4. how do you communicate?
5. has your wife every sent you any money and do you have receipts?
6. how many times has your wife visited you since you started dating?
then i saw the CO whip out a blue slip and put it aside and that's when my i noticed my hubby getting very nervous he then proceeded to ask my hubby
7. do you have any children?
8. how many people was at your wedding?
9. do you have any wedding pictures?
then he asked my hubby to sit and asked me to come up to the window and pick up the phone
he basically asked my questions 1-3,6-9 and i explained we had no pics because it was a small ceremony and i explained we had a big one planned and had to postpone because my son had to have surgery he the asked 10. what kind of surgery and when? he then asked to see my son's birth certificate and my US passport, then he paused and reached for the "blue slip" i noticed it was for co-sponsor because we did not meet the poverty guidelines for 2008 but we did for 2009 so i then offered the CO the 2009 Tax return and W2 he then asked if it met the poverty guideline i said yes he said "yes i will need that since both you and your co-sponsor did not meet 2008" he took the docs and checked the poverty guidelines and said shook his head and said "OK thank you please ask your husband to return to the window with his passport" he then asked my hubby
11. have you ever been arrested? 12. have you ever traveled to the US? then he said "take this ticket to window 26 to pay for the delivery of your passport do not make any travel arrangements until you receive you passport with your visa" my hubby said thank you and we left he never said congrats or welcome to the US but i took his statement as an APPROVAL AND BY GOD IT WAS our interview was on Friday and my hubby's visa was issued on Monday and available for pick up on Tuesday afternoon was picked up Wednesday and we left Thursday GOD IS TRULY AMAZING!!

Sheka thanks for sharing Sis, God is AMAZING!!!

Girl I hate the fact that it's so open and everyone knows your business, this is such a personal process and I think the Govt needs to change how the interviews are handled to protect peoples privacy.
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-07 09:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Ok. I'm researching this..

Your Responsibilities as a Permanent Resident

As a permanent resident, you are:

* Required to obey all laws of the United States the states, and localities
* Required to file your income tax returns and report your income to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service and state taxing authorities
* Expected to support the democratic form of government and not to change the government through illegal means
* Required, if you are a male age 18 through 25, to register with the Selective Service

Then I googled how to register & found this: Looks like you can do it online.

aaaaah interesting maybe cause of the age we didn't get anything, I don't think coming in on a CR1 or K1 would make a difference. I will have to double check I put all his stuff in a file folder now I'm curious.

Hey all!

I just wanted to wish everyone well and comment on the selective service comments. I don't know how, but shortly after my hubby got his greencard they sent us his selective service card. I thought we had to register at the post office too. I would say just wait and see if that happens to you too, but we shall see what the other ladies say. I know we didn't specifically register.

Hey Brooke ((Waving))
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-07 09:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Ells, do you think his chatting will slow down once he's working? I'm counting on that & looking forward to reducing our minutes.


I got home from work today to find the apt cleaned, dinner cooked, and a bubble bath awaiting. I LOVE my husband. :blush:

That is fabulous Nat :wub:

Correct me if I'm wrong, I thought when you sue that you sue the insurance company, they pay you but the offender's premium goes up? How can you possibly sue the offendet? :unsure:

The offenders insurance company not the offender directly, who cares if their premium goes up or not that is not my issue.
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-07 09:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

I just checked the usage today to see how we are doing & when I told him what was up he responded, "ok" & "now you shake me up so now I'm gonna do betta". We shall see.

On another note, I realized the other day that I haven't had a 'real' vacation in nearly 10 months (since the last trip to JA to bring Lehi home). Since I started travelling in '07, I haven't gone so long without some kind of getaway (usually to JA) & I'm feeling a bit stir crazy. I need a vacation....& alone I think.

Ells LOL @ Lehi wid yuh shake me up, I think that is all he needed a lil shakin LOL :yes:

I feel you on the vacay but ruh roh say it aint so yuh goin alone?

Ooh Mrs Bootsy is callin me let me see what she is doing outta door soon come
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 19:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

I think Steven had the shortest interview ever and now Mikel is having the longest one EVER!

But this can be a good thing stay positive Sis :star:

If this keeps up, he's going to see Lesheka come out! :bonk: :yes: :lol:

Wishing him lots of luck!

Oh no, not just an hour. He talks CONSTANTLY on the landline! If we didn't turn the ringer off sometimes, every night it would be ringing every 5 minutes. It's very disruptive & annoying. Sometimes I think I married a frikkin teenager! :bonk:

We tried the prepaid...TWICE! With AT&T the 1st time & his Dad got him Verizon the 2nd time with the promise of keeping his minutes going for him....well, apparently even his Dad got tired of how quickly he went through it because he stopped offering & then Lehi started begging him, then his Mom & then me. I told him I stopped the pre-paid for a reason & if his Dad wanted to keep up with it, that was between the two of them. I'm not spending my limited funds & breaking the budget for him to go through $50/mo in phone charges. I decided to add him to my plan finally since it will only be about $20 more to do so. But, he is not sticking with the agreement that it's mostly for emergency or 'check in' calls except for when it's unlimited on nights/weekends. This guy just doesn't get it that we don't have it like that right now.

Oh Boy, sounds like my youngest son he is the same way on the phone, and it's like it doesn't even ring for me anymore!
Ells girl him truly chat too much, I don't even know what to say cause I see your rationality about adding him its definitley cheaper. When yuh talk to him abou the limits and charges what he say?
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 16:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

You think u a di sh!t ya now? lol

LOL Dat a mi! Mi love yuh pics!

He has been in his interview for 25 minutes now. I am sitting out in the car.

I know you are nervous too I was the same way when D was interviewing yikes! Still got my fingers crossed!

MRStee- u throw me away man...

Unu an chat sah lol

LOL yuh nuh see nittin yet Sis this is a slow day LOL

hey lasies:

Did u guys miss me?

Well I had a wonderful weekend! I cannot go back to read everything but I saw that Irie got through with a car!

Steven (Nats hubby) got a job!

JQ(girl boom) is going to Jamaica tomorrow!

Dillon is waiting for her hubby to finish his interview!!

Hey I Luv ((( waving)))
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 16:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

JQ, I wrote something on your status about JA husbands! I do kinda want to send mine back right now though.

Me too that was too cute!

Say whaaaat?

OK. Well I have been trying to catch up all day at work. Hasn't happened yet.

Easter weekend was a blast. Eric and I went grocery shopping saturday. My mom and I went to see Why Did I Get Married 2. Great movie end needed some work. Over all :thumbs: Eric said he didn't want to see it cause it was too girly. Oh well. Some scense in movie were filmed right after Michael Jackson passed. So very real tears.

Sunday I got up and went to sunrise service at 630-730. Came back home seasoned chicken and Eric and I went back to church for regular 11 service. Whew!!!! We went to my mom's for Easter dinner. Eric made red beans and rice and I grilled the jerk chicken. My mom made pork ribs, steak, field peas, cream corn, dinner rolls, deviled eggs, and cabbage. My lord was I full to the brim.

Hope everyone had a blessed Easter weekend.

Philly--don't kill him girl. Way to keep your feet planted.

MrsZ-- Congrats on interview date

MrsTee--Chiro 3 days a week. Man. But I know you feel good after that.
back to catching up.

Hey Mama Jew sounds like you had a fabulous Easter Weekend!

Girl Yes I am on these kids I can't let them stress me, trying to stay stress free :yes:

I tell ya! I just put him on my wireless plan on the 31st & already he's ran up an hour of talk time....& on BS chupid calls from his little friends. Do they really have to talk to eachother 10 times a day?? And for a minute at a time?? I told him if he goes over our 500 minutes that I'm taking the phone back & sending his rass back to JA! I'm not paying 45 cents/min for stupid social calls. I've only used 4 anytime minutes since the 25th!!!

That is just one thing I'm irritated about....but of course, it could be getting close to Auntie's monthly visit so....

Oh No LOL Ells yuh sound heated Sis, breathe Woosaaaahhhh, if he is a big talker maybe you can get him a prepaid instead so he has to adhere to the time limits. :star:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 15:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 15:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

I can hear Nat now #1 reasons why not to have kids. :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:

:rofl: :rofl: YESSSS LAWD!

Philly, I'm claiming it for you as well! (F)

Thanks Den's still haven't pushed that button :unsure:

Thanks Tee! One thing I've learned about the Visa Journey...have to just be patient and wait! So that's what I'll do. I'm so happy for you! On your way baby! I love it! :thumbs:

Tell me about it, if I have learned nothing from this process it is to be PATIENT! :yes:

Hey ladies, me and my guy friend was in an argument and he said I am one in a million that brought my hubby here from Jamaica.

Please post on my comment about the Jamaican BF and husband on my page and lets knock his socks off.

Its not uncommon :angry:

Hush no he didn't ! ok goign to post now!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 14:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Dear Applicant/Petitioner:

Your USCIS application/petition has been received and routed to the National Benefits Center for processing. Within 7-10 days by standard mail you will receive your official Receipt Notice (Form I-797) with your Receipt Number xxxxxxxxxxxxxx With the official Receipt Notice (Form I-797) you may visit where you can check the status of your application using My Case Status. We suggest you wait until you have received your Form I-797 before checking My Case Status.

This confirmation provides notification of the date USCIS received your application/petition. This notice does NOT grant any immigration status or benefit. You MAY NOT present this notice as evidence that you have been granted any immigration status or benefit. Further, this notice does NOT constitute evidence that your application remains pending with USCIS. The current status of your application/petition must be verified with USCIS.


This is what it meannnnnnnns!!!!

Congrats Mi gyal!

Thanks Philly!!!

:luv: Jermaine soon come :rofl:

Yes, the second time I took the exam & passed. I had a 'trainee' appraisal license for a while but when it expired I let it go. I wasn't going to pay $500 to renew a license I'd never used since I hadn't found anyone who would 'apprentice' me. At that point I decided I didn't really want to be an appraiser anyway.

:dance: :dance: :dance:

:blink: :blink: :wacko: :wow: DANG!!!

500.00 to renew oh damn that would have been a deal breaker too LOL

Only heard one other person say this word... u one in 3 billion philly :lol:

LOL a mi dat :energy:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 14:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 13:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

:thumbs: you are really on your way now!!!

Where do you see how many posts you have? I can't find it with this new set up.

Click pon he lil doohickee by yuh name and it will pop up yuh stats :thumbs:

slow going in here.....are you guys actually working?

where is tre, btw?

Tre went a Yaad for Grams going home ceremony (F)

I havent lol- between me and you we dont watch tv so no cable. Im gonna fix that next week since I'll be out of school in a couple a weeks.

Sis mi ovastand! I will post one to yuh page LOL yuh will love it!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 13:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 13:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Dillon.....want to go up to darts tonight and stir up some shyt with me? Posted Image

LOL I am just picturing you saying this :devil: Sounds fun~

omg..i have a black hair growing out of my chin

:yes: yah mon...2 a dem same time

I thought you were blonde :lol:

Really you go Mamma mek mi see picha :rofl:!

I just received 3 text messages! You all know what that means! Posted Image

what dat mean?

holy smokes...i just got a bill from the hospital and it says the insurance owes the hospital $27,962!!! hope those phockers pay up!

Girl yes I remember getting one of those crazy bills from my births I was like :shocked: that was a lot of cash! Shoot I am in the wrong business :idea: I need to be a midwife LOL I can birth babies no problem tell :secret: yuh friends :star: :jest:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 13:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

Dear Father, I am praying a cooperate prayer for all my brothers & sisters in Christ (especially Phills) receive a financial anointing, blessing from You to have divine intervention with the mortgage companies this year. Lord let it be today, let it be tomorrow, sometime this year before the year is up, I pray that provision be made for all those families who are in need of a mighty miracle from You Lord, so they can keep their homes and dwell in them in Peace and safety. Father the funds that are used to send to a creditor/mortgage company, I pray shall be use to further the Kingdom of God on this earth for everyone. Sweet Jesus Make this happen for each every person out there that wants to claim this promise and provision. I CLAIM IT FOR MY HOME & PROPERTY in Las Vegas, NV also. In Jesus Precious & Holy name. I ask in the Power of the Lord God Almighty. Amen.

JQ that was quick , thanks SIS I am gonna put this up on my wall and pray everyday! just what I needed some financial annointing :innocent: :star:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 13:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

mi wan come tuh!

Look who's here hey Lady how deh pickney, yuh breast feed?

I would love to come JG but I can't I have to take Marley to this pot luck. These kids dip into my social schedule!

LOL you aint neva lied!

Her insurance are the people who paid me :) I don't have the time nor the energy to take off work to be doing this, I understand where you are coming from Philly but I prayed on it and I had an outcome I didn't even expect so Im good. Posted Image

I know girl if yuh play yuh cards right and threaten to sue dem would settle outta court mi knoa dis game well. But I feel yuh on not having the energy to pursue glad you got the $
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 12:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Corazón Salvaje (México/1993) is my abuela's favorite...

OOOH I have to look this one up, have you seen Madre Luna with Amparo Grisales I luvvvvvvvvvvvv her!

Morning/Afternoon Yardies!

Only 10:30 here & I'm STARVING! Don't know if I can wait till noon fi nyam! :no:

LOL!!!! @ the kitty stories! Foxy not playing! Awww, hope Mrs Bootsy can doctor the lil fella up!

Oh, sorry Mrstee! 4 pts is SO CLOSE! That was kinda how I was when I took the real estate appraisal exam. Failed it the first time by just a little bit. You'll get it this next time, especially when you get some tutoring.

Hey Ells, yes I was starving too I'm sitting here eating calallou but already looking for my next meal LOL

Did you take the exam again and pass?

Yes calling Mrs Bootsy now for her to check on the cats :star:

Good advice and thank you

You are welcome!

Thank you for the encouragement.. Im still gonna keep trying!
JQ Have fun and go get your baby!!! :)


:rofl: and that will be the one you get :luv: :rofl:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 12:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

This is for MrsTee don't no one else read it

Dear God
March Mrs. Tee took her examination,
Which is so important to her and her friends
Though she was nervous, she was not afraid
Because I know that as she wrote her answers
It is your hands that work.
She did not pass :angry: but did not give up. :dance: :dance: :dance:

And now, as she will re-take this examination,
Please enlighten her mind
To enable her to answer correctly
And to recall everything that she has studied with tutor.
(God please don’t give her a tutor that looks like Van Vicker)
She will do her best in this exam and to you God
She will entrust her fate
We know that whatever will be the result,
It is according to your will.

You have watched over her with these accidents and spared her life so she is here for a purpose,
As she works hard to study for this exam
Although she might not feel very confident
And that she don’t know if she is prepared enough
I truly believe that you would give she what she deserve
And Jesus she deserve to pass this exam.

I am happy that today and tomorrow you are with her
For with you she will win this battle
And as she closes her eyes and feels your presence
In that examination room
You put confidence to her heart.

We ask you this in your NAME.

LOL @ Van Vicker :rofl:

This is great JQ Can I please get one of these I am about to submit my mortgage app and need some Divine intervention :innocent: :star:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 12:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 12:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Irie I am so happy for you! I love my Hyundai Elantra. Right now my rental is a sonata... You are going to loveeeeeeee it!

Well it must be the day for good news.. Despite the accident, I just met with her adjuster. They gave me my 500.00 deductible and they also gave me a check for pain and suffering and time I may miss from work, and small incidentals (parking fee's, etc.) God is SO good!! So you see, it was never my intention to sue and they compensated me just the same :)

Thats great news! :thumbs: I would still be suing the other insurance company though LOL but to each his own free $ in my pocket looks soo good :star:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 12:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Good day all!! Just checking in. I will catch up later when i get home. Yesterday I received all 3 NOAs in mail. So hopefully next is biometrics appts & approval notices. I do not want any RFEs at all. Later all

thats great news :dance:

Those are fighting words!Posted Image


Oh LORD!!!! :bonk:

Jamerican the interview is at 3:00CST! I have my fingers crossed!

So do I :star:

I cannot watch any movie where the woman wears THAT pair of shoes.

:dead: those shoes are a hots @ss mess haaaa but do watch the movie it is sooooo good
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 12:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 12:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 11:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

yep... let me PM you

Gracias Sis mi guh link yuh soon come

Sorry girl about the test BUT it must not have been time.....I do think tho that getting a tutor REALLY HELPED ME last term. I felt myself not being able to retain the info so the college linked me up with a graduating was her review for the state exams and it helped me soooo much. Girl, just realize that as frustrating that it is to have to go through it will later know that it was for a reason. HANG IN THERE!!! :thumbs:

Irie...this is wonderful news...Girl, go get your hair done!!! Do something special for yourself! So happy for you all!

Philly, I can tell work must be not as crazy cause you been posting like crazy today :rofl: I was missin you.

Nat, still smiling at the wonderful job for Steven...what a blessing!

DW...I know you guys must be estatic about the house....if I haven't told you already CONGRATS!!

Dills...when is the interview?? Keeping fingers crossed...

JQ...Enjoy your trip and good luck on Friday!! will have you in my thoughts and prayers.

Hey Jamerican LOL yeah wuk is still crazy but it has calmed down cause last week was a hot mess. This week its a lot of pressure cause I am working on this big Interconnect Project for the COO I am sitting here waiting with baited breath for the quotes cause hopefully this soultion will save the company a significant amount of $$. The funner part is my role as an engineer has truly strayed from the traditional roles but hey this is what we gotta do in this new day and age at work. Do whatever to improve revenue and make me look good in the process :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 11:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Don't know Philly...just not feeling sassy these days.

Oh No Dills, I know how yuh mean maybe yuh need some FEVAH LOL. Guess what I'm gonna name one of the kittens JERMAJESTY :rofl:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 11:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
Tee and other Nollywoodnista's here is the movie I am absolutley loving yuh must check it out the ending is like WHOAH!!!! I will post parts 1+2 and I am sure you will be requesting part 3 when done viewing. I just recvd my part 3 and can't wait to watch I am so excited this is one of the best flicks I have seen in a while and with my favorite actors to boot. Enjoy Ladies enjoy!

Posted Image
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 11:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
Tee this looks so good I can't wait!

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 11:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Morning ALL

Hola Bess, wha gwaan Sistren are you deh pon Facebook? Do you watch Novellas?

Thanks Phillsssssssssssssss :dance: :dance: :dance:

Hey JQ so when yuh leave fi Yaad

Hey JQ...good luck on the interview and enjoy your trip.

Dills wha'ppen to Nique?
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 11:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Im going to give myself two weeks and study with a tutor. Then I will take it again @ 90.00 a popPosted Image Posted Image Thanks Irie

oh damn 90$ sounds like those CLEP exams I used to take in undergrad I hated waiting for the results as well.

Lol, yes I do.

Im okay this too shall pass. If I don't pass it this time, May is the last chance Im trying for it. Then I don't know what I will do...Posted Image

Don't stress no negative thoughts you will pass CLAIM IT!!!!!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 10:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Liikkle more Yardies...I'm about to creep out of here and spend $$$ on some lemon pepper wings...shhhh its just between us cause I'm not suppose to be spending any $$$! :rofl:

LOL they sound good, only veggies and fruits for me :crying:

I know this sounds crazy but Im not suing because I hope that if I ever hit someone they wont sue me. The insurance company has been really good so far, they are paying my doctor bills, deductible , damage to the car and time loss from work. Im okay with that.

Tee its not your insurance company you are suing it's the offender. You need to check it out cause the settlements are on point when they come through! You are already going to therapy so it just makes sense but I am only giving you info to think pon :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 10:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

It is a 2004 Hyundai Sonata (it is "steel gray").. it only has 45k on it and sparkly clean! It was a trade in so they could have a brand new one.
The '04 looks fancy! LOL, I love it!

I also got them down $1300 less than what they wanted!

Posted Image

Thanks Nat! :)

Now what do I get on the Vanity Plates??? LOL

OOOOH Irie I love it! Hyundai's are great vehicles!
Vanity Plate: Luv mi Rasta or Rasta 4 Life
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 10:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

He misses his son...and some of his musician friends but I told him we might be able to squeeze him in a trip before September but he so excited about the house...he was like baby we have so much going on...I can wait until September that way we can celebrate the two loves of my life Birthday is Sept. 1st and his son's is Sept. he is all the way turned up for us going in Sept.
Poe thang!

I can surely imagine, that must be hard for him being away from his pickney. LOL @ the musician friends why yuh sah dat now I got the gold suit visual :lol:

Yes you do have a lot going on, moving is gonna be a big step and alot of work so he will be truly occupied!

That is awesome about the Bdays yall can have a nice likkle combo party :dance:

MrsTee, that neck machine sounds good. Made me want a neck massage.

DANG!!! Every day.

Awesome news! New, quite apartment, car with $ leftover. I'm glad good things are happening for you.

Girl YES Everyday but mi nuh stress!!!! I guess you can add this to your reasons LOL
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 10:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Got the $$ today! Woooo!
And... the car dealer got me a better loan w/ lower interest and I don't have to give them all my money!
:dance: :dance: getting a car today! :dance: :dance:

Maybe I should get MY hair done! LOL. You know I haven't had it cut since a week before Louis and I got married.

Irie that is awesome I know you are so happy! I am doing a lil dance for you over here LOL :dance: Yes treat yuhself you deserve it!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 10:23:00