Middle East and North AfricaPhone calls to Morocco (cellphone)

I use IDT globalphone ( - i think) and it's 18cents/min to any line in Morocco. It's the best rate I've found. It's very easy to use and pretty reliable. Let me know if you need any more info on it.

Thank you Nora. Either I've spent too much time at the computer or that link doesn't work - I tried searching for it - didn't work anyway. Is that a phone card company? If it is, i've seen it before and didn't like their rates. I don't really like phone cards - they are the worst thing ever. You pay money and never know what you'll get.

Thanks anyway. If you find the link, could you send it to me please?

Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-05 22:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaPhone calls to Morocco (cellphone)
Hi everybody. Hope you all are having a great week end. I'm working as usual, Sunday too.
For people who call Morocco, how much are you paying to call a cell phone (my husband doesn't do cyber anymore and I've been spending a fortune on calls). My cell phone company wants a credit card ### and they charge me .31c a minute. By the time i get my credit card bill - it's a lot. I've seen .26 c a minute. Can't do Vonage - he doesn't have a computer. So, how do you girls manage? Last time me and my hubby chatted it was June and just for 1 hour about him getting ready for the interview, but it seems that we're stuck one in Morocco and another here for a while.

Thanks in advance or should i say 'shukran'? :D

Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-05 21:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's the ONE THING...
I got one. It's a little too personal but what the heck. I'll share cause I'm still laughing about this and giving him hard time about this since May. On my last visit which lasted about six days minus lots of additional traveling time in Morocco as well, my husband kept telling me 'bliati, bliati' (later, later) about a sertain thing I wanted to do right after we finally got to the place we were staying at. I still don't know why, maybe he wanted to pray or thougth it was not proper. :blush: :blush:
Now I keep teasing him all the time 'bliati, bliati' which might sound mean to him since we have no idea when we'll see each other again - I have no $$$ to go back anytime this year!

Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-06 18:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaThat First Meeting...

Well, I blubbered "our first meeting" story in another thread but was thinking it might be a good "feel good" thread for others if they want to share... (F)

What was your first meeting like?

Where's the link? Others want to feel good too these days :D

Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-05 21:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaOh my gosh, say a prayer...
I'm pretty sure they'll let him in. My husband was told to go in without any letters or anything when he had an interview but only I got the letters (twice). Don't think anybody'll laugh at him. Can't guarantee what happens, but hopefully he'll find out something and it'll be something good, inshallah. I'll pray as always.

Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-06 18:25:00
Middle East and North Africaplz pray with us
Sorry about what happened Hicham. I hope she's all right and gets where she's going inshallah. How did that happened? Here in Philadelphia on a bus? That's terrible but our crime records now are pretty bad. What can i say?
Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-08 20:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaDH ARRIVES THURSDAY
Congrats Chi! :thumbs:

Hope you'll have a wonderful reunion. Best wishes. You deserve it. 2,5 years? OH God! I hope i don't have to wait that long!


Edited by firelion65, 08 August 2006 - 08:28 PM.

Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-08 20:27:00
Middle East and North Africamy tiny little dream came true (2 actually)
"never had the goat...Said fed me lamb and it was amazing..cuz im so not a fan of it here or at least the way i have had it made here at the restaurant. YOu should have seen the henna Said's mother had for me. they rented this beautiful traditional gown they wear for the weddings and then a woman did the henna on my feet and hands. totally gorious!! I miss all of that so much and loved having it on me when i came home.

I'm not a fan of lamb - just not used to it - it just smells too much for me. But goat is fine. I couldn't wait to come back home to eat it again today.
And henna - yes, i had it done too. It was too annoying to wait and not be able to eat or wash my hands. My husband had to feed me and keep me from taking the henna off. Next day they did another 'procedure' on me - put vinegar with garlic and olive oil on my hands and feet a few times. I wont' do that again, but i could tolerate it for a couple of hours just to be different and it wouldn't last long.

Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-09 23:13:00
Middle East and North Africamy tiny little dream came true (2 actually)

you can fix phone lines? how about cable wires lol cos mine need to be replaced. :)

Maybe i can, I'm from Russia - i can do anything, lol. Well, almost anything - 4 years for a phone line... says it all. But there's a lot of stuff i can do :D
Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-09 22:06:00
Middle East and North Africamy tiny little dream came true (2 actually)
Icey, it tastes better than it looks!
Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-08 20:51:00
Middle East and North Africamy tiny little dream came true (2 actually)
I'm a Home Health Aid and my patients are very very picky. I work in mostly Italian neighborhood and there's a food delivery girl who showed up first time wearing traditional muslim clothes. She had to go to patients houses and they gave her lots of problems! I wanted to use another word, but didn't. So, after that she wears shorts and a t-shirt and no complains.
I can't do henna like the pros do it, i'll just put in on my hands and feet so they all look orange, lol. I've seen poor Moroccan women do it many times. I feel like doing something radical and making myself feel like i'm in Morocco at the same time since i can't go - still paying for my trips #2, 3 and 4.

Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-08 20:45:00
Middle East and North Africamy tiny little dream came true (2 actually)
Oh yeah, I also got some henna today and planning on painting my hands and feet with it for the first time by myself - with my job i can't wear a hijab (never wore it in my life but Mohamed got me 3 of them my last visit even thought i told him i can't wear them or the clothes with my job and the neighborhood i work in). So i figured at least I'll wear henna .
Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-08 20:08:00
Middle East and North Africamy tiny little dream came true (2 actually)
Hello everyone. Hope you're having a nice Tuesday. Today I finally got a piece of goat meat from a Pakistanian store and cooked it without a recipie in my trusty pressure cooker. I asked a guy who showed me what kind of spices to get, but he's not from Morocco (I ate a lot of goat my 1st visit to Morocco and loved it). Since them we weren' t able to get it whenever i was in Morocco with my hubby and i was afraid to cook it here just like that. But i finally did (and it's not cheap!) and it's even better than i remember. I didn't use the guy's recipie or the spices - i used the ones i've brought back from Morocco plus an onion and some random frozen veggies and 2 potatoes. Let me tell you - it's way better than steak and now i know why i've been wanting to eat it again for 2 years. :star:

I also fixed one of my non-working phone lines in the kitchen (that's been out for FOUR years!) by myself! Not that it's such a big accomplishment, but the wires in the house are different colors than they're supposed to be. So, i didn't know how but didn't want to pay anybody either.

Who knows, maybe it means something good, inshallah.

Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-08 19:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaUpdate....
Congrats! Wonderful news. :dance: Hope he needs to get here without problems! I'm talking about what's on TV now about London and Phila international. Hope that cools down by that time.
Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-10 20:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaVISA APPROVED
Congrats! Wonderful news from Morocco! :dance: :dance:
Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-10 20:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaSMOOTH POE
Congrats Omid....
:dance: :dance:
Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-10 19:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaDocuments needed 4 getting married in Morocco
I got married in Morocco last year. These are the documents you'd need:

1) your Birth Certificate but it must be a sealed copy from the town hall then you have to go to the county to get a certificate confirming the authenticity of the document (if you weren't born here - go to notary public and get it translated and then certified - that's what i had to do, don't know about what's before the () - copied that from a site last year.
(2) A clean police record (never been arrested) - you can even get it online for like $10 but it takes a few days. Search online for your state's site and search there about criminal records
(3) A certificate of good health - no contagious diseases, no STDs (sexually transmitted) - i did all of that just in case - test for STDs is required as far as i know
(5) Dissolution of marriages, or if never married a certified letter stating so.
(6) Paper from your job saying that you do work there and your recent pay stubbs - they looked at my paystubbs so many times, i was getting dizzy!
Do whatever you can to ensure you have all the documents.

The certificate of nationality and that you can get married you'd get in Casa for $30 - that's the first thing you'd have to get once you're in Morocco. We went to the consulate straight from the airport.

Second paper - you'd have to go to Rabat for your criminal record redone for Morocco.
And that's only the beginning.
If you're a muslim - i'm not sure how that works then. But for legal marriage that's what you need. And tonns of patience and lots of money for bribes - everybody's expecting it - it's normal there. The time frame would be 3 weeks and no day less - i tried really hard, lost my ticket back that way - everything goes very slow in Morocco! You have to remember that. I hope you know that all the offices there have a lunch break from 12 to 3 pm. Or whatever it is in the city you're going to - that slows everything down even more! But you'll get there eventually, I promise!

Good luck
PM me if you have more questions.
Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-09 21:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaLight a candle
I lit a few candles, then i've found VJ's candles and lit one more. Thanks

Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-13 18:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaWho's got my husband's K-3 papers? I know it's not you

I think I would be voted the most emotionally unstable board member right now. I've been sobbing uncontrollably all evening and I don't even have a reason! I have just lost it. I hope my words didn't make you feel worse. I sure didnt' intent that. But I know what you mean about feeling starting to feel insane. There are just no words...

No, Jean. You didn't make me feel worse. I appreciate your support. I'm somewhere between 'about to loose it' and 'in denial'. And I go into one or the other so easily right now.

There's been a study somewhere sometime about rats, what they do when they're stressed out - like put into a maze they can't get out of. What do rats do? They start grooming themselves. Makes sence to me and I'm a human being... :lol: still... I think. What I'm trying to say, I have to vent, right?

And then try to do something about my case, but what can I do? Not much. I still have copies from when I filed August last year for I-130. Any ideas? Tomorrow I'll bug the ppl who were supposed to try to help me and see where that goes.

Besides, my older son is about to move in with me and my younger son and it's been 4 years since he lived with us at another place. That should be fun. He doesn't even have a room in my house and my ex has no idea... I can only imagine what'll come out of this!

"I've read somewhere that if your case is sent back to the states, you can't attempt to file another visa until the original one has already gotten NOID/NOIR. But I've heard also that a lot of these cases are reaffirmed and sent back to the consulate as well."

Too bad the paperwork is nowhere to be found!

Wish I could hire a lawyer, but i'm broke...
Thanks for reading
Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-16 21:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaWho's got my husband's K-3 papers? I know it's not you

You know, you can make all the excuses in the universe for the side of the government, but there is just something terribly wrong with this system. If you've filed once, there should be more then one record of it. It's on the computer! At the least you should be able to provide copies of your proofs again and move forward.

This whole process is utterly devoid of any empathy whatsoever. Sure they bear a huge responsibility for the safety of this country and its citizenry BUT at what cost???? They tend to cause as much damage and distress... this process in itself is terrorist with their nebulous or erroneous correspondences or utter lack of information. If the process took 2 or 3 months... fine. But it seems the whole thing can take up to a year or more and what human being can bear this kind of suffering?

These overworked bureaucrats still know where their family is at the end of the day. They can sit together, actually touch and look at eachother, sleep in comfort together. WE DON'T HAVE THAT LUXURY. Some of us feel we'll never have it. That cuts to the soul. It consumes. I contend now and always will THAT IS UTTERLY NO EXCUSE FOR SUCH THINGS. We PAY for these processes. Work FOR us not AGAINST us!

God please grant us all peace, contentment, and the future we chose.

It's been already 13 months since i've filed.... #@%$#@^%$#&&^*&*))*_)(+_)(*%#$@!#!#
It's not to you, it's just in general - the frustration, you know..........

And it's 2 years 3 months in total and still going and going and going......

How long can one go? Before going something else? Like temporarily insane for example - i'm laughing through my tears. What else can i do?
Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-16 19:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaWho's got my husband's K-3 papers? I know it's not you
It's been over a month since my husband's interview for immigrant visa and I was trying to find out what's going on with his K-3 papers that were supposed to be send by Casa back here (famous 221(g)). Congress Woman's office and Senator's office weren't able to find out ...... so, i called NVC since I'm the only one who wants that resolved.

Well, "good news"! The paperwork is nowhere to be found :wacko: ! The woman on the phone was very nice to me after me spending on the phone over an hour for anybody to pick up. She told me that there's nothing in the system about my husband's papers being anywhere in U.S. Casa keeps telling me that they've sent k-3 papers back.

The customer service person adviced me to re-file the K-3 papers. That means that the whole stinking thing would have to be started almost over from the beginning! I've sent a couple of letters to the places where my husband's papers were before going to Casa. If I don't find them, or they don't find them, then what?

And 7 months of waiting ....... all for nothing! Didn't I say that Casa sucks? Oh yeah, my husband doesn't want to send me the papers for re-filing, says, what's the use. He wants me to just come there for a year or two :lol: which I can't do - got kids and a house and a car and .....
Isn't life wonderful, at least when you're trying to get a visa?

Well, I vented at least :D . Now back to hitting the wall or what else can I do now? Mint tea's not going to help now. I need a miracle or at least the paperwork turning up somewhere.

Thanks for reading this and replies if any.

Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-16 19:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaNOID
Sorry about what's happening. But what about consulting a lawyer and try to give them something in those 30 days that might help? There could actually be something that'd work for you, who knows. Just try, what's the worst that could happen? You have to pay and you'll get the 'no', but at least you'll try.

Hope something works for both of you.
Are you still there or did you come back to U.S.? I'm not sure I've read anything about that.
Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-16 18:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaUpdate on my lost paperwork
"Casa embassy returns the petition BACK to the U.S. with a *recommendation* to revoke.

At that point, USCIS reviews the petition, and either sends a Notice of Intent to Revoke (and allows a period of time where you can appeal), or they reaffirm the petition, then send it back to Casa to have a second interview.

I am under the assumption that the embassy themselves cannot revoke a petition, they can only send it back to the states with a *recommendation* to revoke.

Why would they send the petition BACK to Casa to be revoked?"

I'm at this point now, Icey. Maybe i mixed up the petitions when i was describing it here, sorry then. NVC didn't know anything when i spoke to their customer service 2 days ago. Now this is all i know. I wish i knew more. But there is deffinately 'intent to revoke', last time i was told 'intent to deny' - well, this is it.
They tell me to wait to hear from Casa... and then do what they'll tell me. There's no smilies to put here to describe what i feel right now and i'm out of words, at least the ones i can put here, lol.
Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-17 19:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaUpdate on my lost paperwork


Tanya I'm sooo sorry about this. I don't want to get too personal but why are they intending to revoke?

Now I feel like an ####### for bitchin' about my situation.

They don't tell me why. I suspect it's all Casa's fault and they screwed up at the beginning putting in his papers that he never seen me when he tried to get his tourist visa. They used it against him this February at K-3 visa interview saying that he's lied on tourist visa interview, which he didn't - he had pictures and copies of my passport pages to proove that he knows me and we've met. They just didn't bother to write down the correct info. And now my husband and I are paying the price!

Before I didn't know for sure, but today I found out that it went back to Casa, who as we all know are so "happy" to issue a visa, especially if papers are back with 'intent to revoke'.

Edited by firelion65, 17 August 2006 - 04:30 PM.

Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-17 16:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaUpdate on my lost paperwork
Well, it's official. k-3 visa papers are not lost anymore - they're going back to CASA with 'intent to revoke'. They've been sent back yesterday. Nobody tells me what to do now, have to wait until it actually happens and hate Casa while waiting or keep sending them happy thoughts and hope it'll work. Where are my tissues? :crying: :crying: :crying: I am not emotional, I'm beyond this already. I think I'll actually ask my doctor for antidepressants. Could that help me to cope?

Lit some candles on the site and going to work - lucky me, i start late today. That's how I was able to find out what I'm crying about now. Oh God! I sound like such a loser! And i know we are ment to be together (my hubby and me) - there's a story that i don't have time for now...

Well, have a nice day everybody.

Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-17 10:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaWas anybody able to call a cellphone in Morocco?
Hi everybody. I hope you're having a nice weekend. I'm trying to reach my husband to tell him the news about "intent to revoke" that went back to Casa since Thursday morning. All i get is a recording, and it's a new one. Usually it's another one, the one i'm used to and i know what it says.

Maybe it's the network again there, the phone numbers i'm trying to reach start with 677 and 642 and no luck. Was anybody else able to call cell phones there that start with the same numbers? I don't know what companies they belong to (the numbers). But this is happening pretty often. I wish they'd tell me when i'm calling they're having a problem, but i don't understand neither Moroccan Arabic or French. So, i keep trying with the same result.

Thanks for replies and reading.

Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-20 12:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaChoice of Language at Consulate in Morocco?

Sorry I know I posted this already....Hello all , I am not sure if this is the right forum but here goes...Someone told me that my husband has to speak perfect English at his K-3 interview in Morocco. Is this true? I am fluent in Arabic and was wondring if I should be worried? Should I get a letter notorized affirming that I am fluent in Arabic? Thanks in advance

I don't know if there's such a thing as perfect English in Morocco. Unless a person was speaking it from when they were like at least 12-14 years old. But whoever goes to Casa has to understand what they're saying, that's right. That's probably why you were told that. As far to as your Arabic is conserned, i don't think, they'd care - you're not going there, but your husband is.

Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-20 23:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaHello
Welcome, Natasha. I'm from Moldova, so we speak the same language anyway.

Hope your jorney would be a quick and smooth one.

Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-20 12:54:00
Middle East and North Africa14 months and counting
"it is to wait for 14 months and still can't get anything. You can't plan your life. The waiting is driving me crazy.

How long more should we wait? Don't we deserve an answer? Because we were born on the other side of this world we have to pay for it? Are we so unlucky? Today my fiance said maybe this wasn't mean to happen... I didn't know what to say since the same thought has been going through my mind...

I have been praying so hard but it seems no amount of praying is working... I don't know where to go, what to do or what to think anymore... I've cried so much that every time I think there are no more tears but I surprise myself and cry some more... I didn't think to love someone you have to pay so dearly... "

What you wrote looks like it was written by me. We've met in may 2004, got married in May 2005. Applied in July 2005... k-3 was denied,tourist visa denied before that. Still waiting and waiting and waiting. It's so frustrating!

Now after another interview this month - security checks! Since February! We've been married for 14 month! We've spent together under 2 weeks! And the "nicest" thing about all this - nobody knows sh.....!
I don't know if i want to cry or start yelling at everybody! Oh yeah! I'm a firelion, i should roar :D .

Would be even better to do it altogether, just to vent!

Ok, i'm out - don't want to start crying again!

But praying does help. Maybe we should just pray for everybody on VJ? Who's with me?

One more thing, if ppl pray at the same time for the same thing - it could help! So, how about setting time - like once a day at the same time? Seriously?


Edited by firelion65, 19 July 2006 - 05:22 PM.

Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-07-19 17:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaNOA2
Very nice! Good for you. My horror stories all over that site, just follow my screen name. Not all my posts are about my horror story, but it's still going and going and going... like in that bunny commerial
I'm living them every day and mint tea doesn't help anymore

But for K-1 visa they might not apply, who knows

Edited by firelion65, 23 August 2006 - 09:03 PM.

Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-23 21:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaA Story About Love
Great story! Thanks for posting it.

Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-24 20:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed some prayers PLZ
Henia, hang in there. But don't forget to 'bug them' just to make sure you'll get your documents on time, inshallah.

Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-24 19:57:00
Middle East and North Africainterview day!!!! and its done
Gongrats Jess. Hope you'll be together soon!

Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-22 17:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaHachemi has set foot on US soil!!!
Congratulations Meriem! Try to get some sleep if you can tonight. I know i wouldn't be able to.

Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-24 20:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaFlying while arab/muslim

I will say, however, that those who lay out their mat, kneel toward Mecca and pray 5 times per day don't bother me. Typically, they do it out of the way, they don't tend to do it loudly, and it's also considered a requirement of their religion. Likewise, Amish don't bother me. I think it has to do with half-arsed prayers for "finding a new car", "finding a parking place", "getting a raise", "keep the plane from crashing", and such that bother me. Probably because they're self-serving. Have no idea, really. Maybe it's the devoutness. Probably not though, since devout Muslims say "Inshallah" a minimum of 12 times per day (saw it on Google), and devout Xians wear it out as well ("Lord willing"). And that really DOES get on my nerves. Same as someone saying "Dude!" all the time would, or (the worst one) "Know what I mean?".

:lol: :lol: Dude! I know what you mean! :lol:
Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-22 18:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaFlying while arab/muslim

Everyone is free to believe in their own god.

I am free to believe in no god.

My exercising of that right is silent and inconveniences no one.

Those exercising their religion publicly are not allowing me the same courtesy.

(My previous list, however, was partly tongue-in-cheek. Leave it to someone to take it seriously, though. I'd really give y'all until next week, not tomorrow.)

Everyone is free to believe or not to believe. You do what you want to do with your life. As simple as that. I was a non-believer for so long that i decided to start something new. I'm the only one in my family who believes in something now. But i was tought to repsect people and if they NEED to pray in public (they really do, they're supposed to) - it's their choice! I was half laughing through reading all five pages of this myself.

And i see where you're coming from. But I also really respect people who are openely praying and wearing what they are supposed to wear considering how much ####### they have to take from others on a daily basis!
Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-22 18:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaFlying while arab/muslim
People who get offended too much! Please find a hobby, get a drink, go to church, or get some prozak! Seriously!

If you don't believe in any kind of God - it's your loss! Maybe, you're too smart for this planet? Or just have nothing better to do but to get offended by everything? Come on, what about tolerance? Everybody's attacking everybody! What for? Everybody's entitled to their own opinion! That's what makes us human! That and some tolerance towards something others believe in while not hurting anybody! If you don't understand something it doesn't mean it's bad!

Some people hate opera. I don't understand golf! So what? I don't watch it!

It's a good thing that we are different - it's normal! You just got caught up in the argument and forgotten that! That's why there's so many flawors of ice cream!
Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-08-22 17:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat do you miss most about ur other half?

Last night, our usual routine, I watch him as he sleeps. I won't shut off yahoo all night long so I can hear every little noise he makes all night long.

My kids say we are

Good for you, it's been over two months since i've seen my husband in person, and more than a month since we've chatted (just for an hour)!

God! I hate this process! The getting visa process. And you girls made me cry. My Mohamed's not here to tell me 'safi baby, safi!' He even does that! But that's not what i miss about him - i miss every little thing! I miss everything!

I miss praying with him; him feeding me at the table and miss feeding him; miss telling him to shave - he's forgetful that way. I miss the way he looks at me and the way he says 'hi' to me tons of times. The way he never can say my name right and i can't say his name right either - i can't say that 'h' sound in arabic. But when i say 'habibi' i say it and he gets jokinly mad at me! I just plain miss him! And i could go on and on and on.... but i won't

Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-07-27 19:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaArrived,, safely
Hi Henia,

I'm glad you're having a nice time and finally remembered of little old me too, lol. I didn't read anything about your Medi, how is he in real life? I hope you're not going to do what you've told me before and everything works out fine (what you were kind of worried about).

I'm having the worst time here, i didn't know that before. I thought it was terrible, but now it's even more terrible. It like with the movie name "dumber" then they say '", so it's here 'worst' and 'wostest' and 'even the worstestestststst". Well, what can i do.

Sorry i had to post it here everybody who's not Henia, but she knows why. And i'm not telling everybody else the reason.

Ok, back to hiding again. Not going to post here soon - too many problems in my life and not a sholder to cry on.

Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-09-07 23:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaSomething in the water in Casa?
I sure hope so, my poor husband had a fight with his parents, they threw him out of the house. I need an approval real bad! I've filed last year, it's been over 14 months and they've denied everything before. Now it's back in Casa and they pretend no to know anything about that!
Visa4habibi!FemaleMorocco2006-09-07 22:52:00