Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!
Mawning Ladies

1. NatPatBen,
2. JaHoney,
3. finesse,
4. 1luv,
5. *JG*,
6. JaEnglishGirl

Here is some FEVA fi yuh! I love this song!

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-05-13 09:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

mi juss a download some jah vinci. yuh like im? mi like im vice...

philly post di whole album pon here yesterday..

she very intelligent...dats wha mi like bout har lyrics..

Hey Ness, I second dat! Mi Luv Tanya no female DJ can touch pon ar lyrics!

I like Jah Vinci too :star:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-05-13 09:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!


Got my and my son's NOA1s today!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

:dance: Congrats JAEng that is fabulous news :dance:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-05-12 19:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Oh and Philly thanks for the Baby Med website, I started it as soon as you said something about it and Posted Image

Posted Image

There it is, so informative and it prepared me for what happened. if forgot to give you the props on that but :dance: :dance: :dance:

Thanks momma

and glad those kids are behaving

I did no9t tell yall what my son said when I told him I was pregnant.

he asked, " what have you guys been doing in that room with those red sheets" :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:
I was so shocked and embarrassed so happy no one else was around.

my husband put him on time out in the corner with a stick in his mouth on 1 foot for over an hour.

Girl that site is the truth! I'm glad it is helping you I am working it out as well, so send that baby dust ovayahso please!

LOL mi neva said they was behaving but the are healthy :bonk: :rofl: :lol:

LMAO @ the stick in his mouth that's a new one on me! no he didn't say that LOL these kids nuh miss nothing he was checking out yuh sheets :o !
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-05-12 17:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Hey Philly glad to see you stuck yo head in the place, miss you girl, but we will :yes: always have FB :yes:

Hey JQ mi deh Congrats again on the baby! LOL @ your ticker below I luvs that they had an African American fetus :thumbs:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-05-12 16:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

philly, how yuh boys dem doing?

Hey Nesse,

Deh pickney dem alright still a handful trust mi, just taking it everyday at a time and my I must commend my youngest he has a come a long way, only 60% drama :lol: :bonk:

I can't tell you enough how beautiful those girls are, now as for yuh manchild! What in the heezy? Dem nuh teach him no Phockery like that in health class. Why he playing! Girl never a dull day with our babies though LOL
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-05-12 16:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

:rofl: :rofl: I'd say we miss you more than Jermaine. I figured that would catch your attention.

Nat this made my day!!!! Just for you FEVA soon come LOL

Back in the day (like a month or two ago), Philly used to post Jermaine videos ALL THE TIME. It really bothered Dillon, for some reason. I never watched them, personally, but some people did.

:rofl: I believe Dills secretly longed for my Jermaine posts they made her day! ( wink wink Dills :devil: )

Jermaine was hot at one point in time... :yes: but yes, we miss Philly much more!

You welcome! That is a major thing. :yes: Any special plans?

(((hugs to you Dens)) you know yuh my girl!

This is a public forum. I am a vet for all intents and purposes. And, for however many years I 've been on here, I've shared the good the bad and the ugly. Some days I talk a lot and some days I don't give a ####### about what anyone says on here. It's not any of you though. That's all on me.

The statement that this board has changed has come up over and over. Of course, it's changed. Who said it???? Someone wise yesterday...Jamerican? evolves with each batch of newcomers and who decides to stay and who decides to go. And, it depends on what is shared. We still share the same ups and downs. We still yell at each other from time to time. We still love and we still support. The one glaring change (well besides Nat's coupon is the sex talk. Personally, I can take both Nat and the sex talk only so much. And, honestly, I am questioning my faith right now and think all the God talk is a bunch of #######. At the same time, I wish I believed as deeply. You see it?

But.........if someone else enjoys it, who am I to say a damn thing. I have the option to skim over anything I want and to comment on anything I want. If I am not interested that day, I skim. If I am, I participate. This board does not live or die on my interests or comments. So, who the hell cares. Talk about what you want to talk about. If no one comments at all, maybe you should let it go. If there are comments, then, you are keeping this forum alive and it's what it was meant to be.

When someone needs visa help, we'll go back to helping them. When they don't, we will entertain ourselves in other ways.

I don't think people completely ignore or skip over talk they don't agree with. I've said many things on here over the years and even if no public comments are made, I get PMs to chat. This board still serves it's purpose. I try to be as diplomatic as possible, even when I've seen it all before or have my doubts. If I can't be, I will PM you with my concerns. You know who you are on here. If you tell me to STFU or move along, so what? I tried. I don't feel the need to be rude to anyone cause I don't see the purpose in it. If you are nice to me, I'll do my damndest to be nice to you.

Can't say I agree with every word that is written here. The tone bugs me sometimes. The words bug me a evidenced yesterday. But, I can say I don't like how or what you said, without attacking you. I have never liked any of the attacks on here. If you don't like someone on here, please keep your comments clearly on the up and up. Say what you want to say; but leave the biting comments out of it. You aren't helping anyone on here by cutting down someone. Your comments that are truly helpful and insightful are actually lost when you do.

You all could Posted Image me and I'd probably never leave. I have been through much that I hope none of you ever go through. And life is as tough right now as it's ever been for me. I have a lot to say and some helpful advice. When it's needed, I will throw it out there. When a referee is needed, I will try my best. And, when I'm just plain bored, I expect you all to entertain me.


Those are the 3 rules I live by. Try to anyhow.

There is no place else out there like this board.....shared adventures is what I like to call it. Whether good or bad, we have all been there, done that, going to do that, wishing we'd never done that, etc. It's where we were meant to be. And, I know personally, I need all of you goofballs. Posted Image

You have some very valid points JG and I truly respect this post. I will be honest and say I was highly offended by some comments made in the recent weeks and that is no easy task, but when you are passionate about something it can happen and that is why I have not been on the board much along with wuk a kill me LOL. I will not go into what exactly offended me because that is in the past but because ppl are so honest wid all dem bizness pon deh board nowadays it does give you pause of ppls true intentions and the FAKENESS mi nuh rate.

When you said that the board has changed and happens with every batch of newbies that arrive, it is inevitable of course and you can choose to comment or not comment as it is a public forum and I completely agree that is why I had to step away for a minute to put things into perspective.

I surely have been one to share my joys and sadness and pickney drama and revel in the support I have recvd from my VJ family. I did agree with comments that were made yesterday cause ppl needed to hear it, it may not have been my choice of style of delivery but that is what makes each one of us unique and we have to respect that. There is a lot to be learned from each journey and JG I appreciate you cause I know your story and you been through it so when you speak we listen. There is no place like this board and each of us take something different away from it each day we log off. Will it ever be the same, I doubt it but PM lives on!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-05-12 16:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Z...thank u is not quite yet..but mi just like sey it hahaha its the 21st...we have dinner plans for my fave Italian, and a day in the city :)

Chiney that is a huge accomplishment and like you say Celebrate the whole month why not you both deserve it, and your plans sound FABULOUS :star:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-05-12 15:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

wow i dont even know where to begin, i dont know half the ladies maybe men on here..and mi cyaa tek a bus head right yah now..but when it comes to bashing Jamaican men i'm not cool with that, the least we can do is respect the fact others are married to Jamaican men or theire fathers, brothers, uncles, nephews are Jamaican. I have also stand by upholding your man or else no one else will, we can share things on here that doesn't have to be about how we wanna beat or menm putting them on leashes (figuratively or not) but then again everyone's different.

I will always have an ear to anyone who asks, i have made GREAT friends from this board, and they know i'm there no matter what, i speak my mind and i stand by whoever has said someting that is valid and true friend or not.

I guess i'm saying, upholding my husband has given us 5yrs of marriage and a lifetime of friendship and love. Don't let no other person gain the right to "step" on your spouse.

Congrats Chiney, mi neva get to tell yuh yessideh you are my Hero right along with Shemmy and our other VJ Sistren with 5 years plus! You are so blessed!

Moi stop di nize and gwaan to massage smaddy back..oh and i do think the board has changed alot...but who long as mi no get offended mi good

thats for sure!!


Finess, yuh get di new Tanya Stephens album?? Mi seh, mi a play it pan RAPID since bout lass week!!

Finesse, when yuh a come a MD??? Mi neva photograph twins before!!! Dem cute is a shame!! Dem fayva yuh older son bad bad...

fi anyone dat want Tanya new album

Tanya Stephens Infallible

Yes, apparently if you share yuh scandals dem, yuh allowed fi comment. Otherwise yuh haffi siddung and kibba.

That's what rule 143(a) of the Yardies at home and a farrin says. Yuh neva read di rule book?

phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-05-12 12:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Morning all!!! Hope every1 is doing well. I took off 2day b/c hubby has road test later today.
Stay positive ladies!!!!!!!! Later

Good Luck MO :thumbs:

KJ, if I take your advice & get sick... :angry: :bonk: :lol:

Since several people have stated that the board has changed, it must have. But I wonder what is differet? What I've come to expect to see here: adjustment stories , advice & tips on the process, general gabbery about life happenings, Jermaine videos

To me, that's what I see here, except the process tips/advice part has gone down a bit, as have the Jermaine videos.
So what is the difference from "before"?

Did someone say Jermain Videos whoooiiiieeee mi knoa yuh miss deh FEVA LOL

where is the selector jaenglish?

sen mi a link to the latest reggae chunes...pleez

hubby act like he nuh like reggae music no mo :angry: he has taken a liking to wha mi son listen to...likkle wayne han alla dat

mi a send it deh pon FB stand by :rofl: :rofl:

The only thing I see gone wrong with the thread is arguing. Other than that its an open forum where people with similar experiences share. I have met several couples in person so its a great place for me but to each his own. Nothing is supposed to stay the same because if it does, it means there is no growth!

But grow into what? that is the whole point!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-05-12 12:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

No one said it was gospel, and no one said that it was said in the right manner - But over time of posting together, people get comfortable - the best analogy that I can make to it is imagine moving away from your family for a year or so - you come back for a family reunion, and there are new people there - Do you act all brand new and like you are the outsider, or do you act the same as you always did, and blurt out what you want to say in the manner you have always said it? That is exactly what happened here yesterday - and you have been here long enough to know that the posts were not meant in a malicious manner, that they were posted in the same tone as the posters have always posted things -

Where did I ever say that I wanted props for the vets? You big up JG as being a valuable contributor (which she is) - yet Shemmy, who still posts here, has said a million and one times that she doesn't share things because people in here now, for the most part, don't want to hear it - All that they want to hear is that they are 100% right, and if you disagree with what was said, you made a personal attack on them.

How and what in my post was an attack? And if it was an attack, why did I get so many PMs (and not from Vets) thanking me for saying what they wanted to say? This is what is twisted - Some people in here can't see an attack when it is plain as day, but try to twist words from others into an attack -

No one ever said there weren't issues - but it never went to the pure gutter level that it has - and no matter what debates went on, people hashed it out and moved on - As evidenced by the previous posts, which aren't even worth the time it would take to quote and respond to the junior high level that they sunk to - Some people seem to feel that they should be the center of everyone's world, that their word is gospel, and that if you disagree with them, they hold a grudge for the rest of time - because of course, you must have a problem with them - they could never be wrong, could they? When people had disagreements, others have jumped into the disputes and voiced their opinion - but they never tried to turn it into the Junior High Bash fest that posts have risen to over the past year - Look at Dada and I as a classic example - we had our disagreement, others voiced their opinions, but didn't put judgment on either of us - We are over it, are cool with each other (I think, lol) and moved on - That is what the difference in this thread is now - Because there are a few members on here who simply can't do that and can't let it go - they thrive off drama, and continually try to stir it up without really and truly knowing what they are talking about. Whether they do it in public on the forum or in PMs, it's happening - We are all supposed to be grown women, isn't it time to act like it?

How was it bashing - They saw something that made them feel the need to speak up, because they thought that maybe they could inject something that would help someone else - Ells was one who was supposedly "bashed" - but she read it, interpreted it, and gave a response to it without taking an attitude about it - I give Ells a lot of props for sharing what she has and taking ownership that her husband is not the only cause of problems in the relationship, and trying to take the steps to fix things - That is one of the hardest things in life, to recognize your own flaws, admit to them, and work on them - it takes a very strong person to do that.

Even the vets who stay have stated, over and over, that people do not what to hear what they say, and don't want to know their opinion unless they are agreeing with what the person did / said - So what is contradictory?

And there is respect given to the vets? Never once did I say that what they said was right / wrong, how they said it was right / wrong - But they come on here trying to help in a situation that they feel they can maybe give some guidance in, based on their experience, and they are attacked for it? And you wonder why people don't come back to share?

Respect Sus! Again well said and to piggyback on what yuh said bout Shemmy you are right no one wants to hear what ppl who have gone through it and only want to share so we can learn from thier past experiences! More times that I care to count has it gone south and ppl interpret it as a personal attack! Damn shame, and mi cyaa manage ie!

Hey is sad indeed. Some are too busy debating instead of listening and learning. If this info does not certain them ...why are their panties in a bunch?

EXACTLY!!!! :thumbs:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-05-12 11:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

i just want to say- i love my husband more than i ever thought possible
i am toooo excited b/c the embassy emailed me back saying they were going to schedule an interview for my step-son in june
this loss has shown me how important my family really is
i pray to God to cont. to bless us

Hugs to you ((Jus)) (F) and congrats on interview for your step-son God never sleeps!

Good morning Yardies:

My thought for today is that this board stay positive. We are adults and should behave as such. We all don't have to get along but let's try to respect one another. One of the things the moderators of VJ has been pleased with is that we don't fight/fuss/argue like alot of the other forums. With that thought in mind, it would be nice to keep things civil so that "newer" members will feel comfortable coming to this forum. Have a great day ladies Posted Image

Its all about respect and respecting ppls opinions and posts but ppl need fi stop chat bout it and be about it!!

Hey Philly ! How have you been?

Hey Lady I am good ova here :) how you doin Sis

Good morning VJ. I'm working on home today but can't log on properly...oh well.

Mrs. Tee - everything is good over here. We are planning on coming back to Philly this summer not sure when.

As far as the 4 generations - we take pics all the time. My grandmother is 87 but looks 57...I spend lots of time with her as possible.

Shemmy (( waving)) that's whats up, I'll link yuh bout our vacation dates so we are coordinated!

Wow Shemmy, your Grammy is so blessed (L)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-05-12 10:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

THANK YOU LORD!!!! MY HUBBY GOT A JOB!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOO HOOOOOO Praise the LORD!! :dance: This was truly an unexpected blessing.

Stats: Full-time, M-F above minimum wage!

Aww my gosh, I'm so happy


Nette mi gyal, I am so happy fi yuh!This is wonderful news :dance: :dance: :dance:

Mi a guh link yuh bout Y&R I got some spoilers fi yuh :yes:

You got me LMAO at the dynamite!!! Toni did release a new one a few months ago or are you talking about another one after that?

U been trying all dat to post two lines?? :blink: :rofl:

Umm this was not a good time to eat while reading VJ :unsure: !!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Dada yuh a kill mi Star! yuh knoa mi wuk day is a hot mess haaaa I had so many things to say to replay to that post but by the time my day was ova mi too tiyad LMAO.

It was good chatting wid yuh Kuntry :P

#######??? all the people in here. isnt it past oonu bedtime...yuh affi go a wuk a mawning..

:bonk: haaaaa now yuh know yuh made me LOL!

Baby girl don't get it convoluted, I don't need a leash and never will, I state what I states for laughs. If the man cheats and I find out about he can KEEP IT MOVING there are no RETURNS because like I stated earlier STD"S n AIDs are REAL, as far as me sounding ignorant, point out where I sound ignorant LIL GIRL, focus on you and yours before you try to be condesending towards a perfect stanger and please don't contractdict yourself."he came right back to me b/c he recognized there is none better than mine my dear" He came back because he knew you were :wacko: enough to take him and if it was fire BOO he would have never left sniffing the other woman, and you say you sick of living from pay check to pay check, that's probably why the other woman sent him back to you because he didn't have any $$$$ for her. Life is a gamble and I'm all about my poker chips, SO PUT THAT ON YOUR RINGTONE!!! :rofl: HOW BOUT IT!!

Mi luv dis line Bless me haaaaaa mi a tek it haaa

Bless der used to be dis girl named PHILLY who would come on and give us all de links to the new sound tracks that is how I know but she not come around no more or maybe like de odda duppies she might appear.. But yeah I memeba she sent us the link a few months ago and she said it was hot!!!

You own your own business in FL? You go mama :thumbs: !!!

Go back and read dammit!!!

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa uh miss deh Feva nuh true haaaaaaaa let mi knoa what yuh need mi a send it come!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-05-12 09:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

I haven't been posting on here in a while, for my own reasons - But I have to comment here - because this just disgusts me -

Do you think that this thread started when you joined? People don't share? Look at the title of the thread - see it says Part TWENTY SIX???? That means since when the yardies first started their own thread - after taking over many other threads and being booted to the regional forums (yes, some members have been here that long) they have chatted up that many threads that have been shut down and locked and had to start a new thread - and if you could go back before the forum was upgraded, you would see that the threads would run to 1000 or more pages before they got locked - The members who have been here have been through the good and the bad, the thick and the thin - the denied visas, the approvals, the births, the losses, the divorces, the women coming on here with the same man, the cheaters, the good men - Trust me, there hasn't been much that hasn't happened in here.

The women that came on here and posted today have been through it all - either personally or seen it happen to people that they care about. People might have ways to put things that others think are harsh, but they tell the truth with no punches - trust me, I have born the brunt of some of those posts = but when you step back and read the meaning behind the words, and remove your hurt feeling - you can understand the truth in what they are saying and that they are trying to help. It's responses like this that make people walk away from this site and not share - Because people don't appreciate the value of the years of experience in it - the fact that some members grew up in JA and know what the transition feels like, or they have been married 2,3, 4, 5 years and dealt with it all - or are the immigrant themselves and offer a different perspective.

Everyone has their own personal reasons for sharing /not sharing on the board anymore - and if you bothered to read what has gone down in history, or what the older members say about why they don't share their experiences, you might understand it - The tone of this thread has completely changed, and it's become chat about how good your man laid it down last night, how you beat his azz, or then praying for forgiveness and asking God for his blessings - Something that seems a bit hypocritical, don't you think? And, as has happened before in a public forum, someone one day could very well end up in a similar situation where you've bragged so much about how your man has laid it down, the next woman goes and finds him and finds out for herself - Or people have been denied based on what they shared on here (immigration officers read this site too).

The purpose of this thread was to bring together a unique group of people who are all trying to have a successful relationship while navigating huge pitfalls that no one else can fully comprehend - because there are certain things that are very unique to this situation. If you want people to continue to share, you might want to try understanding where they come from, and that sometimes, they truly do know better.

Sus well said, WOW you said EVERYTHING that I was thinking ( get out of my head ) :rofl:

This is Real talk and I applaud all the Vets for coming on and voicing your opinions and sharing your wisdom!

This thread like you said has become something else and the reason for starting the thread initially has been lost and that is sad......
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-05-12 09:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!


My husband is a GROWN man, he will associate with who he chooses. If you cannot TRUST the man that you vowed to LOVE, HONOR and OBEY you HONESTLY need to be looking at a divorce!!

My HUSBAND is not a DOG, he doesn't need a LEASH, he's man with MORALS and FREEDOM of CHOICE. He is with me because he CHOSE to be and he CHOOSES not to do otherwise!

Those in favour of leashes and ALLOWING you man to do this and dictating whether he'll have female friends, does he have a job?
You ever going to let him out of your sight? For the rest of your life?
What on earth is wrong in YOUR house if your man has to be TOLD what to do, where to go and BOUND?

Maybe if you started treating your HUSBAND and SOUL MATE like a MAN and not a CHILD or a DOG, he would start acting like one!

And if he doesn't??? ####### are you doing with him in the first place????????????

My husband has some VERY good female friends who he goes out to lunch with, calls, texts and who knows what else.

Could he cheat? YES!
But he could also cheat with a co-worker, his doctor, a clssmate, ANYONE for chrissakes.

If he wants to, GOOD DARN LUCK to him!!!!! When I find out I'm gone, but until then, HE IS A GROWN #### MAN!!!!!!!!!

If has thought he wasn't capable of being FAITHFUL to me, I would never have married him. If you THOUGHT he was was and discovered AFTER marriage he 'needs to be monitored', what the heck are you going to do??? Watch him for the rest of your life?
Vet his friends? Follow him? Check his phone records? Go through his wallet???

Good luck to you.

Ells, while SOME of this is directed towards you for the word 'allowed', by no means is it an attack, but geez, take a LONG and HARD look at your thought process. And the same goes for ALL of you posting here about allowing this and that and choosing friends and 'b!tch slapping' their men. I honestly wonder what kind of JAIL your men live in!!

What happened to HONORING and RESPECTING your men??

And for BETTER and fort WORSE?? Seems like the second 'for worse' happens, all bets are off.

Good luck to ALL, God knows you need it!

Hell, this is going to upset enough people anyway, let me just say the rest as well.

Lady C, when you married your husband, you accepted him AND his child.

So it PAINS me that LESS than a MONTH after the boy gets here, you're talking about shipping him home because he doesn't fit in with your expectations of behaviour??????????????
If as you say, this behaviour started and was accepted in Jamaica, what did you think was going to happen when he came here? And if you didn't know about it, do you think it'll take a WEEK or even a MONTH to change?
Let me ask you, let's say YOUR children had the behaviour problem, (yes I know they are well-behaved rae, rae), and your HUSBAND decided he couldn't deal with it, would you ship your kids off to your ex?? Yes I know he probably supports you, rae rae....But this is a CHILD we are talking about, your HUSBAND's CHILSD. Who he LOVES. Why would you send him back to a home that has failed him in your words? Because you signed up for better but not for this worse?

Philly's kids in her own words have been a HANDFUL, do you see her husband walking away? Hell no, he STAYED and DEALT with it as a TEAM.

Damn, the kid is SEVEN years old, take the reins and do what you need to, support your husband and help him deal with his son, because he is YOURRRRRRRR joint responsibility now!

ALl I can say is the more I read this board the more I am appreciative of what I have, and NO life isn't no bed of roses round here.

But when my son threw my husband's advances back in his face, my husband never told me to send him away. And when my son acted the hell up, my husband dealt with it. And when my son came back from his dad's with a whole new set of retorts, he dealt with it. And still deals with it.

LadyC, as I specifically said, my words were not meant as an attack, but more a REALITY CHECK.

No-one can tell you what you should do in your house, but I am entitled to give my opinion in the same way you have the right to vent.
My words were not meant to cut you down or to judge, but more to put yourself in your husband's shoes.
And also, while I know you were venting, suppose he overheard you saying you would send him back? As JG said, if you aren't about to load him on a plane, don't use the words. Again, you are welcome to step past my comments.
Now this board SHOULD be about supporting people, but at the same time, if one of my friends vented to me like you did to the board, I wouldn't be a TRUE FRIEND if I didn't say to her what I said to you.
As for yelling, it's just how I emphasize words. Take it or leave it, no offence intended.

JG, I hear on Ells. And I agree with you that it is probably a poor choice in words and perhaps in actions.
But as someone with pride, I would not want to hear my husband talking about me being 'allowed'. And as for th sending back thing, as the IMMIGRANT in my relationship, I would take DEEP offence to my husband infering/saying/suggesting he was going to send me back. Nuh MAIL ORDER bride right yaso.
If you haven't bought the plane ticket, you shouldn't be tslking about sending people back. A husband/child ain't for no damn Christmas.
And YES things are said in anger, but PLEASE just THINK before you talk, because some things can NEVER be taken back!!
Even if you apologise or rae rae, how can you expect a man to feel SECURE knowing this is how you are talking?
And yes, I know 'sending him back' could really mean 'leaving him', but it's the whole CONNOTATION!
If my husband said, you know what this isn't working out, I could move past that. And repair something after that. But if he said 'I'm thinking about buying you a ticket and sending you back' that's WHOLE different thing!!


Unu fi watch weh unu a duh and a seh caws if mi nuh deh wid unu and feel suh, imagine how dem a feel?

JA ENG well said, ppl need to hear the truth from someone outside looking in. REALITY CHECK indeed!

Ps I have been trying to post my response all day but wuk a kill mi LOL
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-05-11 17:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!
Mawning Ladies, gonna try and catch up
LadyC, DaDa, 1luv
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-05-11 08:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Hey Yardies I am here with my Dad...he is in the hospital bed and I am in his bed next to him. He is only taking 8 breaths a minute and the hospice nurse thinks he will go today. But as we know the man upstairs is the one in control.


I just said a prayer for your Father and your family. I pray your father regains his strength and comes out of this healthier than ever. I know how hard this is on all of you, YOU are in my prayers Dills (L) . Keep the Faith!! Like you said God is in Control! (F)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-05-05 13:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!
Wow the board is slow! Weh everybody deh?

Dada I'm coming right up the Pike girl, weh mi response deh??? As I taps mi foot!

Hey Tee and Dills ( waving)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-05-05 12:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Those kittehs are so cute! I want to scoop them all up & just put my face in the kitty pile! (Does that sound weird?? LOL!!) :lol: @ the 'informer' & at Foxy posing!

Haaaaa yes Ells I know I want to do it too haaaa. Dis Mawning Michael Jackson took a nother trip across the room and this time Afican Storm was waiting and popped him right accross his headtop and Foxxy came out and boxxed ar :bonk: :rofl:

I have ot get Mrs Bootsy to come over today and check their eyes one of them is having trouble opening her eyes and I think its jsut sleep but I don't want to mess with her and Foxxy should clean her off but I will let Dr Bootsy decide the best remedy. They are getting so big and fat I know I want to keep the grey one she is long hair and has a lil mohawk going on but Damian already seh no more puss :crying:

Okay Nat don't leave us hanging.

Hi Philly!

Hey Dills (( waving))

Huh? What? What picture did I miss?????

Das wha mi wan knoa too :yes:

Dillon, he wore brown pants & a purple button-down shirt.

So I'm ALL excited to hear EVERY detail. His recap "It went well." I'm like, What! I need more info than that! I told him to pretend to be a woman for a minute & tell me what happened from the minute he got there. His story:

"I got there & they were talking to another chef so I had to wait a few minute. Jacqueline used to work for P.J. Patterson (former prime minister) and has owned a restaurant in JA for 20 years. Wendy asked me about my references."

Then it was like he got exhausted from all the talking & said he'll tell me the rest when I get home. I did get a bit more from him: The restaurant doesn't open until May 15, but they want him to start next week. :dance: The interview couldn't have been too long because it was at 1:30 & he called at 1:45 already back at home.

Congrats Nat that is wonderful news :dance:

Seriously, will you adopt me? I promise to be quiet. And, I don't eat much. I LOVE to clean. Please!!!!!

LOL seriously when you put it like that I had to have been overcompensating because dem nuh have a Father in their life but oh well too bad so sad after all the ####### I found in their room last night during my weekly raid they may never get their stuff back :angry:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 08:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

VJ is the stuff...I told Den he should be grateful to VJ cause it helped us stay together a few times I was going to be like forget this you to pieces but this here...are you serious? I can't deal...some times I get too wired up...don't know if you guys have noticed that about me just yet... :rofl:

On a side note :ot: Den stated and seemed to be firm that I can not go on any girls' only trips to JA! :rofl: :no: Poe thang, I got news for will be planned for the near future...maybe not in '10 but definitely one of these times soon. :yes:

Clutch the pearls LOL chile Mistah seh mi nuh guh nuhweh without him LOL :no:

Philly, sorry the youngest is acting up...hopefully he'll straighten out quick when he sees everything gone! I can understand being a little embarrassed to be seen like that though. But I see your point more....too bad, so sad...don't get in that kind of trouble & you won't have to deal with those consequences.

Now who else was I going to comment on something??? See what happens when I don't go back & quote everything??

Hey Ells, last night when I got in he ran out the house I started laughing Puhlease give me a break wha yuh run fuh? :wow: So this mawning on the way to school he looked so pitiful, I never even brought up the mess from yesterday but told him he really needs to keep the ice on cause he looks a way :dead: he just sulked and got out the car and went to school. I bet he will handle this situation differently next time I am not babying him for this foolnish and lying on top of it Cho he mussie mad!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 08:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Philly why ya chat about August? You goin to ya yaad? When in Aug?

Yes Mam for 2 weeks :yes:Party time :dance:

I'm so happy for you girl. Isn't it amazing how God works and everything seems to be falling right into place? You have your husband by your side and your about to close on that house. Everything will have a positive outcome chile, just pray and have faith that it will. I will definitely keep you in my prayers.

As for me, married life has been going great. The transition has been smooth,incident and fight free so far and I pray it will remain that way. I'm not as bored as I thought I would be b/c I've been out of the house quite a lot, for the past week I've been taking hubby to work so I can have the vehicle throughout the day to hit the mall.

HI Tamh glad to hear you are doing well, you are a girl after my own heart waitng for Hubby to go to work and you going to the mall. :star: :lol:

sorry girl- but its an urban legand
but still funny as hell
ive heard about it for years

LOL Jus you taking over Sus's job as the resident researcher :rofl:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-05 16:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Good Morning All!! Happy Easter Monday! Hope everyone had a blessed weekend. I will catch up in a minute but what to vent out the drama that happened yesterday.........


Okay so yesterday the whole family and I went to a church that I've grown up in since I moved to Seattle (oringinally from W.Va/V.A. been living here for like 13 years). Anyhoo, I haven't been to church in like forever but really wanted to go and Hubby has been longing to go ever since he came here. Okay so we all get ready, took us like 3 hours because I was cooking, figuring out my hair and making sure my daughter and son don't get there clothes dirty. Finally we get out the door by 11:05 (church started at 11, but thats good timing for us). Get to church by 11:30, walk in during a lively Praise Service. So we're all feelin the Spirit of God enjoying hearing God's Word. Well the "Devil" had entered the church and walked up to where me and Hubby were sitting and just stared at us and walked away!

Background History: About 5 years ago I briefly dated the Pastor's old a** grandson. Ladies I wouldn't even call it dated bc it only lasted 2 mos.! But by the way this fool acted yesterday you would've thought we were together for years. Our so-called "relationship" aka "booty-call" ended bc he was a psycho and tried to call hisself pushing me down to the ground!!! Hell to the Naw!! So I called the police and had him arrested for DV. Had a 2-yr. restraining order against him. Ladies, that was the 1st and last for me. I figure if a man gets comfortable trying to intimidate you and hits you; then the cycle of abuse will just continue. I haven't seen this guy since the Police arrested him which was 5 yrs ago!!!!

Okay back to the story.........

Mind you, this guy NEVER EVER comes to church and he decides to show up when I'm there...

So he just stares at Hubby and I and walks away. Then my lil girl was getting ansy and my Sister took her outside to get some fresh air. Well the psycho guy follows them outside and starts arguing with my sister. Asking her why are we at His Family's Church!! So they come back inside and my sister tells me what happened and I was like just stay in here and ignore him bc he's not worth it. Okay well by this time the Preacher has started the message and my lil girl is starting to get wild yelling "I want to go Outside!" Yall know how kids are showing out in front of other people. So I'm trying to keep her entertained with the bag of entertainment that I brought along (coloring books, snacks, crayons, stickers). Well nothing is working and so Hubby and I take her outside. Well guess whose out in the hallway? You guessed it. The Psycho! So he's cussing in my Hubby's ear and walking behind us saying "Get the F**K out of here!" Cussing all in church. I'm telling yall he has no respect for God or anybody not even hisself. Make a long story short My Hubby, My sister and him are all arguing outside. By this time all the nosey people are trying to break up this potential fight. I didn't even go back in the church.

Man the Devil be working...........

What are yall's thoughts? Sorry if the story isn't that clear...

OMG are you serious on Easter and in Church! Someone needed a serious @ss whooping! Girl I'm sorry cause I know that was too much to have to deal with especially with your babies there ruining your Sunday. Sounds like you may have to get that restraining order reinstated cause he sounds like he aint done!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-05 16:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Thanks Philly for understanding where I'm coming from :star: The other ladies think I'm insane :lol:

LOL girl them trash bags is the truth you may see yuh girl out there with one on soon joggin in the hood! :yes:

Thanks chick...I enjoyed taking them :blush:

Ells.....PM me your address I got Lehi's bulla!!!

Hey Jamerican going to check out yuh pics now I am so glad you were able to surprise him that is what's up! :P

OMG did you say Bulla, well I am traunatized over bulla cake cause when I was younger my Auntie used to pack me a bag and put bulla cakes in there and no damn water or juice! All I can remember is being out all day in the hot sun and eating those damn cakes and ready to drap LOL so you cyaa pay me to eat them now as an adult! NU SUH! :no:

Good Morning Ladies...

We had a good weekend too. Friday I left work early and Hubby and I went to see the Tyler Perry movie. We both liked it a lot and it was fun having a date in the middle of the day while the kids were in school.

Please say some prayers for Mikel he finally has a job interview tomorrow :dance: and I really pray that he gets it. It has been very stressful at our house since he has been back from JA and this is the main reason why. We have been filling out applications and sending his resume out like crazy and this is the first call he has gotten.

Dillon I am praying Sis nuh worry yuhself he got this! :thumbs:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-05 13:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Morning Yardies!

I just read the last page & don't have time to go back so hopefully someone can give me a recap of what I missed.

I did see that Mrstee's Pa had good test results though! So happy to see that!! :yes: :dance:

What else is new?

How was everyone's Easter?

Hey Ells ((Waving)) you see I finally got kitty pics, that was no easy task but we grabbed them from under the bed and placed on top and took the pics. One of the cats is an informer cause as soon as I got the kitties Foxxy came running but she was cool she knows we only want to take pics and she was posed too LOL. Now the kitties are coming out from under the bed so trying to get across the room amazing how fast they reach in 2 weeks!

Good day everyone!!! It's a beautiful day here in NY. I can't wait to leave work. 5pm, hurry up!
Weekend was nice. Friday, hubby "did an about face." We took train to city. & he loved the auto show. Every minute he wanted a pic inside a car. He enjoyed train ride too. I stressed to him that we have subways also but they aren't as pleasant as the trains we took. & the oufit I got for him, he loved it. He looked real good in the clothes.
After car show, we walked a few city blocks. Oh yea, I had to go to Macys on 34th. We got home late.
Saturday, we developed printed pics & went shopping. My son was w/us too.
While on train we spoke about our recent differences. We now see eye to eye on them.
So overall, weekend was wonderful, sexy parties & all.
After work, I'm going to watch Tyler movie. Should be less crowded.

Hey Mo, this is wonderful news you were able to work it out I am just catching up but I read your story so I am so glad that you both had a wonderful weekend. I know I always stress this but no matter how bad it gets Communication is key :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-05 13:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Philly, your stories about your son.... :unsure: Reason # 349642382

LOL @ Nat, I keeps it real well just giving it how it is and hopefully from each of our stories you will take some skills on how to deal wid these youngings LOL

Im Lazy so when im at home I always call G or the kids to get me whatever I need. G just says her you go Queen Corliss and the kids say dang mummy you lazy. So my daughter said to me why dont I like to get up when I want something...Ah..I told her thats why I took the time to make her so she can be my gofer :rofl: and when she has kids she can use them as her gofer. She looked at me like I was crazy :wacko:.

Hey Lady C YESSSSSSS yuhseeit haaaa I know thats right, I am so glad I can call the boys and have them do stuff haaa!

Hi Finesse how are the babies doing? I usually send a barrel. It cost about $90 to $125 to send off and depends on whats in the barrel it can cost up to $250.00 to clear it. It helps iif you know someone who works on the warf.

I agree that is about what we pay $75-$100 depending on the weight, and yes it's better to know someone at the warf cause they want to keep yuh stuff forever :yes:

WOW Philly...
Hope you have a good day though :star:

Thanks KJ I am not sweating that foolnish from this morning LOL
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-05 13:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

All is well so far. Falling more and more in love with my husband each day. God is truly blessing us. Finally got out the AOS paperwork for Den, also we found a home and praying to be on track to close on April 15th! :yes: We just taking things day by day! :yes:

Dens that is so wonderful girl I guess we are both feeling the same way about our Mistahs's :luv: Glad you got your AOS paperwork out the door I know that was a lot especially with dealing with the house! You go Girl!

Tomorrow, I get the results back from the dreaded "math" test. Pray for me sistas!Posted Image

I was gonna say good luck but I know you don't need it, you passed with flying colors! :thumbs:

Oh yeah that part not good :no: I don't want to give the movie up for folks that haven't seen it but you know I'm talking about my fine ex in the movie at the very do know that was my boo for a minute until I met and fell in love with Den? Girl, "the Rock" still calling me! :yes: :rofl:

I want to see it too, I'll post the link shortly, stand by :star:

Glad you and I both back! :dance: The Partner that I support is on vacation for Spring break with his kids for the glad cause I sure need the some-what down time. Stop messing with my VJ time!

Yes girl last week was torture and this week seems to be busy as well but at least I can breathe LOL.
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-05 12:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Thank you Love, isn't He?Posted Image

I got some real knockers too and aint even breastfeeding lmaoooooooo

Irie for some reason, I keep getting good vibes about your situation. Everything will come together and everything happens for a reason. Git it gurl!!! :)

Tee I am cracking up cause girl with these big jugs we got breastfeeding was a hot mess. All I can remember is my Grammy yellin" you are smashing the baby"! :blink: :rofl: so needless to say I had to pump and feed it was real fun NOT haaaa

Good Morning Yardies…I hoped everyone had a great Easter Weekend. I sure did. Took hubby to see the Cherry Blossoms on Saturday and then we went to see Why did I get Married. We went to church on Sunday and then just relax.

Funny Story:
One of my co-workers came in this morning and told us she has a friend who lives in Oregon and her friend has a slightly retarded son who is 12. Well her friend went to work and left the child home alone and around 11am the boy called his mom and told her to come home because he caught a troll. She told him to put the troll in a cage until she got home and she will see it. The friend figured it was a squirrel or something. Well the friend got home after work and saw all her furniture move and was blocking the closet door. She asked him why all the stuff was there and he told her the troll is in the closet. She moved the stuff and opened the door and a Midget man ran out the door. He came by to hand out religious pamphlets and the little boy thought he was a troll…..Damn im still laughing

:wow: OMG I am on a conference call and I just laughed out loud that is hilarious :rofl:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-05 12:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Philly, sorry for the phockery... what do you think really happened. I mean I wouldn't put it past a couple boys to rough each other up.. but why would he be embarrased to go to school with a black eye?
Tierra got a small black eye on the jungle gym and was PROUD of that thing!! hahahah!!

Irie I have no idea but he has a smart mouth and tries to act gangsta like his Dad so I'm sure someone socked him but why he never told his ppl is beyond me cause his Dad's side of the family is thick and they always have his back if somethign goes down. I think he doesn't want his schoolmates to think he got punked but he should have thought about that when before hand! Right now it's a mystery but I am not worrying about it cause he lied from the jump and now he needs to worry bout the other eye when I popped him this morning :ph34r: :yes:

You know! He knows betta...dyaam these kids.. Glad you stuck to your guns and made his lil rass go and glad you had a great weekend! Posted Image The Nollywood was great chile!

Yes girl but my Momma was hotter than fish grease about it cause it was her day off. But wait she had me rolling cause Q said he needs $ for the bus ummm LIE cause he gets the school bus home. Now this is the thing she goes to give him quarters for the bus he tells her he can't bring quarters in the school cause they set off the metal detectors and are classified as weapons :blink: :blink: :bonk: :alien: so why my Mom only had a 20 and needed to change it so she is down at the projects trying to get change for him and he don't even need it. When I told her that she said she was gonna sock him in the eye too I was rolling :jest:

Philly sweetie i try so hard to take your stories serious but they be so darn funny!!! The way you describe things have me weak!!! I'm glad you were able to get your son in orda.

Honey these kids are a hot mess and I am not letting them stress me at all! he gonna come home and be like where is all my stuff HAAAAA WHATEV~!

Irie, praying that everything works out. I know it will. Remember you will nto be broke for long as you have a roof over yeah head and transportation to get you to and will be straight!

Philly, I'm over here like Philly don't play at all! :no:

Chile and why am I trying for a 3rd I need to be :bonk: haaaaaa
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-05 12:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Good Morning Everyone!

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter. We went to the beach to fly kites... it was 75 degress and HOT! Not much wind but Nana finally got the kites up for us... I got a nice sunburn! ;)

MrsTee... Hope you are feeling better!

So here is my story for Monday.....

Last week insurance company denied my claim... we are staring state investigation.
Cashed in my IRA, waiting for the check (praying it comes today)
Looked at an apartment, loved it, got it... giving deposit today (still praying that check comes in the mail)
Called CU for car loan, waiting for the yes on it today.
Went to test drive car I really like Saturday... one thing leads to another, filled out paperwork... again waiting on that check.
Just spoke to car insurance company for myself, hoping its not a million $$.

So if all comes together, by the end of today I will have a new apartment, new car and car insurance... AND BE BROKE AGAIN! LOL but so happy!

Woooo... I am a nervous wreck!

Irie I am sorry to hear that the insurance Co denied your claim but have Faith this battle is not over I know yuh soon get through!!!

Wow you got alot going on today, new apt, new car/insurance you go girl! I know its all gonna work out for you but I know the wait for the approval is killing you but I know you will have good news soon :thumbs:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-05 12:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

lets just face it skinny minnie... dont expect sympathy in VJ Posted Image

OMG :rofl:LMAO and yuh know this haaaaa

Dens so am I!!!!

I have been walking with the kids around the park at night. I think it’s about 2.2 miles. I have also been watching what I eat. Mi lubs mi curves but lately I see more fluff than curve….

I wonder when Honey gets back into town. It’s quiet on FB without all her crazy post.

Good girl I am proud of you I'm back on my grind as well. YOu shoudl hear Damian chat bout I'm geting up to jog in the morning so I set the exercise alarm it sounded and he nuh move :bonk: chile I was up and out and he was like :blink: weh yuh deh haaaaa

August soon come and I don't want no back fat :hehe: !
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-05 11:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!


(anouncer takes the mic) Posted ImageIn this corner weighing 138 lbs Kjenkins

In the next corner weighing more than her skinny azzz the rest of the world.

Ok ladies I want a clean fight. No biting, no scratching and no sitting on the skinny girl and making her beg for mercy.

:rofl: :rofl:

Kj you are killing me you are so funny girl :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :crying:

Sorry I had to do it :whistle: :innocent:

:rofl: :rofl: JQ you are so crazy LMAO
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-05 10:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Thats what Im saying Nat, they left us for the day....

Im sitting here with my dad...he is CANCER FREE THANK GOD! He has been dieting too and lost 30lbs so far! He is trying to lose 50.. YOU GO DAD!!!

Praise God that is wonderul news God is good all the time!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-05 10:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

im glad you have D there to help with everything, such a blessing! yes mama try to gonna watch african movies too! ive been so drugged up, I keep dosing on and off... Steve is making brown stew chicken and dumplings. My father is bringing us a lasagna... The surgery on his hand went well, now im waiting to hear about the cancer so we shall see...

Yes girl he is such a blessing! Relax haaa well that didn't work out so well, I was in the garden all morning and I soo feel it all over my body I was digging, pulling and planting. I am so excited the weather is warming up and I can finally put all the plants outta door it looks like i jumgle in my house!

I came in showered and fell asleep while my Mom worked on D's locs and when I woke up dinner was ready and we enjoyed our 1st Easter dinner in the US together watching and African movie LOL.

Girl what drugs they got you on?

MrsTee, who's asking you to mop the floor? Don't you have children?

Reason #4 to have children: so they can clean the house.

LOL only reason # 4 :rofl:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-05 10:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

In Philadelphia:

Just to give everyone a heads up, every year Penn's Landing (by the river) has festivals. The Carribean Festival is Aug. 22nd in case anyone is interested. They have festivals every week, just about. At the Carribean festival, they have different (new) artist performing, poetry readings, etc. vendors selling things and food vendors (jamaican). Every Friday night they have Jazz artists and Thursday nights are movie nights for the children. Here is the link if anyone is interested. I will definitely be at the Carribean festival. I usually sit with my aunt. You can bring your own folding chair to these events.


Yeah we hit up all the events at Penns Landing in the summer and I will post the link for the one in NJ as well. There is also one in DE but I never go to that one anymore maybe this year we will see. (shrugs shoulders) I really wish the Dell was still open I used to fly over there after work to see the performances and sit outside the fence for free LOL oh well city budget cuts are a beyotch! :ph34r:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-05 10:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Hey Yall

I am so STRESSED today :wacko: . Just everything is getting on my nerves. To make matters worse we got a letter from Immigration stating that we have an Interview! Like why out of all the millions of applications do we have to have an interview? :unsure: I know thats the normal process but why couldn't we be one of the select few who doesn't have to have one! Hell I live closest to the CSC anyway. I hate having to question if I know everything there is to know about my Husband. I had enough of that at the K-1 interview. And what are they going to be asking? Mannnnnnnnnnnn................... :help:


I'm done ranting. I'm going to pull my big girl panties up and prepare for the interview. It's May 4th

Hey girl ( see I told yuh I soon come back :star: ) I know you are feeling like oh hell no but Nette yuh got this! Like you say you know everything there is to know about yuh Hubby so nuh worry yuh self you both will pass with flying colors! Have faith! LOL @ yuh pulling yuh big girl panties up :lol: I know that's right!
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-05 10:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Goodmorning ladies, happy easter to all.

I feel soooo lazy, but I have to get up because I vowed that I would exercise twice a day for this whole week (since I'm off from work). When I met G, I was 125lbs. After I left JA and came back I lost 10lbs. Went back to JA and gained 8 lbs in 3 weeks until I got to 128. Now that he's here, I'm 136, my hips are so wide that none of my jeans fit and my midline is definetly chunky because now as soon as I sit I unbutton my pants.
Lastnight I tried my dress on and ripped the butt part a little. :help: So I'm gonna cut up a garbage bag, wrap that sucker around my waist, put on a jacket and run around in the park. First I gotta go buy a inch measure. So ladies wish med luck that I don't give in because I would really prefer to sit and eat all the djmplins that G cooked.

LOL KJ girl I know the feeling, that good loving and good cooking LOL but you can do it girl I am back on that wagon right on with you eating healthy and exercising I got to get right for August~

Happy Resurrection Sunday!!
I'm working with the 2nd/3rd graders today, on the busiest day of church in the year. :help:

KJ, it's hard to have sympathy for you with the #s you gave, but I did laugh at the picture of someone running in a park with a trash bag on.

LOL @ the #'s haaaaa but girl running with the thrash bag on works trust me :yes:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-05 09:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Hello guys I got a date for my visa interview :D (May 4th)Thank God!! I am extremely nervous but kinda's been such a long wait.Please pray for us, we can't wait to be together :)

That's great news nuh worry yuh self I was so nervous in preparation for my interview but you have to give that anxiety to God and have faith everything will work out just fine and yuh man soo be by yuh side :thumbs:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-05 09:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
Mawning Ladies, hope everyone had a fabulous Easter weekend now it's back to work :unsure: I have a lot of projects going on right now but it's all good cause I get to show and prove!

Well this morning my youngest and I had it out and he was doing so good no issues at all. Well he told me friday he and his friend were playing with the boxing gloves and he got hit in the eye and he busted his friends lip :blink: I was like hmmm mmmm well now you look a hot mess cause your eye is swelling and most likely will get a shiner! Well I didn't fall off the turnip truck and didn't beleive that story but whatev! So of course over the weekend the eye started to swell and darken and by Sunday a full blown shiner! :dead: He comes in the house ballin I'm not going ot school like this :crying: I just looked at him like whatev you getting up for school ON TIME and we are getting out of here he just gives me the dumb look. So this morning I am up and ready to roll when I got out the shower he was still in bed :angry:

Oh I went the hell off up in there damn a contract I am dragging his rass right out the bed yelling get yuh rass up NOW! Honey why he gonna tell me he was jumped :ph34r: and I don't care all I care about is getting to work on time. Well now he gonna have another shiner to match :bonk: cause I'm not standing for no Phockery plain and simple and I left him right there looking hurt and dumb :alien: . Damian comes running in oh no what was that noise :lol: he nuh stay here he going to smaddy school tiddeh :rofl:

Well I left for work and called my Mom since she is off today so she is gonna take him to school and I have already emailed his team leader about his Phockery to let him know why he is late and what his major malfunction is today so when he gets there he can jack him up too! I don't care how late he is but he will be in school!

Needless to say he is gonna have to sign a new contract and I took everything out of the room no Direct TV, laptop, MP3, Phone, DVD and XBOX GONE :jest: oh well too bad so sad but I ain't playing no games no more nor am I stressin ;)
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-05 08:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
Hey Ladies Happy Easter

Last week was such a long stressful week at work all kinds of projects going on and meetings so no time to chat. I guess I'll never catch up but I'll try LOL but it woul be so nice if Tee gave me a recap :innocent: .
I know I would never have gotten through last week without Hubby he did so much to lift my spirits as I was working at the gig and at home till hours in the night so he made sure me and the boys were taken care of. He initiated some unexpected home projects including erecting a bamboo fence in my garden, cutting tree limbs so I have full sun for my bananas, working on my truck, putting on a new door and shopping for a new electric range oven for which he is installing a new electric line for as well. He is such a blessing in my life and I praise God for him everyday. Today he told me no work LOL although I have to prepare my mom's taxes and do some more work in the garden and bathe the cats :yes: . Gardening is not work to me that is my Zen so I'm about to have at it now so I can surprise him with Easter breakfast, ackee and saltfish, yam ,banana, dumplin, dasheen and Easter bun and cheese. He wants to jerk some chicken latah after getting his hair done and I'm gonna steam some fish and make festival and watch African movies :D

I hope everyone has a fabulous day and enjoy your Hubby's and families I'm gonna meet Mrs Bootsy in the yard now she baked a surprise for Damian for Easter :luv: she is the best :star:
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-04 07:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Quana did R get paid today why you're so happy?
Just kidding girl, when you look at what's going around the world, you recognize that it is truly a blessing to be alive, well and happy withthe one you love.

LMAO :rofl:

Have a great day y'all. Bout to go do my hair and nails and get my honey a suit for the wedding.

Sounds like a plan to me girl have a great day pampering yuh self :thumbs:

The visas of five of Jamaica's top entertainers have been revoked, THE WEEKEND STAR understands. According to information coming from the Fraud Prevention Arm of the United States Embassy in Kingston, the visas of Bounty Killer, Mavado, Beenie Man, Adonia and selector Ricky Trooper are in the process of being cancelled.

When contacted for confirmation last night, Minister of National Security, Senator Dwight Nelson, relayed through his communications department that "he has no such information."

However, a document obtained by THE WEEKEND STAR stated that: "The Embassy of the United States in Kingston, Jamaica, is in the process of revoking the visas of the following citizens of Jamaica. The people mentioned here currently hold a US visa that we have not yet been able to physically cancel. Do not allow these passengers to board any flights bound for the United States in reliance on this visa."


The document then names Moses Anthony Davis (Beenie Man) two visas; Garfield Augustus McKoy (Ricky Trooper), two visas; Sheldon Ricardo Aitana Lawrence, (Aidonia); David Brooks (Mavado), two visas; and Rodney Basil Price (Bounty Killer) two visas, as those persons whose visas are in the process of being revoked

This is really serious but if this was about Dudus why dem never revoke the politicians and dem family's Visas???. People nuh really understand how deep this really is.
phillyfashionistaFemaleJamaica2010-04-02 12:53:00